Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Sunday, January 21, 2024


"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."

-Thomas Aquinas

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.


Ephesians 5:11

I must begin this report by stating that I hate any form of injustice. I absolutely loathe it. In fact, my whole life, as well as my professional work, as a journalist (more than 40 years) and CIA whistleblower (since 1994) has been dedicated to exposing injustice, with an effort to do all in my power to put a stop to it, and to put the perpetrators out of business, whenever and wherever I may find them.

And yes, I am angry when I see injustice, whether it is happening to me, or to any person (or creature) who has done nothing to deserve it. This is righteous anger, it is justifiable outrage, and I will do what I can to help the victims, and to see that the wrongdoers are held accountable, for civil and/or criminal offenses, as the case may be.

God gave us all free will. We can use it to do good, or to do evil. It is always a personal choice. So, when any person decides -for whatever reason(s)- that he/she is going to become a wrongdoer and commit such injustices against me, or against my family, friends, allies, there is no doubt that I will stand up against that individual and will denounce him/her.

I will expose the injustices, which I will describe in detail, for the public record. I will provide evidence, which often comes in the form of their own words. And I will take any lawful and ethical actions necessary which I believe may stop further injustices. That is my policy, and always has been. It is a matter of principle, of honor, and I will stand my ground until God sends the chariot to take me home.

I don't coddle wrongdoers or make excuses for them. I don't care who they are, acquaintances or strangers. I don't care why they have done what they have done. There is no excuse. If the person is someone I know, I will issue a private warning and let them know that I will not be tolerating bad behavior directed at me or mine.

If they stop, and if they repent and apologize, I will forgive them. But if they persist in perpetrating injustices, I will cut off all contact and issue a public warning.

The Gadsden flag comes to mind, a symbol of American Independence against the tyranny of the monarchy of England.








I love this flag! Everywhere I have lived for the past 4 decades I have had at least one flying in front of my home.


The rattlesnake will issue a warning before striking. And so will I. If they choose to ignore the warning, then there will be consequences, which they have brought on themselves by their refusal to cease and desist from their wrongdoing and unscrupulous behavior.

Such is the case with Ramola D/Dharmaraj, a woman who touts herself as a “truth journalist”, and falsely identifies herself as a “whistleblower”, but who in actuality lacks any credentials required to be a whistleblower, and who has strayed very far from any form of truth, in her sensationalist, self-aggrandizing, ego-driven claims. In a nutshell, she is a fraud, a pretentious poseur.

In truth, I have no doubt that these claims are false. In my considered professional opinion, as an intelligence analyst, a psychoanalyst and as a profiler, I have reason to believe that the claims of Ramola D are based on delusions of her own importance. That, and driven by her worldly ambition and aggression, to seek fame and fortune.

But of the most importance, as far as I am concerned, these claims (see previous reports, links below) have absolutely nothing to do with me.

And yet, Ramola D continues to exploit my name, dragging it irrelevantly into her articles, where it does not belong, and most recently (since 2022) she has been publishing defamatory falsehoods, based on nothing but her own wild speculation and delusions of her own importance in the business of others.

She started by sending defamatory messages, filled with false accusations, to others behind my back. And then, when I exposed her, she did what such characters usually do: She dug in and doubled down, fabricating even more defamatory false accusations, while pretending that she had done nothing wrongful and denying the facts I had exposed, complete with damning evidence, consisting of her own words.

As I have stated in previous reports, I have no dealings with this woman. I have made no demands for her to remove any material from her website which exploits my name and work. Nor have I made any requests for same. No quarter given, none asked.

What I have done is stated that I do not award any credibility or legitimacy to anything she says or does, or anything she publishes on her website, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.


In my opinion it is a disinformation site, filled with leftist propaganda, New Age gobbledygook, Jew-hater defamation and anti-Christian schemes, such as advocating the United Nations as a "human rights" organization, when nothing could be further from the truth. Charlatans and mountebanks receive top billing and are praised to the skies, along with whackjobs and poseurs, having no credentials and no legitimacy.   

And I have made it crystal clear that I do not want my name ever used by her, that I protest her injustices and will shout them from the rooftops, to declare her a malicious fraud, and to warn others.

And since she continues to exploit the name of Barbara Hartwell, having disregarded my original warning, I will continue to expose her wrongdoing and vile injustices against me.

I do not refer to myself as a “targeted individual”. This is a vague term, which could mean just about anything, which has been adopted by large groups of people (some organized, others not) to describe what they claim is happening to them. Ramola D is among this group, and has dragged my name into her ramblings many times, falsely and irrelevantly, AS IF any of this has anything to do with me. It most certainly does not.

Mostly, these so-called “TIs” focus on reporting that directed energy weaponry (DEW) is being deployed against them. It is not for me to say what is happening (or not happening) to these people, either individually or collectively. It has nothing to do with me.

But it most certainly is for me to say that I am not one of them and never have been. I have no commonalities with these people. I am not a part of their so-called “TI Community”, and never have been. I have no connection with any of them, and I am not in contact with any of them.

But I must state for the record that I am outraged that quite a number of these individuals have been exploiting my name, in the false belief that there are such commonalities, which in fact do not exist. And Ramola D has unfortunately been instrumental in encouraging others to promote this type of falsehood.

For the record, during the 1980s, while still involved in CIA operations, I made it a priority to investigate directed energy weaponry, some of which was being deployed against individuals and groups. I am not a scientist, nor have any particular interest in the nuts-and-bolts aspect of this weaponry. My concern was that it was being used unlawfully. I wanted to expose that, to warn others, and with a view to putting a stop to it.

I did field investigations with private investigators, with professional scientists with the knowledge and equipment to identify energy weapons, military signals and surveillance technology. That is not my area of expertise. I needed to collect evidence and collaboration with these individuals enabled me to do so.

We discovered bugging devices in my homes and offices where I worked. We discovered technology being used to assault (microwave pulse beam, ELF and others) and gathered evidence. The evidence was confiscated unlawfully, stolen in black bag jobs, and we were threatened both openly and surreptitiously. But this is beyond the scope of this report.

My point is that I know what I am talking about, and that this weaponry was never, at any time, a primary focus of my work. And although I had become a target of CIA (and other government entities) and was assaulted with this weaponry on certain occasions, that was only a very small part of the neutralization campaign against me, which began before I broke out of the operations, and started to refuse involvement in things which I knew to be wrongful, unprincipled and violative of God-given human rights.

That is what whistleblowers do. They refuse to be involved in harming others or enabling injustices against them. But in order to become a whistleblower, a person has to have been inside the agency that is perpetrating the crimes. They have insider knowledge, not just speculation, or the results of research, or FOIA documents, which anyone with a computer and the necessary resources can get their hands on.

Such is the case with Ramola D. She has falsely claimed to be a "whistleblower", when she has no credentials and was never an insider anywhere. She even boasts of “exposing classified information”, which is a total lie. She never had access to classified information.

Most ridiculous of all, she actually claimed that “Whistleblower Retaliation” against her was “The Story of the Century”. Could she possibly get any more absurd in her self-aggrandizing claims?

Anyone who knows my work, who reads my website and/or has heard my radio broadcasts over the decades, will be aware of my expertise in certain areas, namely counterintelligence and psychological operations.

With the exception of those who wish to discredit me, by promoting baseless, libelous falsehoods, driven only by malice and a self-serving agenda.

Such is the case of Ramola D, who has accused me of all sorts of dastardly deeds, with no evidence whatsoever to back her claims. Accused of being paid by CIA to “tell stories” about her. Accused of having a “ghost writer” take over my website. Accused of “damaging fact-based truth journalism” published by her. Accused of "protecting operations" which she claimed were "targeting" her. Accused of “slandering” her. And on and on it goes... unmitigated nonsense, none of which has even a grain of truth.

And to add insult to injury, she drags my name into her false promotions, when none of this has anything to do with me, and never has.

For the record:

I am NOT and never have been a victim of “nonconsensual experimentation” as she claims to be, and as she claims “EVERYONE” who has been hit with DEW to be.

I am NOT and never have been a victim of “human trafficking”, as she claims to be and which she claims “ALL” persons who have had certain experiences with directed energy weapons to be.

I have never in my life “heard voices”, nor been a target of what is called V2K (voice to skull).

I am NOT a victim of any form of mind control. That was limited to the distant past, having been a victim of the MK Ultra program in childhood, as part of CIA's training program. Nor am I the slightest bit susceptible to any form of mind control technology, which I know very well how to defend myself against, even if they tried to use it against me, which they have not.

I am NOT possessed by demons, nor ever have been. As a Christian minister for more than 40 years, I know exactly what demons are. I have never lost a battle with a demon, though I have been harmed when attacked. But a true born again Christian cannot be possessed by demons. Certainly, we are attacked by them, but never possessed.

Demons cannot gain access where the Holy Spirit is present. It is impossible, and the true Christian knows it.

Demons do not live in machines, or in computers, as falsely claimed by Ramola D. Demons cannot enter anyone who does not open the door to let them in.

Ramola claims she was possessed by demons who came in via AI. And though I do not believe this has happened, it is certainly possible that given the crazy talk she promotes, she has been possessed by other means. If so, she has allowed them in. She is not a Christian, but from all appearances (based on her own words and actions), a New Ager and leftist/progressive; she entirely lacks humility, and is filled with spiritual pride. That is certainly a breeding ground for demons. But as for the demons, they are her claims, not mine. As always, her own words condemn her.

In summary, I must repeat what I have stated so many times in my reports:

Ramola D/Dharmaraj has no business exploiting my name, or making false accusations which serve her agenda at my expense.

She is a perpetrator of grievous injustices and is therefore evil. Since her actions will not be tolerated, I will continue to expose her. I hope others will be warned that she is a fraud, a charlatan and a liar.

Her arrogance knows no bounds, as she is falsely accusing others, who have every right to defend themselves against her aggression, in the form of malicious gossip, meddling and appointing herself as an unwanted intermediary, who does great damages in the lives of others.

And now, some of the latest promotions by Ramola D, in which my name continues to be exploited and misrepresented.

Mil-Intel EW Watch

In this article, she uses a banner she created, without my permission, some time around 2018, when I became a frequent guest on her podcast. I never protested this banner, as at the time I saw no harm in it. Neither did I ever promote it. But I certainly do not want my name on it after all that she has done in attempts to discredit me.





















But later, when former NSA Karen Stewart began her defamation against me, including accusing me of being CIA, I made it clear I did not want my name used in connection with such a liar.


She then changed the banner to replace the name of Karen Stewart with that of John St. Clair Akwei. She does not know him, and exploited his name without his permission.

And Ramola did not remove the original banner, and it is still on her website to this day, in numerous places.

And she knew full well that it was false advertising, misrepresenting all parties involved, but left it up anyway. Apparently, it suits her agenda, and to hell with anyone else who is damaged by the falsehoods in connection with their name.

So I repeat, for the public record:

This banner has nothing to do with me. I am not associated with any of the names on it, nor does it in any way reflect my position. I publicly protest the false use and exploitation of my name.

It has nothing to do with the subject matter promoted or the false claims of Ramola D.


Next item: This is a thread from Twitter, posted by Ramola D. My name is not used here, but I give some excerpts which show what I can only call the sheer craziness of these statements.

But read them and decide for yourself. Better yet, anyone interested in what kind of "credibility" or legitimacy such a person could possibly have may go to the link and slog through the whole mess.

And I repeat: Anyone who makes these kind of statements is in my opinion delusional and at best, mentally unbalanced. And I do not want my name connected in any way, shape or form with such a person.

Twitter Thread from Ramola D

"103/#AI The Annunaki may have returned in a spaceship & they seemed to be connected with Snakeheads, Shiva, Enki, Enlil, Jesus; Jesus was a Snakehead (possibly) (cues also from the Nag Hammadi); I was some kind of secretly v imp spiritual figure on whom the saving of world rested."

"106/#AI Are we all getting the picture yet? The very journalist who has exposed EMF and MK crimes, Neuro crimes, who DARED TO EXPOSE #SPYCHIATRY was now being hit with #MEGABLOWBACK: Intention being to #NeuroMK me into becoming the NEXT MEGA MASS CRIMINAL--WITH [KNIVES]"

"109/#AI and hand me over. With my husband being made to consent for a second time (v Masonic) to hand me over for a civil committal. (One who has not moved on the divorce yet--but we're at a Pause currently....Read On."

"110/#AI Now why is my sister roped into this?She's a doctor.She's been roped into this Medical Dictatorship and YES, that email I sent Robert Duncan was shown to her and used as bait to inveigle her into giving consent for an intended SECOND PSYCH GRAB ON ME. Betrayal all round."

"113/#AI ...the neighbors' houses, the very ones, or some, who are surveilling this house, listening in to our convers, watching us, and directing EMF Tech signals our way. This thread for instance is being read in real time by them. My sister's voice is also being piped in."

"114/#AI Either she really did go back to London and someone is faking her voice or she didn't go back and is just around the corner, sitting with a couple #Spychs watching my every move and commenting on how loonily I'm acting...I suspect the latter."

"119/#AI My sister, the #CIA, the #FBI, #LE, the #Spychiatrists working with this lot are advised: You are not permitted to WATCH ME IN THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN HOME nor are you permitted to ENTER MY HOME. This is a #CIAOperation: Of course they want to move me out of my home"

"120/#AI I have suddenly become the victim of Mega Retaliation--this is WHISTLEBLOWER RETALIATION--just for daring to oppose the Psychiatrists at Carney Hospital placing false diagnoses on me, who are now keen to prove me wrong, with their pals at #CIA #DHS #FBI, by actually.."

"133/It is important to note however that I am The Top journalist reporting the crimes of unlawful targeting with EMF technologies and neurotechnologies--disguised today by the CIA/Psychiatry crew not as MK ULTRA but as Therapeutic EMF--now turned on me in vicious retaliation."

"Something EVERYONE should be asking themselves is: WHY the F* is this ONE INDIAN WOMAN WITH A VOICE being targeted so EXTREMELY?"

"Because I do have a voice."

"What is it about my Voice that is so intimidating, so threatening, so dangerous, to the people in Quincy, Massachusetts, and in DMH that they would need to come after me with a MEGA MK OPERATION?"

"Yes I am DEFINITIVELY exposing #Spychiatry. But that is not the only reason."

I don't think I need to say anything more. I pity anyone who believes this ranting rubbish, or who would attribute the slightest credibility to Ramola D's obvious bizarre fantasies, most notably that she is a target of “retaliation” by CIA.


As I have stated previously, I know CIA inside and out, a result of being born into a CIA/Military Intelligence Community family (both sides); of being exploited since childhood in their black operations (including MK Ultra); of knowing colleagues (some bad guys, others who broke away, on principle, like me); and I know what they do, to whom they do it, and why.

I can guarantee that Ramola Dharmaraj is not a person of interest to anyone at CIA. There would be no reason to see her as a threat. She doesn't know anything that is not common knowledge, nor has she ever had access to classified information.


Aside from that, she promotes much which is obviously false information, some parroted from other sources, which CIA would know is false.

There would be no “retaliation” against a person who has done nothing which could possibly be a threat to them. For many years, I have witnessed the terrible things which happen to genuine whistleblowers. None of these things have happened to Ramola D, nor has she reported any such things.

She herself is not CIA material, contrary to her boasting that “they wished she had joined them”, and that they were “desperate to make her acquaintance”. How utterly absurd. Who does she think she is?

She couldn't keep a secret (or anything said in confidence) if her life depended on it. Loose lips sink ships. Such a gossip and busybody wouldn't last a day, much less could be considered reliable for any task.

She entirely lacks discretion and discernment. To say that someone is “CIA material” is neither a compliment nor an insult. It only means a person who has the capabilities and talents (as they would say) to do a job effectively. (Read her crazy ramblings and decide for yourself.)

I find it very tiresome to have to continue to expose this grandstanding wannabe. But as long as she leaves my name on her website, in her articles, her banners, her defamatory hit pieces, I will continue to protest and to warn others of her grievous injustices against Barbara Hartwell.

May God's justice be visited upon all perpetrators of injustice and may all who feel righteous anger and outrage, in defense of what is right and true, express it freely.

Barbara Hartwell

January 21, 2024



These statements are but a small sample from the writings of Ramola D, taken from her website, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.

"Fiduciary of The United States of America, unincorporated (the real USA), and really the President of the true USA as well as American Historian Laureate, Anna von Reitz has published extensively recently on the dissolution of the corporations which have called themselves Governments, and written often of the need for all Americans and all worldwide to step out of the sea of maritime Jurisdiction and onto the land and soil jurisdiction, to stand with those on the land already, the natives and the tribes, and recognize that sovereignty is vested in you, your state, your government."

Ramola D, in her vast ignorance, and as a toady to anyone she regards as a “celebrity”, claims that the odious charlatan and scamster, Anna von Reitz, is the “President of the true USA”. Note how as always, she makes a sweeping generality about what “all” should be doing.


"Please note, these are not planes on any kind of regular schedule that come by here. They are planes that are re-routed--if commercial--here timed with my sitting out. They include, on this occasion, what may (or may not) have been special Electronic Warfare planes equipped with special EW attack equipment including military radar and RF anti-personnel weapons systems. I don't think I recorded any of these, or if I did, I don't know if that's what they are (the ones on the video). Also want to note that the small, usual stalking/growling arrival/departure/sleeping/waking stalker airplane went by earlier, before I recorded. I should probably try to record that more than frequent visitor here sometime. Finally, I want to note, as I did on the video, that reports of airplane stalking or airplane routing in synchronization with one's actions is most probably in one of those DSM definitions of delusions of grandeur, an easy way for an increasingly insane and totalitarian (dark) State to dismiss reports and conceal methodologies of intended intimidation."

Here, she claims that she is being “stalked” by planes. But for what purpose? Why would anyone spend vast sums of money to deploy these aircraft against a lone woman, an ordinary civilian, who would be of no particular interest to anyone in government or military? Answer: They wouldn't. They haven't.

"You will fully know why they are quite scared to death of Ramola D. as she is an incredible Investigative Journalist by simply seeing the vast array of information people need to know, located at her website."

-Chris Haskell

Here, an example of a credulous fool, Chris Haskell, a slavish follower of Ramola, who actually seems to believe that “they” are shaking in their boots in fear of a woman exhibiting delusions of grandeur. How stupid.

As for the “information people need to know”, featured on her website are all the defamatory falsehoods published against Barbara Hartwell, such as that I am “paid by CIA”; and that I am "protecting operations" against her, that I am a “slanderer”. So much for what “people need to know”. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


"...human-rights-focused science and technology journalist whose work I believe assists and educates all, in this country and worldwide..."

Here, as always she boasts that “all” are educated and benefit from her "work". I, for one, certainly do not need to be “educated” by this grandstanding upstart, especially since she speaks with false authority about issues she knows nothing about.

And I certainly have not “benefited” from the libelous falsehoods she has fabricated and published on her site. On the contrary, I have been greatly damaged by her unscrupulous, malicious actions.

"I am writing to you all for a reason: In your official capacities, it is your sworn duty to protect and keep the people of The United States of America safe, healthy, happy, and whole—none of these pertain to me currently."

Again her vast ignorance rears its presumptuous head. Nowhere in the US Constitution is it stated that it is a “sworn duty” of any official to keep anyone (individually or collectively) “safe, healthy, happy, and whole”. She's either parroting one of her charlatan sources, or just making it up. Who knows? Who cares...just more foolishness and nonsense, seeking to draw attention to her self-aggrandizing drama.

"Can you explain to me why exactly I am being pounded to death in this fashion, and why I was ever made a subject for “surveillance” “monitoring” and assault-and-battery-with-EMF-weapons and neuroweapons at all? Can any of you “show cause” for my becoming the subject of intensive drone, helicopter, satellite, police, military plane, paramilitary, paid-mercenary and continuous 24/7 attention?"

So, it seems she actually believes she is a victim of extreme assaults, even though there would be no logical reason for anyone in government to spend the time and money to perpetrate such a focused campaign. The question is, who does she think she is, to receive such “attention”? And that is where the delusions of grandeur come in.

Lastly, there are others who have taken an interest in exposing the delusional behavior of Ramola D. Here, a video commentary I found. I do not know the source, who is not named. Nor can I endorse credibility for any unnamed source. However, I present this as just one example of someone who recognizes the obvious truth. Make of it what you will.

"A look into delusion: Ramola D the targeted sovcit"

"Some readings and excerpts from a crazy person who blurs the lines between Karen, sovereign citizen, and targeted citizen, Ramola D."


"The combination of self-importance and lack of self awareness is mind numbing."

"How come EMF is being fired into her from space when she also believes in a plane (flat) earth?"

"For a supposed "writer" and "journalist", her grasp of punctuation and sentence structure is horrific."

"Sounds like the typical follower of Anna Von Reitz."

As I have stated many times, my main reason I find it necessary to continue exposing Ramola D is in my own defense. She continues to exploit my name on her website and to promote false information in connection with my name and work. I am outraged by this, with good reason, and will do all in my power to counter it in service to the truth.

And there is something else which concerns me. That is, she is misleading the public by making other false claims, boasting that she is a “whistleblower” (NOT), and all kinds of sensationalist fear-mongering about “targeted individuals”.

There are actual, legitimate whistleblowers, people with credentials, former intelligence and/or military who have shed blood, sweat and tears, who have made sacrifices she cannot even begin to imagine, to expose real, accurate, truthful information about government corruption. They know what they are talking about. Their documented testimonies may be found and corroborated by other sources. Real whistleblowers name actual names and provide evidence.

Unlike Ramola D, they don't make wild accusations and accuse all kinds of people of being CIA, FBI, Mossad, with no evidence whatsoever to support their claims. They don't engage in wild speculation or make unfounded assumptions. And they are not seeking personal recognition or public acclaim. Rather, they are seeking JUSTICE.


By their fruits shall you know them.




Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj




"Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell