First on the list, wishing You and Yours a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Blessed New Year.
Thanks to those who have supported me in 2011 with your donations (and other gifts) which have helped me cover expenses to keep this site online. (Yes, I know the site itself is "free", but I have monthly bills for Internet access, as well as computer maintenance, etc.)
Thanks to those who graciously contributed/gave permission for their articles to be posted on this site, and/or who shared your research in areas of common interest. And especially, thanks for standing with me against the bad guys who continue to persecute us all, through harassment, monstrous invasions of privacy, libel/slander campaigns, criminal threatening, etc. etc.
And my gratitude to you for working with me to investigate and expose the criminal network of evildoers: malicious liars, white supremacist/bigots, misogynists, COINTELPRO operatives and their minions/shills, corrupt government officials and cops, satanists, human traffickers, child rapists and porno freaks and their apologists.
Special thanks go to the following journalists and whistleblowers: former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee; Joe Lanier; Sherri Kane; Dr. Leonard Horowitz; Jenny Hatch; William B. Scott; Sherry Jackson.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!
I have posted permanent notices on the sidebar of this website, pertaining to the purpose of Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA and the policies to which I adhere.
Readers Guide to Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA
Welcome to the New Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA
About Legal Defense and Research Trust
PUBLIC NOTICE: This Website for Information Purposes Only
Please go to these links for all the information you will need about this website.
Those who are longtime readers of my website will know that I do not have a public e-mail address. The only public contact information is my postal mailing address, given at the top of the page.
I have repeatedly found it necessary to post additional notices (aside from the ones given above) requesting that readers NOT send me correspondence in regard to their personal experiences with mind control, government harassment/persecution, or other such abuses, which topics are frequently addressed on this site.
Yet, to my dismay, I continue to receive letters and legal documents by post, usually with requests for some sort of pro bono assistance.
So let me repeat:
1) I am not an attorney.
2) I do not offer any professional counseling (even in the areas of my expertise) to the general public.
3) I am not interested in discussing my personal or professional business, or in any form of "networking", information exchanges, etc.
4) I do not have the resources or the time to take on investigations of cases, aside from my own work.
So please, please, do not send me letters asking for my assistance, or saying, "I need your help". I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
The only assistance which I am able to provide is through the information contained in my reports. If you find the material on this website helpful, then I'm glad for that. But I must repeat: This website is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Readers may make of the information what they will.
Because of the unceasing malicious actions of persons who are plagiarists, liars, forgers and identity thieves (see reports on this site for names of criminal perps and their accomplices) who have been exploiting and maligning my name for many years by posting fraudulent "appeals" for donations; forged documents, pseudo "reports", e-mails, etc. using my name, I also find it necessary to state (once again) that this website is the ONE and ONLY legitimate site of Barbara Hartwell.
I do not EVER post comments, reports or e-mails on ANY message boards, chat rooms, or websites, except my own. And unlike those who persecute me with their unscrupulous (and often criminal) offenses, I do not use pseudonyms or screen names.
I do not join discussion groups or "social networks". I am not a member of Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc.
Therefore, please be advised that if you did NOT find it on THIS website, it was NOT posted, nor authorized, by Barbara Hartwell.
Aside from forging and identity theft of the name Barbara Hartwell, the same bunch of government-sponsored criminals and their stooges have also been assigning false names to Barbara Hartwell, or falsely stating that "Barbara Hartwell" is not my "real" name.
For the record: "Barbara Hartwell" is my "real" and legal name, which appears on all official documents, licenses, etc.
And lastly, "Percival" is my Family name. It is not a pseudonym or false name, as my persecutors claim. I am a Percival by blood and am thereby entitled to use this name as I see fit, including for various professional purposes.
I have no other names, nor have used other names, so please be advised of this should you see any other names used in connection with Barbara Hartwell and know that they are false.
If you find the material on this website to be of value, please consider making a donation to support my work. All donations given in the spirit of Christian charity or "love gifts" are gratefully accepted and will help more than you could know.
All donations (in the form of cash, silver/gold coin, or postal money orders) are to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell. I do not accept donations from those who attach conditions, or whose purpose is to "buy influence", meddle in my personal/professional business, or from those who think a donation "buys" them the right to any sort of social relationship or professional association.
It never ceases to amaze me what certain types of people (aggressive busybodies, snoops, and other misguided souls) seem to expect from a recipient of their donations!
If you are someone who has a healthy respect for the privacy and personal boundaries of others, then by all means, if the spirit moves you, please make a donation to support my work.
I also gratefully accept gift certificates or books (in hardcopy form). Over the years I have received many books directly from the authors, usually autographed copies, most of which I enjoyed reading and which have become part of my library. Much of my library consists of non-fiction books sent to me by readers of my website, or guests (authors) I interviewed on my radio/TV shows of past times.
As far as I am concerned, one can never have too many books!
Thank you for your consideration.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
January 3, 2012
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust