Tuesday, June 18, 2024

UNBRIDLED ARROGANCE & DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: “The World's PreEminent Journalist”, Ramola Dharmaraj Strikes Again!











"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."

-Thomas Aquinas

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Ephesians 5:11

...The Story of the Century: Unlawful and Unethical AI-Driven Neurowarfare and Cognitive Warfare Being Conducted in Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”

Delusional boast of Ramola D as headline on The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

I can't imagine that anyone would be interested in these reports exposing the continual offenses of Ramola Dharmaraj. For those who would rather skip this report, I can see why.

My reason for these reports is in defense of my honor and to make certain there is a public record of the truth and the facts. I won't allow this aggressive, unscrupulous grandstander to sully my good name, but will refute the many falsehoods and malicious lies with the truth and the facts.

Ramola Dharmaraj (RD) has made it clear that she has no intention of stopping her obsessive exploitation and defamation of the name and work of Barbara Hartwell.

For the record, here are the facts:

I have had no contact with RD for the past three years. I broke off my association with her for a very mundane reason (no cloak-and-dagger intrigue here, as she would have you believe): she showed herself to be an aggressive busybody and meddler who had zero respect for the personal boundaries and privacy of others. I am a very private person, actually a recluse, of which she was well aware.

Yet she disregarded all my polite requests to stop her intrusive behavior. She stirred up trouble (as do all busybodies) by dragging my name into her self-created dramas (publicly and privately) and linking it with persons with whom I had no connection, and which I had made it clear I did not consider legitimate.

I was not about to allow my name (as a legitimate CIA whistleblower) to be used as a stepping stone by an ambitious wannabe, trying to make a name for herself. A person who was deeply entrenched in the culture of those calling themselves “targeted individuals”. I had never been one of them, had no commonalities, and had no interest in associating with them. Which I repeatedly made crystal clear. Yet RD kept trying to push these people on me, totally disregarding my clearly stated wishes.

In June, 2021 I quietly walked away. I did not explain myself further. She had refused to stop her meddling, but rather attempted to engage me in arguments. It was a non-negotiable issue and I had no intention of wasting my precious time and energy by getting into a conflict with her.

I just wanted her to mind her own business and leave me alone. I did not mention her name in my public reports, as I did not consider this a public issue. Not until she made it into one. Rather than respect my wishes and just leave me alone, she continued to exploit my name on her website and on social media. She continued to pursue me by sending unwanted e-mails, which went unanswered by me.

Bottom line: she would not leave me alone, but aggressively disregarded my clearly stated wishes and chose to disregard the obvious reason for my silence.

She was the only aggressor, the only wrongdoer. She drew first blood. 

At no time have I ever done anything wrongful to her. I have simply exercised my right to defend myself against her various forms of aggression, including provocation. I have exposed her offenses against me, providing irrefutable evidence (often in her own published words). There has been no libel, no slander, no lies, no falsehoods, not coming from me.

Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar and there is no way they can prove me wrong.

But back to RD. When it became obvious that I wanted no further dealings with her, she then began sending defamatory messages behind my back to certain of my friends, in efforts to recruit them into helping her in discrediting me.

(These friendships were later destroyed by her lies, her gossip and meddling.)

I was accused of “damaging” her “fact-based truth journalism” in certain of my reports. Apparently she fantasized they were about her, though her name was never mentioned. In point of fact, these reports had nothing to do with her.

I was accused of “protecting operations” which she claimed were being run against her and other “targeted individuals”...by CIA. Another fantasy apparently based on her malice against a person who wanted nothing more to do with her, again for very mundane reasons.

And she escalated her aggression from there...

See list of reports at bottom of page for all the gory details.

And since that time I have made it clear that there is no quarter given, none asked.

Today, I found yet another of her delusional smear pieces:


Regarding CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell


Tiresome and time-consuming as it has become, I cannot in good conscience let it pass, and will once again easily rip this latest piece of trash to shreds, refuting each and every falsehood with facts.

But before I do, I think it might be appropriate to shine some light on a form of psychopathology known as delusions of grandeur, which I (and a number of others) have observed this woman to exhibit -in spades.

Here, a description of the condition.





NOTE: I have highlighted the parts which pertain to the behavior I have observed, over a period of years.

People experiencing delusions of grandeur see themselves as great, highly accomplished, more important than others, or even magical. The delusion may be persistent, or it may appear only periodically.

Some people with delusions of grandeur also experience other delusions, such as a fear of persecution or unusual religious beliefs.

However, a delusion of grandeur is more than just very high self-esteem or an inflated sense of self-importance. It marks a significant disconnection from the real world. A person with delusions of grandeur may continue to believe in the delusion in spite of contradictory evidence.


Delusions of grandeur come in many forms. Many people experience delusions of a similar theme over time.

Delusions of grandeur can manifest in virtually limitless ways. Some of the most common types include:

**an inflated belief in one’s own importance, such as having the power to end war

**a belief that one is famous or occupies a high position in society

**a belief that one is a religious leader

**a belief in one’s ability to live forever

**a false belief that one cannot be harmed by disease or injury

**an inflated sense of intelligence

**a belief that one possesses magical skills, such as the ability to read minds

A person believing in their own greatness is the hallmark of a delusion of grandeur.

For the belief to be a delusion, it must be unreasonable and incorrect. For instance, a person who claims to be president of the United States, when they clearly are not, is an example of a delusion of grandeur.

There may be other symptoms along with an inflated false belief of one’s own importance. These include:

**difficulty getting along with others because of the delusion

**a persistent belief in the delusion in spite of contrary evidence

**dismissal of or anger at people who refuse to accept the delusional belief

**persistent attempts to get others to accept the belief

**behaving as if the belief is true

**experiencing other delusions

Because delusions of grandeur are usually related to a mental health condition, most people with this symptom also experience other mental health symptoms.


The highlighted portions are based on my opinion, as a trained psychoanalyst (Jungian) and former profiler for the US government. I am not a “psychologist”, nor do I adhere to many of their doctrines. But this particular condition is very obvious, even to people not trained in any form of psychoanalysis. And I consider this source to be accurate.

Here is the latest smear piece, filled with her delusional beliefs about Barbara Hartwell; about herself being so important that the Central Intelligence Agency is “desperate” to silence her.

About how CIA has “taken over” the website of Barbara Hartwell. In past articles she has accused me of being “paid by CIA” to tell stories about her. She has accused that “ghost writers” have taken over my website. That I have used “avatars”.

Yet another accusation is that there has appeared a “new Internet writer named Barbara Hartwell Percival”, whose purpose is none other than to slander Ramola Dharmaraj.

None of these accusations contain even a shred of truth, and none are based on facts. Just as one example, she evidently saw a banner with the name Barbara Hartwell Percival (created by FBI whistleblower Bob Levin more than a decade and a half ago), and made a false assumption (or speculation) that it was something “new”. And, of course, that it had some connection to her -presumably because she is SO IMPORTANT that a new identity would be created by me (or for me, by CIA), just for the purpose of attempting to “silence” her.

Back to reality: Percival is my family name, I am a Percival by blood and have used that name going back many years. It certainly has nothing whatsoever to do with Ramola Dharmaraj, or her delusions of her own importance. And Bob Levin never heard of her, so why would he create this banner, long before I myself ever heard of the existence of Ramola D? Like all her other delusional claims, it's totally absurd.

I will now go through all the ridiculous claims in this smear piece, refuting them, one by one. I have also highlighted certain parts which correspond to the delusions of grandeur.

Regarding CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell


"Noting here for the record, that the latest efforts by the CIA (I presume) to slander, defame, and discredit this writer and journalist as published at Barbara Hartwell’s site on May 27, 2024 indicate further desperation on the part of this sadly decrepit and painfully criminal agency to attempt to disappear the profoundly necessary voice and work of this writer in exposing human rights violations on a scale unprecedented in a practice of harm involving daily torture unlawfully schemed into being and maintained by absolute criminals in US Military and Intelligence agencies and divisions probably ever since their inception but currently being exposed widely at this writer’s pen, as noted here recently:


Formal Notice of Torture and Terror, Physical and Psychological, in The United States of America and Worldwide.”

As usual, she accuses that CIA is behind what is published on my website.


FALSE. I am the sole editor and administrator of my own website, and always have been. Anything written exposing Ramola Dharmaraj is written by me.


And, according to RD, they are acting in “desperation” to “disappear” her, since her “work” is SO IMPORTANT.

FALSE. As I have stated many times, she has nothing which could possibly be of interest to CIA. She has “exposed” nothing that is not already widely known.

All I've seen are cut-and-paste copies of newspaper/magazine articles and FOIA documents which anyone can easily get online. She has produced nothing new, nothing unique, certainly nothing “unprecedented”.

She knows nothing, nor would she be capable of doing anything, which would make CIA want to “silence” her. She has no background, no knowledge, no understanding of intelligence work, and no connections, to the Intel community. Which amounts only to a big fat ZERO.

She merely parrots what she has read or heard from other sources (some legitimate, some not) and presents the material as if it originated with her, or as if it is connected to her own experience, when in fact it is not.

Anyone with an intelligence background (current or former) will see this, and dismiss her as a rank amateur, a wannabe, an intelligence groupie seeking attention and public acclaim, for non-existent accomplishments, and sensationalist claims of her own importance.

The people I know, supporters of my work, consider her self-aggrandizing claims a bad joke.

She is trying to muscle her way into a very specific category (government whistleblower) where she entirely lacks the qualifications, the credentials, the experience. She is way out of her league – and in the most glaring way, it shows.

"The opener in this new epic from May 2024 at Barbara Hartwell’s website aiming to retract words stated and published in 2020 along with much other notice of endless and criminal defamation and slander aimed at this writer then and earlier points clearly to her website and publications having been taken over since: Protection Rackets & Containment Operations: Libel, Slander, False-Narratives, False-Reality-Constructs, Smear Campaigns & Serious Defamation (July 23, 2020)."

Epic? What epic? And nowhere in the cited report have I “aimed to retract” anything. She is, as always, vague and unclear as to what she refers.

There has never, at any time, been any “endless and criminal defamation and slander” aimed at “this writer” (why does she refer to herself in the third person?), at least not by me.

Again, she makes claims based on nothing but her own idle speculation: that, “clearly” my website has been “taken over”. “Clearly”, how? As usual, there is no evidence, and she doesn't bother to explain.

And, as I have stated before, the article she references above was her attempt to appear knowledgeable about issues she knows nothing about. She did not even know what a “containment operation” was until I explained it to her.

Again, contrary to her continued foolish accusations, my website has not been “taken over” by anyone. And it might behoove her to try to wrap her delusional mind around the fact that my website, which has been online since 2000, and preceded by my reports on other sites since 1995, has never, in any way, been changed or modified in connection with a nefarious plot (by CIA or anyone else) to “silence” or “disappear” the oh-so-important “fact-based truth journalism” of the illustrious Ramola D.

"The intention appears to be to disappear the voice and work of Barbara Hartwell as well, and in particular attempt to disappear her vital testimony of CIA practices of using fabricated accusations of insanity to discredit and disappear genuine whistleblowers and journalists as well as her testimony of directed energy weaponry use on her and on others she had interviewed and known of, both as a CIA whistleblower and journalist herself, which she has written of in many articles at her site, and addressed specifically in relation to discrediting attempts aimed at this writer in her Letter in support (Letter from Barbara Hartwell in Support of Ramola D, The Everyday Concerned Citizen) dated April 18, 2018."

What in the bloody hell is she yammering on about? Now, she's trying to place me in the same category with herself, and blaming it all on CIA. AS IF there could ever be any comparison.

I guarantee, anyone from CIA knows better and would never compare me with the likes of this fraudulent amateur.

Any testimony given by me re directed energy weapons has nothing to do with her. My reports on this weaponry go back decades, before I ever had the misfortune of this wannabe latching on to me to exploit my name.

No assaults ever made on me in the past had anything whatsoever to do with the “non-consensual weapons testing” programs which she claims are used against “all targeted individuals”. Nor have I ever been a “targeted individual”, contrary to her efforts to lump me into this group.

It also should be noted that she contradicts herself. First, she claims she was targeted as part of a “non-consensual weapons testing program”. Then she claims it was “Whistleblower Retaliation.”

So which is it? She can't have it both ways. Since she is not a whistleblower, I'd have to rule that one out.

But after all I have seen and heard coming from her, I see that it's possible that none of what she claims is happening is actually happening. Maybe she just wants attention and this is her way of getting it. Or maybe, it's all a function of her delusions. Who knows? Who cares? Not I, not anymore. My only concern is that I want MY NAME left OUT of her preposterous claims and self-aggrandizing drama.

She is way out of line here. She does not know what the hell she is talking about. She is once again trying to drag my name into a category where it does not belong, and to make it appear that there is some comparison and commonality, where none exists.

As for any reports I wrote in support of her, they were specific in nature. I did not identify any “reasons” why she might have been targeted with this weaponry. In fact, at that time I had no idea why this would be happening to her. I guess I believed her because at that time I saw no reason not to.

In her defense, I stated simply that this weaponry does exist, and that reports of it by a victim did not indicate any form of mental illness. Period.

But this has nothing to do with the sensationalist, self-aggrandizing claims she has been making over the past few years. At that time (2018), I was not aware of any such claims, nor would I have endorsed or supported her were that the case.

To this day, I do not know what has happened to her. I do know that after all the self-important boasting I've heard, that I have no reason to believe anything she says. She's also proved herself to be a liar, with all the falsehoods she has promoted against Barbara Hartwell.

She is most certainly not a “genuine whistleblower”, nor a whistleblower of any kind. It has become clear to me that she is only a self-aggrandizing yellow journalist with a self-serving agenda.

"This writer repudiates this desperate and pathetic attempt to attribute to CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell this retraction of a statement made by her and published openly with her approval at this writer’s site around the time that she also wrote and published several pieces decrying the slander aimed at both this writer and herself, including CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell | IN DEFENSE OF RAMOLA D: TARGET OF VILE SMEAR CAMPAIGN (Nov 24, 2019)."

"This writer" now continues with her fantasies that some outside party is “attributing” to me a “retraction”, which in fact, I have not made. Again, any and all reports on my site are written solely by me. And, as always, I stand by every word I write. I say what I mean and mean what I say.

Unlike Ramola D, who runs her mouth in convoluted gibberish, in denial of her own unscrupulous behavior. Delusional or not, her claims bear no resemblance to reality.

I did write a report in defense of Ramola D when I saw that there was a smear campaign against her. The people publishing the smears were motivated by malice and were promoting obscene filth in connection with her name, and mine.

As a matter of principle, I do not support that type of behavior, no matter whom it is directed at, even the baddest of bad guys or my worst enemies. But my views on the character of Ramola D have changed since that time, and with good reason. Just reading up to this point should explain my change of heart.

"This writer firmly condemns all slanderous actions here in daring to falsely-name this writer a “Liar” as evident in this PsyOps-article and once more points to the ludicrousness of using CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell’s name to decry this writer’s name in light of the major testimonial, witness, and whistleblowing she has published in interviews, articles, podcasts, discussions, and panels she has participated in at this writer’s video channels and platforms and her own website–several links at Protection Rackets & Containment Operations: Libel, Slander, False-Narratives, False-Reality-Constructs, Smear Campaigns & Serious Defamation."

I have at no time “falsely named” Ramola D (“this writer”) a “Liar”. (And why does she have the annoying habit of capitalizing random words in the middle of a sentence?)

I have stated that she is a liar because it is a fact. Just take a look at all the outrageous falsehoods (including in this latest smear piece) that she has promoted. I use the proper word that describes the action. Yes, she is a liar. If she finds that objectionable she should just stop lying.

And what the hell is this lie! At no time have I ever participated in any “panels” at her website. She knows damn well I don't do panels, and especially with the charlatans and New Age goofballs she promotes at her site.

As for my own site, anything I published was by my own decision, she had no say in my choices. In fact, I have since removed some of the material, due to the fact that she was exploiting my name and promoting defamatory falsehoods against me.

In fact, I had been a guest on her podcast a number of times between 2018 and 2020. Aside from that she published some of my reports. That was it. There was never any involvement with her gaggle of “targeted individuals”, nor did I ever consider her (or her website or podcast) of any particular importance in my career as a journalist. Over a period of many years, hers was just a drop in the bucket, nothing more. Again, it's all coming from her delusions of grandeur.

"This writer reserves the right to refer to this testimonial as needed, and reminds all readers that Media History can be traced at her website and video platforms by each of them individually at any time. The taking over of websites and the slandering of people’s–especially journalists’–names is apparently an ongoing practice of harm by the CIA in continuation of its historic and unlawful and illegal attacks on journalists in MHCHAOS and other infiltration and takeover operations as reported by many whistleblowers and journalists, American and European, including Angus McKenzie and Udo Ulfkotte. (Journalist Angus Mckenzie’s book “Secrets” is an eye-opener in this regard.)"

As stated, I have changed my mind about the character and the credibility of Ramola Dharmaraj, completely and entirely, after all I've seen, all the damages she has done.  She may “reserve the right” to refer to anything she chooses, but she will only be purposefully promoting more falsehoods by so doing.

And again, I can guarantee, CIA has absolutely NOTHING to do with my website. Nor would CIA have any reason to take the slightest interest in this delusional wannabe who thinks she can hoodwink the public with her preposterous claims.

"Image taken from Barbara Hartwell’s site, in reminder of the CIA Psy Ops and Counter Intelligence she has given testimonial of, at this writer’s video platforms, several times."








And so what? I've never denied being involved in Psy Ops or counterintelligence. What, exactly, is she trying to prove?


"The further verbiage in the May 24, 2024 article seems to follow on the same fabrication actions evident in all other articles of slander launched against this writer earlier and cannot be addressed further here. The newer article dated June 1, 2024 comprising apparently an echo-stalky “formal” letter to a Quincy Police Chief Mark Kennedy with further evidence of lists of lies, fabrication, and slander–just seen by this writer a few minutes ago–likewise cannot be addressed further by this writer but is certainly being noticed as further evidence of crazed CIA-FBI attempts to further publicize and promote the name of this writer as something quite other than she has ever been and is. (Interested readers are encouraged to look up this writer’s books and articles and podcasts themselves to learn more.) [More in the works as well.]"

Wrong again. There was no article published at my site on May 24. In any case, there have been no fabrications, no slander, not on my site. As to why she “cannot” address this issue, that is simple: her claims are all false and it would not be possible for her to refute my truthful, factual statements which expose her for what she is. Note that she never has been specific in her protests against my reports. She has nothing on me, so what could she possibly say? On the other hand, I am always specific and detailed in my reports, both in exposing her offenses and in refuting her lies. My reports are based on facts. Her articles are based on a whole lot of nothing, dressed up as “truth journalism”.

And once again she comes up with the idiotic accusation of “echo stalking”. What the hell that is, I have no clue. I only know that she has accused many people of this same thing, just as she accuses many people of being CIA. Just more delusions, it would appear.

As for my letter to Chief Kennedy, it contained no "further evidence of lists of lies, fabrication, and slander” whatsoever. No, it contained facts, backed by evidence, sourced in her own words, as given on her website.

The purpose of the letter was to inform the police, who had, according to her, been called by her neighbors, making complaints against her, that I, Barbara Hartwell, was NOT INVOLVED in any of her activities.

That I did NOT support her or endorse her in any way. And that the flyers she had (by her own admission) pasted on the doors of her neighbors, while trespassing on their property, were exploiting MY NAME in connection with her claims. And that this was done without my knowledge or consent.















I made it crystal clear that I did not want my name connected to her shenanigans and that anyone and everyone whom she may have spoken to, or pushed the flyers on, should know this. Which, in my own defense, I had every right to do. Case closed.

"And clearly, the work and words of this writer in all genres of Exposure of Crime are True and Truly Needed, to warrant such crazed and continued notice by such Top-Level Loons."

"Clearly", according to whom? I have personally seen very little truth coming from “this writer”. Just more delusions of her own importance and greatness.

I have seen zero evidence of any so called “Top Level Loons” taking any notice of her. More like she wishes they would notice her. If anyone, she's the loon, exhibiting the “crazed” behavior. Not only delusions, but projections of her delusions on others.

Now, she lists her earlier smear pieces:

"Noted earlier:

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | September 23, 2023

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | July 17, 2023

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | June 13, 2023

All of which have been soundly refuted. See links to reports below.

And Ramola D, the Great One, wraps up with this asinine nonsense:

"Notice to the CIA Writers:

The CIA writers penning the absurd and endless missives at Barbara Hartwell’s website slandering and seeking to defame (but in actuality seriously Faming) this writer and journalist as well as Barbara Hartwell are advised once more to Cease and Desist, quit publishing Slander to one and all, and focus instead on dismantling themselves and their agency, whose horrific crimes continue to be revealed, here and all over the Internet and the world, by reporters too numerous to mention–and whose many misdeeds in many fields, including that of the Publishing Industry, the Literary World, and the World of Academe, as well as Science and Technology, unapproved, illegal, and inhumane, this writer is most certainly going to further address and reveal."

What CIA writers? Fact: There are no CIA writers, except in her overactive imagination. What a flaming whackjob! This goes beyond delusional into the realm of fantasy fiction in which she appears to live.

And how dare she “advise” Barbara Hartwell to “cease and desist” from what in actuality is exercising my right to defend myself against her continued aggression and provocations.

But it's obvious she likes the “fame” part which, in her delusions, she thinks has come as a result of the "Top Level" team of CIA, the CIA writers, and Barbara Hartwell, all “defaming” and attempting to "silence" her.

I hate to break it to her, but sadly for her, nobody cares. Not I, certainly not anyone from CIA.

And lastly, this:

"Notice to all:

The Whistleblowing testimonial offered by CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, as also by other Agency whistleblowers, at this writer’s site and platforms, will be listed for greater ease of access and convenience shortly. Meanwhile, please use the Search Engine on the right-hand side bar to locate articles and links to videos, which can also be found at Odysee, Lbry, Bitchute, Brighteon, and Rumble."


And note that she added this, tacked on, dated June 17:

"The Ramola D Reports | Broadcast Center page lists videos posted after 2021; all podcasts prior can be found at Odysee/Lbry since Youtube crashed out this writer’s invaluable human rights-focused channel on 3-3-2021. [Note, Odysee did not save all podcasts, notably Report #99, a panel with ICATOR founder Melanie Vritschan reporting Techno Crime Fighters’ Forum saboteur Katherine Horton’s slander: I wonder why? [An issue to be further addressed publicly, shortly].]"


"Invaluable human rights-focused"? From a person who has ZERO respect for the privacy, the personal boundaries (the most basic of any human rights) of any individual? From a person who also goes running to the United Nations, whining and begging in her appeal to them to save her, and "exhorting" everyone in the entire world to do the same. Meanwhile, the agenda of these evil Luciferians is in actuality to enslave every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, to lock down the New World Order. Great job in the interest of "human rights".

Just more grandstanding hypocrisy here.

And here is a typical example of her unscrupulous habit of lumping my name in with these shady characters I do not know, have nothing to do with, and do not consider in any way legitimate. And naturally...they call themselves “targeted individuals”. For the record, there are NO commonalities with these characters from her “panel”. There is NO connection with my name, which she continues to exploit and misrepresent.


Is there no limit to her insufferable arrogance?

For the record, nothing promoted on her site which has any connection to my name is endorsed by me. For this reason, anyone who promotes, endorses or supports Ramola Dharmaraj is an enabler of evil and considered my enemy.

I want it gone, as she well knows. I have publicly protested her exploitation and misrepresentation of my name and work. But as stated previously, no quarter given, none asked.

I know of several others who have actually politely asked her to remove their work from her site, due to the fact of the “scum” and charlatans promoted by Ramola. They did not want their names connected to that site, any more than I do. 


But Ramola has shown that she does not care in the slightest about anyone's wishes, anyone's feelings. To this day, all their material is still up on her site, while she knows damn well it misrepresents those whose work she is exploiting for her own unsavory ends.

That's because it's not at all about “truth”, as she vociferously proclaims. No, it's all about her, and always has been.

Shame on Ramola Dharmaraj. May her name live in infamy, in perpetuity.


Quotes from her website and social media:

"...projecting her [Ramola D] as a God figure through AI"

"Ramola D, she has discovered, was used as the Prime Subject for the Halleluia Project (or whatever it was called) to demonstrate AI to the world using the MK principles of Dark and Light which every test subject in the project — known to the world as “Targeted Individuals” subject to extreme persecution –knows as MK ULTRA Cognitive Warfare being played on them. As a consequence her witness of extreme persecution is extremely crucial for the whole world to hear.”

"She is in fact the Prime Victim of Extreme Satanic Ritual Abuse which is what every single “Targeted Individual” has been put through now for several decades in the USA and worldwide."

"This [connected to Ramola D] must be fully investigated at the highest levels in every single country in the world and with the United Nations Commission of Human Rights."

"The ONLY Journalist". "The Primary Journalist". "The Lone Journalist". "The One Journalist". "The Top Journalist". "The World's PreEminent Journalist".....

And not only the delusional boasts about her own importance, but another statement from her above smear piece, which, to clarify, I must address in more detail:


"This writer repudiates this desperate and pathetic attempt to attribute to CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell this retraction of a statement made by her and published openly with her approval at this writer’s site..."

Here is the “statement” to which “this writer” (Ramola Dharmaraj) refers:


'"You have received the kind of vicious slander online reserved for Intelligence agency whistleblowers."

-Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower, to Ramola D'


She used this fabricated "quote" in one of her articles.

It did not come from me. I did not say it and I did not "approve" any such thing.

She is such a liar that she dares to put words in my mouth, for her own self-serving agenda.

Here is my original refutation in a report exposing the liar, Ramola Dharmaraj:

The above (promoted by Ramola D) is a false statement, never made by Barbara Hartwell, fabricated by a liar, Ramola D, to promote herself AS IF she has any commonalities with Intel whistleblowers, which she most certainly does not.

But since now she is claiming that I (or someone else) is “retracting” the statement, I must once again expose her as a liar. I did NOT “retract” any such statement.

NO, that would not be possible because (listen carefully): I. NEVER. MADE. ANY. SUCH. STATEMENT.

Nor was any other entity or person (as she falsely claims) ever involved in "taking over" my website, nor in making any such claim of "retraction" and "attributing" it to Barbara Hartwell.

Let her try to produce the evidence. She can't. There is NO evidence. Case closed.

This is an extreme provocation. I must issue a public warning that this aggressor is playing with fire...she is messing with the wrong woman. 

And, guaranteed, there will be consequences.


Time to end this report. If you haven't seen enough to be aware that anything promoted by this woman is suspect, at the very least, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

As for me, there is no doubt in my mind that Ramola D is delusional, if she actually believes all the claims she promotes about herself. Or, if she actually believes all the bizarre and defamatory falsehoods she promotes against Barbara Hartwell and others...including CIA.

Because otherwise, the only explanation I can see for her unbridled arrogance is some form of extreme narcissism. And that can't be good for anyone connected to her.

Barbara Hartwell

Sole Editor and Administrator of Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA


Divorced from CIA since 1994

In Public Protest of the Many Injustices & Convoluted Lies of Ramola Dharmaraj

June 18, 2024


NOTE: Of course I am angry and outraged, with good reason, that this aggressive, delusional gate-crasher is promoting the outrageous lie that my site has been "taken over" by any number of entities...CIA..."the CIA writers"..."ghost writers"..."avatars"..."a new Internet writer named Barbara Hartwell Percival"...and the devil knows who all else she will accuse...but just give her time...and she'll come up with something else she can try to pin on me.


So here, for the record, in refutation of these idiotic lies: 


























Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”


YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj






 "Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj


Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”


Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”


PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"


WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell

