Barbara Hartwell

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Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024













Reports are coming from around the country that the FBI is targeting Catholics. This alarming trend is typical of the FBI's MO in COINTELPRO, which was initiated in 1956 by J. Edgar Hoover, and first exposed to the general public in the mid-1970s.

And it continues apace...

Here are some brief videos exposing the FBI as a kind of Gestapo, terrorizing innocent people, including children.

Catholics are actually being falsely labeled as “domestic terrorists” and “violent extremists”.

This is outrageous!

Enough said. Please take the time to watch these videos and read the testimony of those targeted for persecution by these out-of-control feds. In truth, they are the domestic terrorists and violent extremists.

You certainly don't have to be Catholic to care. The next Target could be you, your family, your church.

Barbara Hartwell

March 13, 2024

The FBI Went After Me. Here's Why You're Next.

It’s 7am. Suddenly, the house is lit up with noise. Next, you hear: “FBI - open up!” Before you know it, you’re surrounded by a SWAT team pointing M-16s at you and your family. That’s exactly what Catholic dad Mark Houck faced in fall of 2022. Listen to his story in this video from EDIFY.

Anti-Catholicism is on the Rise. Here's why.

American Catholics and their churches have been the target of hundreds of violent attacks in only three years. What’s the motive behind the violence? After witnessing the vandalization of his own parish, Fr. Joseph Krupp explains why these attacks are all based on lies about Catholicism.


Kyle Seraphin Discusses FBI's Anti-Catholic Memo Drafting

Kyle Seraphin, FBI special agent and whistleblower, offers his expertise and experience commenting on agency documents showing that multiple FBI offices were involved in drafting the anti-Catholic, SPLC-inspired memo.















NOTE: This brief report by former FBI agent Geral Sosbee demonstrates just how low these government operatives are willing to sink in wreaking havoc in the lives of their Targets. Harassing Targets in a church!

A church is the house of God, a sanctuary where Christian believers go to worship and pray. But for that very reason, these goons seek the opportunity to desecrate all that is holy and good.

As just one example, a few years ago I sent Geral a Bible, inscribed with his name. When it was delivered at the post office, and he went to pick up the package, the goons broke into his car and stole the postal notice. I had not told him what gift I was sending, only to expect a package.

We later realized that the goons had been listening in (as usual) on a telephone conversation I'd had with a friend who ordered the Bible for Geral and sent it to me.

When Geral informed me of this latest outrage, he said that the harassment made it difficult for his wife to continue attending church. Imagine the stress of such a heinous act.

To which I answered: That is exactly what these demonic characters want. Their objective is to steal from you everything in your life which brings joy, comfort and peace.

So, go to church anyway. If you allow them to stop you from something so important in your life, they win.

They can't steal the love of God, no matter what they do! They can only expose themselves to the world as the morally bankrupt evildoers they are.

Barbara Hartwell Percival

April 4, 2017



Fbi commits sacrilege inside the Church as I document today with the authorities there; understand please that, as I explained to the Padre, the fbi mentality and character is the same as those who tortured, nailed to the cross and slowly murdered JESUS.

I sent the message below to Bishop Daniel E. Flores, Catholic Diocese of Brownsville via Catholic Diocese of Brownsville:


As a result of my work to expose murderous tyranny and high crimes by fbi/cia, the fbi sends agents & operatives to harass me and my wife in many locations including the Basilica at 400 Virgen de San Juan Boulevard, San Juan, TX 78589.

The fbi sent a female assassin into the Church to assault me and also spread calumny with the security on campus where we regularly visit. My wife is a devout Catholic.

We reported the illegal offenses today to a Padre, to Chief Suarez, and to Erin (assistant to Father Amador.)

Thank you kindly for accepting this data FYI.


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