Sunday, February 11, 2024












I try to support genuine government whistleblowers whenever possible. I don't have the resources to offer financial support, I can only add some small amount of publicity, which I believe will interest my regular readers.


I've done the research on these whistleblowers, watched their videos; I guarantee they are all genuine, the real deal, and I thank them for their service.

Please take the time to go to these links and find out exactly what these whistleblower patriots and defenders of the Constitution are up against for standing up for the truth, defending Liberty and your God-given, unalienable, Constitutionally protected rights.

God bless them, they and their families are in my prayers.

Please keep them in yours, too.

Barbara Hartwell

February 11, 2024

Kyle Seraphin

Recovering FBI Agent. Federal Whistleblower. Civil Liberties enthusiast. 2A defender.

FBI Special Agent Garret O'Boyle Blows Whistle On Politicization, Retaliation At Biden's DOJ, FBI


Support suspended FBI Whistleblowers


Folks, many of you have asked how you can help the public stance to expose FBI Corruption. We are going to have legal bills as we push to share America’s information with the people of America. The FBI should not hide behind "policy" when they are using American tax dollars to undercut our Republic.

We will be fighting to regain the rightful employment of "purged" conservative FBI employees who have been suspended or terminated simply for making protected disclosures in accordance with federal law and exercising their First Amendment protected rights to free speech.

This fund will be used to support 2 whistleblower families who have been suspended without pay Garret O'Boyle and Marcus Allen as seen testifying on Congress on 5/18/2023. Standing up for the America we want to live in has come at great cost to these men's families. We are so appreciative of the outpouring of support and prayer since this journey became public. 100% of the money raised here will be split between these men to support their families as they have been without pay for nearly 300 and over 400 days respectively.

God bless y'all.