Wednesday, June 12, 2024

THE GROUNDSKEEPER: Video Advocating Humane Treatment for Animals











Apollo Hartwell & Daughters, Grasshopper & Rockie (1990)


Feline Actor Apollo as The Fetching Cat


One of my greatest passions, for which I've pursued a lifetime of activism, is my love for animals.

Many years ago I was the president/director of an organization called Humane Education Network. It was a 501C(3) advocating for animal welfare, cruelty-free treatment and basic rights of our four-legged, furry and feathered friends, animals both domestic and in the wild.

We sponsored educational events, gave lectures at schools, civic groups and clubs, as well as media presentations. We also engaged in lobbying and held protests against any form of ill treatment of animals.

Animal advocacy was a frequent topic covered on a terrestrial radio program I hosted/produced on WGCH Greenwich, where I lived from 1987-1992 and on my cable TV program.

We were affiliated with several other organizations, including The Fund for Animals, run by my friend, the late, great Cleveland Amory (NYC), The Animal Rights Alliance (Greenwich, CT), HSUS, and Wildlife in Crisis (Care and Conservation Center, Weston, CT).

In 1993, my organization produced a short video (50 minutes) called The Groundskeeper. It was based on a true story (at least in part), a very distressing event which took place at a local park in Greenwich.

A swan was shot and killed, for no apparent reason, leaving its mate (swans mate for life) lonely and bereft. (And for those who doubt, yes, they do have feelings!)

Many people in the town were outraged and heartsick (including me) by this senseless act of cruelty.

At that time, I often worked with the police (in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey) as an independent consultant, on crimes, missing persons, etc. They called me in on the case, but unfortunately, we didn't solve this one, the perp got away with it.

But I decided that if nothing else, I might be able to do some good by making a video, a “crime drama”, for young people, in the interest of promoting kindness and concern for animals.

The actors (some professionals, others not, but all really good) were volunteers, as were the video crew (some from my TV show on Cablevision of CT), and everyone who donated their time, talents, products and services. Even including the Greenwich Police!, who had arrested me just 3 years earlier (1990), for activism against animal cruelty perpetrated by a cosmetics company, L'Oreal, whose Vice President was a Greenwich resident. In fact, as a result of our activism, we generated enough outrage to make them stop the brutal testing on animals. (See link to report below for details.)

Here's the video, which speaks for itself. And though you probably won't recognize me, I play the part of the judge, at the insistence of the director (who knows how much I love justice!), also the director of my cable TV program.


The interior scene (night) was filmed in my home in Wilton, Connecticut, a cottage on an estate, where I lived with my nine cats.

I hope you enjoy it and if so, that you will share it with friends and family, especially the young people, whose hearts it was meant to touch.

Barbara Hartwell

For the Love of Animals

June 12, 2024


The Groundskeeper

Wildlife in Crisis

FOR THE LOVE OF ANIMALS (5): A Travesty of Justice in Greenwich, Connecticut




For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:


Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.