Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


NOTE (September 2021): This article was written in October, 2001. I have since republished it several times.

Since the first publication, now 20 years later, I have not changed my opinion, based on my original analysis of the events of 9/11/2001. However, based on subsequent observations, coupled with what has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit, it is clear that the satanic agenda of the movers and shakers of the New World Order has proceeded apace.

Consider the virulent anti-Christian ideologies and policies promoted and supported by the left-wing agitators, the “progressives” (read Marxists), the Neo Bolsheviks, the United Nations, BLM, Antifa. For all intents and purposes, this country has become a de facto bastion of vile Communism.

Consider also those who claim to “oppose” the demonic left, also promoting their utterly fraudulent “solutions”: just as one example, the cult of QAnon and its numerous loudmouth shills, the mountebanks, the snake oil salesmen, the merchants of false hope. Raking in the cash, with glad-handing pep talks, as they snare the hearts and minds of those who can only be described as dupes, falsely believing they are supporting “truth”, “freedom” and “patriotism”.

Now, as this country has fallen to an unprecedented level of spiritual darkness, anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear, will know that there is ONLY ONE SOLUTION:

Jesus Christ, The Way The Truth and The Life.

Get on the Side of the Angels, while there is yet time.

Barbara Hartwell

September 2021


I wrote this article in October 2001, less than one month after the terrorist attack on the WTC. Something I didn't say in the article: I knew, beyond any doubt, the minute I saw it unfolding on TV, that it was an Inside Job.

Since I do not watch television and have not had any cable hook-up for many years, I had to go to a neighbor's house to watch the news reports, after receiving a phone call from my niece in Colorado.

Call it Spirit-filled intuition (clairvoyance), one of the gifts of the Spirit God has bestowed on me. Call it reason or logic, based on my many years of direct experience working for the criminals in the U.S. Government. Call it anything you like. All I can say is that I immediately knew it to be true: It was an Inside Job.

I have never personally investigated 9-11, at least not the nuts-and-bolts variety of forensic investigation. I did not have that opportunity, lacking the resources and having lost most of my professional contacts in law enforcement and the intelligence community by that time.

In fact, many years ago, I had worked on a somewhat regular basis with various police departments, including NYPD, as an "independent consultant" (though I was often "sent" by CIA); where I worked with detectives in investigations of murder and other criminal cases, missing persons, etc.

Though I was born on Manhattan Island and lived there for many years, on and off, from early childhood until I was in my mid-twenties; attended college and seminary there, I moved from that place for good in 1975 and have only gone back infrequently over the years since then. After 9-11, I have refused to go there at all. Just my choice and for personal reasons.

But since so many people in the general public now (finally!) believe that 9-11 was an Inside Job, as a result of the many reports based on real forensic investigations by professionals since that time, I thought it might be interesting to repost this article.

It was originally published by Conspiracy Planet and subsequently made its way onto many other sites. None of those sites will publish my work anymore, as a result of the libel and disinfo campaigns being waged by my enemies in the U.S. Government and their stooges, toadies and minions.

I should add that this article is an editorial. It is based on my opinions (as a former intelligence agent, a Jungian analyst and Christian minister); considered professional opinions though those may be.

Though there are many facts included, those facts do not in any way substantiate my opinion that 9-11 was an Inside Job. So please, as always, I ask that you read it with an open mind, a compassionate heart, and make of it what you will.

One more thing you need to know: Included in this article is a transcript of the "deathbed confession", a videotape which was later revealed to be a hoax. The hoax was perpetrated by filmmaker, Mike Z.

When I first found out about the hoax, I was furious, to the blood-boiling point. I called Mike Z a "scumbag" in public reports and generally gave him hell. You see, I was the only person (or at least the first) who actually made a written transcript from the video and incorporated it into a widely published article.

But it is important to say that the deathbed confession itself was in no way the pivotal issue in writing the article. I had begun the article before I got the video by e-mail from Mike Z. I included it because it seemed to fit so well into everything I believed (and still do, to this day) about the 9-11 Terrorist Attack. And about the satanists who run the U.S. Government. So please keep this in mind when reading the article.

Lastly, Mike Z apologized to me some time later. Below, find his e-mail to me. I did forgive him, after speaking to him on the phone. He admitted his ploy was wrongful, seemed truly repentant and I accepted his apology, though as I told him, I don't condone what he did.

He is certainly a talented artist, and if he would use his talents to make "protest" films without promoting them as the real deal, he could be doing a great service to the skeptics who do not believe the government is capable of such things as terrorist acts of mass murder, all the while blaming the scapegoat du jour, which in the case of 9-11 happened to be Osama bin Laden (a longtime CIA asset.)

Mike Zieper's Letter to Barbara Hartwell:

Dear Barbara,

I owe you an apology. I used you to expose my tape to the world. And I should have thanked you for your help.

I believe that there are very simple reasons why things are the way they are. I made the DEATHBED CONFESSION tape to communicate some of these ideas.

At the time, I wanted to avoid a flame war so I accepted the criticism and abuse that I received. I understand that I was muddying already murky waters.

But you should know that I read the article you wrote (TYRANNY, TREACHERY, TERRORISM & TRAUMA) and agreed with your analysis of the situation completely.

I can't begin to understand what you have personally been through. I've had my share of weirdness since the FBI took an interest in me.

But, as one person whose email is being read to another, I want to say that you have done great work.

Don't give up the fight,

Mike Z


No doubt about it, there was a formula utilized by the perpetrators of Nine-One-One. No matter whodunit – it was a well and precisely planned operation.

From Webster's Dictionary, a definition of 'formula':

"A set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual".

The formula can best be described in four simple words:


TYRANNY: Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly.

TREACHERY: Willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence or trust; perfidy.

TERRORISM: The systematic use of terror, violence and intimidation to achieve an end.

TRAUMA: An emotional shock that creates substantial and lasting damage to the psychological development of the individual, generally leading to neurosis.

Which leads us to.....

TOTALITARIANISM: A form of government in which one person or party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life and opposing parties are not permitted to exist.

Sound familiar? Where have we heard this before? Has our government betrayed us? Are we being ushered into the Fourth Reich? couldn't happen here..... Or could it?


Was the mass murder and mayhem -the operation code named Nine-One-One- a ceremony or ritual?

And if so, what kind of ritual? For what purpose?

Was Nine-One-One simply the most extreme 'international incident' to date in a long-term operation of 'trauma-based programming, a part of the 'ritual abuse' of the American public?

Worse yet, was it a 'Satanic Blood Sacrifice'?

Could these sorts of hideous rituals be part and parcel of the programming of the collective American psyche? If so, to what end?

These are not easy questions to answer, much less furnish proof for. Yet the answers leap out in a plethora of dramatic symbols, for those who have eyes to see -and more importantly- the freedom of mind to perceive.


For centuries, occultists have relied on symbols to harness the power of the human mind for use in rituals.

By far, the greatest creative power resides not in the conscious mind, but in the unconscious, and even more so in the vast reservoir of what Carl Jung termed the Collective Unconscious. The unconscious 'thinks' in symbols (pictures) instead of words. If a picture is worth a thousand words, maybe that's why.

You don't have to believe in Jung's theories to understand the power of symbols. Symbols are all around us; but never more compelling than when they are internalized within the life-force of the mind.

Internalizing a symbol is not hard to do, either by a voluntary act of conscious will, as in prayer or meditation....or by the imposition of someone else's will as in hypnotic suggestion, black magic or mind control.

Once a symbol has been internalized, it takes on a life of its own. And once it digs in and puts down roots, its power over the mind of the host -for good or ill- grows as it is watered and fed by the conscious mind.

The easiest way to 'feed' a symbol is to use repetition.

Flash that symbol over and over in front of the subject's eyes until the point of saturation and it reaches critical mass.

The perpetrators of mind control have developed this sort of 'ritual' not only as a science, but to a near art form. Dominating the energy -individually or collectively- in the psyche of the target is the cornerstone of mind control.


Let's consider the most potent symbol flashed into our consciousness by the perps of Nine-One-One.

The World Trade Center towers.

A raging inferno.

People leaping from the windows.

A larger-than-life spectacle of death and destruction.

Many writers have noted that there was an element of unreality in it all -like something you'd see in a movie.

But it wasn't a theatrical production. It was real.

The immediate reaction of most people witnessing this horror was shock, or intense shock and trauma. How could it be otherwise?

When trauma strikes, the boundaries protecting the psyche come crashing down. The ability to think critically and analytically is suspended. Until the shock wears off -if it ever does- the traumatized mind simply reacts. And it reacts emotionally.

A traumatized mind is vulnerable and therefore far more suggestible. And the suggestions the mind is most willing to accept are those which it believes will ensure its protection and any cost. This the key to "trauma-based programming".

Read it and weep: It works.

Could it be that Operation Nine-One-One was planned for this precise purpose?

Using terrorism to traumatize Americans into a mass panic which the perps knew would lead to their unquestioning and emotionally-based desire for protection and any cost?

Have many traumatized Americans been programmed to give up their freedoms in the false, irrational and emotionally-based belief that they can exchange their freedom for protection and thus ensure their survival?

If so, they've made a deal with the devil --and there will be hell to pay.


It is hard to pinpoint with precision the beginning of institutionalized use of mind control in America , but 1947 was certainly a critical year.

In 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency was created from its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services. The agency was staffed predominantly with Nazi scientists brought to the U.S. under an operation code named Paperclip.

In 1953, the CIA 'officially' began the MK Ultra mind control program, under the direction of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, incorporating roughly 165 sub-projects.

George Hunter White, colleague of Nazi criminal Sydney Gottlieb, described his involvement in the CIA's infamous MK Ultra project this way:

"I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun.....Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all-highest?"

Indeed, where else? Where else, but in America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Home of the Criminally Insane Agency.

Does this utterly demented, deranged and demonic mind-set tell you anything about the agency -or the government- that could implement such a project, at the cost of unimaginable human suffering, while the perpetrators are swept merrily along in the sadistic thrill of it all?

Who can tell us about the depth of such suffering?

Maybe we could ask Eric Olsen. CIA "suicided" his father, Frank Olsen in 1953, connected to the MK Ultra operation, then engaged in a massive cover-up. The real story has only just begun to come out, but the lies and betrayal continue apace.

In 1999 The Expert Witness Show, hosted by Mike Levine, ran a series of programs about CIA mind control. I was one of the guests interviewed, as were Eric Olsen and Martin Lee, author of Acid Dreams, a classic book on CIA and MK Ultra.

I was asked to appear on the program as a survivor of MK Ultra. Yet I was given little opportunity to tell my story. Had I been allowed more air-time, perhaps my testimony would have shed some light not only on the mind control abuses of the past, well-documented and eloquently stated by Olsen and Lee, but on the fact that the atrocities of mind control are still going on to this day in our country.

Sydney Gottlieb, the project's founder, was purportedly ordered by DCI to destroy all MK Ultra documents, circa 1976-77. We know that ALL the documents were not destroyed, as evidenced by those which remain. However it is my belief that there are many more documents in existence which have not yet come to light. I believe this because of my own involvement in MK Ultra and other black projects and also because this has been confirmed to me by insider sources.

Furthermore, I know the project was never abandoned, as CIA claims. I know this because I myself was still involved long after the program was purportedly "discontinued".

In fact, MK Ultra is still operating today. The names of its sub-projects may have changed and some of the players have passed away. But the game remains the same. It didn't stop. It just went deeper black, that's all.

And what's worse, the scope of mind control has expanded to include not just a small group of "test subjects" but the attempted brainwashing of the entire population.

Witness: HAARP
Witness: EM Frequency Weapons
Witness: Psychotropic Drugs
Witness: Satellite technologies
Witness: Biochip Implants

And these mind control systems are only the tip of the iceberg...

In the words of the psychopath Jose Delgado: "A psycho-civilized society."


On the evening of October 6, 2001, I began writing this article. On the morning of October 7, I received e-mail from an unknown source. Strangely enough, the content of the message fit right in with what I was writing. It may shed some light into the darkest corners of the human psyche, as reflected by the body politic. And, if true, it is chilling to contemplate.

Subject: conspiracy tape?
Message: have you seen this ?

I had not, so I clicked on the URL to a web page which contained one item: a link to a video. The text on the web page: "This is a tape that was made by my father-in-law's client, who was dying of cancer. He left instructions that he wanted it to be seen."

The scene opened on a man in a hospital bed. A full head of white hair and thick black-framed glasses. Tubes ran from a bedside machine into his right arm.

It was the deathbed confession of a man who claimed to have worked for 27 years for "the group with no name". His identity as well, was undetermined.

The man appeared to be addressing his lawyer, "John" making a confession regarding the nefarious activities he had been involved in. He appeared agitated and had some difficulty speaking, so some of his testimony was unintelligible. I've transcribed it to the the best of my ability here:

"John, this is the last time you'll hear from me. Thanks for your friendship, your loyalty, thanks for your hard work. You've been more than just my lawyer, you've been a good friend.

I'm going to ask for one more favor. Do this thing for me. I'm going to tell you....secrets. These things are true. I want to tell people. I want people to confess.....

About the Wall Street that never was.....all lies.

Something else...I've been working for the group with no name....the way things are done.

I, bookkeeping...keeping track of the money. They don't care about money...listen, I can try to explain...but it's difficult...gonna be hard to explain.

I'm not crazy.....You've heard all those conspiracy stories...Jews, Masons, secret societies....some truth in sounds insane.

But I tell you, I've seen terrible things....listen....

The Mayan culture in South America....Mayans were the first ones... no one discusses these things.

They killed....[unintelligible]

Harrington was always talking....he's gone now....leave his name out of it.

They betrayed us.....our era.

This is the way things are done. You must have wondered yourself... what the hell is going on here? This is the way things are done. Listen to me...try to understand.

The blood sacrifices they did down there...hearts were torn out... thousands of them...their own people. You know why they did it? It's the power...the power created from pain and suffering.

There are those who have ultimate power....who decide how things will go....part of a strategy...part of a plan.

Let me explain....I was programmed in the usual ways... Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove....[unintelligible] I could be used....

I don't know all that much....

The reason is the transfer of power...that's why they do what they do....magic...ancient magic....occult practices.

They discovered the transfer of power and energy...know what I'm talking about?

They discovered certain practices. You can't even conceive of. I don't exactly know how it's done. I avoided finding out. I couldn't stomach it.

The reason they create wars, atrocities, murder, assassinations, creates a form of They use that. I don't know how....I know it moves... and it works....I've seen it... horrible things. It's a works.

I wasn't involved in that. It just came into my life...27 goddamn years!

They told me I'd be there to witness the end...I was this close... 27 I won't be there to witness it... to see it coming...and to die now.

You know I never smoked...they do this all the's right to do this to me....

They lied...I kept my end of the bargain...they said there was no problem.

They lied....

Listen... May 17...August 9....November 5...November what happens....then you'll know.

I'm speaking the truth.

There is no way to stop them. Both sides know how it works... terrorists in the third world... doing the things we used to do... They've already started killing off the's in the water... it's in the air...

It's the way things are... I can't put it any clearer than that...God help me...

Get this goddamn thing away from me! Turn it off!" [Waving his arms at the camera.]

End transcript.

Was this tape a hoax? I don't believe so. There were too many realistic elements. The hospital setting. The man's obvious distress and difficulty speaking. To me, it comes off as a real deathbed confession.

Of course, it proves nothing. But how much "proof" do we need?

Haven't we heard and read about all of this many times before? Ad nauseam?

How many witnesses do we need? How many confessions? How much testimony?

How many tortured souls?

How much more bloodshed?

When is enough, enough?


Now I have a few questions for all self-respecting, freedom-loving American citizens:

Are you willing to "negotiate" with the powers-that-be for your freedom?

Do you believe that your freedom, like a license to drive or to practice law, is a privilege issued by the state?

Will you let your freedom -or lack thereof- be determined by the covert agenda of a "group with no name", a cabal of Satanists and Bonesmen perpetrating mind control, fomenting terrorism and engaging in blood sacrifice rituals?

Or is your freedom --as protected under the U.S. Constitution-- a God-given right?

You decide.

Freedom begins in the mind.

Barbara Hartwell
October, 2001


For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:


Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

My Journey to The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: A Conversion Story

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.













This report, unlike most others, is personal. It is important to me to share this story, since I hold the hope that it might inspire others, among my Christian brothers and sisters, and also those of other faiths (or nonreligious) and give them some ideas to consider.

For the purpose of this report, to keep it from being too lengthy, from digressing into other issues, and to protect the privacy of those involved, I will try to keep the focus on the main issue: my conversion to the Catholic Church.

I was born in March, 1951. I was baptized in the Eastern Orthodox Church that same year. My father's family came from one of the islands off the Northern coast of Greece. My mother's family (my grandparents)  were Scots Presbyterian. I still have my mother's Bible, falling apart at the seams, issued by her church, now nearly a hundred years old. My mother converted at the time of the marriage, but never became a practitioner of the Orthodox faith.

In my early childhood years I was taken to the Orthodox church, mostly for family events (baptisms, weddings, funerals) and on Christian Holidays (Easter and Christmas), but when my parents separated (I was 11), for years there was no regular church attendance.

Despite the lack of church attendance and formal religious education in childhood, I always loved God and wanted to know all I could about Him. And I always was drawn, above all others, to the Catholic Church. When I was a teenager and young adult, living in NYC, I used to go into the Catholic churches, which in those days were left open to access for the faithful, and even for those who just needed sanctuary. They were true houses of God, where no one in need was turned away, day or night, as the case might be.

I loved the silence and the statues of Saints, the low lighting by lamps and votary candles. In the sanctuary, I felt at peace. I could light a candle, sit there alone and pray. I could talk to God, knowing he heard me. I could feel the presence of Jesus. But oddly enough I never attended Mass, it just didn't occur to me.

When I was in my early twenties I became more focused on religious studies, including Eastern religions, as well as general Christian seminary studies. One of my teachers was a Jesuit priest, one was a Sufi, one a Buddhist monk. The best way to explain this is that I wanted to know the truth, so I looked at everything. I was ordained in the ministry by the Universalist church at the age of 28 (1979).

I have had no affiliation with the Universalist church since then (nor do I believe in their doctrines – heaven forbid!), but I have been involved in Christian ministry for many years, mostly nondenominational. I have been a devout Christian all these years, but looking back on it, I am amazed at some of what I was indoctrinated to believe (by the Protestants, that is), and I am still wondering what prevented me from becoming a Catholic.

I liked the Episcopal Church, because it was closest to Catholic, in much of the liturgy, the Holy Eucharist and in the atmosphere. I know that they actually call themselves “Catholic”, as well as Protestant, which was confusing. I now know that, at least for me, it was more like “Catholic lite”, rather than the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, instituted by Jesus Christ. Still here, after roughly 2,000 years.

In 2009, while living in Maine, I started attending an Episcopal Church. My neighbor was the Priest there and invited me to come to services. I enjoyed going to church on a regular basis and decided that I would be confirmed, which I was, by a Bishop, in November, 2011. I stayed until late 2013, when I was forced to leave Maine under emergency circumstances. In early 2014 (at Lent) I found another Episcopal Church in NY State, where I had moved. I was there from 2014 until late 2o19, and served as Clerk of the Vestry.

I loved both of these churches, I loved the people and the Priests, both of whom went out of their way to help me and support me, knowing my background with CIA and the political persecution and whistleblower retaliation that plagued my life. The church had at times paid my electric bills, when I got a final disconnect notice; they paid for gas for my car, and even for cat food for my beloved feline friends. And I was able to get food from their charitable enterprises. They were a real blessing in my life, one that I will always remember. I pray for them to this day.

There were several reasons I finally made the decision to leave, heartbreaking though it was.

I was alarmed to see that the Episcopal Church had made a hard left turn. I remembered, from many years back, how conservative and traditional the church used to be. (I'd had some past history with this church, which is not really relevant to my story.)

But now, I watched in distress as some of the members became supporters of Black Lives Matter (a Marxist group); they marched for gun control in the false belief they were “protecting our children” (to keep and bear arms is a Constitutionally protected right!); they were buying in to other radical leftist ideas, like militant feminism (some women knitting “pussy hats” for those in the congregation – how stupid!), and even gave the stamp of approval to extreme LGBTQ+/gender ideologies, Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “Reparations”, all of which I consider to be anathema.

They seemed to love the lawless open border policies and actually believed it was the “Christian” thing to do to allow millions of illegal aliens to invade the country. They turned a blind eye to all the human trafficking, drug cartels, the rapes, the murders, and the fact that these illegals were stealing American jobs and were given “benefits”, while the American working poor were going hungry, and our veterans were homeless, living on the streets.

In short, they had no respect whatsoever for the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, nor apparently for the true Biblical values they purported to support. They were in essence, Communists!

Then came the final straw: The so-called “pandemic”. They decided to close the church, have services online. When they finally reopened, they required all attendees to wear masks, to “social distance”, and submit to the propaganda to get the toxic shots.

I guess I should not have been shocked, but I was. It was devastating to me to see how they had caved to the vile brainwashing. This was not a House of God, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ; it had become a “woke” leftist, secular humanist social club!

I could not in good conscience stay there. It was not my place to try to change their minds and I didn't want to be in conflict with others, so I resigned my office as Clerk of the Vestry and quietly walked away.

For a few years after leaving the Episcopal church I did not attend church at all. In this time period, beginning in 2020, most of the churches were closed, or services were held on ZOOM, or, they required all attendees to wear masks, “social distance”, and be “vaccinated”.

This was madness! I did not wear a mask (it was against my Christian faith and violated my God-given rights), nor ever for one moment did I even consider the toxic shot. I had been non-compliant with these tyrannical Marxist policies from the beginning. I saw this so-called “pandemic” for what it was, and absolutely refused to participate in the lunacy and tyranny in any way.

So for 3 years (early 2020-late 2023) I prayed to find another church. I searched online and read the websites of any churches nearby, regardless of denomination. I just wanted to go to church, to have fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ, in a place where faith and sanity ruled over fear and subjugation to the government! But I found nothing which met my requirements.

I continued to pray, though it was beginning to look hopeless. Then one day, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I was told that there was a particular church I should visit, very close to where I live. The church was Catholic.

Considering everything I've explained thus far, you might wonder why I hadn't even considered a Catholic Church in my search. And why did I not jump at the chance to follow the promptings of the Spirit?

But instead, I waited. First, I drove by the church, but didn't go in. I saw that it was a beautiful old building surrounded by a lovely garden, with statues of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

I thought a lot about that church in the next few months. I didn't know anyone there. I wasn't a “real” Catholic and didn't know if I would be welcome. I didn't know the “rules” I might have to follow. I thought it might be too hard for me. Then, one day my doctor mentioned the same church, out of the blue. He wasn't Catholic, but told me that for some reason he thought I might like it there.

And the promptings of the Holy Spirit continued... One day, in August, 2023, I decided to put aside my doubts and give it a try. I asked a friend (not a Catholic) to accompany me and went to a service on Saturday afternoon. I loved it! What a relief it was, how uplifting, to be in a true House of God!

I continued to attend Mass on most Saturdays, missing church occasionally only due to the condition of my health. I thought the Priest was wonderful. I saw that he espoused conservative, traditional values (both Catholic and for the US Constitution), and that some of the clergy he admired and recommended we listen to were the same ones I loved as well. And best of all, he leaves the church open every day, so anyone is welcome to come in and pray!

The following Spring, I met with the Priest and told him I wanted to convert. I told him about my history, he asked me some questions, and said he saw no obstacle to my conversion.

Except one: He told me that my baptism in the Eastern Orthodox Church was acceptable, and that he only needed my baptismal certificate as verification.

The problem was, I could not locate my baptismal certificate. The last time I'd seen it was over 10 years ago, when I left Maine. I did remember very clearly that my baptism was in NYC (not sure which borough, though my family at the time of my birth lived on Central Park West in Manhattan). I also know for certain the name of the church: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

I had searched my files but could not find the certificate. My next step was to search for all the St. Nicholas churches in NYC. I contacted them all by phone, but no one had a record on me. Finally, I contacted the Orthodox Registry. A priest responded by e-mail, letting me know that he had no record of my baptism. However, he did tell me that there was one St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church which would not have any records. It was located in Lower Manhattan, at the site of the WTC, and was destroyed on September 11, 2001. This was the first I had heard of this, so I looked it up.















St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

Originally founded in 1916.
















Old Photo of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church



There is now a shrine where the church once stood. I'm not a fan of modernism, so I much prefer the original church.

Anyway, I don't know for sure that this was the church where I was baptized. If so, what are the chances? But I have not been able to find a record anywhere else. All my family (at least the older members, my aunts and uncles, as well as both my parents), are long gone, so there is no one left whom I could ask.

So I will leave it to the Priest to decide what to do. He did assure me that we would figure it out, and I trust that this will happen, one way or another. I now await confirmation, once this issue is settled. Thank You Jesus!

Going to Mass on a regular basis has changed my life. There is nothing in the Catholic doctrine with which I have a problem, and this report is not meant to go into depth or details. I will say that as I have been studying scripture for over 40 years (Canonical as well as what are known as “non-Canonical extra-biblical texts” (example: The Book of Enoch), both Protestant Bibles (example: KJV ) and Catholic, with the apocrypha (example: Douay-Reims) I have found that the Catholic doctrine holds closer to scriptural truth, at least from what I can discern.

Why did it take me so long to decide to convert? I really don't have an answer. My conversion will not change what I believe, or why I believe; it only validates it and enhances my Christian faith. But it adds a dimension which makes me feel more free to express some facets of my faith which I know to be true, for which I have been criticized by my Protestant friends, especially what I consider to be the hidebound fundamentalists.

In any case, my policy is that I don't argue scripture with anyone. People are free to believe what they will. Discussions of my particular beliefs and faith are fine with me, as long as nobody tries to force their views on me.

I'm not a fan of Martin Luther, nor of John Calvin, nor of the Protestant Reformation, never have been, enough said.

The truth is, in my heart I have always been a Catholic, and have been a “closet Catholic” for my entire life.  I would go to great lengths to visit monasteries and convents, every chance I had.


Any home in which I live (including my current home) has been adorned with crucifixes, rosary beads, candles of Saints, statues of St Michael the Archangel, artwork depicting angels and saints. I especially love angels, which I have hanging on the walls, and statues in my garden. 












My favorite among the Catholic saints are St. Jude (the Patron Saint of Lost Causes) and Saint Barbara (The Patron Saint of artillery!) after whom I am named. There is even the Ancient Military Order of Saint Barbara, members of which I have known, including General Officers in the US Military.














St. Barbara

















St. Jude



Lastly, I will say that I have been inspired on my journey by certain persons, exemplars of the Catholic faith. Among my favorites are Thomas Merton and Malachi Martin, whose books I love and have read and reread over a period of many years.

Then, there are others whose work continues and by whom I have been informed, educated, inspired and motivated.

For anyone who is interested, I would recommend their writings, websites, books, radio programs and podcasts.

Please see these sources:



Thomas Merton Center


The Remnant Newspaper


National Center for Padre Pio

Dr. Taylor Marshall



INDIVIDUALS (Clergy & Journalists)

Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ²


Fr. Charles Murr

Fr. James Altman

Bishop Joseph Edward Strickland


Fr. Chad Ripperger

Fr. Frank Pavone

Michael Matt (The Remnant Newspaper)

Dr. Robert Moynihan (INSIDE THE VATICAN)










Barbara Hartwell (long ago) at Monastery in Maine












Barbara Hartwell at Cloisters, NYC (1978)


Barbara Hartwell

Blessed to be awaiting my confirmation into the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church

August 27, 2024









St. Michael Archangel



For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.

Saturday, August 3, 2024














Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

NOTE: If you are someone who does not believe that God gave each and every one of us the gift of Free Will, the opportunity to take personal responsibility for our actions, and to be held accountable, or, if you do not believe that evil exists, please read this report. I am praying you will change your mind, before it is too late.

No reason to believe me...but just take a good look at what is going on around you, and then decide.

Barbara Hartwell

August 3, 2024

This is one segment of a report (2006) titled, The Wreckers: False Lights and the Nature of Evil.

For entire report:

The Wreckers; False Lights and the Nature of Evil

...Those of us who seek justice, who defend our individual rights and liberties, bestowed by God, fight them [evildoers] with every fiber of our being. We expose their evil, bringing it into the light. But to fight them, to expose them truly and well, we must first understand the nature of evil. Unless and until evil is recognized for what it actually is, all efforts to expose it, to vanquish it, are in vain.


I have heard many people say they do not "believe" in evil. Or, some claim, that in the universe, good and evil must be "balanced". Some believe that we "create our own reality", which is neither "good" nor "evil", but only serves to teach us "lessons."

They don't believe there are any victims, nor any perpetrators of evil. No, they actually BLAME THE VICTIMS for any and all evil that is done to them.

They claim we are "responsible" for all that befalls us....after all, they smugly opine, it was only a "life lesson" we needed to learn. They say we must "take responsibility" for every event in our lives, as it is just part and parcel of our "spiritual evolution".

What's more, we must also have "compassion" for those who treat us wrongfully, no matter how heinous the abuse; we must try to "understand" them...after all, they are our "teachers".

Try selling this crock of perfumed hogswill to the victims of the wreckers, the survivors of family members murdered by the wreckers.

Such utter foolishness is mind boggling; pathological idiocy in its worst form. And tragically, this false belief system has taken hold among millions of people, most notably those in the New Age movement, a toxic amalgam of fascism, communism, globalist collectivism and what I would call Mickey Mouse Metaphysics.

It has been designed to lead the populace away from individual critical thinking, as well as to stamp out genuine spirit-filled intuition; and ultimately, to sever an individual's personal relationship with the Creator, whence all gifts of the spirit emanate.

Refusing to believe in the existence of evil, it follows that they do not believe certain individuals to be inherently evil, nor the collectives comprised of these individuals, whose sole intent is to do evil.

The deniers of evil, who obviously lack any form of spiritual or intellectual discernment, will thereby claim that the lowest and most despicable of traits, as well as the highest forms of saintliness and goodness, coexist in each and every individual. That we are ALL "capable" of either extreme.

What they are really saying is that we are all capable of "evil", though they still, in their self-contradictory mindset, deny its existence. They claim that we are all the same, as if we come into the world straight out of some cookie-cutter mold. How very, very wrong they are. How very, very foolish. How completely have their minds been co-opted.

Those of us who have directly perceived the forces of evil, who have apprehended evil in its various forms, including as incarnated in the flesh; who have faced it down and stood our ground against it, know beyond any shadow of doubt that evil is a reality, to be ignored, discounted or denied, always at one's own peril.

Collective indoctrination which denies evil is, of course, foisted upon society by the top-ranking evildoers themselves. The denial that perpetrating evil is a PERSONAL CHOICE, with malice aforethought, to control, to exploit and to do harm to others, a choice made by each individual, is also responsible for perpetuating the evils of the world; in part by enabling the evildoers; by institutionalizing their evil; by making evil "acceptable" in the mass psyche, the collective consciousness.

In such a way does society --the individuals who comprise it-- become innured to evil.

By all means, let's roll out the red carpet for evildoers!

"Nurture over nature" proponents (some of whom call themselves "scientists" or "psychologists"); or those who see each human being as a "tabula rasa" (blank slate) fail to comprehend the most basic truth: That evildoers are entirely lacking in humanity, that in effect, they have no souls.

Or, that what "souls" they may have are artificial and do not belong to God. Or, that they have sold their souls in the pursuit of material/flesh/ego-gratification, in the lust for power to be wielded over all God's creation; in their grotesque vanity, to attempt to usurp the very power of God.

But in any case, and in every case, evil is a personal choice. Those who consciously and willfully choose evil will be held accountable, if not before humanity, then certainly before God. Still, it is the duty of all who see and understand the nature of evil to expose it, to defy it and to make every effort to hold the evildoers accountable for their crimes against God and humanity.

As for those who do not recognize evil for what it is, they are doomed to be used by evildoers, who feed on their confusion; their naivete; and their character flaws, exacerbated by indoctrination, and their profound ignorance.

And until such time (if ever) that they learn to recognize evil, they cannot be delivered from that which they refuse to acknowledge. It is really all that simple, and yet, far too many of these brainwashed individuals fail to see this simple truth and thus fall prey to the machinations of evildoers.

Perhaps I could compare them to lost souls, dejectedly wandering through a seemingly endless dark tunnel. When finally, they glimpse "a light at the end of the tunnel", they believe they have found their way out, that deliverance is near.

Then, in shock and horror, they hear the roar of the approaching train, bearing down on them, its blinding headlights the last thing they will ever see.

Even false light travels faster than sound. Evil can only win through deception, through engendering false perception, false lights.

In conjunction with deception, evil always involves aggression, intrusion, invasion, exploitation and predation, in various forms.

Evil does not respect --nor even acknowledge-- the spiritual integrity and personal boundaries of others: the Inviolability of Personhood.

Evil does not respect the sanctity of an individual life, nor the natural rights and liberties bestowed upon that life by God.

Evil is entirely devoid of compassion, empathy, mercy and conscience.

Evil is a voracious black hole whose vortex subsumes all ambient light and consumes the lives, the hopes and dreams of innocents.


Psychopathology is inherent in the nature of evil, at least in human terms.

Those who do evil may be narcissists, sociopaths, callous opportunists. Call them what you will, evildoers are criminally insane.

Just know that their abiding creed is to USE, to CONSUME, the more the better; and yet their hunger is inexhaustible, as their negatively-inflated egos can never, ever get enough.

They are psychic vampires who feed off the etheric/spiritual energies of their victims.

They are "social engineers" who get by in the world with oily charm and "situational ethics".

Having no conscience, the very idea of moral absolutes is beyond their ken.

They are liars, thieves, poseurs, mountebanks, merchants of false hope.

The virtues of compassion, mercy, charity, spiritual love and selfless service to others are seen only as weaknesses, weaknesses they can exploit, and which ultimately may become fatal "weaknesses" in their targets and victims.

Lacking all love, light and truth, the evildoers seek to destroy these virtues wherever they may find them, as means and opportunity permit.

In their ceaseless aggression, these diabolical predators intrude, invade, stalk, harass and persecute; they rape, they loot and plunder, all the while bearing false witness against their quarry, often accusing them of the very crimes of which they themselves are guilty as sin.

Again, the deception. They live and breathe lies, firing up the false lights at every turn.

They masquerade as paragons of virtue; as freedom fighters; as ministers to the downtrodden; as defenders of the underdog; as shepherds to the lost; as benefactors to the needy; as champions of justice. But their hearts are hollow, black and cold.

They commit atrocities and blackmail each other to cover up their crimes. They destroy the lives and hopes of all those without the wherewithal to protect themselves, especially innocent children, who are seen as nothing more than vessels of convenience on which to visit their vile sexual perversions.

Who cares? It's only one little life, and they hunt it down, simply because they can.

This, all this, is the nature of evil. I have only scratched the surface in attempting to describe it. But can anyone with the slightest bit of spiritual discernment doubt it?

Evil exists and anyone who claims otherwise is either an evildoer or is deceived, enslaved by evildoers.

Listen to their words, hear their lies and false promises, but instead of blindly believing, perceive only with the light of spirit, from your heart.

Look from your heart to see the fruits they bear. By their fruits shall you know them.

When you perceive by the Holy Spirit, living in your heart, they can deceive you no more.

Barbara Hartwell

November 27, 2006


For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.