Thursday, July 26, 2018

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton Stewart LETTER TO LAW ENFORCEMENT: Oath Keepers or Oath Breakers?

NOTE: Published with permission from Karen Melton Stewart.

I had some difficulty with formatting from the original, where emphasis using colors, underlining and various text sizes could not be preserved. Any errors are mine. However, to the best of my ability, the letter is otherwise in its original form.

Please disseminate widely. For both detail and overview this letter is as good as it gets in explicating the subject matter in a way anyone can understand.

Barbara Hartwell
July 26, 2018




You struggle with getting respect from the public you supposedly risk your lives to protect. You think it unfair, but you carry on. And some of you indeed lose your lives helping the public. You serve and protect the grateful as well as the ingrates alike. It’s part of your job, equal protection under the law.
What if I told you however, that one set of people has every right to resent, even hate you? EVERY RIGHT? One set of people has every right to view you as the enemy, as enablers of sheer evil and raw criminality the likes of which the world has NEVER seen before, largely because you sold out?

What if I told you that your utter refusal to afford them equal protection under the law was not only unconstitutional and illegal, but inexcusably contemptible, depraved, and treasonous? Presumably the opposite of why you went into law enforcement, hmmm? Are you protectors or bullies? Choose.

What if I told you that these certain people across the board, report the same abuse from you no matter where in the country they are? They report being ignored, insulted, mocked, abused and even set-up to be committed or incarcerated when their only “crime” is reporting crime? Begging for help.

Who told you that you were allowed to DISCRIMINATE against “certain people” and just allow them to be viciously targeted for on-going daily slander, harassing, stalking, and blacklisting campaigns by civilian vigilantes, and subjected to on-going vandalism; pet abuse: theft, murder, mutilation; computer hacking; phone hacking; postal mail and package tampering and theft; home break-ins; ID theft; credit card theft; bank account theft; car vandalism; multiple car accident set-ups to destroy property and cause continued financial loss, as well as assaults by various cowardly means such as gasses, poisons, and new covert technology called Electronic War Weaponry (brought back from use in Iraq and Afghanistan and secretly turned on innocent Americans)? Federal law 10 US Code §950t (2) forbids attacking non-combatant civilians with weapons of war. Only a rogue, criminal government would do that, meaning, an ILLEGITIMATE government operating CONTRARY to its citizens' best interests. Are you OK with that?

Do you know by what “criteria” these certain people are chosen for slander, torture, and extermination (and asset stripping)? Here is a sampling:

Random, i.e., wrong place, wrong time;

Vulnerable (such as single or widowed, older women);



Ex-spouses/lovers or women who said, “no”;


Anyone an insider has a grudge against, imagined or real;


The Elderly.

Do these sound like people who should be on the Terrorist Watch List? Well, they are. They are specifically on the NON-Investigative Subjects (NIS), Code 4 Silent KILL List, as specified by the dubious FBI and corroborated by an ACLU FOIA to them. Let that sink in, NO INVESTIGATION, just ASSASSINATION. NO DUE PROCESS, NO 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Ever hear of COINTELPRO? It was an illegal program run by the FBI to murder Civil Rights and Women’s Rights leaders in the mid-20th Century. The Senate Church Committee condemned it and forbade that the FBI “ever war on the American people again”. But they are at it again. They likely never stopped. But 9/11 was certainly a boon for them to expand and renew COINTELPRO.

Do you have “non-lethal weapons”? Then you are familiar with the principles of Electronic Weapons. They do exist, you have some. Yet you are told to pretend such devices are mythical, make-believe, nonexistent. And that a person is delusional or crazy to report being assaulted by people misusing them. Were you not warned that even non-lethal weapons can be lethal? Especially if abused and misused? Not merely do you have and use these non-lethals and less-lethals, you know that Defense & Air Force contracts with big Defense contractors are being run in your town, testing these Directed Energy Weapons on Americans. You know that Top Secret Highly Classified Federal programs are being run in your city and county; some of you have seen the fake Terrorist Watch Lists passed on to the CIA, so these Americans can be neuro-experimented-on, covertly implanted, and tortured with Voice to Skull (aka the Voice of God weapon the military so proudly revealed in Iraq), remote electroshocks, and Nervous System assault. These are the people you've been trained to call delusional, so no-one will believe them when they report Crimes Against Humanity being committed on their bodies and brains. 18 USC §2441 prohibits the Federal governments and agents thereof from committing Acts of War upon unarmed, non-combatant civilians.

According to Executive Order 13606, all those who conduct or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Evil, Rogue State Actors or sympathizers or terrorist infiltrators working against the American people and public at large, by the definition in (section) §7, to include transmission and display. So are those using information and communications technology to commit serious and grave human rights abuses, in violation of the Counterfeit access device fraud and Computer Abuse Act of 1984. This defines “electronic harassment,” which can be lethal.

If a person or several people aimed a radar gun, or several, at your home and family 24/7, would you allow that, knowing radar guns can cause cancer with over-exposure? Yet, when civilians complain of being assaulted with demonstrably similar electronic devices by others, they are ignored? This is the legal definition of “Willful Blindness Doctrine,” the purposeful attempt to stay ignorant of pertinent facts to avoid civil or criminal liability. The crime-fraud exception law may also be applicable in regard to the withholding of equal protection under the law to facilitate yet more Human Rights Crimes by the perpetrators (under color of law). These weapons, which we have established that Law Enforcement by and large knows about, cause Cancer, bleeding in the brain, strokes, high blood pressure, internal and external burns, eye damage, hearing damage, brain damage, autoimmune disease, joint disease, organ failure, etc. 50 USC Ch 40, §2301 Congressional Findings clearly states that Congress recognizes that chemical, biological, radiological and other (electronic) weapons of mass destruction are now capable of being made by domestic terrorists and criminals. So are you stupid or just cowardly hypocrites? So THIS is the ONLY crime you refuse to deal with? You sanction this crime?

Who told you that ONLY one-person stalking was against the law BUT NOT premeditated, multi-person stalking and harassment, so you could ignore ALL of these highly coordinated, vicious crimes? No matter the harm to the victim?

Did you know, 18 US Code (sections) §241 and §242 prohibit conspiracy to deprive anyone of their Constitutional Rights? The first applies to civilians, the second to the authorities (you), who can indeed be held liable and prosecuted for failing to do their jobs. There are also RICO laws that apply. But Law Enforcement seems uninterested in this very unique crime. And some victims are even reporting being denied protection because their name is found on an “untouchables” list being kept by Law Enforcement outside normal file systems, such as in the car trunk of the duty officer, so that the illegal and treasonous Kill Lists will be out of public scrutiny. This is un-Constitutional. There is no exception. This is prohibited by 42 USC 1985 - Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights, and 18 USC 1510 - Obstructing a criminal investigation, conflict of interest roles in government. In so doing, you are skirting the victims' ability to gather evidence for potential criminal action against you.

According to Supreme Court rulings Marbury v. Madison, NO unconstitutional law is valid. According to Norton v. Shelby, following an unconstitutional law affords you NO protection from liability and prosecution.

Someone is telling your superiors to deny certain people their Constitutional Rights and ignore their persecution and murder by Federally-funded, ILLEGAL Death Squads, masquerading as Neighborhood Watch and other secret organizations like Infragard, run by DHS/FBI/Fusion Centers and paid tax dollars under-the-table by such contractors as Lockheed Martin. Your bosses are even making deals to accept bribe money for the department to get all the latest “cop toys” and maybe even for themselves, by marginalizing innocent people DHS needs to falsely and SECRETLY accuse of criminality or terrorism, in order to build up an un-American fascist police state on a fraudulent “threat” and on the destroyed lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people who have no idea why they are suddenly a caste of people being denied their basic rights by Law Enforcement and illegally warred upon by their own government and fellow citizens, using weapons of war like sophisticated gasses, poisons, radiological weapons, and electronic weapons (EW). 18 USC §2441 prohibits the Federal governments and agents thereof from committing acts of war upon unarmed, non-combatant civilians. Yet, you do nothing. You do not investigate, you do not consult experts, you do not get educated.

Did you know that Law Enforcement in many cases is actively engaged in repeated provocation and falsification of police reports at the behest of the FBI or Fusion Centers in order to protect the criminals and help frame their innocent victims? Did you know they are doing so partially to please DHS “partners” who own privatized prisons and mental institutions? Did you know that DHS is also registered as a “private for profit” business, and is buying up such entities? Clearly they want the prisons and mental health facilities filled to capacity and do not care how they do it. There is little difference in policies to provoke lashing-out or falsifying charges in order to arrest someone, and outright kidnapping, is there? Is that what you want to be a part of? Can you tell the difference between Law Enforcement in a free society and the Gestapo tactics from Nazi Germany?

Are you aware that the American government has a history of illegally experimenting on people incarcerated in such facilities? Very often killing them? Prisoners have been injected against their will with everything from devastating diseases to plutonium! Are you aware that the 8th Amendment of the Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment?

Do you realize that the Terrorist Watch List is purposely populated with hundreds of thousands of completely innocent Americans with NO terrorist leanings or contacts, much less any criminal record? And that these are the scapegoats you are helping DHS/FBI/Fusion Centers and their secret, unconstitutional civilian armies persecute, torture, and murder for the profit of criminals within the Federal Government? You see, people on the Watch List are declared nonhumans and contracts are sold on them to use them for lethal experimentation. The contracts are worth billions. (Can you spell, h-u-m-a-n t-r-a-f-f-i-c-k-i-n-g?) Did you go into Law Enforcement to help transition the USA from a free country into one of a subhuman, totalitarian predator and prey “society” (a dystopian nightmare)? Where YOU are used to facilitate heinous Human Rights Abuses against innocent citizens, including a large number of women and children, in order to aid and protect monstrous psychopaths, murderers, and pedophiles running abusive government?

Do you have a “Don’t care if it is right or wrong, just doing my job” mentality? The early 21st Century will be regarded as the Dark Ages of SHAMEFUL Law Enforcement BETRAYAL, when it ALLOWED hundreds of thousands of innocent people to be tortured and murdered under their noses. Now, ARE you an OATH KEEPER and PATRIOT who supports the PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH our country was FOUNDED? Or are you a thug for the New World Order, which has invaded, infiltrated, and usurped the US government in order to commit genocide – with your passive and active help? Are you the watchmen who fell asleep on the wall and allowed the USA to be destroyed from within?

DEMAND that your bosses STAND UP TO seditionist Feds such as the DHS FBI and Fusion Centers and TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY. DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. THERE IS NO SUCH PROVISION IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR AN ALMOST 20 YEAR “STATE OF EMERGENCY” WHERE THE CONSTITUTION CAN BE SUSPENDED! W A K E U P ! REFUSE TO SIT BACK AND ALLOW CROOKED FEDS TO TORTURE AND MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE FOR PROFIT IN THE BIGGEST HUMAN RIGHTS AND WAR CRIME SCANDAL IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA – THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST SCAM. Which is enveloping more and more innocent people every day, as you do nothing. Do you imagine you and your families are protected? No, you are not. When Communism takes over a country, millions die. We are in the last stage of the end coup, just before the slaughter plans of the Deep State DHS/FBI/Fusion Center are made public. 

Decide now to protect your country and your families or just sit back and surrender to evil because you were simply never up to the job of protecting anyone.

Karen Melton Stewart, NSA Intelligence Analyst, retired, with contributions from Ramola D, researcher, journalist, and chronicler, and significant legal research from B. Clark and T. Wellons.

Endorsed and supported by the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team:

Additional Information:

Law Enforcement, Community Policing


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Americans Already Targeted with DEWs

FBI are Terrorists

FBI and FMJ on a roll of Domestic Terrorism

FBI Criminals

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Murdering American Citizens

Historic Abuses

Corrupt Senate Oversight