Saturday, February 10, 2024








Reporter’s Note 15: Trench Line Warfare (Asymmetric, That Is–Which Is Not War but Battery): Shielding to Survive

On February 10 I found this claim posted on the website (see link above) of Ramola Dharmaraj:

"I have also striven to call attention to the work of several reporters at this site–who have published websites, articles and books on this subject, especially Cheryl Welsh, Paul Baird, Gloria Naylor, Deborah Dupre, Dr. Nick Begich, Mark M. Rich, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. Corkin Cherubini, Mojmir Babacek, Ville Hellberg, Rudy’s Multilingual Blog, Rosanne Schneider, Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell, a few others."

This is truly unbelievable. Or maybe not, considering that it is right in line with the usual unscrupulous behavior of Ramola D.

She just continues to grossly exploit my name, in this case (as always) lumping me in with a number of other individuals. Most of whom I do not know; some of whom I never heard of; some of whom I do not consider legitimate; some of whom are listed in my HALL OF SHAME (along with her name).

Other than that, I have no comment about any of the named individuals. I will not allow her to bait me into saying more.

The bottom line: My name does not belong in this list, as she falsely claims. Nor have I ever wanted, nor needed, the likes of her, a scandal-mongering yellow journalist, to “call attention” to my work.

My work speaks for itself, and has absolutely nothing to do with her. The readers of my website, my reports, and listening audience of my radio broadcasts, over the past decades, are free to decide for themselves the value (or lack thereof) of my work. They may make of it what they will. It is not my concern what they think, nor am I seeking publicity from anyone.

In 2018, I made the mistake of accepting her invitations to do interviews on her podcast, Ramola D Reports. I now regret having done so, as it gave her the window of opportunity to exploit my name, often without my permission or knowledge, and at times in direct opposition to my stated wishes, of which she was well aware.

Even now, I keep finding more of her exploitation that I was previously unaware of. And just as bad, others (usually claiming to be “targeted individuals” or “journalists”) have been parroting and commenting on it, also exploiting my name. It has become a nightmare, especially because nothing is worse for me than a mob of busybodies, just like Ramola D herself, promoting all kinds of false information, with no basis in fact, in connection with my name.

Since that time, she has been engaging in wild speculation, jumping to false conclusions, dragging my name into all sorts of scenarios, and linking it to all sorts of persons with whom I have no connection, no commonalities and no dealings. The damages to my good name are inestimable.

This is a woman who has absolutely ZERO respect for the privacy, the personal boundaries, or the fundamental rights of others. Judging from her extremely aggressive behavior, she evidently does not even recognize that these boundaries exist. She just keeps bulldozing ahead, crashing gates, and leaving a trail of damages and false information in her wake.

She claims to be a “Truth Journalist” (whatever that means...), but I have yet to see a grain of “truth” in her sensationalist grandstanding and boasting, her appropriation of titles and credentials (“Human Rights Attorney”, “Whistleblower”... & etc.) she does not possess, has not earned, for which she is not in the slightest qualified.

"This subject", as stated in detail as the focus of this article, has absolutely nothing to do with me, or my website, or my decades of work, as an advocacy journalist or CIA whistleblower. NOTHING.

I have no doubt this is a deliberate provocation, in her usual passive-aggressive mode (Who, me? I've done nothing wrong...I'm just a journalist, “exploring” these issues...), as I have made numerous public statements exposing her as a gate-crasher, a grandstander, a horrible busybody, constantly sticking her nose where it does not belong.

I have made public complaints against her for misusing my name, defaming my name, and promoting false information in connection with my name.

For the record: My name and my work have no relation whatsoever to what she is promoting in this “reporter's note”. (See link above.)



"Last night, as I switched off three minutes before midnight, I barely had time to settle the (infinite amounts of) shielding around me, especially over my left arm and shoulder and right arm, before a helicopter tick-ticked and wheeled directly overhead, as if I were back in Guantanamo and the helicopters needed to mark my going to sleep and waking up."

"I say “Back” because this behavior–from local police contingents of some kind, whether City of Quincy Police, FBI, or CIA, or CFC–has been transpiring on and off before, for years; and no I have never Been to Guantanamo Bay, but like everyone else who is as extremely targeted and attacked on American soil as I am and have been for 10 years now, since late 2013, I have been given quite a few hints from the helicopter-runners that Guantanamo is on their mind."


"So what I am reporting now is: Yes, they are continuing, these “neighbors”–planted mercenaries–on this street, very close in, along with zoomers who come and park, and the network of drones and helicopters and other aircraft using EW avionics, are continuing their incredible assaults on my arms and shoulders, my heart, and various other parts of my anatomy."

And, unfortunately...there is much, much more where that came from. More fantasies of being singled out for assaults by government is obvious she is obsessed with the harebrained notion that CIA is behind it...and more than once has accused Barbara Hartwell of being “paid” by CIA, and of being part of whatever delusions she is indulging, based on her fantasies of her own importance.

For the record, nothing, absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.

Were I still CIA, I would not give such an amateur wannabe, an ego-driven publicity hound, a second thought, as a “person of interest”.

I would dismiss her as just another delusional wannabe, seeking attention for herself at the expense of legitimate persons promoting and exposing factual information which could actually benefit others, as well as exposing the criminals in government.

Which, even though I am not CIA, and have had no voluntary dealings with CIA in thirty years, is still my position regarding Ramola Dharamraj.


Bottom line: She's a fraud.

And for anyone who is sincerely seeking the truth about any subject this woman covers in her so-called “Truth Journalism” (what a misnomer), unless you enjoy being misled and deceived, led on wild goose chases which end up nowhere... it would behoove you to take a closer look at exactly what it is she is promoting, and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Use your own common sense and ask God for true spiritual discernment.

There is no substitute.


Lastly, my readers (those interested in the actual truth, supported by FACTS and backed by evidence) would do well to DISREGARD anything promoted by this woman in connection to the name and work of Barbara Hartwell.

Barbara Hartwell

February 10, 2024