Saturday, June 1, 2024



Quincy Police Department

1 Sea St, Quincy, MA 02169

Phone: 617-479-1212

Police Chief Mark Kennedy

Dear Chief Kennedy,

I am writing to inform you that I have reason to be concerned about the activities of a woman by the name of Ramola Dharmaraj (using the pseudonym Ramola D and hereinafter referred to as RD), who has publicly listed her street address online as 154 Pine St., Quincy, MA.

(This is not an invasion of her privacy, as she herself has listed this address in numerous articles posted on her site. This address is relevant, as it involves other residents on the street, against whom she is making accusations.)

She runs a website called The EveryDay Concerned Citizen:

I was in contact with RD from the Spring of 2018 until June, 2021, when I broke off contact and association with her for cause, involving her gross public exploitation of my name, unwarranted interference in my professional business, and invasions of privacy.

She has since escalated to promoting public defamation, libel and slander, making false accusations against me. I have issued public warnings about these civil offenses, all of which she has disregarded. In my own defense, and as a warning to others, I have exposed her offenses in a number of detailed reports on my website:

I understand that this, in and of itself, is not a police matter, but rather that these are civil offenses. Though they are actionable, I do not have the resources to file a lawsuit against her for defamation and invasion of privacy.

I have had no contact with RD for the past three years, nor have ever engaged her in disputes or arguments, publicly nor privately. As is my policy, all complaints against her have been made in public notices and reports.

RD has engaged in e-mail harassment and cyber-stalking, again in complete disregard of my directives that she is not to attempt direct contact with me for any reason, as it is regarded as harassment.

It has come to my attention that she has been using my name, without my knowledge or consent, on flyers she has distributed both online and in her neighborhood, including by trespassing on neighbors' property and posting the documents on their doors, without their consent and against their wishes.

It is my understanding that some of these neighbors have made complaints to your department, regarding the harassment by Ramola Dharmaraj, including that she was making accusations against them, claiming that they are CIA (or other government operatives), and/or that they were “hitting her with weapons”.

My source for this information is the website of RD and other Internet venues, in which she has promoted these claims as “news stories”, and in which she has named some of the parties she is accusing, along with exposing their street addresses. I do not know if these addresses were meant to be kept private by the residents, but if so, she is committing unconscionable invasions of their privacy.

I need to make it clear that I do not consider RD to be a reliable or trustworthy source of information and that I have no reason to believe anything she has to say, or anything she publishes online. I do not consider her to be legitimate in any way. This, due to the plethora of information she has published which I know to be false (including but not limited to her defamatory falsehoods against Barbara Hartwell.) Falsus in uno, falsus in the legal maxim says.

However, my primary concern is that she has been dragging my name into her publications and promotions, which include much false information, resulting in damages to me.

RD has been exploiting my name, including the promotion of defamatory falsehoods, on her site. She accuses me of being CIA (I am former CIA, since 1994, NOT current), which has damaged my reputation and caused severe emotional distress.

Her false accusations that I am CIA, and “paid by CIA” to “tell stories” about her, and that I am “protecting operations” she claims are being run against her and other so-called “targeted individuals” (as she identifies herself and her associates) has also put me at risk of becoming a target of some of the clearly unstable criminals she promotes and supports.

These characters have harassed various persons with obscene e-mail, threatened current and former government agents and officials (including with rape and other violence), and have ended up in psych wards. Yet she defended them, as an apologist, as “targeted individuals”, despite their criminal activities. (Research one Todd Giffen, as an example.)

I have also seen videos she published, one in particular where the Quincy police were present at her home, and she was screaming at her husband, calling the police “assholes”. In that video she was making claims that “FBI and CIA whistleblowers” would back her up, as to her claims. (Which claims, precisely, I do not know.)

I am concerned that she might have been referring to me, since I had been a guest on her podcast in the past. I do not know of any other CIA whistleblowers she might have been referring to, but in any case, my name, “CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell” has been exploited all over her website, and on her flyers, which she had been distributing in her neighborhood and online, without my knowledge or consent.

It is important to me to make it crystal clear that I DO NOT support her, nor her activities, in any way, shape or form. If my name has been used on her flyers, or been used in any discussions with anyone (police, neighbors or others) it should be understood that I am NOT INVOLVED with her; that I have never been involved with any so-called “targeted individuals” which she promotes, nor have I ever supported such activities as trespassing, posting flyers on doors of private homes, invasions of privacy, or making false accusations against people.

I have no way of knowing what kinds of damage she has done to my good name and professional reputation, aside from what I already have exposed in my reports.

I do know that she has also made any number of accusations (some quite bizarre in nature) against the the Quincy Police Department, including that they are in collusion with CIA, an accusation which she makes against many people, as she seems to be under the delusion that CIA is persecuting her.

In my considered professional opinion, as former CIA, and as an expert in counterintelligence, the Agency would have no reason whatsoever to take any interest in her, as an ordinary civilian with no background or knowledge on CIA operations, and no legitimate reason for her to be accusing them of targeting her.

And, for the record, I have no reason to believe any of her accusations against the Quincy Police Department. As usual, she has produced no evidence to support her claims.

If someone were trespassing on my private property, posting flyers on my door, and accusing me of being CIA and of perpetrating assaults on her, you can best believe that I too would call the police to stop these acts of aggression.

This notice is just to inform you of my position on this matter and that it is important to me that it be understood by any and all parties who may have come into contact with Ramola Dharmaraj, that I am NOT involved in any way, shape or form in her activities, and that I do not support or endorse her, contrary to any and all false promotions exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell.

I am not suggesting that she has committed any crimes (not to my knowledge, and only civil offenses against me personally), and I am not requesting police intervention.

I only want it known, for the public record, that her exploitation of my name, and the false information she promotes in connection with it, has become a serious problem for me. And that I am not involved with her or her activities in any way.

I'm sure, that like a number of others against whom she has made unwarranted accusations, engaged in invasions of privacy, harassment, trespassing, I just want these offenses to stop, and to be left alone.

Please disregard any statements (publicly or privately, in print, or verbal) made by Ramola Dharmaraj, which include the name of Barbara Hartwell.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at:

XXX (e-mail)

XXX-XXX-XXXX (phone)

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Barbara Hartwell

Legal Defense & Research Trust

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY


June 1, 2024


For evidence and a list of links to reports exposing Ramola Dharmaraj, see the latest report here: