Friday, June 14, 2024











"I learned all this [RE: Jeffrey Epstein et al] from Ted Gunderson 20-plus years ago. He was in line to be the FBI director. He was the head of the FBI Los Angeles. He was a very famous FBI agent. Even ran cointelpro...He apologized for that before he died in 2011, but he came out and he was the one that explained to me about it. They use these black elements in the CIA and in foreign intelligence groups and how they would make people have (expletive) with children to be part of these clubs, of these Cults they were setting up so I knew about all this from Ted Gunderson..."

-Alex Jones comments on Ted Gunderson, 2024

(In 2003, Jones censored a GCN broadcast of The Floyd Report with guest, former CIA Barbara Hartwell. He pulled the plug to rip me off the air and used his clout at the station to ban Barbara Hartwell from Genesis Communications Network, for exposing the crimes and coverups of Ted Gunderson and former senator John DeCamp.)

While searching for information for a different report I had planned to write (now put off for another time), I came across some of my own old reports, and commentaries by other former intelligence agents, law enforcement and whistleblowers, on the subject of Ted Gunderson (1928-2011), J. Edgar Hoover's protege', FBI Chief, COINTELPRO Kingpin.

I find it important to mention that the vast majority of people (including those calling themselves “journalists”) who have written, or spoken, about Ted Gunderson (whether in articles, on radio/podcasts, in the 'comments' section of websites, or on social media), did not know him personally, had never had any contact with him, had no idea who he really was. Most were only parroting what they had heard or read (praises and acclaim as a 'Patriot Hero' and whistleblower), and the greater part of that came from some very dubious sources.

But that is the nature of the Internet culture, especially social media: People love to talk about things they know nothing about. They love to engage in wild speculation, to promote the most popular conspiracy theories du jour, the more sensationalist, the better. Do they vet the info before passing it on? No.

Mobs of busybodies enjoy gossiping about people they don't know. They engage in petty sniping matches with strangers, while calling them “friends” on Facebook. How idiotic!

But do they care that their ignorant, asinine comments are damaging to legitimate people? People who are trustworthy sources. People who speak from direct knowledge and experience. People who base their reports on facts, who furnish evidence. People who care so much about justice, that they are willing to shed blood, sweat and tears in attempts to right the wrongs done against them, their families, their country.

No. They could not care less. As long as the hit counts and “likes” keeping rolling in. As long as they are getting the attention and approval they seek. And maybe some money from the credulous to support their “work”. How empty their lives must be, if they have nothing better to do with their time.

I have never used social media and never will. And I am disgusted and outraged by all the trash talk and malicious gossip I have seen posted, especially exploiting my name, much of it in connection with Ted Gunderson. It's been going on for more than two decades, and there is nothing I can do about it, there is no way to stop them.

But I do care about the truth, I care what is left on the public record for posterity. I care about preserving my honor (after all I have lost, it's about all I have left), and I care about what my grandchildren will be reading when I am gone. But more than anything else, I care about justice. Not that I believe I will get it in this life. But at least I know I will have died trying. End of sermon.

And so I make every effort, when possible, to set the record straight, furnishing evidence to support the facts. That is the main purpose of this report. And as always, the readers may make of it what they will.

It should be understood that most of the material is from older reports, so when reading please keep in mind that this is dated material and reflects the situations and circumstances of the times in which it was written.

Much has changed, alliances have shifted, friends have betrayed trust, people have died. But the facts exposed therein are still facts, and the evidence still corroborates those facts.


Some background: I first met Ted Gunderson in 1997, at the Global Sciences Congress in Denver, CO, where we both had been invited as speakers. At that time I had never heard of him, and little did I know that Gunderson had been planted on me, which I later learned after three years of professional collaboration and personal friendship.

I worked cases with Ted, appeared on the lecture circuit, did radio and TV interviews, presented seminars, such as Insider Secrets of Government Corruption (1998), also the subject of an interview with Chicago Health Television, deemed too incendiary for publication by the TV station, but later bootleg copies were posted all over the Internet), at times with other former government agents such as Chip Tatum (CIA).

Ted Gunderson was a charismatic celebrity, a media darling in the tabloids and on talk shows, such as Geraldo Rivera. He was probably best known for his investigations of Satanism, of child trafficking, of the death of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy assassination.

What he was not widely known for: His role as Hoover's COINTELPRO Kingpin. During all the time I knew him (1997-2011) he publicly denied ever being involved in counterintelligence operations. As you read on (or, if you have read earlier reports), you will see that this was the accusation he slapped on me (“CIA disinfo agent”), his desperate ploy to discredit the truth I had exposed about him and his FBI/CIA cronies.

He only admitted to his prominent role in COINTELPRO shortly before his death in 2011. At least Alex Jones got that one thing right, even as he continues to cover for Gunderson and promote his falsehoods about so many others.

Then, there was Ted's solicitation of Porn King Larry Flynt, of Hustler Magazine, for so-called “legal” counterintelligence operations (1996).

His black budget sale of Stinger Missiles to Osama Bin Laden (1979).

His marriage to Diana Rively, ex-wife of Anton LaVey, founder of The Church of Satan (1998).

Larry Flynt. Osama Bin Laden. Anton LaVey.

Might you be hard-pressed to imagine three more detestable characters? You can't make it up....

I call it the Ted Gunderson Trifecta. If you're looking for a winning ticket in the cause of Justice, you won't see the cashier's window by placing your bet on this one.

These were among the activities of Ted Gunderson which I began to expose, a few years after I broke off my association with him. I had documents (some of which were stolen in home invasions, black bag jobs), some hand written memos and letters, plus typed proposals, authored by Ted himself. Some of the documents I received from CIA sources and former Gunderson associates, which will remain unnamed.

I managed to save some of the documents, which I still have in my evidence files, most unpublished. I don't think anyone really cares anymore, now that so much of this stuff has been placed in the public domain, and since Gunderson and most of his accomplices are deceased.

In 2000, I broke off my association with Ted, after I learned, through various means, sources, and my own investigation, that he was not at all the Patriot Hero/whistleblower he was promoted to be.

In fact, he was running counterintelligence operations (a continuation of his FBI COINTELPRO) on legitimate former government agents (FBI, CIA, Military Intel, Special Forces, etc.) and whistleblowers. As it happened, I knew quite a few of his targets, some at the time of my association with Ted, some who contacted me after the fact, after reading my reports or hearing my radio broadcasts.

His protection racket and containment operation was meant to attempt to keep those of us the government had targeted for neutralization under some form of control, to 'contain' us, to limit the damage we could do by exposing the truth about government crimes and corruption. To place a particular spin on what we exposed, so as not to “embarrass the FBI”, or delve too deep into the cloak-and-dagger plots of CIA.

Gunderson acted as a kind of black ops bounty hunter, tracking down the targets assigned to him by the very shadow government for which he accused others (including Barbara Hartwell, “shadow government spook”) of working.

In my case, Ted did not succeed in containing me, not the slightest bit, nor reining me in. For a couple years after I broke off contact, he tried sending his messengers to approach me, but that plot failed as well.

Finally, it became open warfare, as I always knew it would. Ironically, his accusations against me were in actuality true of himself. He was the most shadowy government spook of them all.


"Ken Adachi" (now deceased) was a pseudonym for a reprobate (possibly named Peter Boudreau) who ran a New Age, gov-disinfo website called Educate-Yourself, which came online around 2000, the same year I broke off my association with Ted Gunderson.

Adachi's “mission” was to promote, endorse, support and defend Ted Gunderson. As part of that mission, he ran vile defamation campaigns against Ted's “enemies”, those who had exposed his many crimes and scams. In the same vein, he would promote, support and endorse anyone (and I do mean anyone), as long as they were toadies who would do Ted's bidding and praise him to the skies.

Career criminals, predicate felons, scam artists, sex predators, pedophiles, blackmailers, extortionists, drug traffickers....all were welcome as Ted's flunkies and sycophants. It made them feel “important” to be a part of the entourage of this celebrated former FBI Chief.

These loathsome characters were sicced on any of us on Ted's hit list, and these were Adachi's “sources” of information. False information, that is. Information which was so damaging it destroyed lives. But then, that was the point.

Adachi, a pathological liar extraordinaire, had no scruples whatsoever, and would say anything he thought might discredit his targets, but of course never had a shred of evidence against us.

According to Adachi, Barbara Hartwell was as close to Public Enemy Number One as it was possible to get. In his tabloid rag, I was accused of being: “CIA Disinfo Agent”; “The Dowager Viper”; “The Crimson Viper”; “Character Assassin”...and on and on in this vein...

Here, some excerpts from Educate-Yourself:


"The principle members of the Ted Gunderson Character Assassination Team include Virginia McCollough, Cherie Seymour (pen name, Carol Marshall), & Kate Dixon of Newsmaking News, Stew Webb, Barbara Hartwell, Kathleen Sullivan, Jackie McGauley, and Kathy Kasten of UCLA. These people have tried to characterize Ted as some version of a 'double agent' whose pretense to helping people is just a cover for his 'real work', which is to help the dark side. When you read their defamatory words, you will be given conclusions (E.g. Ted's "Cointelpro") without evidence or proof to back up their assertions. The tools these character assassins employ include repeated innuendo, guilt by association, and outright slander to support their unfounded allegations against Ted Gunderson."

"Barbara Hartwell, who was raised in a CIA family and has been programmed under MK Ultra mind control, has vied with Stew Webb to establish herself as Ted's most vociferous, viscious, and constant accuser. Her wild, totally fabricated slanders against Ted Gunderson are simply surreal and beyond rediculous. Actually, Hartwell and Webb are nearly neck in neck with their respective dumb sites of garbage heaped at Ted."

"Update April 2005: Hartwell has now added attorney John DeCamp, author of The Franklin Cover Up, to her character assassination hit list. In a recent rant posted on the internet, she actually had the termerity to accuse DeCamp of being a child molester and pedophile. I have a feeling that that the day is fast approaching in which Barbara Hartwell and those web site owners who post her slanders are going to find themselves in a court of law."

"Michael Ruppert has also done his part to make Ted look like a dark agent in articles he had published in Nexus magazine and at his Internet web site ( ). Michael Ruppert might be an unwitting accomplice as he seems to have been heavily influenced by the untruthful allegations made against Ted in Cherie Seymour's on-line book, The Last Circle, but that doesn't make him any less culpable for defaming an innocent man. Seymour uses the pseudonym of Carol Marshall as author of her book."

"Michael Ruppert Update (2005): The above comments about Michael Ruppert were written in August of 2000. Today (May 2005), there is no longer any doubt in my mind about Mike Ruppert's role as a conduit for disinformation. Ruppert is a good example of the modern day CIA/Illuminati disinformation agent. He doesn't simply show up on the internet or radio talk shows as a mere debunker or critic of people like Ted Gunderson. He wouldn't get much attention that way. No, the way it's done today is to first build up a reputation for a few years as a 'good guy', a man of the people who's bravely defying the Evil Empire by trying to get the 'truth' out to the public, regardless of personal risk, etc."

"The time is long overdue to collate the many articles already posted at this web site defending Ted Gunderson into a single location and to post, point by point, rebuttals of the most egregious slanders from the above mentioned Character Assassination Team. I'll initially concentrate on Webb, Hartwell, and McGauley, since they are the most active in slandering Ted, but in time I will also cover the role of Cherie Seymour, Ruppert, Sullivan and others."

"We will examine the words of each of these character assassins in separate articles and allow the reader to draw his own conclusions as to who is really playing the role of double agent and who is telling lies."


NOTE: I received this report in 2006, from an anonymous source. Normally, I don't publish anonymous sources, and in fact I decided against publishing this report when it first came to my attention.

However, I should also say that I have known all along the true identity of the 'anonymous' source. I will not say more, except that my training as an intelligence analyst allowed me to identify the writing style of the source, a former Black Ops insider with whom I have been acquainted for many years.

Moreover, I know (from my own experiences, my own trustworthy sources, and my own investigations) that much of the information contained within this report is truthful and accurate.

I cannot vouch for all the information, so as always, I will state that this report is published 'for information purposes only', and ask the readers to make of it what they will.

I was very sorry to learn recently that Ted Gunderson has been diagnosed with cancer. Contrary to what many might believe, due to the adversarial relationship between me and Ted over the last decade, I do not hate Ted, but rather, I have forgiven him in my heart; I remember the love I once had for him; and furthermore, I pray for Ted to recover.

I also pray (a prayer of many years) that Ted will come clean and will repent of his crimes against God and humanity, before meeting his Maker and that he will be redeemed.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on Ted Gunderson!

I have been heartbroken over the fact that this former friend and professional colleague has turned against me, and worse, turned against Truth, against the Constitution, against America and against all true American Patriots, and against all that is good and righteous....and worst of all, against Jesus Christ, for no one who believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ could possibly have been complicit in the persecution/murders/torture of God's Children, His Saints and Angels.

Considering the havoc that Ted and his FBI/CIA cronies have wreaked in my life, I am lucky to be alive. I have only the Grace of God and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ to thank for that! Thank You Jesus!

Lastly, I find it necessary to expose the names of some of the criminal accomplices of ex-FBI agent Ted L. Gunderson. Some are criminals like Gunderson; others are merely government stooges/dupes; and some fall into both categories. But all of them promote and/or defend and/or support and/or are complicit in crimes with Ted Gunderson.

BEWARE of all listed here. Shun them, avoid them and if necessary, "shake the dust from your feet"! They are, without exception, liars and minions of Satan.

Accomplices of Ted Gunderson: General John K. Singlaub (Op Phoenix, CIA Black Ops mind control handler); John DeCamp (former senator, Nebraska, CIA Op Phoenix assassin); Ken Adachi (government stooge, PR shill for Gunderson); Timothy Patrick White (predicate felon, career criminal, fed snitch, government stooge, psycho stalker, sex pervert/predator, child porno freak); Brenda Negri (fed snitch, government stooge, psycho stalker); Pamela Schuffert (fed snitch, government stooge, psycho stalker, false Christian); Todd Brendan Fahey (blackmailer, identity thief, sex pervert/predator, child porno freak, criminal stalker, plagiarist, government stooge); Linda Minor (government stooge); Don Nicoloff (disinfo monger, government stooge, known accomplice of Ken Adachi); Alex Jones (CIA asset, disinfo monger); Barbara Crouse Brown (government stooge); Aaron James (government stooge, accomplice of Tim White); "Xena Carpenter" (real identity unknown, sponsors moronic website filled with outrageous lies about whistleblowers, including Barbara Hartwell, known criminal accomplice of Todd Fahey and Tim White).

There are many more of these accomplices and government stooges, but I've exposed the most notorious here. For more information on Ted Gunderson, see the reports on this website.

Barbara Hartwell Percival

December 14, 2009

NOTE: This link is from an older site, so not the best format.


Ted Gunderson: A Treatise of Lies, Deception, Murder, Treason, Drug Dealing and Theft


By: Barbara Hartwell

Tuesday, 30 September 2003

The following is a public letter written by ex-FBI agent Ted L. Gunderson, regarding the fact that his speaking engagement at a conference in Chino, CA was canceled.

The letter here is unedited, and given in it's entirety.

Since my name is mentioned in the letter, as well as the names of two of my friends and professional colleagues, Jackie McGauley and Stew Webb, I find it necessary to set the record straight, in my defense
and theirs, by telling the truth as I know it, from my own personal experience and involvement; years of research and the testimony of reliable witnesses, about some of Gunderson's allegations.

My comments are in brackets in the main body of the letter, preceded by my intials, BH.

Ted L. Gunderson

FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret)
California License # 12878
750 Royal Crest Circle # 324

Las Vegas, NV 89114

Ted Gunderson, retired FBI head of Los Angeles, 2nd largest office in USA Kicked Out of Conference, Chino, CA.

September 27, 2003


My friend, Shirley Moore, was kind enough to invite me to sit on her speakers' panel today, September 27, 2003. She called me September 24, 2003 and advised than an "unidentified female" called the Chino Police. The Champion Newspaper and numerous government officials and politicians in Sacramento. The female informed them that I accepted money from individuals to work on the McMartin Preschool Case and didn't perform. This female also said I stole money from her. Shirley advised me that because of these accusations, she was removing me from the panel.

[BH: Jackie McGauley first contacted me in 2002, saying she had been wanting to get in touch with me for years, regarding my experiences with Ted Gunderson. I have since spent many, many hours on the phone with Jackie, in which she provided her testimony re Ted Gunderson; the McMartin Preschool case and other related matters and I have also received documentation which corroborated much of her testimony.

At first, I think Jackie wanted me to make the information public, being that I am an investigative journalist with an established readership on the Internet; but I encouraged her to do it on her own,
telling her that I would help in any way I could.

I can no longer afford to work cases and write reports for which I am not paid. My website has not been updated since June 2003, due to lack of funding for my Legal Defense and Research Fund. Most of the
contributions I was receiving to fund my work have dried up as a result of the massive libel and slander campaign being waged against me. It now seems to be the consensus among many of those denouncing me, including Ted Gunderson – and those who believe them – that I am still working for CIA.

But I have taken the time to write this report today for two important reasons. One is that I want to support Jackie McGauley and Stew Webb. They are my friends and they too are the targets of similar libel and slander campaigns.

The other is that I feel it is imperative that the truth be exposed. One thing I'll say about Jackie: She is not a liar. And I have a really well-tuned radar for liars. Sooner or later they reveal themselves, if you listen long enough and intently enough. In listening to hours of Jackie's testimony, I always found her to be
consistent and she never contradicted herself. Ted Gunderson, on the other hand, is quite another story.

Jackie explained the whole sordid tale to me. Everything she told me had the clear ring of truth and thus I believe Jackie McGauley rather than the version of the McMartin case being promoted by Ted Gunderson.

I would welcome any additional comments that Jackie has to make about the allegations in this letter, as I can only address those issues on which I have facts and evidence and of which I have personal

Then I called Lt. Beckman with the Chino Police Department. He advised that he received a phone call from a female in Manhattan Beach, CA who refused to identify herself. She stated she did not want me to discuss the McMartin case or talk about her daughter who was a McMartin victim. After that I called Mark, a reporter at the Champion Newspaper, who stated he received a call from an unidentified female and a second call from an unidentified male. The male stated that if I appeared at the conference, I would be arrested and there would be trouble.

Because of this, I called a lady who is at the conference today and is aware of the above allegations. She advised that she reviewed the Internet and noted there are allegations claiming that I am a government informant.


Since retiring in 1979, I have been actively investigating and exposing government corruption and cover-ups involving violent crimes against children throughout the nation. Although most people in law enforcement are honest, a few dishonest police, district attorneys, US attorneys, FBI, CIA, and military leaders are destroying the reputation of their agencies.

[BH: Ted knows damn well that "most of the people" especially in CIA and FBI are NOT honest. He's stated that publicly more times than I can count and I've discussed it with him at length, many times. So
why would he be now saying it's only a "few" bad apples ?]

One of my accomplishments, since my retirement, involved initiating and coordinating the McMartin Preschool tunnel discovery and excavation in Manhattan Beach.

[BH: Wrong again, Ted!

Jackie's testimony has made it clear that Gunderson was uninvited, by her or any other of the parents of the abused children; nor was he asked to participate in the investigation by anyone involved! Yet he
claims full credit, ever since I've known him, for the whole damn thing! In fact, the McMartin Preschool case was one of the reasons I at first considered Ted a hero and made the mistake of trusting him with involvement in my own case. What a fool I was ....]

Many sexually abused and tortured children said there were tunnels under the school. In an effort to resolve these allegations, I hired and paid Dr. Gary Stickel, a geologist and UCLA graduate, who subsequently documented that the tunnels had existed at one time, but were filled in. I coordinated the excavation project and handled payments to the contractors. Dr.Stickel and Jackie McGauley, who claims to be the mother of one of the victims, prepared a 200 page report. Some of the more important pages from this report are available today at my table, including a one page summery of the evidence found in the tunnels that included over 40 animal bones, photos taken of the tunnels, and other valuable, irrefutable evidence.

Later, Ms McCauley collected thousands of dollars from individuals, and then refused to send them the copies of the report. One nationally prominent child advocate told my associate, Doug Millar, and me that her friends said she paid $3,000 for a one copy of the report, but Ms. McGauley refused to deliver it. Ms. McGauley also refused to give me a copy, even though I spent $17,000 of my own money on the project. I donated my time and received no compensation for the 34-day project. Total cost of the project was approximately $55,000.

Throughout the years I have lectured about the McMartin case on many occasions, but at no time have I identified the victims or their parents, until now.

[BH: If you want to know who Doug Millar REALLY is..... Please see a report exposing Doug Millar at the bottom of the page. This is an excerpt from an article, The Denver Connection, Part 3, written by me
in March, 2002.]

Several hundred children told the same story about being sexually abused and taken into tunnels under the building by the owners of the day care; yet Los Angeles County District attorney Ira Reiner refused to acknowledge the tunnel evidence during the second trial of Raymond Buckey, Ms. McMartin's grandson. After Buckey's jury failed to convict him, the jury forewoman made public statements quoted by the media that jurors believed the children had been sexually abused, but the prosecuting attorneys failed to furnish the jurors evidence that would have convicted him.

Many of the child victims reported that they were taken through the tunnels and transported in vehicles and prostituted to prominent Los Angeles individuals. They reported seeing animals tortured and killed in the tunnels. They were also taken to a site, mortuary and church where the children reported witnessing adults in black dresses with hoods and human sacrifices of adults, children and babies. The children described many of the murder victims as "brown babies."

Over the past two decades, there have been attempts by the federal government to prosecute me, attempts on my life and extensive efforts to slander and defame me. Most recently, a government informant, Stew Webb, and some of his cohorts, including Ms. McGauley, have spread false rumors about me being an informant for the FBI and CIA. This is a technique used by the government that is called "disinformation program." 


I have a copy of a letter Mr. Webb wrote to the Las Vegas Police and a video interview of him, wherein he identifies himself as an FBI informant, with a symbol number and boasting that he is working for Las Vegas FBI agent Robin Sandoval. I also have a copy of a letter in my file from Barbara Hartwell, one of his associates, stating that Webb and Ms. McGauley are working together.

[Yes, I know about the so-called "evidence" Gunderson claims he has on Stew Webb. It's a videotape, which Ted himself sent to me last
year, along with a handwritten note, telling me to "stop putting out the b.s." on him (the “b.s.” apparently meaning the truth I was exposing about him). But there is NO such evidence against Stew on the tape, as Gunderson claims.

Stew talks about the fact that he is a Federal Whistleblower, NOT an "FBI informant". Federal Whistleblower is a legal term, for which the status no longer exists, since the passage of unconstitutional
legislation. Having the status and being issued a NUMBER was supposed to provide protection for the whistleblower to TELL THE TRUTH about
government corruption, which Stew Webb has done.]

It should be noted that Mr. Webb has a criminal record. His friends have identified him as an illegal drug user. I have documentation that he spent 7 months in a mental hospital. Recently he solicited a Vietnam veteran in Denver to arrange for the murder of Tim White, one of Webb's former
associates. On August 26, 2003 I spoke with the individual who Webb approached to commit the murder and confirmed that Webb attempted to hire this veteran to kill Mr. White.

[Now Gunderson accuses Stew Webb of attempting to hire a hit man for a murder? This is an outrage! Especially since Tim White, a convicted felon, transvestite and himself a low-level FBI snitch and
provocateur, who made a deal with the Feds to cut his own incarceration time on a drug bust, has made threats on my life, on Stew's life, and on Al Martin's life. I have the witnesses and evidence to substantiate this.

White is also involved in disseminating a plethora of lies and disinformation about myself, Webb and others. White calls me "that CIA bitch". He posts his lies about me all over the Internet, claiming that I "take orders directly from the basement of the White House"; that I am NSA AND CIA; that I am "George Bush's trollop" and of course regularly calls me a "whore", along with his sleazy lying cohort Brenda

Both Negri and White are rank amateurs. Both are clinically insane. Both are loud, vulgar wannabes who answer directly to none other than Ted L. Gunderson, who is using them both as his dupes in
COINTELPRO-style operations.]

Federal agents are attacking me because rogue government bureaucrats are attempting to destroy my credibility and reputation and prevent me from effectively exposing the corruption within their ranks. This exposure includes a covert
CIA child kidnapping ring operating out of Washington, DC, known as THE
FINDERS. After THE FINDERS was publicly exposed in 1987, they moved their operation to Wichita, Kansas, where they are active at this time. (See my table for
documentation that includes three U.S. Customs reports, and a US News and World Report article dated January 24, 1994. If I had appeared on today's panel, I would have shown you pictures of THE FINDERS' two locations in Washington, DC. Mr. Millar and I took them on Father's Day last year, after visiting the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial.)

[BH: I know the original source who provided Ted Gunderson with information about The Finders (a CIA operation), a source I must protect. Yet Gunderson tries to claim credit for this one too.]

Regarding the 9-11 terrorists' attacks, documentation available at my table confirms that the FBI had six months advance warning, but ignored it. In my opinion, had they taken proper action, 9-11 would have been prevented.

Enclosed is a copy of my August 29, 2003 letter to U. S. Attorney General John Ashcroft that addresses this issue. I encourage you to obtain a copy of my 45-page or 90+page 9-11 report. "Terrorists' Activities: Advanced Knowledge Furnished to the FBI 6 Months Prior to 9-11." These reports are available at my table or you may order them from my enclosed order form.

I invite you to visit my table and review the above referenced
documentation and other material that exposes corruption at the highest levels of our government. It includes "Conspiracy of Silence," the Discovery Channel's one hour documentary on "the Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder" that was never shown. After advertising it nationwide, certain members of Congress blackmailed the Discovery Channel by introducing restrictive legislation against the cable industry. Passage was threatened, if the documentary was shown. The
cost of reproduction, well over $25,000, was reimbursed and all copies were ordered destroyed. You can read about it in "The Franklin Cover-up," an important book by attorney John DeCamp.

He documents that many Nebraska children were shipped to Washington, DC for sex parties with members of Congress. This book and a bootleg copy of the video are available today. I also encourage you to visit my web site for additional details and documentation. Most people will not believe the corruption, without the written evidence. The truth is the truth; one can attempt to distort or manipulate it, but the truth remains the truth!

[BH: Yes, the truth remains the truth, I'll have to agree on that one.

In November of 1999, I had a private conversation with Ted Gunderson, while I and my bodyguard, Mario, were visiting his family in New Jersey. At that time I confronted Ted with information I had on ex-Senator and attorney John DeCamp, author of The Franklin Coverup. I asked Ted if he knew that DeCamp himself had been INVOLVED in the child sexual abuse his book exposed.

Ted admitted to me that yes, he knew about it. When I asked, WHY IN HELL then, would you be working with this man, and worse, COVERING FOR

His answer was that DeCamp had still done a lot of good by exposing the whole thing. So I guess, in Ted's book, that made DeCamp A-OK.

I told Ted that was NO EXCUSE, that if you were going to tell the truth, it should be the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!

What about all the people who were murdered as a result of DeCamp's and Gunderson's "investigation"? And what about the later suspicious death of ex-CIA director Bill Colby?...also a friend of DeCamp.

Well, it's much more complicated than I have time to get into here, but for now let me just say that DeCamp was also deeply involved in Operation Phoenix, the assassination program which utilized Manchurian Candidates.

This was the last time I ever saw Ted Gunderson. Shortly thereafter, I broke off my association with him. I have never, until today, explained precisely why. I was very concerned about the safety of my
family, that's why.

Death threats were made, and attempts on my life.

One of these death threats, which turned out to be bogus, was made by Tim White, who claimed a former Special Forces man, Jeff Swedenburg, had been hired to kill me by CIA.

As I've exposed in several reports, Swedenburg is innocent of all such allegations... it was all a set up to "kill two birds with one stone".

But now, enough is enough. Enough lies from Ted Gunderson, his dupes and cronies!

Enough slander and libel from Ken Adachi, Brenda Negri, Tim White, Shirley Anderson and all the other pathetic liars and provocateurs.]

Today I'm sorry that you will not have the opportunity to hear what I have to say. But this is how the rogue, corrupt government wants it. Do you agree that we must lay aside our differences and TAKE BACK AMERICA NOW? Do you agree that when children are not safe in America, your and my
freedoms and loved ones are not safe?


When we leave here today, let's make a commitment to join forces and build a unique. NON-PARTISAN and NON-SECTARIAN coalition, TAKE BACK AMERICA,

I invite you to see my web site for details and volunteer to join
forces with us.

Will God bless America, if America doesn't bless God? WAKE-UP AMERICA!

For Christ, Children, Constitution, Country


Ted L. Gunderson


Now, please DO take the time to read this brief report on Gunderson's crony Doug Millar, mentioned in the above letter by Ted. Hopefully this will connect a few more of the dots...

The entire article is available in the archives section of my website.



Doug Millar is a government plant, a low-level penetration agent (Millar reputedly works for DCS) and FBI/CIA stool pigeon -a seedy character known to hang out on the fringes of patriot, militia and Christian groups. 


As I learned from several witnesses, Millar was something of a fixture at the Global Sciences meetings and conferences in Denver, peddling his anti-government wares (blurred and barely readable photocopies of documents such as the Church Committee hearings on MK Ultra and poor quality videotapes featuring the testimony of black ops survivors), and spouting hackneyed anti-government propaganda to the attendees, while acting as a sort of all-purpose factotum and gopher for ex-FBI agent Ted Gunderson, a frequent speaker at the conferences. As a finishing touch, Millar touted and sold his own little newsletter, called EXPOOOOOOOOSED!!!

I first encountered Millar in 1997 when I was a speaker at the annual Global Sciences Congress in Denver. My first memory of this sleazy con man was when he approached me with his burning questions about my experiences of being persecuted by the government in their attempts to neutralize me, the topic I had chosen for my lecture at Global.

Millar's affected persona is that of an outraged zealot; a fierce advocate of human and Constitutional rights, crusading to expose the corruption and egregious abuses perpetrated by the U.S. Government.

But unfortunately for Millar and his overlords, he lacks the inner fire to pull off the act. Any real patriot or sincere human rights advocate can see him coming a mile away.

At one conference in Daytona Beach, Florida, Millar followed me around like a puppy dog, begging for video interviews about my experiences with mind control and asking me to "step up to the mike" onstage during breaks between the scheduled events to tell more of my "tragic story", while he acted as master of ceremonies. Millar asked stupid questions; repeatedly interrupting me with his spurious interpretations of my comments; and referring to me as a "tragic victim" of CIA mind control, rather than a "survivor "...which makes all the difference in the world.

I later found out that Millar was selling videotapes of my impromptu testimony at other meetings and conferences around the country, complete with copyright violations, just as a number of others have been doing for years. The only reason I gave Millar the time of day, or the benefit of the doubt, was because he was an associate of Ted Gunderson, with whom I was working at the time. (I have since distanced myself from Gunderson, ironically at first because he claimed that Kurt and Lee Ann Billings were CIA plants. At the time, I defended the Billings' against these accusations. But my later and more compelling reasons for changing my mind about the credibility of Ted Gunderson will soon become clear.)

In the course of my later investigation, I learned that Millar would routinely show up at various meetings, gathering names of participants and skulking around in the parking lot, taking license plate numbers of those in attendance, which he then turned over to various Federal agencies engaged in Cointelpro-type operations.


Colorado Investigations Bureau
Capitol Hill Branch
PO Box 300234, Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-936-1384 
Fax: 303-936-7017 

But back to the Denver Connection. Millar moved from Las Vegas and took up permanent residence in Denver just two (2) days after the Columbine massacre, setting up an ad hoc committee to 'investigate' the shootings at Columbine High School.

As I learned from several confidential sources, Millar's real purpose was to find out how much
other independent investigators knew about the incident at Columbine in order to report back to his handlers. His agenda? To contain the flow of information; to target those who knew too much of what REALLY happened at Columbine; and to suppress the truth about government involvement, specifically CIA mind control operations instrumental in the shootings, by creating a smoke screen of diversion and disinformation.

In December 2001, Millar approached Tim Hall, the Special Forces veteran from whom I had received the second death threat warning about Jeff Swedenburg, seeking information in relation to Tim White, Stew
Webb, Jeff Swedenburg, myself and others. When I learned that Millar was having meetings with Hall, I warned Hall of Millar's real agenda, and told him Millar was not to be trusted.

Hall chose to disregard my advice, and within a week I learned that Hall had decided to go back to work for the government. I was told by Hall at that time that the government agents who had re-recruited him had threatened to "bring the roof down" on Barbara Hartwell and Hall urged me to reconsider my position; to get rid of my website and to destroy any evidence I might have of the government corruption I had taken a stand against.

Naturally, I refused. So far, my roof is still intact.

[NOTE: Many years later, in 2024, my roof is still intact. These fed bastards knew they had nothing on me, and their intimidation tactics have never worked on me.]

At least for me, it is still an open question whether or not Hall was a part of the operation to set up myself and Swedenburg from the beginning. But at the time when Millar oh-so-conveniently showed up on the scene, intent on scavenging information and documents from Tim Hall and others associated with him, I was still under the impression that Millar had been planted on Hall, as he had surely been planted on many others, and considered it my duty to warn Hall about Millar's real role and his purpose in making the contact.

Tim White was incarcerated at this time in The Canyon City Penitentiary, and had been remanded to the mental ward. Many of the documents which Doug Millar was so desperate to get his hands on were
the same documents confiscated from Tim Hall by the Federal agents who said they needed them as evidence to file more criminal charges against Tim White. The same documents instrumental in the Grand Jury investigation being filed by Stew Webb. In fact, Stew was the legal owner of most of these documents, which had been stored temporarily at White's residence before his arrest and later removed by Hall and another man Mike, at White's request.

These documents contained incriminating evidence against a number of those targeted in the investigation. A short time later, on September 22, 2001, an attempt was made on Mike's life which he barely survived. As Hall told me, he himself had made copies of all the documents before they were
confiscated by the Feds.

When Millar learned that I was coming to Denver, he got out of town, fast. As I heard it, Millar went to California to meet with Ted Gunderson. As told to me by several sources, Millar was afraid of what might happen if he ran into me. Being a traitor, a coward and a liar, he had good reason to be afraid, but even though I may have been tempted to put Millar in a hammerlock, knee him in the balls and knock
his sorry ass to the ground, I take more satisfaction in being able to expose him and his fellow toadies to the Bush Boys on the World Wide Web. I never claimed to be a pacifist..... but then again, the pen is
mightier than the sword......

My last phone conversation with Tim Hall was in mid-December 2001, shortly before he turned and went back to working for the government. Hall told me that Doug Millar had written a report focusing mostly on
'criminal activities' in Denver in which he had named a number of individuals. Among those mentioned in Millar's report were: Tim White; Stew Webb; Jeff Swedenburg; Tim Hall; Mike (last name withheld).

I asked Hall to e-mail me a copy of this report but I never received it. It wasn't until I arrived in Denver that I managed to get a copy of Millar's 'expose'. And reading it made my blood boil. Though my name was never mentioned (I'm sure Millar would not have dared) it was filled with lies and disinformation about certain others, including Stew Webb and Jeff Swedenburg; as well as an attempt to characterize
them both in the most negative way, though Millar had nothing whatsoever in the way of evidence to support the theories he promoted.

On the first page of Millar's poorly written, sensationalist and melodramatic 'expose' in large bold type, were the following catchy headlines::


The sad story about a Vietnam veteran who was exposing the subversion of America by the CIA, FBI & others paid to protect us!

How did this patriotic young man become paranoid, a pusher of marijuana, & a pervert in a pornography filled lifestyle of perversion?


The alarming saga about another patriot exposing the subversion of Denver, CO & America by the Bush family & leaders of the CIA, FBI & military!


In the next report we will take a short look at this ludicrous report by Doug Millar, and believe me folks, a short look is all it's worth. But a word to the wise is sufficient and we will clearly see the plot behind the disinformation campaign being waged by Doug Millar and his gov't handlers. What will also become clear is what they are trying to hide...

In Response To:


I received this message from ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee, after sending him the piece today on Ted Gunderson, posted here.

September 30, 2003


Thank you for the great work that characterizes your efforts to re-take our country from the treasonous thugs and assassins (primarily affiliated with the fbi/cia) who presently dominate the United States
government and American politics.

As you know true leadership always prevails over incompetence and evil, and these two traits are exemplified by the fbi and the cia as their agents, operatives, thugs, assassins and handlers have brought us to brink of a global and Humanitarian crisis of universal proportions.

As I once mentioned to the splendid Barbara Hartwell, what an honor for me to be and to live on the right side of such a struggle (i.e.,a battle between the forces of truth and enlightenment against the applied and coupled doctrines of deceit and destruction).

Geral Sosbee

Note from Babs:

Here is a letter from Ex FBI agent Geral Sosbee, a letter of support and endorsement Geral wrote on my behalf, when he saw that I had come under numerous attacks by character assassination, malicious lies and
attempts to impugn my sanity. (2001)

To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Barbara Hartwell through her superb writings and by virtue of my lengthy telephone conversations with her for many months. 

When Barbara makes a statement of opinion I know that she has a firm foundation (and in many instances cogent scientific evidence) supportive of the phenomenon that she reports. I have the greatest
respect for the person of Barbara Hartwell and I know her to be one of the most knowledgeable persons in our midst with respect to the terrorist practices of the fbi/cia and similarly chartered/motivated groups.

Barbara is helping to educate the world about the criminal activities of the fbi and the cia, especially in the areas of mind control and particularly concerning the "Non-Consensual Cover Research" program
that I am also personally familiar with. More significantly, Barbara is saving lives and she is one of the most courageous human beings I have ever known.

Anyone who attempts to bring discredit on this marvelous woman (by the use of pejorative labels and absurd blasphemes) defeats his/her own transparent purposes by doing so and stands in total opposition/contrast to the humanitarian work that Barbara pursues (at her own great personal loss). I feel privileged and honored to be in her company and I will continue to work with her to help victims of
fbi/cia terrorist activities worldwide.

Intentional efforts to casually defame one of this country's greatest treasures, Barbara Hartwell, reflects the sinister depravity of the accuser.

Geral Sosbee
Ex FBI, Ex Judge, Ex Prosecutor. Whistleblower




NOTE: This letter is cut short at the end because I could not find the entire document, but there is enough here to make the point: career criminals are used to persecute, stalk and threaten government whistleblowers, in exchange for lighter sentences or a get-out-of-jail-free card. Larry Lawson and Tim White are just such criminals, both of whom harassed, threatened and stalked Barbara Hartwell, while publishing defamatory falsehoods against me.

The retired fed agent is a person whose identity I have known since this was written (2003). Again, the readers may make of it what they will.

Sun, 15 Jun 2003 20:11:59 -0600
To: Larry Lawson
From: "John" Federal Agent
- Retired
Denver, Colorado

Mr. Lawson:

Recently, I was asked by an associate to review several of the articles on your website and your corresponding comments. I must admit that after doing so I was appalled by their inherent inaccuracies and the total lack of understanding of both the participants and the situations in which they were/are involved. Hopefully, I can 'clear' some of those up for you.  

Let us start with a series of posts (to your website) on 6/12/2003.

Yes, it's true, Stew Webb is at times a bit unbalanced and erratic, but what is known about him in Law Enforcement, and how he is viewed is certainly not
how you have portrayed him. He is not viewed as a liar, as a scumbag, as a total nut case but instead as a 'whistle blower', an enemy, certainly a major nuisance. And in fact is not a liar, scumbag, or a total nut case. His heart has always been in the right place and he has done a considerable amount of 'real' work to further the patriot cause, which is far more than you have ever done.

The same can be said about Barbara Hartwell, in some regards. She is neither unbalanced nor erratic but rather enraged about the treatment of both herself and her family by the CIA (the CIA is the largest Satanic cult in the world - and they DO eat their young). She is regarded by elements of Law Enforcement as a very dangerous individual, a true enemy and one that one day must be eliminated. She is certainly not a liar or scumbag but instead strives merely to do what is right both by God, and by the Patriot movement - which is more than I can say for you, based on the material I've seen presented on your website, a good percentage nothing but innuendo and slander.

Fritz Springmeier, by the way, whose Father is the former commander of NATO and who was kicked out of West point after 3 years, is a plant. He is a CIA
provocateur, DCS, actually -Domestic Contact Services -the CIA's programmed goons who roam the country, and the world, spying on people and reporting back to their controllers, creating dissension among the opposition, and of course, carrying out violent acts of subterfuge in order to bring about the end of order as we know it and the final ascent into power of the New World Order. How could you not know of the true essence of Fritz Springmeier? You have little, if any, discernment, sir.

Which brings me to the final topic that I have time to discuss with you today - that of one Tim White of Denver, Colorado. I think, perhaps, of all the inaccurate and noxious reporting I observed on your website was that in support of Shirley Anderson,
Brenda Negri and worst of all, Tim White. Tim White is a convicted, unrepentant felon -I believe he was arrested while in possession of over 300 lbs of pot.

He eventually served app. 9 months in the Arrowhead medium security center in the Canyon City prison complex. A very short period of time, considering the charges. He was released from parole in 12/2002, also unheard of for a crime and conviction of this

While initially incarcerated it was discovered, while cleaning out his warehouse where he both lived and worked, a variety of dresses, lingerie, women's shoes and assorted pornography, the most despicable among which was child pornography. Not only is White a transvestite, a cross dresser, but he is also a child pornographer. Or at the least, he watches and perhaps participates in child pornography (a lot of investigation and discussion has since been conducted concerning the nature of White's malady, but it would seem that either his Grandmother, Mother one or two of his Aunts and a Sister sadistically, sexually abused and tortured him while he was a child.)

But in all honesty, how can you support a pervert of this degree, a person whose pathology is so disturbed, so twisted that he must engage in this form of delusional sick behavior?

You ask, how do you know of such things? I know because I was charged with ensuring that much of this despicable material had indeed been destroyed, thrown into various dumpsters, some of which was later retained as evidence - evidence that may, or may not still be in existence.  

To exhibit to you the complete lack of understanding of events surrounding him, his blatant stupidity...Tim White now 'works for', does the bidding of the very people he swears are his mortal enemies. White admitted to Dennis Bossack in a conversation he had with him that he had indeed made a deal with the Feds to do their bidding - to spy on and report activities back to them, to harass, harangue, libel, defame, discredit and attempt to intimidate real patriots, people who are trying to make a difference and turn the tide, back, that is enveloping us all.

He admitted to Bossack that he made this deal with the Feds because he was 'in a jam', and wanted to get
out of jail. I believe this is referred to as 'selling out', 'treason', any number of terms could describe his
cowardly, self-centered actions. His controllers, among them two very corrupt Detectives in the Denver area, Tom Fisher, Louie Swent - FBI agent Mark Hostlaw, along with retired FBI Senior S.A.C. Ted Gunderson, now completely own and control him. 

They have supplied him with a cell phone (which his probation forbids), rental cars, cash, a place to live OTHER than the one stipulated in his parole (behind a bunch of dykes, one of which is an extremely perverse little Japanese women) and an early release from parole, all while his parole officer, one Scott Prendergast, every bit as corrupted and as cowardly as Fisher, Swent and Hostlaw, looked the other way- looked the other way while White violated his parole on an ongoing basis.



-Predicate Felon Tim White's threat against Barbara Hartwell

Note the names of the recipients of Tim White's threat. They are the accomplices of White and Gunderson, who have all engaged in harassment, threats, defamation against Barbara Hartwell. In 2005, John DeCamp, in a sensationalist media campaign, threatened to sue me for libel, after I exposed the fact that he was a pedophile. He never sued me, as I knew he would not. He did not want to meet me in a court of law. He did not know what evidence I had and was not about to take the risk. But, like Gunderson, he did a tremendous amount of damage in destroying my good name.

From: Tim White
To: Barbara Hartwell
Copies to: Ted Gunderson; John DeCamp; Todd Fahey; James Rothstein; Ken Adachi; Larry Lawson
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:18 PM
Subject: Personal and Public Warning to CIA BITCH Barbara Hartwell: WE ARE COMING FOR YOU


A Public Report on Criminal Conspiracy & Racketeering (2005)


Ted Gunderson:


In service to the truth I find it necessary to stand in my own defense regarding the allegations you have made in your Open Letter to Barbara Hartwell, dated April 2, 2005 and published on Educate Yourself. I also find it important, as regards the pursuit of justice for myself and others who have been designated targets of a criminal conspiracy, to publish this letter as a detailed report which includes factual information regarding several participants in that conspiracy, identified herein.


First it's important to say I know it's not going to end here. Where will it end? Sooner or later we will find ourselves in a show down in some court(s) of law, criminal, civil, possibly both. That is, if we each live long enough for that to happen. I'm not sure what the end result will be, but speaking for myself, I look forward to having my day in court and pray the day comes when I am able to vindicate myself against any and all persons who have plotted and/or conspired against me.


The best I can do for now is stand up for the truth as I know it, upon information and belief; citing the facts and the evidence to substantiate those facts wherever possible; and ask for God's protection in making my stand, as I have done these many years. Despite the several attempts on my life, so far, this approach has worked well enough for me; but more importantly, I have no doubt that God's justice will prevail, if not in this life, then certainly in God's eternal time. Someday we will all have to stand before God. This holds true for everyone, whether one believes in God or not. As for His grace, I cannot presume to say whom He will extend that to, though I have certainly been the recipient of God's grace enough to know that it continues to be possible for me.


I also find it necessary to state, once again, for the record, that I was delivered from CIA by the grace of God. None of the lies being disseminated, none of the false allegations being made against me by you and many others can change that. It's a done deal. God knows it and I know it. What others may believe is a matter of no concern to me. It's also none of their business. But I'll say it again, right up front: I do not work for CIA; nor have I had any professional dealings with them; nor been hired under any contract by them or their proprietaries, for over eleven (11) years. Furthermore, it is my contention and belief that you, Ted Gunderson, know this to be true.




I want no further arguments with you and your little gaggle of flunkies, provocateurs, porno-mongers, blackmailers, extortionists, nutcases, drug-dealers and pathological liars, either. I have nothing further to say to them and aside from presenting my evidence against them in court, won't waste much more of my time on them.


My time is valuable too. So I'm through talking. If this were the Old West, we could have a shoot-out at the OK Corral. But times have changed and we're more civilized now, aren't we? So let's have it out in court, shall we? Let the scales of justice balance as they will. Let the chips fall where they may.



As regards his attitude to me, Ted took a patronizing tack, playing the role of the injured-but-forgiving party, claiming that I was “under CIA mind control”, which was the reason I had “turned against” him.


In one of his open letters to me Ted stated:


"I have no animosity against Barbara. I love her and always will."


But only a few years later (2005), he stated:


"You admit you were once in the CIA. There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die."


Ted used this claim as his mantra, in efforts to discredit Barbara Hartwell. If he could convince people that I was still “on the payroll”, I would be seen as the enemy, rather than as a legitimate CIA defector/whistleblower. He accused me of being part of a “government disinformation program.” (How very ironic...)





















To my "kick-ass" Buddy Barbara Hartwell -

With love & kisses

Ted L. Gunderson




"You admit you were once in the CIA. There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die."

"Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came."

FBI Chief/COINTELPRO KINGPIN Ted Gunderson to Barbara Hartwell

Source: Open Letter to Barbara Hartwell from Ted Gunderson, published by Ken Adachi.

From Ex-FBI Agent Geral Sosbee:

"There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die"... the rule, but you are proof that he is wrong; the same applies to me and the assassins of the fbi who are trying to kill me in the only cowardly manner they know. My question for gun is why he does nothing to expose the crimes against Humanity that are currently on going; and further, with his vast experience as a fbi chief, why he has not confessed to the world of his many crimes against the American people.

ted gunderson, former fbi chief, verbally assaults a true American Hero, Barbara Hartwell, by the use of language that reveals gun's own warped character.

Ted Gunderson (hereinafter referred to as 'gun') recently wrote the following words to my good friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell:

"Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came.

Ted L Gunderson, FBI-SAC(Ret)"

Sosbee writes:

Such words as quoted above when directed against one of the true and great Defenders of Liberty (Barbara Hartwell) offend all sensitive persons who read them, but especially those of us who know and respect Barbara for her stand against government corruption. Indeed the 'righteous' as you call them reject the use of such descriptions above because no human being merits such a label.

However, gun is steeped in the use of labels, especially those that send good and innocent people to torture chambers, to prisons or to their deaths; gun is an expert by his own proclamation of his credentials (i.e.:SAC) in a) black operations, b) mind games, c) secret agent-provocateur dirty deeds worldwide.

No, gun, you are wrong. The world needs Barbara Hartwell more than you could possibly know/imagine; and as you have sold out to the evil forces of a corrupt government (the United States of America) in return for your petty benefits, you are the one who must someday atone for the atrocities you approved, directed, or condoned against men and women over the past half century.

Come clean, gun, about your knowledge regarding offenses and crimes against Humanity; help save the lives of targeted individuals; and renounce the fascist state that you presently support; then, maybe intelligent and informed people will listen to you.

You dare pretend to show a concern for the people of the United States when in fact you exploit the ignorance and fear of all who listen to you in order to further your own private interests and in order to perpetuate the destructive agenda of the cia and the fbi. The downfall of this country into a fascist state is in part your doing, gun, and you should not be proud of that, no matter how high an office you have attained.

Sosbee writes for the record on April 30, 2005:

gun indicates on his website that he was chief inspector for the fbi in 1973; in such capacity, gun had the responsibility to investigate Sosbee's reports of fbi crimes during that year. Not only did he fail to perform his duties as chief inspector, he continued thereafter to serve in high level positions in the fbi at a time when Sosbee was being harassed for reporting the criminal conduct of numerous fbi agents as set forth in

In early 1971, the FBI's domestic counterintelligence program (code named "COINTELPRO") was brought to light when a "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI" removed secret files from an FBI office in Media, PA and released them to the press. Agents began to resign from the Bureau and blow the whistle on covert operations. That same year, publication of the Pentagon Papers, the Pentagon's top-secret history of the Vietnam War, exposed years of systematic official lies about the war.













The material in this report is but a small sample of what has been published over the last quarter century in connection to my dealings with Ted Gunderson, and the neutralization campaign run against me by corrupt elements (including FBI & CIA) of the government.

This campaign began before I ever met Ted. I finally succeeded in breaking free of CIA operations in 1994, after years of spiritual warfare and trench warfare. By the grace of God, I got out and they could not stop me. I can't in good conscience blame Ted for the persecution. It was engineered before he ever entered the picture.

He was only a cog in the wheel, a pawn in the game, sent in for damage control. And I must say, he did quite a bit of damage. (I'm sure he would be terribly insulted, were he reading this, but it doesn't change the truth.)

Many years have passed. During that time, due to my continuing battles with the government, I have been driven into destitution, have lost nearly everything I owned (including a house I owned in Maine, in which I invested everything, in the hope of being able to survive and live in peace as a senior citizen—no such luck), and at one point (2013) my adversaries in CIA finally succeeded in driving me into homelessness. I survived that, too, but just barely.


CIA basically destroyed my entire family, those of us who worked for them and those who did not. I don't talk much about my family, not unless I have specific permission. It is nobody's business, not for public consumption. I respect their privacy and I am very sorry for all the damage some of them have suffered as a result of me going public as a whistleblower. They have been harassed, had their privacy invaded, they have been slandered. They have been blacklisted and ostracized through no fault of their own. Again, I am so very sorry. I can only say I did what I felt I had to do, to stop the bad guys in as many ways as I could.


In all this time, I have never had anyone I could rely on for any kind of support, material or otherwise. (The operative word being rely.) No family or friends, no one whose loyalty and concern I could bank on. Their loyalties and concerns were elsewhere, for which I don't blame them.


My situation today remains the same. I am a disabled senior citizen, attempting to live on disability benefits, which do not even begin to cover my monthly living expenses. My rent alone takes up more than my entire monthly disability check.


And though I have always been reclusive by nature, as well as being more of an introvert than anyone I know, I have reached the point where, for the most part, I no longer wish to discuss my situation with others, not even family or friends.


There is really no point, when people do not understand, and I have no interest in commiserating or sharing tales of woe.


And for those who do know the truth of my situation of dire poverty (assuming they read this website) and choose not to help, I respect their decision and don't hold it against them. I expect nothing from anyone.


For those who do value my work (including this website) and choose to offer support, I am very grateful and appreciative.


As the Bible tells us, God loves a cheerful giver. And if not for a few of those great souls, over the years, I would not have survived to be writing this report. God bless them.


My dream is to live in seclusion in a cloister, a monastery somewhere near the ocean. God has not seen fit to grant that wish, but then, it's a dream, not a prayer.


My prayer must be for God's will, not mine. God has been so good to me, He has blessed me in ways I could never have imagined. He has saved me and delivered me from disaster more times than I can count. So, rather than list a litany of my woes, I try to remember to count my blessings.


If I can expose some bad guys, if I can help in putting them out of business, if it helps people who care about Liberty and Justice, if it spares the innocent any degree of suffering, then despite the pain, it will all have been worth it.


A last word on Ted Gunderson: I pray for him to this day. I pray for God's mercy on his soul. I pray I may see him again some day, in the company of Saints and Angels, free at last from the sin and suffering of the world.


Barbara Hartwell

June 14, 2024


NOTE: There are many reports on this website, exposing Ted Gunderson and his cronies, minions and dupes. Or, conduct a general search to find them elsewhere on the Internet.


Here, some listed which address issues covered in this report.


Possibly, if there is enough interest among my readers, I will add a PART 2.


A Public Report on Criminal Conspiracy & Racketeering

Ex-FBI Agent Ted Gunderson Solicits Porno King Larry Flynt for COINTELPRO

Ted Gunderson: Ex Officio COINTELPRO, De Facto COINTELPRO

Ex-FBI Agent Sosbee on Ted Gunderson's Character


The Truth About COINTELPRO Ted Gunderson & Associated Persons

Ted Gunderson & The Church of Satan

Ted Gunderson & Alex Jones: COINTELPRO at Work


Ted Gunderson & The McMartin Preschool Case of Satanic Ritual Abuse: THE REAL STORY

Ted Gunderson & The Finders

Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp & Alex Jones: Counterintelligence Propaganda Exposed

THE SHADOW KNOWS: Former FBI & CIA Counterintelligence Experts on Celebrity Super Spook Ted (The Gun) Gunderson (2)






No titles for images are given, to save space. Images should speak for themselves. Thanks to Dr. Len Horowitz (a Gunderson Target) for his assistance.