Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024










Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

These prayers have really helped me and others I know. In addition to your regular prayers, either corporately or individually, try these videos and share them with your family and friends.

In saying my prayers, I usually begin by praying for the entire Body of Christ, so I don't leave anyone out. Our Heavenly Father knows His own and He knows what each one of us needs. He knows who is in need and who will be drawn to Him among those who don't yet know Him.

Then, I pray for individual persons, especially those I know of who need healing. When I know someone is praying for me, it is always uplifting and often I can feel their presence in the Spirit. When I know that many people are praying, I feel the power of their prayers reaching Heaven.

I hope these prayers will be a blessing to you and yours.

Barbara Hartwell

February 28, 2024

Holy Season of Lent

BE HEALED. Say This Powerful Prayer For Healing And Deliverance (Daily Jesus Prayers)

A Powerful Healing Prayer That Reaches Heaven and Brings Miraculous Results (Completely Healed)

POWERFUL Prayer For Healing And Deliverance From Sickness and Disease In Body (Christian Motivation)


God Can Cleanse All Sickness Out Of Your Body Today If You Watch And Say This Powerful Prayer Now



The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Psalm 41:3

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.

Psalm 103:2-3

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.

Jeremiah 17:14

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.

Psalm 6:2

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

James 5:15

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.

1 Peter 2:24




Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Death of Journalist John Kaminski: His Legacy of Hate, Falsehood & Destruction








"The worst piece of garbage the Jews have left to posterity is themselves. The biggest effect they've had on the U.S. is that, through their control of all levels of media, they've turned most Americans into manipulative liars and soulless killers just like the Jews themselves."

"If you try to include Jews in a coalition fighting for freedom around the world, that coalition is doomed to fail. If you try to build a stable society, Jews will gain control of it and ruin it. How much fucking evidence do you need?"

-John Kaminski

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Matthew 12:34

Never has a man who has made himself crooked been able to make others straight.


John Kaminski has died (February 7, 2024). I can't say I mourn his passing. Nor can I award any respect, nor spare any sympathy, for those who would eulogize him for his “greatness”.

If I must speak ill of the dead, as a warning to others, be assured, I will.

The fact of the matter is that Kaminski was a rabid Jew-hater, one of the worst, and one of the most prolific in his propagandist writings, among the circles in which he traveled.

At the time I first heard of him, around 2001, he was a popular journalist in alternative media. He published his op ed pieces on large commercial sites including Rense dot com and Rumor Mill News.

For about three years (2000-2003), I was a regular contributor to RMN, at the invitation of editor Rayelan Allan (a New Age/occultist busybody, anti-Christian) from which I resigned posting privileges, for cause (New Age nonsense, anti-Christian, occultist/satanic material, NWO propaganda, selective censorship, etc.) in November, 2003.

I didn't know Kaminski personally, nor would have wanted to. But I did write a number of commentaries exposing what I considered his anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-Liberty politics.

But his most toxic message, which he and his unscrupulous accomplices disseminated far and wide, was his white-hot hatred of “The Jews”. He was really, truly, foaming-at-the-mouth rabid.

John Kaminski was not just a Jew-hater, he was also viciously anti-Christian. Whether he was an atheist, I don't know, but from my observations, if he worshiped any “god”, it was Adolf Hitler.

For any decent, honorable, intelligent, critical thinker, that alone would be enough to exclude Kaminski from any consideration of promoting truth, based on facts and backed by evidence.

Unfortunately, decent, honorable, intelligent, critical thinkers are in short supply. Or at least, they are not as outspoken as the Jew-hating reprobates who supported, promoted and endorsed John Kaminski, praising him to the skies, lifting him up as an icon of rectitude and truth.

I was barely able to stomach some videos which were published, tributes to honor Kaminski and his “legacy”. I forced myself to watch them, as I needed to know exactly what his supporters were saying, what they believe, what kind of toxic trash they were promoting.

I am sickened, but as always, I can't let it pass.


A motley crew, a panel of whiny Jew-haters, one and all. Looking at their faces tells the whole story. Smug. Arrogant. A gaggle of clucking know-it-alls. Not a Christian among them. But then, no true Christian could possibly keep such godless company.

The host was a man named Brian Ruhe, who says he is a Buddhist. And who declared himself a Jew-hater from Minute One. His whiny voice and self-satisfied smile was difficult to tolerate, just as were all the others in the panel of Kaminski friends and supporters.

I had never heard of any of these characters, this freak show gathered together to spew their Jew-hater propaganda.

But I'll comment briefly on the “highlights” of the podcast.

Jeanice Barcelo: A mealy-mouthed, simpering New Age moron, she issued dire warnings about people being “trapped” in some demonic afterlife scenario, which she feared had happened to Kaminski. No Heaven and no Hell (perhaps a more likely place, but who am I to judge?)

David Thatcher: Boasting that he is a "targeted individual" for 25 or 30 years. He says, the Jews killed John Kaminski. He thanks JK for “exposing the living body of Satan”, who are of course, “the Jews”.

He further boasts that “all of us here are spiritually awake and aware.”

He claims to be a “whistleblower” on Jews for 53 years, and that in Jewish lineage sexual abuse is rampant. But then, he is “Jew-wise”.

JK was “a trooper and a point of the lance in the charge” in exposing “the Jews”. JK was exposing “the focus of hell on earth”, the Jews.

Then, they discussed their conspiracy theories of murder, of JK being “gassed”, by none other than (you guessed it...) “the Jews”.

The host then talked about “the Jews working for reptilians”, as claimed by (the notorious charlatan) David Icke. 


Had anyone heard Kaminski discuss such a thing?  No? And then he theorized that the “good ETs” are the greys. (What the hell, how idiotic.)

Then another Jew-hater on the panel (I don't remember their names, they are all alike and I really didn't want to take the time to identify them) enthuses that JK was a “warrior for truth”, “an example for many”. He said he was forwarding JK's material to hundreds of people.

And, he solemnly intoned, “the only people with the truth”, real Christians, are those of the “racial identity” groups, “they get it right”. He adds that “Kaminski's writings have awoken a lot of people.”

Another panelist: “JK affected hundreds of thousands of people, a brave man, one of the elders of the truth movement.”

The host then adds a comment from (the infamous) David Duke, “former” KKK: 


“John Kaminski was a great fighter”. Alas, Duke couldn't make it to the panel discussion, but sent his best wishes.

But enough already, I'm really starting to feel sick.

Here are the videos. See for yourself.

WARNING: Keep a barf bag at hand.


John Kaminski Remembered by His Friends - Memorial Video - Part 1 of 2

Brilliant John Kaminski Died Feb. 7th, 2024 - Memorial by Brian Ruhe & Diane Chase

In Part 2 (fortunately far shorter) another sleazy reprobate, a woman named Diane Chase, joins Brian Ruhe to canonize Kaminski.

Ruhe says, with a smug look, “Diane is Jew wise”, one of their stock phrases.

Diane Chase talks about the so-called “Hitler test”. JK would ask, Does this person know the truth about Hitler, do they pass the Hitler test?

Barf bag alert!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaminski's last article before he died, she tells us, warned the readers: 


“Trust the Jew and lose your life: Hamas attack never happened.”

Smug, arrogant, moronic assholes. These Jew-haters never cease to amaze with their jaw-dropping ignorance and unadulterated stupidity. Absolutely disgusting!

Kaminski had said, in an interview with Brian Ruhe (of which he ran a clip), that if Hitler won the war, things would have been different.

Different, how? He didn't say. Maybe he meant that all “the Jews” would have been removed from the picture, and it would be a paradise...who knows?

But I'd like to move along to another topic. That being some of my commentaries on John Kaminski, written beginning in 2003.

I have given links here (below), for those interested.

But here are some excerpts exposing Kaminski for exactly what he is.

Kaminski: Neo-Bolshevik Utopian Fantasy (2003)

At the time I wrote this report (2003) I was addressing the issue of John Kaminski's communist ideology. I had called him a "Neo-Bolshevik", based on his extreme leftist writings, but at that time I was not aware that Kaminski was also such a dedicated Jew-hater.

Perhaps that attitude on Kaminski's part came later, I don't know; however, I find it significant that both the Jew-haters (or any group of bigots and "haters") and the communists share the same basic premise, that INDIVIDUAL rights and liberties are to be trampled/denied with impunity, in service to an agenda which would violate the God-given, unalienable rights of EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL, on behalf of the collective.

Collectivism is tyranny, and collectivists are totalitarians! Anyone who is not willing to stand up and fight for INDIVIDUAL rights and liberties, for ALL, no matter the race, gender, ethnicity, religion, is the enemy of freedom.

I am not talking about "special rights", only about equal rights, for one and all.

The bottom line for leftists, communists, fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks, and any and all of those who promote bigotry against ANY group of people, thinking they have the right to deny "the full measure of Liberty" to any individual (for any reason) is that they will eventually enforce their tyranny on others at the point of a gun (or through other forms of force, coercion and violence). This is a proven fact throughout history.

Your Liberty, as a God-given birthright, extends as far as it can go, and ends only when you violate the rights and liberties of another. At that point, we are entitled to exercise the right of self-defense, along with the defense of the helpless, the innocent (including children), or any who are under our protection.

This report may be old, but it remains relevant to the principles I defend and support, and always will.

Barbara Hartwell Percival

July 3, 2011

And here, excerpts from John Kaminski's screed against Barbara Hartwell (2003).

"Barbara Hartwell is a small-minded, pre-programmed intellectual whore who obviously endorses savage American soldiers putting bullets in the heads of innocent Iraqi children and the U.S. government spreading fatal depleted uranium poison even among its own troops."

"My friends in the Patriot movement would probably regard Hartwell as a mainstream Republican Zionist demagogue on the order to Tom Delay who would not speak the unvarnished truth about her country even if she were able to perceive it, which she clearly does not."

Excerpt from my report Open Letter to John Kaminski & Commentary:

Dear Mr. Kaminski,

Thank you for your directness in telling the public what you think of me.

One thing I do appreciate is the blunt and direct approach, no matter what someone has to say.

As to the epithets you've chosen for me, "small-minded, pre-programmed intellectual whore" and "mainstream Republican Zionist demagogue", not to worry that you've hurt my feelings, believe me, I've been called worse. And coming from you, I take them as a compliment.

You know, I actually laughed when I first read your comments, preposterous as they are. I do have a sense of humor, even when it's at my own expense.

But I did also feel saddened, because it appears that you truly believe that I would "endorse savage American soldiers putting bullets in the heads of innocent Iraqi children and the U.S. government spreading fatal depleted uranium poison even among its own troops."

I have no idea WHY you would believe this; nor who/what your "intelligence" sources are. I have never made any statement, publicly, nor privately, that could possibly lead anyone to form such a conclusion.

But I will share with you something I DID write, taken from the archives of my website. It is a short preface to an article by Carl F. Worden, relating to what I would call the "actions other than war" in Iraq.

[Note from Babs:

When I think of the fifty (50) Marine casualties Carl mentions here, what comes to my mind is 50 soldiers, 50 INDIVIDUAL human beings whose families and loved ones will never see them again. Not in this material world, anyway. How many more of our troops will have to die before this is over?

Can the deaths of these good men and women possibly be justified, in any way shape or form?


At least that's the answer any spirit-filled person (no matter what their religion or lack thereof) knows to be true. I, like many others, am sick at heart at the senseless slaughter of innocents, both our own soldiers and the Iraqi civilians (many of whom, it must be remembered, are children.)

I am disgusted, beyond any disgust I have ever felt before, that these warmongers and traitors who are running this unconstitutional, illegal, inexcusable, insufferable action are receiving ANY support whatsoever from the flag-waving masses of asses that claim to be 'patriots'. It boggles my mind. It's enough to make the angels weep. I can hear them. Can you?]

So, Mr. Kaminski, I am hard pressed to understand how you arrived at the "obvious" conclusion that I would "endorse" such war crimes.


His latest essay, The Teeth In The Smile, continues where the others left off (and "left" is the operative word) cleverly promoting Kaminski's leftist ideology by appealing to the bleeding heart liberals and starry-eyed New Agers among us:

Those who are so disillusioned with the deplorable state of affairs in the U.S. of A. that they are apparently ready and willing to sacrifice the ideals of a truly free country, where Constitutional Rights are guaranteed under the Rule of Law --INDIVIDUAL rights, that is-- to be led down the garden path, following Kaminski's dubious vision of a Utopian Society.

Kaminski's utilitarian sympathies, advocating --and agitating for-- a system of 'social justice' in which the perceived "good of all" supersedes the rights of the individual; and where peace and "community", at any price --even if that means the ENFORCED sacrifice of individual liberties-- is the order of the day.

Kaminski spits in the eyes of all who have fought and all who have died to preserve our Constitutional Republic.

The stark, unpalatable truth, which Kaminski and his advocates evidently either cannot or will not see, is that there can be NO freedom, NO justice, for ALL --not a hope, not even a prayer-- unless and until there is freedom and justice for EACH INDIVIDUAL.

And therefore, it is incumbent upon each individual --it is a moral imperative!-- to claim that freedom, that justice: To DEMAND them, as God-given, non-negotiable, natural rights, no matter how corrupt the ruling entities in government have become; no matter how far they have strayed from what is just, right and true.

Semper Fidelis! Liberty or Death! Don't Tread on Me!


I hate to think about all the damage that just one dedicated Jew-hater can do. Kaminski had a long career as a journalist. There is no doubt he influenced many thousands of people with his writings. Perhaps, among them, people who might not otherwise have jumped on the Jew-hater train.

I am not the ultimate judge of John Kaminski, nor anyone else. I can observe, I can analyze, I can draw conclusions based on the facts I have gathered.

I can offer my opinions based on my investigations. But as a Christian, it is my ethical duty to warn others when I see this sort of toxic propaganda being spread, knowing that it can destroy lives if it is believed and acted upon.

Make no mistake: Kaminski's legacy is not one of truth, nor courage, nor “awakening”.

It is a legacy of hate and falsehood and destruction.

As for Kaminski's promoters and supporters, I can only say: It is not too late to repent and to ask God for forgiveness. But until such time (if ever): Shame on you all.

Barbara Hartwell

February 27, 2024



If you are a Christian, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and for truth to be revealed. I can guarantee: True born again, Spirit-filled Christians do not hate Jews.

Most important of all, turn away from them! Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you will take no part in their evil agenda. Don't place yourself in bad company or you, your children and grandchildren will reap consequences you may never have imagined.


RELATED REPORTS by Barbara Hartwell on John Kaminski

Open Letter to John Kaminski and Related Commentary (2003)

All Americans Are Now War Criminals?

Kaminski: Neo-Bolshevik Utopian Fantasy (2003)

Kaminski's Godless Funeral Dirge: A Slap in the Face


The Cult of Adolf Hitler: Neo Nazis Run Amok

The Cult of Adolf Hitler: Neo-Nazis Run Amok (2)

The Unsolicited Opinion? Keep It to Yourself!

Murder in Their Hearts: "NUKE ISRAEL" & Ethnic Cleansing of "Edomites"

EDOMANIA: Disease of Choice for Psychopaths

COINTELPRO Jew-Haters: Spotlight on Clay Douglas & The Free American

Neo-Nazi Mike Delaney Spouts Off on "Patriot Jews"

In the Name of Jesus? Hate-Mongers Run Amok


Jeff Rense: “Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy”


The Scapegoat Syndrome: Editorial Commentary on the Politics of Injustice

Barbara Hartwell Answers Her Critics – 2000

Jew Hater Rant Exploits & Misrepresents FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee

THE SHADOW KNOWS: Former FBI & CIA Counterintelligence Experts on Celebrity Super Spook Ted (The Gun) Gunderson (3)

Bigotry, Racism, Misogyny: By Their Evil Fruits Shall You Know Them

Reggie Fashbaugh of TINY HEARTS BRIGADE: Advocate or Agitator?






Rabid Jew Hater Jeff Rense Promotes Praise & Adoration of Adolf Hitler...& Other Horror Stories

Saturday, February 24, 2024












The smug and arrogant face of Ramola D, "Truth Journalist" & "The Story of the Century"




 "I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell."

Harry Truman

WARNING: For those who have heard this story (or parts of it) before, and find it redundant, you may want to skip this report, and I wouldn't blame you. Otherwise, you might just prepare to be bored to tears, which I would also understand.

However, I find it necessary to continue to refute the libelous falsehoods being ever more aggressively promoted by Ramola Dharmaraj, in defense of my good name, and in service to the truth, based on facts, and backed by evidence. All of which this woman entirely lacks, while engaging in obsessive efforts to discredit Barbara Hartwell.

She is operating merely on wild speculation, subjective projection, erroneous suppositions and fabrications.

I should also say up front that this issue is of a totally mundane and prosaic nature. There is no cloak-and-dagger intrigue, there are no CIA plots, no former CIA agent paid to “tell stories” about her, no “ghost writers”, who have taken over my website, no impostors impersonating Barbara Hartwell.

Nor have I ever, at any time, “protected operations” being run against anyone. Nor has any of my published work ever “damaged” her so-called “fact-based truth journalism”, as claimed by Ramola D.

The truth is, my work has nothing whatsoever to do with her, never has, never will. There is no connection, no comparison, except that which springs from her twisted imagination.

And no, there is not a grain of truth in any of these false accusations (or any others), made by Ramola D against Barbara Hartwell. But I am always blunt (even brutally so) and I will continue to speak the unvarnished truth, no matter who is offended, and let the chips fall where they may.

In mid-2021, I broke off an association with Ramola D, for cause. She had absolutely zero respect for my privacy and personal boundaries. And she was exploiting my name, dragging it into her articles, podcasts and social media posts (without my knowledge or consent), in connection to people, and groups, and subjects, which had nothing whatsoever to do with me.

Naturally, I was outraged by this intrusive behavior. I had made it crystal clear that I am a very private person, in fact a recluse, and not a team player, who is not seeking publicity, nor interaction with the public, nor any contact with various associates of hers (total strangers to me), which she had repeatedly tried to push on me, completely disregarding my clearly stated wishes.

She had also appointed herself as an unwanted intermediary, contacting others (both total strangers and associates of mine), invading my privacy, gossiping about my business, both personal and professional, and worst of all, meddling, constantly sticking her nose where it did not belong.

As anyone knows, this is the obnoxious, inappropriate and wrongful behavior of an aggressive busybody, a person who simply refuses to mind her own business and leave others alone to tend to theirs.

And it is pathological behavior, to say the least. It does tremendous harm to those on the receiving end. It sows the seeds of suspicion and unwarranted animosity, it destroys friendships (assuming at least one party is influenced by the meddler), and generally stirs up a world of trouble and grief – all because of one wrongdoer and her pathological need to engage in petty tyranny over the lives of others.

On a few occasions of her meddling, when I was still in contact with her, I politely explained (once again) that I needed her to respect my privacy and personal boundaries. But either it went in one ear and out the other, or she actually had the arrogance to tell me that I was “mistaken” about what she was doing, displaying passive-aggressive behavior and gaslighting.

Of course I was not in the slightest mistaken, it was just her attempt to defend the indefensible, to justify the unjustifiable. Because she had no intention of respecting my privacy and personal boundaries. And, unbelievably, she calls that “truth journalism”.

Such utterly disrespectful behavior is intolerable to me. I had no intention of getting into a conflict with her over this issue. I do not allow such conflicts with people in my life. Such conflicts serve no purpose. I don't give a damn what other people think, or whether they agree with me, or not. I am not about to drain my precious time and energy arguing with such individuals. My policy is, You go your way, I'll go mine, and never the twain shall meet. Case closed.

She was entirely in the wrong, and I saw that she was not about to stop what she was doing. I decided that I would just break off contact with her, and quietly walked away. After this, I never said a word about her in my public reports. I certainly had no intention of making a public issue out of her wrongful behavior.

But she just would not leave me alone. She kept pursuing me, sending unwanted e-mails, which I ignored. She continued to exploit my name in her articles and podcasts, misrepresenting me, my professional work, and falsely linking my name to persons I do not know, and with whom I have no commonalities. For a long time, I even ignored this, in the hope that she would stop.

Then, I found out that she was sending defamatory e-mails behind my back, to at least two of my (then) friends, making false accusations against me, and attempting to recruit them as backup. It was clear to me that she had been offended by being cut off, that she could not accept being rejected, and that she was spoiling for a public confrontation.

For awhile, I even ignored this horrible behavior, until it reached a point where I found it necessary to act in my own defense.

It is important to state that my decades of work, as an advocacy journalist and CIA whistleblower, has been entirely independent. My values and principles have never changed. Anyone familiar with my work will know this, whether they agree with my views, or not. Even those not familiar, who may take an interest, may go through my archives and see for themselves that I am nothing, if not consistent, in my views and actions. I stick to my guns and stand my ground –always. And it ain't nobody's business if I do.

For a person such as Ramola D, a rank amateur, to accuse me of “protecting operations” she claims are run against her (by any number of “intelligence” agencies, most notably CIA); and for her to make the accusation that I, an actual former intelligence professional, with direct knowledge and many years of experience (both inside and outside operations), would be “damaging” her “fact-based truth journalism”, is one of the most ridiculous (and arrogant) statements I have ever heard. She knows nothing about intelligence operations, as proved in her writings and podcasts, which will be clear to any current or former intelligence professionals, and I'm sure to many other discerning persons as well.

So now, all that being said (even if redundant), here is the latest libelous promotion against Barbara Hartwell, from Ramola D, the EveryDay Concerned Citizen.


"Seeking to maintain here a record of my public notes and posts to all regarding anything really in relation to my work and my name–which of course has been battered nonstop (much like parts of my body and brain) by complete and absolute #TopCrims working assiduously in numerous agencies playing “Intelligent” or “Investigating” or “National Security."

[I have figured therefore it might be a good idea to address all that I need to address more publicly, so everyone gets the picture here as to what the Truth is, and what the incredible built-up Fabrication is, at all times.]"

So, she claims that “TopCrims” in “numerous agencies” are “battering” her name, her body and her brain. For what purpose, pray tell? Does she really believe that she, an unremarkable, ordinary civilian, with no background, in possession of no exclusive or proprietary information, someone publishing FOIA documents and old news, and parroting the work of others, would actually be the subject of such operations by those concerned with “National Security”?

Evidently, she does. And according to her, “everyone” must agree with her that this is what “the Truth” is... though there is no reason on God's flat green earth that anyone in intelligence circles (including so-called “TopCrims”) would take the slightest interest in this amateur intelligence groupie, this gate-crasher, this wannabe, seeking to make a name for herself as being a “targeted individual” of great importance to everyone in the entire world. As per her claim of being “The Story of the Century”. Really? Seriously?

And now, once again, she drags in the name of Barbara Hartwell, AS IF it has anything to do with her obvious delusions of grandeur, which in point of fact, it does not.

"Barbara Hartwell’s interesting new missive “GASLIGHT THEATER BROUGHT TO YOU BY “TRUTH JOURNALIST” RAMOLA D noted with interest. Idly cruising down that page I notice she has spent many days, weeks, months, certainly column-inches fixating on Yours Truly who seems to have assumed inordinately astonishing proportions in the penning-as-Barbara’s mind: so many articles, headlines, inchoate ramblings."

My report was not a “missive”. As always, lacking any facts or evidence, she engages in wild speculation, as to what Barbara Hartwell is thinking and doing, what is in my mind (she hasn't a clue), and the time periods involved. No, contrary to her vain claims, I have not “fixated” on her. She is of no particular importance to me, just one of many reprobates I find it necessary to expose.

She is the one, the one and only aggressor, who has in fact “fixated” on Barbara Hartwell, exploiting my name, gate-crashing where she has no business, which she has been doing for years. Which is why I find it necessary to refute her libelous falsehoods and expose her for what she is, in defense of my good name, and in service to the truth.

As for her absurd accusation of “inchoate ramblings”, here she projects her own actions on me. Every statement made by me is specific, cogent, logical, and based solely on facts, backed by evidence, usually consisting of her own words. And for evidence, see my reports (links below) in which she reveals, in her own words, precisely such “inchoate ramblings”.

"Targeted Individuals”–to get straight to the point here–is a label the Internet Avatar playing Ms. Hartwell has written earlier about, and which I too have addressed, in several articles. I have thought a little more lately about this re-expressed aversion and disavowal of hers regarding not merely this label but those it has wrongfully been affixed to, and all I can say is she must not be aware that Labels conferred by Military and Intelligence Psy Opsters with very dark intentions to destroy people’s lives while preying on them for secret target practice, unholy weapons-testing, and Paleolithic brain clubbing for AI experimentation–not to mention disappearance as “Mentally Ill”–prime intent of that label and the Usage thereof–is primarily about Cover and Cover Story, something I would have thought most steeped in Counterintelligence and Psy Ops would have picked up right away. Or perhaps she Is aware, and that is the real story here. One I’ve hardly thought about, hardly believed could possibly be the truth."

What in the bloody hell is she ranting on about, with her delusions of some “Internet Avatar”? There is no such person. My website is run by me, Barbara Hartwell, and none other, as it always has been.

And no, nothing I have ever “written about” (including “Targeted Individuals”) has anything to do with what she “too”, has addressed. There is no connection whatsoever. 

I had exposed some of these individuals calling themselves “targeted individuals”, decades before I ever heard of her. And have continued to expose them, where I find it necessary, usually when they promote false information, exploiting my name in doing so, just as Ramola D is doing. Nothing new under the sun...just the same old, same old...

She is the one who continues to falsely link my name to her claims about “targeted individuals”. She is free to believe what she will, but this has absolutely nothing to do with me, my work, or my views. She is falsely placing my name into a context which does not apply to me, and which is based solely on her subjective standards, speculation and subjective projection. And it is all false.

For her to state that I am “not aware” of Psy Ops and counterintelligence, which I can guarantee she knows nothing about, is just another absurdity. The only “real story” is that of a delusional woman, seeking fame and fortune, pretending to know what she does not know, while attempting to destroy the name of a person who is in fact an acknowledged expert on Psy Ops and counterintelligence. How shameful.

"I’m told the CIA is actually quite intelligent, in fact “Very” intelligent, “profoundly” intelligent: erudite, cultured, versed in Latin and Greek, P’s and Qs and in that conundrum of which fork, which spoon to use first at those ultra-formal dinners that the Navy boys and Air Force too (Army…?) learn young, incisive in their analysis, superlative in their Writing–and that they’re all over the Writing world, Journalism, Media, that they Are the Media and the Media Are They–so it’s possible I missed this early here: that it was Them all along, who came up with that Use of that obviously-quite-military Tag (“Targeted Individuals”), to hold hands with Psychs to disappear those reporting these Crimes, the Ultimate: Stealth Destruction of the Human Body and Brain, Psyche included, and This, which the new Internet Writer purporting to be Barbara Hartwell Percival is engaged in, slamming those, Reporting, Real, who are exposing this most extraordinary Crime of the Ages, is itself the Counterintel Psy Op, the Sleight of Hand or Continuous Attempt to Continuously Disappear: I would caution Anyone to be careful here, to be aware that what is being reported by those targeted unlawfully is nothing less than Torture, with weaponry no longer “New Age”: it is radar, EMF weaponry from the last century, acoustic, neuro–tech blasting past all Ethics, Conscience, Humanity to harm and persecute--and where is the CIA in all this? Cover stories, media, mockery, campaigns to denigrate and disappear while incredible Harm is being executed, on those unlucky enough to fall into the CIA’s clutches. [Or DOD-CIA, which appears to be the way they’re being referred to these days, by certain scientists.] We must speak of the CIA, we must investigate the CIA, we must investigate both, the DOD and the CIA–in addition to the DOJ–we must try to take on board the notion of their being deeply intertwined, running continuous (illegal and unlawful) spy operations and experimenting operations, minus Conscience, in our midst, we mustn’t flail at their flaunting of Cover–upon Cover; we mustn’t permit ourselves to be Silenced.."

"This, which the new Internet Writer purporting to be Barbara Hartwell Percival is engaged in, slamming those, Reporting, Real, who are exposing this most extraordinary Crime of the Ages, is itself the Counterintel Psy Op, the Sleight of Hand or Continuous Attempt to Continuously Disappear.."

There is no “new Internet Writer purporting to be Barbara Hartwell Percival”. There is only Barbara Hartwell, the same person as always.

For the record, Percival is my family name, which I have also used at times, for many years. A number of the Percivals (including my grandfather and uncle, Andrew Jackson Percival and Andrew Jackson Percival Jr.) as well as other family members and inlaws (on both sides of my family), have been CIA/OSS/ Military Intelligence. It was the family business, for three generations (and possibly counting, but I hope not...)

This nasty blabbermouth doesn't know what the hell she is talking about, but is hell-bent, in her vast ignorance, on continuing her campaign to discredit Barbara Hartwell.

"CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell once gave a remarkable interview at my channel where she discussed who the CIA were, in her understanding, from her history of engagement with them. I wrote about that interview here, on Steemit:"

No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

I do not endorse this article and have never promoted it. As for interviews on her podcast, as I have said, I now regret having done them, now knowing that Ramola D is not legitimate. But regardless, there is nothing that I have ever said, in any interview, which supports her claims about “targeted individuals”, nor which would place me in such a category, where I do not belong.

"12:17 am, Feb 23, 2024: Let me note, as I have been writing here, a rather incredibly loud hit–LRAD–on the radiator sounded. The CIA I’ve understood has come to live closeby and “make its presence felt”: They have no business doing anything of the kind, but the non-neighbors next door dabble in very loud, harassive LRAD hits, among other completely unlawful remote-access with EMF tech pursuits."

She claims, once again, that the neighbors are CIA, that they are “assassins”, aiming “death hits” at her with electronic weapons. With so many death hits, over a period of so many years, why then is she still alive? She must be bullet proof.

"Suffice to say, in closing, those who are unlawfully targeted and trafficked into unlawful experimentation and weapons-testing are people, not labels, and the label being used to disappear them is one each of them can recognize as being a label. Psychiatrists and police are responsible on the ground for this labeling and disappearing–and that is part of the problem we face now as a society, one which needs addressing by many."

I have never stated, anywhere, that anyone in particular, including “targeted individuals” are victims of “weapons testing”. This may be her belief, but again, it has nothing whatsoever to do with me. I have personally never been a victim of any such “weapons testing”, nor "trafficking", nor has anyone whose case I have investigated, over a period of over 40 years.

So why does she drag this into a piece where my name is exploited and libeled, since it has nothing whatsoever to do with me? Because in her malice and ignorance, her total lack of facts and evidence, she will sling any sort of mud at me, and hopes it will stick.

"Barbara Hartwell is once again reminded she must cease and desist maligning, defaming and slandering my name. And those unlawfully targeted–and those doing the targeting–I hope will rise in great numbers and address these matters and that label, more and more each day until these targeting crimes end."

No, wrong again. I am “reminded” of nothing by this ego-centered, grandstanding publicity hound. I am not involved, nor ever have been, in any so-called “targeting crimes”, in any way, shape or form, as either victim or perpetrator.

Who the hell does she think she is, arrogantly claiming that I “must” cease and desist doing something I have never done. I don't take directives from this delusional whackjob. As far as I am concerned, she can just go straight to Hell, where she and her pals from the evil United Nations and her woke, leftist comrades, are already heading in a handcart.


Yes, I am angry, I am outraged, I am incensed, and with good reason. What self-respecting, decent and honorable person wouldn't be?

So much for the wild speculation, subjective projection, erroneous suppositions and outright fabrications promoted by Ramola D as “Truth Journalism”.

Barbara Hartwell

February 24, 2024









Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj



 "Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell