Barbara Hartwell

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Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

BEWARE “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young: False Gospel of Another Jesus

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

2 Corinthians 11:4

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:8

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 24:24

Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, has been widely touted and followed as a Christian devotional, since it was published in 2004, and has sold many millions of copies worldwide. Unfortunately. Read on for an explanation...

I first became aware of Jesus Calling around 2009, while living in Maine. I found a print magazine with excerpts from the book at the food pantry of a local church. I briefly scanned the pages while waiting to pick up groceries; it did not impress me as anything of interest and I did not even remember having seen it until a couple years ago when a copy of the book was sent to me by the post.

It was then that I took a closer look at the contents. I recognized, to my dismay, that this was not in fact a Christian book. It was not based on scripture from the Bible (any version), though chapter and verse were liberally quoted on each page, in an attempt to link the scripture quotes to the other words that the author attributed, falsely, to Jesus Christ.

The late Sarah Young, the self-proclaimed “Christian”, was in fact preaching “another Jesus”. And I fear that for some of its ignorant followers, there may be hell to pay.

Before going into further detail in my analysis, it is important that I state two things:

One: That I write this report not claiming any special authority, knowledge or expertise, but simply as someone with seminary training, who has been involved in Christian ministry for over 4 decades, and has continued to study the scriptures. Most importantly, I am a devout Christian, a believer in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I care greatly about the salvation of souls and will do all in my power to help to prevent others from being deceived and led down the wrong path. And as always, the readers may make of this report what they will.

Two: That my primary objection to this book is that the author, Sarah Young, presumes to speak for God. She uses the first person, as if these were the words actually spoken by Jesus.

On the contrary, nothing could be further from the truth! Open your Bible and it can be seen that Jesus speaks very clearly for himself, always has done and always will. He doesn't need the likes of Sarah Young to reinterpret those words, nor to fabricate additional words he never spoke.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Now, let me make one thing clear: Anyone who claims to be a Christian, and yet presumes to speak for Jesus, must be entirely lacking in spiritual discernment and/or harboring a self-glorifying delusion of spiritual supremacy and/or be puffed up with the pride of those seeking the approval of men, rather than seeking to obey and glorify God.

That said, it is not my purpose here to focus on Sarah Young personally, her motives or her misguided beliefs and subjective opinions. My purpose is to warn others, both Christians and non-Christians, of the spiritual dangers of attributing credibility to, and of becoming a follower/advocate of Jesus Calling and its attendant counterfeit gospel promoted by a fictional character, as impersonator of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Here, as just one of many typical promotions of the book, Jesus Calling, is an advertisement from Barnes & Noble:

"Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of peace—for today and every day.

Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. Sarah Young's Jesus Calling® brand has impacted more than 40 million lives!

-By spending time in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will:

-Feel comforted by words of hope and encouragement

-Be reassured of Jesus' unending love for you

-Receive gentle guidance based on Scripture

-Strengthen your faith with Scripture verses

-Connect with Jesus further with reflection and meditation based on God’s Word

Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you."


I include this promotion for the purpose of showing the large scale deception of what has become a massive commercial enterprise.

And no, the “guidance” in this book is not based on scripture. It comes, one way or another, from the aberrant psyche of a woman named Sarah Young, who, it is entirely possible, was engaged in New Age channeling of demons, masquerading as “angels of light”, or possibly in this case, as Jesus.

Now, to get into more detail, let us examine some of the “quotes” purporting to be from Jesus. My comments follow each quote.


Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):  

"WHEN THINGS DON’T GO as you would like, accept the situation immediately. If you indulge in feelings of regret, they can easily spill over the line into resentment."


This is a vague statement which could mean just about anything. There is a vast range of “things” which could not go as anyone would like.


The question should be WHY. Why have things not gone as you would like?


God gave us all free will. You are responsible for your own actions, for good, or for evil.


In each case, the actions of a person (or persons) are responsible for “things not going as you would like”. If the person to blame is yourself, you, as a follower of Jesus, would want to confess and repent, and to make amends to anyone who was harmed and/or change your actions if you are causing problems for yourself.


If the situation is caused by the actions of others, you would reasonably have to determine how great the damages to you, whether these persons were motivated by malice, or a self-serving attitude, and whether the behavior is part of a pattern which would bring continual destruction on you and your house.


Why would anyone just “accept” wrongful behavior of any sort? No, on the contrary, a follower of Jesus would want to right the wrongs, one way or another.


Would you just “accept”, for instance, sexual abuse perpetrated against your precious child? Would you “accept” an employee embezzling funds of your hard-earned money? Would you “accept” that your spouse was a serial adulterer? Or upon learning that a friend was a practicing satanist, would you “accept” it, despite that it was not what you would “like”?


Hell, no! A follower of Jesus would seek justice, not wimpy “acceptance” of any type of evil, any type of wrongful/criminal behavior. The obvious right thing to do is to first defend yourself and those under your protection. Pray for God's justice against all evildoers, for God's justice can never be anything but just.


There is no excuse for accepting any kind of evil or any situation caused by evildoers. And Jesus certainly never said otherwise. Check your Bible and find the truth.

"For I the Lord love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them."


Isaiah 61:8

Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):

"Hardships are part of the journey too. I mete them out ever so carefully, in just the right dosage, with a tenderness you can hardly imagine. Do not recoil from afflictions, since they are among My most favored gifts."


Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus “metes out” hardships of any sort. Again, hardships are usually caused by the actions of persons. For example, if you gamble away your paycheck, or engage in frivolous spending, and then can't pay the mortgage, whose fault is that?


On the other hand, you may be living in poverty, in extreme material hardship, through no fault of your own, for any number of reasons. And maybe you don't have anyone who cares enough to help you. But in either case, there is no reason for anyone to believe that Jesus had anything to do with it, and no such thing is ever stated by Jesus in the Bible.

This is pure nonsense.

Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):

"DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design."

Here, again, Sarah Young, speaking as the false Jesus, advises not the soul-searching and prayer, seeking to know the truth and to listen to the will of God, through the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth). Instead, she wants you to believe it is fine to just “accept” yourself, rather than be convicted in the Spirit, filled with the Godly sorrow which leads to repentance and prepares the soul for salvation.


Anyone who does not acknowledge their mistakes of the past is bound to repeat them. Jesus does not “weave” any bad choices into His design. The very thought is absurd!


For those who ask, and for those who listen in good faith, He helps them weed OUT the bad choices and forgives the sins of which they have sincerely repented.

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


Philippians 2:12

Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):

"Anything that tends to make you anxious is a growth opportunity. Instead of running away from these challenges, embrace them, eager to gain all the blessings I have hidden in the difficulties. If you believe that I am sovereign over every aspect of your life, it is possible to trust Me in all situations. Don’t waste energy regretting the way things are or thinking about what might have been. Start at the present moment—accepting things exactly as they are—and search for My way in the midst of those circumstances."

Here, Sarah Young puts a false spin on the true source of anxiety. Usually, anxiety is a sign that something is not right, at least in the spiritual sense. And it is important to find out exactly what the source of that anxiety is, if you want to resolve it and overcome it. Certainly, Jesus can help you, including by bringing awareness of the truth of any situation. But nowhere in scripture has he ever counseled “accepting” (that word again) things exactly as they are. Again, this is pure nonsense, which only breeds unGodly complacency, and never came from the mouth of Jesus!

Sarah Young speaks as if she thinks Jesus is some New Age, secular humanist “life coach”, encouraging the listener to “embrace challenges”. “Challenges” which are in reality serious issues which may determine the salvation of souls, or the lack thereof.


There are many more such pretentious pseudo quotes from Jesus Calling, but I think I've made my point, at least for those with ears to hear.


The fact of the matter is this: The Jesus Calling books (there are unfortunately a series of them and a series of Jesus Calling magazines, study bible podcasts, huge marketing campaigns and special books for children, teens) are NOT biblical, and in many cases, contradict the actual words of Jesus. Using 'feel good' New Age psychobabble and secular humanist pop psychology, she misleads the readers by twisting scripture.


But here's the biggest problem, as I see it. There are many ignorant people getting their theology from Jesus Calling, rather than from reading the Bible.


The many people enthusing how great the book is (mostly women, from my research), the people buying multiple copies to give away, only display their pure ignorance of scripture. If they truly want to be Christians, they need to learn the truth, from scripture. They need to read the Bible, cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation...right through to the maps!


They need to keep studying the Bible, to get some instruction from true Christians (preferably clergy), to develop an understanding through asking God in prayer. Those who claim God no longer speaks to us (cessationists) are just plain wrong. I think it more likely that in their case, God is still speaking...but maybe they just stopped listening.


But one thing is abundantly clear and should be to anyone with spiritual discernment: God is NOT speaking through Jesus Calling. Whoever may be speaking, whoever may be calling, it is NOT Jesus Christ.


Jesus Calling is a false gospel, promoted by a false teacher, Sarah Young. Considering the language she uses, I find it likely she was influenced by demons, whom she channeled, while claiming (and possibly believing) she was “channeling” Jesus.


Nobody “channels” Jesus. He doesn't work that way, and anyone who claims He does is either deceived, and/or is purposely deceiving others. But it doesn't matter what the case may be. Either way, souls are being led astray and those who are participants in following this false gospel, promoting this counterfeit Jesus, will ultimately be held accountable.

 By the REAL JESUS, that is. 

The Jesus of the Bible. 

The Jesus of the True Christian Faith.

Jesus: King of Kings.

Jesus: Lord of Lords.

The Jesus of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church 

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.”

John 14:6

Barbara Hartwell

Believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

February 18, 2025

NOTE: In researching Jesus Calling, I found many similarities to another popular book claiming to be Christian: THE SHACK.

THE SHACK, by Wm. Paul Young (same name, no relation, but interesting), like Jesus Calling, promotes a false gospel and has fictional characters, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, speaking falsely, also in the first person. It portrays Jesus as some sort of goofy New Age hippie, The Father, portrayed as a fat African American woman named "Papa", and The Holy Spirit, as a silly little Asian woman. Pure blasphemy! And yet, THE SHACK enjoyed a similar public reception as if it were the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Read about it, exposed in this book review:

THE SHACK: Counterfeit Christianity

Friday, January 31, 2025


Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!


1 Chronicles: 16:34

Just a brief note to express thanksgiving to God, and to a few of those whom He has worked through to render help and comfort.

The anonymous person who sent me a cash donation in a blank card (image below) with my favorite animal, a cat. It made my day. Thank you.













The generous donor who helped to pay for car repairs (new tires, new brakes, etc. etc.) which have enabled me to keep driving. Thank you.

The Priest who confirmed me and received me into the Catholic Church, who listened to my sorrowful testimony and gave valuable advice for healing and restoration. Thank you.


The birds who visit me every day, who congregate at the bird feeder, and provide entertainment for my feline companion, Angel, who watches from inside the window. Thank you.













For those reading this, you know who you are. I pray God's blessings for you all.




Barbara Hartwell

Counting my blessings, with gratitude to those who bless me.

January 31, 2025


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:17




Thursday, January 16, 2025



NOTE: My regular readers may wish to skip this report, as I can't imagine it will be of interest.

This is for the record, necessary for me, since I have no other venue to publish reports exposing wrongdoers who have caused losses and damages to me personally.

I have already published several reports exposing the landlord who owns and runs the rental property on which I have lived since January, 2014. He is a true slumlord, a multi-millionaire who owns realty and development corporations, and who boasts of having “million dollar properties”. Yet his tenants (including me) often live in conditions which are not habitable, while he gets outrageously high rents, simply because he can get away with it.

In the past I have not named him, as I am still living on the property and have not been able to afford to move, for various reasons, aside from the fact that I am a disabled senior citizen attempting to live off disability benefits of less than $12,000 a year.

The slumlord has continued to raise the rent, even while not maintaining the property, or making necessary repairs. The rent has now been jacked up to $1200.00 a month. To some people, this may not seem like much, but for me, my disability does not even cover my rent, much less any other expenses.

He has also tried to retaliate against me because I finally called the Health Department to make formal complaints about “health hazards” (words of the Health Dep't) when conditions in my rental grew unbearable and he refused to make necessary repairs and renovations.

He has made threats against me of eviction, though he has no grounds whatsoever. I have always paid the rent on time (no exceptions) and have never caused any disturbances on the property for anyone, including other tenants.

He has harassed me with false complaints from one of his tenants, one Tracy Krawitt, who also made false complaints against me to the police, lying to them that I had “threatened to kill” her. In fact, she was the sole offender (see reports below). Making a false police report is a serious criminal offense.

This slumlord has tried to drive me out of my rental by these and other means. He has publicly slandered me, insulted me and impugned my sanity. But as stated, he has no grounds whatsoever to evict me.

And I have had way more than enough of this utterly unscrupulous behavior!

Here is the latest, partly explained in my letter of January 15, to the Health Department.

January 15, 2025

Subject: Water Emergency at XXX, Rhinebeck


The conditions at XXX, Rhinebeck are entirely unacceptable.

Today at 7 AM the water turned off. As of this writing, it has now been more than nine (9) hours with no water. I was forced to drive to the store early this morning to get bottled water just to flush the toilet. It cost me $20.00 for a few gallons. It totally disrupted my day. I could not take a shower, could not wash dishes. I had to cancel appointments because of the emergency. I had another appointment I could not cancel and was forced to go to, despite the emergency.

This slumlord, Kirk Rotger (New Millennium Realty), has done nothing to fix the problem. My neighbor called the office and a worker came to the property but no repairs were made. I cannot afford to go to a motel and I cannot afford to go to restaurants for meals, and the conditions here are absolutely deplorable.

This situation (no water) has happened on a regular basis for the last 11 years since I have been a tenant here. He has done nothing to rectify it.

Is there anything you can do to force this slumlord to rectify this situation? If not, is there any other agency I can contact?

Unfortunately, due to extreme poverty I cannot afford to move, yet the conditions here are unbearable and he keeps raising the rent. I am now paying $1200.00 a month for this one room hovel with bad water and bad plumbing.

Please let me know if you can help, or if there is any other place I can call for help, or to get compensation for all my losses and damages.

The pro bono law firms for the poor, elderly and disabled don't take a case unless the slumlord is threatening eviction. He has threatened me with that (as retaliation for contacting the Health Department) but it was an impotent threat, he took no legal action because he knew there were no grounds.

Sorry to bother you with this, but you helped in the past and I don't know who else to contact.

Thanks for anything you can do.

Barbara Hartwell


It is now January 16. The water is still not back on. I was forced to go out in the middle of the night (1:30 AM) in the freezing cold (18 degrees), searching for an open store where I could get more water. I drove out but nothing was open. Then this morning I was up at 5:30 to get to a store that opened at 6 AM. Needless to say I am exhausted from sleep deprivation, aside from the fact that I was already unwell when all this nightmare started.

I got as much water as I could, but I have no idea how long this horrible situation will continue. I want this on the record for legal purposes and will post updates as necessary.



I hold this notorious slumlord, one Kirk Rotger, of New Millennium Realty “Solutions” (what a sick joke!) entirely accountable for his offenses and his negligence. This is an outrage.

For those interested please see the related reports below, including those exposing a malicious criminal perp, Tracy Krawitt (aka “The Neighbor from Hell”), who has been responsible for extreme damages and losses to me, as has her apparent associate, accomplice and defender, Kirk Rotger.

To be continued...

Barbara Hartwell

Injured Party in Hostile Environment with NO WATER

January 16, 2025


UPDATE: January 17

Yesterday a person from the Health Department responded to my e-mail message re the water emergency. He called and made an appointment to visit me to collect evidence of the situation I had reported. He, like his colleague to whom I had reported complaints against the slumlord for failing to make urgent repairs and renovations re health hazards on my rental property, was extremely helpful and entirely supportive in assuring me they would do all they could to make sure this situation was rectified. I signed a statement which confirmed my complaints, both recent as well as going back to the time I first moved to the property, January, 2014.

They actually told me that if I had not made the complaints (beginning in October, 2023) that they would have had no idea what was going on, the substandard conditions on this property at large, and the serious and several violations of the code by the slumlord. It was only because of the fact that they were alerted to the situation that the slumlord was forced to follow the citations and correct at least some of the problems, not just for me, but for every tenant on the property. They actually thanked me for making the complaints.

Of course, for this I became a target of harassment and retaliation by the slumlord. A grievous injustice against a disabled, impoverished senior citizen! But oh so typical of the ilk of slumlords around the world.

Bottom line: Still no water, now DAY 3. Off to the store to buy more water...this is causing me a lot of  stress, and costing me a lot of money I can't afford...and counting...

To be continued...

UPDATE: January 18, DAY 4



We still have no water. This is DAY 4, NO WATER.


Late yesterday afternoon XXX from XXX Excavation knocked on my door. He asked if I had any water faucets turned on, and of course I told him, no. I asked if he was hired by the slumlord, he said yes. I then explained what I know about this property and that Kirk Rotger is a slumlord. It was news to him that the problem of the water going off was a regular occurrence and had been for as long as I have lived here (11 years), in all seasons. He seemed shocked to learn this, as the slumlord had not even mentioned this. He said that he does not know what the problem is and does not know how long it will take to fix it. He had thought it was frozen pipes, but is not sure this is the problem.


XXX said he knows you. I gave him a copy of the  document from you and asked him to call you to update you on the situation.


I have now used up all my food stamp money (EBT) on water, so far, 60 gallons and counting. I will have to buy more today.


I don't know what the slumlord intends to do about this disaster, but it is clear he is keeping even the workers he hires (like XXX) in the dark. He should have told him the truth about the regular occurrence of the water going out.


I have continued to update my website each day, for the record, so if you want you can check it.


I will call you if the water comes back on. Thank you so much for all your help.


Barbara Hartwell


XXX, Rhinebeck




Tracy Krawitt (aka SPACEY TRACY), the Neighbor from Hell: FORMAL COMPLAINT TO POLICE & COMMENTARY

PUBLIC NOTICE & UPDATES- Latest Offenses of Criminal Perp Tracy Krawitt, the Neighbor from Hell: Endangering Animals, Pedestrians & Drivers, Violating Leash Laws




HELLISH HOWLING & HARASSMENT: Brought to My Neighborhood by Scofflaw, Liar Tracy Krawitt & Associates

Tracy Krawitt, Irresponsible Owner of Howling Dog, Causes Constant Noise Disturbance on Rhinebeck Property