Thursday, January 28, 2010

Support Sherry Jackson: An American Hero



 Sherry and Colin Jackson

For roughly the past two months, I have been doing my best to publicize the case of Sherry Jackson, a political prisoner and a beautiful (inside and out) Spirit-filled Christian, who was unlawfully railroaded into prison, in part based on the perjured testimony of false witnesses, some of whom were her former colleagues and even "friends".

During this time, I have also been in contact with Sherry's husband, Colin, who has provided updates whenever possible, to me and to other friends and supporters of Sherry.

The last I heard (as of yesterday, January 27) was that there was no news to be reported, but that Colin would be providing us with more information as soon as he is able.

Meanwhile, though I've looked, I haven't seen anything more posted on the Internet re Sherry's case.

After getting Colin's approval, since there was nothing new to report, I decided to post the links for all my previous reports on Sherry Jackson.

This will provide an overview for those who don't know the case, and perhaps additional information and details for those already familiar with Sherry's situation.

I have included some videos of both Colin and Sherry, as well as a radio interview with special guest Colin Jackson, on The American Awakening, hosted by Michael Herzog. I'm on this interview as well, but mostly just for backup, and during the second hour, Michael and I discuss the consequences of becoming a government whistleblower.

I remain very concerned for the welfare and the safety of Sherry Jackson, as do many other supporters and friends.

Please take this opportunity to peruse the links and forward them on to other concerned Patriots and Defenders of Liberty.

And please let Sherry know that we have not forgotten her.

Write her a note, and let her know how much she is loved and appreciated. As Colin mentioned, Sherry feels badly that she might be unable to respond to all the correspondence, so also let her know that you understand and don't expect a reply.

Name: Sherry P Jackson
Register#: 59085-019

Also, a message from Colin re contacting Congressman Johnson and others on behalf of Sherry:

I feel the need to ask you to please, when you are corresponding with the prison, our Congressman and others, to be very clear but cordial. I do understand the emotions that come when you learn of wrongdoings and how you want to express those emotions. But, when anger and vile is expressed in those letters and phone calls, it works against what we are trying to accomplish. I spoke with my Congressman's office and they are trying to work on Sherry's behalf, but it's very difficult for them sometimes when they are being screamed at and bombarded with negativity.

I pray and hope that you understand my position and that you will keep these things in mind as you continue to send letters and place phone calls for her freedom. I am forever indebted to all of you.
God bless you.

In Christ,

Lastly, I'd like to say a heartfelt thanks to just a few of the journalists and activists I know of who made it a priority to help publicize Sherry's plight.

Michael Herzog; Melanie Phoenix; Mark Anderson; Dave Champion; Joe Lanier; Republic Broadcasting Network.

Please pray for Sherry Jackson, her husband Colin and their children.

Thank you for your consideration and God bless you.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Supporter of Sherry Jackson
January 28, 2010

Links for Sherry Jackson Reports
(latest reports at top)  

Special Guest Colin Jackson on the American Awakening with Michael Herzog

Sherry Jackson Videos

Sherry Jackson: Former IRS Agent Turned Whistleblower

More re Sherry Jackson Needs Our Help Now!

Sherry Jackson Needs Our Help Now!