Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Monday, February 5, 2024















How much damage can one aggressive, ambitious, gate-crashing, self-important, name-dropping busybody do?

Answer: A tremendous amount. And there is no end in sight...

This report once again exposes one such self-important busybody, Ramola D, who seems to believe that she is entitled to gate-crash her way into the professional business of others, to exploit their names, to overstep her bounds by interfering in their business (professional and personal). And to issue broad-ranging public directives, in attempts to tell "EVERYONE" in the world what they “should” be thinking, believing and doing.

But it doesn't end with her obvious desire to wield influence and power over others. No, she wants public recognition (including from mainstream media, such as The New York Times) for what she claims to be her very important “truth journalism” (“one-of-a-kind”, she boasts), of which she believes herself to be the foremost practitioner in the entire world.

NOTE: She has actually said these things. These statements are based on her own words, not mine.

Her behavior shows that she lacks even the slightest respect for the privacy, the personal boundaries, even the fundamental rights, of others. I don't know what kind of person (aside from a member of the leftist woke mob) would tolerate this unscrupulous, disrespectful behavior, but I can guaran-damn-tee that I am not one of them.

I consider such behavior pathological, a form of sociopathy, where she sits at the center of her own little world and where other people are seen simply as means to her own ends. She lumps every person she knows, and those she doesn't know, into one large amorphous group, and then proceeds to issue public directives and "advice" as to what “ALL” should be doing, or thinking, or believing.

Woe to those who state their disagreement with her, or who righteously protest her gate-crashing and overstepping. Those who defend the God-given rights of the Individual.

You will be labeled a “slanderer”. Your name will be infamously listed in the silly little section of her website which she calls “SWANS AGAINST SLANDER”.

You will be accused of being “CIA, FBI, Mossad, MI6, Khazarian Mafia, Army cyberhackers, CIA cyberhackers, NSA, USMC, NSA, DIA, DHS” (her words) all hell-bent on "assassinating" her. 


In case you didn't know, Ramola D is THAT IMPORTANT! Wake up and smell the coffee! The horrific plots against her should capture your full attention!

She regularly publishes sensationalist, self-aggrandizing claims and boasts about herself, AS IF she is some sort of expert, qualified to issue authoritative messages about other people's lives and work.

"EVERYONE" should be listening to her. EVERYONE should be appealing to the United Nations (one of the most evil totalitarian entities on the face of the earth) on her behalf, to “protect her human rights”.

Among her many bogus claims is that she is “The World's Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”.

Even more outrageous is that she actually claims that SHE, Ramola D, is “The Story of the Century”.


Forget the Covid-19 psy op, its lockdowns, unconstitutional mandates, and its attendant death-dealing “vaccines”...

The January 6 psy op against American patriots? Fraudulent elections, followed by wrongful arrests of thousands of Americans standing up for Liberty and pursuing Justice. No problem, just a minor bump in the road. Not nearly as newsworthy as the 24/7 “death hits” assaulting the "Primary Victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse", Ramola D...

And what about the mass invasion of illegal aliens crossing over our southern border? Criminals, one and all. Including terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, human traffickers, gang members...

No, EVERYONE needs to stop everything. Hold the presses! We should ALL be paying attention to "The Story of the Century", the great “truth journalist”, Ramola D.

Back to her boastful claim to be: “The World's Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”.

This, from a woman who was never involved in any such operations (including MK Ultra) in any way, and who, it is clear from her articles and podcasts, knows nothing about such operations. Who has never, at any time, had access to “classified” information. She is simply parroting the work of others. Don't bother with actual facts. We don't need no stinkin' evidence.

What's more, she falsely claims to be a “whistleblower”, who has been targeted for “Whistleblower Retaliation”, for “exposing” crimes by the Intelligence Community.

In point of fact, she was never involved in any way with the Intel community, nor intelligence operations, as a victim, or otherwise. She holds no credentials whatsoever. She is merely an amateur-wannabe seeking attention for herself, given to delusional fantasies in which she, as the protagonist, plays the starring role. EVERYONE! Look at ME! I'm the incomparable Ramola D!

It would be obvious to any legitimate whistleblower that she does not know what she is talking about, but is only parroting the work of others (both legitimate and not) and is fueled by a desire for fame and fortune, and to attain public acclaim for a status she has not earned, and for which she is totally unqualified.

And now, to the point of this report, which is the damage this woman has done to my good name...which is ongoing, and will continue to be ongoing... as long as my name remains on her website, exploited, misrepresented, defamed and lumped in with her delusional fantasies involving “targeted individuals”.

I am only one person and I speak strictly for myself. I am former CIA. I first went public on the Internet with my case as a CIA whistleblower in 1995, one year after breaking out of CIA operations. My first website came online in 2000.

Before the internet, my work was published in newspapers and periodicals, and I independently produced and hosted terrestrial radio and cable TV programs.

I do not seek publicity from other journalists, publications, news outlets, or from the general public. I do not run an interactive website, nor do I use social media. My work is strictly professional. I do not seek input or feedback from the public and have no interest in networking or socializing.

For most of my career as a journalist (more than 40 years to date) I did radio interviews on a regular basis, but being camera shy (for a number of reasons), I avoided TV or video.

I mostly stopped accepting invitations for radio/podcast interviews because it wasn't worth the trouble caused for me. My interviews were often electronically sabotaged; the hosts were harassed; if the show was live, hecklers would call in and/or would make idiotic comments in the chat section.

Finally, I declined all live programs and limited myself to prerecorded interviews. But even then, I attached a condition: I did not want the 'comments' section to allow access by listeners. It would have to be turned off.

My website is not a news site, but rather an archive, a collection of my work over a time period of roughly 30 years.

As a part of this archive, I have included my testimony of a neutralization campaign run against me by the US government, beginning before I left CIA operations in 1994, and continuing to the present day.


Ramola D was well aware of all this, which I explained to her in detail. I told her I did not seek publicity, that I had no interest in interactions with the public, nor with any of her associates. I am a recluse, and unlike her, not a social butterfly.


Yet, with no respect whatsoever for my privacy and personal boundaries, she disregarded my wishes and just went ahead exploiting my name, trying to push her associates on me, in whom I had no interest. She appointed herself as an unwanted intermediary, and by so doing stirred up a world of trouble, promoting my name among her associates AS IF I were one of them, just another "targeted individual", part of the "community".

In my case, the far different reality is that a neutralization campaign would be standard operating procedure against a whistleblower. Over the years, I have investigated quite a number of cases of former intelligence professionals turned whistleblower. Some I have publicized, as a journalist. I have researched many others. As an expert on psychological operations and counterintelligence, I am qualified to analyze such cases, and to issue a considered professional opinion on their legitimacy, or lack thereof.

Of course, it is only an opinion, and the readers may make of my reports what they will. As I have stated many times, my reports (and all material on this website) are FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.

But here is the problem:

Unfortunately, amateur gate-crashers and name-droppers have exploited my name, in the false belief that dropping the name of a legitimate CIA whistleblower, with solid credentials and a decades-long proven track record of exposing accurate, factual information, will enhance their own credibility by claiming a connection, and commonalities, where in point of fact, none exist.

Ramola D is just such a notable fraud. She has exploited my name, without my knowledge or permission, in her efforts to gain public acclaim, AS IF I have ever been a part of her “TI community”, when in fact I have not. Or AS IF I am in agreement with her leftist views, which in fact I am not. Or AS IF I share her beliefs about her sensationalist claims, which in fact I do not.


Here, a banner she designed, exploiting my name in connection with all her "targeted individual" promotions, which she continues to exploit, posting it in connection with her articles, on her website and elsewhere. It grossly misrepresents the name of Barbara Hartwell. But does she care? Not at all, but it serves her own ends, making it appear that she has the endorsement of a CIA whistleblower, when in fact she does not.


Aside from that, former NSA Karen Stewart, who has accused me of being CIA, and who has run a slander campaign against Barbara Hartwell on social media, posting gruesome images of demons in connection with my name, is featured, AS IF I am in some way connected, or involved with her in any way. I do not know Karen Stewart, nor have ever had any dealings with her, by my own choice. Again, more false advertising by Ramola D.














Next item: Here, just one of many instances where she exploits my name, falsely connecting it to her “TI community”, making comparisons and citing commonalities which do not in fact exist.


Note the title: "Government guinea pigs", which is exactly what Ramola D claims is happening to ALL "targeted individuals". She claims they are "non-consensual test subjects". Maybe some people are,  maybe they are not. Maybe, maybe, maybe. She has no way of knowing what may be happening to each individual. Maybe some are frauds, maybe some are delusional, maybe some are real people with legitimate complaints. 


Maybe....but who does she think she is to make the claim that they are ALL "test subjects", when she does not know these individuals and has no evidence whatsoever to support her claims.


For the record, I am NOT one of them. NOT a "government guinea pig", nor a "test subject" nor a "targeted individual". Yet my name is exploited here by Ramola D AS IF such were the case.


This is an outrage. There is no excuse for these false promotions exploiting MY NAME.

Government Guinea Pigs?

Investigating the Claims of ‘Targeted Individuals’ Who Insist They’re Being Stalked, Tortured


Comments by Ramola D:

"Interesting article but disappointing bias and predictable slant on “mental illness.” The subject of “Targeted Individuals” has been deliberately obfuscated by high-level intelligence agencies working with mainstream media to produce articles essentially dismissing the reports of those wrongfully targeted by a conglomerate of military, intelligence, medical research, and private contractors via first watchlisting targets as suspects or “known or suspected terrorists” by the FBI, as revealed not so long ago by the ACLU (Trapped in a Black Box: Growing Terrorism Watchlisting in Everyday Policing).

While unlawful targeting of this nature has existed for a very long time, it has been facilitated by new legislation after 9/11 and in the ’90s, when several Bush and Clinton-era programs of militarizing the police brought non-lethal weapons technologies, sheathed as “crowd-control technologies” to local police departments, permitted no-holds barred human experimentation and weapons-testing on Americans, and essentially evidenced a complete breakdown in ethics and human rights upheld and supported by mainstream media such as the Washington Post, which Whiting cites, and the New York Times, who have worked hard to hide these extreme-atrocity human experimentation and trauma-based torture-operation brain/AI harvesting crimes for 3-5 decades now.

[NOTE: Highlighting emphasis is mine, BH.]

Please see my site for up to date reporting on this subject — which most certainly obliterates this old narrative of reportng victims being seen as mentally ill. Kim Whiting is advised to respect the work of true reporters such as myself who have been researching and writing on this subject for 8 years, and publishing books and articles which are a lot more credible than the lying, propagandizing, deceiving, drug-industry-run and govt-affiliated New York Times and Washington Post, Wired, Vice et al.

See the recent article on counter-terrorism and surveillance abuse by Finnish analyst Ville Hellberg at my site: a lot more factual reporting than in this piece. Bottomline: Yes indeed the US Govt is using deadly weaponry on people–and it’s not just the govt; biomedical research in the areas of neuroscience, AI, robotics has become seriously unethical and is indeed funding and running electrical and remote-access acoustic torture operations on thousands of Americans. None of the people reporting torture in this story sound mentally ill, these operations are ongoing.

That said, the COVER operation includes infusing nutcases among the pool of reporting victims, so as to muddy the waters and paint all targets and reporting victims schizoid and paranoid: an old ploy which I am fully exposing in my work. I wonder why Kim Whiting makes no reference to my extensive work–which supplies the irrefutable proof of these crimes, their source, and the truth of reportage of the truly targeted. As noted, there are other powerful reporters whose work needs surfacing by all — Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Paul Baird, Harlan Girard, John Finch, CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee, Gloria Naylor, many more.

This article by Whiting ultimately appears to function as part of the DOD/CIA/DOJ cover operation seeking to hide these crimes. It is especially reprehensible that people posing as experts in psychology and mental health examine this subject and make pronouncements while making no effort to examine the actual facts of legislated covert operations, technological advancements, and the actual situation on the ground with fusion center activities, out of control FBI watchlisting, iout of control NSA surveillance, out of control DOD and DOJ weapons testing, and out of control CIA domestic intelligence operations involving clandestine access of American bodies for implantation and RF-torture in America.

Please see my articles and videos for more information and interviews with many reporting victims, whistleblowers, scientists, and human rights advocates working to protect victims and help expose and end these Mil/Intel/biomedical/private-sector crimes. — Ramola D"

Again, I repeat: I am NOT involved, nor ever have been, with the persons or groups she cites here. I am not a “targeted individual”, nor part of their “community”.

I do not know most of the persons mentioned here. Ramola D had no business exploiting my name, nor misrepresenting me by lumping me in with these individuals, calling themselves “targeted individuals”.

As for those I do know, I have not at any time endorsed any possible involvement with these as “targeted individuals”.

None of what Ramola D is referencing here has anything whatsoever to do with Barbara Hartwell, a CIA whistleblower targeted for neutralization, NOT a “targeted individual”, with no commonalities with groups of people mentioned here, either by the author of the original article (Kim Whiting), or by Ramola D, who took it upon herself to comment, falsely exploiting MY name, AS IF it had anything to do with these so-called “targeted individuals”, which it most certainly does not.

This is only one example of what I continue to find, splashed all over the internet. I am outraged that Ramola D is exploiting my name, in efforts to make a name for herself, thinking she can hijack my credentials, my work, to enhance her own credibility.

She should be informed that I will absolutely not tolerate this. She has no credibility whatsoever, not in my opinion.

She has been warned to stop what she is doing, but has disregarded my warnings.

I have not demanded, nor requested that she remove my name from her website. No quarter given, none asked.

My name does not belong on her disinfo website and I repeat that I publicly protest her unscrupulous actions in exploiting it for her own ends.

I have only stated that there will be consequences for her unscrupulous actions, for exploiting my name, for misrepresenting my name, for defaming my name, for making false accusations, behind my back, and openly on her website, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.


For the record, at no time have I ever done anything wrongful to Ramola D. I have not defamed her in any way, nor slandered, libeled, nor promoted any false statements against her, contrary to what she and certain others have claimed.


I have only acted in my own defense to refute her many defamatory falsehoods. As do all such frauds, she hangs herself with her own words, which provide all the evidence needed to condemn her.

Anyone who promotes, supports, endorses her in any way is my enemy, as they are supporting a liar who is damaging the reputation of a legitimate whistleblower.

And I will continue to expose her for as long as she continues to promote her defamatory falsehoods in connection with my name. Which includes leaving her misrepresentation and her libelous trash in connection with my name on her site, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.

Barbara Hartwell

CIA Whistleblower

NOT a "targeted individual"

NOT a "government guinea pig"

NOT "Paid by CIA"

February 4, 2024


"It's a wonder I'm alive still, after all that has been done to me. The rush to #PsychCommit a one-of-a-kind reporter, not just once last year but twice, and thrust more & more ridiculous labels of "Delusional" & "Bipolar" on me points to Extreme Panic among #ClassifiedCrims."

"Racism & Discrimination at its best in the Boston area, thanks to entrenched, dyed-in-the-wool policies of White Supremacism leveled at a brown, Indian-American woman writer & journalist whose Work & Voice #TopCrims wish to disappear."

"This, while racking up the crimes they are committing against the populace. Who among us can "bell the cat"? And who wants to Suppress, Disappear, & Exterminate the one reporter who dared to speak out, and keep speaking out?"


Not delusional? I beg to differ. Read any of her articles, chock full of her self-important, sensationalist claims.


And now, on top of everything else, she is a victim of "Racism" as she is a "brown skinned" woman.


"White Supremacism", don't you know?


Who cares about the color of her skin? Nobody.


But wait...she is, as always "the one reporter who dared to speak out." 


I have never in my life heard such a load of absolute self-important nonsense. And I pity anyone stupid enough to believe her happy horseshit. 





Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj



 "Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell