Monday, May 27, 2024











'"You have received the kind of vicious slander online reserved for Intelligence agency whistleblowers."

--Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower, to Ramola D'


The above (promoted by Ramola D) is a false statement, never made by Barbara Hartwell, fabricated by a liar, Ramola D, to promote herself AS IF she has any commonalities with Intel whistleblowers, which she most certainly does not.

Ramola Dharmaraj aka Ramola D, a pretentious scandal monger who might as well be on staff at a tabloid gossip rag, judging by the shoddy quality of the “truth journalism” of which she boasts.

Just as one example, one of her many sensationalist headlines on her site, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen, she brags that she is “the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes". And, in case you were not sufficiently impressed, she exclaims that this is “The Story of the Century”!

The absurdity of these preposterous, self-aggrandizing claims will be obvious to anyone with even the slightest discernment. Those with any real knowledge of the subject matter will recognize her for what she so obviously is: an extremely ambitious, aggressive, grandstanding wannabe, seeking fame and fortune, totally unconcerned with actual facts, and providing no evidence whatsoever.

But then, what facts, what evidence, can possibly be expected when the material she promotes is based merely on fabrications, fantasies and delusions of her own importance?

In case the reader is wondering why I care, or what is my interest in taking the time to expose this fraud, here are some facts, backed by evidence:

Ramola Dharmaraj has been exploiting my name, in connection with her sensationalist “truth journalism”, since 2018, when I made the mistake of accepting her invitation to be a guest on her podcast, Ramola D Reports. It is a decision I have come to seriously regret. The consequences to me have been extreme damage (totally unwarranted) to my professional reputation, and considerable emotional distress. I am outraged, beyond what I can express. Righteously so. And when I am outraged, I take action, to expose the perpetrator(s), to defend my good name, and in service to the truth. Most importantly, I pursue justice, and will not allow anyone to stop me.

To this day, my name is plastered all over her website, complete with photos, images and banners designed by her, without my knowledge or consent, which she has exploited to misrepresent the name and work of Barbara Hartwell, to promote much false information, and to fraudulently link my name and work to herself, and to some of the characters she promotes, none of whom I consider legitimate.

All this, despite the fact that I have made it abundantly clear, in public reports, that I broke off any communication, any association with her, in mid-2021, for cause.

The cause? This woman is a busybody extraordinaire, possibly the worst of such I have ever encountered. And to add insult to injury, she's a loudmouth Town Crier, promoting the gossip far and wide, attempting to justify the salacious stories as “truth journalism”.

Total lack of respect for my privacy, for my personal boundaries, for my clearly stated policies, and for my right to protect myself from outside interference and invasions. The constant meddling in my personal and professional business. Constantly sticking her nose where it does not belong, appointing herself an unwanted intermediary, gossiping about me with both strangers and (now former) friends.

Friendships destroyed because they bought into her falsehoods and false accusations against me. So be it. Anyone who was a real friend would have stood up for me, and for the truth, rather than even listening to her gossip, her false witness, and siding with her at my expense. Painful as it was, good riddance to false friends. Anyone who promotes her is promoting her unconscionable lies against Barbara Hartwell and is no friend of mine.

She continually disregarded my clearly stated wishes, and finally, when it was clear she did not intend to stop this utterly disrespectful, intrusive behavior, I reached the limits of my tolerance and walked away, quietly, without saying a word. At least, I tried. I do not get into conflicts with people, privately nor publicly.

But, as she has made clear by her aggressive behavior, as well as whining in her writings, she just can't tolerate being ignored. No matter that others have the right to ignore her, if they so choose. No matter that they have made that clear, by either their silence (as in my case, at least until her gate-crashing, gossip and harassment became intolerable), or by making a public statement, which I was finally driven to do, as the only way to stop her, by exposing her wrongdoing and taking a stand against it, in my own defense.

But no, even that did not stop her. Instead, typical of all the aggressive busybodies I have ever known, she dug in and doubled down, denying she had done anything wrong, lying, laying blame on others for her own offenses, and attempting to justify the unjustifiable.

But she didn't stop there. She continued to exploit my name, including in promoting fraudulent information in connection with her “news stories”; in falsely linking my name with persons I do not know, do not consider legitimate, and have no connection whatsoever with; in falsely accusing me of all sorts of dastardly deeds, such as “protecting operations” she claimed were run against her, of "damaging" her "fact-based truth journalism", in certain of my reports, which in point of fact, had nothing to do with her, and in which her name was not mentioned.

Since that time, she has also falsely accused me of being a “slanderer”; of being paid by CIA to “tell stories” about her; of having “ghost writers” who have taken over my website; of having “avatars”; and of there being a “new Internet writer called Barbara Hartwell Percival”.

None of these accusations have any basis in fact. No ghost writers, no avatars. No “new Internet writer” exists, not in connection with me or my website. For the record, Percival is my family name, which I have used at times over a period of years. It is not a pseudonym, nor has ever been. So much for her stupid erroneous assumptions and idle speculation. She knows nothing, and she has nothing on me which could possibly discredit me, so like all of her ilk of aggressive wannabes and belligerent ignoramuses, she fabricates idiotic stories. Fact-free, and evidently proud to be.

Then, she puts up a very stupid section on her website, called:


Specifically, she slanders Barbara Hartwell in several articles, including here:


"Much like other “IC” (intelligence community) member whistleblowers whose work we all benefit from, yet who enter abruptly into decline, I suspect that her website has been taken over by a ghost writer apparently fixated on defamation and slander–yet who seeks to make prominent her insider reportage and whistleblowing."

"Any further publication if any from Barbara Hartwell misrepresenting, falsely-accusing, or/and slandering Ramola D will be ignored."

FACT: At no time have I, Barbara Hartwell, “entered into decline”. There is no person connected to me who is “fixated on defamation and slander”, nor who seeks to make prominent anything published by me. I am the sole publisher, editor and administrator of my website, Barbara Hartwell Vs CIA. Period. Case closed.

Ramola Dharmaraj is a liar and a fraud, plain and simple. She is the only slanderer, intent on defamation, as shown here by her own words, not mine.

And she lied again, as usual by claiming she would “ignore” anything coming from me (never, ever slander or defamation, not from me, only the truth about her many offenses). She has promoted many, many additional libelous falsehoods, since making this false claim, as usual contradicting herself, caught in her own web of lies and deception. That's the problem with a liar, they can't keep track of their own lies.

Here, yet another one of her articles, a subject she knew nothing about, but decided to parrot some of my material, while claiming it as her own, and twisting it to fit her agenda. She did not know what a “containment operation” was, until I explained it to her. Nor did she know anything about the associated protection rackets. And yet, she presents this material AS IF she is giving a tutorial to others. Nothing but a pretentious poacher and parrot, seeking attention and public approval.

Protection Rackets & Containment Operations: Libel, Slander, False-Narratives, False-Reality-Constructs, Smear Campaigns & Serious Defamation

And here, she uses this fabricated “quote” for her article. For the record, I never said any such thing to her, not verbally, not in writing. She fancies herself a “whistleblower”, when she entirely lacks the experience, the background and the credentials. And worse, she has the effrontery to exploit my name to promote her false claims!

'"You have received the kind of vicious slander online reserved for Intelligence agency whistleblowers."

Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower, to Ramola D'

And then, this, more boasting, more false claims about herself:

"Not merely have these operatives, some of them ex-colleagues, all of them Intel plants, I understand now, smeared every memory of warmth and friendship we once shared, they have sought to destroy my name, work, and credibility as a journalist and reporter of extreme crime from the Covert Operation sector involving militaries, Intelligence agencies, Defense contractors, research, medical, and academic departments and agencies.


Apparently the work I have been doing as a lone investigative journalist and reporter over the past six years exposing the crimes of neuroweapon use, anti-personnel energy weapon use, remote-access stealth weapons, nanoweapons, AI-run electronic control grids, local Stasi set-ups, fusion center criminals, bio-hacking weapons, and neuro-hacking weapons has become intolerable to the Black Ops contingent barbarically testing, experimenting, detaining, covert-implanting, and covert-assaulting people all around the world to the extent that they have deliberately unloosed several career-defamers and smear-campaign-runners into my midst."

She knows nothing about “Black Ops”. She herself was never involved. No one who was ever involved would take any interest in a little amateur wannabe like Ramola D, because she knows nothing at all which could possibly be of concern to them, much less any kind of threat. Just more self-aggrandizing boasting....

And here's another smear against Barbara Hartwell, no basis in fact, just more false accusations against me, of non-existent “CIA play” and “echo-stalking”, a term she fabricated to make herself look important, and of which she has accused many, many people, AS IF anyone would consider her worth the time and effort. How stupid!

She is in fact the only stalker, repeatedly sending unwanted e-mail, harassing me, after she was warned to stop. I have never once sent her any e-mail, nor responded to her, nor issued any other communications, since I cut off contact with her in mid-2021. Again, she is an unrepentant liar, making false accusations.

"Now that only the word “idiotic” comes to mind regarding what exactly Barbara Hartwell is doing on her website in the endless CIA play to malign my name and work, I am compelled to publish the private Cease and Desist sent to her on September 9, 2023–despite not wanting to be drawn into any extended and pointless back-and-forthing in the first place. [It’s clear that Intelligence in this country means the opposite thereof.] The ghost writer or writers currently occupying her website seem to be keen on spiraling inward into echo-stalking mayhem–the title and post “CYBERSTALKING, HARASSMENT & DEFAMATION BY RAMOLA D/DHARMARAJ,” convoluted and false, are hereby invalidated."

For the record:

I find it necessary to say it again, tiresome as it is to have to keep repeating it.

I do not endorse or support anything written, or spoken, or published by Ramola Dharmaraj. Nothing using my name is endorsed by me, because even in cases where it was originally used with my permission, she has subsequently mixed it in with many falsehoods, connections which do not exist, implied consent and/or approval/endorsement of her, all of which is now retracted FOR CAUSE, due to her fraudulent promotions and vicious lies.

I do not consider her to be legitimate in any way. By her words and actions she has shown herself to be a liar and a fraud.

I have made public protests regarding her exploitation of the name and work of Barbara Hartwell, which she continues to do, in total disregard of my warnings and public protests.

Because she will not stop, and because she has published false, defamatory, slanderous articles against Barbara Hartwell, and has left them online, I will continue to expose her offenses for as long as this disgraceful conduct continues, for as long as this fraudulent material remains online.

For detailed reports see list of links at bottom of page.

Barbara Hartwell

FORMER CIA, since 1994 (NOT current, as accused)

CIA Whistleblower

Target of Exploitation & Defamation by Ramola Dharmaraj


Stating the Truth for the Public Record

May 27, 2024



All images here were included in articles in which Ramola D exploited the name of Barbara Hartwell (over and over again), falsely connecting it in promoting her own agenda, often regarding "targeted individuals" ("TIs"). For the record, I am NOT involved, nor have ever been, nor a member of any "TI community" promoted by these individuals.





FACT: So-called "TIs" are NOT whistleblowers. They have no credentials, no background and have never been involved with any "Black Ops". Ramola and her gaggle of gossipy little friends would not know a black op if it slapped them upside their silly heads!



The evil totalitarian entity, the United Nations, which she advocates and to which she exhorts EVERYONE to appeal, to rescue Ramola D, who claims to be the "Prime Victim", in the entire world, of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Appealing to bad guys to protect you from a different group of bad guys, when in reality they are all on the same damnable team--that of the devil. How stupid!











Promotion of old podcast, in a recent article (2024), exploiting the name and website of Barbara Hartwell, in connection with boasts about her "truth journalism", while simultaneously lying, claiming that I am paid by CIA, and accused of being a "slanderer".












Here, Ramola claims to be "the ONLY journalist"...a typical boast and false statement, evidence of her delusional beliefs in her own importance.













Promotion used since 2018, without my knowledge or consent, and plastered all over her website in connection with false info and misrepresentation of Barbara Hartwell. To my horror, I later learned that this was also among the flyers she was aggressively pushing on her neighbors, by trespassing on their property and posting copies on their doors! No wonder they called the police. I would have done the same thing if accosted by this whackjob. She was making accusations against them, that they are CIA (she's obsessed with CIA), and claiming that they are hitting her with weapons. MY NAME has NOTHING to do with her crazy shenanigans and she had no business using it. Outrageous!












Same banner, but she removed the name of Karen Stewart and replaced it with NSA whistleblower John St Clair Akwei, naturally exploiting his name as well, without his knowledge or permission.


But this is Ramola's MO, this is what she does...she has ZERO respect for anyone's privacy, personal boundaries, or for their clearly stated policies or wishes. She is the worst sort of busybody, gossip and meddler.


She will crash any gate, trespass on any property, especially where she is not welcome. Above all, she will not be ignored! Woe to anyone who refuses to pay attention, who declines to award her the recognition she demands. You will be accused of being CIA, FBI, Khazarian Mafia, Mossad (she promotes Jew-haters galore), COINTELPRO, Black Ops and so on and so forth..........


But she chose the wrong woman to mess with when she thought she could get away with exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell. Just a not-so-friendly reminder that for as long as she continues with her fraudulent promotions and false accusations, she will continue to be exposed, all her lies soundly refuted.










Vanity, Thy Name is Ramola: Marketing Scheme Sells Self-Aggrandizing Fiction as “Truth Journalism”

YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exposing & Refuting False Information & Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D aka Dharmaraj



 "Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell

Thursday, May 23, 2024









Born: January 25, 1950, New York, NY

Died: September 28, 2016 (age 66 years), Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands

While recently searching through my hardcopy files for some documents, I found a letter from Gloria Naylor, dated January, 2004. Like so many other things, I had completely forgotten that I had it. I believe it may be of interest to those who have followed her work, so I decided to publish it here.

Previous to that, Gloria had sent me a copy of one of her books, titled Mama Day (1988), in which she wrote the following message:

"To Barbara Hartwell-

In admiration of your strength and courage. And evidence of my belief in the power of the human spirit."

Gloria Naylor 11/2000















At that time (2000) I had not read any of her work, nor had heard of Gloria Naylor as an author. I later learned that she was best known for her novel, The Women of Brewster Place, which was also made into a TV movie with Oprah Winfrey (NOT a fan....but not relevant to this report.)

Apparently, Gloria had read some of my reports on the Internet, and on my website, which first came online earlier that year.

Gloria also sent me a very generous donation to support my work. I contacted her to say thank you, and she told me some of her story about being harassed by shadowy spook characters, which included assaults by directed energy weaponry.

I considered her a friend, and I'm sorry that I never had the opportunity to meet her in person, though we both wanted to. She lived in Brooklyn, NY and at the time of our first contact, I was in Woodstock, NY. We corresponded by e-mail and phone calls for a few years, but when I relocated to Maine in 2003, by this time we had lost contact, as these things tend to happen.

I received her letter in January, 2004, and I spoke to her on the phone a few times after that. Here is the letter, which refers to her book, titled 1996, which later became popular among researchers and victims of the government's mind control programs.

I have not read the book. By the time it was published, I had again lost contact with Gloria, as tends to happen in my life. But I will always remember her as a kindred spirit and caring person who offered support for me and my work, both materially and morally. I was blessed to know her.

Here is her letter.

January 12, 2004

Dear Barbara,

I hope this letter finds you well and I want to wish you the best for the coming year. I got your new address from your website but there was no e-mail notation and I didn't know if the old e-mail address at ulster was still good so I decided to write through the regular mail.

I told you some time ago about a book that I was planning to write about my experiences. I did so and it's going to be published in June of this year. It's called 1996 and my new publishers think that it's going to cause quite a stir. I use both fiction and non-fiction to try and bring the reader into the immediacy of what it means to have government intrusion into our privacy and into our very heads.

I write about you in the book and give your website in the addendum. I'm hoping that this will help to bring your cause to the attention of my mainstream readers. But I want to reach other readers within the mind control community and so I'm asking for your help in the best way to reach them through the internet and through media outlets that are sympathetic to this issue.

I've already done some research starting with the Mind Control Forum and believe that the Art Bell Show has a good deal of promise for reaching a large audience. Are there others? What magazines or journals would be good candidates for reviewing the book? So far I have Nexus Magazine on my list. I've also joined a mind control discussion group and will tell them about the book when the time comes. Are there other groups you believe I should investigate? In short, I'm trying to plan a strategy where I can reach both activists and victims with my story. I believe that it's a story that each group, for different reasons, will want to read.

I have to admit to you that I'm a little bit afraid when this book comes out. One editor who knows me well and had turned the book down said, “This is scary. And if Gloria publishes this, it will ruin her career.” Maybe, she's right. But what these people are doing is wrong, and if telling my story, at the risk of being called crazy, will shed some light on their darkness then I'll just have to try and manage my fear and go forth.

I hope to hear from you when you get a chance with some suggestions. In case you don't have my e-mail address anymore it is XXX.

I wish you all the best, Barbara. Stay strong. You've been an inspiration to me.



Fiction as Autobiographical Resurgence: A Black Feminist Autoethnographic Analysis of Gloria Naylor's 1996

It was one of the worst kinds of Human Rights Abuses: Gloria also mentions a few cases of women who formed a forum called “Citizens Against Human Rights Abuses.” The main women crusaders who launched this forum against the NSA and other Govt. Agencies are mentioned as Barbara Hartwell, Eleanor White and Cheryl Welsh. Naylor tries to search for a community with whom she can associate herself on the pretext of “shared experiences of victimization” (Kumar, 2016, p. 207).

This, as Naylor believes, would help her create an experiential bond with them, and help her gathering sufficient strength to combat with the mainstream stereotypical-cum-hegemonistic power structures, and finds these women:

"The first was Barbara Hartwell, who had worked for CIA and was now blowing the whistle on them for the abuses she experienced under the MK Ultra program. MK Ultra ran from 1950s to the 1960s officially, and was a research program that tested the effects of LSD and other biological agents on unwitting victims to see if the drugs could be used for mind control and behavior modification. The second story that intrigued me was Eleanor White's. She had done extensive documentation on the unclassified technology that could be used to produce microwave hearing as well as synthetic telepathy. The third woman was Cheryl Welsh, who formed a group called Citizens Against Human Rights Abuses. Welsh had done exhaustive research on the background and history of mind control in government experimentation. Eleanor White and Cheryl Welsh designed their websites for people who simply will not believe that this technology has existed or that the U.S. Government would have a hand in tormenting unwilling subjects with it." (117-118)
















In honor of Gloria Naylor,

Barbara Hartwell

May 23, 2024



For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted. Thank you.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Psy War & Counterintelligence: A Survivor's Guide: IN SUPPORT OF GENUINE GOVERNMENT WHISTLEBLOWERS













NOTE: This is a 4 part series (2017) which was written in the hope of providing some clarity on government operations run against whistleblowers.

It is important to me to make it clear that I really do care, a great deal, about those decent, honorable persons who came out of government agencies, who served with honor in their hearts, who have been willing to make sacrifices, to do the right thing, no matter the consequences, by becoming whistleblowers.

They pay a price most people can never begin to understand. I honor them and support them in any way I can. Many are promoted on this site.

As my regular readers will know, I find it important to expose not only government corruption and misdeeds, but also the hordes of frauds, phonies, amateur wannabes, con artists and charlatans (some of whom are criminals) who populate the Internet.

Unlike genuine whistleblowers and advocacy journalists, these individuals are usually motivated by a desire for public recognition, ego gratification and/or material gain. They seek self-serving fame and fortune, with no concern for the damage they do to legitimate persons who have actually paid the price of standing up for truth, defending Liberty and pursuing justice.

Some harbor delusions of their own importance, though they have no credentials, no direct personal/professional experience or knowledge which could possibly qualify them as expositors of accurate, factual information on the subjects they address, much less as whistleblowers on government corruption.

Yet many of these characters make such false claims. They call themselves whistleblowers, or “whistleblower journalists”; they claim to be “exposing” the United Nations, or the “New World Order” (or fill in the blank), when they are merely poachers of the material of genuine government whistleblowers, who parrot their work, often falsely claiming it as their own, often further muddying the waters with their own subjective wild speculation and erroneous assumptions.

They don't know what the hell they are talking about. They apparently just like to hear themselves talk.

These characters also tend to make extravagant claims as to how they have been “targeted” by the government, which any genuine whistleblower will recognize as preposterous. Many call themselves “targeted individuals” (“TIs”). This should be a red flag in and of itself. I have exposed quite a number of these characters by name on this site.

Beware, especially, of those who claim they are being “targeted” or persecuted by CIA, when they have no background which could possibly make them such a target. They will accuse anyone they don't like, or even who disagrees with them, of being CIA, when they have no evidence whatsoever to back up these idiotic claims.

Often, they think it will make them look “important” if they can get people to believe CIA has any interest in them. But don't be fooled by their self-important boasting. In point of fact, generally speaking, government agencies go after their own, with a vengeance, they don't bother with outsiders.

They, like the Mafia, are masters of the vendetta and would consider these amateurs a waste of time and resources.

This series does not expose any of these fraudulent characters by name, it is meant to be generic. However, there are many reports on this site which expose some of the worst of these aggressive gate-crashers, whom I have encountered when they made the mistake of thinking they could exploit my name and work (or that of other legitimate people) for their own unscrupulous ends. 


Naturally, they all accuse me of being CIA, though it has been thirty years since I broke away from these government rat bastards.

Lastly, check my HALL OF SHAME, where you will find the names of many of these unsavory characters, though some are also exposed in detailed reports. Just my opinion, and based solely on my observations, analysis and discretion, of course. Take it or leave it. As always, readers may make of it what they will.

Barbara Hartwell

In Support of Genuine Government Whistleblowers

They Paid the Price

May God Richly Bless Them All

May 5, 2024

Psy War & Counterintelligence: A Survivor's Guide

Since I began publishing my reports on the Internet (1995) I have received thousands of letters (by e-mail and post) from people seeking assistance, asking for guidance, those who had been targeted for government harassment, persecution, counterintelligence operations.

Some sent legal files, asking me to investigate their cases, some sought consultations, quite a few of whom were under the mistaken belief that I am an attorney.

(My professional training is in investigations, intelligence analysis, profiling, psychoanalysis/counseling and Christian ministry, to set the record straight.)

There are thankfully, quite a large number of people who have told me that reading my reports helped them to understand what was happening to them, and why. Some said they felt relieved in the knowledge that they were not the only ones in such a situation: that there was a pattern operating in their lives which had been engineered by covert government operatives, and that they were not at fault for the circumstances in which they found themselves.

But the most serious problem they faced was, what could they actually do about it; how to deal with it, and ultimately, how to survive it.

Those among my readers who were former intelligence professionals (FBI, CIA, DIA, etc.), ex-military (including DOD, SOG, Special Forces, Army Rangers, etc.) were particularly interested in the psy ops reports. Some of them had been involved in MK Ultra operations, and had been trained, groomed and programmed, either from early childhood (as I was), or after they joined the services.

Most of them did not remember much (if anything) about the programming, or even about some of the operations in which they were utilized, they told me, not until their memories began to be “triggered” (I hesitate to use that word, but it is the most accurate), by my reports. They recognized certain events and circumstances I had described, and knew, if only subconsciously, that something had happened to them, and that it was deeply distressing.

(For example, Operation Gladio and Operation Phoenix are two joint intelligence/military programs which used government-issue assassins, some of whom were not “officially” military personnel and quite a number of whom were utilized under MK Ultra and related sub-projects. Some were “official” military, but were exploited in black operations outside the normal parameters.)

Because of my own circumstances of extreme hardship, since breaking free of CIA operations (1994), I was unable to do as much as I might have to help these people, though I wanted to. I investigated and worked selected cases, but I lacked the resources, especially to pay the related expenses. I did not charge anyone for these professional services, though those who were able made donations to support my work. Most often, they were as financially deprived as I, as a result of the targeting.

(Using every tactic available to them the perps of these campaigns against a Target will orchestrate a situation which leaves the targeted person stripped of as many resources as possible. Lacking such, he is hard pressed even to survive, much less to take action in his own defense and to pursue justice against those hell bent on destroying him.)

In this report I offer some ideas based on my own personal/professional experience and investigations, which I hope will be useful to others, especially those targeted for psy war of one kind or another. Forewarned is forearmed.

DISCLAIMER: The material presented here is not legal advice. The purpose is to offer information which may help the reader to make informed decisions and to better understand and cope with circumstances of having been targeted for unethical/illegal aggression, be it by government entities or their agents, operatives, minions, hirelings.


The first questions I would ask, in conducting an interview with a person so targeted, are:

What is your background, personally and professionally?

Have you, or anyone in your family, been involved (officially or otherwise) in government service/operations? If so, where, when, and what sort?

If you were not directly involved/employed in government operations, which members of your family were? Siblings, parent(s), spouse, or other relations/in-laws?

If employed by any government entity, under what circumstances did you leave your position? Were you terminated, asked to resign/retire, resign under coercion, or did you quit of your own volition, and for what reasons?

Were there any legal actions taken, by you, or by your employer?

Have you gone public as a whistleblower under your own auspices and/or by disclosing information to any media outlets?

There are cases where the family members of intelligence operatives were issued a security clearance, without their knowledge or consent, even when they had no direct involvement in operations. If they happened to witness anything of a sensitive nature, or inadvertently viewed classified documents, they were “covered”.

But it is safe to say that if anyone in your family was directly involved, then you are deemed to be “involved”, whether you want to be, or not. This is emblematic of the culture of control, secrecy and manipulation which is pervasive in the intelligence community. More than being a “culture”, it functions as a cult.


The most serious cases of targeting tend to occur when the Target has been directly involved in government service, most especially covert operations, espionage (or counter-espionage), and black operations.

It is a known fact (or should be) that government entities (especially intelligence services) do not abide by the law and do not obey the Constitution. From my experience, they operate with hubris, as if they are above the law, and it is a near impossibility to hold them accountable under the law. They always have a lot to hide, and a lot to lose if their unlawful activities are discovered, and worst of all, made public by credible sources.

A high-profile Target is a person who has gone public as a whistleblower, exposing government corruption, and whose knowledge comes from direct personal/professional experience and/or involvement (knowingly or unknowingly) and/or as a witness and/or victim of the operations.

Anyone ever involved, in any way, with government entities, especially military/intelligence services, will have been the subject of extensive data collection and profiling. The quantity of which is determined by such factors as family history (especially other family members in government service), level of clearance (officially assigned or otherwise), IQ and personality type, and projected outcomes (probabilities) as to the likelihood of the individual posing a threat by “rocking the boat”, stepping outside the designated parameters, or placing conscience over “obedience” and “conformity”.

It has been my observation that people of conscience, decent and honorable people, are those who remove themselves from government service, or are removed (usually forced out under irregular circumstances), because of these very qualities. A genuine whistleblower fights corruption, rather than going along to get along. He places principle over ambition, ego-gratification and material gain. He defends Liberty and God-given unalienable rights of the individual over the totalitarian systems of collectivism.

And as has been demonstrated throughout history, he or she will pay a (usually terrible) price.


I have covered this formula in many of my previous reports, but it can't be repeated too many times. The purpose of the neutralization campaign is to destroy the Target's life.

Since the government entity is always guilty of some form of wrongdoing (and in some cases felony crimes and capital crimes), the Target who has been a witness and/or victim of that entity's abuses of authority and power will be considered a threat, not because of what he knows, or how much he knows, but because of WHO HE IS. Meaning what, according to his fundamental character, he is likely to DO ABOUT what he knows, has witnessed and/or been victimized by.

The same qualities (intellect, talents, courage) which make for excellence in an intelligence professional can also be put to use to fight back against corruption in the intelligence community.


If you have a conscience, you will become a conscientious objector to corruption and tyranny. You will be a non-compromiser, surrounded by compromisers. You will hold to moral absolutes, rather than practice moral relativism. You will defend virtue and denounce evil, wherever you may find one or the other.

In any society, throughout history, it has only been a small percentage of the populace (in the American Revolution, for example, roughly 3%) who will stand up against the tyrants, the evildoers, the liars, the manipulators, the criminals in government.

You will be willing to stand up for the truth, and on principle, even if you have to stand alone. You will scrupulously eschew 'agenda politics'; you will not bow to consensus; pragmatism will play no part in your decisions. Rather, you will be dedicated to a code of honor which respects the individual liberties, personal boundaries, privacy and fundamental rights of others.

These united States once held great promise: “the consent of the governed”; “liberty and justice for all”; “a government of the people, by the people and for the people”. “The people” are the individuals of the several States, and the purpose of this Constitutional Republic is to secure the rights and liberties of individuals against tyranny by the government.

Tragically, these founding principles are long gone, at least in practice. The government has become a raging beast, seeking whom it may devour. The overwhelming majority of its elected and appointed officials are dreadfully corrupt. And there is no end in sight to its lawlessness, in every branch, executive, legislative and judicial.

So, what can one person of conscience do?

He can stand up against the corruption. He can expose the corruption by revealing the facts he has discovered by his own experience, by his own investigations. He can collect and develop evidence to substantiate the facts. He can name the names of those who are engaging in the civil and criminal offenses. He can pursue justice through any and all lawful and ethical means available to him. He can hold the perpetrators accountable for their offenses.

He can do all these things, just as one person of moral courage. Even if no one will support him in his efforts. Even if the odds are stacked against him. Even if he is treated as a pariah, marginalized, mocked and scorned by mobs of ignorant persons, the masses of asses who care nothing for the principles he defends. Standing up against evil is always a free-will personal choice. For the genuine whistleblower it is more than a choice, it is a duty, a moral imperative.

The whistleblower is a defender of unalienable rights and liberties, never an aggressor. The person of conscience does not engage in acts of aggression. He knows that aggression of any kind is always wrongful, that it is the most basic source of the evil that plagues this nation, as well as the entire world.


When it comes to corrupt totalitarian systems of government, there is no one more hated than the whistleblower. It should be understood that the hatred is based on fear. Tyrants, despite their hubris, know that even one person, if focused, dedicated and uncompromising, armed with factual information, backed by evidence, can be a force to be reckoned with. They also know that one person can be the catalyst who can raise awareness in others, who may then decide to add their support to the cause taken on by the whistleblower.

In order to gather solid and lasting support for the cause, it must be one which is based on timeless, universal moral absolutes, not subject to modification, not bound by any form of government regulations:

God-given (natural), unalienable rights, protected and guaranteed under the Constitution, for each and every individual, regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, creed, religion (or lack thereof).

Equal rights for one and all, not “special rights” for selected groups.

Equal justice for one and all, not “social justice”, which is based on the attempts of special interest groups to get what they want, at the expense of all others, and by its very nature is bound to divide a nation into camps of totally incompatible supremacist and “victim” ideologies.

The Rule of Law, under the Constitution, a nation of laws, rather than a nation ruled by the changing whims and shifting ideologies of men.

A sovereign nation, with no interference by foreign entities, or collectivist totalitarian organizations such as the United Nations. Without sovereignty there can be no liberty.

The understanding that collectivism, in any form, and rule by consensus of the majority, always ends in tyranny. Communism, socialism, fascism (or any other “isms”), and the mistaken notion by many who would otherwise defend liberty and unalienable rights, that “democracy” is a virtuous form of government, when it is nothing more than mob rule. This nation was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy!

Violent mobs of left-wing agitators have become a serious threat to life, liberty and property in this country. They take to the streets, assaulting law-abiding citizens, throwing projectiles, setting fires. They carry banners which claim they are against fascism, but their behavior tells the true story of their utterly lawless mindset. They brandish communist flags, but in their abject cowardice, hide their faces with black masks, so they cannot be identified (or so they think) when they commit their violent crimes against persons, when they destroy private or public property.

They plan riots (funded by globalist totalitarians with money to burn) to disrupt lawful assemblies of persons who defend the right of free speech, in attempts to stop any speaker with whom they disagree, and to stop an audience from hearing what that speaker has to say.

Worse, the left-wing agitators have formed an unholy alliance with the Islamic State, the Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal is to dominate the entire world, under Sharia law.

Islam is in fact a totalitarian political system, whose “religion” requires jihad to subjugate entire populations. Under Sharia, women are held as property (including in polygamy), are subjected to brutal genital mutilation, rape, beatings, “honor killings”, and a total dearth of individual rights.

Under Sharia, Christians and Jews are required to pay a “tax” if they refuse to convert to Islam, or else they will be murdered. As for homosexuals, they can be killed with impunity, they are simply deemed to have no right to life.

Muslim rape gangs in Europe are on a rampage, abducting women and children in huge numbers. This too, is permitted under Sharia law. And what is absolutely astounding is that the authorities have done nothing to stop them. No, they would rather have “tolerance” for these evildoers. They fear being accused of “Islamophobia”, while they allow these criminals to run roughshod over innocent, law-abiding people.

Islamic jihadis commit terrorist acts, by suicide bombers, murdering men, women and children, all for their “god”, Allah. The greatest honor they can receive, under Sharia, is dying for Allah. They are told they will go to paradise, with access to scores of virgins, for their self-gratifiying pleasure. How twisted, what an abomination, is that!

This is insanity, a mass psychosis. And these atrocities are beyond despicable. Why do so few people recognize this for the evil it is?

In this country, Sharia law is in flagrant violation of the Constitution. It is not “protected” as a “religion” under the First Amendment, though many ignorant people believe this to be the case.

A “Women's March” on Washington, D.C., led by “progressives”, had women with “pussy hats”, claiming they are feminists. Joined by women in hijabs marching in the streets with their comrades on the hard left, demanding “justice”. Justice for whom?

Do these women (the pussy-hat feminists) have a clue what they are actually supporting? By this alliance, they are supporting the worst sort of misogyny.

And the Islamist jihadis will kill them, too, after they have exploited them for their own nefarious ends.

This has become a nation of hypocrites, cowards and quislings, a nation inculcated into defending oppression, tyranny and evil, all in the name of “tolerance”.

Any reasonable person, any decent, honorable person, any self-respecting person, any defender of liberty and unalienable rights, of fundamental human rights (male or female) will have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for such evil, perpetrated against themselves, their families, their fellow citizens.

And the bastards can only get away with this if nobody stands up to stop them.

It is We the People who must stand up and stop them.

Do you support torture, violence, terrorism on American soil?

Do you support the indoctrination of our children and grandchildren, turning them into delusional zombies, in the false belief that “tolerance” of evil will be their saving grace?

Then may we forget you were our countrymen.

Barbara Hartwell Percival

May 27, 2017

In PART TWO I will cover the way whistleblowers are treated, by those who are indoctrinated and deceived by evildoers, by the pervasive propaganda they have swallowed, hook, line and sinker.





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