Saturday, April 2, 2011

Barbara Hartwell on The Jenny Hatch Show: April Fools

Jenny Hatch

NOTICE (April 26) 

This program was sabotaged by fed hackers. Please see this link for details and to listen to entire show:

On this hour long two-part show, April 1, 2011, Jenny Hatch interviews Barbara Hartwell. Our main topic for discussion: Tactics used by the government to neutralize journalists and whistleblowers.

We cover assaults on persons and their environment with chemical/biological warfare; directed energy (electromagnetic) weapons; libel/slander campaigns and threats/stalking by malicious minions of the COINTELPRO.

We also discuss the case of former FBI agent and whistleblower Geral Sosbee, who has been assaulted with every tactic imaginable in efforts by the FBI and CIA to neutralize him.

And yes, we name names of some of the perps!

Please listen, and find out why we decided to call this show "April Fools". 
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA