Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sherry Peel Jackson Released from Prison, Needs Our Support

From Colin Jackson

I just wanted go give you a quick update.  I picked Sherry up from Coleman, FL prison and took her to a halfway house on Feb. 15th.  She's still there as of today. She already has a job working at our church and we're praying that she'll only be at the halfway house for a few weeks; no later than March.        

We need help.  Our church is going through a severe financial crisis because of the economy.  Sherry has to have a minimum "wage" of $7.25.  That's about $290 per week.  Please, forward this email to anyone who may care about us and could help us come up with this amount for the next few weeks.  We're praying that it won't be too long.        

If you can, please send support to:      

Colin Jackson / 1560 Fieldgreen Overlook / Stone Mountain, Georgia / 30088     

Thank you so much, in advance, for your help and for caring about us throughout this whole ordeal.  God bless you.   

In Christ, Colin (Sherry's husband)

From Larken Rose

Another political prisoner is on her way home. Sherry Peel Jackson, former IRS agent, truth-teller and courageous woman, is now out of prison and at “halfway house.” (For those who don’t know, “halfway house” is just about the most idiotic, obnoxious, unpleasant, counter-productive mechanism you can imagine for the supposed purpose of helping people transition back into society from prison.) With any luck, Sherry will be on “home confinement” soon, if she’s not already. I’m not sure when she’ll be finished with the whole ordeal.

Sherry deserves more support than we can possibly ever give her. Nothing will give her that chunk of her life back, or make up for the damage done by the control freaks who did this to her. But we can at least give her and her family some words of support and a few dollars. Luckily, most of us will never really know what it was like for Sherry to have to go through that, for having dared to tell the truth. The price she paid cannot be measured just in time and money, believe me.

If you want to donate to Sherry’s family by PayPal, you can just send funds directly to 

Or, if you want to send funds, letters, gifts, whatever, by snail mail, use this address:

Colin Jackson
1560 Fieldgreen Overlook
Stone Mountain, GA 30088

By the way, if you think some donation is too small to be worth making, make it anyway. If everyone who gets this message sent one wimpy little dollar, Sherry’s family would get several thousand dollars. And don’t tell me you can’t spare one dang dollar for a returning political prisoner. I’m dang near destitute, and she’ll be getting more than a buck from me. If you can do a lot, great. If you can help a little, help a little. Trust me on this: from Sherry’s  perspective, each dollar won’t just be a financial thing; it will be a message that what she did, and who she is, have not been forgotten.


Larken Rose 
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA