Barbara Hartwell

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Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024









NOTE: This brief commentary is a segment from an old report, but I find that it is a perfect example of the reason this country has fallen to the evils of Progressivism and “wokeism” (read Marxism): Too many people are wimpy, spineless hypocrites and compromisers. They claim to be defenders of Liberty and human rights, but their actions tell another story.

The two individuals exposed here are Janet Phelan and Howard Nemaizer, and the readers may decide for themselves whether they have any credibility, and are deserving of any support, or if they have earned the contempt of those Liberty-loving patriots, hard-liners who will actually fight to the death for what we believe, in service to the truth, and to leave a legacy of freedom to our grandchildren.

Here is an irrefutable FACT:

No person who endorses, defends, supports, advocates for, or promotes the United Nations, in any way, shape, or form, can ever be considered as a patriot, a defender of Liberty, the US Constitution, or human rights.

This applies especially to anyone who would appeal to the UN to intercede for any reason, when in fact the UN has no jurisdiction over these united States, and cannot lawfully countermand the US Constitution.

Anyone who does not know this, or who makes excuses (for any reason) is either woefully ignorant of the law, or hopes to bypass the law for an unscrupulous agenda.

In any case, they lack the moral courage to act on the convictions to which they lay claim, and are the enemies of those who will fight to the death for Liberty, with no compromises. They serve only the cause of slavery and totalitarianism, rather than being advocates of God-given, unalienable human rights, as protected under the Constitution.

They are certainly my enemies, and as always, I will fight everything they stand for, and will continue to expose them for their unscrupulous, self-serving, hypocritical behavior.

Shame on them for their cowardice and hypocrisy, and may God's swift and terrible justice be visited upon them.

Barbara Hartwell

May 1, 2024


Globalism by Deception & Hypocrisy: Left Wing Agitators Destroy America

It's time to wrap up this segment. Just one quick anecdote regarding a discussion I had with Howard Nema (2013), regarding the nature of the political ideology espoused by Janet Phelan. As previously stated, I did not bring up Janet Phelan's name to Howard after I had broken off my association with her. I had said what I considered necessary, and had no reason to revisit the issue.

But one day I was having a discussion with Howard in which I outlined my strict dedication to the principles of Liberty and God-given unalienable individual rights. Howard's idea was that “everyone sees things in a different way”. True, but if the way they “see” things means that they will violate the unalienable rights of others, fail to respect the privacy, the personal boundaries of others, or try to force their viewpoints on others, then no true defender of Liberty will tolerate such behavior. They may “see” it as they will, but that right to “see” morphs into wrongdoing when they fail to respect the rights of others, or take action to trample the rights of others.

Howard brought up Janet Phelan, in an apparent attempt to persuade me of the value of what she had to offer in terms of defending human rights and related issues. My answer was as follows: You cannot claim to be a “defender” or “protector” of “rights” if you fail to acknowledge the ultimate supremacy of the God-given unalienable rights of the INDIVIDUAL.

Janet Phelan, by her own admission, and by her many statements advocating for the U.N. and “left-wing politics” (her own words) is in favor of compromising, modifying, adulterating the rights of the individual in service to the dictates of a collective.

And finally, in terms of a clear overview, I explained my position by asking Howard to consider this scenario:

One person (for example, in this case, Janet Phelan) decides that she will dedicate much time and effort in attempts to influence people (via her writings, radio appearances, etc.) to believe that left-wing ideology is not only acceptable, but preferable; that it has merit in that it contains solutions to various problems; will result in improving the lives of the citizens of a country, will “affirm our basic humanity”, and so on and so forth...

As a result of her efforts, some of the audience she is addressing (those who lack discernment and don't think for themselves) are actually influenced to join in and support what she is promoting. And remember, according to Janet, she already has a “large following”. (This statement was in fact made on Howard Nema's show.) Her work is posted on numerous large commercial sites on the Internet, spanning an entire spectrum from those who profess “conservatism” to those who are openly leftist, New Age, secular humanist.

(And remember, Janet Phelan is only one person. How many others are there, embracing and promoting the same ideology?)

Over time, more and more people jump on the Leftist Bandwagon, and soon they themselves are spouting the same ideology, and become agitators, not only by their words, but now by their actions. (For example, they get sucked in by the rhetoric, and join the 'Occupy' movement.)

Soon, as the mob of leftists gains momentum, U.N. Treaties gain signatories. Legislation that defies the Constitution is passed. A person's right to keep and bear arms is “signed away” by meddlers from the U.N. Now, the unconstitutional legislation becomes “law”.

What's next? The U.N. decides that they have the right to invade our sovereign republic with impunity, for the “common good”, to “protect human rights”, to “keep the peace”. (After all, the welcome mat has been rolled out, is ready and waiting for such an invasion.)

Meanwhile, the criminals run rampant, because criminals don't respect the law, nor anyone's unalienable rights (never have, never will) and they still have guns and ammo, which they will use in assaults against the citizenry. Robbery, rape, murder, mayhem, all at the point of THEIR guns.

But where are YOUR guns and ammo? Nowhere to be found, they've been confiscated by lawless men (or women) with badges and guns (operating under the color of law), who are “just following orders”, orders given by tyrants who themselves are “following orders”, the directives of even bigger tyrants at the top of the global food chain.

This is how totalitarianism is achieved, by recruiting one individual at a time, then groups of individuals, using propaganda (especially manipulation by engendering guilt: It's for the children, for the disenfranchised; for the elderly; for the disabled, etc. etc.), pressure tactics, and finally, threats.

At long last, a paramilitary team is standing on your doorstep, brandishing their weaponry, pointing guns in your face, in your wife's/husband's face, while your children or grandchildren huddle in fear in the background.

You will do what we say, or we will lock you up, or kill you.

How then, can you possibly stop them?

Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Chairman Mao did it...and on and on it goes....

The objectives of each of these tyrants (and many others throughout the course of history) were the same: TO STRIP YOU OF YOUR GOD-GIVEN, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, TO CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE & DESTINY. And they gained this power because the people, AS INDIVIDUALS, failed to stand up and stop them.

Totalitarianism, courtesy of the New World Order.

Don't be fooled: The promotion and support of even one leftist opens the door, throws out the welcome mat, for more leftists, and their godforsaken globalist totalitarianism. And who is to be held accountable for all this?

Every single person who is a part of it, every person who encouraged it, who aided and abetted the mob of leftists (or just one) in any way, shape or form.

When I finished my little stump speech, Howard told me, “I never thought of it that way.” 

And apparently, he's decided to continue NOT to think of it that way. That is his prerogative, but at least I know that I did what I could in service to the truth. I can only offer the truth to anyone willing to listen, but I won't try to force it on anyone.

And with this, I conclude this report.

I implore all Liberty-loving Patriots, Defenders of Unalienable Rights, of the Sovereignty of this Constitutional Republic, to take a closer look, a hard look, at those claiming to be what they so clearly are not. Only a few are mentioned here, but they are legion.

You will find their propaganda on numerous high-traffic commercial websites. You will hear their deceptive rhetoric booming out on the airwaves.

But what of their actions? Whom and what do they actually support?

Whom do they attack with their libelous/slanderous falsehoods?

They are deceivers and hypocrites, merchants of false hope, masquerading as patriots, freedom fighters, opponents of the New World Order.

They are the enemies of Liberty, while claiming to champion it.












Nemaizer & Phelan: Hypocrites, Promoters of Leftist, Anti-Christian Ideology, Enemies of Liberty


Accomplices in Promoting Defamatory Falsehoods, Diabolical Calumny Against CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell