Barbara Hartwell

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Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Marxist Rat Bastard Biden Bans Kaspersky Antivirus










Yet another outrageous act by the Illegal Occupant of the Whore House. I refuse to call this senile pervert the “president”. He did not lawfully win the election, and has done more damage to this nation than any person sitting in the Oval Office. Including Barack Hussein Obama, also an illegitimate “president” who was never eligible to run for office in the first place.

As President Donald Trump has stated, many times, Biden (Crooked Joe) is the worst “president” ever in the history of this nation.

Now, it's not enough that this lowlife creep is an advocate of murdering children in the womb (and he claims to be a Catholic!); of rolling out the red carpet for the invasion of millions of illegal aliens (all illegals are criminals and should be immediately deported!), resulting in the rape and murder of our precious young women and children; of human trafficking; of drug trafficking; of illegal “voters”, rendering elections fraudulent.

Illegals are put up in luxury hotels, given all kinds of free stuff, medical care, food stamps, while our veterans are homeless on the streets, and committing suicide at an unprecedented rate.

Senior citizens who were born here and have worked here all their lives (that would include me) are going without medical care, can't afford to pay the rent, or even have enough food, while the illegals are living high on the hog – at the expense of taxpayers!

And let's not forget the so-called “pandemic” outrages: ILLEGAL mandates for toxic shots, masks and lockdowns. How many died? Not from any “Covid-19 virus”, but from the so-called “vaccine”.

And the leftist scum want to grab your guns, so you can't even defend yourself against criminals, including those who run the government!

Crooked Joe has now banned the best antivirus software on the market: Kaspersky Lab. I've been using Kaspersky for the past 20 years. Nothing compares to it, and it was the best defense against hackers I ever had.

My subscription needed to be renewed, as it will expire on July 19. But guess what? I called Kaspersky today, only to be told that it has been “banned” in the US by the Marxist puppet Joe Biden!

I just couldn't control myself and cursed up a storm, I called Biden every name in the book, on the phone with the representative of Kaspersky. He agreed, and apologized, but there was nothing he could do.

These are the united States of America. NOT Red China, North Korea, Venezuela, NOT the United Nations.

The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

So what the hell!

Now, in addition to all my other losses and damages, all caused by the leftist rat bastards who destroy everything they get their grimy hands on, I won't have the protection I need for my computer.

What's next?

All Americans worthy of the name and our heritage of Liberty, must get these meddling, micromanaging Marxist scumbags the HELL OUT of office!

Barbara Hartwell

Defender of Liberty & God-given Unalienable Rights

Disgusted & Outraged by Marxist Scumbags

July 9, 2024

PS: Go to Hell, Crooked Joe!


Biden Bans Kaspersky Software, Gives Users 100 Days To Find Alternative

"President Biden has issued a ban on the sale of all Kaspersky security software in the U.S., effective immediately. The ban also extends to the use of Kaspersky software starting September 29, and it applies to consumers, government and business organizations. Critically, the ban includes security updates for existing customers.

The Department of Commerce has issued what’s called a final determination prohibiting Kaspersky and its affiliates from transactions in the U.S. This makes it illegal to sell, integrate or license any Kaspersky cybersecurity software on national security grounds."