Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Pastor Dean Odle Vs. Pastor Greg Locke in The Great Biblical Creation Debate: Review & Analysis







On December 2, 2023 an event was held at GLOBAL VISION BIBLE CHURCH, by Pastor Greg Locke.

I watched the video, which was four hours long.

It was promoted as a “debate” between Locke and Pastor Dean Odle of FIRE & GRACE CHURCH. The subject to be debated was biblical cosmology. Flat, stationary earth (Pastor Odle) vs. spinning globe earth (Pastor Locke).

I soon realized that this was not a formal debate, but rather a free-for-all, where there was no organized format, no moderator, seemingly no rules, no time limits for the contestants. This format, I later learned, was determined by Locke, who hosted the event.

Before beginning my review I should state my position on this issue. I am not an unbiased viewer of such “debates”. My conclusion, based on many years of research (including scientific), along with extensive study of the scriptures (including non-canonical texts, such as Book of Enoch) is that the Bible (any version) in its story of Creation makes it abundantly clear that the earth is a stationary plane, not a planet, not a spinning globe flying through space.

Heaven is above the earth plane. Hell is below. Up is up and down is down. And that is all I will say, as I have elaborated on this subject in other reports (see links below).

Suffice it to say that I was a “closet flat earther” until I finally decided to openly speak of my conclusion, about a decade ago, both privately and publicly, when the weight of evidence became too much for me to remain silent.

I should also say that I have been a viewer of Dean Odle's videos for quite some time, and that I greatly appreciate the quality of his research on biblical cosmology, and also from the scientific perspective.

So, I had taken a “side” before watching the video. Still, I was interested in hearing what Greg Locke had to say. I must say, I was not impressed with his presentation.

Dean Odle came equipped with well organized research and insights on both the scientific experiments, including those he himself had conducted, and his extensive studies on biblical cosmology, presented clearly in a way anyone could understand.

Locke had no such research to present. He simply paced the stage, jumped up and down, in what appeared to be 'performance art' mode, preaching against the flat earthers, in ad hominem insults, rather than attempting to edify others with facts. Calling his opponents “morons” and “clowns” is hardly a way to convey accurate information, much less to win the respect of an audience of those sincerely seeking the truth.

As for evidence, he had nothing to present. Only his wildly subjective interpretations of any scripture quoted by Odle or others who share his beliefs on biblical cosmology. He also commingled unrelated issues, engaging in confabulation in an unsuccessful effort to make the scriptures conform to his personal beliefs.

Clearly, he was a man on a mission. Not seeking the truth, or even willing to listen to the views of his fellow pastor. No, he was hell-bent on his “Global Vision” and to hell with anyone who might not fall into lockstep to defend it.

Locke actually used quotes from one Christian flat earther (not present), who had compiled Bible verses in support of flat earth, and proceeded to try to debunk him, though he was a third party not relevant to the so-called “debate”. Dean Odle brought that to his attention, that he was attempting to debate this other individual, while not addressing the points made by Odle.

Shortly thereafter, Locke displayed what I can only call hysterical behavior. In my opinion, he had no arguments, biblical or otherwise, which could possibly destroy the excellent research compiled and concisely presented by Pastor Dean Odle.

So, he lashed out in frustration, knowing he had been bested. A poor sport. A sore loser, in my view.

Locke reneged on his agreement to give Odle time for rebuttal.

The “debate” ended with Locke shouting at Odle. “Turn his mike off! Get out!”

Locke then concluded his rant with this invective: “You are a Bible denier! You are a Bible denier!”

For those interested in the subject, you may watch the video. It's long, but I watched it in segments. I found it to be very entertaining, as well as edifying, on more than one issue.

Barbara Hartwell

Biblical Flat Earther

December 27, 2023

The Great Biblical Creation Debate

The Great Biblical Creation Debate took place December 2, 2023 in Nashville, TN. Pastor Dean Odle and Pastor Greg Locke give their arguments for cosmology based on what the Bible says, who do you think won?


Pastor Greg Locke


Pastor Dean Odle




Cosmology of Creation: God is REAL, Jesus is Lord & Savior, Earth is Flat


Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Blessed Nativity of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ



















Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Matthew 1:23

And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them.

Luke 2:7-9

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.

Galatians 4:4-5

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteousness and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Zechariah 9:9

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

The Word became flesh and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Monday, December 18, 2023

Prayer for God's Justice Against Evildoers








Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Perpetrators of injustice are running rampant in so many ways. For those who love justice, and who feel righteous anger against evildoers, which, as Christians, we should, here is a prayer (one of my favorites) that I find to be helpful as a reminder that God is the Sovereign Administrator of justice.

He knows us, He sees us at all times, and He will come to the defense of those who love and obey Him.

Those who love God hate evil.


Barbara Hartwell

Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

December 18, 2023

O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.

Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.

Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139

Monday, December 4, 2023


Do not let those who for no reason are my enemies gloat over me; Do not let those hating me without cause wink their eyes maliciously.

Psalm 35:19

Ramola Dharmaraj aka Ramola D has gone way off the deep end! It is clear that she is not going to stop exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell. Continually dragging my name into totally irrelevant issues. Linking my name with individuals I do not know, have no interest in, and with whom I have no commonalities. And worst of all, making all kinds of false accusations which have absolutely no basis in fact, and which grossly insult my honor. Both behind my back and out in the open, on a public website, and the devil knows in how many other venues.

From all indications, she will not stop until she is forced (one way or another) to stop.

Her years-long obsessive public exploitation of the name and work product of Barbara Hartwell has resulted in extreme damages (including from character assassination) to my good name and gross misrepresentation of my professional work, as an independent investigator, intelligence analyst, journalist and CIA whistleblower.

I should mention that (contrary to her preposterous, self-aggrandizing claims), although she herself is not well-known among legitimate professionals in the areas she covers (making claims to be a “truth journalist”), she runs what appears to be a high-traffic, commercial website, and she is very active on all kinds of social media. She aggressively seeks publicity and has shown herself to be an opportunist, a grandstander and shameless self-promoter.

Her CV states that she holds a degree in “marketing”, which comes as no surprise. Marketers (sales persons) are among the most obnoxious and unprincipled people on the face of God's flat green earth. They are pushy as all hell. Many are con artists, mountebanks lacking any scruples.

Their purpose is just to sell, no matter what it takes. Sell products and services which people do not need, and which they cannot afford. But sell they will. Their own livelihood depends on it. To hell with the credulous fools who don't see beyond the false promises and the hype.

And in this case, to hell with the sincere seekers of truth on the subjects being promoted. Who cares what happens to them as a result of believing the sensationalism and outrageous lies?

(Just one example: “Everyone”, “all readers” and “all journalists” should appeal to the UN on behalf of Ramola D, as she “exhorts”; that the United Nations is an organization which “protects human rights”, rather than in actuality a Luciferian, totalitarian branch of the New World Order.)

I myself am entirely independent in my professional work. I do not seek interaction with the public, nor do I use social media. On principle (and for lack of interest) I take no part in the toxic social media culture of snoops, snitches, gossips and busybodies.

I have no interest in “influencing” anyone. I publish information and the readers may make of it what they will. I have stated in prominent NOTICES on this site that the content is FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Caveat lector. I could not possibly be more clear in my stated policies.

I do not run a high-traffic site. I do not seek publicity from other platforms or persons. I do not run a 'news' site, but rather an archive of reports going back three decades. I have always been an advocacy journalist, covering those issues which are important to me, focusing mostly on areas of my professional expertise, which include (but are not limited to) counterintelligence and psychological operations.

I am employed by no one, paid by no one, sponsored by no one, and I answer to no one. Except God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

But it is important to state that my primary concerns have always been defending Liberty and God-given unalienable rights, and working to see justice served, against criminals, wrongdoers, aggressors and evildoers, and on behalf of those innocent parties (innocent of wrongdoing) harmed and damaged as victims, exploited, abused, persecuted, terrorized, harassed.

I have an absolute loathing of any kind of injustice and always seek justice and vindication for those targeted by those who would perpetrate such offenses. I have a zero tolerance policy, which is why I do not allow anything to pass, without exposing the wrongdoer, and setting the record straight as to the truth and the facts.

And, unlike many others with a self-serving agenda, I really do care very much about the truth. I will pursue the truth wherever it leads, no matter who is exposed as an enemy of the truth. And let the chips fall where they may.

As stated more than once, after losing most everything I owned, and being driven into destitution and dire poverty (in which I still now live), as a result of decades of actual whistleblower retaliation by the government, my honor is about all I have left. Anyone who tries to besmirch my honor will find that there are consequences they may not have been prepared to deal with.

So if Ramola D thinks she is going to escape being exposed as a perpetrator of injustice, she may have another think coming. (That is, if she still has the capacity to think, without delusions of grandeur clouding her mind.)

Once again (how tiresome it gets to have to repeat myself) here are some facts for the public record:

The offenses by Ramola D have continued since early 2022, when I first became aware that she was sending defamatory e-mail messages to certain of my friends, making false accusations against me.

In mid-2021 I broke off my association with Ramola when I realized that she was a dyed-in-the-wool busybody, who would not stop meddling in my business, disrespecting my privacy and personal boundaries, and gossiping with her associates, calling themselves “targeted individuals”, falsely including my name and professional work in her so-called “truth journalism”, as if there were any commonalities with these individuals, which in fact, there were not.

I had explained that I am a very private person, that I have no interest in communicating with the general public (including her associates, which she tried to push on me); I politely warned her, and asked her to stop this meddling and appointing of herself as an unwanted intermediary between me and these individuals. I clearly explained that I wanted nothing to do with them. Period. Case closed.

But, typical of such an aggressive busybody, she simply would not take no for an answer. Instead of respecting my wishes, she disregarded them and even tried to start arguments about what I had made clear were non-negotiable issues. I refused to be drawn into arguments and I am not required to explain myself to anyone. But she kept pushing and trying to pressure me. I allow nobody – but nobody – to pressure me. That alone would be cause for cutting off communications.

I finally realized that I was dealing not only with a busybody, but worse, with a power-hungry aggressor who apparently thought she was entitled to do whatever she pleased, no matter that she was intruding into another person's business, interfering, overstepping her bounds, and violating my right to determine my own boundaries.

I had no intention of getting into a conflict with her, not privately, and not publicly. So I just quietly walked away. I broke off contact with her, with no explanation. I'd had enough. That was my right to decide, not hers.

But even then, she did not respect my right to end an association which I had found to be troublesome. She continued to exploit my name in print and on her podcasts, often misrepresenting my work and linking my name to persons she had been told I did not consider legitimate.

And regardless of my silence, she kept on aggressively pursuing me. When I did not respond, she began sending out messages to others, gossiping about me, speculating as to my reasons for not responding to her, and also, making false accusations against me. All this, behind my back, sent to my (then) friends, in efforts to discredit me, simply because I had wanted nothing further to do with her. In all this time, I never said a word against her in my public reports. Not until her aggression became intolerable, and I found it necessary to speak in my own defense. To speak the truth, that is. Based on facts and presenting evidence, in the form of her own words (exact quotes) which showed her lies and her attempts to discredit me.

That is the truth, and not what Ramola D wants anyone to believe. She has denied it all, in her condescending, patronizing attempts to discredit me, but that does not change the facts. It does not change the truth, which is based on the facts.

So, for the record, my reasons for breaking off an association with Ramola D were entirely mundane. Mundane and prosaic, as old as the hills and civilization itself. Busybody meddles. Busybody gossips. Busybody cut off from communication to avoid further trouble. End of story.

There is no cloak-and-dagger intrigue here, no hidden agenda, no shadowy figures in the background, wielding influence over a former CIA agent, to pursue “retaliation” against Ramola D.

Her fantasies of such plots against her by intelligence agencies (in her ramblings she includes CIA, FBI, even Mossad...and various others) are just that – fantasies.

In one of her latest articles she accused Barbara Hartwell of being “paid to storytell” by CIA. As if the unremarkable, ordinary civilian, the “Everyday Concerned Citizen” Ramola Dharmaraj, with absolutely no background, no connection, no training, no insider knowledge, no experience, no expertise, in relation to intelligence work of any kind, would ever be considered any kind of “problem”, much less “threat”, such that anyone would spend millions of dollars to deploy veritable armies of assailants to “assassinate” her.

There's certainly some storytelling here, but it doesn't come from me.

And speaking of stories, now, it comes down to the same old story, the same desperate tactic used by so many of the false accusers of Barbara Hartwell, when they entirely lack facts and evidence and can't find any legitimate reasons to discredit me: She's still on the CIA payroll! Once CIA, always CIA!

Which, in typical fashion, is the false accusation Ramola D has leveled against me.

But it doesn't end there.

Now, to the latest delusional fantasies by Ramola D.

I understand that this may be a boring topic for many readers. But my purpose is to make sure the truth is on the record, in defense of my good name and my honor. This is for my own sake, as I've every right to make a priority.

As for those who (for whatever reasons), are interested, I would ask them to read through this latest article by Ramola D, use discernment, and decide for themselves what they believe.

As a former profiler for the US government, I've seen it all before. And it does hold true, once a profiler, always a profiler. You don't lose the ability, the expertise, just because you are no longer employed by government agencies.

It is my considered professional opinion, after much research and analysis, that these are the writings of a delusional individual. She sees herself as being so important, as stated in her own words, that intelligence agencies (worldwide, no less) would deploy armies of foot traffic, vehicles (including police cars), helicopters, drones, spy planes, invading the entire neighborhood, just for the purpose of “assassinating” one woman, as “whistleblower retaliation” for her “truth journalism”.

The total absurdity of this should be self-evident, but please, read it and decide for yourself.

From Ramola D, the Everyday Concerned Citizen:

"Reporter’s Note 10: Fielding Repeat Attacks With Persistence in Speaking | With Addendum, in Apparent Aftermath"



[NOTE: My comments are in brackets, preceded by my initials, BH.]

"The past ten days to the present, after the publication of salient reports underlining the uselessness of Intelligence agencies which are good at maintaining fronts, lies, covers, and smear campaigns against journalists who don’t back down when attacked, physically and online, on the one hand with stealth weaponry and overt Mercenary Trafficking via Terror, the other with lie-laden absurdities-in-insults sold in godly Virtue by clearly salaried demons, it seems the police sirens haven’t stopped screaming (on every side road from here), the helicopters haven’t stopped bursting into sight (nonstop since Saturday, with a few clear spaces in between) over backyards and front yards and clearly overhead, the drones (newly reported as available for EMS First-Responder “Care” now) haven’t stopped buzzing (one overhead now, as LRAD hits the radiator to my left: 7:35 pm, Nov 30 2023), and the hits directed my way have ranged from intensified arm hits, intensified heart fibrillation, intensified microwave pulse hits for maximum heat and discomfort–not to mention just plain outright attempted assassination."

[BH: The so-called “salaried demons” are clear references to the former intelligence professionals (including Barbara Hartwell) who have declined to recognize Ramola Dharmaraj as legitimate, who have ignored her, declined to engage her in conversations, discussions, arguments, who have cut her off, for cause.

So she lashes out with accusations, no matter that they are patently false.

She claims there is a “smear campaign” against her, as a journalist who “does not back down when attacked”. No, that is not at all the case. She is in fact an aggressor who will not back off when confronted by her targets (including Barbara Hartwell).

I have personally never “attacked” her. I have not participated in, nor run any “smear campaigns” against her, but only refuted her false accusations in my own defense.

I won't presume to speak for, or about others. That is none of my concern. But as usual, she lumps me in with others who are her adversaries, though there is no connection whatsoever between them and me.

But I must say this: she has no business whatsoever to stick her nose where it does not belong. If others take offense and are outraged by this, should she really be surprised?]

"To put it bluntly, I’ve been under renewed attack (and lots of probably CIA vehicular attention) ever since and through the publication of Not Havana Syndrome, Not “Mental Illness,” “Star Wars” Might Be Closer to the Truth: Of Obvious DEWs & Neuro Strikes: A Whistleblower Racket, the letter requesting re-consideration of FOIA response to Quincy Police, and my Notice of Privacy Status."

[BH: The article she references here is the latest in which she promotes defamatory falsehoods against Barbara Hartwell. Note that she again blames CIA for “attacking” her. They've never heard of her, except perhaps in reading my reports exposing her as an impostor, a self-serving gate-crasher attempting to make a name for herself at the expense of legitimate professionals.]

"One, this confirms Quincy Police have actually moved in next door, and two, it does make me wonder if one of them is one of the Quincy Police Men who burst into my home and dragged me out unlawfully–Let me underline that–Unlawfully–and jailed me, incredibly, for several hours Unlawfully, in the Quincy District Court “Lock-up” after which I was Unlawfully once more manhandled, kidnapped, and trafficked to a “Hospital”–clearly a Black Site Rendition Center–South Shore Hospital, where further Unlawful Abuse took place–which is being fully addressed currently."

[BH: Now, she fantasizes that a hospital is “clearly a Black Site Rendition Center”. Black sites do exist, but not in public hospitals, nor would the perpetrators have any interest whatsoever in “trafficking” anyone of Ramola's ilk. It really seems she has been reading too many spy novels, or watching Netflix movies and/or parroting their plots. Delusions of her own importance are the most likely explanation, in my opinion.

But whatever the case may be, my very serious problem is this: Ramola Dharmaraj has no business exploiting my name, defaming my name, making false accusations against me, in connection with her own “mental illness” issues, with which she claims she has been labeled. Maybe so, but none of this business has anything whatsoever to do with me. Nothing.

I am not a part of this. I do not know anything about what she claims has happened to her. I only know it has nothing whatsoever to do with me, and I have every reason to believe that it has nothing whatsoever to do with CIA, nor any intelligence issues. She has no connection to these people, and never has had any dealings with them. She knows nothing, and has never published anything except that which could be found by anyone on the Internet.

What I do believe, based on what I have read in her own articles (I have no other sources) is that her family (specifically her husband and her sister) are behind the accusations of mental illness. What their reasons are, I do not know. It is not my business and my name never should have been dragged in by Ramola.

If in fact, neighbors are involved, from what I have read, in my opinion, it is likely that they called the police because Ramola was harassing them, making accusations that they were hitting her with weapons, accusing them of being CIA, and/or assassins, when she had no evidence against them. Also, she was trespassing on their property, pasting flyers to their doors. If anyone did that to me, you can best believe I would stop the trespassing, report the unwanted flyers and the false accusations to the police. Whatever it would take to stop the aggression.

Now, back to the false accusations against Barbara Hartwell, which she continues to weave into the drama she is promoting.

If she was just a delusional whack job, promoting sensationalist stories to seek celebrity for herself, I could ignore her. These characters are a dime a dozen.

But the fact that she is exploiting my name, as if I played some part in her delusional fantasies, that makes it necessary for me to expose and refute the preposterous falsehoods in my own defense.


I have already exposed and refuted all of these false accusations in previous reports. (See links below.) I just want them on the record to state that not one of these accusations has any basis in fact. They are fabrications and/or delusions and/or fantasies.

She has nothing against me which is in any way legitimate. What she is doing, no matter why, is despicable. I don't know if she is “mentally ill” and I will make no position statement on that issue. Frankly, after all the trouble she has caused, I don't give a damn.

But even if she is "mentally ill", there is no excuse for her offenses, her outrageous lies and false accusations and I will not stand for it.

So here they are, just some of the false accusations which are damaging to my good name.

Barbara Hartwell is:


"...damaging the testimonial and fact-based journalism I and others have done on the subject of targeting and fusion center and intelligence operations against people."

Accused of “protecting operations”:

"Amazing how it Never ends -- because so many are protecting these operations. And sadly it looks like Barbara is too, now, with these absurd statements!"

Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell:


"Defaming Posts” & “Slander"

False claims against Barbara Hartwell:

"defamatory, misrepresentative, falsely-accusatory, slander and false."

Name of Barbara Hartwell featured and heavily defamed here:

"Swans Against Slander"

"Each of these articles addresses the specific situation they have described, and presents the truth of each as well as the opinions of this writer, all being written and published only in response to public and private campaigns of defamation and slander run by the parties named against this writer."

False accusations and labeling Barbara Hartwell a “slanderer”:

"Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower"

Falsely accusing Hartwell of “entering abruptly into decline” and idiotically, of a “ghost writer” taking over my site:

"Much like other “IC” (intelligence community) member whistleblowers whose work we all benefit from, yet who enter abruptly into decline, I suspect that her website has been taken over by a ghost writer apparently fixated on defamation and slander–yet who seeks to make prominent her insider reportage and whistleblowing."

Presuming to speak for me, promoting falsehoods:

"As the true Barbara Hartwell knows, there was no defamation and slander from my end..."

I think it should be clear by now, at least to the intelligent, discerning reader, that there is something very wrong with this woman. She is not truthful, but rather a scheming liar.

Be warned: Anyone who promotes her, supports her, endorses her, aids and abets her, given the terrible harm she has done to me, and how she has grossly insulted my honor, for the record, I consider to be my enemy, as they too have grossly insulted my honor by backing her at my expense.

That she is a busybody, there is no doubt.

That she is an aggressor, a gate-crasher, there is no doubt.

That she is a self-serving opportunist, there is no doubt.

That she is a grandstanding publicity hound, there is no doubt.

That she is a fraud, there is no doubt.

But finally, the most important thing to me about which there can be no doubt, is that she has declared herself my enemy, and a person of no honor or integrity, by her utterly unscrupulous actions of exploiting and defaming my good name, for her own self-serving ends.

And for the record, I will not stand for it, as my honor demands.

Barbara Hartwell

December 4, 2023



Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj




"Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj


Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”


Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

PUBLIC NOTICE & UPDATES- Latest Offenses of Criminal Perp Tracy Krawitt, the Neighbor from Hell: Endangering Animals, Pedestrians & Drivers, Violating Leash Laws




UPDATES will be posted by latest date/incident at the TOP (See below.) For previous incidents and older reports, see links at bottom of page.


I have had to update this report on a regular basis. There are continuing new incidents to be documented, against this unscrupulous liar and aggressor, this neighbor from Hell, Tracy Krawitt. I find it necessary, in my own defense, to post a report each time Krawitt commits another offense...the offenses just keep on coming...


And since Krawitt has proved to be the worst sort of liar, I must consider it likely that she continues to make false complaints against me, each time she herself commits an offense.




January 6, 2025


Tracy Krawitt continues to violate all regulations imaginable.  She violates zoning codes, running a commercial business in a strictly residential area. Large trucks pull up for deliveries every week. They block the common driveway, they are loud, they have workers rolling hand carts, causing a disturbance for other tenants.


She has a huge, garish monstrosity, a commercial food vendor trailer, a terrible eyesore, parked permanently in her yard, where no one on the property can escape the glaringly ugly sight. Commercial equipment, gas tanks, tables, canisters and other assorted junk is piled in her yard.


Her junk-ridden yard ruins any natural beauty of the otherwise peaceful environment that some of the other tenants on the property (including me) have worked to create, such as gardens with bird feeders and wind chimes.


And Krawitt continues to violate the leash laws, allowing her large, extremely loud dog to run free all over the property, repeatedly causing problems for other tenants. 


Just a few days ago, another incident occurred. I had just pulled in to my parking space in front of my house, when I saw Krawitt open the door of her house and walk outside. The dog, who was unleashed, started running, making a beeline directly for my yard. He stopped directly in front of my car. I just sat there in the car, not even turning to look at the stupid woman who came running after the dog, directly into my yard. She dragged the dog away by his collar, back across the road and into her house.


I have no interactions with this psycho, no matter what she does. I do not respond in any way to her provocations. My policy is to ignore her and call appropriate authorities, when necessary. But I do document most of the incidents for the public record.


I did not call Dog Control again, because there seems to be no point. They have received numerous complaints about Krawitt's violations, including allowing the dog to howl for hours on end while she leaves him alone, and the fact that she simply disregards the leash laws, allowing the dog, over whom she has no control, to run free on the property and even on the road, where this becomes a safety hazard for cars, pedestrians and other animals. Yet nobody does anything to stop her.


A reminder: Tracy Krawitt is a criminal offender, as well as being a multiple civil offender. In December, 2018, she made a false police report against Barbara Hartwell, lying to the police by making the accusation that I "threatened to kill" her. I did no such thing, as this malicious liar well knows. This outrageous lie is now documented in police records, where my name has been publicly slandered, in perpetuity. 


She committed this crime after I warned her and her grossly incompetent driver NOT to hit my car, as they were attempting to park the large commercial van in her yard. She also trespassed into my yard on that evening, and I issued a directive for her to "get the hell out of my yard."


The driver cursed at me from the window of the truck, shouting, F-- you! And more curses and threats I could not make out, but his behavior was menacing.


After this, she called the police, and lied to them. SHE was the only aggressor, the only wrongdoer. And the only criminal, because she made a false police report against me, an innocent person who was only trying to protect my property, stop a loud disturbance, and stop her from invading my yard. Which I had every right to do.

Again, I will state for the record that I consider this woman a public menace. She continually violates the law, both civil and criminal, and apparently she is doing so with impunity.


Why the police don't do something to stop her, I don't know. The slumlord who owns this property also does nothing to stop her, even though she has caused major disturbances for other tenants, and is using his property to break the zoning laws.

Krawitt has also made many false complaints to the slumlord against Barbara Hartwell, a law abiding person who has never caused any disturbances on the property. Yet the slumlord has falsely accused me, based only on the false complaints of this pathological liar. He has been warned in writing to cease and desist making such complaints to me, as I will take legal action against him.

For the record, I have no interactions with this trashy reprobate whatsoever, and have never, at any time "harassed" her or her accomplices, who have made these same false complaints to the slumlord's office. I do not know any of these people, claiming to be tenants, nor have ever spoken as much as a word to any of them (if they even exist.)


As for any other tenants who are associating with her in any way, I must, for my own protection, have no further dealings with them, even if they seem to otherwise be good neighbors (as I have always been), since I know that she is spreading malicious gossip and lies to them about me.  I will not get involved in any conflicts she has engineered for her own self-serving agenda, nor discuss her offenses with anyone but authorities. These are strictly legal issues, as I have already explained to certain tenants to whom I no longer speak, due to their involvement with this loathsome woman. She is evil and I pray justice is done for all those she has harmed with her lies and aggression.

August 3, 2024


Today when I pulled into my parking spot in front of my house, I heard loud howling from across the driveway. As I exited my vehicle, Krawitt's dog (whom I call The Howler), came running, unleashed, toward me and into my yard. A woman who sometimes walks the dog (not the psycho Krawitt) had let the dog out of Krawitt's house and was yelling at the dog to stop, and the dog ignored her. The dog is out of control and completely untrained, yet Krawitt and her associates just let him run loose, violating leash laws. They care nothing for the rights and the safety of others on the property.


Of course I am not afraid of the dog, and in fact I feel sorry for him, having this negligent lawbreaker as his owner. I managed to get into my house before the dog actually would have jumped on me. Had he done that, there would have been serious consequences for Tracy Krawitt. It never ends...and never will, not until someone is injured, or the dog is injured. Or...until Krawitt vacates the property for good. That day can't come soon enough!


July 21, 2024


There have been a number of incidents over the past few weeks. Krawitt's dog continues to be allowed to run loose on the property, violating the leash laws.


One day I pulled out of my parking spot and turned the car around, heading into town. Tracy Krawitt was driving right behind me, tailgating, all the way into Rhinebeck. When I made a turn before the light, she blasted the horn, though I had done nothing to warrant such harassment.


It was midnight and I was sleeping. Suddenly, huge bright, glaring lights poured into the window above my bed and there was noise outside. I bolted up, awake, and looked out the window. Krawitt had pulled the monstrosity pickle truck into the driveway, with a U-Haul truck. The lights were on high beam, and stayed that way for quite some time. There was also a radio blaring. What the hell! At midnight!


She is violating the zoning laws by running a commercial business in a residential area. Yet nobody stops her. She has ZERO concern for the privacy, boundaries or fundamental rights of others. The woman is an absolute psycho, a public menace. 

February 28, 2024


On Saturday, February 24, I heard loud howling and barking outside. I went to the window and sure enough, there was Krawitt's large dog running loose toward my house. He stopped outside in the yard and continued the howling.


His owner, Tracy Krawitt, was nowhere in sight. I don't know how he got out of her house, but possibly through an open window. This has happened before.


It now appears that Krawitt has more or less abandoned the dog. Her vehicles have not been parked in front of her residence for weeks (aside from the monstrosity, the eyesore of her commercial truck) but other cars show up, and I have seen other people outside with the dog occasionally.


The last time I saw Krawitt, in January, she was with the dog, who was running free, UNLEASHED, on the road. I passed them, driving into town.


I called Dog Control on Saturday, February 24, to report the incident. Since that time, I have heard the dog howling at times, but have not seen him outside.


I am very concerned for the dog. Having any animal is a serious responsibility. In some ways, like having a child. Dogs, especially, are social animals. It is cruel to leave a dog sitting in an empty house, day after day, night after night, with no company, nothing to do but wait for someone to come in to feed or walk him.


I pray for the dog and hope that somehow he will find a good home, where he is loved and cared for. He certainly does not have such a home now.


November 21, 2023


So here's the latest: On November 10 in the early afternoon I had pulled out of my parking spot in front of my house and turned onto the adjacent back road, heading into town.

Ahead on the road was Tracy Krawitt, apparently walking her dog. Of course, I was driving on the right side of the road, slowly, under the speed limit of 30 miles per hour. Krawitt was walking on the other side of the road and I saw the dog near her. I purposely pulled as far to the right side of the road as possible, so as to avoid being anywhere near this woman as I passed by. My policy has always been to ignore her, and never to engage in any interaction whatsoever, no matter what she does.

But suddenly, the dog ran out, directly coming toward my car. The dog was not on a leash, as per the regulations. The dog made a beeline, until he was right in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes but it was a close call.

It comes as no surprise that Krawitt would be violating the leash laws, just as she violates many other laws and regulations. But to risk her dog being hit by a car is unconscionable. She is an irresponsible dog owner who has shown by her behavior that not only does she care nothing for the rights of others to peace and quiet (she left the dog alone to bark and howl, all hours of the day and night, until Dog Control forced her to comply with regulations), but she cares nothing for the safety of her own dog, allowing him to run free on a public road.

This is the second time I have seen this dog unleashed, the first being a couple years ago when he came running across the road and ran into my yard, barking just outside my window.

Then, there is a cat (one of 2) owned by Krawitt. She allows these cats to roam free, despite the fact that the property sits between two roads.

These cats have become a nuisance to other tenants on the property (as well as to other neighbors nearby, as reported to me). They kill birds in our yards, where we have bird feeders. They dig up gardens (including mine) and destroy property. One of these cats is hostile, hissing when confronted, when a visiting relative tried to shoo him away. This same cat was invading my yard and was seen by a neighbor, going under my house, where there was a hole in the back wall left by the landlord's workers who did not properly finish a job by sealing the wall closed. He made a racket at night, digging and scratching in the wall, until the wall was finally sealed, months later.

Of course I don't blame the animals. They are only doing what animals do when left unattended and neglected.

I place the blame squarely where it belongs: On the irresponsible owner, Tracy Krawitt.

In addition to her negligent behavior with animals, she continues to make false complaints against me to the landlord, as well as apparently enlisting other tenants on the property as her accomplices, to also lie for her, making bogus complaints that I am "harassing" them.

In point of fact, I do not know any of these tenants. I have never seen them. I do not know their names. I have never, at any time, spoken to them. I do not know who they are (if they even exist) and I was given no specific information regarding these complaints, nor the names of the false accusers, by the landlord or any of his employees. I have never, at any time "harassed" anyone.

I have warned the landlord in writing that if he or his employees continue to speak to me of these false complaints that he will be held accountable for his harassment of me, and that he is preventing me from the quiet enjoyment of the rental property for which I am paying a high rent, by allowing Krawitt and accomplices to violate regulations on the property and by legitimizing their false complaints, as harassment of me (including public slander of my good name).

But I have received legal advice and I will continue to document every offense I see, or suffer, or which is brought to my attention.

Mark my words: Tracy Krawitt will not only be fully exposed for every offense, but she will be held accountable under the law (civil and criminal).

As will anyone who aids and abets her offenses, including tenants on this property, the landlord and his workers.

I will be vindicated. The law is on my side and I have always abided by the highest of ethical standards.

To be continued... as I have every reason to expect that the offenses of Tracy Krawitt will continue, until and unless she is forced to stop, one way or another.


November 21, 2023


Latest incidents listed at top.


December 25, 2023 (late afternoon)

I had pulled out of my parking spot and was driving on the back road, when I saw Krawitt and her dog standing in the middle of the road. The dog was once again unleashed. When she saw my car coming she pulled the dog to the wrong side of the road (right) so I was forced to pass them on the left.


This is truly outrageous!


Even on Christmas Day she has to cause trouble!

November 21, 2023

Today as I was driving, returning to my home, Tracy Krawitt was standing in the middle of the road, with her unleashed dog running free.

I was forced to swerve to the wrong side of the road (left) in order to avoid them, as they were blocking the road. Krawitt grabbed the loose dog and pulled him to the wrong side of the road as I passed by.

I now see that I'll have to call Dog Control again, to report that she is violating more laws, which endanger the safety of drivers, pedestrians and other animals.

This woman needs to be stopped. She is proving to be a public menace!







HELLISH HOWLING & HARASSMENT: Brought to My Neighborhood by Scofflaw, Liar Tracy Krawitt & Associates

Tracy Krawitt, Irresponsible Owner of Howling Dog, Causes Constant Noise Disturbance on Rhinebeck Property

Tracy Krawitt (aka SPACEY TRACY), the Neighbor from Hell: FORMAL COMPLAINT TO POLICE & COMMENTARY