Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Friday, August 25, 2023


Today I found yet another defamatory article by Ramola D. In her previous smear piece she claimed she would “ignore” any further reports by Barbara Hartwell, but typically that was a false statement, just like so many others she has made.

She contradicts herself on a regular basis, and it has become clear that she will say anything that serves her own interests, having no respect or concern for the truth on any issue. And no respect for the privacy, personal boundaries or fundamental rights of others.

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

In this latest, she shows how disconnected from reality she actually is, by making the false accusation that a “ghost writer” has taken over my website.

So, perhaps this is just more of her delusional nonsense (such as, that she is a “human rights attorney”, a target of “whistleblower retaliation”, the “prime subject” of any number of operations featuring “targeted individuals”, the main protagonist of “The Story of the Century”), and on and on it goes...with the ever-proliferating sensationalist boasts and bogus claims featuring herself as the star of the show. She's a grandstander extraordinaire, a pretentious poseur, that much has become obvious.


And/or, she is fabricating idiotic falsehoods against Barbara Hartwell, because she has no evidence whatsoever to back her unsubstantiated claims about herself, and no evidence whatsoever against me.

Her own published words are all the evidence needed to show that she is a fraud, regardless of her motivation, or her “reasons” for her wrongful actions.

The fact of the matter is that she has been exploiting my name in connection with all sorts of false information, about herself, about me, and about others she claims are “targeted individuals”.

As I have stated repeatedly, in defense of my honor, which she has grossly insulted with her false accusations, such as, that I am “protecting operations” being run against her, and that my work is “damaging” to her purported “truth journalism”: None of what she claims is true, nor does any of it have anything whatsoever to do with Barbara Hartwell.

I have not spoken to her in more than 2 years. I tried to quietly walk away from any association with her. She was meddling in my business, invading my privacy, and had ZERO respect for my personal boundaries. She showed herself to be an aggressive busybody, appointing herself as an unwanted intermediary in my professional business. She disregarded my wishes even after she was warned that I have no tolerance for such aggressive behavior.

And here she is, still at it after all this time. She just won't leave me alone. She is hell-bent in her attempts to justify the unjustifiable, to defend the indefensible. She has no business exploiting my name in any way. If, fueled by her arrogance and delusions, she can't be stopped, then I will have no choice but to continue to expose her in my own defense.

Frankly, I do not care why she has gone off the deep end with any of these falsehoods. My only concern is the damage she continues to do to my good name with these outrageous lies, for that is exactly what they are.

And once again, I must refute them for the public record, tiresome as it has become.

Here is her latest, filled with rank speculation and wild accusations, as always. Not a fact to be found.

"I am writing to address a few matters noted in the post at Barbara Hartwell’s website dated (at my browser) now as made on July 4: “Swans Against Slander”? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

[A few days ago (possibly July 9), I imaged one of the original postings under this title (as posted below) now dated July 4. (The file I suspect has now been changed, judging by visible change in the file on my (hacked) desktop noticed a little while ago and obvious clatter next door from the resident hackers playing neighbors here in my neighborhood.)

Yesterday, July 16, I imaged the same post at the BarbaraHartwellvsCIA website now also dated July 4. (Both dates and the imagings below have been changed as I wrote the rest of this article–very slowly, as obvious ELF cyber-hacking was slowing down the typing on my computer and the cursor became a black rectangle.)]"

I have no idea what the hell she is talking about. Nor do I care in the slightest what she believes to be happening to her. I can only state with certainty that my website has not been hacked, no matter what may –or may not- be happening in her little delusional world.

"It was clear to me from first reading that this is not the Barbara Hartwell I have known and interviewed. Much like other “IC” (intelligence community) member whistleblowers whose work we all benefit from, yet who enter abruptly into decline, I suspect that her website has been taken over by a ghost writer apparently fixated on defamation and slander–yet who seeks to make prominent her insider reportage and whistleblowing."

Now, idiotically, she claims that I (the one and only editor and administrator of my own website, Barbara Hartwell Vs CIA, online in various forms since 2000, and preceded by reports on the Internet since 1995) am not the same person as the one she interviewed. And worse, she continues her gross insults against me by claiming that I have “entered into decline”.

The so-called “ghost writer” must be a figment of her delusional mind, since no such character exists, nor will ever exist, not in connection with the actual person of Barbara Hartwell, a legitimate CIA whistleblower with a 30 year track record of exposing accurate, factual information.

And she accuses this (non-existent) “ghost writer” of being fixated on defamation and slander. Which is absolutely false, defamatory against Barbara Hartwell, and utterly idiotic, stupid as all hell.

"I have questioned therefore whether it is worth taking the time responding to any aspect of this post, given that my primary intent as noted earlier is to ignore any further defamation and slander from Barbara Hartwell.

There are however a few matters I wish to address.

One of them has to do with the fact that the postings attributed above to Barbara Hartwell at her website have changed as noted above. Personal reports and logs made at my site as private witness testimonial to my own experience of grievous, persecutory harm via the abuse of baseless and abusive surveillance with extended harms of anti-personnel directed energy weaponry and neurotechnologies, a subject of much reportage at my site, have been misreferenced by the writer and, sadly, derided. In this context I must note also that since my site has been greatly cyber-hacked, and my writing hacked on the page (frozen, text cut, delayed) at moment of writing, changes may have been made to words and phrases here and there, a matter I am still investigating."

My website is run solely by Barbara Hartwell. Whether or not anything has “changed” on my website is irrelevant and none of her damnable business!

Any “changes” which may have been made have been made by me, as is my prerogative. It is my website. I have no idea what point she is trying to make, but whatever it may be it has no validity and nothing to do with any “ghost writer”, nor with any form of “decline” of Barbara Hartwell. There has been no hacking of my site, by anyone.

Again, I have never, at any time “misreferenced” anything regarding this woman, nor, given her descent into idiocy, do I any longer attribute a shred of credibility to any of her claims.

"The two postings I have noticed were imaged as noted above:

This one’s from July 16 (as on her website yesterday, July 16):

Click to access barbarahartwellvscia-blogspot-com-2023-07-swans-against-slander-or-delusions-of-.pdf

PDF July 16, 2023

[Note made at my desktop before the files changed as noted above: (Clearly they are somewhat different.)]

The other has to do with the false-accusation of my supposedly sending defamatory emails to two of her friends and later to “unrelated third parties” in a grand projection of supposed extended slander, a matter which I addressed rather clearly in my original address on this matter, and which still stands. These false-accusations, repeated here and there, have been worded in this form at one spot:

"And no, I accused her of nothing which was not true. I simply exposed her unethical actions of sending defamatory messages to my friends, behind my back, in my own defense." [Barbara Hartwell]

False-accusations include lies wearing the skin of declaration and fact, such as the “statements” made using the signal “FACT:” noted in this missive, a matter probably most clear only to those who know that Living in the Private is sadly being used by some wrongfully (using English Grammar inaccurately) to bury Truth rather than uphold it."

I have never, at any time, made as much as one “false accusation” against Ramola D.

I have never referenced “Living in the Private” nor any related issues in connection with my statements exposing the wrongful actions and defamation by Ramola D. She is, as usual, dragging in that which is irrelevant and trying to use it against me.

And she did indeed, send defamatory messages to my friends. She did indeed, drag their names into a scandal of her own making, slandering me behind my back.

These individuals had absolutely nothing to do with Ramola's warped beliefs and false accusations against Barbara Hartwell. Yet she exploited their names, just as she did mine, for her own self-serving purposes. How shameful.

"These for instance are outright lies:

[BH: Barbara Hartwell is one of the parties named.

FACT: I have never, at any time, conducted any “campaign of defamation and slander” against Ramola D, neither “publicly”, nor “privately”.

FACT: My reports have been solely in my own defense against the defamation and gossip of Ramola D.

FACT: No truth whatsoever is presented by her in connection with my name.][Barbara Hartwell]"

Again, more false interpretations of my very clear, factual statements. No lies have ever been told by me, and no false accusations.

"As the true Barbara Hartwell knows, there was no defamation and slander from my end, nor any other friends and colleagues between us than the two I have claimed openly and who have claimed me openly, but certainly a difference of opinion on the matter of the term “Targeted Individuals” and all endurings of harm those either claiming that term (“Targeted Individuals”) for themselves have reported or those attributing that term to civilians and veterans being persecuted under the guise of surveillance or healthcare monitoring have deliberately ignored and dismissed. This latter is a subject I have written on earlier and which I will once more address, specifically in response to what I have perceived to be mistaken analysis of both that term and its extended context."

Ramola has now gone way off the deep end, presuming to speak for me (“as the true Barbara Hartwell knows”) and has the naked aggression and effrontery to claim what it is I “know”.

For the record, I am the "true" Barbara Hartwell. There is only one of me. And I “know” no such thing. She does not speak for me. I say exactly what I mean and mean exactly what I say. It is all on the record.

How dare she, this pretentious, presumptuous, arrogant fool! Who does she think she is?

And again, she tries to put words in my mouth. I have no mutual friends with Ramola, nor did I make such a claim. I stated the simple truth, in my own defense:

She went behind my back, and sent defamatory messages to my friends, attempted to turn them against me with false accusations, and grossly insulted my honor. It was only when she was caught doing it that she lied and denied what she had done in an attempt to save face.

"It is regrettable that the CIA and its alumni have taken to maintaining a harmful cover-operation to disappear the voice of journalists exposing the multiple crimes against the populace as noted above, and one can only hope intellect, awareness, expanded consciousness, and clarity of seeing returns to them all."

Does her arrogance know no bounds? Apparently not.

I, Barbara Hartwell, have no part, with any “CIA alumni” in any “cover operations”, as accused here by this pretentious amateur wannabe, Ramola D.

I have no interest whatsoever in “disappearing the voice” of any person, including Ramola D. Nor would any others from CIA (current or former), who would have no reason to take the slightest interest in this delusional whackjob, making sensationalist claims with no basis in fact, while smearing a legitimate CIA whistleblower for her own self-serving ends.

Contrary to her sensationalist, grandiose claims, she is not a whistleblower; not a “human rights attorney”; not  "The World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes".


She has never been involved in any way, shape or form, in MK Ultra, nor any government operations (voluntarily or otherwise), as per her boasts and bogus claims.


Nor, as nothing more than an ordinary civilian, has she ever had the slightest access to the so-called "classified" information she falsely boasts of exposing. That is a bald-faced lie which is easily disproved. She has no credentials whatsoever which could possibly qualify her as a "whistleblower". She was never one of us and never will be. What she thinks she knows (according to her boasting) about the intelligence community is a bad joke to anyone with legitimate credentials.


As any expert on counterintelligence or psychological operations (including me) would know, Ramola does not know what she is talking about when addressing these issues. She is merely parroting what she has heard or read from others (both legitimate and not) and engaging in speculation. Which is very damaging and dangerous to anyone she sets her sights on.

Ramola D is an aggressive, ambitious fraud, plain and simple.

Lastly, for the record:

I am not a “targeted individual”, have no dealings with such, and am not part of any “targeted individual” community, nor ever have been. I do not engage anyone in discussions, arguments or debates, such as Ramola D is trying to provoke. I do not care in the slightest what she believes. My only concern is that she continues to exploit and defame my name, which is extremely injurious to me.

I am not “in decline” in any way, shape or form, as falsely accused.

There is not, nor has ever been, any “ghost writer” in connection with my website, nor in connection with me, or my work, in any way, as falsely accused.

I am not in collusion with any other CIA alumni, nor have I ever engaged in any form of “protection” of operations to harm anyone, including Ramola D, as falsely accused.

My work is entirely independent, as it always has been. There is no connection whatsoever between anything promoted by Ramola D and any of my work.

Any and all claims made by Ramola D in connection with the name of Barbara Hartwell are false, fraudulent, baseless, and should be disregarded, in perpetuity.

Barbara Hartwell (NOT a "ghost writer")

Target of Defamation & Idiotic Lies by Ramola D

In Profound Disgust,

August 25, 2023



In these reports find the facts and the evidence exposing the truth about Ramola D.

"Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”


PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell


For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:


Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted.