Tuesday, July 4, 2023

"Swans Against Slander"? Or Delusions of Grandeur? Outlandish Falsehoods of “Truth Journalist” Ramola D/Dharmaraj

And you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.


John 8:32 


Enough already! Way more than enough, of the utterly preposterous boasting and bogus claims of Ramola D, while simultaneously, the good name of Barbara Hartwell is being exploited, misrepresented (false light), character assassinated, slandered, libeled and heavily defamed by a person boasting that she is a “truth journalist” who publishes “fact-based” articles.

I have yet to see any of the much-touted “facts” and “truth” to which she claims my reports (which have nothing whatsoever to do with her, or her “targeted individual” histrionics), are “damaging”.

Here is a quote from Ramola, taken from a defamatory e-mail, sent behind my back, to two of my friends:

"I am afraid she is in my view damaging the testimonial and fact-based journalism I and others have done on the subject of targeting and fusion center and intelligence operations against people."

In addition to the defamatory falsehoods she is promoting against Barbara Hartwell, other outrageous lies are being promoted by Ramola D, a very aggressive, ambitious individual, a publicity hound and shameless self-promoter who has boasted profusely about herself with a lengthy list of bogus claims.

(NOTE: All within quotation marks are not paraphrases, but rather exact statements, taken from her website, social media or podcasts.)

"The top journalist"

"The lone journalist"

"The one lone journalist"

"The primary journalist"

"The ONLY journalist"

"The World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist"

(These claims are in reference to her writings on “targeted individuals” and assaults with DEW, etc. etc.)

More of her extravagant claims are as follows:

"Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"

"The Story of the Century"

"The Prime Subject for the Halleluia Project (or whatever it was called)"

"...projecting her [Ramola D] as a God figure through AI"

"Her situation is exactly that of Julian Assange."

"She is in fact the Prime Victim of Extreme Satanic Ritual Abuse which is what every single “Targeted Individual” has been put through now for several decades in the USA and worldwide."

"I am an ambassador to humanity."


"I have deep insider knowledge" 

"Ramola D: American Writer, Journalist, Civilian, Human Rights Attorney"

Human Rights Attorney? What the hell is the meaning of this preposterous claim? She is no more any kind of attorney than she is a whistleblower, another of her bogus claims.

Nor is she the “Prime Subject”, or “Prime Victim” (note the capital letters), of anything – except perhaps of her own delusional fantasies.

After all I've seen, especially these latest shocking falsehoods, in my opinion, that is the most likely explanation for all the profusion of approval seeking superlatives in self-praise. It is very clear she wants to be a celebrity, and is foolish enough to believe that making these sensationalist claims will achieve her objective.

And comparing herself to Julian Assange? The “exact situation”? Can she possibly be serious? No matter what one believes about Assange (pro or con), the fact remains that he has been a persecuted and tortured political prisoner for years on end. There is no resemblance whatsoever to Ramola D. She is way off base, making such an arrogant claim. More to the point, she is way out of her league.

Unfortunately, there's a lot more of this self-aggrandizing swill, but it would require more space than I am willing to dedicate in this report. What I have to cover will be lengthy enough, as you will see as you read on.

In my last report exposing the false claims of Ramola D, in which I refuted the fact-free foolishness of her most recent smear article against Barbara Hartwell, I made mention of the fact that she had published (June 13, 2023), for the general public, a letter she had previously sent to me (June 11, 2023), copied to two (2) other individuals, thus invading their privacy as well as mine, and falsely implicating them in connection with her false accusations of “slander” and “defaming posts” against her by Barbara Hartwell.

I have decided that I must now address that letter in its entirety, because I need to make sure no stone is left unturned in refuting it and exposing it for the fraud that it is.

But of course I will leave out the names of the third parties, whose names she irrelevantly dragged in, because I refuse to be a part of her unscrupulous actions in exploiting their names for her own self-serving ends. What damage she has already done, in her violation of their privacy, is all on her and has nothing to do with me.

[NOTE: She published this letter on her website on June 13. It was not until after June 27, when I made a public objection to her invasions of privacy, that she redacted the other names. Before that, the names and even the e-mail addresses had been exposed, including mine, which is private, as she has always known. This means that this information was out there, for all to see, for more than two weeks. The devil knows what the damages may have been, and what snoops now may have access to my private e-mail address. Unbelievable. But typical for such an unprincipled busybody, with no respect for anyone's privacy.]

But before I get to the letter, I need to call attention to the fact that she has added my name, and her lie-riddled article, to a section on the front page of her website called “Swans Against Slander”.

She has branded me a slanderer, and lumped me in with a list of others, none of whom I know or have ever had any contact with, but some of whom have published a plethora of defamatory content against Barbara Hartwell.

Here is the statement made by Ramola D as an introduction to her topic.

My comments are in brackets, preceded by my initials, BH.

Swans Against Slander


"Each of these articles addresses the specific situation they have described, and presents the truth of each as well as the opinions of this writer, all being written and published only in response to public and private campaigns of defamation and slander run by the parties named against this writer."

[BH: Barbara Hartwell is one of the parties named.

FACT: I have never, at any time, conducted any “campaign of defamation and slander” against Ramola D, neither “publicly”, nor “privately”.

FACT: My reports have been solely in my own defense against the defamation and gossip of Ramola D.

FACT: No truth whatsoever is presented by her in connection with my name.]

"In addition, the writing and publication of these reports (and podcasts accompanying them on occasion) has been attended by much whistleblower retaliation, described within them as well as in other reports and social media posts. These reports of slander therefore are very closely linked to the intense COINTELPRO-style actions of physical DEW/Neurotech retaliation, cyber-hacking retaliation, online-platform-takedown retaliation, social-harassment retaliation, reputation-assault with false psychiatric labels by miscreants, family-hacking and life-takedown retaliation, as well as numerous death-hits, assassination attempts and other forms of retaliation compounding grievous, untenable retaliatory harm this writer and whistleblower journalist has reported and is reporting elsewhere."

[BH: More false statements of “whistleblower retaliation” against her, now claiming that because she responded to the reports of Barbara Hartwell (which in actuality simply exposed her unethical actions as a false accuser, a meddler and gossip), that she was the victim of “death hits” and “assassination attempts” ?????????????? Please. She might want to save the cloak-and-dagger intrigue for one of her fiction books.

"Currently many reports are linked as submenu items under Disclosure of Targeting and COINTELPRO and Infiltration subheads, as well as in links within some of these reports. The immense, persistent, and extreme efforts to suppress and disappear this writer’s voice, name, reputation, and profession, as well as assail her body, her brain, her physical appearance and life with grievous, persecutory harm–as whistleblower journalist reporting extraordinary crime and the necessary witness testimonial of Government whistleblowers and victims both–is herein noted."

[BH: More drama here. Ramola is NOT a “whistleblower journalist”, but only a journalist, and from what I've seen lately, one who is entirely lacking in journalistic integrity. She may as well be writing a gossip column with the scurrilous trash she is turning out.

As I have stated before, she lacks the credentials of a whistleblower; she was never involved in any government operations (whom she blames for this so-called “retaliation”, which in my opinion, is nonexistent). I know of not even one legitimate government whistleblower who would find it “necessary” to use her platform, when they can easily speak for themselves on their own sites, or in any venue they choose. They don't need her to report on crimes against them.

And neither do I. Her site is just one of many where my work has been published, or my case covered, over a period of decades. I never heard of her until 2018, when she approached me to invite me on her podcast.


And I should make it clear that I never asked her to publish anything from me or about me. That was entirely on her own initiative.

She is not an expert on the subject matter of intelligence operations, so what would make her so special?

Who does she think she is? Oh, that's right, silly me...she is “The World's Pre-Eminent Journalist and Whistleblower”. Who could possibly forget?


[NOTE: Names of third parties are removed to protect privacy. Again, my comments are given in brackets, preceded by my initials, BH.]

"Dear Barbara,

I have just read 2 posts of yours which seem to overtly defame and slander me, one made last July and one made last December, it looks like.



The first seems to take offence at words in an email sent by me to X and forwarded by myself to XX which you appear to have been given by her and which it appears you have misread. I am very sorry you have both misread the intent and content of this email and that you have made a public post in July accusing me of things which are not true."

[BH: First of all, she makes an assumption about one of the third parties. She does not know how I got the e-mail. My ways and my sources are private, protected and unknown to her, and none of her business.

As stated in another report, I “misread” nothing. The words were very clear. Among other things, I was accused of “protecting operations” she claimed were being run against her, thus grossly insulting my honor.

There was no “seeming” to take offense. Of course it was offensive. It was a bald-faced lie.

Note that she has a habit of watering down and minimizing her own actions, to make them seem less offensive, as well as falsely attributing the same to the responses of others.

And no, I accused her of nothing which was not true. I simply exposed her unethical actions of sending defamatory messages to my friends, behind my back, in my own defense.]

"The second highlights a post I made last December when in the throes of extreme energy and neurotechnology attack directly following the publication and send-out of my Living Testimonial re. April 2022 to numerous government parties. This was whistleblower retaliation, and it has continued; I have still not published the full account of what has been done to me and my family directly following my whistleblower journalism of the preceding 9 years, in particular the very important panels I conducted to expose numerous DEW/Neurotechnology/MK Ultra crimes as attested to by numerous witnesses, whistleblower scientists, and victims of same, the first in August 2021 and the second in October 2022."

[BH: None of this has anything to do with me. I have never been involved in what she references here and it is none of my concern. My concern is that she continues to drag my name into her publications of what she claims has happened to her, as well as some of her associates.

I do not recognize her sources as legitimate. I do not consider any of her “panels” as having the slightest importance. And for the record, I will again state that in my considered professional opinion, based on decades of experience and expertise in counterintelligence operations, she is NOT a victim of any sort of “whistleblower retaliation”. She is not a whistleblower. Period.]

"Please know I have been extremely physically harmed by this retaliatory action, as well as psychologically devastated. I have not spoken of all of it publicly for reasons of family privacy.

I am working privately to address much of the harms directed against me including a few false psychiatric labels wrongfully associated with my name from doctors and psychiatrists starting from 2013."

[BH: This also has nothing to do with me. I do not believe that she has been a victim of “retaliatory action”. As to what may have happened to her, or why, that I do not know. Nor is it any of my concern. If she thinks she can gain my sympathy in order to reel me in to believe in her claims, she is mistaken.

Nor am I involved in anything connected to her dealings with doctors and psychiatrists or the labels they may have used.


But she just keeps on trying to drag me in to her subjective personal issues, which have absolutely nothing to do with me.]

"These are private matters, and like you, I am very keen to preserve my own, my family's, and everyone else's privacy as I address these matters: today, mental and behavioral healthcare is being used as a weapon against all of us while giving doctors and psychiatrists infinite unwarranted power to name anyone they please (including journalists like me exposing energy-weapon-crimes) mentally-ill, mentally-unstable, delusional, paranoid, and so on, so as to permit the CIA, DOD, DARPA, DIA, NSA, FBI, MI6, NATO, and others to use them as target practice for their infinitely perverted neuro, AI, brain, nano, bio-behavioral, psychological and other medical experimentation and weapons projects, all while pretending they are doing this to save these poor souls from themselves--since apparently we're all so sadly mentally-incapacitated that we actually don't need to consent to being brain-slaughtered and body-assaulted as well as multiply defamed for life to further these CIA Psychs's careers in sadism."

[BH: Again, she refers to me as if her situation bears any resemblance to mine, which it most certainly does not.

As always, I object to the term, “all of us”, which she repeats like a mantra, using sweeping generalities which do not apply to individuals, most specifically not to me. I can guarantee I am not a part of this, and that there are no commonalities with her situation.

And for the record (once again) I have no reason to believe that CIA (or any other government entity) would have the slightest interest in an ordinary civilian, in possession of no exceptional knowledge, no professional background in intelligence, no knowledge of intelligence operations, no connections to any of the agencies she names. Nor would she present any kind of “threat” to them. The very thought is absurd. Maybe she thinks if she keeps on repeating this, someone will believe it.

"Private matters"? Then why on earth has she made a huge very public brouhaha of these issues? She has already publicly subjected her own family to monstrous invasions of privacy and humiliation, posting videos of herself screaming at her husband, calling the police “assholes”, and making bizarre claims against various family members.

But why drag my name into it? None of this has anything to do with me and she has no business exploiting my name as part of this sordid tableau for her own ends.

How dare she say, in reference to privacy, “like you”! She has shown exactly what degree of respect she has for anyone's privacy: ZERO.

Now, she is trying to drag my name into yet more of her rambling, psycho-babbling nonsense.

And, for the record, my family is strictly off limits, in case she has the effrontery to ever mention them again. They are not involved and I am a fierce defender of their privacy.]

"Please be aware therefore that I continue to respect privacy for all of us, you and our two mutual friends included, both copied here; your statements regarding possible defamation of yourself by me to possible other of your friends are unwarranted, since as you may know, these are the only two friends we share, and I have always and continue to respect and honor these very special friendships, since, as far as I know, we are all victims of political persecution of different kinds, and we are all whistleblowers, too, whether as former US Gov agency employees or as journalists or as reporters of corruption."

[BH: She “continues to respect privacy”? There can be no continuation of an action that never happened in the first place. Speaking for myself, she has never respected my privacy. What hypocrisy!

And here she drags in the third parties, who have absolutely nothing to do with the subject of Ramola's letter to me (“Please remove the defaming posts against me”).

That she copied this letter to two uninvolved third parties is an act of extreme disrespect, aggression and invasion of privacy, in and of itself. It is in fact a grievous provocation and I will not stand for it.

Provoke me and guaran-damn-teed, there will be some very unpleasant consequences.

Yet another defamatory message against Barbara Hartwell, sent to 2 third parties, now falsely accusing me of slandering her. How dare she.

"Possible defamation of yourself by me"? No, no, no. I made no mention of any defamation being “possible”. It was actual defamation, and I clearly stated that. (Again, watering down and minimizing.)

I was falsely accused with a defamatory message, sent behind my back to two of my friends. Period. Either she can't read (doubtful), or she believes she can manipulate people into believing her sorry excuses in defense of the indefensible (as far as I am concerned, impossible.)

Again, she has no way of knowing who I know, what I know, or how I know it. She is engaging in speculation. Nothing I have said was “unwarranted”.

And she actually believes I am still her friend? Seriously? She must have some serious cognitive disabilities and/or she has extremely low standards for friendship, if she thinks it acceptable to gossip and meddle and slander me behind my back and call herself my friend?

All it takes is one action: falsely accusing me of a dishonorable act behind my back. That alone, is a deal-breaker. Friendship over. Case closed.

Some explanation might be in order. Though I see no reason why the general public would be interested in the details of my dealings with a former friend, it is important to me that it be on the record, as a defense against further false accusations or denials of the truth.

At the time she sent me this defamatory letter, copied to two uninvolved third parties, I had not spoken to her in two years. I simply decided to quietly walk away when I realized that she would not respect my privacy or personal boundaries, and that she continued to drag my name into her public presentations, where it was not relevant, and where I was being misrepresented and exploited in connection with all kinds of sensationalism and false information about “targeted individuals”, one of which I have never been.

I had repeatedly explained to her the importance of respecting my privacy, and that I was not a part of her “targeted individual” community. I told her I did not want my name used in connection with some of her associates whom I deemed to have no credibility or legitimacy, and were of low moral character. I wanted nothing to do with them.

She disregarded my clearly stated wishes, repeatedly. She tried to push these people on me, after I told her in no uncertain terms, I had no interest. She continued to use my name at her whim and just did as she pleased, with no concern for my wishes and no respect whatsoever for my boundaries.

When I confronted her with this issue and asked her to stop discussing me (publicly and privately) with my friends and with strangers alike, and to stop meddling, she claimed I was “mistaken” as to what she was doing, which was a ridiculous thing to say.

She wanted to barge in where she was not invited, and then try to make excuses for her unjustifiable behavior. That is what busybodies always do. In my opinion, it is a form of psychopathology that always stirs up trouble wherever and whenever the busybody sticks her nose where it does not belong. 

And it brings a world of hurt, especially for anyone associated with the busybody.

I had no intention of getting into a conflict with her, so I quietly walked away. But instead of respecting my decision, when it should have been obvious to her that at the very least, I wanted no further contact, she instead kept pursuing me, sending e-mails which went unanswered. She kept using my name in her public presentations. And she continued gossiping about me with others, including making defamatory comments.

I knew about this, but ignored it. My only wish was for her to leave me alone. I had no wish to make any of this public. Until, that is, she finally crossed my line with her defamatory accusations in messages to my friends. She pushed too hard and went too far. This was all her doing, not mine. I am simply acting in my own defense against her aggression.

I do not have any “mutual friends” with Ramola. My standards for friendship are sky-high and could never be met by anyone who would be a part of her unethical actions against me, or who would agree with her false accusations, even the slightest bit.


And I would be a fool to have “mutual friends” with a person who is sending defamatory, false accusations by e-mail to them, then when caught in the act, tries to claim that I have “misread” her intent, and then drags their names into her self-created fantasies of dire persecution. And then publishing it, using their names. Anyone who is willingly a part of this is no friend of mine. No thanks.

"You are all also much-trusted and greatly supported and loved interviewees at my channel and website, and I have publicly platformed and highlighted your words and work, which are indeed greatly needed for all citizens in the USA, UK, and worldwide to hear. I continue to uphold and support your profoundly important testimonials as a former CIA officer and whistleblower as I also do X's as former FBI Special Agent, Judge, Military Veteran and XX's as an outstanding journalist, writer, and reporter of targeting/harassment crimes in the UK. I hope indeed that my work as a journalist to surface your vital voices and words into public awareness has helped keep you all safe from the greater harms of being retaliated against or persecuted in private."

[BH: What a load of happy horseshit!  The bloody hell is she talking about. I don't want or need the “support” or “trust” of anyone following her platform. As for anyone who actually supports me, I would know about it. They would contact me directly and put their money where their mouth is. If they actually found the information on my website (instead of elsewhere), they would know of my situation of dire poverty, and if they valued my work, would support it.

Words on a message board, or social media, from strangers, which I will never read, are meaningless to me, especially when they are likely to be tainted with the dramatic productions of the promoter . I don't seek publicity for my work, and no, I certainly do not presume that what I have to say is so important that everyone in the world “needs” to hear it.

Flattery gets her nowhere, not with me, especially when it is as phony as a 3 dollar bill.

She falsely accuses me of “slander”, copies the message to two third parties, AS IF they were involved in some group effort among all parties, which I must state absolutely excludes Barbara Hartwell. Unlike busybody Ramola, I would never presume to speak for anyone but myself. But I have spoken. NO relevance of these third parties whatsoever.

No, I have no interest in any publicity coming from a journalist who believes me to be a dishonorable person, who blames me for “protecting operations” against her. And who has now published her false accusations on the very same website where she pretends to “support” my work. Astounding, the utter falsity and hypocrisy of it all.

And hell, no! Nothing she has ever done has ever contributed in the slightest way to my safety. On the contrary, for grossly misrepresenting me, she has become a liability, nothing more. And I am perfectly capable of defending myself against anyone foolish enough to threaten me. Armed and dangerous, that's me.

And with a history of more than 40 years in journalism, including mainstream media in print, terrestrial radio, and cable TV, plus publications on the Internet since 1995, why would I need her little platform to publish my work?

I really do believe her ego is working overtime to puff up her own importance to epic proportions. But I want no part of it.]

"I do reserve the right however--as do you--to my own opinions as a writer and journalist: the term "targeted individual" has always been problematic to me but I have certainly championed the cause of all victims of unlawful watchlisting, nonconsensual experimentation, and counter-personnel directed-energy weapons testing operations as well as neurotechnology/cognitive warfare operations which to me, from my understanding as a journalist, seem to have been directed at both civilians and former government and military and intelligence employees, as also at myself--as a writer, mother, former college faculty member, art, natural science and creative writing teacher--which propelled me to become an investigative and advocacy journalist in this field."

[BH: I have never said anything about her “right” to her own opinions, much less denied that she has the same rights as anyone else. Nor do I care about her opinions on anything, including “targeted individuals”.]

"The particular words from your own article which I found personally problematic and which I mentioned as such, mildly, if I recall, to our two friends, always giving you the benefit of the doubt, had to do with the doubting of those targeted with energy/neuro technologies as credible reporters of the very crimes of unlawful targeting by weapons-testing operations and other black operations which have indeed (by their report and my own experience) sought to persecute, harm, and literally kill; I paste this text below, as you have it."

[BH: She just doesn't get it. I do not care what she finds “problematic”. She has no say whatsoever in what I decide to publish. It has nothing to do with her.

And she again lies, claiming she was “mild”. Her “recollection” is way off. The only concern to me is that she went behind my back and sent false accusations.

I don't want her “benefit of the doubt”. How condescending! Nor do I have any interest in her opinions on anything she states here.

It is all utterly irrelevant to me. She is trying to draw me into a point-counterpoint argument and I will not engage in any such thing.]

"While I agree with you there are many charlatans out there posing as victims in order, I think, to draw others into or drown people inside these unlawful projects, it is not fame and fortune that the real, true victims are seeking when they report these horrific life-takedown crimes publicly: our lives have been taken down, and we have been made to suffer as we continuously try to survive and rebuild our lives. That said, let me also say I do not speak of or see myself as a “targeted individual” which has become a Label of Harm, but as someone questing, sensitive, caring, thoughtful, a writer, a teacher, an artist, a scholar, a mother, a human rights and animal-caring advocate and activist who has been unlawfully watchlisted, attacked, and exploited as well as grievously persecuted as a journalist and advocate for others for 8-9 years now. No-one should be using this label—it has been set in place by very harm-intending military and intelligence factions, and it has become synonymous with “mental illness” thanks to CIA/DOD and public-domain psychiatry which I continue to expose. Deriding those who are indeed being persecuted with actual energy weaponry and neuroweaponry harms all of us."

[BH: Again, I have no interest in what she believes, in what her opinions are, on any of these subjects, that is not the issue.

And there is no collective “all of us”, as she keeps repeating, certainly not involving me.

And I have never, at any time “derided” anyone being persecuted in any way. How dare she, this arrogant false accuser!

It is clear to me that she wrote this letter, not to me, but rather for the general public, as a way to force her views about my reports into the open, while making it look as if she had done nothing wrong. This is typical passive-aggressive behavior employed by every busybody I have ever known. And it doesn't fly with me.

As for her comments on the phrase “targeted individual”, I have heard her using it, ad infinitum, including in reference to herself, many, many times, for years. More hypocrisy here.

And who is she to decide what phrases “nobody should be using” ? “Should be”? It's not her call.]

"Please remove these two defaming posts made against me and against the entire edifice of my fact-based journalism which exposes these targeting and persecution crimes against many. I will have to address this on my own website if not. I absolutely will not have my name as a writer and journalist exposing these harmful crimes against me and others defamed, slandered, and brought down."

[BH: As stated in my previous reports, there was no defamation. I only exposed the fact that she had sent messages to 2 of my friends, falsely accusing me of “protecting operations” against her, an absolute lie.

I have every right to defend myself against this act of aggression.

And as far as I can see, the “edifice” of her so-called “fact-based” journalism, is just that – an edifice, with nothing of substance behind it.]

"I am extremely sorry you, my friend and sister in reporting CIA/DOD persecution and COINTELPRO operations against both of us for so many years, have taken this route–but it is not too late to address this matter. I have extended my hand in friendship to you in great good faith and warmth, and I have no desire to in any way slander or speak ill of you in public at any time. However, for my own sake, and as a truth-journalist and avid advocate for both humanity and animals—both of which species have been harmed in these unlawful weapons-testing and neurotechnology and social harassment operations for Artificial Intelligence, military, and political repression purposes which have destroyed our lives, careers, professions, families, relationships as well as greatly harmed us physically, socially, psychologically—I will need to address this, if briefly, in writing on my website should you feel the need to keep these posts up on your site. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts anytime, and please let me know you've removed these posts.



[BH: I've already addressed this last statement in another report. I will only again say that no, there is no “both of us”, she is again lumping me in with herself and others.

And no, no “sister” of mine would treat me with such great disrespect.

Any friendship I had with her was destroyed by her attempts at undermining my work and discrediting my reputation, and falsely accusing me behind my back to my friends. And what other friendships she may have destroyed with her meddling and gossip, I don't yet know.

Here, she copied a portion of my report, as part of her letter. What she does not understand is that, again...how tiresome it gets...I do not care in the slightest what she finds “problematic”.

I am an independent journalist. I don't answer to aggressive busybodies, or anyone else, just because they don't agree with my views. If she wants to make a Federal Case out of it, she can go tell it to the judge –I won't be in the courtroom.

This is a woman who really, really needs to learn to mind her own damnable business – and stop sticking her nose into mine!



In yet another case of mistaken identity, my name has been exploited, over a period of many years, by large numbers of people who call themselves “targeted individuals”(aka TIs). They make false claims that I am “one of them”, and drag my name in repeatedly and profusely where it does not belong. I am a CIA whistleblower, targeted for political persecution, in a vendetta of extreme prejudice. NOT a “targeted individual”. And there is a huge difference between these categories, as I will explain (once again...)

Among the number of journalists (and others) who cover these issues, there is a tendency for them to take the party line and lump a number of issues together in one basket. Very few who speak about these issues are professional journalists. Even among those who are, most are not survivors of government operations, nor were they involved in any way, and most significantly, they are not government whistleblowers. To put it bluntly, they don't know what they are talking about, but are seeking fame and fortune at the expense of genuine victims, survivors and legitimate whistleblowers, those who have shed blood, sweat and tears, who have risked their lives to expose government corruption, have worked and fought for decades to put criminals out of business and behind bars.

Among the claims made by those promoting themselves as “targeted individuals” (including those in the many groups who are self-described members of the so-called “TI Community”) is that there is a “TI program”. Some promote the falsehood that “ALL TIs are blacklisted into this program.” Some claim that TIs are all victims of “trafficking” and/or “non-consensual experimentation”.

Quite a number of these persons make extravagant claims of being individual (specific) targets of huge black operations, involving FBI, CIA, DOD, fusion centers, etc. etc. They speak of armies of perpetrators, foot soldiers, fleets of cars, drones, aircraft, invading a neighborhood, for the purpose of singling them out, attacking them with electronic weaponry with the intent to kill them.

If this sounds absurd, that is because it is. Imagine the extent of resources, the manpower, the military hardware, it would take to deploy such a campaign, against a lone individual. Millions upon millions of dollars?

And this, against people who are not even government whistleblowers, who have never been involved in government operations, and who therefore would pose no threat which could possibly rise to the level of justifying such expenditures.

Yet these are the claims being made by a large number of people calling themselves “targeted individuals”.

Making such sensationalist claims only discredits the entire subject. Anyone with even a modicum of common sense would know that such an immense operation, supposedly to “kill” one person makes no sense whatsoever.

Those who have actual experience and knowledge in these matters know that if they were hell-bent on killing someone, they could easily do so, without making a huge production out of it.



These quotes will demonstrate what Ramola claims to believe about herself concerning the “persecution” perpetrated by others.

Paying special attention to the accusations made against various individuals, entities, including government agencies, neighbors, family members, it will become clear that she presents no solid evidence against them, not in word or deed.

My comments are in brackets, preceded by my initials, BH.



"Many whistleblowers have addressed this subject as well, including FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee, CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, and MI5/Mossad/CIA whistleblower Carl Clark."

[BH: Here, as just one example among many, my name is thrown arbitrarily into a mix, where she is speaking about issues which do not involve me, and which I have not addressed. Name-dropping, exploitation, at my expense.]

"This cements for me the fact that Karen Stewart—just like Katherine Horton, Ella Free, Midge Mathis—is a 100% Intel plant, who is fully supported and protected by the very NSA she pretends to criticize, and by the CIA and FBI who seem to be running the In-house Hidden Hand operation of Support-Group-Running-for-Wheel-Spinning-and-Perpetual-Torture-of-Victims along with them."

[BH: Here, she accuses Karen Stewart, Katherine Horton, Ella Free, Midge Mathis of being “100% Intel plants”.

She throws in CIA, FBI, NSA. Based on what evidence? She presents no evidence whatsoever. She is merely engaging in wild speculation, hurling accusations against people she does not like. (Just as she did to Barbara Hartwell, accusing me of “protecting operations”.)

In my considered professional opinion, none of these individuals are any kind of Intel plants, whatever else they may be.

It is very clear none of them have any training in intelligence work. They are not 'CIA material' as the saying goes.

But accusing them might make Ramola feel “important”. All these spies, gathered against her!

But where are the facts in her purported “fact-based" journalism?]

"This was the same night I was hit all night in private parts with snaky scalar radar–that has happened a few times this week: evidence of the Satanic military I think, which would be NSA, DIA, Navy in action. Who knows, CIA may be doing this too. CIA is DEFINITELY in operation on me night and day, using MK ULTRA photo-flicker lights on neighbors’ backyards and fences, in blatant view for all to see."

[BH: Here, she again throws in NSA, DIA, the Navy, all attacking her. And makes a definitive statement about CIA: “DEFINITELY”.

How could she possibly “know” that CIA is behind what she describes? Of course, she doesn't. This is pure speculation.]

"...the two thug houses across the street, peopled by a transient population–and large white SUVs, military green US Army cyberhackers possibly and dirty tan CIA cyberhackers and arm-hitters possibly. Who knows. Either they are working together (the diff agencies) or just one agency (the CIA/NSA?) has installed bunches of jerks in several houses all around me — USMC? as the woman’s sweatshirt at Best Buy advertised on Saturday? Perhaps, since USMC runs the JNLW business for US Gov–whoever employs them, each of these full-time cyberhackers, bio-hackers, neurohackers is a murderer, pervert (constant spying) and cold-blooded assassin, using weapons to send hard hits to my body, particularly these days my upper arm and shoulder, my eyes, my lungs, my backside–distinct and sustained efforts to disable, injure, incapacitate, cause trauma, and cause injury."

[BH: Here, the psychodrama continues. She is being assaulted by “Army cyberhackers”, “CIA cyberhackers”, NSA, USMC, all installed in houses around her, “full time” for the single purpose of attacking her?

Does she have any idea of how much that would cost? What could they hope to accomplish?

And why would they do such a thing?

Answer: I think it should be obvious. They wouldn't.]

"I wondered last night why I was being suddenly subjected to intense assault sitting on the couch in the back room and now I know why. People round the world are reading my articles and waking up."

[BH: Here we have more boasting about her imagined influence on the entire world. All these agencies, all the military and intelligence personnel deployed against her, because “people are waking up”, due to her “fact-based truth journalism”.]

"In addition helicopters crisscrossed the sky and drones parked in a row around the house. On a visit to the deck last night to see where the hits were coming from I noticed two of the FBI/CIA planes circling–one doing a low circle the other a high diagonal swoop, while it looked like two drones or aerostats were parked pretty close in. Clearly, too, last night, the zoomers on the street and the next door assassins were having a hard time maintaining their 24/7 Remote Neural Monitoring–with their painful radar trackers which Mazzeo and Le Ming and Higson renters–oh and let’s not forget the CIA mailman on Saturday–have been razing across my right gluteus in sharp, electocuting wise all of Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and today."

[BH: Helicopters, drones, FBI/CIA planes circling her house. “Zoomers” on the streets. The “CIA mailman”.

And she names the neighbors, calling them “assassins”, accusing them of using “radar trackers” against her. In some cases, she invades their privacy by publishing their street addresses. So, according to Ramola, they too must be CIA? Or are they FBI?

Where's the evidence? It all seems very confusing and convoluted.]

"My shadowbanned, marginalized, disappeared, eviscerated public voice is so powerful and influential it makes you all come after me with F-16s and F-22s and B-52 bombers night and day? Luckily I am not an egoist or this lunacy might quite go to my head. I’m aware the work I do is significant–but it is being disappeared, I see that as well, so it can hardly be shaking the world. (Although it should.)"

[BH: Now we have the entire Air Force arrayed against her. Fighter jets and bombers.

But what about the Hellfire Missiles? She must have forgotten, with all the other intense military action on her street, which has turned into a war zone.

With this one, I really see no point in commenting further on her 'world-shaking' journalism. I do believe she's said it all herself.]

"In any case, for 5 hours straight, zoomers–SUVs, vans, pick up trucks, very heavy duty trucks tore up and down Pine Street making one hell of a racket for 5-6 hours straight, while at the same time planes–commercial planes–were suddenly rerouted to cross the street. In addition, drones and helis flew overhead. This godawful racket ensured I did not get a wink of sleep but clearly the Common Ground Distribution System DHS monsters tearing up and down were having a hard time tracking and hitting yours truly (arm shielded–there appears to be an implant (non-consensual) in this arm they are aiming at) and their AI system was ensuring planes flew in at low altitude to add to the racket."

[BH” More of the same here...]

"These forces include the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA and DHS, and they have been flexing their muscle lately in my neighborhood with increased drone and helicopter flights, increased chem trailing over the yard and neighborhood, increased zooming up and down the street by their minions with tracking radar devices and operations, and increased noise harassment by the neighbors."

[BH: All this madness and mayhem, all the alphabet agencies, deploying their military hardware in a joint operation, hell-bent on assaulting Ramola?

Does she really think anyone would believe this?]

"Add to that the nasty rattling of police sirens, the very very frequent flyover of drones and military planes and helicopters–right over house and backyard or neighboring block and the zooming of motorcycles, quite frequently, all hours of the day and night, heavy-duty trucks and UPS and Amazon Prime trucks rattling and zooming up and down all 4 streets of this block and the sound level here has been off the charts insane."

[BH: Now, enter the police, competing with Amazon trucks, heavy air traffic and motorcycles, to ratchet up the noise level...what's next?]

"FBI, CIA, DHS, and their employees, local Quincy and Milton governments, local Massachusetts State Government, local Quincy Police have all completely lost their brains and are 100% culpable for these attacks on me and this neighborhood. COVERT AND OVERT."

[BH: Here, not just the alphabet agencies, but also the local governments and police are all in collusion to attack one woman?]

"They’ve created the perfect conditions really for reporting their evil sadism: from the beginning of the targeting on me, they have sent such assaultive hits my way my best bet is to sit still and write. They try to stop the writing with their ELF vibrations and targeted assault on genitals. This is the Satanic Quincy Govt for you. In collusion with Satanic Fed Govt. FBI most def involved–they own the helis. FBI and State Police, CIA too–no doubt CIA is behind much."

[BH: Again, along with FBI and State Police, she expresses “no doubt” that CIA is behind these assaults.]


"Short of putting a bullet in my head they have tried every which way to kill me. With their formidable arsenal of stealth weapons."

[BH Well then, why have they not succeeded? To hear her tell it, she must be bullet-proof, since she is, miraculously, still alive.]

"Newer reports on the 2013-Present Day Assault and Battery by the US “Intelligence Community” and “Military Community” and “Law Enforcement Community” and “Homeland Security Community” and Luciferian Freemasonic Khazarian Venetian Nazi Jesuit Zionist British-Pilgrim-Society Mafiosi Criminal Syndicate in operation in the USA and worldwide"

[BH: This one really takes the cake! Now we have the Nazis, the Zionists, the Jesuits, the Mafia and the devil knows who all else, all assaulting Ramola D, for the past 10 years.

Why not throw in the kitchen sink? Maybe it came alive, and it too, mounted an assault on her. Anything is possible.]

"Ramola, a prizewinning writer and dedicated human rights journalist, has now officially become a Prime Victim of the Artificial Intelligence “Halleluia Project” (or whatever it is called) to find gods and demons, geniuses and prodigies and so forth."

"Those in the dark agencies against Ramola’s human rights advocacy journalism and disclosure are continuing to harm her with these neurotechnologies. Until and unless these neurotechnologies and directed energy technologies are lifted from Ramola D, I mean completely, and all the parasite AI, egg AI, sperm AI, demon AI, spirit AI, serpent AI, satan AI is lifted from Ramola’s body, her own God-principles of light and caring for all cannot be released to the world. AI must be completely stopped until this gigantic human rights conflagration is resolved. Conscience and consciousness must rise."

"Her life is in extreme danger and all journalists are called on to take action to report her story and intercede to save her life: she cannot last much longer as is with these extreme frequencies.”

"These are incredible human rights violations and all readers are exhorted to send in a complaint to the United Nations or any other international body with any kind of plausible profile in promoting human rights.”


BH: Well, we've already heard about all the many, many deadly assaults, by all the forces of every agency, the police, the military, etc. etc. worldwide.

We've been well-schooled from her vast reservoir of facts and truth as to why her life is in extreme danger (see statements above.)

Now, “all journalists” are called to take action!


It is, in her own words, "The Story of the Century"!

And everyone in the world is exhorted to appeal to the United Nations, to save Ramola D from certain death!

I, for one, will pass.

Appeal to Luciferians in the UN to protect them against their fellow demonic criminal scum?

The ignorance of appealing to the UN, believing that they are protectors of human rights, should be astounding, for those who know the truth.

Frankly, I can't take anymore of reading this absolute lunacy – for there is no other way to describe it.

If this does not meet the definition of delusions of grandeur, I don't know what does.

And to call this “truth journalism"? To claim it is “fact-based”?

And then, when someone points out the glaringly obvious, actual truth, brand that person, namely Barbara Hartwell, a “slanderer”.

Stick that person's name in a silly section of her website, called “Swans Against Slander”. That's the ticket!

I am truly sorry it has come to this. I am not hard-hearted. I feel sincerely sorry for whatever it is that Ramola is going through. I do wish her well and hope she can recover from all that ails her.

But, regardless, I will not allow her to make me a scapegoat, a sacrificial victim on the altar of her overblown ego, to falsely label me as a slanderer, or a “protector of operations” (we've seen her claims about who/what they are), when all I've ever done is act in my own defense against her aggression, in a number of forms.

I cannot, in good conscience, and on principle, support what she is promoting. On the contrary, I must denounce it.

And I must once again state for the record that I have no part in any of this, and never have done. My name does not belong among her associates, nor in any connection to the so-called “targeted individual community”. I have never been one of them and never will be.

As for CIA, I know them inside out, from the experiences of my entire life, beginning in childhood. I spent 25 years of my adult life in their operations, and have spent the last nearly 30 years in trench warfare, and spiritual warfare, defending myself and others against their New World Order agenda. I know exactly what I am talking about.

And knowing them, I know what they do, to whom, and why. And I can guarantee that Ramola D is not even a blip on their radar. Maybe believing this makes her feel important, but it simply is not true.

Take it or leave it. This is what I know.

It is my duty, as a Christian, and as a minister of the Gospel, to tell the truth about what I know, and to warn others, no matter the consequences to myself. I'm used to being slandered, hated and reviled, and I'm sure some of Ramola's supporters will attack me with a vengeance. So be it. The line forms to the left... That is not my concern.

The danger I see is that she is attempting to wield influence over large groups of people, with these preposterous stories, which for those gullible enough to believe them, might actually do them harm.

It could drive the vulnerable into a state of fear that these wild stories (for that is what they are) could actually be true, and that perhaps they are next on the list to become a “targeted individual”.

My message to those people is this, and it comes from my heart:

Pray God to give you a love of the truth. When you are uncertain, confused, or afraid, pray for the truth of any situation to be revealed.

Pray as if your life depended on it. Pray for a hedge of protection to surround you and for the presence of His Holy Angels as guardians and warriors on your behalf.


Call out to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, the Word made flesh. In His words: 

And you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


2 Timothy: 7

Barbara Hartwell

Independence Day

July 4, 2023


Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”


Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”



PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: "The Story of the Century", "Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes"


WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell



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Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted.