Tuesday, April 27, 2010

James F. Marino on God-given Rights & Agents of Satan


Today I posted this report, which once again exposed James F. Marino, a malicious liar and government stooge who has been attacking Barbara Hartwell since 2007.

Within minutes of my report being posted, Marino changed some of the text in his article, the title of which is:

"CIA Disinfo Agent Barbara [X] Hartwell Also Exposed As An FBI Provocateur Who Aids & Abets The FBI COINTELPRO Against This Author"

Marino does this on a regular basis, adding or subtracting from his articles, reacting like a robot, trying to cover himself, every time his ignorance and his lies are exposed.

In fact, Marino is just a busybody, a gate-crasher and name-dropper who scavenges from the ideas and the writings of others.  He is a copy cat who skirts the boundaries of plagiarism.  He is a weather vane, who in his ignorance, changes his stories to suit his own self-serving agenda.

Whenever he is exposed, he reacts. There is no consistency, and no truth; he contradicts himself and changes his story to suit his latest lies.

Don't be fooled: The FBI (or CIA, or NSA, etc.) could not be bothered with the nonsense being promoted by the likes of James F. Marino. He is no "target", he is just a useless nobody seeking attention, and they could not care less if this stooge "remains alive". This freak, in his delusional paranoia, only serves to muddy the waters.

Here's the latest from Marino:

"The FBI has far too much lose if this author remains alive, given that the FBI's crimes against my person are amongst the worst violations of the U.S. Bill of Rights ever documented, and a further indictment of the dictatorship which furtively controls the United States of America. The FBI's agents of Satan are torturers and murderers who excuse their own outrageous criminality, while attempting to covertly torture and murder those whom they target for some form of COINTELPRO sting. Such incarnated evil brings to mind the most despicable tyrants in human history. And the FBI has now comfortably secured its place amongst such evil."

For the truth (and plenty of evidence) about Marino, see these reports:

Corrrecting Misinformation and Retracting Recommendation: James F. Marino

Refuting Libelous Falsehoods and Other Nonsense from James F. Marino

James F. Marino's Rampage of Libel

Black Propaganda, Liars for Hire and Useless Idiots: Spotlight on Ken Adachi and James F. Marino

James F. Marino: Useless Idiot

James F. Marino: Communist Traitor and Supporter of Barack Hussein Obama

James F. Marino Aids and Abets COINTELPRO and Criminal Conspiracy

James F. Marino: By his fruits shall you know him.
James F. Marino is a despicable little man, a typical coward who has been libeling Barbara Hartwell since August, 2007, when I exposed his profound  ignorance on the subjects he claims to be "exposing",  his communist sympathies, and his support of Barack Hussein Obama.

Marino is a government stooge who has bought into the political rhetoric of Obama, and is now desperately trying to cover his tracks (the tracks of his own ignorance and stupidity) by calling Barbara Hartwell a "liar", and a "snitch", among other epithets.

Marino's assaults on Barbara Hartwell have become increasingly vitriolic --but lacking any evidence for his libelous falsehoods, he resorts to the tools of all cowards and liars:

1) Parroting the lies of the enemies of his target, Barbara Hartwell.

Marino claims I am CIA and also working for the FBI. On his website he is promoting the outrageous lies of various government-sponsored criminals and stooges (including Todd Brendan Fahey, Ken Adachi, Tim White, "Xena Carpenter", Aaron James et al) who claim, among other lies, that I am: a "CIA agent" and a "lying whore".

2) Engaging in wild speculation, which he presents as if it were based on facts.

Marino knows absolutely nothing about Barbara Hartwell, and lacking factual information, like other morons of his ilk, he speculates, throwing mud and hoping that some of it will stick.

3) Fabricating his own outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell, in the hope that the public will believe them. 

Marino is a grossly ignorant, self-important mudslinger, a useless idiot with nothing better to do with his time than demonize legitimate whistleblowers and patriots for his own self-aggrandizement.

Marino has not furnished even one piece of evidence, at any time, to substantiate any of the libelous falsehoods (whether his own or those fabricated by others) he is aggressively promoting. Fact is, there is no such evidence, so the lies are all that will ever be on offer from this belligerent and cowardly ignoramus.

Just today, Marino posted another pack of outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell on the front page of his website.  Since there's nothing much here that is new, but only variations on the theme of Marino's paranoid conspiracy theories, fueled by his spiteful ignorance, and since I don't have the time to refute all his lies, I offer only this excerpt.

Following that, I offer evidence to substantiate my claims regarding Marino, taken from previous reports exposing him. Note that, unlike Marino, I present not speculation, not lies, but Marino's own words, which discredit him with no help from me.

I have deleted only the use of a false name (parroted from Marino's fellow liars and stooges) which Marino is using to identify Barbara Hartwell.


"Editor's Note: The FBI recently disables the link to the following post regarding CIA disinformation lowlife Barbara [X] Hartwell; who also aids and abets the FBI in its COINTELPRO attack against this author. [X] Hartwell is a religious fanatic who claims to have conversations with God, and who brandishes religion as a weapon; a pathological liar who continues to con the public out of money, while using her blog of swill in which to demonize those who expose her for the miscreant she is. X Hartwell also states that this author supports Barack Obama, which is another of the myriad lies which this CIA mind controlled puppet promulgates. One must also wonder how much the FBI pays this lying snitch to take part in its attacks on this author.

A quick trip through [X] Hartwell's blog, and you realize that she's for sale. The only question is how low will she stoop when it comes to soliciting the public for money? What's also obvious is that [X] Hartwell does not offer her blather to the public out of altruism, but instead, in an attempt in which to hustle them out of their hard earned wages; a particularly despicable act, given the terrible financial condition that the American public is in.

Moreover, this author must note that [X] Hartwell is merely another minion of the FBI's, used in this Gestapo's attack on my person. And if it wasn't [X] Hartwell, it would be someone else. The FBI has far too much lose if this author remains alive, given that the FBI's crimes against this author are amongst the worst violations of the U.S. Bill of Rights ever documented, and a further indictment of the dictatorship which furtively controls the United States of America. The FBI's agents of Satan are murderers."

Marino: "X Hartwell also states that this author supports Barack Obama, which is another of the myriad lies which this CIA mind controlled puppet promulgates. One must also wonder how much the FBI pays this lying snitch to take part in its attacks on this author."

"Barack Obama's In -- George W. Bush Is OUT! FINALLY! President-Elect Obama Makes History!"

"President-Elect Obama offers us new hope that some of the injustices perpetrated by the PNAC/Bush criminal syndicate can be redressed under his tenure as President."

"Barack Obama deserves the chance to make this country a better place for all Americans; not just the wealthy elite who've enjoyed these benefits all along."

"With Barack Obama, middle class Americans will now have the chance to improve their lives; albeit after a long period of transition in which to undo much of the precedent setting damage caused by the criminal PNAC/Bush regime."

"As for his detractors, Obama would have to work extremely hard at being the disaster that George W. Bush and his cronies have been."

"Hopefully, he will battle the New World Order and its Totalitarian agenda; something Bush and the PNAC have aided and abetted for the past eight years."

"At the very least, Obama offers an opportunity for the middle class in this country to get a fair shake for the first time in this country's history."

So, will Marino now deny that he has written the above comments? He calls Barbara Hartwell a "lying snitch", for stating that he supports Obama. If this is not support, what is?

Marino: "[X] Hartwell is a religious fanatic who claims to have conversations with God, and who brandishes religion as a weapon..."

Now, Marino calls Barbara Hartwell a "religious fanatic". Let's take a look at some of Marino's  past idiotic comments (2007) about God-given rights, which he denies exist. These comments were in response to a simple statement by Barbara Hartwell that rights are bestowed by God, not by the government.

My comments, refuting Marino, from a previous report (2007) follow.

Marino: "As for God Given Rights, not every person on this planet believes in Ms. Hartwell's God. There are many who do not. So in making such an assumption Ms. Hartwell automatically assumes that every person does so. Many people believe in a greater force than ourselves which cannot be clearly defined as a God. It is human religious indoctrination that has allowed for the acceptance of such a God. And it is also clear that anyone who adopts this indoctrination will vociferously defend it, even though there is no clear empiracle evidence of the existence of such a God.

Many people have begun to see religions (including the better known ones) as nothing more than successful cults having reached nearly sacrosanct status. Yet if one does their own research into these religions they oftentimes find many unpleasant facts about them which their parishoners know nothing about."


BH: Again, Mr. Marino's profound ignorance surfaces. He makes statements which are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand.

The term "God-given rights" (in the common law, on which the Constitution is based) refers to "natural" rights, "unalienable" rights, "inherent" rights on which the constitutional guarantee and protection of those rights depends. 

Rights are NOT bestowed by government, nor by the Constitution of that government. They come directly from "God", the Almighty, the Creator.

It is all that simple.

I have "assumed" nothing, certainly not about what "God" anyone believes in. "God" is simply a term, and does not explicitly nor implicitly have a meaning connected to any form of organized religion. It is a generally agreed upon term, which in this case relates to the rights of the Individual under the Rule of Law.

Religion has nothing to do with this issue. Nor does what "many people believe" make a damn bit of difference. The point is, "God-given" rights are the Natural, Unalienable, Inherent Individual Sovereignty which is the birthright of every person. EVERY PERSON, regardless of religion or lack thereof; regardless of belief in "God", or lack thereof.

The Rule of Law, under the Constitution, does not change according to the "beliefs" held by anyone. It simply "guarantees and protects" the unalienable rights of the individual.

These unalienable "God-given" rights are NOT the same as "civil rights", as Mr. Marino seems to mistakenly believe.

Mr. Marino REALLY needs to do some research on this, as he has shown himself to be utterly clueless regarding the issues on which he is presenting his arguments.

And anyone who would "appeal" to the United Nations, or promote this organization, as Mr. Marino has done, is living in La La Land.


Marino: "The FBI's agents of Satan are murderers."

So, Marino apparently believes in Satan, even though he does not believe in God. And according to Marino, Barbara Hartwell is a "religious fanatic".

Need I present any more evidence of James F. Marino's ignorance, stupidity and malice?

In closing, I would suggest that if anyone is an "agent of Satan", it is James  Marino. Satan is a liar, and the father of all lies. Woe to those who would follow the lies, parrot the lies and support the lies.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
April 27, 2010
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust