Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

PRAYER REQUEST by Fr. Frank Pavone for Marion Pavone









I received this request from pro life leader Fr. Frank, of Priests For Life, to pray for his mother.

Please join us in our prayers and share this with others.

Thank you.

Barbara Hartwell

March 18, 2025


Activating God's People to end abortion



I’m asking you to say this prayer on behalf of my mother, Marion Pavone.

You may “know” her from the videos I’ve occasionally put together for you and the rest of the Priests for Life family!

My mom’s health has not been the best since my father died in December of 2022. And over the past several months she has gotten weaker. But thanks be to God she has rallied a bit recently.

A short time ago she was in intensive care for some days, and I was with her for almost two weeks straight. Mom is doing a little better now but is still fragile, so please pray for her.

Thank you for doing this. I have shared with her the many comments that have come in from so many people on my social media platforms and she really appreciates them.


Grant, O Lord of life,
That we may savor every season of our lives as a gift
filled with promise for the future.

Grant that we may lovingly accept your will,
and place ourselves each day in your merciful hands.

And when the moment of our definitive “passage” comes, grant that we may face it with serenity,
without regret for what we shall leave behind.

For in meeting you, after having sought you for so long, we shall find once more every authentic good
which we have known here on earth, in the company of all who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith and hope.

Mary, Mother of pilgrim humanity, pray for us “now and at the hour of our death.”

Keep us ever close to Jesus, your beloved Son and our brother, the Lord of life and glory. Amen!

Pope John Paul II, Letter to the Elderly

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

IN LOVING MEMORY OF NINJA (July 2012-March 2025)


















Beloved Ninja

Forever in our hearts

He is with the Angels now

We gather today joining hearts as we honor the loss of our beloved pet, Ninja, who made our days and our lives more enjoyable. Someday we hope to meet with you again Ninja, in eternity with hugs, kisses, and tears. We miss your daily presence and unending love in our daily lives. Death ends a life but our relationship still lives on in my heart and in my memory of times we spent together. You are now free running the fields where we will meet again. You are restored to complete health. You are in God’s loving care forever. Amen

Blessed are you, Lord God, for all living creatures you have made. You keep them in your care and not one of them is lost without you knowing. They glorify you, each in its own way, and speak to us of your beauty and love. Bless them and keep them from harm.

They unquestionably accept their place in the rhythm of your creation. May we respect them and cherish them for they are your gift to us; through them may we come to know you better and praise you, their Creator. Blessed be the love and joy that they bring to us. Amen.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025












Father in Heaven,
Protect us in our struggle against evil.
As we begin the discipline of Lent,
make this season holy by our self-denial.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, for ever and ever.

Gracious God, today begins a period of inner reflection and examination. The days stretch before me and invite me inward to that silent, holy space that holds your Spirit. This special time beckons me to see my life through Christ's eyes and the truth and reality of your love incarnate. Give me the grace to enter the space of these days with anticipation of our meeting. And, when I open my soul to your presence, let your loving kindness flow over me and seep into the pockets of my heart. I ask this for the sake of your love.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

















Ramola Dharmaraj, of Quincy, Massachusetts, has proved herself to be a certifiable mental case. (For those wondering how and why, read on...)

And judging from the many formal complaints to police, from the neighbors, whom for years she has been harassing and publicly slandering on her website and social media, she has been deemed a public nuisance.

And now, she's at it again! Slandering Barbara Hartwell, making fact-free, evidence-free, idiotic accusations of dastardly deeds, for which she claims I am being “paid by the CIA”.

[NOTE for the record: It is a well documented fact that I left CIA operations in 1994, as a defector, never to return.]

Oh, before I forget, she also claims that I have allowed some of her neighbors to take over my website to “tell stories” about her, as reported in her column, SWANS AGAINST SLANDER, in which Barbara Hartwell is featured as Public Enemy Number One, Chief Slanderer among the so-called “Top Crims” who are engaging in “Life Takedown” of the intrepid “Top Truth Journalist”, Ramola D.

Like a deranged jack-in-the box, she just keeps popping up: “The World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”, as she boasts, in the plethora of self-aggrandizing articles she posts on her website and multiple social media accounts.

(Just a few facts for the record: She was never involved in MK Ultra, and knows nothing about it, but just parrots what she's read or heard from some of the crazies and attention-seekers she uses as “sources”. And I can guarantee, she has never in her life had access to the slightest bit of “classified” information of any kind.)

Under a permanent headline, titled “WORLD NEWS” she regularly posts lurid articles filled with “updates” on the bizarre happenings at her home in Quincy, Massachusetts. In which she stars in her own psychodrama (emphasis on the 'psycho'). Spy planes, helicopters and drones are strafing the skies over her house. It's the United States Air Force!...or wait, maybe they were sent by DOD.

According to Ramola, all the neighbors are CIA. She is surrounded by a veritable army of “planted mercenaries” deploying their directed energy weaponry against her. Each and every day, all hours of the day and night, she is assaulted by “Death Hits”, which she barely survives. The neighborhood is a war zone, and according to her claims, has been since 2013 (or in some claims, 2011.)

Obvious question: If these claims are true, why is she still alive? I can only guess that she must be bullet-proof. Or maybe it's the aluminum “shielding” she wraps herself in. She actually made a video with her bed in the background, littered with baking pans, cookie sheets...and the devil knows what all else. How it would be possible to actually sleep in such junkyard is anyone's guess.


In one video, as she ranted on, spewing wild accusations against her neighbors, she was wearing a stainless steel colander (such as is used to drain pasta) upside down on her head, claiming it was "shielding" her from their 24/7 assaults.   


Here, as just one example of her rantings, is an excerpt from one article of “WORLD NEWS”:

"Large CIA-USPS Mail Truck parked outside 146 Pine, the other direction from which the Writer was almost Lethally Shock Blasthit on Back of Neck, causing Head and Neck Shock, just a few minutes before.

I made a video reporting this crime and as I spoke into my phone, an Italian-looking man, not seen before on this street, at least, by me, wandered up Pine, seemingly talking into a cell phone with an earpiece. Perhaps he was an emissary from the Pope. Perhaps he was QPD or Sicilian Mafia. Maybe a Banker. I don’t know. I was glad for the shield at my heart and was able to survive the moment, questionable as it was."

So now, the Pope could be in collusion with the Quincy PD, DOD, USAF, FBI et al? The Pope?

...And lest we forget, the main culprit engineering this whole scenario, the plot to kill Ramola Dharmaraj, the Central Intelligence Agency!

The Pope! Yes, he is sending his emissaries to Ramola's house on Pine Street on some nefarious mission. But, fear not, she leaves no stone unturned. The Sicilian Mafia could also be stalking her...why not, the more the merrier!

But enough of this utter nonsense. I cannot imagine that any reasonable person of sound mind could possibly believe a word of this ridiculous ongoing narrative. It is obviously written (and spoken, in hushed, dramatic tones, in her videos) by someone laboring under some very serious psychopathology.

And unbelievable as it may seem (at least to me), this total whackjob, Ramola Dharmaraj aka Ramola D, is still engaging in some very damaging exploitation and malicious defamation of the name of CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell.

Why? Why me?

I have had no contact whatsoever with her since May, 2021, when, having reached the limits of my tolerance for her gross exploitation of my name, invasions of privacy, and her aggressive meddling in my business, I quietly walked away from an association with her, which began in 2018, when she had first invited me as a guest on her podcast, Ramola D Reports.

During the few years I was a guest on her podcasts (which I now deeply regret) I covered my usual topics, mostly focusing on some areas of my professional expertise, including counterintelligence and psychological operations.

And here is where the trouble started for me. I had made some things very clear, right from the beginning of my association with Ramola.

In brief, here they are.

My work is strictly professional, in both print and broadcast journalism. To the extent possible I keep my personal life separate.

I do not (never have done, never will) use social media. I am a true recluse. I have no interest in interacting with strangers on the Internet, no professional “networking”, no socializing.

I have a public website and a decades long professional background as an advocacy journalist (print, terrestrial radio and TV), but I am a very private person. My life is not an open book for all and sundry to peruse.

E-mail addresses and phone numbers are private and unlisted. Anyone is free to contact me via my postal mailing address, the only contact info available to the public.

I am not a participant in the Internet culture (which has been taken over by social media), which I find to be a dreadful hotbed of busybodies, snoops, charlatans, fame-seekers, grandstanders, liars, scamsters, perverts... appalling in every way!

I am not seeking publicity for myself or my work. My website is the only venue where I publish my writings. I do not run a “news” site, rather, it is an archive of my work. The content of my website is FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The readers may make of it what they will.

My site is a closed system, not interactive. I do not run a platform which accommodates engagement with the public.

I rarely appear on radio or podcasts anymore, especially when the programs are live and involve “live chat” functions which engage the listeners.

Yes, I know that in today's culture and society this is unusual, but so what?

I am a private person, a recluse, and belong in a monastery (Lord willing, there I would be!), and I am not required to explain myself to anyone.

But, I did in fact explain these things to Ramola, as a professional courtesy, since I was a frequent guest on her program and because for the time I had an association with her, I considered her a friend.

But, did she ever respect my wishes about my personal boundaries, my privacy, my declining to be involved in interacting with strangers, especially her large group of associates, calling themselves “targeted individuals” and their “TI community”?

Hell, no! On the contrary, she treated me as if I were some sort of public resource, grossly exploiting my name, publicly engaging in gossip, discussing me with her friends, appointing herself as an unwanted intermediary, with a few mutual acquaintances and even with total strangers. Ramola D apparently considered herself the Town Crier, shouting from the rooftops the business of Barbara Hartwell. None of which had anything to do with her, or her associates in their “TI community”.

I was appalled. I can say truthfully that she is by far the worst, most aggressive busybody I have ever had the displeasure to meet!

But back to the latest trash talk I have seen posted on February 24, 2025 on her website, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.

I really would rather not have to take the time to address this issue; however, since her libelous attacks continue to damage my good name, I find it necessary to expose what it has become clear is the utter lunacy of this woman, and to once again refute her outrageous false accusations.


"Notice of [Manic and Insane] Crime by the CIA, FBI, DHS, DARPA, DOD, QPD, City of Quincy, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, US Air Force et al: Vicious Neuroweaponry, Radio, Life Attacks to Near-Death, Intending Murder & Disablement, 2011 to Present, 24th February, 2025"


[NOTE: I have placed some of the more well-known names in BOLD TYPE to accentuate her claims that these individuals are all involved in assaults (of one kind or another) on her person.]

"Noticing here the insane and manic crimes committed in particular by the CIA and DOD on this writer since April 2022, but also prior, from 2011 to the present, and the crimes committed and condoned by the City of Quincy and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the body, brain, life and property of this writer:

All of the above plus much more, too lengthy to detail here except in the form of a near-affidavit, soon-forthcoming; Those involved, participating, continuing, and extending these crimes include the ones listed below:

Avril Haines, ODNI, William Burns, CIA very much involved and responsible. Also John Brennan, Gina Haspel, Mike Pompeo, James Clapper, Thomas Monheim, John Deutch, and all else prior at the CIA. And now, newly, John Ratcliffe, CIA and Tulsi Gabbard, ODNI: Quite responsible for these inherited attacks and new attacks on my life, body, brain, family, yet not stopped;

Similarly Jody Cohen of the Boston FBI, newly; Joseph Bonavolonta, also Special Agent in Charge until recently; all prior FBI Special Agents in Boston including Richard Deslauriers, Vincent Lisi, and in Washington DC including James Comey, Christopher Wray, Janet Reno, Merrick Garland, and others in 2013 and prior who have unlawfully targeted and watchlisted and terrorlisted this Writer–and maintained such bogus Listings–for no reason at all, and only on basis of Lies;

Similarly those at DARPA and DOD who have commissioned, oversee, and run these “classified” (to conceal Abject Crime) projects of non-consensual brain assault and battery, body assault and battery in name of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cybernetics, Mind-Hiving, Cyborging and other experimentation, including Arati Prabhakar, Regina Dugan, Stephanie Tompkins, Lloyd Austin, all SecDefs from Donald Rumsfeld onward, and probably before as well, including Dick/Richard Cheney who also moonlighted as CIA Director and Vice President, and military scientists who have surfaced publicly the many unlawful and unethical DOD-CIA programs attacking people posing as putative whistleblowers and neuroethicists while permitting and continuing these crimes including Dr. James Giordano, Dr. Robert Duncan, and Dr. Charles Morgan;

Similarly those at the US Air Force who have unlawfully entered this Writer in Weapons-Testing projects and have torturously attacked her body, brain, home, family, yard with AP DEW, ELFs, Radar Weapons, Sharpshot RFID Implants used for tracking, and Neuroweapons, for 11 years doing so, including Secretaries Michael W. Wynne, Michael B. Donley, Eric Fanning, Deborah Lee James, Dr. Heather A. Wilson, Matthew P. Donovan, Barbara M. Barrett, and Frank Kendall III (current);

Similarly those at DOJ and NIJ, QPD, BPD, CFC, BRIC, who have unlawfully used and entered and extended the use of the Body and Brain of this Writer unlawfully in Extreme Brain and Body Experimentation projects, alleging “Public Safety Risk” and other Lies including those named above and Michael Horowitz, IG;

Similarly all involved with the US BrAIn Initiative Project and with the European Brain Project, all big-data projects, all private-sector Neurotechnology-focused corporations working with the Military or CIA in the “Black Ops” space, using and abusing the bodies of the unlawfully targeted, all “social” “community” “country” research projects in sociology, psychology, and other subjects which have attacked all so unlawfully targeted, watchlisted, and buried in AP DEW and Neurotechnology experimentation projects without consent, in violation of all human rights, civil rights, natural rights, laws, treaties, conventions, Constitutions, such as Dr. Rafael Yuste, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, et al;

Thomas Koch, Mayor of Quincy, Charles Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Maura Healey, Attorney-General turned Governor, Karyn Polito, Andrea Joy Thompson, new AG, all City Council Members in Quincy, past and present, since 2013 and since 2011, when this writer and family first arrived in Quincy and when one of their family cats was killed by Radio-Weapon-Wielders permitted to operate at Lincoln Apartments on Centre Street, after which she was, from late October 2013, openly and overtly attacked with radical vehicular stalking, on-foot stalking, public-private service harassment, continuous radio/electronic attack in public and in private in her own private home, Air Force-involved aerial tracking and radio-attack, 24/7 Radio Assault and Battery, and Neighborhood Crime as referenced above;

All engaged in running false support organizations to supposedly aid those reporting Bio-Hacking and Neuro-Hacking Torture while essentially supporting and extending these Crimes of Torture on the Bodies and Brains of millions, including those running the false organizations of Freedom from Covert Harassment, Derrick Robinson, Freedom for Targeted Individuals, Ella Free, Targeted Justice, Midge Mathis/Doris Clause and Richard Lighthouse/Owen Calvert, JIT, Katherine Horton, ICATOR, Melanie Vritschen and Craig Laforest, those working with this Writer on Techno Crime Fighters Forum at Pine Cone Utopia/World Beyond Belief and at Ramola D Reports, then publicly attacking her online with lies: (putatively CIA-MI5) Katherine Horton, ex-NSA Karen Melton Stewart, and those later privately attacking her on email lists still sent to many, including former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney, “Skizit” of Citizens Against Harmful Technology, or directly on email to her or on video online such as Dr. Eric Karlstrom and Galina Kurdina, running a Canadian support group, often featured on panels but who seemed to know the CIA was going to physically attack this writer in November-December 2022 (as they did, all of late November and December 2022) and unlawfully implant her with BCI-CBI and acoustic IC neurotech (as they did, at South Shore Hospital), saying “See you, after the New Year, when you will have your Crown” or some such criminal blather, and those publicly attacking her on Twitter such as Susie Olsen or on private email lists instead of owning up to their false situatings of themselves in public as objective and independent journalists, including Suzie Dawson, Barbara Hartwell-or a false-online-alter thereof, and Janet Phelan;"

[NOTE: I, Barbara Hartwell, have no “false-online-altar”, nor have ever “attacked” Ramola, nor engaged in any crimes. I have never been on any e-mail lists, nor on Twitter. I am not involved with anyone named here, nor do I have any commonalities with them. Ramola Dharmaraj is a pathological liar.]

"These parties have engaged in Extreme Crime against this Writer and her family;

These parties are condemned here therefore as essentially Criminal, Lawbreaking, and Enacting or Supportive of Terrorism and Bio-Abuse, Bio-Trauma, Bio-Terror, and Bio-Slavery as also Radio Slavery;

These parties are required to end these crimes on this Writer’s body and on the bodies of all others and on the Lives of all others so attacked immediately, using all powers at hand to do so;"

"These parties are each fined a total of Five Quintillion American Dollars, Gold-Backed, for their incredible crimes, herein referenced, and are advised to close down their criminal and networked operations of Torture and Bio- and Neuro-Abuse on All, Immediately, publish Notice of their Crimes, and immediately return all families and family members–including Family of this Writer–to their homes, releasing them immediately from any and all false obligation to remain silent and uncommunicative, remote and distant, at an unknown address, for years on end."

February 24, 2025, 3:39 pm; Ramola D, Writer, Journalist, Attorney-in-Fact, GWU Creative Writing Faculty, Living American Woman, Indian-American Author, Mother, Suvera’n, Speaker


So, all these individuals, many of whom are public officials, in the highest offices, are being accused of crimes against Ramola Dharmaraj.

And all are being 'fined': “These parties are each fined a total of Five Quintillion American Dollars, Gold-Backed.”

This statement is so overflowing with absolute stupidity I won't even bother to comment, except to say: What a total flaming whackjob!

And now, back to the real world.

Here is a statement referring to the “HPO”. According to statements made on her website, the police were attempting to serve a warrant, of which she got a copy online, and published.

"...with each of these parties [neighbors] engaging in making calls to QPD on lies–after blasting me with AH DEW all day–and soliciting helicopter, drone, and light plane overflights–after which their tracking seems to be right en pointe. Looking at older reports and responses from QPD, it is clear they lie freely and claim “HPO/Viol” or “Pol Info” as they please, alleging HPOs (which this writer reads as “Health Protection Order”, an obvious lie, since none exist) and claiming to be reporting important matters for police to be involved in."

Note that in her ignorance she refers to the HPO as “Health Protection Order”. In other posts, she ranted on about this, claiming there was no way to find out what the HPO is.

Never fear, it took me 30 seconds to find the information online. In fact, the HPO is a “harassment prevention order”. She was being cited as being in violation of a harassment prevention order.



So, “this writer”, as she refers to herself, does not even possess the mental acuity to look up a legal term. Instead, she rambles on, in huffy indignation, in falsely blaming the police for doing their job.

The fact is, just as I had stated in my previous reports, Ramola Dharmaraj had been harassing her neighbors, in various ways.

She had been trespassing on their private property, plastering her “NOTICES” on their doors.

She had been accosting them in the street, making wild accusations that they were hitting her with weapons.

She had been accusing them of being CIA, FBI, etc. etc.

She had been making video recordings of their children, accompanied by verbal assaults and accusations.

The fact of the matter is that Ramola Dharmaraj has been making a public spectacle of herself, disturbing the peace, on multiple occasions. The neighbors were naturally outraged at her harassment and called the police. Case closed.

And why, you may wonder, do I care what this crazy woman is doing in her own neighborhood?

My very reasonable concern is that she was exploiting my name on her NOTICES. She was accusing her neighbors of being CIA and in collusion with Barbara Hartwell, also CIA. These very damaging false accusations stirred up a world of trouble, for her neighbors, as well as for me. She was publishing this malicious defamation on her site, on social media. And she is still at it to this very day.

Next item: She claims that her husband is a clone (or that there are many such clones). She has regularly berated him in her public rantings, making accusations, and posting photos of the so-called “clones” of her husband. She makes all sorts of contradictory statements, such as accusing (you guessed it...) “the CIA” of removing her husband from their home.

Here, the reality.

On May 25, 2023, Paul Tanis filed for divorce. I will not say more on this subject. It is none of my business, and if she hadn't continued to drag my name into her sordid tales I would not even have referred to it.


The facts I have presented here are part of the public record. And Ramola Dharmaraj is responsible for any and all damages to any parties who have been harmed by her misuse, misdirection and misrepresentation of these facts, and the parties involved. These are serious civil offenses, which in certain cases, border on the criminal.

My purpose is to show that this woman, Ramola Dharmaraj, is out of touch with reality and out of control in the damages she is doing to others, including her family, her neighbors, her former friends (including me).

And she is still grossly exploiting my name on her website, in an obvious attempt to make it appear that I am involved with her and her “targeted individual” nonsense, her crazy delusions of her own importance, her false accusations of others being CIA, etc. etc.

She still has these NOTICES posted on her site, with which she was also harassing her neighbors.








She still is promoting her podcasts, using my name, AS IF I would ever endorse her. Which I absolutely do not. And these claims, citing some charlatan, are pure sensationalism about “retaliation”.

"The one historic podcast with both Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower and Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower, which FBI and CIA both reacted to with massive retaliatory scalar/radar/microwave attacks for days on yours truly, which Marc Delantre, author of The Gladio Code recorded as a double Gladio spike on his oracular server":

Lastly, I will wrap up this report with probably the most idiotic, ridiculous claims made by Ramola Dharmaraj.

See this “story”:

Alex Crosbie Exposes the Story of the Century: Unlawful and Unethical AI-Driven Neurowarfare and Cognitive Warfare Being Conducted in Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes

Enough said. Ramola Dharmaraj is not a whistleblower. She has no professional background in these subjects whatsoever and no credentials.

Nobody is “retaliating” against her, least of all any intelligence agency. If she hadn't been grossly exploiting the names of former intel agents (including Barbara Hartwell) they would not even know of her existence. I can guarantee, she would be regarded as nothing but a bad joke to anyone reading her foolish boasting and ignorant rants.

She was warned to cease and desist her exploitation and malicious defamation against Barbara Hartwell.

She chose to arrogantly disregard the warning.


Make no mistake: Regardless of any "mental health" issues, this is an issue of character. No matter how crazy, how delusional she may be, her attacks and false accusations against others are malicious and not to be tolerated. Not by me, anyway.

The consequences of her self-serving aggression and arrogance have come home to roost. She has been exposed, and has lost all credibility and even the pretense of legitimacy by her utterly outrageous behavior.

Barbara Hartwell

March 1, 2025




[NOTE: Because the crazy rantings continue on a regular basis, selected quotes will be added here as they are posted. I am very tired of finding it necessary to write new reports exposing this whackjob, who is still exploiting and defaming the name of legitimate CIA whistleblower, Barbara Hartwell. And just a reminder: I can guaran-damn-tee, nobody from CIA has the slightest interest in this attention seeking, self-aggrandizing intelligence groupie, much less "the entire fucking CIA on the East Coast". What a sick joke!]


RD: "Do they even know who I am? But that’s just the whole point, the entire fucking CIA on the East Coast wants to pretend I don’t exist, ensure I don’t exist, and work hard, night and day, to ensure that everybody else in the whole f*ing world Also knows I don’t exist.


I do exist though–and I exist as myself."



Geral Sosbee Promotes Defamatory Falsehoods by Pathological Liar, Ramola Dharmaraj, Against Former Friend, CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell




False Accusations & Attacks on CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell from the CIA-Fixated Crazy Ramola Dharmaraj: The Blackest of Lies

UNBRIDLED ARROGANCE & DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: “The World's PreEminent Journalist”, Ramola Dharmaraj Strikes Again!










Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj



 "Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

BEWARE “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young: False Gospel of Another Jesus

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

2 Corinthians 11:4

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:8

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 24:24

Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, has been widely touted and followed as a Christian devotional, since it was published in 2004, and has sold many millions of copies worldwide. Unfortunately. Read on for an explanation...

I first became aware of Jesus Calling around 2009, while living in Maine. I found a print magazine with excerpts from the book at the food pantry of a local church. I briefly scanned the pages while waiting to pick up groceries; it did not impress me as anything of interest and I did not even remember having seen it until a couple years ago when a copy of the book was sent to me by the post.

It was then that I took a closer look at the contents. I recognized, to my dismay, that this was not in fact a Christian book. It was not based on scripture from the Bible (any version), though chapter and verse were liberally quoted on each page, in an attempt to link the scripture quotes to the other words that the author attributed, falsely, to Jesus Christ.

The late Sarah Young, the self-proclaimed “Christian”, was in fact preaching “another Jesus”. And I fear that for some of its ignorant followers, there may be hell to pay.

Before going into further detail in my analysis, it is important that I state two things:

One: That I write this report not claiming any special authority, knowledge or expertise, but simply as someone with seminary training, who has been involved in Christian ministry for over 4 decades, and has continued to study the scriptures. Most importantly, I am a devout Christian, a believer in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I care greatly about the salvation of souls and will do all in my power to help to prevent others from being deceived and led down the wrong path. And as always, the readers may make of this report what they will.

Two: That my primary objection to this book is that the author, Sarah Young, presumes to speak for God. She uses the first person, as if these were the words actually spoken by Jesus.

On the contrary, nothing could be further from the truth! Open your Bible and it can be seen that Jesus speaks very clearly for himself, always has done and always will. He doesn't need the likes of Sarah Young to reinterpret those words, nor to fabricate additional words he never spoke.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Now, let me make one thing clear: Anyone who claims to be a Christian, and yet presumes to speak for Jesus, must be entirely lacking in spiritual discernment and/or harboring a self-glorifying delusion of spiritual supremacy and/or be puffed up with the pride of those seeking the approval of men, rather than seeking to obey and glorify God.

That said, it is not my purpose here to focus on Sarah Young personally, her motives or her misguided beliefs and subjective opinions. My purpose is to warn others, both Christians and non-Christians, of the spiritual dangers of attributing credibility to, and of becoming a follower/advocate of Jesus Calling and its attendant counterfeit gospel promoted by a fictional character, as impersonator of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Here, as just one of many typical promotions of the book, Jesus Calling, is an advertisement from Barnes & Noble:

"Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of peace—for today and every day.

Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. Sarah Young's Jesus Calling® brand has impacted more than 40 million lives!

-By spending time in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will:

-Feel comforted by words of hope and encouragement

-Be reassured of Jesus' unending love for you

-Receive gentle guidance based on Scripture

-Strengthen your faith with Scripture verses

-Connect with Jesus further with reflection and meditation based on God’s Word

Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you."


I include this promotion for the purpose of showing the large scale deception of what has become a massive commercial enterprise.

And no, the “guidance” in this book is not based on scripture. It comes, one way or another, from the aberrant psyche of a woman named Sarah Young, who, it is entirely possible, was engaged in New Age channeling of demons, masquerading as “angels of light”, or possibly in this case, as Jesus.

Now, to get into more detail, let us examine some of the “quotes” purporting to be from Jesus. My comments follow each quote.


Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):  

"WHEN THINGS DON’T GO as you would like, accept the situation immediately. If you indulge in feelings of regret, they can easily spill over the line into resentment."


This is a vague statement which could mean just about anything. There is a vast range of “things” which could not go as anyone would like.


The question should be WHY. Why have things not gone as you would like?


God gave us all free will. You are responsible for your own actions, for good, or for evil.


In each case, the actions of a person (or persons) are responsible for “things not going as you would like”. If the person to blame is yourself, you, as a follower of Jesus, would want to confess and repent, and to make amends to anyone who was harmed and/or change your actions if you are causing problems for yourself.


If the situation is caused by the actions of others, you would reasonably have to determine how great the damages to you, whether these persons were motivated by malice, or a self-serving attitude, and whether the behavior is part of a pattern which would bring continual destruction on you and your house.


Why would anyone just “accept” wrongful behavior of any sort? No, on the contrary, a follower of Jesus would want to right the wrongs, one way or another.


Would you just “accept”, for instance, sexual abuse perpetrated against your precious child? Would you “accept” an employee embezzling funds of your hard-earned money? Would you “accept” that your spouse was a serial adulterer? Or upon learning that a friend was a practicing satanist, would you “accept” it, despite that it was not what you would “like”?


Hell, no! A follower of Jesus would seek justice, not wimpy “acceptance” of any type of evil, any type of wrongful/criminal behavior. The obvious right thing to do is to first defend yourself and those under your protection. Pray for God's justice against all evildoers, for God's justice can never be anything but just.


There is no excuse for accepting any kind of evil or any situation caused by evildoers. And Jesus certainly never said otherwise. Check your Bible and find the truth.

"For I the Lord love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them."


Isaiah 61:8

Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):

"Hardships are part of the journey too. I mete them out ever so carefully, in just the right dosage, with a tenderness you can hardly imagine. Do not recoil from afflictions, since they are among My most favored gifts."


Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus “metes out” hardships of any sort. Again, hardships are usually caused by the actions of persons. For example, if you gamble away your paycheck, or engage in frivolous spending, and then can't pay the mortgage, whose fault is that?


On the other hand, you may be living in poverty, in extreme material hardship, through no fault of your own, for any number of reasons. And maybe you don't have anyone who cares enough to help you. But in either case, there is no reason for anyone to believe that Jesus had anything to do with it, and no such thing is ever stated by Jesus in the Bible.

This is pure nonsense.

Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):

"DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design."

Here, again, Sarah Young, speaking as the false Jesus, advises not the soul-searching and prayer, seeking to know the truth and to listen to the will of God, through the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth). Instead, she wants you to believe it is fine to just “accept” yourself, rather than be convicted in the Spirit, filled with the Godly sorrow which leads to repentance and prepares the soul for salvation.


Anyone who does not acknowledge their mistakes of the past is bound to repeat them. Jesus does not “weave” any bad choices into His design. The very thought is absurd!


For those who ask, and for those who listen in good faith, He helps them weed OUT the bad choices and forgives the sins of which they have sincerely repented.

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


Philippians 2:12

Sarah Young (speaking as the false Jesus):

"Anything that tends to make you anxious is a growth opportunity. Instead of running away from these challenges, embrace them, eager to gain all the blessings I have hidden in the difficulties. If you believe that I am sovereign over every aspect of your life, it is possible to trust Me in all situations. Don’t waste energy regretting the way things are or thinking about what might have been. Start at the present moment—accepting things exactly as they are—and search for My way in the midst of those circumstances."

Here, Sarah Young puts a false spin on the true source of anxiety. Usually, anxiety is a sign that something is not right, at least in the spiritual sense. And it is important to find out exactly what the source of that anxiety is, if you want to resolve it and overcome it. Certainly, Jesus can help you, including by bringing awareness of the truth of any situation. But nowhere in scripture has he ever counseled “accepting” (that word again) things exactly as they are. Again, this is pure nonsense, which only breeds unGodly complacency, and never came from the mouth of Jesus!

Sarah Young speaks as if she thinks Jesus is some New Age, secular humanist “life coach”, encouraging the listener to “embrace challenges”. “Challenges” which are in reality serious issues which may determine the salvation of souls, or the lack thereof.


There are many more such pretentious pseudo quotes from Jesus Calling, but I think I've made my point, at least for those with ears to hear.


The fact of the matter is this: The Jesus Calling books (there are unfortunately a series of them and a series of Jesus Calling magazines, study bible podcasts, huge marketing campaigns and special books for children, teens) are NOT biblical, and in many cases, contradict the actual words of Jesus. Using 'feel good' New Age psychobabble and secular humanist pop psychology, she misleads the readers by twisting scripture.


But here's the biggest problem, as I see it. There are many ignorant people getting their theology from Jesus Calling, rather than from reading the Bible.


The many people enthusing how great the book is (mostly women, from my research), the people buying multiple copies to give away, only display their pure ignorance of scripture. If they truly want to be Christians, they need to learn the truth, from scripture. They need to read the Bible, cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation...right through to the maps!


They need to keep studying the Bible, to get some instruction from true Christians (preferably clergy), to develop an understanding through asking God in prayer. Those who claim God no longer speaks to us (cessationists) are just plain wrong. I think it more likely that in their case, God is still speaking...but maybe they just stopped listening.


But one thing is abundantly clear and should be to anyone with spiritual discernment: God is NOT speaking through Jesus Calling. Whoever may be speaking, whoever may be calling, it is NOT Jesus Christ.


Jesus Calling is a false gospel, promoted by a false teacher, Sarah Young. Considering the language she uses, I find it likely she was influenced by demons, whom she channeled, while claiming (and possibly believing) she was “channeling” Jesus.


Nobody “channels” Jesus. He doesn't work that way, and anyone who claims He does is either deceived, and/or is purposely deceiving others. But it doesn't matter what the case may be. Either way, souls are being led astray and those who are participants in following this false gospel, promoting this counterfeit Jesus, will ultimately be held accountable.

 By the REAL JESUS, that is. 

The Jesus of the Bible. 

The Jesus of the True Christian Faith.

Jesus: King of Kings.

Jesus: Lord of Lords.

The Jesus of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church 

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.”

John 14:6

Barbara Hartwell

Believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

February 18, 2025

NOTE: In researching Jesus Calling, I found many similarities to another popular book claiming to be Christian: THE SHACK.

THE SHACK, by Wm. Paul Young (same name, no relation, but interesting), like Jesus Calling, promotes a false gospel and has fictional characters, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, speaking falsely, also in the first person. It portrays Jesus as some sort of goofy New Age hippie, The Father, portrayed as a fat African American woman named "Papa", and The Holy Spirit, as a silly little Asian woman. Pure blasphemy! And yet, THE SHACK enjoyed a similar public reception as if it were the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Read about it, exposed in this book review:

THE SHACK: Counterfeit Christianity