Monday, June 3, 2024

Don Dolindo Ruotolo’s Prayer of Peace










What’s all this agitation? Peace, my child, peace, because Jesus is only peace!

Peace, peace, peace: this is what He wants to give you, this must be the environment of your life.

Shortly after the Resurrection, Jesus gave His Apostles peace: Pax vobis. They had been too agitated before…

Goodness is peace.

Goodness makes you live in God, in whom everything is mystical peace, all is tranquil rest, all is pure action, without worry about past and future…God…peace!

Evil is agitation:

impurity is the agitation of the senses;

pride is the agitation of the mind and heart;

anger is the agitation of the nerves;

envy is the agitation of desire;

avarice is agitation of greed;

even sloth is agitation…it’s activity without subject, without order;

gluttony is the agitation of the stomach…

everything is the agitation of the soul, which wants, fears, reacts, fights!

Goodness is mysterious peace; supernatural elevation is divine peace…

Peace, my child, peace!

Peace to your eyes that have shed so many tears…

Peace to your ears that have heard so many harsh words…

Peace to your mouth that has spoken with so much agitation…

Peace to your heart, to your nerves…

Peace to your thoughts that in agitation have led you to despair…

Peace to your soul so it may have Faith and rest.

Peace is like the sun rising and clearing the fog…

Only in peace will you operate strongly, effectively, and with security.


Jesus is your peace,

Jesus is your security