Barbara Hartwell

My photo
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024











All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.

Psalm 98:3
















"Christ always seeks the straw of the most desolate cribs to make his Bethlehem."

Thomas Merton
















"Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home."

G.K. Chesterton












"God is in the manger, wealth in poverty, light in darkness, succor in abandonment. No evil can befall us; whatever men may do to us, they cannot but serve the God who is secretly revealed as love and rules the world and our lives."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer













"The mystery of Christmas therefore lays upon us all a debt and an obligation to the rest of the human race and to the whole created universe. We who have seen the light of Christ are obliged by the greatness of the grace that has been given us to make known the presence of the Savior to the ends of the earth. This we will do not only by preaching the glad tidings of his coming, but above all by revealing him in our lives. Christ is born to us in order that he may appear to the whole world through us."

Thomas Merton





Now may the God of hope fill you with all  joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13


Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, peaceful Christmas.


Barbara Hartwell

December 24, 2024


Photos by Barbara Hartwell from The Cloisters, NYC

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

THE PHILOS PROJECT & Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism


 To fear the Lord is to hate evil;

I hate pride and arrogance,
evil behavior and perverse speech.

Proverbs 8:13

As my regular readers know, for many years I have made it a priority to speak out against and expose the many groups and individuals who promote hatred of Jews. From my observations there is an alarming rise in their numbers, in the vile extremism they promote, and in the “solutions” for which they are advocating.

Prominent among the Jew-haters and holocaust deniers are QAnon conspiracists (many of whom claim to be Christians), white nationalists, Jihadi terrorists, and some groups who call themselves “Christian Nationalists”.

I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: True Christians, followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (regardless of denomination, or lack thereof) DO NOT HATE JEWS. Those who claim otherwise are liars, reprobates and minions of Satan.

I recently joined an organization called The Philos Project. I signed the petition of Catholics Against Antisemitism.

Statement from their website:

The Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism is a movement of Catholic leaders who are committed to combatting antisemitism and promoting ties with the Jewish community.

All Catholics are invited to sign our statement of solidarity and action with the Jewish people.

Join the Coalition of Catholics against Antisemitism

Why sign the Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism statement? Antisemitism is on the rise in the United States and traditional religion is continually marginalized in our secular, progressive culture. Now is the time for faithful Catholics to unite with our Jewish neighbors to defend and promote our shared Judeo-Christian tradition. Stand against antisemitism today by signing the following statement by the Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism (CCAA).


"We remember the words of Pope Pius XI, who denounced antisemitism as “a movement in which we Christians can have no part. … Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual descendants of Abraham. No, it is not possible for Christians to take part in antisemitism."


"We recall the words of Pope Saint John Paul II, who condemned antisemitism as “a sin against God and man,” and who referred to the last century as “the century of the Shoah."


Here is my request to my brothers and sisters in Christ:

If you are concerned, as I am, about the rise in numbers of those, especially those claiming to be Christians, who are promoting, endorsing and supporting any persons or organizations who are in any way advocating wholesale defamation of and attacks on the Jewish people, please take the time to peruse the material on The Philos Project.

If you are a Catholic, please sign the petition. Every signature counts, as does every person willing to take action to demonstrate the courage of their convictions.

Barbara Hartwell

December 17, 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024














Peace & Quiet at Ferncliff Forest, Rhinebeck, NY




This site is the one and only venue where I personally publish my work. It is not a “news” site. It is an archive of my work of the past three decades.

I am not a “news reporter”. I am an advocacy journalist and CIA whistleblower (out of CIA operations since 1994). What I publish is determined solely at my discretion because, for one reason or another, it is important to me.

My work is primarily focused on defending Liberty and pursuing Justice. I find my vocation to be to do all in my power to expose government crimes and corruption, to put bad guys out of business, and protect the rights of their targets and victims.

I am not a participant in the Internet culture of social media, which I have never used and never will. My work is strictly professional and I do not seek interaction with the general public, nor with readers of this site. This site is a closed system, not an interactive platform which solicits comments, discussions or questions. The material published on this site is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The readers may make of it what they will.

I hold no public office, nor am I employed by any person or organization, nor influenced by, nor beholden to such. I do not answer to any editors or supervisors, nor do I cater to any special interests or political groups. My work is strictly my own and it is not my concern what anyone thinks of it, though I certainly hold the hope that some will find it of value.

As a Christian, I answer only to God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

I have nothing to sell from this site. There are no pay walls, nor are there “special” or “exclusive” offers for those who make donations. It is all free of charge, and always has been.


Like any genuine whistleblower I have ever known (or known of) the government drove me into destitution (and at one point, homelessness, in 2013), and made certain I lost almost everything I owned. If you find this hard to believe, do some research on other legitimate government whistleblowers and read or hear their testimony.

Here are the facts:

I am a disabled senior citizen, attempting (but not succeeding) to live off disability benefits of less than $12,000 a year. This may be unbelievable, but it is the truth.

My rent alone (without utilities) is more than what I receive for disability. I can't afford to move at this time, and I would not survive homelessness.


There is no other source of income I can rely on.

I have applied for every possible form of assistance available for the disabled, the elderly and the poor. Food stamps, HEAP (heating), payment plans for electric power. It is not nearly enough to cover my most basic needs. I am constantly under threat of having my power shut off, or of having my phone/Internet service shut down.

This is really, truly dire poverty, a struggle just to stay alive.

I do not receive anywhere near enough in donations from the public, not anymore, since social media has taken over the Internet. I am not a part of the interactive culture, nor a combatant in the culture wars. 


I am a private person with no interest in socializing with strangers or making my personal life an open book for all and sundry to peruse. On the contrary, I am a recluse who belongs in a monastery. Peace and quiet, my fondest wish!

It seems that nowadays most people expect to get something (quid pro quo) for their money. I would hope the value the reader places on the material on this site will be sufficient.

So, for those who do find value in my reports, and who would like to support my work and this website, so that I may continue publishing material, please make a donation of any amount. All donations are greatly appreciated and gratefully received.

Thank you for your consideration and may God richly bless you and your family.

Barbara Hartwell

December 14, 2024


Please send checks, money orders or cash to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations are accepted only as Christian charity or gifts, free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell, to support my work and related expenses. No quid pro quo. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.

Monday, December 9, 2024

INSIDER SECRETS OF GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION, MK Ultra & Other Cloak & Dagger Stories: A Walk Down (CIA-Issue) Memory Lane








(Banner courtesy of FBI Whistleblower Bob Levin)


He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."

Thomas Aquinas


The year was 1998. I was 47 years old, a survivor of CIA black ops, including the nefarious MK Ultra program, designed to “create the perfect spy” during the Cold War era.

I was one of four people interviewed by journalist Ryan Elliott of Chicago Health Television, following a seminar we presented at the Global Sciences Congress in Daytona Beach, Florida, titled, Insider Secrets of Government Corruption. MK Ultra was one among several of the topics covered.

The presenters were former FBI Senior Special Agent-in-Charge, Ted Gunderson, former CIA, Chip Tatum, former CIA, Barbara Hartwell, and a woman using the pseudonym, Brice Taylor (real name Susan Ford), who claimed to be a survivor of MK Ultra, of “Monarch”, a “sex slave” and victim of “Satanic Ritual Abuse”.

The real nature and purpose of MK Ultra has been buried beneath a ton of false information; hidden behind smoke screens, obscured by misdirection to side shows, especially the “Monarch” sex slaves and satanism version promoted by Susan Ford, Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips, Fritz Springmeier...and many others.


[See reports on this site exposing these characters and their ilk.]


Among the most unjust, grievous assaults perpetrated against my good name are the totally false accusations linking me to the false “stories”, testimonies, and claims of these odious characters. I have exposed them repeatedly for their outrageous lies and sensationalist propaganda, and I've provided detailed documentation and evidence, much of which may be found on this website. I have no commonalities with them and there is absolutely no basis for comparison.

As I have stated many times, “Monarch” was not a CIA operation under MK Ultra. Anyone promoting it as such is either parroting the common falsehood out of ignorance, or is purposely serving a government-sponsored evil agenda to obscure the truth. Period.

Most damaging to the truth, the MK Ultra program has been subsequently exploited and promoted by hordes of ambitious, aggressive, ignorant people, seeking fame and fortune at the expense of authentic survivors, who are far fewer than those who fraudulently make the claim of having been a part of it – unfortunately, they are legion.

Many are merely parroting the false information promoted by self-appointed (and self-important) 'experts', in the foolish belief it will make them appear to be genuine victims/survivors. These attention-seekers only muddy the waters around the entire subject. As for serious professional investigators on the subject, they are fewer even than the actual survivors.

And so those interested in finding the truth and the facts about CIA's MK Ultra are facing the incredibly difficult task of separating out the rare legitimate sources, those promoting factual information and documentation, from the plethora of charlatans, grifters, government shills and con artists promoting various brands of sensationalist misinformation, as well as those parroting carefully crafted CIA-issue disinformation. What a convoluted mess!

The reason I have chosen to focus on this video is that I find it necessary to set the record straight, at least about my own case. Unfortunately for me, due to the long-running promotion of this particular video, far and wide, my name has come to be associated with certain individuals with whom I have long ceased to be in any association, and whom I have found it necessary to expose and denounce for their dissemination of defamatory falsehoods against me.

I don't presume to speak for others, never have done, only for myself. I am the one and only person alive today who knows the truth about my own background. All the perpetrators are gone now, the CIA handlers who hijacked my life right from the cradle. As for those who may have access to the remaining classified files, created before they were even born, they are unlikely ever to know but a fraction of what there is to know. Obviously, this applies not only to my case, but to any others who were recruited into the program, whether in early childhood, or at a later time.

Over the years, I have repeatedly issued public statements in which I have provided at least some of the facts of my own case, at my own discretion, and for my own reasons. I have refuted as many of the outrageous lies and plethora of false information as possible, promoted by my CIA-issue enemies and their stooges, minions and toadies.

From the time I went public as a CIA Black Ops survivor and whistleblower (3 decades ago), I have issued disclaimers and made it clear that my reports (print, radio, TV, public lectures) are FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The readers/listeners may make of my reports what they will.

To my great frustration, my disclaimers have been ignored, or arrogantly disregarded, by journalists, by news outlets, by the hordes of amateurs posting on social media – by just about everyone who has exploited my name for any agenda. The massive exploitation of this video is probably the most notable example.

And as any true advocate for justice will understand, I am indeed very angry about this, for as stated by Thomas Aquinas, my righteous anger comes from the suffering of grievous injustices, by me, members of my family, and any number of others I have known, or known of, over a period of many years.

During the course of my life, there are a few particular types of injustices for which I seek to be vindicated, as they have caused more pain and suffering than almost anything else:

Being falsely accused of offenses I have not committed.

Having a plethora of false information promoted in connection with my name: gossip, misrepresentation, false light, defamation, libel, slander.

Interference, intrusions, invasions, meddling and exploitation by aggressive busybodies, having no respect for my privacy and personal boundaries.

I seem to be a lightning rod for these types of injurious offenses. And being that I have never known anyone who is more introverted and reclusive than I, being assaulted with unwanted attention is as close to pure hell as I can imagine.

I do not seek publicity, or the proverbial fame and fortune which seems to motivate the majority of those who cover these subjects, nor do I harbor any worldly ambition. My purposes for exposing crimes and corruption have only to do with pursuing justice for the victims/targets and defending the God-given rights and liberties of all and sundry.

To put a finer point on it, my dream (had the Lord allowed it) is to live in a monastery, far removed from the aggression and conflict of the world.

Over the years, the video of this interview has made the rounds all over the Internet and has appeared on nearly every platform in existence. And it has caused a world of trouble, at least for me. There are a number of reasons why this is so.

Problem Number One: I signed a release solely to Chicago Health Television to use this interview. It was deemed too incendiary by the TV station and was never aired. Of course, it was clear to me who actually prevented it from being used by the station...

No one else had my consent to publish or use my interview, and they had no right to do so. And yet, it was pirated and even sold by mail order, first by Susan Ford (aka Brice Taylor), Ted Gunderson, his videographer, Jon Gentry, who simultaneously recorded it without my consent, and later by many others, including a well-known charlatan named David Icke, who actually sold it from his New Age, government-disinfo website, and made tons of money, along with his accomplices.

Susan Ford incorporated it into a video called Mind Control Goes Public, which she promoted and sold far and wide. This video was filled with government-sponsored false information and propaganda on “mind control”. And all this, exploiting my name and my work, while grossly misrepresenting me in the process.

Of course, I was never offered a penny from the illegal sales; though I would never have been a party to the massive deception by accepting payment.

(An aside: New Age author David Icke appeared as a speaker at some of the same conferences where I was invited to speak. I thought it outrageous that Icke demanded a speaking fee of $10,000, and got it. Meanwhile, a genuine government whistleblower like me, having been driven to destitution by government persecution, asked for nothing. My motive was never about money – it was about the pursuit of justice.)

Problem Number Two: The video was published all over the Internet, and was used to grossly misrepresent and defame Barbara Hartwell, accusing me of being a “CIA plant”, a “ shadow government spook”, a “CIA disinfo agent”...and on and on in this vein. I was the only person defamed in this way; it was made to look as if I were a CIA infiltrator, planted among real whistleblowers.

In my opinion, based on my own subsequent investigations and experience, the plants were in actuality FBI chief Ted Gunderson and his mind-controlled minion, Susan Ford (aka Brice Taylor). Chip Tatum was a real whistleblower, and unlike Gunderson and Ford, treated me with kindness and respect, and never tried to exploit me.


CIA is in many respects a cult. It is like the Mafia. It tends to recruit its own from family bloodlines. And if you've been chosen, they think they own you. If you don't agree, you are going to be in for some serious trouble.

I was born into a CIA/Military Intelligence family, on both sides, going back to Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

My father was Military Intelligence (Army, G-2), a cryptographer stationed in the Philippines during WW2. His continued involvement in intelligence was something of a mystery (at least to me), which was concurrent with his employment as a professional classical musician, working for the Metropolitan Opera Company for 25 years, until his death in 1976.

It was he who began my training in intelligence work, beginning at the age of 3. It was a form of “home-schooling”, more like a combination military boot camp/charm school. Over the years of my childhood, I had lessons in fencing, archery, horseback riding, ballet, music, and probably other disciplines I don't even remember. Because, the truth is, as an unwitting recruit into MK Ultra, much of my memory has been wiped by my CIA trainers and handlers.

My mother's side of the family (the Percivals, late of Virginia) were also Military (Army), OSS, CIA, attorneys. My grandfather, Andrew Jackson Percival. My uncle, Andrew Jackson Percival Jr. and his wife, career CIA. As well as other siblings and in-laws, whose names I will decline to mention out of respect for their privacy. I have always been extremely concerned with my own privacy, as well as that of others, especially my family. I only reveal what has already been made public, and/or if I have been given permission, though there is some information in the public domain over which I've had no control.

I should also mention that out of three generations of intelligence professionals, I am the only person in my family to have got out and gone public as a whistleblower. This has unfortunately caused disruption and estrangement in my family, for which I am very sorry; but in good conscience I could not have done otherwise, knowing, as I did, the terrible crimes and corruption perpetrated by CIA (and other government agencies) and the toll of destruction of lives I witnessed and experienced.


I also regret that as a result of me going public, members of my family (some CIA, some not) have suffered being threatened, harassed, slandered, misrepresented, victimized by the promotion of false information and horrible invasions of privacy, simply due to their blood relation to me. 


Some of the perpetrators of these offenses have been CIA agents (in particular one Ronald Cerra, of North Carolina, a loathsome reprobate whose persecution of my family lasted decades) but most have been government stooges, as minions of COINTELPRO operatives, merely repeating the lies, parroting the false accusations against me and my family they have been told by their masters. Again, I can't express how sorry I am. Despite disagreements, and estrangement, I love them all and always have. They are always in my heart and in my prayers. Bottom line: CIA destroys families, and those families are usually their own.


I was first invited to be a speaker (billed in advance as a “mystery guest”) by the late Dean Stonier, at the Global Sciences Congress (Denver, Colorado) in 1997. At that time I had been out of CIA operations for three years (since 1994). It was there that I first met former FBI Chief (Senior Special Agent in Charge) Ted Gunderson. I had never heard of Ted Gunderson. I did not travel in the same circles and I did not know at that time that this was a set-up, that Ted had been planted on me.

The invitation to Global Sciences seemed to come out of the blue. Apparently an associate of Global Sciences, an acquaintance of mine who'd attended one of my lectures in New York City, made contact with Stonier and recommended me as a speaker.

And so started the saga of my relationship with Ted Gunderson, as a professional colleague, personal friend (1997-2000), and later, after I had broken off the association, for cause, as an adversary.

The damages done to me by Ted Gunderson's subsequent defamation campaign are inestimable.












Ted Gunderson's "warning" against Barbara Hartwell  


Here, a recent report which covers some of the facts.




Some background: I first met Ted Gunderson in 1997, at the Global Sciences Congress in Denver, CO, where we both had been invited as speakers. At that time I had never heard of him, and little did I know that Gunderson had been planted on me, which I later learned after three years of professional collaboration and personal friendship.

I worked cases with Ted, appeared on the lecture circuit, did radio and TV interviews, presented seminars, such as Insider Secrets of Government Corruption (1998), also the subject of an interview with Chicago Health Television, deemed too incendiary for publication by the TV station, but later bootleg copies were posted all over the Internet), at times with other former government agents such as Chip Tatum (CIA).

Ted Gunderson was a charismatic celebrity, a media darling in the tabloids and on talk shows, such as Geraldo Rivera. He was probably best known for his investigations of Satanism, of child trafficking, of the death of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy assassination.

What he was not widely known for: His role as Hoover's COINTELPRO Kingpin. During all the time I knew him (1997-2011) he publicly denied ever being involved in counterintelligence operations. As you read on (or, if you have read earlier reports), you will see that this was the accusation he slapped on me (“CIA disinfo agent”), his desperate ploy to discredit the truth I had exposed about him and his FBI/CIA cronies.

He only admitted to his prominent role in COINTELPRO shortly before his death in 2011. At least Alex Jones got that one thing right, even as he continues to cover for Gunderson and promote his falsehoods about so many others.

Then, there was Ted's solicitation of Porn King Larry Flynt, of Hustler Magazine, for so-called “legal” counterintelligence operations (1996).

His black budget sale of Stinger Missiles to Osama Bin Laden (1979).

His marriage to Diana Rively, ex-wife of Anton LaVey, founder of The Church of Satan (1998).

Larry Flynt. Osama Bin Laden. Anton LaVey.

Might you be hard-pressed to imagine three more detestable characters? You can't make it up....

I call it the Ted Gunderson Trifecta. If you're looking for a winning ticket in the cause of Justice, you won't see the cashier's window by placing your bet on this one.

These were among the activities of Ted Gunderson which I began to expose, a few years after I broke off my association with him. I had documents (some of which were stolen in home invasions, black bag jobs), some hand written memos and letters, plus typed proposals, authored by Ted himself. Some of the documents I received from CIA sources and former Gunderson associates, which will remain unnamed.

I managed to save some of the documents, which I still have in my evidence files, most unpublished. I don't think anyone really cares anymore, now that so much of this stuff has been placed in the public domain, and since Gunderson and most of his accomplices are deceased.



This video, based on Insider Secrets of Government Corruption, has been massively exploited by hordes of ambitious, aggressive people, seeking fame and fortune for themselves, at the expense of the grievous injustices against Barbara Hartwell.

It has been incorporated into all sorts of “documentaries”, and has served to promote the agendas of charlatans and grifters worldwide, while they rake in the bucks, profiting off a type of pain and suffering they can't begin to imagine.

These reprobates have falsely linked my name with some of the most notorious sleazy, whackjob “celebrities”, such as Britney Spears, whom they claim is a victim of “Monarch”.

"Barbara Hartwell & Britany Spears; Project Monarch Victims"

[NOTE: The link to this site is defunct. I'm sure the video is still out there, still doing major damage to my good name.]

Here, as just one example, a report which refutes their malicious defamation, falsely linking my name to Britney Spears.

Government-sponsored Disinfo Video Targets Barbara Hartwell: More Libelous Falsehoods


Jon Gentry, Ted Gunderson, Susan Ford (and others) violated the copyright, and illegally exploited my name. Later, numerous minions of Gunderson used the video in attempts to discredit Barbara Hartwell, posting it all over the Internet, with the caption "Barbara Hartwell CIA Plant on Mind Control".

How typical for these unscrupulous individuals to violate the copyright, shamelessly exploit my name, and then use it to discredit me, and of course, raking in the money from sales.

But back to the latest video mentioned above. The segment containing ONLY the isolated testimony of Barbara Hartwell (why me?) was followed by more about Britney Spears. Lurid scenes of hospitals, of hysteria, and scandal-mongering by commentators (including on CNN) in what passes as "the news".

This was also interspersed with text on the screen, describing "Monarch", and the "slaves" (Britney Spears) and their handlers. There were images of tattoos, including a monarch butterfly, which is said to identity the "slaves".

And so on and so forth....

But none of any of the "Monarch" material (including the tattoos, or being a "slave') has anything whatsoever to do with the experiences, the background, or the life of Barbara Hartwell, in any way, shape or form.

In refuting the lies and disinformation, here are just some of the most salient facts.

1) The correct spelling is Britney Spears, NOT "Britany" Spears.

2) I, Barbara Hartwell, was never involved in any project called "Monarch", nor was a "victim" of such. I was never any kind of "slave" either.

3) "Monarch", touted by charlatans such as Fritz Springmeier, Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien, Susan Ford, Ken Adachi, "True" Ott, Doug Millar et al, was NOT a CIA operation, under MK Ultra, but a smokescreen, a side show, meant to deflect attention away from the real CIA black operations and the genuine survivors of such, including Barbara Hartwell.

[See my reports on this site exposing Monarch.]

4) There is NO commonality whatsoever between Britney Spears and Barbara Hartwell. This is the worst sort of libelous/slanderous falsehood, which attempts to paint Barbara Hartwell in a completely false light.

Just more sensationalism, more misdirection, more outrageous lies. The claim that Barbara Hartwell is a "victim of Monarch", and comparing me to a person (Britney Spears) who is clearly mentally/emotionally unbalanced; who is not, and never has been, any kind of government agent (CIA or otherwise), is, aside from being ludicrous, one of the most insulting hit pieces I have ever seen, defaming my name.

How dare you! You morally bankrupt S.O.B.s!

Now, a number of other links to the video, exploited by any number of unscrupulous persons.

Brice Taylor, Ted Gunderson, Chip Tatum and Barbara Hartwell on MKULTRA MIND CONTROL

Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

by National Library for Targeted Individuals

FACT: I am NOT a so-called “targeted individual”, the label used by groups of people making claims of harassment and attacks with directed energy weaponry. I am a CIA whistleblower, targeted for political persecution, retaliation by the government. There is a BIG difference. But they will never stop exploiting my name in connection with their “cause” and I have no way to stop them.

And on the same page was posted this video:

Barbara Hartwell CIA Exposed

Published by a despicable grandstander named Aaron James, who falsely accused “CIA Agent Barbara Hartwell” of targeting him and his family, of being in collusion with John McCain (whom I did not know) and some FBI agents I never heard of. I was also accused of being a racist.













This old photo (1997, credit Hudson Valley Magazine) was used by Aaron James with headline: AGENT HARTWELL EXPOSED


And here is yet another version of the video, posted by some nameless moron, making comments which show she has no idea what she is talking about.

Ted Gunderson and Gene "Chip" Tatum interviewing CIA MK-Ultra victims

"Two brave CIA MK-Ultra victims speaking out. Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell. Interview 1998."

"Feel free to like, subscribe and share. If any producer/label or photographer has an issue with this upload, please contact us (mail in info)"


Yes, indeed, I have a very major "issue". A very serious problem. I, Barbara Hartwell, whose name and work are being grossly exploited by idiots like you. And you are inviting everyone to "feel free" to continue the exploitation! Shame on you!



Ted Gunderson and Chip Tatum were not the interviewers. The journalist was Ryan Elliott.

I, Barbara Hartwell, was not a “victim” of MK Ultra at the time of this interview. I was a survivor of it, and a former CIA agent turned whistleblower.

Brice Taylor (aka Susan Ford) is far from "brave", in fact she is one of the most cowardly people I have ever known. And at the time of this video she was still in thrall to mind control handlers.

And to know that I will probably never be able to clear my name from all the false accusations, all the character assassination, the sensationalism, the fraudulent connections and comparisons...going on now for the past three decades...

All I can do is to continue to state the facts and refute the lies for the public record.

It matters to me, a great deal, that the truth be known. It is not just my righteous anger and outrage against liars and evildoers on a personal level, even though the damages to my life which have resulted are horrendous.

To promote falsehoods about those such as myself who have dedicated our lives to exposing the truth, and doing so in the pursuit of JUSTICE, that makes it all the more likely that others, including past victims and possible future victims of hideous abuses by government, are unable to free themselves, or get the support they need. Because they are having to fight the ever-rising tide of false information.

Before the government-sponsored programs such as MK Ultra can be stopped, they must be exposed.

This can only happen when truthful, trustworthy sources prevail over the media frenzy of extravagant, sensationalist stories by those claiming to be victims, who are in fact frauds seeking public attention in the pursuit of fame and fortune. And this, at the expense of the unimaginable suffering due to the injustices perpetrated against the genuine victims, survivors, legitimate expositors and whistleblowers.


Barbara Hartwell

FORMER (not current) CIA, since 1994 

December 9, 2024


For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:


Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024









NOTE: Many years ago I occasionally posted my reports on a site called Rumor Mill News. It was run by a New Age occultist, Rayelan Allan, who featured the work of “news agents”, most of whom were rank amateurs seeking fame and fortune on the Internet; some of whom (like myself) were former intelligence professionals. And a very large proportion were, like Rayelan herself, New Agers.

Rayelan's claim to fame, of which she regularly boasted, was that one of her ex-husbands, Gunther Russbacher (notorious among the Intel community as a con man), was some kind of CIA agent. She used his “credentials” to claim all kinds of privileges and apparently thought that a tenuous former connection to CIA entitled her to issue unsolicited advice, on all subjects imaginable, to all and sundry. She was the awesome keeper of the secrets of the universe, or so she would have you believe. In truth, she was merely an aggressive busybody with delusions of her own importance, raking in money from her credulous readers.

I resigned my posting privileges in November, 2003, shortly after I posted this report on her site. I'd had way more than enough of the New Age gobbledygook which made up the bulk of material on her site. And I was under attack by the hordes of New Agers...wait for it...for being a devout Christian. I was also accused of being CIA, the same old, same old used against me when the haters can't find any legitimate grievances to use against me.

It didn't help that I am a hard-line, law-and-order, rule-of-law conservative with zero tolerance for nonsense. And my position, after all these years, has not changed. I am nothing, if not consistent. And though I recently converted to the Catholic Church, my spiritual beliefs have not changed either.

When checking the stats on my website, I noticed that this particular report has been getting hundreds of views, for no particular reason that I know. But since it still represents my position in 2024, I decided to repost it.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

For the love of Freedom.

Barbara Hartwell

December 3, 2024





"I would like to thank you for your insightful post(s). I appreciate them all.

I agree that a lot of good things get corrupted along the way and that labeling and pointing fingers is a tool of "theirs" also.

It's hard to know in this day and age what to believe as true; I guess this is why I read RMN, since everyone here seems to be on that same path to truth. I appreciate the many agents here and the insight they bring to the table. While some posts might not sit right with me or others, my "small" mind may have trouble understanding, they all make me think, and this is a good thing.

I remember when I was young, my girlfriend and I would lay in our backyards for hours, looking up at the night sky and ponder all of life's questions and try to come up with the answers (kinda like this forum). A lot of the questions seemed to be spiritual in nature, about God and why we're here and so forth.

I grew up catholic and like you, I prefer to just be thought of as spiritual-- without any labels.

There was a priest by the name of Fr. Hunt, who would give talks at different parishes in our area. He was really a neat guy, always gathered a crowd. He didn't stand on the podium and lecture, he communicated with great insight and passion. There was no guilt or shame, he made sure everyone there knew they were a "child of God."

In his talks that he gave, there was a very poignant message made. He spoke about why we are here. He asked the question several times to his audience; and the answer he gave was such: "You're here to Love, you are here to Love." I won't forget that and how I felt at that moment. Something so simple, yet so profound.

In peace and love,

Barbara Hartwell Responds

It may surprise you that I am in wholehearted agreement with this statement:

You are here to LOVE.

But what is "love"?

I think it's safe to say that each of us has our own way of expressing love.

To some of the New Age crowd, it seems "love" means embracing your enemies, being lovey-dovey and sentimental all the time and "tolerant", NO MATTER WHAT the atrocities, the human rights violations, they are committing; and just "letting go" of any "negativity."

Just drop a "love bomb" and LOVE them, no matter what they do! Don't worry, all will be well, they say, WE ARE ALL ONE.

To me, first of all, LOVE is what motivates me to EXPOSE THE TRUTH about evildoers, and do my damnedest to PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS, so that innocent lives may be saved, especially children, who cannot protect themselves .

There is no greater act of LOVE, in my opinion, than fighting for INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM so that children may grow up in a world where their God-given rights are protected.

It is a FACT that the New Age Movement was created by the Illuminati and is spreading like a cancer, through entities like the United Nations.

This is not supposition; not surmises; not speculation; not conjecture. IT IS THE TRUTH. I have massive documentation which can prove this. What's more, I was personally utilized by CIA as a part of their New Age Propaganda Campaign.

They invested millions of dollars, just in my training, since childhood, when the Criminally Insane Agency got their hands on me.

In fact, you'll never guess the name of the TV show I produced and hosted with CIA money, and the TV production and "on-camera talent" training I received from mainstream media news anchors, hired by CIA. The name of the program?


This TV program started in 1987 and was supposed to lead to bigger and better propaganda shows, hosted by Yours Truly. By the Grace of God, I broke out of CIA before they could really use me as a mouthpiece to do some damage in mainstream media.

And ironically, I was NEVER a New Ager. I had been well-trained in various metaphysical sciences, beginning at the age of 12. By 1979, I had also finished seminary school with a doctorate in divinity and was ordained and licensed as a minister in the Universalist church, in which I was required to study all major religions.

I am no longer a member of any "organized" religion, meaning religious orthodoxy But I DO know God. And I know what God wants me to do with the gifts of the spirit with which I have been blessed.

God wants me to TELL THE TRUTH, no matter the consequences and to FIGHT for the FREEDOM we all have a God-given right to.

Think about it: There has been more attention given to the so-called "harmonic concordance" and "Global Peace Rituals", led by so-called "indigenous peoples" (most of them using "Native American" names they have taken for themselves to gratify their egos); and worship of "Mother Earth", being touted by the New Agers on this forum, than to SERIOUS ISSUES like Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, and the CRIMINALS in government who are trashing the Constitution; persecuting Patriots willing to FIGHT and who SPEAK THE TRUTH about massive government corruption.

To me, this is unbelievable!

For example, I look at some of the posts by [name removed], one of the few real straight-arrow, no-nonsense Patriots on this forum, and the paltry number of hits he gets for all his excellent material, dedication and hard work....and then I look at the New Ager posts talking about "ascension" or channeled material from the "Zetas" or non-scientific, "spiritual" gobbledygook New Age theories about solar flares, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes and see the numerous hits they get.

Frankly, it makes me want to cry. To weep for the LOSS of FREEDOM in our country, for all the children who may never know what real freedom is, because of the pervasive brainwashing and co-opting of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS by the NWO, their enforcers in the U.N. and because of all the blindly-following New Agers, who may mean well, but who are doing NOTHING but exacerbating a bad situation by promoting "tolerance" of TYRANNY and TREASON.

Last night I had a car with government goons parked outside my home. WHY?

Because I tried to help stop child pornography and sexual abuses by EXPOSING THE TRUTH about the perps and those covering it up, people who claim to be PATRIOTS, nonetheless.

And then I am BANNED from a radio show.

[Note: I was ripped off the air on GCN by order of "patriot" media mogul Alex Jones, who was trying to protect the criminals I was exposing, most notably former FBI Chief and COINTELPRO Kingpin, Ted Gunderson, my former professional colleague.]


Because somebody has something to lose --probably BIG MONEY, if I am allowed to speak THE TRUTH.

So, if you are really "here to love" perhaps you might realize that FREEDOM is the greatest gift of LOVE you can give your children, your grandchildren, your friends, or your neighbors.

God certainly wants us to love each other.

You know, I went to a church service a couple weeks ago. It was a spirit-filled church, I felt the Holy Spirit from the moment I walked in the door.

At the end of the service, the people shook hands with each other, hugged each other and the peace and LOVE in that church was palpable.

We were there to worship God, to pray for healing for the sick and to thank God for our blessings.

The LOVE I receive from family and friends is a blessing beyond measure.

But the greatest blessing I thank God for every day is MY FREEDOM.


Barbara Hartwell

November 14, 2003

NOTE: The following was posted on the Rumor Mill News Forum in October, 2003, just about a month before I resigned as a news agent.

I should also mention that although (as mentioned briefly in the report) I was utilized by CIA in relation to propaganda campaigns related to the New Age, I myself was never a believer. Despite their attempts, they were unable to brainwash me into the New Age belief system.

So, I am not a "reformed" New Ager, like some others who have written on this topic. I've always been a Christian. No, I was just the "talent" they thought they could use. That didn't work out too well for them, especially after all they invested in my training, including in electronic media.

Also, I find it significant that Rayelan had actually banned certain people from posting on her forum, because she said she didn't want "that Jesus stuff" on her site.

Lastly, this article caused a lot of "trouble" on Rumor Mill News. I was attacked from all sides by the New Age P.C. Thought Police. Soon, I will post some pieces which relate to that.


New Age Politically Correct Thought Police