Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Howard Nemaizer, Advocate of Demonic Blasphemy: "On a Mission from God"


"Indeed, you can say, I am on a mission from God."

Howard Nemaizer

Howard Nemaizer aka Howard Nema, an extremely aggressive and ambitious individual, in pursuit of his self-serving ends, has exploited the name and website of Barbara Hartwell, since 2012, and grossly misrepresented my name, in attempts to make a name for himself, at my expense.

Nemaizer has promoted numerous libelous falsehoods against Barbara Hartwell. He and his wife, Maureen Nemaizer, have engaged in monstrous invasions of privacy against me and members of my family. The demonic lies of Howard Nemaizer have been promoted by accomplices such as Ken Adachi ('Educate-Yourself') and Todd Brendan Fahey ('Friends of Liberty'), his fellow demonic liars, and longtime enemies of Barbara Hartwell.

Howard Nemaizer has published articles, calling Barbara Hartwell “evil and wicked”. He has made false claims that I am a “sociopath”, a “coward”, a “CIA operative”, a “con artist”, a “liar”. He has claimed that I am “mentally ill”, and that I have published “compulsive lies and attacks” against him.

His wife, Maureen Nemaizer, has made claims that Barbara Hartwell is “the devil”. She has harassed my family with malicious gossip and outrageous lies.

The Nemaizers are directly responsible for extreme and severe material losses and damages, and for inflicting willful emotional distress, pain and suffering.

I do not have the resources to sue the Nemaizers. But I do have the ability to expose them, to stand in my own defense, to refute their outrageous lies with the truth and the facts, and to warn others who might be targeted by their odious schemes.

The Nemaizers have been heavily involved in the heavy metal devil worship culture, for many years. They publicly promote Black Sabbath, Ronnie James Dio, and so-called “tribute bands”, such as Lady Evil.
They attend events where Satan is worshiped and where Bibles are burned onstage, as part of the show.

Now, imagine this: What if you are a devout Christian of many years (as I am), and someone (in this case, Howard Nemaizer) was promoting and exploiting YOUR name (along with copious false information) on the same websites with his devil-worship icons, his anti-Christ spirit?

Would you be righteously outraged? Would you seek justice? Would you want to warn others of the plots of these scheming liars?

I can only speak for myself, as a Christian minister and believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But I pray that others will also see the truth. Here is just a small sample of Nemaizer's vile blasphemy, for those with eyes to see, ears to hear.

Here are excerpts from an article on Howard Nemaizer's website, Howard Nema dot com.



"Cooper routinely chopped up baby dolls on stage during his concerts in a mock ritualized Satanic child sacrifice and used blood, gore, serpents and guillotines in his act.

Despite continuing to record and tour with his theatrical horror show, Cooper confesses:

"My life is dedicated to follow Christ."

As a musician myself, whose first real hero and inspiration was Satanist and Aleister Crowley disciple Jimmy Page, I can certainly relate.

I am certainly not a born again Christian or anything like that. I live a secular life. Yes, I play guitar, listen to and perform rock music, but like Alice Cooper, I also serve the Lord.

Jesus Christ is my savior, but I belong to no church or any organized religion of any sort because they have all been infiltrated at the highest levels by hypocrites, liars and most importantly, Satanists.

My faith in God is strong, impervious. Sadly, I cannot say the same for any organized religion, especially those who preach hate, murder and ritual sacrifice.

Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them – Revelation 2:9

In fact, my goal is to expose the hypocrisy of all organized religion and help to awaken humanity to the many evils of the New World Order.

Indeed, you can say, I am on a mission from God."



Well, where to begin, in addressing Nemaizer's profound ignorance and flagrant blasphemy?

Let's start with this.
"Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them – Revelation 2:9"

Howard Nemaizer gives a quote from scripture. He attributes this quote to:  

Revelation 2:9

But, as usual, he has got it all wrong. This is in fact from Ephesians 5:11.

Here is the actual verse from Revelation 2:9:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Howard Nemaizer claims he is on a “mission from God”.

That statement alone, after reading his blasphemous and self-congratulatory claims, would cause any true Christian, any person with spiritual discernment, to understand, beyond any shadow of doubt, what kind of person would make such a grandiose claim.

He is an apologist for every manner of demonic activity, including that Alice Cooper "chopped up baby dolls on stage during his concerts in a mock ritualized Satanic child sacrifice and used blood, gore, serpents and guillotines in his act."

No problem, according to Howard Nemaizer. All this satanic filth is fine and dandy, because his icon, Alice Cooper, claims that:

"My life is dedicated to follow Christ."

What Christian could possibly believe such a blasphemous falsehood?

Then, Nemaizer states:

"I am certainly not a born again Christian or anything like that. I live a secular life. Yes, I play guitar, listen to and perform rock music, but like Alice Cooper, I also serve the Lord."

No indeed, Howard Nemaizer is most certainly not a “born again Christian”. He is not any kind of Christian at all.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:3

And he claims, “like Alice Cooper, I also serve the Lord”.

Nemaizer states:

"Jesus Christ is my savior, but I belong to no church or any organized religion of any sort because they have all been infiltrated at the highest levels by hypocrites, liars and most importantly, Satanists."

Nemaizer, who is by his own admission, not “born again”, and while promoting satanic activity, denounces “hypocrites, liars and most importantly, Satanists”. And he claims to “serve the Lord”?

Clearly, Howard Nemaizer knows absolutely nothing about the Bible, about the Christian faith, nor about Jesus Christ.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Matthew 7:21-23

Howard Nemaizer then claims:

"My faith in God is strong, impervious. Sadly, I cannot say the same for any organized religion, especially those who preach hate, murder and ritual sacrifice."

So, Howard Nemaizer, whose faith in God is, according to him, “strong and impervious”, glibly promotes and participates in a satanic culture, but sees no problem, no hypocrisy, no works of iniquity, in his own words and actions.

Which “god” does Howard Nemaizer serve?

His “mission” should be crystal clear.

By his fruits shall you know him.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Target of Demonic Blasphemers
January 31, 2018


Mob of Busybodies Conduct Witch Hunt on Facebook


The Devil Made Me Do It (?): Howard and Maureen Nemaizers' Anti-Christ Spirit

And, just as one example of the type of satanic imagery the entire Nemaizer family promotes, see:  

Also, do a google search for Nemaizer's idol, Alice Cooper, and see the images. I don't want this filth on my website. But decide for yourself: Is Alice Cooper a "follower of Jesus Christ"?

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

Psalm 101:3

Also see:

Is Alice Cooper a Genuine Born Again Christian?


"Is Alice Cooper a genuine born-again Christian? Absolutely not! Alice Cooper is as unsaved as the Devil himself.

"Alice Cooper is a very wicked man and will split Hell wide open when he dies, the very thing that he claims to fear. Alice said he got saved because he was afraid of going to Hell. The Holy Bible calls Alice Cooper is total liar in Psalms 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.” Those who live in open sin do not fear God. If they did, they would obey Him."

Speaking of Alice Cooper's false testimony:

"What a bunch of bullcrap! Ladies and gentleman, you just read the testimony of a religious unsaved man who is doing much to harm Christianity every day of his life. Alice Cooper travels all around the world glorifying Satan with his music. Rock music has always been the Devil's music."


Howard Nemaizer is listed as the “band manager” of a group called 'American Amnesia'. In a search, I found a number of entries.

The members are listed as: Patrick Nemaizer; Sam Cesnak; Tator Simmons, as well as Howard Nemaizer himself.

Here are a few of the links, all of which are evidence of the satanic nature of those involved.

See member of 'American Amnesia' flashing the devil-horn sign in this photo:

Here, one Sam Cesnak, using the number of the beast, 666, in his public contact info, in connection with 'American Amnesia'.

Sam Cesnak 666:

Maureen Nemaizer, whom I have exposed as a devil worshiper, had removed an entry citing her as a fan of a group called 'Lady Evil', after she was exposed in my reports.


The original entry (above) was removed by Maureen Nemaizer. Click to see evidence.

However, I was able to find another entry as evidence that Maureen Nemaizer is a fan of 'Lady Evil'.


And check out 'Lady Evil'. A fat woman in tight clothing, shaking her girth across a stage, backed by glaring lights....disgusting!

Aside from the hideous visual assualt, this is not "music". It is merely cacophony, with vile lyrics which encourage the fans (all pumping their hands with the devil-horns in the air) to engage in every manner of perversion.

The Nemaizers, as far as I can see, are 'rocking' their way down the Highway to Hell, unrepentant and arrogant, while attempting to cover their true nature with lies and defamation of those who have exposed them.

And what of those who are “following” them and “liking” them, on Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc.

I would not like to see anyone so misguided as to be caught in the snares of the devil, falsely believing that this evil culture is 'cool', and that Hell is a 'fun' place. But that is exactly what characters like this would encourage you to believe.

Aside from detesting the utterly demonic nature of what they promote and participate in, I am absolutely OUTRAGED that MY NAME is being exploited, grossly misrepresented and defamed by these devil worshipers and their accomplices.

May God's swift and terrible justice be visited upon them all – the sooner the better.