Thursday, July 26, 2018

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton Stewart LETTER TO LAW ENFORCEMENT: Oath Keepers or Oath Breakers?

NOTE: Published with permission from Karen Melton Stewart.

I had some difficulty with formatting from the original, where emphasis using colors, underlining and various text sizes could not be preserved. Any errors are mine. However, to the best of my ability, the letter is otherwise in its original form.

Please disseminate widely. For both detail and overview this letter is as good as it gets in explicating the subject matter in a way anyone can understand.

Barbara Hartwell
July 26, 2018




You struggle with getting respect from the public you supposedly risk your lives to protect. You think it unfair, but you carry on. And some of you indeed lose your lives helping the public. You serve and protect the grateful as well as the ingrates alike. It’s part of your job, equal protection under the law.
What if I told you however, that one set of people has every right to resent, even hate you? EVERY RIGHT? One set of people has every right to view you as the enemy, as enablers of sheer evil and raw criminality the likes of which the world has NEVER seen before, largely because you sold out?

What if I told you that your utter refusal to afford them equal protection under the law was not only unconstitutional and illegal, but inexcusably contemptible, depraved, and treasonous? Presumably the opposite of why you went into law enforcement, hmmm? Are you protectors or bullies? Choose.

What if I told you that these certain people across the board, report the same abuse from you no matter where in the country they are? They report being ignored, insulted, mocked, abused and even set-up to be committed or incarcerated when their only “crime” is reporting crime? Begging for help.

Who told you that you were allowed to DISCRIMINATE against “certain people” and just allow them to be viciously targeted for on-going daily slander, harassing, stalking, and blacklisting campaigns by civilian vigilantes, and subjected to on-going vandalism; pet abuse: theft, murder, mutilation; computer hacking; phone hacking; postal mail and package tampering and theft; home break-ins; ID theft; credit card theft; bank account theft; car vandalism; multiple car accident set-ups to destroy property and cause continued financial loss, as well as assaults by various cowardly means such as gasses, poisons, and new covert technology called Electronic War Weaponry (brought back from use in Iraq and Afghanistan and secretly turned on innocent Americans)? Federal law 10 US Code §950t (2) forbids attacking non-combatant civilians with weapons of war. Only a rogue, criminal government would do that, meaning, an ILLEGITIMATE government operating CONTRARY to its citizens' best interests. Are you OK with that?

Do you know by what “criteria” these certain people are chosen for slander, torture, and extermination (and asset stripping)? Here is a sampling:

Random, i.e., wrong place, wrong time;

Vulnerable (such as single or widowed, older women);



Ex-spouses/lovers or women who said, “no”;


Anyone an insider has a grudge against, imagined or real;


The Elderly.

Do these sound like people who should be on the Terrorist Watch List? Well, they are. They are specifically on the NON-Investigative Subjects (NIS), Code 4 Silent KILL List, as specified by the dubious FBI and corroborated by an ACLU FOIA to them. Let that sink in, NO INVESTIGATION, just ASSASSINATION. NO DUE PROCESS, NO 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Ever hear of COINTELPRO? It was an illegal program run by the FBI to murder Civil Rights and Women’s Rights leaders in the mid-20th Century. The Senate Church Committee condemned it and forbade that the FBI “ever war on the American people again”. But they are at it again. They likely never stopped. But 9/11 was certainly a boon for them to expand and renew COINTELPRO.

Do you have “non-lethal weapons”? Then you are familiar with the principles of Electronic Weapons. They do exist, you have some. Yet you are told to pretend such devices are mythical, make-believe, nonexistent. And that a person is delusional or crazy to report being assaulted by people misusing them. Were you not warned that even non-lethal weapons can be lethal? Especially if abused and misused? Not merely do you have and use these non-lethals and less-lethals, you know that Defense & Air Force contracts with big Defense contractors are being run in your town, testing these Directed Energy Weapons on Americans. You know that Top Secret Highly Classified Federal programs are being run in your city and county; some of you have seen the fake Terrorist Watch Lists passed on to the CIA, so these Americans can be neuro-experimented-on, covertly implanted, and tortured with Voice to Skull (aka the Voice of God weapon the military so proudly revealed in Iraq), remote electroshocks, and Nervous System assault. These are the people you've been trained to call delusional, so no-one will believe them when they report Crimes Against Humanity being committed on their bodies and brains. 18 USC §2441 prohibits the Federal governments and agents thereof from committing Acts of War upon unarmed, non-combatant civilians.

According to Executive Order 13606, all those who conduct or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Evil, Rogue State Actors or sympathizers or terrorist infiltrators working against the American people and public at large, by the definition in (section) §7, to include transmission and display. So are those using information and communications technology to commit serious and grave human rights abuses, in violation of the Counterfeit access device fraud and Computer Abuse Act of 1984. This defines “electronic harassment,” which can be lethal.

If a person or several people aimed a radar gun, or several, at your home and family 24/7, would you allow that, knowing radar guns can cause cancer with over-exposure? Yet, when civilians complain of being assaulted with demonstrably similar electronic devices by others, they are ignored? This is the legal definition of “Willful Blindness Doctrine,” the purposeful attempt to stay ignorant of pertinent facts to avoid civil or criminal liability. The crime-fraud exception law may also be applicable in regard to the withholding of equal protection under the law to facilitate yet more Human Rights Crimes by the perpetrators (under color of law). These weapons, which we have established that Law Enforcement by and large knows about, cause Cancer, bleeding in the brain, strokes, high blood pressure, internal and external burns, eye damage, hearing damage, brain damage, autoimmune disease, joint disease, organ failure, etc. 50 USC Ch 40, §2301 Congressional Findings clearly states that Congress recognizes that chemical, biological, radiological and other (electronic) weapons of mass destruction are now capable of being made by domestic terrorists and criminals. So are you stupid or just cowardly hypocrites? So THIS is the ONLY crime you refuse to deal with? You sanction this crime?

Who told you that ONLY one-person stalking was against the law BUT NOT premeditated, multi-person stalking and harassment, so you could ignore ALL of these highly coordinated, vicious crimes? No matter the harm to the victim?

Did you know, 18 US Code (sections) §241 and §242 prohibit conspiracy to deprive anyone of their Constitutional Rights? The first applies to civilians, the second to the authorities (you), who can indeed be held liable and prosecuted for failing to do their jobs. There are also RICO laws that apply. But Law Enforcement seems uninterested in this very unique crime. And some victims are even reporting being denied protection because their name is found on an “untouchables” list being kept by Law Enforcement outside normal file systems, such as in the car trunk of the duty officer, so that the illegal and treasonous Kill Lists will be out of public scrutiny. This is un-Constitutional. There is no exception. This is prohibited by 42 USC 1985 - Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights, and 18 USC 1510 - Obstructing a criminal investigation, conflict of interest roles in government. In so doing, you are skirting the victims' ability to gather evidence for potential criminal action against you.

According to Supreme Court rulings Marbury v. Madison, NO unconstitutional law is valid. According to Norton v. Shelby, following an unconstitutional law affords you NO protection from liability and prosecution.

Someone is telling your superiors to deny certain people their Constitutional Rights and ignore their persecution and murder by Federally-funded, ILLEGAL Death Squads, masquerading as Neighborhood Watch and other secret organizations like Infragard, run by DHS/FBI/Fusion Centers and paid tax dollars under-the-table by such contractors as Lockheed Martin. Your bosses are even making deals to accept bribe money for the department to get all the latest “cop toys” and maybe even for themselves, by marginalizing innocent people DHS needs to falsely and SECRETLY accuse of criminality or terrorism, in order to build up an un-American fascist police state on a fraudulent “threat” and on the destroyed lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people who have no idea why they are suddenly a caste of people being denied their basic rights by Law Enforcement and illegally warred upon by their own government and fellow citizens, using weapons of war like sophisticated gasses, poisons, radiological weapons, and electronic weapons (EW). 18 USC §2441 prohibits the Federal governments and agents thereof from committing acts of war upon unarmed, non-combatant civilians. Yet, you do nothing. You do not investigate, you do not consult experts, you do not get educated.

Did you know that Law Enforcement in many cases is actively engaged in repeated provocation and falsification of police reports at the behest of the FBI or Fusion Centers in order to protect the criminals and help frame their innocent victims? Did you know they are doing so partially to please DHS “partners” who own privatized prisons and mental institutions? Did you know that DHS is also registered as a “private for profit” business, and is buying up such entities? Clearly they want the prisons and mental health facilities filled to capacity and do not care how they do it. There is little difference in policies to provoke lashing-out or falsifying charges in order to arrest someone, and outright kidnapping, is there? Is that what you want to be a part of? Can you tell the difference between Law Enforcement in a free society and the Gestapo tactics from Nazi Germany?

Are you aware that the American government has a history of illegally experimenting on people incarcerated in such facilities? Very often killing them? Prisoners have been injected against their will with everything from devastating diseases to plutonium! Are you aware that the 8th Amendment of the Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment?

Do you realize that the Terrorist Watch List is purposely populated with hundreds of thousands of completely innocent Americans with NO terrorist leanings or contacts, much less any criminal record? And that these are the scapegoats you are helping DHS/FBI/Fusion Centers and their secret, unconstitutional civilian armies persecute, torture, and murder for the profit of criminals within the Federal Government? You see, people on the Watch List are declared nonhumans and contracts are sold on them to use them for lethal experimentation. The contracts are worth billions. (Can you spell, h-u-m-a-n t-r-a-f-f-i-c-k-i-n-g?) Did you go into Law Enforcement to help transition the USA from a free country into one of a subhuman, totalitarian predator and prey “society” (a dystopian nightmare)? Where YOU are used to facilitate heinous Human Rights Abuses against innocent citizens, including a large number of women and children, in order to aid and protect monstrous psychopaths, murderers, and pedophiles running abusive government?

Do you have a “Don’t care if it is right or wrong, just doing my job” mentality? The early 21st Century will be regarded as the Dark Ages of SHAMEFUL Law Enforcement BETRAYAL, when it ALLOWED hundreds of thousands of innocent people to be tortured and murdered under their noses. Now, ARE you an OATH KEEPER and PATRIOT who supports the PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH our country was FOUNDED? Or are you a thug for the New World Order, which has invaded, infiltrated, and usurped the US government in order to commit genocide – with your passive and active help? Are you the watchmen who fell asleep on the wall and allowed the USA to be destroyed from within?

DEMAND that your bosses STAND UP TO seditionist Feds such as the DHS FBI and Fusion Centers and TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY. DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. THERE IS NO SUCH PROVISION IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR AN ALMOST 20 YEAR “STATE OF EMERGENCY” WHERE THE CONSTITUTION CAN BE SUSPENDED! W A K E U P ! REFUSE TO SIT BACK AND ALLOW CROOKED FEDS TO TORTURE AND MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE FOR PROFIT IN THE BIGGEST HUMAN RIGHTS AND WAR CRIME SCANDAL IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA – THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST SCAM. Which is enveloping more and more innocent people every day, as you do nothing. Do you imagine you and your families are protected? No, you are not. When Communism takes over a country, millions die. We are in the last stage of the end coup, just before the slaughter plans of the Deep State DHS/FBI/Fusion Center are made public. 

Decide now to protect your country and your families or just sit back and surrender to evil because you were simply never up to the job of protecting anyone.

Karen Melton Stewart, NSA Intelligence Analyst, retired, with contributions from Ramola D, researcher, journalist, and chronicler, and significant legal research from B. Clark and T. Wellons.

Endorsed and supported by the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team:

Additional Information:

Law Enforcement, Community Policing


Air Force General Says They Need to Test DEWs on Humans


Americans Already Targeted with DEWs

FBI are Terrorists

FBI and FMJ on a roll of Domestic Terrorism

FBI Criminals

Anyone In The World Can Be Targeted

Satellite Murder



Murdering American Citizens

Historic Abuses

Corrupt Senate Oversight

Monday, July 23, 2018

Political Persecution & State Sponsored Terror in America: REPORTS by FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee



Behind-the-scenes at fbi National Academy is a veritable nightmare unleashed on the world by half wits and charlatans.

From my personal and professional experiences, I have deduced the following data:

The fbi National Academy (NA) at Quantico, Va., is a macabre kill and torture school for fbi, all police around the country and for other police globally.

No one analyzes the activities at NA because much of the teaching there focuses on how to kill, imprison and torture subjects and because all who enter are prescreened by fbi.

The NA is also a propaganda arm of the fbi and specializes in issuing misleading and false reports for public consumption.

The fbi cleverly releases the summary shown below regarding some of the behavioral topics taught at NA.

The programs are administered and taught mainly by fbi sociopaths. The students in the psychoanalytic classes are exclusively Special Agents of fbi because they learn from psychiatrists exactly how to take over minds, create mass murderers and program behavior that fbi can then use to torture, maim and kill the subject.

Fbi intelligence specialists and police attend many of these classes to learn the art of 'how to drive a person crazy'.

Here are a few of the topics taught by charlatans and fools at the 'murderers anonymous' school called fbi NA:

Terrorist Mindsets and Police Response, Countering Violent Extremism, Relational Policing Practices, Informatics and Emerging Technologies, Global Hostage-Taking, Applied Behavioral Science for Law Enforcement; Conflict and Crisis Management: Theory and Practice; Futuristics and Law Enforcement: Foreseeing, Managing, and Creating the 21st Century; Juvenile Crime and Behavior; Managing Death Investigations; Psycho-Social Behavior, Mindset, and Intelligence Trends of Violent Street and Prison Gangs; Spirituality, Wellness, and Vitality Issues in Law Enforcement Practices; Stress Management in Law Enforcement; Group Dynamics; Problem Solving/Crisis Intervention; Psychology of Perception and Memory; and Psychopathology

For more on my studies on fbi corruption and retardation see all of my papers on fbi subversion of law and society at  

Note the irony of the fbi's Evil minds research project where truly evil minds set out to 'increase the numbers and magnify the dangerousness' (Dr. Szasz) of presumed evil minds in the general population. The fbi's own evil minds create evil minds in a Frankenstein manner.

See my paper on fbi's future crime project and note that today through histological and genetic research & brain mapping (together with fbi extreme psychological operations) the fbi identifies 'criminal subjects' before they are born.



...secret federal state police coordinate a fraudulently contrived allegation against you with assistance of Senator John Cornyn, to come into your home to threaten you and your wife..., state and federal jack booted thugs also threaten and try to kill you


...your home is turned into quasi gas chamber where you are monitored and tortured with bio-chem-viral agents and DEW/ELF attacks...

...a variety of police join with fbi to send street thugs to provocatively commit assaults and battery on your person

(Bleier & Wilson)...

Fbi follows you around and tears up your car repeatedly, for decades, costing tens of thousands of dollars to repair... are treated as an international fugitive everywhere you go globally

(Thailand, Mexico, Japan, Dominican Republic); and you are assaulted with similar crimes... are threatened by local police when you try to report crimes against your person & property

(Detective Adrian Posada)...

...all of your former friends, colleagues and associates everywhere abandon you and you are rendered homeless, destitute, sad and confused after a lifetime of work and study...

...strangers come right up to you, in your face, to threaten and push you (with professional witnesses standing by to lie against you)... learn that federal magistrate judges and other judges meet ex parte with fbi to abuse civil process against you...

Then you know that you have arrived home in this new Nazi America, after defending your former country (USA) on the battlefield.

You also discover who you are without the social trappings of title, position and associations.

You awaken to your true purpose in life as a liberator of hearts and minds which are everywhere in chains.

Friday, July 20, 2018

MK Ultra: Firestorm of Public Controversy

"I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?"
--Captain George Hunter White, reflecting on his involvement in CIA MK Ultra, from a letter to fellow MK Ultra criminal perp, Sydney Gottlieb

Since April of this year I have been working on a series of podcasts with investigative journalist Ramola Dharmaraj , addressing a variety of issues, mostly related to CIA operations.

Our most recent podcast (#7) covers CIA's MK Ultra program, on which we plan to continue the discussion in future.

As a survivor of this black operation (among others), I have been writing and speaking publicly (radio, TV, lectures and print journalism) since 1995, one year after I left the operations. My knowledge of MK Ultra is based on a lifetime of personal and professional experience – and I do mean that literally. Born in 1951, to a family (both sides) of CIA/Military Intelligence, going back to OSS, my life was highjacked by the U.S. Government even before I was born.

Not only have I lived in the thick of these government operations, I have done decades of additional work, extensive research and investigations.

My reasons for the work I do are several and for me, compelling. I am a defender of liberty and the unalienable rights of the individual. I am an advocate of the most fundamental human rights, for one and all, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religious creed, or lack thereof, with the proviso that no one violates the rights of others.

And my primary agenda is simple: I want JUSTICE. Justice for the crimes, the atrocities, committed against me, against members of my family, against my friends and colleagues, against individuals anywhere and everywhere. More than that, justice for the betrayal of this nation by the God-hating lawless reprobates who are the enemies within the gates.

These enemies will not stop until they have utterly destroyed this nation – unless We the People stop them. This satanic cabal is hell bent on expunging our borders and abdicating our sovereignty, leaving us at the mercy of a totalitarian one world government.

No borders means no nation. No nation means no sovereignty. No sovereignty means no liberty. No liberty means no individual rights as bestowed by God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

The engineers of the plot for a globalist one-world utopian government seek to usurp YOUR natural, inherent, unalienable rights and reduce YOU, a living spirit, to a mindless, soulless drone in the hive. They aim to capture hearts and minds, by any means necessary.

Which brings me to the subject of this report: MK Ultra. Capture precedes control. Capture hearts and minds, control them. Gaining control, destroy them.

All those who vehemently oppose this New World Order will say, and MEAN it, with no compromises:


The focus of this report is to address some comments, all made in reference to Barbara Hartwell and/or the subjects I cover, those aired on Ramola's podcast.

Before I get to that, here is an excerpt from a report (2013) which provides a small amount of basic background.

CIA MK Ultra Program: The Ultimate Evil


As a general rule, I avoid reading stories about MK Ultra, or watching videos. First of all, my hyper-sensitivity makes it extremely painful and I don't need additional trauma in my life. Secondly, I recognize that many of the stories (told in print and on video) are created by the government, as propaganda and/or disinformation. This holds true for much of the testimony of those claiming to be "victims". Some are genuine, but I have found that many others are not. Some are simply repeating what they have been "programmed" to say, or believe; some are mentally unbalanced persons seeking public attention, who were never involved in MK Ultra, but perhaps were abused by unrelated perpetrators; some are outright liars, shills for the government.

And it's not as if I need any of the "information" presented by these sources – the vast body of reliable information and evidence I have compiled has come from many years of my direct personal/professional experience and investigations.

Speaking strictly for myself, in order for me to consider a case of CIA MK Ultra mind control genuine, I would have to either personally investigate the case, which usually takes years, and includes interviewing and/or debriefing the victim; or, I have to see material evidence which confirms what I know to be true about the methodology, the protocols, the ways and means the perpetrators utilize. I have never claimed to be an "authority" on mind control, nor have I ever been personally involved in any way in perpetrating mind control, while inside CIA (until 1994) or afterward.

However, among my most fundamental areas of expertise are counterintelligence operations; psychological profiling/debriefing and counseling of military/intelligence personnel, and analysis of intelligence. Moreover, I have debriefed quite a number of MK Ultra victims/survivors (mostly Special Forces involved in CIA black ops and CIA agents) over a period of many years, as well as counseling them as a Christian minister. I have never been involved in any form of standard "deprogramming" either as a subject or in a professional capacity.

As to my publishing of related information, I write and speak only about what I know as fact from personal/professional experience; there is no speculation involved. Much of my early training was under MK Ultra, but that was the limit of my involvement – as a victim.

Many who tout themselves as "authorities", "experts" and "deprogrammers" are planted among groups of mind control victims/survivors by the government for the purpose of "containing" the victims; some are merely charlatans eager to make a name for themselves, while bilking the clients (most of whom have been driven into poverty by their untenable circumstances) for their own gain. In any case, these unprincipled scavengers function not as true advocates or supporters of the victims, but rather as the latest handlers, who do additional damage to the already traumatized victims, and rather than helping them find the truth they are searching for, lead them astray by feeding them falsehoods.

There are a number of individuals who claim to be "exposing" CIA MK Ultra. Some claim to be "survivors", some claim they are "researchers". Some are legitimate, many are not. But in my considered professional opinion, as a survivor of MK Ultra, and as former CIA, trained in psychological operations, much of the information being "exposed" is government disinformation, widely disseminated on the Internet, often as part of a containment operation/protection racket.

The individuals who have been drawn into this net (aside from government agents/handlers) are a mixture of genuine victims/survivors (most of whom have not broken the programming), and government shills, all of whom, however, are following a "script" written and sanctioned by the government. This is why most of the "stories" sound so much alike, a 'cookie cutter' presentation, and there is little variation among individuals.

Consider, for example the so-called "Monarch" project. Monarch was never part of MK Ultra, never a CIA operation. There is no legitimate documentation of Monarch, nor any trustworthy, credible sources, not that I have ever encountered anywhere. Yet Monarch is promoted far and wide, cited as the standard government mind control operation under MK Ultra.

End excerpt

Now, to addressing selected comments, which come from the podcasts with Ramola. First, it is important for me to say that I personally do not solicit comments or questions from the general public. That is at the discretion of the person who owns/runs a website, or video channel or any other venue.

In cases where I choose to address these unsolicited comments from the public, it is usually because I think it will be useful or helpful to clarify my own information and the positions I hold; and/or because I find it important to refute falsehoods in connection with my name and/or the general subject matter, and to set the record straight. This I do only in my own reports, published on my site, not in the comment sections.

I do not engage in discussions, arguments or debates. As always, the reading/listening audience may make of my statements, which are for information purposes only, what they will.

All persons making comments who are using pseudonyms or screen names are considered by me to be “anonymous”. I do not attribute credibility to any person whose identity is hidden behind a screen name, or first name only, no matter what they have to say.

All that being said, on to the first anonymous comment.

"She says "it's not aliens, it's demons." Horse shit. She's pushing Operation Bluebeam and Aquarian Conspiracy crap. It's not aliens or demons, it's the CIA. They're using "demon" crap to frighten people who believe in God. They made my father see "demons" in his home when he had cancer, they terrified him. She's a Christian minister? I pity her flock. She must be terrifying them. Poor things."

On this issue, the anonymous commentator has made statements which are apparently based on speculation or false assumptions.

I am ordained as a Christian minister (1979). However, I am not a pastor of any church, nor do I have any sort of “flock”.

And no, my statements about demons do not come from “Operation Bluebeam or Aquarian Conspiracy crap”. I am familiar with these, through my own investigations, going back to the 1980s, but they bear no relevance to anything I have ever stated on Ramola's podcasts, or elsewhere.

Anyone who is a genuine Christian, who believes in God, who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, anyone who has the Holy Spirit, will certainly know the reality of demons. Many Christians today are adhering to a false gospel, as many pastors are not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather some form of New Age counterfeit, the doctrines of devils.

Any Christian who wants the truth needs to read the Bible, from cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation. Read the non-canonical extra-biblical texts. (Book of Enoch, especially.) Then decide for yourself if demons are real.

Now, on a seemingly related issue, this. Again, no identification of a person, only a screen name, Contact-Times.


"Look - if you think we're the only life in the Universe - you don't deserve to look into wider issues of (above) govt corruption.... Get over your hang-ups and "little green men" - it's so 1950s. ;-) (My feedback usually gets deleted here - despite being sane, humorous and supportive in wider context)"

It appears he/she is addressing me, rather than Ramola. These statements bear no relevance to anything I have ever actually said on Ramola's podcasts. “Hangups” and “little green men” were never mentioned by me; that is just stupid. I simply stated my opinion that the so-called “aliens” are not extraterrestrial, but rather interdimensional, and that they are demonic entities.

And who is he to decide what I – or any other person, for that matter-- should “deserve” to look into? How utterly arrogant and absurd!
Now, here comes this character, identifying herself (or perhaps himself, who can tell?) only as 'Rita'. She has shown up in the comment section of Ramola's podcasts, repeatedly, accusing me of being a “CIA disinfo agent”. She gushes with praise for Ted Gunderson, John DeCamp and Alex Jones, an obsequious toady to these liars.

Now, this anonymous coward, this belligerent ignoramus, decides to chime in again with this:


"We can all vet publicly. I say like Gerald Celente at [link removed] says politics is show business for ugly people "think for yourself" and buy gold."

What this has to do with anything I've said on the podcasts, I have no idea. It is totally irrelevant. As for thinking for yourself, it is very obvious she does not. She only parrots what others have said and cites them out of context.

And here, another character, who does not identify himself, responds to Rita:

Dan O:

"Rita, Ramola clearly hasnt done thorough research on Hartwell because I have been watching this saga with Hartwell and everyone else for 15 years and Ted has arsenic poison and I advise everyone to be very wary and check out the other point of view concerning her. There is so much controversy with her. BTW I am being told that Ramola has hidden quite a few of my comments, now hows that for someone who demands the truth and her right to speak out, well I have my right to Ramola. You cannot have it both ways, well I guess you can if thats what you are like."

So, there is controversy. So what? There is always controversy over any issue, this is not unique to my work.

He (or perhaps, she?) then accuses Ramola of “hiding” his comments. He demands his “right” to speak out. He is obviously of the mindset that Ramola is required to provide him with this “right”. As the administrator of the venue, it is her choice to allow him (or anyone else) to air his views – or not. But that does not stop him from speaking in any number of other venues.

Next comment from the anonymous coward, Rita:


"David Icke is a Premier trusted Cultural leader exposing deep state and teaching self empowerment. Why, academic question- Why would Hartwel want to smear Icke. Answer she was and is an old cia operation."

Now, she accuses me of “smearing” David Icke. So, according to this presumptuous fool, because I have stated my opinion about a well known public figure, whom I consider to be a charlatan and a propagandist (based on many years of investigations) this means I must be “an old cia operation”.

What could she possibly know about any CIA operations? What are her sources? As usual with these pretentious characters, who love to shoot off their mouths without identifying themselves, she is clueless.

Since she names David Icke as a “Premier trusted Cultural leader” (trusted by whom, that is the question), then the devil knows what other New Age gobbeldygook she subscribes to. Maybe she also believes in alien lizard people, who are masquerading as human, and that Jesus Christ did not exist, as claimed by Icke. Last I heard, this snake oil salesman was charging $10,000 (and that was back in the 90s) for his public lectures.

And just to make it clear on what I base my opinion, I have read his books, not because I would ever give him one red cent of my money, but only because they were given to me by persons who asked for my analysis of the material. I read. I analyzed. I drew my own conclusions.

I have also heard him speak at a conference on “mind control”, in Atlanta, Georgia (1997), where Ted Gunderson (a crony of Icke) was also a speaker. I was there on a press pass. Ted introduced me to Icke, at a restaurant where we were having dinner. I must say I made haste to depart from his company, and limited my words to hello and goodbye. Emphasis on goodbye.

So much for David Icke, the “teacher of self empowerment”, as touted by Rita.

But of course, Rita will not stop in her silly efforts to discredit Barbara Hartwell.


"Hartwell said in her first Ramola Interview "she heard from an 'unimpeachable source'" That John de Camp was " he him self was a pedophile." De Camp is a Historical corner stone in the early exposure of high government child trafficking. She heard from "unimpeachable source". Hartwell is garbage... further now Ramola is asking money to hear her sordid, sensational "confusing" "info" which is active cointelpro. I took the time to write this because I was a huge fan of Techno-Crime Fighters... credibility gone."

So now, as Rita continues defending her sacred cows (Gunderson, DeCamp, Jones, Icke) against the “smears” of Barbara Hartwell, she drags in yet another irrelevant notion: that Techo-Crime Fighters “credibility” is gone simply because of Ramola's interviews with me.

For the public record: I am not a member of Techno-Crime Fighters. I am not personally acquainted with any of its members, with the exception of Ramola. I have no affiliation with this group, nor any other organization which addresses the issues under discussion here.

So how this translates into a “credibility” issue for a group to which I do not belong and with which I am not affiliated, defies reason and logic. But then, reason and logic clearly have no place in the muddled mind of this malicious heckler, who is in possession of no facts, no evidence, no accurate information, and is too cowardly to shoot off her stupid mouth using her real name.

Here's an idea: Go back to the peanut gallery, little Miss Rita, where you may sit enthralled and zombified, and fill your mind (what's left of it) with more sensationalist trash from David Icke. You will be so “self-empowered” that you won't want to waste your time harassing legitimate journalists. Or, so one can hope...

Now, here is a legitimate question about David Icke:


"Hi Ramola and Barbara! Great work, Ladies! I came away from this one with a question that I had though. Can we get the nutshell version specifically what the disinformation is that Barbara is talking about that David Icke is passing and maybe some specific disinfo tactics being used?"

Which I hope I have answered, at least in part. I would only add that doing your own research is the only real way of reaching a conclusion. And that applies across the board, to the credibility of anyone's work, including mine.

Next, these comments from a person, Karen Romero, who appears to be using her real name and who also appears to be sincere.

Karen Romero:

"Mark Phillips died. I think a few years ago. He was Cathy Obrien's husband. He was DoD. He was not CIA nor DIA. However, he did work with both of those despicable acronym groups. Senator Byrd was Obrien's handler, not Mark Phillips. I was not a fan of Mark Phillips. However, Cathy Obrien is a different story than what Barbara is saying. Whether you call it Monarch or not she was abused in the most horrendous ways by the United States government. She did get total memory recall after her mind was intentionally fractured in despicable and unGodly ways. I really like Barbara, but I respectively and lovingly disagree with her about the Monarch program. Whether it was or wasn't a part of MK Ultra matters not. What does matter is Cathy Obrien and so many others were abused in the worse ways."

At the time of the podcast where I spoke of Mark Phillips, I was not aware that he had died. I later learned he had died in September, 2017. However, my statements stand. I was speaking historically, from my own experience and investigations.

I do not know what sources Ms. Romero is using, so I do not know if these statements are accurate. I should also make it clear that I do not consider either Mark Phillips or Cathy O'Brien to be reliable sources of information. Thus, I do not consider any of the information from their books (if that is the source) to be trustworthy.

The information I covered on the podcast in reference to Phillips and O'Brien, is only a fraction of what I have collected, based on a number of reliable sources.

As I stated, based on my investigations, it is my belief that Mark Phillips was in some way connected to CIA. I also have reason to believe that Phillips was in fact O'Brien's handler, whether or not there were others, as claimed by Ms. Romero. I stand by that statement as well.

As I stated on the podcast, Mark Phillips began sending e-mails to me some time in the late 1990s. I had never heard of him, nor Cathy O'Brien.

I did not elaborate, except to say that he was harassing me with unsolicited advice and that it was clear to me that his agenda was to attempt to draw me in to his containment operation, as I later learned he had done to a number of others.

What I did not state was that the e-mails were signed by both Phillips and O'Brien. Therefore, I hold both responsible for the content, despite the fact that in my opinion, Phillips was the instigator. If she was going along with him, for whatever reason, I still hold her accountable.

I no longer have the e-mails as evidence, but I do know what was said. As part of the unsolicited advice, I was encouraged to contact them, AS IF I needed their counsel, which I most certainly did not. I was also told what I “should” and “should not” be speaking of publicly. Especially, the government harassment against me, which I had exposed. How dare they!

I responded one time and one time only. I told Mark Phillips to mind his own business and stop his attempts to interfere with me. Cease and desist. Period.

That did not stop him. He continued harassing me by e-mail, then boasting about court cases they were involved in, claiming that I had no evidence for my case (how would he know?), and attempting to interrogate me about my case, trying to bait me into a response.

I do not respond to harassing e-mails, nor do I engage such aggressive persons in arguments. Except to direct them in no uncertain terms to cease and desist from such harassment.

Ms. Romero states:

"I... disagree with her about the Monarch program. Whether it was or wasn't a part of MK Ultra matters not. What does matter is Cathy Obrien and so many others were abused in the worse ways."

She is free to disagree, that is her prerogative, though her claims hold no weight with me. However, it DOES matter, a great deal, to me, because promotion of Monarch has been so damaging to genuine survivors of actual CIA operations under MK Ultra. Facts matter. The truth matters. As does the fact that the Monarch program is being falsely advertised as a CIA operation under MK Ultra.

That Cathy O'Brien was abused, I have very little doubt. But that is not the point. That does not give her, or Mark Phillips license to publicly taint genuine MK Ultra survivors of real CIA operations by tarring them with the brush of sex slaves and satanism.

I speak solely for myself, based on my own personal and professional experience. My name has been irrevocably damaged by the claims of the many promoters of Monarch, including Phillips and O'Brien.

There is no commonality and I am outraged by the extremely damaging false and defamatory information directed against me, for more than two decades. I intend to continue to fight these liars, these charlatans and shills, to clear my name of any and all outrageous falsehoods, or die trying.

Now, if anyone is still wondering why I do not have a public e-mail address, wonder no more.

I love peace and quiet. I am the most introverted person imaginable and a true recluse. I belong in a monastery in some remote location, no Internet, that would be fine with me. Some cats would suffice for company. That would be heaven on earth...

But here I am, still thankful for the blessings God has given me, for His saving grace, and praising His Holy Name.

Anyone who is truly interested in my case may find hundreds of reports available on this site. It is all free. Take it or leave it. Believe it or not. Make of it what you will.

Barbara Hartwell
July 20, 2018

Monday, July 16, 2018

Barbara Hartwell & Geral Sosbee Interviews with Ramola D: FBI & CIA Corruption & Criminality

NOTE: The You Tube channel associated with this podcast has been terminated. Those interested in the reports may do a search for other channels.


When Ramola first invited me to appear on her podcasts, both Geral Sosbee and I had hoped to be on an interview together. But given the level of sabotage of these podcasts, the technical nightmare created for Ramola, we have yet to try to make this happen, though I do hope that at some point we will.   

Geral and I have worked together for more than 17 years, exposing the criminality of FBI and CIA, including their campaigns of persecution against political Targets, whistleblowers and journalists. 

Though our personal and professional backgrounds differ widely, the counterintelligence operations against us have been very similar; in fact I have never personally known anyone whose experiences so closely paralleled my own.   

I consider Geral Sosbee to be by far the most important FBI whistleblower ever to have gone public. As documented on Geral's website, you may find numerous detailed reports which give specific information and hard evidence not to be found anywhere else. I have published much of his work on this site as well. 

And speaking of the FBI, I am very glad to see that they are now being exposed openly in mainstream media and that at least some of these characters, such as dirty cop and longtime Hillary fixer, Comey, and this hubristic reprobate, Peter Strzok, are in the spotlight.

Here, an excerpt from the New York Post:

"Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.

Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.

Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?"

Having watched the hearings, I could not agree more! What an absolute jerk! And yet, as Geral and I well know, there are many more FBI agents cast out of the same mold.

Geral has been exposing their massive criminality for decades, from direct insider knowledge, and yet it is only NOW coming out in the mainstream media?

Which only goes to show how Geral Sosbee's work, his valiant efforts in defense of liberty and unalienable rights, have been marginalized.

Here are links to the two most recent podcasts, mine and Geral's, along with Ramola's commentary.

Barbara Hartwell
July 16, 2018

Report #74: Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower on MK ULTRA Cover Ups

Focused and enlightening conversation with Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower on the subject of MK ULTRA, which she reports being a victim of, a Black Ops mind and behavior control experimentation program run by the CIA illegally and without consent on thousands of Americans and Canadians, including on her as a child, very early on in her childhood and in fact before her birth, and on the cover-up operations and false narratives surrounding it, as well as very specifically, the massive CIA slander and libel operations conducted against her for decades, to dismiss her witness and testimonial about this and other matters, which she had started to publish on her website.

Born into “an intergenerational military and Intelligence family” Barbara reports that she had no choice in the matter, she was chosen for this program without her consent, a program which she says started well before 1953, the official date, via the OSS, and the Nazis, and a program which was never discontinued even though the public declaration to that effect in the '70s after the Church Committee hearings is widely accepted as definitive—just as the story that Richard Helms, then CIA Director shredded 20,000 pages of MK ULTRA files leaving no records left is also accepted as the last word on the subject, nothing but a story, Barbara says, an official Cover narrative intended to silence further enquiry.

MK ULTRA's primary aim was to create the perfect spy, notes Barbara, and a variety of unethical means such as drugs, hypnosis, psychological assault, and trauma were used to press home this intention.

Espionage went hand in hand with Exploitation; the CIA has been used to exploiting people for a variety of outcomes, she notes, primarily in harvesting of their true potential and varied talents. Especially interesting is the distinction she draws between MK ULTRA and what has come to be known as the Monarch program and the creation of sex slaves or “Presidential models” or beta programming, which has risen to public awareness through the testimonials of Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor, among others.

Noting that while she cannot comment on this kind of programming and does not state it does not exist, this was not her own experience, yet efforts by many, including the involvement of Ted Gunderson, top FBI agent who turned out to be a CIA spook and Containment Operative—as she has delineated in our earlier conversations—have aimed at including her in a sensationalist way in this group.

Monarch was not a CIA operation,” she says, “Monarch was not a part of MK ULTRA. That's the story that's out there.” Barbara also names Mark Phillips, widely known as the rescuer of Cathy O' Brien as per Cathy O'Brien's own declarations, as a CIA handler who sought to include herself, Barbara, in his containment operations.

Among the egregious acts of slander directed against her, Barbara delves briefly into the issue of a video interview shot with Ted Gunderson, Brice Taylor aka Susan Ford, and Chip Tatum in the late '90s for Chicago Health Television, which was never aired, but eventually floated out and remains on the Internet as a bootlegged copy arranged by John Gentry, a “sidekick of Ted Gunderson's” who had separately recorded the interviews, but never obtained her consent to publish.

This video was incorporated into Susan Ford's video titled “Mind Control Goes Public” which Barbara states is a CIA propaganda film—and projects the notion that MK ULTRA was all about sex slavery and Satanism, which she says is a misdirecting maneuver (“It makes a circus out of it”), intended to distract people's attention from “the real purposes of what this program was designed to do” and hides the real harm involved. And was all this a part of the deprecation and dismissal and discrediting operations aimed at minimizing her testimonial as a former CIA counter-intelligence officer reporting childhood exploitation as a non-consensual MK ULTRA victim and delineating what MK ULTRA was all about?

Barbara illustrates with care how various figures in the planted-media—including Doug Millar and Clarence Malcolm--assisted in this public teardown and false-narrative-creation operation, labeling her a lying “CIA Disinfo Agent” and a mind-control victim who cannot be trusted, subjects she promises to expand on further in our next, upcoming podcast.

Please support these ongoing conversations which bring alive in the current day the very important voice of a CIA woman whistleblower whose testimonial and insights are vital to the understanding of the Deeply Lawless State.

Please visit Barbara Hartwell's website for more information.

Report # 75: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower/Podcast 3: Endless and Criminal FBI Retaliation

Conversation with Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower on the subject of endless, harassive, criminal retaliation by the FBI which has variously pushed this special agent and Vietnam War veteran, also college professor, judge, and whistleblower with integrity into conditions of extreme poverty, social ostracism, blacklisting, employment sabotage, COINTELPRO persecution, as well as surveillance abuse with EMF/Neurotech weaponry--being reported by thousands in the USA and worldwide--which cause sleep-deprivation, high stress, and health damage.

We discuss public facades the FBI uses in corporate, Govt media and secretive, covert COINTELPRO which essentially works as medieval, feudal persecution of targets. Geral takes us through articles and websites--screen-shares point to Web locations.

Geral's information is vital to a current understanding of who exactly the FBI is, how they operate, and why they are engaging in targeting, pursuit, persecution, and harassment of people with integrity who speak out against corruption, criminality, waste, and abuse.

Essentially, we are all being educated in the current-day corruption and criminality endemic inside this and other Justice organizations in the US. Geral's sites: