Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024












(Banner courtesy of FBI whistleblower Bob Levin)


How many times have I found it necessary to publish one of these disclaimers, a redundant declaration to set the record straight? Over and over again...

Yet, due to circumstances beyond my control, I must issue another one, which I understand, should my regular readers choose not to take the time to read. Why bother? Just the same old, same old...

As always, my purpose is to make sure that certain facts are on the public record, in service to the truth, and in defense of my good name, my honor, and my professional work.



I have worked as an advocacy journalist for more than forty (40) years, both in print, and hosting/producing terrestrial radio and cable TV, covering an eclectic range of topics, but focusing mostly on the issues of greatest concern to me, involving my lifelong crusade for justice.

I am not, nor have ever been, a “news reporter”, nor have been employed as such by any organization. I am strictly independent and beholden to no one, influenced by no one, as to what I publish, and my reasons are exclusively my own. This site is not a “news” site, but rather an archive of my work of roughly the past 3 decades.

My work was first published on the Internet, on various news outlets and special interest platforms, in 1995 and my first website came online in 2000. It is important to me to state that by that time, I had no affiliation, no connection whatsoever to CIA, or to any of their cut-outs, front companies or personnel.

For the record, I left CIA operations for good in 1994. I am gone, never to return. Anyone who claims otherwise, or who accuses me of being CIA (and there have been many such persons) is promoting defamatory falsehoods, calumny against my good name, and I consider them my enemies.

My current site, Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA has been online since 2006, and in its current version since 2010.



I hate the Internet. I really do. I especially hate social media and all it stands for. Social media was designed by the government as a data extraction and collection operation for the purpose of controlling the populace. Most people are clueless as to this fact; they have been indoctrinated and so volunteered to be victims of the government's machinations. So be it, it's nothing to do with me.

I wish I could go back to the days when print journalism (newspapers, magazines, periodicals) was limited to hardcopy. Once something was published, that was it; the finished product couldn't be tampered with and it was much harder for would-be poachers and scavengers to steal the fruits of an individual's labor.

Back to the days when those calling themselves investigative journalists actually worked for what they produced. They went to libraries, historical societies and such to conduct research and made phone calls (or had face-to-face meetings) to interview their sources.

There were no hordes of busybodies, snoops and scandal mongers oozing out of the woodwork to attack legitimate people, and no social media platforms to accommodate them. No sleazy opportunists calling themselves “influencers” (what a stupid term!) seeking fame and fortune, churning out cheap click bait to serve an agenda which has nothing to do with truth, but rather material gain and self-aggrandizement. How I loathe these unscrupulous characters and their twisted values and culture!

I don't use social media and never have done. From what I have observed, it is a cesspool of vulgarity, sensationalism and outright stupidity. Mobs of gossips sticking their noses where they don't belong, blathering on about people they don't know, and subjects they know nothing about.

Unfortunately for me, and to my outrage, I have found my name to be regularly exploited and often defamed by these aggressive busybodies (most of whom I do not know and never heard of until I found my name being grossly exploited by them) on these social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter (now “X”).

As for myself, I have no interest whatsoever in participating in this social media culture. No interest in interacting or socializing with strangers. No interest in engaging in discussions, arguments, debates.

I do not seek publicity for my work. This site is the only venue I use and it is a closed system, not interactive, nor designed to engage the public.

My work and all material published on this website, is FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The readers may make of it what they will. The same applies to any and all radio interviews and my published work on other venues.


Anyone who wants to contact me, for any legitimate reason, may easily do so, by sending me a card, a note, a letter, a donation to support my work (or whatever) by post, at the postal address given on this site. As long as such communications are respectful of my privacy, and not requesting professional consultations or assistance (pro bono or otherwise), which I have stated in my NOTICES that I DO NOT OFFER to the general public, I do welcome communications from those who want to contact me.

There is no other public contact info. If it is too much trouble to purchase a stamp and send something by mail, then I can't imagine it would be all that important for anyone to contact me, for whatever reason.

I have posted NOTICES which clearly outline my policies, and yet these are regularly disregarded or ignored. My e-mail address is PRIVATE and yet I get e-mails from people I don't know, who have contacted “known associates” of mine (usually editors of websites or talk show hosts who have published my work), used as intermediaries to try to bypass using the post.

These messages are always ignored, on principle, as those sending them have shown no respect for my clearly stated policies.


I have lived in dire poverty for many years, just trying to survive to continue my work. I have lost nearly everything I owned in my fight against government corruption and to defend Liberty.

I am a disabled senior citizen attempting to live on disability benefits which are totally inadequate to cover my needs.

I don't have anywhere near the material support I need, even to cover basic living expenses, much less maintain a website.

I do not seek sympathy for my circumstances, I only expect others to respect my privacy and personal boundaries, just as I respect theirs.

In any case, this site is very simply an archive of my work and consists of reports on those issues I consider most important to me, to which I add material when I am able.

I certainly hope that the material on this site will be of value to my readers, and it is meant for the general public, but I have nothing more to offer, and I am not a part of the Internet culture, nor ever will be.


As I have often stated, I am a recluse and belong in a monastery and avoid contact with "the world" whenever possible.

Barbara Hartwell

April 24, 2024