Thursday, July 18, 2024

URGENT APPEAL FOR DONATIONS: Christian Charity to Sustain Life for Barbara Hartwell

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

James 2:14-17



Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

I hate having to ask for money from my readers, so I don't ask often. But I have no choice now, as I am in a desperate situation. For years I have been living in a state of dire poverty, but which has now worsened to the point that my very survival is under threat.

I am a disabled senior citizen, attempting to live on disability benefits since 2014. The government expects me to live on less than $12,000 a year. No, that is not a mistake, that is the paltry sum on which I am expected to survive. In order to even get that, I had to get a pro bono attorney to provide evidence that I have no official employment history, have no government pension, and am not eligible for social security, like most senior citizens who have worked all their lives, as I have.

The sum I receive does not even cover my monthly rent, much less any other bills I need to pay. Electric, Internet/phone service, propane gas, car insurance, food, items from the pharmacy, etc. etc.

I have applied for every government benefit for which I am eligible, as a senior citizen, as disabled, as living way below the poverty line. Food stamps (EBT), HEAP (for heating bills in winter), payment plans for the electric bill. But even with these, I still don't have enough to make it through the month.

Recently, I received a FINAL DISCONNECT NOTICE from the electric company. I had previously worked out a payment plan which I was able (barely) to cover. I called the company, and was treated with disrespect, simply because I am elderly and poor. I explained that I was making the payments and had not fallen behind. But I was now told that they would have to raise the rates.

I explained that I DO NOT HAVE the money to pay the increase. I asked, What are you going to do, shut off the power of a disabled senior citizen? The woman said no, they wouldn't do that. Then why, I asked, did you send me a FINAL DISCONNECT NOTICE? This was very distressing to me.

She had no answer, and I told her that the best I could do is that I would continue to make the monthly payments I agreed to make. But still...they could shut off my power at any time and there would be nothing I could do.

Then, there was the issue with Food Stamps (EBT). I received a letter which stated that I had to fill out a form in order to continue to receive EBT. I told the truth about a recent rent increase, which was higher than what I receive in disability.

I was then questioned about how I was able to pay the rent? I told the lady that I have to beg for money each month, and that there was no guarantee I would have enough to pay the rent. She then said they needed a document to “prove” what the rent was. I sent them a letter from the slumlord, citing the rent increase, and then just put in writing the unvarnished truth, that I am a beggar, with no guarantee of getting enough to pay my rent and other bills each month. I told her, If you take away my food stamps, I won't survive. The only other way to get food is at a church food pantry. I also told her that I am only willing to do so much to get the assistance. I will not be interrogated with intrusive questions, nor invade the privacy of other people who may be helping me. It is NOBODY'S BUSINESS who might help me. So, go right ahead, lady, take away my food stamps and let me starve.


My car (2008) needs repairs and I will not be taking the risk of driving an unsafe vehicle, never again. I had gone without transportation for 2 years when my last car broke down, until I was able to save up enough to get this used car, in 2022.

Most important of all, I have urgent healthcare issues (medical and dental) for which I have no insurance coverage. I will have to pay for this care myself, or go without, and I simply don't have the money, or any way of getting it.


This is truly dire poverty, which I'm sure some people can't fathom, to be forced to live in such extreme material hardship.


Unfortunately, I don't have any support network, nobody I can rely on for any kind of support. No family or friends, nobody who cares enough to make a priority of my well being or survival. That is a simple statement of fact.

Until such time (if ever) that I can resolve these urgent issues, I will not be able to prioritize anything else. If I can't take the time to maintain this website, or if I lose Internet service, then that will have to be put on hold. Meanwhile, I will continue to do what I can. 


But it should be remembered that this site is not a "news site" for reporting on current events. It is an archive of my decades of work as an advocacy journalist. For those concerned about the issues I cover, I hope this provides some value, even if new material is not posted often.

I am not seeking sympathy, that is useless to me. I am not seeking advice. I have no interest in sharing my sorrows with the world, or commiserating with anyone about how bad things are, though at the moment they are very, very bad.

The one thing that will help me to survive, to get the health care I urgently need, and to keep a roof over my head, is money.

I know that many government whistleblowers are in a similar situation. If there is one thing the government will do to destroy (neutralize) those who stand up against tyranny and corruption (as I have done for more than 30 years), it is to hit you where it hurts most: drive you into destitution, and if possible, homelessness (they did that to me in 2o13, which I barely survived, after they made sure I lost almost everything I owned). I will not survive homelessness again, if it should happen that I don't have enough to pay the rent.

All I can ask is that if you find my work and this website to be of value, and if you care about helping a sister in Christ survive, I would ask you to please make a donation. No amount is too small, and all are greatly appreciated, more than you could ever know.

When it comes to donations, I only ask Christians, and that is for a reason. You are the ones who share my values, who love the Lord, and who will expect nothing in return for your charity. I would not have survived for as long as I have without you (and for some, you know who you are.)

Lastly, please pray for me, that I may, God willing, get the material support I need to survive and get the health care I need.

Thank you for your consideration and may God richly bless you.

Barbara Hartwell

July 18, 2024


Please send checks, money orders or cash to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations are accepted only as Christian charity or gifts, free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell, to support my work and related expenses. No quid pro quo. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024







NOTE: The bizarre false accusations against the designated targets of Ramola Dharmaraj continue to roll off her keyboard, with no end in sight. For at least the past 5 years, I have seen the outrageous defamatory falsehoods against the Mazzeo family, who are residents on the same street.

Recently, she has come up with a new twist to the cloak-and-dagger plot she is promoting: Now, the Mazzeo family are the same CIA agents (so-called “CIA writers”) who have “taken over” my website, Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA, for the purpose of “defaming” and “slandering” Ramola D. This, in addition to hitting her with weapons (“death hits”), with intent to kill. She is accusing them of attempted murder!

In recent posts at her site, the accusations against the Mazzeos get ever-more-preposterous, but those interested will have to check and see for themselves.

I'm very, very tired of this ongoing lunacy. Tired of my name being grossly exploited and defamed. So I decided to write a letter to the Mazzeos by post. I offer it here for public perusal.

If they decide to respond, I will share only that which is given with their consent. If not, that's fine too. Unlike the unprincipled Ramola D, I do have respect for the privacy and boundaries of others.

Nobody should have to suffer this kind of unwarranted assault on their good name, and such odious invasions of privacy, so they should at least know that they are not the only persons to be placed in the crosshairs.

Barbara Hartwell

July 17, 2024



Barbara Hartwell

Legal Defense & Research Trust

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


E-mail: XXX


Mazzeo Family

150 Pine St.

Quincy, MA 02170

Dear Mr./Ms. Mazzeo,

Please forgive the unsolicited letter from a stranger. I hope this is the correct address for you to receive postal mail. It was listed in a directory on the Internet.

My name is Barbara Hartwell. The reason I am writing to you is that your name (including specifically, but not limited to, Joseph Mazzeo) has been targeted for extreme defamation and invasions of privacy by a woman named Ramola Dharmaraj (aka Ramola D), who has given her address publicly as 154 Pine St., apparently on the same block as your residence at 150 Pine St.

She is publishing this defamatory material on a website she runs, The Every Day Concerned Citizen, and has been doing so for at least the past 5 years, to my knowledge.

I do not know if you are personally acquainted with her, or are aware of her unscrupulous actions, but if not, you certainly have a right to know. She is accusing members of your family of being CIA agents, of hitting her with all kinds of weapons, of spying on her, and a number of other false accusations. I have collected documentation of this libel, which I would be glad to share with you.

She has also targeted me for defamation and all kinds of false accusations since 2022. Unfortunately, she has recently been linking my name to your name and making bizarre false accusations against your family in connection with my name.

Most recently she has claimed that “CIA writers” have taken over my website, and her latest accusation was that they were members of the Mazzeo family at 150 Pine St. I know for a fact that this is not true, as you are also aware. I have refuted this falsehood publicly in a recent report on my site.

Some brief background: I have known Ramola since 2018, when she invited me for interviews on her podcast. I am former CIA, which was the subject matter she was interested in covering on her show.

After three years, I broke off the association, for cause, in 2021. Her behavior was extremely inappropriate and unprincipled. She was heavily exploiting my name on her website and on social media, she had no respect for my privacy or personal boundaries, and she was dragging my name into her sensationalist articles, which had nothing to do with me, or my work as an investigator and journalist.

In defense of my good name and my honor, I have exposed her in a number of my reports, which may be found at my website. (See link above.)

She seems fixated on and obsessed with CIA, and is making outlandish claims of persecution, including that they (along with many other government agencies) are trying to kill her.

From my observations of this behavior, as well as her grandiose claims, boasting about herself, I believe that she is seriously delusional, because as former CIA, I know that there would be no reason whatsoever for CIA to take any interest in the likes of her, as an ordinary civilian with no intelligence background and no credentials. But in any case, delusional or not, there is simply no excuse for these malicious false accusations against people.

It appears that she has no intention of stopping this outrageous behavior. I have issued public warnings that her libel, false accusations and invasions of privacy will not be tolerated. She has only escalated her attacks and preposterous accusations.

My concern is that she has done great damage to my good name with her false accusations, and her intent is clearly to do the same to your family.

In my opinion, publishing a person's street address, at their private residence, and accusing them of being CIA agents who are attacking her with weapons (as she has done to you), places them at risk of being targeted by other crazies, who might believe the crackpot stories and be encouraged to take some offensive action. Such mentally unbalanced individuals could just show up at someone's address, as a threat to the residents, based only on false reports of a character like Ramola Dharmaraj.

I speak from experience. Many years ago, my private street address was published by some malicious criminals, actually soliciting crimes against me (a crime in and of itself). My life was threatened, my security was compromised, and my home in Maine was subsequently vandalized, and thousands of dollars of my property stolen.

I have written a formal notice to the Quincy Police Department (published on my website), regarding the fact that Ramola Dharmaraj has been exploiting my name on flyers, which she has pasted on the doors of residents in your neighborhood, trespassing on their private property.

In case you have seen these flyers, you should know that this was done without my knowledge or consent, and thus misrepresented me. I informed the police in my letter that I am NOT involved in any way in Ramola's activities, contrary to her misrepresentation of my name, work and website.

I would be glad to provide you with further information and documentation if that would be helpful. And/or if you want to make a formal statement, refuting the falsehoods and defamation against you, I would certainly be willing to publish it, as it would corroborate my testimony as well, with facts given directly from a named source.

I have already publicly refuted her falsehoods linking your name to mine, and will continue to do so, if she persists in making these defamatory claims against you.

I want you to know that I am very sorry to see this happening to you, though I'm sure it's no consolation.

Please be advised that, out of respect for your family's privacy, aside from this letter, I will publish nothing else using your name without your consent.

My contact information is given above, should you wish to speak with me about this matter.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Wishing you peace and freedom from harassment.

Barbara Hartwell


False Accusations & Attacks on CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell from the CIA-Fixated Crazy Ramola Dharmaraj: The Blackest of Lies

UNBRIDLED ARROGANCE & DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: “The World's PreEminent Journalist”, Ramola Dharmaraj Strikes Again!











Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj



 "Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell

Saturday, July 13, 2024










NOTE: This is a repost of older reports. I've noticed these reports are getting a lot of views recently. I know that for many of my regular readers, I'm preaching to the choir. But as far as I am concerned, these issues can't be stressed too often.

The right to privacy, the right to defend one's personal boundaries, the right to be free from aggression of any kind –I must say, that is the primary issue for me. I've always known that my privacy is an integral part of my Liberty. Which I will defend to the death.

It all boils down to the Inviolability of Personhood. It is the essence of Freedom.

Violators, intruders, invaders...those who refuse to leave others alone to live in peace...they are the personification of evil.

If you don't believe me, just take a look around you, at what is happening to this country.

Mass psychosis. Leftist Lunacy reigns supreme.

Leftists are aggressors. They are busybodies, snoops, snitches, meddlers, micromanagers, plotters, schemers, regulators, manipulators, community organizers.

They stalk, they harass, they provoke.

They are cowards, bullies, fear-mongers. (The sky is falling!)

They are control freaks. They LOVE Big Government.

And they are hell-bent on forcing their totalitarian tyranny on YOU.

The question is: For the love of God, Family, Freedom, will you allow it?

Barbara Hartwell

July 13, 2024

"He who attempts to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening his own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, will not have anything to give others. He will communicate to them nothing but the contagion of his own obsessions, his aggressiveness, his ego-centered ambitions, his delusions about ends and means, his doctrinaire prejudices and ideas."

Thomas Merton

And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.

1 Timothy 5:13

But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.

1 Peter 4:15

It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

Proverbs 20:3

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:16

Among the range of issues covered in my reports there is one in particular which stands out, and which, from my observations and experience, both personal and professional, has always generated the most controversy: The importance of respecting the privacy and personal boundaries of others.

Defining one's personal boundaries is the sovereign right of each Individual, not to be usurped by the government, nor by one's family, friends, associates, colleagues, or by total strangers.

Without establishing and defending personal boundaries, the Individual is left open and vulnerable to invasion, intrusion, and ultimately, attack, by the aggression of those whose purpose, make no mistake, is to manipulate, to exert influence, to gain control. That is called tyranny, whether it be the petty tyranny of the busybody, or the monstrous tyranny of the despot.

Without privacy and personal boundaries, there can be no true Liberty, nor the rigorous execution of other God-given rights. The first right must be the right to be free from any form of aggression. The right to be let alone!

I have found that the controversy always begins when one person draws a line in the sand, and clearly states to another: Don't cross it.

The aggressor then, failing to respect the clearly delineated boundaries of that person, will usually attempt to justify his/her intrusion, with such excuses as, I was only trying to help, or, I only did what I thought best for all concerned.

These intrusions manifest in any number of ways.

Appointing themselves as unwanted intermediaries, as meddlers in the business of others.

Presuming to speak for others, without their knowledge or permission.

Discussing with others that which was told to them in a private conversation, which was meant to be confidential.

Making private issues public, for a personal or political agenda.

Appointing themselves as “peacemakers”, placing themselves in the middle of the disputes of others, or attempting to draw totally disparate individuals who have no connection whatsoever, into an unwanted association. This is meddling, and makes “peace” for no one.

Attempting to negotiate the nonnegotiable, justify the unjustifiable, excuse the inexcusable, for a personal or political agenda.

And the list could go on...and does, in the report given below.

Most important, under universal moral absolutes, it is the defender of privacy, of personal boundaries, who always holds the moral high ground, for a very simple reason: An aggressor of any kind is always a wrongdoer.

Barbara Hartwell

August 13, 2021

DO NOT EVER...A Common Sense Code of Honor

Persons of good moral character, of honor and integrity, did not just "get that way" by accident. No, there are no accidents in God's Universe. The truth is, God gave each and every one of us what I consider the greatest gift imaginable, aside from Life itself: Free Will.

Will you use that Free Will to respect and honor God, and His creation, by making every attempt in your actions, and in your interactions with others, to obey God's Laws and reflect His Glory? Or will you slap God in the face by becoming an aggressor against others, by trampling the God-given, Unalienable Rights and Liberties of the Individual?

Make no mistake: God-given Rights are bestowed upon each INDIVIDUAL and anyone who violates those rights will be held accountable; even if justice is not done in this earthly life, there is no escape from God's Justice.

Don't "believe" in God? That doesn't change the reality of God's existence, as you will certainly learn – one way or another, sooner or later.

Among those who don't acknowledge the existence of the Creator, the One Almighty God, but rather believe that there are many "gods", or even that they are gods unto themselves, are those who will tell you that there is no "evil" and no "good", no right or wrong, but only the "balance" of Light and Darkness (good and evil) in the universe. Some are so arrogant as to claim that they are "walking the line" in some grey area between the Light and Darkness, to preserve this "balance". According to their strong delusion, in their futile attempts to usurp the very power of God, they have appointed themselves as a sort of Cosmic Police Force to maintain "order" in the universe. These are the persons who believe that the "ends justify the means", and whose aggression knows no bounds. Avoid them like the plague.

It is my belief that aggression is the root of all evil. But before going into detail about some of the acts that comprise aggression, it is necessary to define the nature of aggression. Aggression can be understood, first and foremost, as a LACK OF RESPECT for the privacy, personal boundaries and the Inviolability of Personhood.

I do not approach this subject from a "legal" perspective, nor even from a "religious" angle but rather from a general spiritual/moral/ethical perspective. For my purposes here, I will define a "Person" as any individual human being or other sentient creature. And I do believe that yes, God sees "every sparrow that falls". God sees every act of kindness, compassion and mercy, every act of selfless service to others in accordance with God's Laws, and every act of cruelty, aggression and injustice.

But this report is not about sparrows, it is primarily about the way Persons of the human variety treat one another, and about a Code of Honor, which if scrupulously followed, removes aggression from the equation.

Before you can RESPECT the rights, the liberties, the privacy, the personal boundaries of others, of the INDIVIDUAL, that is, you must first fully ACKNOWLEDGE them.

Communists, socialists, leftists – collectivists of any stripe-- by definition cannot respect the personal boundaries of others, simply because they refuse to even acknowledge them. The so-called "common good" is their hue and cry, and in their false belief that the collective trumps the individual, they don't give a damn about trampling individual rights. But in truth there can be no "common good" as long as the rights of even one individual are being violated. This totalitarian ideology, or tyranny, in any form, is rooted in aggression against the rights and liberties, the privacy and personal boundaries of the Individual Person.

Then, there are the garden variety busybodies, whose aggression may be less extreme and more mundane, but it is aggression all the same. Aggression is a slippery slope, and those who set foot on that path will eventually reach the bottom – at least, without a revelation of truth and a conscious effort to remedy their attitudes and actions, before it is too late.

But it doesn't take an ivory-tower philosopher or religious scholar to see the truth. Anyone with the common sense God gave them may know the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil, between respect for an individual's rights and personal boundaries, and the aggression that violates them.

All that being said, here's a Common Sense Code of Honor, very simple and easy to understand. It is not all encompassing, not by a long shot. Mostly, it is just based on MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS and leaving others in peace to tend to theirs. Not overstepping your bounds. Not interfering, not meddling, not engaging in acts of aggression, in any form.


Invade the privacy of another Person.

The Right to Privacy is an integral part of Individual Liberty.

DO NOT EVER: Snoop into the private affairs of others. A Person has the right to keep secrets, if he so chooses. He has the right to the quiet enjoyment of his home, his property, his personal/family relationships, without outside interference.

A Person has the right to keep the physical address of his home, his telephone number, his e-mail address PRIVATE, to protect himself from prying eyes, unwanted public scrutiny and threats to his security and safety.

A Person has the right to privacy in his personal papers and effects. This includes his private journals, emails, audiotapes, videotapes, etc. Anyone who steals these private effects, and/or who willfully invades the privacy of another, by publishing such personal materials, is not only a busybody, but a malicious wrongdoer.

DO NOT EVER: Violate the confidence of a Person who has shared ANY sort of private/sensitive information, by divulging those confidences to others. If someone has trusted you with private information about his life, respect that confidence and keep the information to yourself. Do not be a tale-bearer; do not be a gossip. Loose lips sink ships. They also destroy friendships. Do not become a Town Crier for the private business of others. It's not your place, not your story to tell.

DO NOT EVER: Show up unannounced and uninvited at a Person's home. It is the worst sort of intrusion and the ultimate in rudeness. Unless there is a dire emergency which you KNOW to be the case, or unless that Person has expressly stated that you are welcome to "drop in" anytime without prior notice, DO NOT EVER.

DO NOT EVER: Appoint yourself as a "matchmaker" between other Persons. Do not contact one Person and without the prior knowledge and permission of another Person, try to arrange a meeting, broker a deal, offer your assistance, or otherwise meddle in the business of other Persons. DO NOT EVER become an unwanted intermediary in the business of others.

DO NOT EVER: Give unsolicited advice. This applies across the board, whether it is a friend, a family member or especially, a stranger. Do not take it upon yourself to advise others, unless they have specifically asked. If someone wants your advice, they will ask for it. If they don't, it is not your place to foist it upon them.

DO NOT EVER: Interrogate others about their personal habits, their finances, their relationships or other private matters. Above all, do not be a busybody who tells others how to live their lives; what they "should" or "should not" be believing, doing, spending, drinking, smoking, etc.

DO NOT EVER: Think you have the right to "decide" for another Person in situations where that person may have asked for your assistance. If someone asks for your help, first find out HOW they want and need to be helped, before you take any action. Respect the wishes of those you are helping, rather than taking matters into your own hands. If you are unable or unwilling to help them in the specific ways they request, then say so, and leave them free to seek help elsewhere.

DO NOT EVER: Give a Person an animal for a "pet" without first asking their permission. Many animals end up homeless or in shelters because they were "dumped" on an unwitting recipient by a do-gooder busybody who decided that they "needed" this animal for a companion, or that the animal "needed" a good home, when in fact it may not be a good match for either Person, the animal or the human being.

DO NOT EVER: Presume that you know what is "best" for another Person. Only God knows what is best, and only the Person has the right to decide that for himself. Whether he is "right" or "wrong" is not your place to decide.

DO NOT EVER: Buy a subscription to any publication in another Person's name and have it sent to their mailing address/home address, without first asking permission. Especially, if the Person is a Prisoner, you may be compromising that Person's safety by doing so. Prisoners have been punished (including being placed in solitary confinement) for the indiscretions of do-gooder busybodies who have foolishly sent "incendiary" material addressed to them.

DO NOT EVER: Pay unwanted attention to any Person who has made it clear (either directly or by their silence) that they do not want any dealings or communication with you. DO NOT EVER harass another person with unwanted e-mails. letters, telephone calls.

DO NOT EVER engage in any form of stalking. If a Person has rejected your advances (whether of friendship, "romance", professional business or otherwise) leave that Person in peace!

DO NOT EVER: Bear false witness against another Person, for any reason. Period.

DO NOT EVER: Threaten to, or engage in blackmail of another Person, for any reason.

DO NOT EVER: Use any form of coercion or extortion against another Person.

DO NOT EVER: Draw first blood.

DO NOT EVER: Physically assault another person, except in self defense, or in the defense of others.

DO NOT EVER: Invade the private property, or the country of other Persons.

DO NOT EVER: Wage a war of aggression against other Persons.

DO NOT EVER: Attribute all the evils of the world to any particular race or ethnic origin of Persons, any particular religion of Persons, or to the gender of Persons, making them into scapegoats.

DO NOT EVER promote bigotry and hatred. DO NOT EVER attach blame anywhere but with the specific INDIVIDUAL wrongdoers who perpetrated the offenses or crimes, no matter how many, or how few.

Any group that exists is made up of INDIVIDUALS. Each and every Individual is given the same Free Will by Almighty God.

What will you choose to do with yours?


A Nation of Snoops, Snitches & Busybodies: Tyrannical Government & Monstrous Invasions of Privacy


REAL I.D.: The Death Knell of Personal Privacy

Invasions of Privacy & Meddling: Garden Variety Busybodies

Reflections on Truth, Liberty and the Right to Privacy


The Trouble with Leftists


Also see: THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY section on this website, where numerous violators of privacy are exposed by name.









For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Marxist Rat Bastard Biden Bans Kaspersky Antivirus










Yet another outrageous act by the Illegal Occupant of the Whore House. I refuse to call this senile pervert the “president”. He did not lawfully win the election, and has done more damage to this nation than any person sitting in the Oval Office. Including Barack Hussein Obama, also an illegitimate “president” who was never eligible to run for office in the first place.

As President Donald Trump has stated, many times, Biden (Crooked Joe) is the worst “president” ever in the history of this nation.

Now, it's not enough that this lowlife creep is an advocate of murdering children in the womb (and he claims to be a Catholic!); of rolling out the red carpet for the invasion of millions of illegal aliens (all illegals are criminals and should be immediately deported!), resulting in the rape and murder of our precious young women and children; of human trafficking; of drug trafficking; of illegal “voters”, rendering elections fraudulent.

Illegals are put up in luxury hotels, given all kinds of free stuff, medical care, food stamps, while our veterans are homeless on the streets, and committing suicide at an unprecedented rate.

Senior citizens who were born here and have worked here all their lives (that would include me) are going without medical care, can't afford to pay the rent, or even have enough food, while the illegals are living high on the hog – at the expense of taxpayers!

And let's not forget the so-called “pandemic” outrages: ILLEGAL mandates for toxic shots, masks and lockdowns. How many died? Not from any “Covid-19 virus”, but from the so-called “vaccine”.

And the leftist scum want to grab your guns, so you can't even defend yourself against criminals, including those who run the government!

Crooked Joe has now banned the best antivirus software on the market: Kaspersky Lab. I've been using Kaspersky for the past 20 years. Nothing compares to it, and it was the best defense against hackers I ever had.

My subscription needed to be renewed, as it will expire on July 19. But guess what? I called Kaspersky today, only to be told that it has been “banned” in the US by the Marxist puppet Joe Biden!

I just couldn't control myself and cursed up a storm, I called Biden every name in the book, on the phone with the representative of Kaspersky. He agreed, and apologized, but there was nothing he could do.

These are the united States of America. NOT Red China, North Korea, Venezuela, NOT the United Nations.

The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

So what the hell!

Now, in addition to all my other losses and damages, all caused by the leftist rat bastards who destroy everything they get their grimy hands on, I won't have the protection I need for my computer.

What's next?

All Americans worthy of the name and our heritage of Liberty, must get these meddling, micromanaging Marxist scumbags the HELL OUT of office!

Barbara Hartwell

Defender of Liberty & God-given Unalienable Rights

Disgusted & Outraged by Marxist Scumbags

July 9, 2024

PS: Go to Hell, Crooked Joe!


Biden Bans Kaspersky Software, Gives Users 100 Days To Find Alternative

"President Biden has issued a ban on the sale of all Kaspersky security software in the U.S., effective immediately. The ban also extends to the use of Kaspersky software starting September 29, and it applies to consumers, government and business organizations. Critically, the ban includes security updates for existing customers.

The Department of Commerce has issued what’s called a final determination prohibiting Kaspersky and its affiliates from transactions in the U.S. This makes it illegal to sell, integrate or license any Kaspersky cybersecurity software on national security grounds."