He deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
Proverbs. 6:14-19
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them.
Ephesians 5:11
The names on this list are placed at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell, and are to be considered the opinion of Barbara Hartwell.
Because certain names are more common than others, persons whose names appear here may be other than the actual individual intended. (Example: for a name like "John Smith", there are most likely thousands.)
For this reason, the designation "one" should be understood to precede each name. Let it be known, for the record, that I have no wish, nor the intent, to label anyone as a bad guy, who is undeserving of having their name in a HALL OF SHAME.
Also note that the form of the name most commonly known/used is given. Examples: The true name is William, but the person is known as Bill. The true name is James, but the person is known as Jim, and so on and so forth.
This list includes all kinds, male and female, the living and the deceased, from every place on the spectrum --from aggressive, obnoxious, loud-mouthed busybodies and snoops, to career criminals, child rapists and murderers.
On this list there are malicious liars, thieves, blackmailers, extortionists, sex perverts/predators, pederasts, psycho stalkers, porno-mongers, human slave traffickers, identity thieves, COINTELPRO operatives and their minions, CIA, FBI, NSA (etc. etc.) agents, mind control handlers, perpetrators of eugenics, voodoo "scientists", black magicians/occultists, anti-Christs, false prophets, demons masquerading as angels of light, cowards, traitors, U.S. Constitution-shredders, corrupt cops and government officials, slanderers, forgers, plagiarists, drug traffickers, common criminals, career criminals, war criminals, predicate felons, misogynists/male supremacists, racists/bigots, animal abusers, satanists, pedophiles, leftists, collectivists, socialists, communists, fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks, globalist totalitarians, purveyors of disinformation, invaders of privacy, New Age nincompoops, secular humanist psycho-babblers, social engineers, psychopaths (and other assorted whackjobs), gun-grabbers/anti-gunners, scamsters, hucksters, mountebanks, snake-oil salesmen, swindlers, charlatans, con artists, government stooges, minions and shills.
I have not included any of the titles, credentials, military rank or "letters" some of these characters use (either legitimately or as fraud); for my purposes here they are irrelevant.
Some are notorious wrongdoers; some I'm sure you've never heard of. You see, it doesn't really matter to me who they are, or why they are engaged in wrongdoing or crimes. I am an "equal opportunity" expositor. Some of these individuals are exposed in detailed reports on this website.
From where I stand, it's all about exposing INJUSTICE, as well as seeking JUSTICE for the Targets and Victims, who suffer as a direct result of the aggression by these wrongdoers. The individuals named here have participated --one way or another-- in aggressive actions which violate the unalienable rights and liberties of others. The point is, they should all be held accountable for the wrongs they have done, the lies they have told, the false information they have disseminated, the crimes they have committed, the attacks on their Targets and Victims.
Also despicable is the promotion of bad guys to the detriment of truth-tellers and legitimate whistleblowers and expositors of corruption. It's not only a general matter of principle, but to me, also very personal. And when these perps unjustly attack my family, friends and allies, they are by extension attacking me.
I have not listed the 'anonymous' cowards (hiding behind screen names) who have come out of the woodwork to attack Barbara Hartwell, as well as my friends and colleagues. There are certainly more of them than of those whose names I know, but no way to pin their identities down. As far as I am concerned, anyone who posts comments on the Internet, but fails to come forward with his/her real identity, is not only a coward, but has ZERO credibility.
Some of the bad guys listed here also hide behind pseudonyms or screen names to cover themselves, and in such cases the known pseudonyms and false identities are included.
Only individuals are listed, no organizations, but anyone may easily look up the groups with which these individuals are affiliated.
Names are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference.
This list is (unfortunately) expanded on a somewhat regular basis. Of course, there are limits to how many names I can include, so you'll have to read between the lines.
By their fruits shall you know them.
I never cease to be amazed at some of those (you'd think they would know better!) who are promoting the websites of malicious liars and evildoers like Ken Adachi aka Peter Boudreau ('Educate-Yourself'), and Todd Brendan Fahey aka many, many aliases and screen names too numerous to count, which the little coward hides behind to do his dirty work ('Friends of Liberty'), two of the worst offenders in libeling/slandering Barbara Hartwell with diabolical calumny, as well as harassment, monstrous invasions of privacy, and spreading outrageous disinformation. "Xena Carpenter" (one of many aliases used by Todd Fahey) is another such loathsome website. Same goes for fed snitch, predicate felon, psycho-stalker Timothy Patrick White aka Tim White, a longtime accomplice of these individuals, who has no website of his own, but posts his garbage all over the Internet.
I don't know if these promoters of evildoers are simply operating out of ignorance, or if they just haven't bothered to check the content of these vile websites (or the character of these individuals) before linking to them on their own sites, but I no longer care WHY. There is NO EXCUSE for promoting these loathsome workers of iniquity. Anyone who promotes these criminals is automatically my enemy, for having any part in aiding and abetting the character assassination and persecution of Barbara Hartwell (and friends) and will be named here in the Hall of Shame.
[NOTE: Since this was published Todd Brendan Fahey and Ken Adachi have died, so they will no longer be slandering, libeling, harassing or threatening Barbara Hartwell. However, their legacy of hideous filth and demonic falsehoods lives on through the outrageous lies they have disseminated far and wide on the World Wide Web. May their names live in infamy, for the horrendous harm they have done, and may all those who have lived on to promote, support or endorse any part of their defamatory falsehoods be the recipients of God's swift and terrible justice. They know who they are, and so do I. See reports on this site, exposing their odious accomplices, reprobates, one and all.]
I would have added every single "news agent" (all shills and stooges by virtue of association) who contributes to Rayelan Allan's New Age, occultist, anti-Christian government disinfo website, Rumor Mill News, except for the fact that most post under (and hide behind) idiotic screen names.
Also to be noted is the fact that Rayelan Allan aka Raye Smith aka Darlene Smith and her accomplices are using Rumor Mill News as a venue to post extremely damaging disinformation and outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell, while soliciting money from readers in direct connection with the libelous falsehoods about Hartwell. This is fraud, just as is perpetrated by others among my enemies, such as Ken Adachi, Todd Fahey and others who solicit donations from the public to support their campaigns of defamation and character assassination against Barbara Hartwell.
So let it be known that the cowards (ALL RMN "agents") are hereby designated as inductees in the HALL OF SHAME.
The United Nations is one of the most evil institutions on the face of the earth. Their goal is a globalist totalitarian One World Government, otherwise known as the New World Order. They have no business whatsoever interfering in the business of these united States, nor have any jurisdiction or authority over the Sovereign Citizens of this country. Commie bastards!
Many misguided persons support, defend or traffick with the U.N., and those who do have proven that even if they are not embracing evil in other respects, they have NO RESPECT whatsoever for the God-given unalienable, constitutionally protected and guaranteed rights of the INDIVIDUAL. Names of known traffickers with the U.N. will be added to this list.
I have listed a few particularly
offensive persons who deserve special "dishonorable mention" in this HALL OF
SHAME. As seen here, they are Todd Brendan Fahey, Timothy Patrick White, Ken
Adachi and Rayelan Allan. My reason for this is that each of these individuals
has caused extreme damages to the name of Barbara Hartwell, by defamation,
libel, slander, exploiting my name and promoting outrageous
All of these individuals (malicious
liars, one and all) have high-traffic, commercial websites (and/or post on
them), so that their libelous falsehoods have done far more damage than other
As of today, January 25, 2016, I find it
necessary to add one more name: Howard Nemaizer aka Howard Nema, another
malicious liar extraordinaire, who has done almost as much damage in a short
period of time (2013-present time) as each of the others, who have been engaging
in their dirty work for more than a decade.
This used car salesman, Howard Nemaizer, a rank amateur,
is posing as a "journalist". He is an extremely aggressive busybody and
gate-crasher, seeking public attention. So now, he will get more attention than he
bargained for, from someone whose name he has been exploiting in the hope of
making a name for himself. When his efforts failed, he began promoting libelous
falsehoods and making false accusations, and his lies have now been spread far
and wide by some of the very liars named here in the HALL OF
SHAME. These accomplices, promoting the lies of Howard Nemaizer, while defaming the name of Barbara Hartwell, include Todd Brendan Fahey, Ken Adachi, James F. Marino, Vincent Blasone (aka "Vinny Bda truth" --how idiotic!), Harry Link, David St John, and left-wing agitator, UN advocate, Marxist hypocrite, Janet Phelan.
His wife, one Maureen Nemaizer, also deserves dishonorable mention. This woman is a hysterical harridan, a snoop, a snitch, a malicious gossip, a pathological liar, and one of the worst busybodies I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. She attends heavy metal devil worship events, where Satan is saluted and where Bibles are burned onstage. Yet Maureen Nemaizer falsely claims to be a Christian. The entire Nemaizer family (including their son, Patrick Nemaizer) is heavily involved in this filthy, demonic, heavy-metal, anti-Christ culture. The Nemaizers (and all their supporters) are of their father, the devil.
And...there is something I should have added, a long time ago. Better late than never. In 2013, when I was driven to homelessness and total destitution by government persecution, Howard Nemaizer made a fraudulent, bait-and-switch offer of "sanctuary" at his rental home in Torrington, CT. In desperation, not having anywhere to go, because no one would help me, I accepted his offer. Little did I know at the time that the "sanctuary" he offered would be in his basement, not fit for human (or animal) habitation. I was stranded in a filthy, unheated, toxic mold-infested basement (a true dungeon) for 29 miserable days, from November 22, 2013 until December 21, 2013. All during that time, I was harassed, grossly insulted by Nemaizer, his wife, and their lowlife friends, until finally I was thrown into the street on December 21 (a satanic holiday). I barely survived the hellish ordeal, and only by the grace of God, found a rental property in New York shortly thereafter. Howard Nemaizer then continued to grossly exploit my name, in multiple venues, and when, in righteous outrage, I exposed the truth about this lying SOB, he began publishing defamatory falsehoods, in efforts to cover up his own lies and offenses (civil and criminal). Nemaizer's outrageous lies were then widely promoted by his accomplices (see names above). The Nemaizers stole my belongings, tampered with (stole) US mail addressed to me (a federal offense), and then ran a malicious gossip fest against me on social media. Maureen Nemaizer was harassing members of my family (whom she contacted on Facebook), spreading more outrageous lies. Anyone who supports, promotes, or has any dealings with these reprobates is my enemy, and will be added here in the HALL OF SHAME.
See my many reports on this site exposing the demonic Nemaizers and their accomplices. Their names should live in infamy, in perpetuity, and I will continue to do all in my power to expose them.
#5: Dishonorable Mention of “Targeted Individuals” & Promoters of Fraudulent Info on MK Ultra
the past few years (and in some cases, decades) there have been a number of persons and groups
who identify themselves as “targeted individuals” or “TIs”,
who have been engaged in exploitation and/or defamation of the name
of Barbara Hartwell. I have no dealings with any of these persons, nor have ever been involved in any way with their groups or organizations. Nor do I have commonalities with what they are promoting as their theories and/or personal experiences as so-called "targeted individuals" and/or on MK Ultra.
Many of these individuals are leftists who promote and advocate for the totalitarian United Nations, making "appeals" to this enemy of Liberty for "human rights", while, in stunning hypocrisy, claiming to defend the US Constitution, and are thereby a part of advancing the Communist agenda and takeover in the US and worldwide.
Some promote New Age and/or Secular Humanist ideologies which are anti-Christian in nature. Examples: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), "Life Coaching" (a particularly idiotic phrase used by those with no credentials, in attempts to gain credibility, where none exists). Some promote "Monarch" as a CIA operation under MK Ultra, which in fact it was not. Many of these characters make extravagant/sensationalist claims for which there is no basis in fact, seeking public attention and/or material gain, and thus muddying the waters to taint the truthful, factual information which is exposed by legitimate whistleblowers, journalists, and survivors of MK Ultra and/or other government black ops.
Most promote false information in support of the late FBI Chief/COINTELPRO Kingpin, Ted Gunderson, and hail him as a hero for "targeted individuals".
There are too many to name in this addendum,
however, all their names have already been added to the HALL OF SHAME,
and the names of the groups with which they are affiliated have been
named in the HALL OF SHAME (2). Some of the individuals named here are deceased, but their vile legacy of lies, fraud and diabolical calumny against their Targets should not be forgotten.
to the extreme damages they have done, including to my name, and/or to the
names of certain of my friends and colleagues, and generally speaking, to the truth on these issues, I now find it
necessary to publish this special “dishonorable mention” addition
to expose them, and as a warning to others, especially to genuine Christians and patriots.
name, they are:
Adachi (pseudonym), Rayelan Allan (aka Rayelan Russbacher aka Darlene
Smith aka Raye Smith), Frank Allen, Linda Anderson (aka Cisco
Wheeler), Shirley Anderson, Matthew Arnegard (aka Matthew Aaron), Sue
Arrigo, Ellen Atkin (aka "MK Ultra Girl"), Fiona Barnett,
Andrew Basiago, Kurt Billings, Bill Binney, Millicent Black, Danielle
Blumenthal, Connie Boisvert, Audrey Ann Bolin, Kola Boof, Dennis
Bossack, Walter Bowart, Carrie Boyer, Chase Brandon, Lynda Brasier
(aka "Susoni"), Barbara Crouse Brown,
D'Anne Burley, Bob Cabacoff, Glenn Canady, "Xena Carpenter"
(also a pseudonym of Todd Brendan Fahey), Kerry Cassidy, Mary Ann
Cerra, Ron Cerra, Fiona Cristian, Arthur Cristian, Beverly
Cuellar (aka "Bee Dizzle"), Polly Cunningham, Anita
Dalton, Ramola Dharmaraj (aka Ramola D), John DeCamp, Ortaine Devian
(aka Jeff Hedrun), Clay Douglas, Fintan Dunne, Todd Brendan Fahey,
Eyerly Felder (aka Ella Free), Howard Fisher, Tiffany
Fontenot, Susan Ford (aka Brice Taylor), Cathy Fox, Makia
Freeman, Ron Garon, Jon Gentry, Nina Gonzalez, Beth Goobie, Rosalee
Grable (aka 'Webfairy'), Wanda Renee Grantham, Kay Griggs, Sherri
Guarnieri, Marilyn Guinnane, Ted Gunderson, Barbara Harrison, Tom
Heneghan, Anthony Hilder, Mark Hostlaw, Katherine Horton,
David Icke, Paul Ingbretson, Allison
Ireland, Aaron James, Alex Jones, Daymond Jones, Arlene Johnson, John
Kaminski, Erik Karlstrom, Francine Kelly, Rima Laibow, Remmic Lewis,
Richard Lighthouse (aka Owen Calvert), Harry Link, Samuel Ludwick,
Midge Mathis (aka Doris Clause), Clarence Malcolm, James F. Marino,
Virginia McCollough, Julianne McKinney, Erika Meyer, Doug Millar,
Michelle Monk, William B Mount, Jeff Murray, Jay Myers, Brenda M
Negri, Howard Nemaizer, Maureen Nemaizer, Don Nicoloff, Cathy
O'Brien, Susan Olsen, Alma Ott (aka A True Ott), Jay Parker, Janet
Phelan, Eric John Phelps, Mark Phillips, Carol Pilgrim, Michelle Ray,
Amy Rayboun (aka Teresa Reed), Derrick Robinson, Pam Schuffert,
Timothy Shelley, Ray Schumann, Patricia Shupe, Andy Spoo, Fritz
Springmeier (aka Victor Schoof aka Arthur Alexander Jr.), Penny
Shepard, Don Stacey, Charles Bruce Stewart, Karen Melton Stewart,
Alex Studer, Stewart Swerdlow, Janet Swerdlow, Deborah Tavares,
Anthony Thomas, Ann Vandersteel, Stew Webb, Deborah Anne Weber,
Alfred Webre, Timothy Patrick White (aka Patrick Alexander aka George
Mateski), Mark Williams, Chris Zucker.
are extremely aggressive. Some have invaded privacy, some have spread false
information, some have engaged in defamation and/or stalking and/or harassment. Some make
false claims to be “investigators” and/or “whistleblowers”.
In my opinion, any such claims are fraudulent, as they have been
exposed as shills, charlatans, poseurs, belligerent ignoramuses, social engineers, busybodies and liars.
run organizations, which make claims of “helping TIs” and/or run
“hot lines", conference calls, or what they claim are "safe calls". In my opinion, none of them are qualified to dispense any form of advice (legal, psychological, or otherwise) to the general public, or to individuals seeking any form of assistance. They tend to promote each other, so you may see these names in interviews on radio/podcasts and on social media, where each is propping up the false information being promoted by the others.
Many are engaged in spreading
malicious gossip on social media. Some are false “Christians” who
have promoted grossly false information against Barbara Hartwell,
calling me a “satanist”, a “demon”, “member of the Church
of Satan”, and some have promoted ghastly images of demons in connection with the name of Barbara Hartwell. Some of these individuals are so presumptuous, self-aggrandizing (and deluded) that they actually claim to be "angels", though judging by the false information and anti-Christian doctrines they promote, I can't imagine any less "angelic" beings. I have also been falsely accused by many of these odious
characters of being a “CIA agent”, “CIA handler”.
Some of these individuals have been exposed on this site, in detailed reports. BEWARE anyone making the claim of being a "targeted individual", especially if they are involved with the groups populated by those named here.
I should make it clear that anyone who promotes, supports or endorses
any of these individuals is persona non grata to me. And that these shady characters really need to learn to mind their own business, and stop sticking their noses into mine!
Matthew Aaron (aka Matthew Arnegard) Ali Abbasi
Paul Abbate
Dorothy Abbot
Sarah Abbott
Gene Abboud
Melina Abdullah
Dawud Abdulwali
Salman Abedi
Huma Abedin
Martin F. Abernathy
Marina Abramovic
JJ Abrams
Stacey Abrams
Harold Abramson
Jerry Acevedo
Terry Ackerman
Bill Ackman
Ken Adachi (aka Peter Boudreau)
Deana Adams
Eric Adams
Simon Jean Paul Sacha Adams (aka Sacha Stone)
Mike Adams
Sarah Rachel Adams
Tedros Adhanom
Solomon Adler
Niki Ahearn
Ravi Ahmad
Qanta Ahmed
Daniel Alafonza
Ajmal Alami
Abdurahman Alamoudi
Timothy Alberino
Madeleine Albright
Manuel Banuelos-Alcala
James Alefantis
John B. Alexander
Keith Alexander
Laurie Alexander
Jonas Alexis
Saul Alinsky
Sharifa Alkhateeb
Rayelan Allan (aka Rayelan Russbacher aka Darlene Smith aka Raye Smith)
Frank Allen
Gail Allen Morse Allen
Sterling Allen
Ashley Allison
Dick Allgire
John Allman
Colin Allred
Theresa Alt
Aviv Alush
Xavier Alvarez
Shepard Ambellas
Ron Amitron
Helen Andelin
Linda Anderson (aka Cisco Wheeler)
Mark Anderson
Mike Anderson
Sean Anderson
Shirley Anderson
Steven Anderson
Zane Anderson
Chris Andre
Willow Andreasson
Annie Andrews
Scott Andrysiak
Jake Angeli (aka Q shaman)
Andrew Anglin
Kofi Annan
Kevin Annett
Alex Ansary
Salini Teri Apodaca
Gene Appel
Edward Aquino
Michael Aquino
Julissa Arce
Ana Maria Archila
Nikole Ardeno
James Arendt
Cathy Areu
Jose Arisitimuno
Jesse Arreguin
Gustavo Perez Arriaga
Sue Arrigo
Devon Arthurs
John Ashbrook
John Ashcroft
Ed Asner
Sean Astin
John David Roy Atchinson
Michael Aquino
Ellen Atkin (aka "MK Ultra Girl")
Gabriel Atkins
Andrew Auernheimer
Robin Austin
Bob Avakian
Tony Avella
Michael Avenatti
Donna Cohen Avery
Nihad Awad
Bill Ayers
Jacqueline Ayers
Jonathan Azaziah
Abd al-Baset Azzouz
Sai Baba
Bob Babecka
Idan Daniel Bach
Michelle Bachelet
John Bachtell
Zak Bagans
Holly Baglio
Tanuja Bahal
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
Alice Bailey
Jeremy Bain
Charlie Baker
Ella Baker
James Edward Baker
Skip Baker
Bailey Baldus
Kenny Banks
David Barron
Adam Bartlett
Almine Barton
Blanche Barton
Brad Barton
Dana Bash
Andrew Basiago
Karen Bass
Tracy Basterrechea
Forrest E. Bateman
Jack Bates
Robert Baty
Loretta Baughan
Brad Bauman
Jay Baumgardner
Mary K Baxter
Michael Baxter
Carlos Bayon
Michael Baxter
Ethan Bearman
John Bechtel
Chris Beck
Cheryl Beck
Thomas Becker
Mike Bedigan
Jere Beery
Joy Behar
Carrin Behr
Justin Beiber
Heidi Beirich
Daniel Bekerman
Ron Belaire
James Clinton Belcher
Josh Bell
Rob Bell
Michael Beller
George A Benavides
Loretta Bender
Joel Benenson
David Ben-Gurion
Arthur Benjamin
Isaac Bennett
Scott Bennett
Sophia Benoit
Dierks Bentley
Todd Bentley
Russell Bentley
Friedrich Paul Berg
Cali Shai Bergandi
Bowe Bergdahl
Sandy Berger
Jorge Mario Bergoglio (aka Francis)
Arthur J. Berman
Richard Berman
Jason Bermas
Ben Bernanke
Edward Bernays
Holly Bernier
Christopher Bertolino
Steven P Bertolino
Jacob Bertrand
Elianna Beswick
Connor Betts
Jeff Bezos
Joe Biggs
B.J. Bernstein
Ebrahim Bham
Aaron Bianco
Mike Bickle
Tracey Bickle
Hunter Biden
Jill Biden
Joe Biden
Dan Bidondi
Del Bigtree
Jacob R. Billig
Kurt Billings
LeeAnn Billings
Dan Bilzerian
Tray Garbatini Binette
Steve Bing
Bill Binney
Steve Birkett
Deborah Birx
Jean Marie Bizeau
Don Black
Millicent Black Rod Blagojevich
Mike Blair
William Peter Blatty
Vincent Blasone (aka "Vinny Bda truth")
Stephanie Blass
Irene Blinston
Jack Blood
Lenny Bloom (aka Nelson Thall)
Michael Bloomberg
Danielle Blumenthal
Richard Blumenthal
Deborah Boardman
James Boasberg
Michael Boccardi
Lauren Boebert
Brett Bohl (aka "Ohio Brett")
Connie Boisvert
Scott Bolden
Audrey Ann Bolin
Paul Bonacci
Will Bond
Emma Bonino
Kola Boof
Cory Booker
Mark Borla
Ricky Borla
Tammy Borla
Dennis Bossack
Joanne Bougalis
Nick Bostrom
Riccardo Bossi
Barbara Bouchey
Sean Boushie
Wynette Boushie
Lee Edwin Bouton
Walter Bowart
Christian Bowe
Robert Bowers
Jacob Boyan
Richard Boykin
Barbara Boxer
Carrie Boyer
Richard Boylan
Luis Bracamontes
Dakota Bracciale
Kevin Bradshaw
Sarah Brady
Alice Braga
Russell Brand
Chase Brandon
Lynda Brasier (aka "Susoni")
Pattie Brassard
Eddie Bravo
Tawana Brawley
Mark Bray
Donna Brazile
Margaret Brech (aka Mia Brech aka Mia Stewart)
Martin Brech
Martin Brech Jr.
Charles V. Breed
Denali Brehmer
John Brennan
Margaret Brennan
Terry Brewer
Neil Brick
Jeff Bridges
Barbra-renee Brighenti
Peter Brimelow
Chris Britt
Connie Britton
Ralf Christian Broermann
Timothy Brogan
Todd Brogan
Michael Bromwich
Sara Bronfman
Clare Bronfman
Darrell Brooks
Rosa Brooks
David Brower
Courtney Brown
Emma Brown
Jermalle Brown
Jerry Brown
Kalee Brown
Kate Brown
Lisa Brown
Michael Brown
Patrick Brown
Susan Brown (pseudonym)
Sylvia Browne
Jean-Luc Brunel
Loy Brunson
Ryan Bruss
William J. Bryan
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Mika Brzezinski
Marie Buchanan
Ray Buckey
Peggy McMartin Buckey
William F. Buckley Jr.
Mariann Edgar Budde
Leticia Bueno
Warren Buffet
Julie Bujalski
Robin D Bullock
Lauren Burch
James Burdock
Greg Burleson
Wade Burleson
D'Anne Burley
Chris Burton
Gary D. Buseck
Barbara Bush
Cori Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush
George Walker Bush
Barbara Butch
Jamie Buturff
Judy Byington
Michael Byrd
Robert Byrd
Patrick Byrne
Rhonda Byrne
Michael Byron
Silvia Caballol
Eddie Caban
Tiffany Caban
Polly Cady
Danny Cahalin
Thomas Cahraman
Greg Calbi
Jason Caldwell
Camille Calibeo
Stephen Calkins
Kevin Callahan
Winter Owen Calvert (aka Richard Lighthouse)
John Calvin
Luke Calvin
Ewen Cameron
James Cameron
Bruce Campbell
JB Campbell
Dolores Eilene Cannon
Margaret Daley Carpenter
"Xena Carpenter" (also a pseudonym of Todd Brendan Fahey)
Ronald Cerra
Mary Ann Cerra
Jay Cesnak
Lori Cesnak
Sam Cesnak
Chad Chaddington
Saikat Chakrabarti
Ernie Chambers
John Michael Chambers
Rachel Chandler
Scott Ryan Charney (aka Scott Green)
Megan Charpentier
Jason Charter
Hugo Chavez
Kimberly Cheatle
Cher (whatever her real name is)
Jim Cherney
Dick Cheney
Liz Cheney
Melissa Cheng
Michael Chertoff
Ed Chiarini
Tom Chittum
Noam Chomsky
James L. Choron (pseudonym of Brenda Negri)
Anjem Choudary
Jeremy Joseph Christian
Robert William Christie
Wilson Ciancanelli
Eric Ciaramella
Mark Arthur Ciavarella
Madonna Louise Ciccone (aka Madonna)
Nicholas Cifuni
Dennis Cimino
Donna Cinelli
Nicolas Clamorgan
Eric Clanton
James Clapper
Clay Clark
Jennifer Clark
Katherine Clark
Kristen Clarke
Louise Clarke
Travis Clark
Veronica Clark
Wyatt Clark
Doris Clause (aka Midge Mathis)
Corinne Cliford
Matt Clifford
Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels)
Anthony Clifton
Marjorie Clifton
Chelsea Clinton
Ejay Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Dalton Clodfelter
Barbara Hand Clow
Mike Clute
Nicki Clyne
Craig Cobb
Paul Craig Cobb
Pat Cocking (aka Patricia King)
Frank Coe
Debra Coffey
Jared Cohen
Richard Cohen
Sacha Baron Cohen
Ezrah Cohen
Yakov D Cohen
Allie Cohn
Sheldon Cohn
Steven Colbert
David Cole
Greg Coles
Stephanie Collage
Denise Collazo
Mark Collett
Charlotte Collins
Kaitlan Collins
Nate Collins
Sarah Collins
Nikki Columbo
Hope Conley
Sean John Combs (aka "Puff Daddy" aka "P. Diddy")
James Comey
Bill Connelly
Gerry Connolly
Bobby Conner
Susan Shea Conner
Carissa Conti
Eusebio Contreras
Christina Cook
Tim Cook
Kim Cooks
Alexandra Cooper (aka "Call Her Daddy")
Alice Cooper (aka Vincent Damon Furnier)
Roy Cooper
Joshua Copeland
Kenneth Copeland
Gloria Copeland
Neil Corbel
Maria Corbo
John Cornyn
Jackson A. Cosko
Shawn Coston
Joe Cortina
Bill Cottle
Paul Cottrell
Katie Couric
Kevin Courtois
Andrew Cox
Sonny Crack Susan Crawford
Benjamin Creme
JoAnne Cremer
Destin Cretton
Bob Criscuolo
Arthur Cristian
Fiona Cristian
Chris Crocker
Jasmine Crockett
Thomas Matthew Crooks
Ethan Crumbley
Brad Cummings
Ruth Cummings
Polly Cunningham
Andrew Cuomo
Chris Cuomo
Blase Cupich
Jim Cusimano
Kim Custer
Miley Cyrus
Christie Czajkowski
Jessie Czebotar
Patrick DaCosta
Joni Dahlstrom
Anita Dalton
Thomas Dalton
Mike Daly
Ed Dames
Chris Damian
Nathan Damigo
Matt Damon
Eileen Dannemann
Ramola Dharmaraj (aka Ramola D)
Sadie Darnell
Charles Darwin
Lasha Darkmoon (pseudonym)
Stacey Dash
Dave Daubenmire (aka 'Coach Dave')
Rob Daven
Mark Davey
Andrew Jackson Davis
Angela Davis
Erin Davis
Frank Marshall Davis
Lamont Davis
Linsey Davis
Rudy Davis
Vanessa Davis
Richard Dawkins
Laura Day
Lorraine Day
Sheldon Day
Bill Deagle
Jim W. Dean
Liz Dean
Bill De Blasio
John DeCamp
Myrna Deckert
Richard DeCristofaro Jr.
Morris Dees
Randy Dees
Ron DeHaven
Ryan Deitch
Hugh DeLacy
Ken Delaney
Mike Delaney
Marc Delantre
Rosa De Lauro
Letitia Delgadillo
Enrique Martin Delgado
Jose Delgado
Liliana DeLucca
Mike DeWine
Aria DiMezzo
Robert De Niro
John de Nugent
Johnny Depp
Alan Dershowitz
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
James Desarno
Ortaine Devian (aka Jeff Hedrun)
Robin D'Angelo
Juliet Diaz
Mark Dice (aka Mark Shouldice aka John Conner)
Mahalia Dickinson
Ann Diener
Curt Dietrich
James DiEugenio
Ronnie James Dio
Patricia DiPerri
Carl Dix
Mindy Dixon
Bella Dodd
Thomas Dodd
Bernadine Dohrn
Jennifer Dohrn
Gerry Donaldson
Susan Dones
Tad Donley
Tom Donlon
Joe Donnelly
Michael Donohue
Chris Door
Bob Dorf
Jack Dorsey
Bruce Doucette
Clay Douglas
Edward Dowd
Matthew Dowd
Riley Dowell
James Downey
Glennon Doyle
Leslie Driskill
Mark Driscoll
Shanta Driver
Paul Drockton
Katie Drummond
Jennifer Duck
Tammy Duckworth
Nick Dudich
Marc Paul Alain Dutroux
Gordon Duff
Tyler Dugger
Allen Dulles
Pam Dunbar
Arne Duncan
Wayland Duerschmidt
Damien Dumar
Christi Kennedy Duncan
Robert Duncan
Fintan Dunne
John Dunphy
Deborah Dupre
Lon Milo DuQuette
Dick Durbin
VK Durham
Jenny Durkan
Pat Dussault
Andrea Dworkin
Scott Dworkin
Cate Dyer
Jay Dyer
Aaron Dykstra
Paul Dylan
Hans Dypka
Roy Eacups
David Earles
Patrick Earp
George Eaton
Alireza Ebadi
Vickie Lynn Eberflus
Zac Echola
Sarah Edmondson
Merlin Edmonston
Alice Edwards
James Edwards
Ron Edwards
Bobbi Egan
Mike Eggleston
Barbara Ehrenreich
Paul Ehrlich
Mark Penfield Eichorn
Laura Eisenhower
Brett Eldredge
Jenna Ellis
Terri Ellis
Keith Ellison
Megan Ellison
Stacy Emerson
Doug Emhoff
Lou Engle
Ryan English
Johnny Enlow
Mike Enoch (aka Mike Peinovich)
Jeffrey Epstein
Julian Epstein
Franz Erdl
Recep Erdogan
Werner Erhard
Milton Erickson
Natasha Erickson
Randi L. Erickson
Thomas Espinosa
John Esposito
George H. Estabrooks
Ilana Esterrich
Michael Eugene
Robb Gary Evans Spencer Evans
Amelie Eve
Ashraf Ezzat
Mena Ezzat
Sorcha Faal (pseudonym)
Todd Brendan Fahey (aka "Xena Carpenter" aka many, many other aliases and screen names)
Christine Fair
Robin Falkov
Mary Fanning
Robert Fanning
Wallace D Fard
João Teixeira de Faria
Evelyn Farkas
Jonathan David Farley
Louis Farrakhan
Daniel Farrioli
Michael Farris
Dennis Fashbaugh
Reggie Fashbaugh
Paul Leo Faso
Anthony Fauci
Brooke Federline
Dianne Feinstein
Jessica Feinstein
Yvettte Felarca
Ella Felder (aka Ella Free)
Lorien Fenton
Marilyn Ferguson
Neil Ferguson
Victor Manuel Fernandez
Sylvia Lynn Ferrare
Jim Fetzer
Sean Feucht
Frank Figliuzzi (aka Frankie Figgs)
Christiana Figueres
Bill Finck
Larry Fink
Leigh Finke
Noelle Finkle
Edith Fiore
Brian Fischer
Howard Fisher
Michelle Fisher
Rachel Fishman
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Colin Flaherty
Jeff Flake
Vincent Flanders
Matthew Flavel
Luanne Fleming
Sean D. Fleming
Lizzie Fletcher
Susan Fletcher
Jane Flint
Sara C. Flowers
Larry Flynt
Arielle Fodor
Jared Fogle
Jane Fonda
Peter Fonda
Tiffany Fontenot
Christine Blasey Ford
Susan Ford (aka Brice Taylor)
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Laurie Fortier
Anthony Forwood
Allen Fosdick
Francine Fosdick
Joe Foster
Melinda Pillsbury Foster
Cathy Fox
Donald Fox
Megan Fox
Jamie Foxx
Mikhail Fradkov
Joe Francis
Barney Frank
Al Franken
Ella Free (pseudonym aka Felder)
Jamie Freeman
Makia Freeman
Clement Freud
Samuel Frey
Marci Friedman
John Friend
Katherine Frisk
Lauren Fromm
Paul Fromm
David Frum
Ralph Fucetola
Nicholas J Fuentes
Zander C. Fuerza (aka "Zion Crime Factory")
Edward Fulke
Josh Gad
Kevin Gagan
John Angelo Gage
Lucas Gage
Sharon Eileen Gagon
David Gahary
Larry Gaiters
Erin Gallagher
Ernesto Esquival-Garcia
Zen Garcia
Rob Gardner
Roy Gardner
Kristian Gareau
Merrick Garland
Ron Garon
James Garrelts
Alicia Garza
Karla Sofia Gascon
Bill Gates
Melinda Gates
Francisco Garcia
Robert Garcia
Hamilton Gavitt
Mara Gay
Arlene Gaylord
Mark Geiger
Jen Gennai
Jon Gentry
Ann Georgulas
Marc Gerson
Willis Gibbons
Todd Giffen
Jamie Gigantiello
Derek Gilbert
Greg Giles
David Gill
John Gill
Christina Gillam
Kirsten Gillibrand
Andrew Gillum
Peter H. Gilmore
Rachel Gilson
Newt Gingrich
Tom Ginsburg
James Giordano
John Gittinger
Heidi Christine Givler
Mark Glaze
Scott Gleeson
Gene Glenn
Mark Glenn
Heather Glock
Donald Glover (aka "Childish Gambino")
Rhonda Goade
Phil Godlewski
John Godwin
Aitan Goelman
Kimberly Ann Goguen
Parker Shawn Gohs
Jeffrey Goldberg
Dan Goldman
Emma Goldman
Jeremy Gong
Filiberto Gonzales
Nina Benito Gonzales
Beth Goobie
Rachel Gooch
Corey Goode
Richard Goodstein
Stephanie Gordon
Timothy Gordon
Amanda Gorman
Kermit Gosnell
Charles Gough
Dan Goldman
Al Goldstein
Amy Goodman
Michael Goodspeed
Mikhail Gorbachev
Jeff Gordon (aka "hobie" aka "Zapper")
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Al Gore
Sydney Gottlieb
Russell Jay Gould
Rosalee Grable (aka 'Webfairy')
Josephine Grace
Barbara Graham
Daniel Graham
Lindsey Graham
Donald Grahn
Antonio Francesco Gramsci
Ariana Grande
Hugh Grant
Wanda Renee Grantham
Andrea Grass
Matthew Graves
Briahna Joy Gray
Lucien Greaves
Adam Green
George Green
George Dawes Green
Graham Greene
Richard Green (aka "Patriotlad") Leah Greenburg
Jonathan Greenblatt
Zachary Greenblatt (aka Zachary K. Hubbard)
Barbara Greenburg
Ian Greenhalgh
Alan Greenspan
Patty Greer
Steven Greer
Wilton Gregory
Alexis Grenell
Amy Grey
Alyssa Farrah Griffin
Kathy Griffin
Kay Griggs
John Grinder
Bill Grisby
Lesley Groff
Steven Grogan
Christa Groshek
Gaige P Grosskreutz
Adam Grover
Patrick Groves
James Grundvig
Bob Guccione
Sherri M Guarnieri
Juan Guerra
John Guess
Che Guevara
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Barbara Guillette
Marilyn Guinnane
Fethullah Gulen
Ted Gunderson
Jennifer Guskin
Antonio Guterres
Andrew Guzik
Barbara Hachenburg
Gehad El-Haddad
Oliver Haddo
Noel J. Hadley
Gabriella Hafner
John Hagee
Chuck Hagel
Kenneth E. Hagin
Joachim Hagopian
Chris Hahn
Dee Dawkins Haigler
Sarah Haines
Catherine Hakim
George Ellery Hale
Nikki Haley
Debra Hall
James Hall (aka SARTRE)
Michael Hall
Greg Hallett
Christine Hallquist
Ursula Haverbeck
Jan Halper-Hayes
Mark Halpern
Scott Hamlin
Rachel Hamm
John Hammell
Mark Hamill
Doug Hamp
RJ Hampton (aka "Roxie" Hampton)
Ernest Hancock
Tommy Hansen
Steve Hanson
Mike Harari
Yuval Noah Harari
John Hardon
Michael Hardt
Mary Hardy
Casey P. Hargrove
Clyde Hargrove
Harriet Harman
Willis Harman
Dan Harmon
Mark Harp
Michael Harrington
Alec Harris
Ed Harris
Kamala Harris
Mike Harris
Rolf Harris
Barbara Harrison
Mel Harrison (aka "Liberty Mel")
Brian E Harriss
Christine Joanna Hart
Grant Hartley
Reese Hartstir
Summer Harvey
Chris Haskell
Nidal Malik Hassan
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Dennis Hastert
Kathy Haston
Jacqueline Hatch
Chris Hatfield
James Hatridge
Lisa Haven
Jennifer Hawkings
Scott Hawkins
Will Hawkins
Michael Hayden
Tom Hayden
Anna Hayes (aka Ashayana Dean aka Katie Tegue)
Dave Hayes (aka "Praying Medic")
Peter Telford Hayman
Steven Hayne
John Hays
Stuart Hazeldine
Edward Heath
David Heavener
Lawrence Hecker
Jerry Hedgecock
Meredith Headquist
Jeff Hedrun (aka Ortaine Devian)
Hugh Hefner
MJ Heger
Matt Heimbach
Heidi Heitkamp
Jesse Helms
Richard Helms
Michael Hemmingson
Dean Henderson
Deborah Henderson
Leonard Henderson
Tom Heneghan
Yahya Hendi
Scott Hensler
Bill Henson
Manuel Hernandez
Richard Hernandez
Sally Hernandez
Rick Heskey
William Hetland
Esther Hicks
Tim Hicks
Clif High
James Higham
Anthony Hilder
Faith Hill
Helena Hill
Michael Hill
Napoleon Hill
Wesley Hill
Donna Hilton
Jeremy Himmelman
Katherine Hine
Colvin Hinton
Sherri Hinton
Mazie Hirono
Leon Hirsch
Isra Hirsi
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Dale Ho
Richard Hoagland
John Hoaglund
Kathy Hochul
Dave Hodges
James Hodgkinson
Albert Hoffman
Catherine Hoffman
Jim Hoft
David Hogg
David Hogue
Hillary Hogue
Eric Holder
John Holdren
Leo Hollister
Sheila Holm
Timothy Holmseth
Amy Holem
Lester Holt
Bob Hope
Dillon Ulysses Hopper
Daniel Hopsicker
Donna Horcher
Lon Horiuchi
Katherine Horton
Anushay Hossain
Sunny Hostin
Mark Hostlaw
Raphael Hostey (aka Abu Qaqa al-Britani)
Russ “Pappy” Houck
Chrissy Houlahan
Brian Houston
Frank Houston
Jim How (pseudonym)
Greg Howard
Jim Howard
Laura Howard
Thomas Howard
Keith Howe
Jenna Howell
Steny Hoyer
Brad Hoylman
Allison Hrabar
Margaret Huang
Al Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard
Zachary K. Hubbard (aka Zachary Greenblatt)
Anthony Huber
Eric Hufschmid
Dolores Huerta
Karen Hughes
Julian Huguet
Kimmy Hull
Evan Hultman
Ted Humes
Barbara Humphrey
Dave Hunt
Denny Hunt
Eric Hunt
E. Howard Hunt
Tiffany Edwards Hunt
Robert B. Hunter
Bob Hurt
Robert Hurt
Jaylani Hussein
Aldous Huxley
Julian Huxley
David Wayne Hyslop
Jose Ibarro
Ronnie Steven “Rizza” Islam
Shamsud-Din Jabbar
Ehab Jaber
Rafeeq Jaber
Michael Jaco
Laura Knight Jadczyk
Aaron James
E.L. James
Eli James
Letitia James
Preston James
Quentin James
Vincent James
Alison Jamieson
Dave Janda
Jeff Jansen
Valerie Jarrett
Pramila Jayapal
Karine Jean-Pierre
Robert Jeffress
Adam Jeffrey
Hakim Jeffries
Ross Jeffries
Warren Jeffs
Dallas Jenkins
Jerry Jenkins
Teri Jenkins (aka "Lulie" aka "Lulie bad slave")
Floyd Jennings
Ted Jenson
Sarah Jeong
Jay Jericho
David Jerimiah
Ed Jewett
Xi Jinping
Alencia Johnson
Alexis McGill Johnson
Alfreddie Johnson
Arlene Johnson
Derek Johnson
Greg Johnson
Hank Johnson
Justin Johnson
Keith Johnson
Robert L Johnson
Ron Johnson
Ryan M. Johnson
Miesha Johnston
Thomas Jolly
Angelina Jolie
Alan Jones
Alex Jones (aka Bill Hicks)
Bob Jones
Dawn Jones
Daymond Jones
Gina Ortiz Jones
Jim Jones
Nikole Hannah Jones
Tony Jones
Van Jones
Zhila Jones
Tim Kaine
Kate Kaiser
Robert Blair Kaiser
Rashid Kalid
John Kaminski
Christina Kanas
Morgan Kane (aka Murray Weiner)
Nathanael Kapner (aka Milton Kapner)
Stuart Karaffa
Pamela Karlan
Erik Karlstrom
Charlie Kartchner
John Kasich
Debra Katz
Peter Kawaja
Leann Kearney
Karl Keating
Andrew Keegan
James Edward Keeler
Montague Keen
Simon Keen
Sarah Kellen (aka Sarah Kensington)
Charlotte Kellogg
Melinda Jane Kellogg
Brooke Kelley
Devin Patrick Kelley
Francine Kelly
Gregory J. Kelly
John Kelly
Julie Kelly
Laura Kelly
Megyn Kelly
Penny Kelly
Robin Kelly
Jamie Kelso
R. Dennis Kennedy
Ted Kennedy
Jason Kenney
John Kerry (aka John Kohn)
Ken Kesey
Jason Kessler
Devin Keymer
Alicia Keys
Mia Khalifa
Mahboob Khan
Sadiq Khan
Suhail Khan
Parag Khanna
Ro Khanna
Antony Kidman
Nicole Kidman
Robert W. Kilroy
Ayo Kimathi
Jimmy Kimmel
Gail King
Lawrence E. King Jr.
Mike King
Phyllis King
Sean King
Shaun King
Thomas Kinkade
Alfred C. Kinsey
Adam Kinzinger
Scott Kirby
Charlie Kirk
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Jim Kirwan
Henry Kissinger
Tyler Kiwala
Monica Klein
Vickie Barrow-Klein
Amy Klobuchar
Michael Knaapen
Angela Kneale
JZ Knight
Trey Knipfing
Kurt E. Koch
Adam Kokesh
Ihor Kolomoisky
Alex Kosinski
John Koskinen
Robert Kovacs
Lawrence M. Krauss
Tracy Krawitt (aka "SPACEY TRACY")
Amy Kremer
Patricia Krenwinkel
Kristin Kreuk
Laurie Krieg
Kathryn Krick
Stanley Krippner
Barry Krischer
Bill Kristol
Alex Krongard
C, Baxter Kruger
Mike Kruglik
Stanley Kubrik
Aaron Kuhn
Luke Kuhn Neil Kumar
Paul Kurz
Ashton Kutcher
Russell Kyle
Sharon Kyle
Jet Lacey
Dawn Laguens
Tim Lahaye
Rima E. Laibow
Jennifer Lake
Richard Lalancette
Joni Lamb
Ben Lambert
Mark Lane
Jake Lang
Andrew Lanham
Edward Lansdale
Adam Matthew Lansky
Gary Larabee
Mark LaRochelle
Chuck Larsen
Nathan Larson
Richard Lashbrook
Robert Lashbrook
Frank LaRue
Brian Laundrie
Christopher Laundrie
Roberta Laundrie
Anton LaVey
Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey
Zeena LaVey
Sam Lavigne
Walter Lavigne
John Law
Bobby Lawrence
Iona Lawrence
Jenny Lawson
Karen Lawson
Larry Lawson
Dawn Lay
Timothy Leary
Daniel Lebowitz
Daniel John Lee
Lindy Lee
Marty Leeds
Simone Legno
Joseph Lemehaute
Patricia Lentz
Ryan Lenz
Paul LePage
Lois Lerner
Anthony Levandowski
Marlene Levenson
Zachary Levi
Carl Levin
Ezra Levin
Jessica Levin
Herbert M. Levine
Rachel Levine
Sarah Levine
John Lewis
Mike Lewis
Peter Lewis
Remmic Lewis
Monica Lewinsky
Jose Manuel Cendan Ley
Caleb Leyland
Allan Lichtman
James Lico
Joe Lieberman
Shai Lierley
Richard Lighthouse (pseudonym for Owen Calvert)
John C. Lilly
Mike Lindell
Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman (aka Tore Lindeman)
Jacqueline Lindenbach
Alex Linder
Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey
Harry Link
Leah Litman
Marie Little
Jason Livermore
ZS Livingstone
Jodi Livon
Sue Logsdon
Lana Lokteff
Steven Lombardo
Nizin R. Lopez
Lacy MacAuley
Robert Glenn MacDougall
Douglas Macgregor
Marcial Maciel
Shirley Maclaine
Allison Mack
Rick Macy
Ashley Madison
David Madison
Mohamed Magid
Bill Maher
Katherine Maher
Ella Mahony
Chris Maisano
Lars Maischak
Henry Makow
Clarence Malcolm
Robert Malone
Dan Malloy
Spencer L. Malone
Nelson Mandela
Scott Mandelker
Og Mandino
Luigi Mangione
Crystal Mangum
Steve Manley
Eric Mann
Horace Mann
James David Manning
Susan Manning
Charles Manson
Marilyn Manson
Kyle Mantyla
Scott Manzone
Jim Marchant
Nadia Marcinkova
Barbara Marciniak
James F. Marino
Susan Markenstein
Kurt Markus
Kathleen Marquardt
Monroy Marquez
Ron Marr
Hector Marroquin
Texe Marrs
Lucien Mars
Pamela Marsh
Beverly Marshall
Ian Marshall
David Martin
Heather Martin
James Martinez
Bekah Mason
James Mason
Mike Mason
Lynda Mathews
Midge Mathis (aka Doris Clause)
Miles Mathis
Maureen Mattes (aka Maureen Nemaizer)
Patricia Mattes
Teresa Mattes
Thomas Mattes
Sumire Matsubara
Chris Matthews
Thomas J. Mattingly
Chuck Maultsby
Catherine Mayer
John Mayer
Ghislaine Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell
Mary Maxwell
Theresa May
Stephen Maye
Mariana Mazzucato
Ben McAdams
Lee Ann McAdoo
Robert McBurney
Andrew McCabe
John McCain
Bruce McCandliss
Dave McCarthy
Sinead McCarthy
Bill McCartney
Field McConnell
Elizabeth McCrae
Shirley Mccune
Theodore E. McCarrick
Rhiannon McCarter
Claire McCaskill
Stanley McChrystal
Lisa McClain
Allison McDowell
Robert McElroy
Monica McLean
Marsha McClelland
Susan McColloch
Ty McCollough
Virginia McCollough
Aaron McCollum
Rob McConnell
Mary McCord
Joneve McCormick
James McCoy
Liz McGee
Amy McGrath
Erin Mcguire
Scott McKay
Kenneth Frank McKenzie Jr.
Julianne McKinney
Monica McLean
Shirley McCune
Patrick McGean Dave McGowan
Tim McGraw
Janette McGregor
Virginia McGregor
Thomas McInerney
Kayden McIntosh
Sarah McKechnie
Terence McKenna
DeRay McKesson
Michael McKibben
Brian McLaren
Matt Mcloughlin
Linda McMahon
Virginia McMartin
H.R. McMaster
Mallory McMorrow
Evan McMullin
Angela McNabe
John Mecca
Matt Meck
Stephan Meier
Edwin Meese III
Drunvalo Melchizedek (pseudonym)
Richard Mellencamp
Nils Melzer
Thomas Mendiola
Alex Merklinger
Andrew Meyer
Cord Meyer
Erika Meyer
Joyce Meyer
Michael Lewis Arthur Meyers
Marc Mezvinsky
Jay Michaelson
Paula J. Michaud
Craig Mickel
Robert Middlebrook
Natalie Midiri
Bette Midler
Anthony Migchels
Alyssa Milano
Jim Milano
Doug Millar
David Miller
Frazier Glenn Miller
Ginny Miller
Richard Mills
Jon Minadeo
Linda Minor
Hedieh Mirahmadi
Gina de Miranda
David Miscavige
Beth Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell
James Mitchell
Julie Mitchell
Paul Andrew Mitchell
Radha Mitchell
Lissa Mires
Jason Moldonado
Stephen Monier
Dave Monat
Michelle Monk
Peter Moon
Reni Moon
Sun Myung Moon
James Moore
Michael Moore
Gage Monroe
Lara Montecalvo
Dennis Montgomery
David Morehouse
Billy Morgan
Piers Morgan
Richard Morgan
Jake Morphonios
Gene Morrell
Saul Morse
William Mosher
Sean David Morton
Stephen Moss
Glenn Moulthrop
William B. Mount
Christopher Moukarbel
Philip Mudd
Ava Muhammad
Ishmael Muhammad
Tony Muhammad
Tristan Muir
Robert Mueller
Robert Muller
Ibrahim Munir
Pat Muniz
Victoria Muramoto
Juan Murchan
Ruppert Murdoch
Lachlan Murdoch
Lisa Murkowski
Chris Murphy
Dave Murphy
Elena Murphy
Jim Murphy
Lawrence Murray
Rupert Murdoch
Kevin Mulvey
Jason James Murphy
Jeff Murray
Jim Murray
Keith Mutch
Maggie Myer
Jay Myers
Roxanne Rose Myles
Elie Mystal
George Nader
Jerrold Nadler
Peggy Nadramia
Janet Napolitano
Emily Napierski
Chuck Nappi
Mario Nardone (aka Alex Wadesky)
Graham Nash
Larry Nassar
Heather Nauert
Ana Navarro
Gloria Navarro
Jordan Neely
Antonio Negri
Brenda M. Negri
John Negroponte
Bill Nelson
Gaylord Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson
Howard Nemaizer (aka Howard Nema)
Maureen Nemaizer
Patrick Nemaizer
Samantha Ness
Dana Nessel
Anna Neufeld
Peter Newell
Melanie Roussell Newman
Hawk Newsome (aka Walter Newsome)
Huey P Newton
Preston Nichols
Todd Nickerson
Don Nicoloff
Sheldan Nidle
Adam Nixon
James Nixon
Chelene Nightingale
Trevor Noah
Perry Noble
George Noory
Grover Norquist
Oliver North
Ralph Northam
Xavier Novell
Ted Nugent
Vincent Nunes
Carlos Valenzuela Nunez
Sarah Nyberg
Bill Nye
Peter Nygard
Marti Oakley
Nathan Oakley
Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro aka Barry Dunham)
Michelle Obama (aka Michael Robinson)
Mark A. O'Blazney
Cathy O'Brien
Daphne O'Brien
Malachi O'Brien
Brendon O'Connell III
Peter O'Connor
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Matthew O’Dea
Christine O'Donnell
Rosie O'Donnell
Scott O'Donnell
Paul Offit
Robert Smith O'Ghobhain
Bruce Ohr
Nellie Ohr
James O'Keefe
Stephen O'Keefe
Keith Olbermann
Susan Olsen (aka Miss Boston)
Magnus Olsson
Ilhan Omar
Saule Omarova
Andrew Oneschuk
Bill O'Reilly
Wanda Oreilly
Jeff Orenstein
Martin Orne
Robert Francis O'Rourke (aka Beto O'Rourke)
Karen Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne
Jeff Osburn
Jordan Osowieck
Alma C. Ott (aka "True" Ott)
Joan Ott
Danielle Outlaw
Allie Overstreet
Jesse Overton
Candace Owens
Michelle Ann Owens
Craig Oxley
Liz Oyer
Kirsten Pabst
William Pabst
Gus Pac
Rob Pac
Richard Pacheco
Mike Pack
John Paddack
Angel Padilla
Stephen Paddock
Elliot Page
Grady Jonathan Page
Lisa Page
Marilyn Page
Camille Paglia
Douglas Palaschak
Sarah Palin
Craig T. Palmer
Walter James Palmer
Prakarsh Pandey
Henrik Palmgren
Dawn Palumba
Leon Panetta
Shad Pantle
Pete Papaherakles
Maura Papile
Alan Park
Grace Park
Clay Parker
Della Parker
Jay Parker
Tony-Guy Parker
Simon Parkes
Matt Parrott
Jack Parsons
Mark Passio
Madeline Pastore
Mansi Patel
Joe Paterno
Logan Paul
Neenah Payne
Ron Peaker
Debi Pearl
Michael Pearl
Greg Pearson
Tim Pearson
Bobbi Peitsch
Nancy Pelosi
Mike Pence
Mike Penovich
Mike Perez
Tom Perez
Dena Perkins
James S. Perkins
John Perkins
Adam Perrelli
Katy Perry
Rick Perry
Michael Persinger
Josh Peters
Scott David Peters
Stew Peters
Tobi Peters
Wyatt Petersen
David Petraeus
Marion David Pettie
Daneen Peterson
Wayne Peterson
Dylan Petrohilos
Don Pettit
Carl Pfeiffer
Janet C. Phelan
Eric Jon Phelps
Mike Philbin
Abby Phillip
Skyler Phillipi
Gina Phillips
Lily Phillips
Mark Phillips
Clay Pickering
Shawn Pickering
Shawn Piehler
Jerrica Pierce
William Luther Pierce
Caryn Pierson
Emma Pietrzak
Stephen Piggott
Albert Pike
Carol Pilgrim
Mary Pineda
Michael Collins Piper
Joe Pistole
Brad Pitt
Renee Pittman
Liz Plank
Dianna Ploss
Stanley Plotkin
John Podesta
Tony Podesta
Matthew E. Poese
John Poindexter
Roman Polanski
Renee Polin
Branden Polk
Rachel Pollack
Jonathan Pollard
Bo Polny
Mike Pompeo
Holly Pond
Catherine Ponder
Brandon Porter
Carlos Whitlock Porter
Jalina Porter
Susanne Posel
Matt Post
Robert Post
Mark Potok
Herman J Pottmeyer
Brian G Powell
Dane Powell
Angela Power-Disney
Angela Lee Powers
Christian Powers
Varshini Prakash
Marquice Prather
Kate Prengel
Ayanna Pressley
Dick Price
John Randolph Price
Lori Price
Sharon Price
JB Pritzker
Karen Propst
Michael Protzman
Jean Marie Provencher
John Prukop
Jen Psaki
Andrija Puharich
Hal Puthoff
Joe Pye
Tim Pyle
Christine Quinn
Declan Quinn
Mike Quinsey
Martha Raddatz
Kendall Rae
Zaid 'Abdur-Rahma
Karl Rahner
Ivan Raiklin
Drew Raines
Jeb Ralston
Cyril Ramaphosa
Deborah Ramirez
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa
Solomon Samuel Ramone (aka RAZ)
Jorge Ramos
Catherine Rampell
Jesse Randolph
Charles Rangel
Keith Ranier
Joe Ranieri
Megan Rapinoe
Harvey M Rapp
Jamie Raskin
Keith Ratner
Michelle Ray
Trevor Ray
Amy Rayboun (aka Teresa Reed)
Christopher F. Raymond (aka 'Chris Freedom Flowers')
Ellen Read
Ann Reddecliffe.
Nick Redfern
James Redfield
Chris Reed
Josh Reich
Robert Reich
Harry Reid
Joy Reid
LaJuana A. Reid
Richard Reid
Philippe Reines
Thomas Reisinger
Luther Renfroe
Janet Reno
Michele Renouf
Jeff Rense
Robb Revere
Eben Rey
Tony Rezko
Condoleeza Rice
Susan Rice
Cecile Richards
Eric Richardson Margery Richardson
Christine Riddiough
Jeremy Rifkin
Mike Ringley
Elizabeth Rigney
Donald E. Ritchey
Anna Rinna
Rochelle Ritchie
Oscar Lopez Rivera
Michael Rivero
Thomas Robb
Steven Robbs
Dean Roberts
John Roberts
John G. Roberts Jr.
Richard Ogden Roberts
Steve Roberts
Tifffany Roberts
Brandan Robertson
Anthony Robbins
Ryan Robbins
Derrick Robinson
Jim Robinson
Nathan Robinson
Haley Robson
David Rockefeller
Nelson Rockefeller
Ross Morales Rocketto
Ron Rockwell
Maggie Roddin
Margaret Casey Rodgers
Tony Rodrigues
Alfredo Rodriguez
Conrad Rodriguez
David Nino Rodriguez
Jimmy Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Julie Rodriguez
Raquel Rodriguez
William Garcia Rodriguez
Joe Rogan
Jamala Rogers
Lee Rogers
Julie Roginsky
Richard Rohr
Maria Margarita Rojas
Richard Rojas
Pete Roland
Len Rom
Mitt Romney
Peter Roper
Amber Rose
Melanie Rose
Louise Rosealma
David Rosen
Joseph D Rosenbaum
Alfred Rosenberg
Susan Rosenberg
Joseph Rosenkrantz
Linda Rosenthal
Adriana Ross
Colin Ross
Kirk Rotger
Rebekah Roth
James Rothstein
Ryan Wesley Routh
Kathy Rowe
Melissa Roy
Curtis Roys
Luke Rudkowski
Paul Rudnick
Arthur Rudolph
Kathryn Ruemmler
Mark Ruffalo
Marko Rupnik
Natalie Rupnow
Gunther Russbacher
AJ Russell
Bertram Russell
Brandon Russell
Harvey Ruvin
April Ryan
Bill Ryan
Dean Ryan
Paul Ryan
Angela Rye
Jirka Rysavy
John Sabal
Jeffrey Sachs
Alexi Saenz
Teri Kealoha Sahm
David Sales
Michael E. Salla
Lauren Salzman
Nancy Salzman
Mina Samuels
Michelle Sanchez
Bernie Sanders
Jerry Sandusky
Margo Sanger-Katz
Esteban Santiago
Leyla Santiago
Pete Santilli
Rosianne Santos
Linda Sarsour
Salah Sarsour
Jordan Sather
Virginia Satir
Robert Sau (alias for Karen Melton Stewart)
Joel Savage
Vlad Savchuk
Juan O Savin (aka Wayne Willott)
Kshama Sawant
Autumn Scardina
Dave Scarlett
Jan Schakowsky
Michael Schiavo
Adam Schiff
Jacob Schiff
Eric Schmidt
Herbert Edward Schmidt
Ted Schmidt
Roseanne Marie Schneider
Scott Schneider
Thomas H. Schnieders
Ralph Schoenman
Heather Schott
Nickolas Schreck
Kim Schrier
Helen Schucman
Pamela Shuffert
Ray Schuman
Amy Schumer
Chuck Schumer
Klaus Schwab
Joseph Schwart
John Schwarz
Katherine W. Schweit
Bev Schweitzer
Andrew Scott
Brent Scott
Dave Scott
Kate Scott
Rachel Scott
Russell Scott
John Scudamore
Robert Seiple
Mark Seitz
Hose M. Serrano
Jim Sensenbrenner
Ted Shackley
Sophia Shafquat (aka Sophia Smallstorm)
Faisal Shahzad
Assata Olugbala Shakur (aka JoAnne Deborah Byron)
Pat Shannan
Paul Shapiro
Hesham Shashaa
William Shatner
Carrie Sheffield
Stephen Shellen (aka Stephen Shellenberger)
Penny Shepard
Sherri Shepherd
Devin Sheppard
Eric Sheptock
Chris Shermer
Mark Sherwood
Darin Schilmiller
Klaus Schwab
Walter Shaub
Timothy Shelley
Gabriel Sherman
Tomo Shibata
Donald Shivel
Kelly Shoplock
Michael Shrimpton
Justin Shturtz
Steve Shultz
Hermelinda Shumate
Mike Shupe
Patricia Shupe (aka Patricia Johnson-Holm)
David Shurter
John Shyloski
Kathleen Sibelius
Ben Sibermann
Joe Sigur
Laura Silsby
Sarah Silverman
Larry Silverstein
Rob Simmon
Tator Simmons
Lisa Joy Simon
Nancy Sinatra
Kyrsten Sinema
John K. Singlaub
Yahya Sinwar
Rebecca Skellett
B.F. Skinner
Jay Sklar
Dan Skolnik
Judith Skutch
Dennis Slatton
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Rebecca Kelly Slaughter
David Sliker
Melvin Vesto Slipher
Jodi Sloan
Elissa Slotkin
Jussie Smollett
Hendrick Smit
Alfred E. Smith
Andrew Smith
Chella Smith
Colleen Smith
Daryl Bradford Smith
Dave Smith
George F. Smith (aka 'SARTRE')
Harrison Smith
Jack Smith
Jan Smith
Omar Smith
Olivia Katbi Smith
Sondra Sneed
Brenda C. Snipes
Olympia Snowe
Javier Solana
Qasem Soleimani
Peter Sollenberger
Celeste Solum
Wesley Somers
Andrew Sorchini
David Sorensen
Alexander Soros
George Soros
Lauren Southern
Abigail Spanberger
David Spangler
Graham Spanier
Michael Sparkes
Jenny Sparks
Arlen Specter
Craig J. Spence
Octavia Spencer
Richard Spencer
Alice Speri
Summer Sperke
Sean Spicer
Deanna Spingola
Elliot Spitzer
Andy Spoo
Annie Sprinkle
Preston Sprinkle
Charles Spurgeon
Don Stacey
Leslie Stahl
Adele Stan
Alan Stang
Andy Stanley
Kate Starbird
Joshua Stark
Mike Stark
Daniel Starks
Lakeshia Starks
Anton Starodubtsev
Rosa Starodubtsev
Yuli Starodubtsev
Christopher Steele
Robert David Steele
Polly St George (aka "Amazing Polly")
Alan Stein
William Steincamp
Victor J. Stenger
James Stenzel
Bret Stephens
R.L. Stephens
Robert Sterling
William Sterling
Howard Stern
Sheryle Stern
Charles Bruce Stewart
Edward Stewart
Emily B. Stewart
Karen Melton Stewart (aka Robert Sau)
Mia Stewart (aka Mia Brech)
Michael Stewart
Peter Stewart
Tom Stewart
Will Stewart
Michael St. Clair
David St. John
Devon St. John
Tom Steyer
Ben Stiller
Marie Stokes
Clifford Stone
Jim Stone (pseudonym)
Linda Stone
Sacha Stone (aka Simon Jean Paul Sacha Adams)
Pamela Stonebrooke
Sam Storms
David Straight
Paul Stramer
Donald Strange
Esther Strauss
Meryl Streep
Julius Streicher
Cheryl Strickland
Lee Strobel
Rick Strom
Maurice Strong
Chrissy Stroop
Peter Strzok
Albert Stubblebine
Alex Studer
Daryl Sturgis (aka Tim Hall)
Frank Sturgis
Antonio Subirats
Krista Suh
Justin David Sullivan
Jon Summers
Greg Szymankski (aka Eric Samuelson)
David Tafuri
Neera Tanden
Harrison Tang
Jake Tapper
Russell Targ
Webster Tarpley
Clinton Tarzia
Mark Tassi
Andrew Tate
Tristan Tate
Clara Tavares-Reyes
Deborah Tavares
Lou Tavares
Deja Taylor
Kandiss Taylor
Russell Taylor
Sunsara Taylor
George Tenet
John Tester
Tou Thao
William Thetford
Anthony Thomas (Pseudonym & aka "V")
Marshall Thomas
Jennifer Thomason
Al Thompson
Hunter Thompson
Mark Thompson O. Rogeriee Thompson
Patricia L Thompson
Walter Allen Thompson
Randy Thornhill
Billy Bob Thornton
Greta Thunberg
Michele Anne Tittler
Rashida Tlaib
John Todd
Alvin Toffler
Ana Toledo
Eckert Tolle
Roger Took
Nick Tomchik
Opal Tometi
Paul Topete
Andrew Torba
Sergey Antaolyevitch Torop (aka Vissarion)
Kerrie Torres
Wilfredo Torres
Rebecca Traister
Cathy Tran
Tom Trask
John Travolta
RW Tramin
Tim Treadstone (aka 'Baked Alaska')
Jane Tripp
Barrie Trower
Justin Trudeau
Pierre Trudeau
James True
Michael Tsarion
David Tuley
Alec Turner
Crstal Turner
Matthew Turner
Mike Turner
Ted Turner
Eve Tushnet
Bob Tuskin
Mike Twitty
Joel Tyner
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Tonya Ugoretz
John Uitendaal
Kim Jong Un
Ralph Underwager
Sean Christopher Urbanski
Cenk Uygur
Michael Vachon
Matteo Valdambrini
Lorraine Valente
Carol Valentine
Pieter Valk
Paul Vallely
Ann Vandersteel
Willem Van Spronsen
Ken Vardon
Jose Antonio Vargas
Rachel Vargas
Jay Varma
Christian Vasile
Emanuel Velez
Jeffrey B. Veltri
Nicholas Veniamin
Diane Vera
Mark Vicente
Marc Victor
Caroline Victorin
Gonzalo Villalobos
Alex Villanueva
Les Visible
Igor Volsky
Fritz Von Balluseck
Werner Von Braun
Anna Von Reitz (aka Anna Maria Reitzinger aka Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck)
Russell Thurlow Vought
Pam Vredenburg (aka Pam Suggs)
Jeanette Wakefield
George Walker
Chris Wallace
George Wallace
Kelly Wallace
Nicole Wallace
Rochelle Walensky
Michelle Walling
Meghan Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch
Joe Walsh
Paul Walter
Barbara Walters
Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III
Tim Walz
Peter Wanless
Charlie Ward
Clarissa Ward
Matt Ward
Matthew Ward
Suzy Ward
Judith Warner
Elizabeth Warren
Rick Warren
Maxine Waters
Brice Watson
Emma Watson
Mark Watson
Paul Watson
Paul Joseph Watson
Alan Watts
Shannon Watts
Jim Wayman
John D Weaver
Michael Weaver
George Webb
Gregg Webb
Sam Webb
Stew Webb
Deborah Anne Weber
Guy Webster
Don Weeks
Sharon Wehrly
Heidi Weigand
Randi Weingarten
Anthony Weiner
Murray Weiner (aka Morgan Kane)
Rebecca Weiner
Harvey Weinstein
Neil Weinstein
Herta Weiss
Marty Weiss
Martin Weissgerber
Andrew Weissmann
H.G. Wells
Leana Wen
Frank Weltner
David I. Weprin
Lilian Werner
Cornel West
Jolyon West
Michael West
Sarah Westall
Lauren Westphal
Therese Westphal
Thomas Joseph Westerman
Cisco Wheeler (aka Linda Anderson)
Ted Wheeler
Chris White
George Hunter White
Logan White
Micah White
Paula White
Timothy Patrick White (aka Patrick Alexander aka George Mateski)
Todd White
John W. Whitehead
Bradley Whitford
Mark Whitford
Gretchen Whitmer
Joanna Whitney
Terry Cole Whittaker
Kirk Wiebe
David Wilcock
Lindsey Williams
Mark Williams
Patti Williams
Ron Williams
Suni Williams
Byron Williamson
Marianne Williamson
Butch Wilmore
Frederica Wilson
Heather Wilson
Robert Anton Wilson
Oprah Winfrey
Nathan J. Winograd
Timothy Wirth
Greg Wiska
Merlin Wolf
Michelle Wolf
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
Debbie Petersen Wolven
Michelle Wolven
Lin Wood
Mike Wood
Bob Woodward
Dean Worthington
Sam Worthington
Brad Wozny
Christopher Wray
Noel Wu
Richard Wurmbrand
Ty Wyss
Laura Yan
Alonso Yanez
Annie Yan Xu
Carolyn Yeager
Sarah Youll
Raymond "Buddy" Young
Sarah Young
Scott Young
William Paul Young
Ravi Zacharias
Leo Zagami
Michael L Zager
Janet Zampieri
Jeneane Zant
Ayman al-Zawahiri
Maria Zeee
Jean Ziegler
John M Zielinski
Aaron Zigman
Taylor Zimmerman
David Zublick
Chris Zucker
Howard A Zucker
Jeff Zucker
Mark Zuckerberg
William Zulock
Zachary Zulock
Barbara Zuoski (Zewoski?...spelling uncertain)
Russ Zweig
Jayna Zweiman