Thursday, June 29, 2023

A Visit from the FBI: Dare to Defend Faith, Family and Freedom? You Are Branded a Suspect


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."

 -Thomas Jefferson

This is an incident report of an occurrence which never should have happened in this Constitutional Republic, these United States of America.

A man I will refer to only as The Patriot told me this disturbing story. He had some questions, he asked for my opinion, and I subsequently debriefed him. After ascertaining the facts of the case, I suggested that I could write a report, so that the incident would be memorialized for the public record. He agreed, but asked me not to use his name. He is concerned to protect the privacy and security of his family (who are not involved in his activism), which is certainly understandable.

The Patriot is a Christian, a family man, a husband, father and grandfather. He is a Military Veteran who served his country with honor in his heart.

He is a dedicated activist for defending Liberty and his solid Christian values. He has established a visible presence in media (including radio and print journalism). And from my knowledge of his work, he has been quite effective in his activism, which placed him on the radar of the PTB.

He is also my friend and Brother in Christ. I know him to be a decent, honorable person, who shares the values held dear by many Christian Patriots.

We are currently under siege in this nation, simply for defending those Christian values against the rising tide of totalitarian political systems: Marxism, Progressivism, the woke mob of left-wing agitators, the extreme aggression by LGBTQ+ activists and sex predators (pedophiles), propagandizing the society and grooming children, for indoctrination and to foment horrific mutilation of their bodies, the racists of BLM, the communists of Antifa, the New World Order/Luciferian despots of the United Nations...and on and on it goes.

Tyranny rears its ugly head in many forms. A tyranny, which as Christians, we must absolutely resist in obedience to God.

It is our Christian values we work to promote, and which we have every right to defend, in any and every lawful and ethical way available to us.

Our rights are God-given (natural, inherent), thus unalienable. And lest we forget, they are protected under the Constitution.

Why then, does the FBI think they have the authority to come after a Christian Patriot, who has committed no crime, who has no criminal record, who is a law-abiding citizen, for simply practicing his faith and exercising his God-given rights, including (but not limited to) his freedom of speech?

Answer: They don't have the authority.

And they do it anyway, with increasing frequency, targeting law-abiding Christians and Patriots, for no reason other than that they can get away with it. And they do so with impunity.

Here is the story, as told to me by The Patriot.

In the month of June (hijacked as “Pride Month”), 2023, two FBI agents appeared at The Patriot's private residence. He was not at home, but his wife answered the door. The agents asked for The Patriot by name. They did not identify themselves as FBI, nor did they give their names, nor any other information as to the purpose of their visit.

As it happened, The Patriot had been out walking in his neighborhood, and as he rounded the corner leading to his house, a vehicle slowed down, stopped and rolled down the window. It was the FBI agents, who had just left his house. They asked if his name was______. The Patriot answered in the affirmative.

The agents then identified themselves as FBI. The Patriot suggested that they come back to the house and said they could talk outside, as he did not want to upset his wife by inviting them into the house.

As to the purported “offense” for which The Patriot was a suspect? It had to do with him making a response to an e-mail, sent to a list of people by his friend, a fellow Christian.

Evidently the FBI had first visited the friend, and The Patriot was next on the list. All this started because there had been a complaint made to the FBI by one of the recipients of the e-mail, stating that he felt “threatened” by something written by The Patriot.

I have seen the e-mail, and I consider it absolutely ludicrous that anyone could feel personally “threatened” by any of the statements therein. There was no threat whatsoever.

But this character, whom I will call The Snitch, apparently decided that because he felt “offended”, he would make a report to the FBI, to stir up some trouble for his “enemies”, the Christians, which included The Patriot.

When informed by the FBI of the complaint made by The Snitch (my word, not the FBI's) The Patriot made it very clear that he is not a violent person, has never advocated violence, has never threatened anyone.

In fact, the agents openly admitted to him that they had seen just such a statement published on the website of a group he is involved with, a very clear disclaimer against any form of violence.

But here's a question: Why did The Snitch call the FBI? Why not the police?

No threats were made, not even by the slightest implication. But again, why the FBI?

Because, the FBI are 'scarier' than the police, at least in the minds of many people. The FBI have become a veritable Gestapo in this nation, who regularly overstep the bounds of their authority. They break their oath to defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In truth, they have become the de facto domestic enemies of We the People.

As I listened to my friend's story, it became clear to me that the FBI agents were on a fishing expedition, just to see what they might reel in, anything that might be used against The Patriot and his like-minded Christian associates.

But I know from experience that there is more to it than that. As a counterintelligence expert, I know a great deal about their tactics against anyone considered to be a “dissident”.

That would include Patriots, Christians, Defenders of the Constitution, anyone declaring their Sovereignty, anyone standing up against government tyranny.

The FBI's COINTELPRO (COunter INTELligence PROgram) was initiated in 1956 by J. Edgar Hoover.

Their purpose: "To expose, disrupt, misdirect, or otherwise neutralize" groups that the FBI officials believed were "subversive" by instructing FBI field operatives to:

~Create a negative public image for target groups (for example through surveilling activists and then releasing negative personal information to the public)

~Break down internal organization by creating conflicts (for example, by having agents exacerbate racial tensions, or send anonymous letters to try to create conflicts)

~Create dissension between groups (for example, by spreading rumors that other groups were stealing money)

~Restrict access to public resources (for example, by pressuring non-profit organizations to cut off funding or material support)

~Restrict the ability to organize protest (for example, through agents promoting violence against police during planning and at protests)

~Restrict the ability of individuals to participate in group activities (for example, by character assassinations, false arrests, surveillance)

Some of their Targets included the Black Panthers, Martin Luther King Jr., the American Indian Movement (AIM), Animal Rights Activists, Militia groups.

These days, the FBI's counterintelligence operations increasingly focus mainly on Christians, Pro-life activists, American Patriots, Defenders of the Constitution.

As I explained to my friend, The Patriot, there were probably two main purposes to the FBI's visit:

To intimidate.

To present an implicit threat to the friends, family and associates of the Target, so that they might abandon him and withdraw their support from him.

Thus, they thought he might be “neutralized”.

(Little do they know that The Patriot, like his Christian brothers and sisters, must stand firm in defense of his Christian values. )


After a general meandering discussion, which seemed to lead nowhere, the FBI agents took their leave. They made no specific accusations. They gave no indication that they intended to return, nor that they planned to take any further action in regard to The Patriot.

But their mission was accomplished, at least for that day. They had planted the seeds of paranoia, that perhaps, there were FBI agents lurking behind every bush, skulking in the parking lot taking license plate numbers, or maybe, that The Snitch had like-minded accomplices, just waiting in the wings to make further complaints.

Complaints, which as some of us know, were entirely bogus, made against law-abiding Christian Patriots, fueled only by fear and hate in the minds of the false accusers – in point of fact, a fear and hatred of the truth itself.

The question becomes: Who cares?

The answer: Not nearly enough of those who call themselves Patriots, and who carry the name of Christ.

Some may say, It's not my problem, so why should I care?

What they don't realize is that any form of tyranny is everyone's problem.

And if they think this problem is not coming to their own doorstep (sooner or later), they need to think again.

If you want to live in a free country, it is your problem, and what's more, your duty, to do something about it.

Any defender of Liberty worthy of the name needs to stand up and be counted, become a warrior, in whatever ways they are capable, with whatever resources, talents and treasures are at their disposal.

No, I am not talking about employing violence, or making any kind of threats against anyone. Those are the tactics of thugs, not of Christians.

I am talking about peaceful protests in any places where we can gather. Using the media, print and radio, TV. Town hall meetings, churches, privately owned businesses run by Patriots, holding to Christian values. The possibilities are endless...where there is a will, there is a way.

If we don't stand up against this onslaught, one by one, if we don't support our brothers and sisters when they need our help, soon there won't be any country left to defend.

These FBI visits are more than just harassment, they are full-blown politically-motivated persecution.

A few words to the wise should be sufficient:

The next victims could be you and your family, your children and grandchildren.

Stand up and make your position known.

Shout it from the rooftops and anywhere else you can.

We have the right to speak our minds and to defend our values, and we will not be silenced, or intimidated by the agents of an out-of-control federal government, a juggernaut hell-bent on totalitarian control of the populace.

Lastly, I ask you to pray for The Patriot and his family. You don't have to know his identity, because God most certainly does. And pray for all the others like him, those you know and those you don't.

The more people praying, the more standing up against tyranny, the more will join us in our fight.

Barbara Hartwell

June 30, 2023


For those who find the reports on this site to be of value and who may find it in their hearts to offer support (as Christian charity or gifts), you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:


Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Refuting More False Accusations Against Barbara Hartwell by Ramola D: “Slander”, “False”, “Defamatory”, “Misrepresentative”


"Amazing how it Never ends -- because so many are protecting these operations. And sadly it looks like Barbara is too, now, with these absurd statements!"

--Ramola D, defamatory statement against Barbara Hartwell, to a friend of Hartwell (July, 2022)

Unsurprisingly, Ramola D has continued with her false accusations and defamation against Barbara Hartwell, beginning with this article:

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

Again, tiresome as it is, I must refute these accusations for the public record, in defense of my honor and my good name.

Here, the defamatory article in its entirety. My comments, prefaced by my initials, BH, are given following the quotes from the article, prefaced by her initials, RD.

RD: “Noting here that the post made yesterday by CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell at her site
Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander” is defamatory, misrepresentative, falsely-accusatory, and false. It is regrettable that Barbara has taken this route, and also regrettable that she has not posted the email (not a public complaint launch) referenced in full, which would enlighten readers as to the real subject/s it covered. This email is posted below for reference, along with pdfs of the referenced posts Barbara has made earlier apparently seeking to slander this writer (inexplicable all round).”

BH: It is clear that Ramola D is extremely ignorant of civil law and does not have the slightest understanding of the legal terms which constitute defamation, the broader term which includes slander and libel.

Her accusations are:

"defamatory", "misrepresentative", "falsely-accusatory", "slander" and "false".

Yet she does not specify precisely even as much as one statement made by me which is supposedly any form of defamation. Of course, anyone who knows the legal definitions will understand that none of her accusations are true or factual, since none of my statements were in fact, defamatory. At no time was I “seeking to slander” her. Case closed.

As for the wrongful actions of an obvious officious busybody (meddling, gossip, attempts to undermine my credibility by sending false accusations, behind my back, to my friends, misrepresenting me to third parties who are strangers, presuming to speak for me, against my clearly stated wishes, thus invading my privacy and personal boundaries, showing no respect whatsoever), all for her own self-serving agenda (whatever that may be), these are unprincipled actions which I have every right to expose as statements of fact, not slander, in my own defense.

And yes, there was slander and defamation in her e-mails to third parties, which, unlike Ramola D, who has no ground to stand on, I very clearly specified.

Not only that, but I have other evidence of defamatory statements which I have chosen not to publish. Suffice it to say that it is far worse than I have made mention of publicly. I refuse to drag in the names of innocent third parties whom RD has tried to recruit in her agenda to discredit me.

I was accused of “protecting operations” which she claimed were being run against her. That is a statement of fact. I have it in writing. This is an extreme insult against my honor, which I will not let stand. No self-respecting person would allow such a defamatory falsehood to stand. Basically, this accusation is tantamount to suggesting I am still CIA (as so many have falsely accused, she wouldn't be the first.)

Note that she does not even make reference to my various specific statements of fact re her actions, which are indefensible and unjustifiable. Typically, she will not even acknowledge them, as there is no defense, and she knows it. She simply denies doing anything wrong, which is evidence of nothing, and carries no weight whatsoever.

Then, she states that it is:

"regrettable that she has not posted the email (not a public complaint launch) referenced in full, which would enlighten readers as to the real subject/s it covered."

Regrettable for whom? Not for me, certainly. Since I am not a publicist for Ramola, I have no concern about the issues she brings up, which have nothing to do with my clearly stated concerns about being misrepresented (both publicly, in her articles and podcasts, and privately, in her unwarranted and unscrupulous gossip to both my friends and to total strangers).

That I vehemently disagree with her on many issues has no meaning. So what? I have no concern about disagreements. She is the one who is trying to make it appear that a disagreement constitutes some form of defamation, on my part, which is ludicrous, on the face of it.

Furthermore, “enlightening the readers”, as she phrases it, is not my concern. My readers (at least the ones who are decent, honorable and knowledgeable on the topics I cover), I have no doubt, are of a very different mindset than the readers of her website, The Every Day Concerned Citizen. Who, from my observations (and from the links she promotes on her site), appear to be made up of new agers, secular humanists, leftists of every stripe, Jew-haters and supporters of the evil, anti-Christian, Luciferian United Nations (as is Ramola herself, who appeals to them and urges others to do likewise).

As usual, she is commingling unrelated issues. Why she seems to believe that I am somehow required to accommodate her wishes, I have no idea. Her letter to me, copied to others, was a clear attempt to quash my reports and to try to foment some sort of group discussion between unrelated parties, to attempt to manipulate others into a consensus viewpoint, which serves her interests.

My actions are never determined by a consensus of what other people think – or even what one person thinks. I couldn't give a tinker's damn what they think. It will not influence me in the slightest. My actions are always determined on principle, and by moral absolutes. I don't care whether they like it, or not. Period.

Aside from that, it is none of their business what I do, or why. I don't answer to them and am not required to explain myself. But for the busybody, that is something apparently incomprehensible.

I was not going to be a part of her unscrupulous exploitation of the names of other persons, dragging them into what is obviously a melodrama of her own imaginings, and which had nothing to do with my very specific and accurate complaints against her unethical behavior.

Again, she shows herself to be ignorant of the law, when she denies that her letter was “published”.

My concern was only that she once again, made false and defamatory accusations against me to third parties (which means, “published”), and that she was requesting that I delete my reports, which only exposed her unprincipled actions, in defense of my honor and my good name, which I refused to do, on principle.

But since she has now published her letter to me for the general public, in addition to “publishing” her letter to only a few others, there may be individuals who will be displeased with her for exploiting their names in her obvious campaign to attempt to discredit Barbara Hartwell. These individuals have nothing to do with my valid complaints against Ramola, nor her unwarranted defamation of me.

Here, she gives links to several articles, the first to her letter to me (June 11, 2023), claiming that all my reports were defamatory:

Click to access Email-Sent-to-Barbara-Re-Her-Two-Defaming-Posts_Redacted.pdf

Click to access barbarahartwellvscia-blogspot-com-2023-06-ramola-d-launches-public-complaint-htm.pdf

Click to access barbarahartwellvscia-blogspot-com-2022-07-warning-zero-tolerance-for-gossip-html.pdf

Click to access barbarahartwellvscia-blogspot-com-2022-12-preposterous-sensationalist-boasts-htm.pdf

Next item:

RD: “Other matters referenced in Barbara’s articles PDF’d here from her website have to do with previous publications and emails referencing “targeted individuals,” a serious subject on which this writer and Barbara Hartwell do not share the same views. Regardless, this writer has never engaged in actions of scurrilous gossip or slander against Barbara Hartwell as implied.”

BH: As implied? No, nothing was ever “implied.” I made a statement of fact about the gossip and slander, not an implication. And I specified, in detail, exactly what was said, quoting her own words. And yes, it was gossip, and certain statements were slander, there is no doubt about it.

Again, all she can come up with is to deny the gossip and slander against Barbara Hartwell, which any recipients of such would know to be a bald-faced lie.

As for the subject of “targeted individuals”, that is a term, one she uses, in sweeping generalities, along with many others, who are part of the so-called “TI community”, which has absolutely nothing to do with me.

The fact that I do not share her views, nor have ever done, has nothing to do with my statements exposing the wrongdoing of Ramola D, which is the only issue of concern to me.

RD: "Vital to note that this writer does not appreciate the language of misrepresentation, false accusation, and veiled threat concluding Barbara’s post against her (“I can guarantee there will be consequences, most certainly not to her liking”) and wishes to keep this matter public for her own protection–while concluding it fully from her own end with this acknowledgment. Any further publication if any from Barbara Hartwell misrepresenting, falsely-accusing, or/and slandering Ramola D will be ignored."

There has never been, nor ever will be, any publication of mine “misrepresenting, falsely-accusing, or/and slandering” Ramola D. That includes this report.

And this may come as a shocker to her, but I do not care what she "appreciates", considering her utterly disrespectful treatment of me.

If she chooses to ignore this report, or others which may appear in future, that is of no concern to me, except that it will save me the trouble of having to refute her additional falsehoods in my own defense.

And of course, there are always “consequences” for a wrongdoer who chooses to exploit or defame my good name. That does not make it a threat. I do not make threats, but nor do I tolerate the unscrupulous actions of such persons, especially when the accusations grossly insult my honor.

RD: "However, the very serious issue of journalism to surface political persecution and crimes against humanity covered by this writer and journalist must be addressed.

This writer would like to note that, in her view, in no way does this matter affect her serious journalism which includes Barbara Hartwell’s testimonials as former CIA Counterintelligence and Psychological Operations officer and journalist herself, nor does it invalidate the many interviews, podcasts, and panels this writer has conducted which have included her."

BH: I have never, at any time, been a part of any “panels”, as she states here. Nor have I been involved with any of the groups with which she interacts. That is a false statement and very misleading as to my former dealings with her. She has certainly dragged my name into some of her writings and podcasts, when it was irrelevant or even a misrepresentation, even after I made it clear that I did not want my name used in connection with certain individuals, whose credibility was non-existent in my view; and some characters who had even slandered me. She did this against my wishes, by which of course I was incensed, with good reason.

I have been a guest on her podcasts, but that is the extent of it. And my work, some of which was published on her website, was never the issue. Why she brings this up, I have no idea. I have not asked her to take down my interviews, nor any of my reports published on her site. They were obviously given with my permission, and just because I have broken off my association with her, for cause, does not mean I wish to “invalidate” my own work.

RD: "Nor indeed does it affect the memories of the warm friendship, support, and collegiateship this writer has shared, over the phone, and in emails, with Barbara Hartwell, from the time that Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower made her aware of Barbara’s coverage of his case, many years ago."

BH: I don't deny that it saddened me that I found it necessary to break off the friendship. It was hurtful to me to have to do so. I am not hard-hearted, but to me, it was a matter of principle and self-defense.

This has happened many times before. In my world, I cannot tolerate any form of interference. Loose lips sink ships, as the saying goes. But then, most others do not live in my world, and have no idea what it would be like to come from my background, and to have the need to be ever-vigilant of my privacy and security. And if they don't understand when I try to explain the importance of respecting my privacy and boundaries, then that is unfortunate, but I must protect my own security first and foremost, even if they don't understand.

Again, my only issues were related to interference and lack of respect for my boundaries. And later, her efforts to defame my good name, to my friends, behind my back. And as to why she would believe that I would be “protecting operations”, I have no idea. It does show me that she lacks discernment and that she never knew me, if she could believe such a total falsehood, and especially to accuse me of it to others, behind my back.

RD: "This writer has increasingly been made aware over the years of the extreme strangeness of the so-called “Intelligence Community” in the USA through her interactions with and journalistic coverage of whistleblowers from various prestigiously-named agencies which apparently all seem to actually be filled with people idly entertaining themselves and others with various covers, stories, and lies. Regardless, this writer wishes to wish Barbara Hartwell the very best as she regretfully notes the sad decline evident herein. No doubt one day the full truth of what the more than ignoble “IC” is all about will be fully revealed and be known to one and all."

BH: My name is thrown in here, with what relevance I don't know. I have nothing to do with any of the liars, the charlatans she references. I have mostly kept to myself since going public in 1995, one year after defecting from CIA operations. Just as I never had anything to do with these so-called “targeted individuals” which Ramola has taken it upon herself, for as long as I knew her, to promote. 

And interviewing people who are former intelligence, or who are legitimate whistleblowers, does not equate to having direct personal/professional knowledge and experience about such operations. There is no substitute for hard-won experience. Through blood, sweat and tears, I might add.

Otherwise, it's just a matter of discernment, who to believe, or not, how much to believe, if anything. And that is still mostly a subjective matter, for each individual.

And of course I wish Ramola well. I have never felt otherwise, whatever she may believe. But there are certain lines I can't allow anyone to cross, for my own protection. That is how it is, and how it will always be, at least in my world. It is a world I would not wish on anyone, a world I have done my best to remove myself from in as many ways as possible. But wishing and hoping will not make that world disappear entirely, as I'm sure anyone who was ever a part of it knows, beyond a shadow of doubt.

They're still out there, and they carry a vendetta they will never drop, as long as I live.

RD: "Until then, and beyond, this writer rightfully claims more-than-copyright ownership of all podcasts, articles, panels, videos, audios, text featuring any of her guests, including “IC” whistleblowers, as also previously noted here and here, and assures her readership and viewership that the many years of work in truth-journalism including featuring “IC” whistleblowers she has accomplished–in conditions of absolute warfare against her really–ensures, in her view, the continued importance of her reportage, as per the historic record and as contextually needed. In no way should this writing be seen to detract from the great importance of all extant genuine whistleblower reportage, from both government, military and civilian whistleblowers as surfaced by any and all journalists including this writer; their voices are needed and must be cherished, supported, and upheld. This writer’s journalism in the public domain remains in the public space, and cannot be reprinted or reposted except as is, without modification, and with full credit and linkback, as noted in her copyright notice, and in her view certainly stands as continuing testament to the subjects of political persecution and crimes against humanity (as all other subjects) she has covered with diligence over the years, certainly since 2013, when her investigative and advocacy journalism began.


Ramola D, June 13, 2023, Quincy, Massachusetts”


Again, what this last piece of commentary has to do with Barbara Hartwell (the title of this report) I have no idea.


I certainly do not consider that the so-called "truth journalism" she claims to be conducting would involve wild speculation, baseless accusations against others, meddling in the professional business of others, against their wishes, or self-aggrandizing boasts and bogus claims, which call into serious question the legitimacy of any statements in her articles, considering the source.


In any case, being well aware of any copyright laws, I have not violated them, nor do I intend to do so. I have given proper attribution in reproducing this article by Ramola D, including links, published to be refuted in my own defense, as I've every right to do.


Depending on further actions of interference or defamation against Barbara Hartwell, by Ramola D or her associates, I will address them as I see fit.

Barbara Hartwell

CIA Whistleblower

NOT a “Targeted Individual”

In Defense of Truth & Honor for the Public Record

June 27, 2023



Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”

PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: “The Story of the Century”, “Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW, and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell further clarify the hypocritical actions of Ramola D, see these reports:


Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed


ADDENDUM: Since this report was posted, Ramola D has made false accusations against Barbara Hartwell, in a very similar way, sending e-mails behind my back to two (2) of my friends. I was accused of "protecting operations" she claimed were targeting her, as well as other gross insults to my honor.

It has thus been revealed that Ramola is a hypocrite, doing the same thing to me as she has denounced Katherine Horton for doing to her and to me. Again, "secret slander".

This does not change the veracity of this report by Ramola, but it exposes her as a hypocrite and I want it on the record.


The Pretensions & False Claims of Amy Rayboun, “TI Investigator” & “Angel of Light”




One of the promoters of Amy Rayboun is Ramola D of the Every Day Concerned Citizen. In fact Ramola was responsible for making trouble for me when she repeatedly used my name in connection with Rayboun in her public articles, even after I made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with this woman and did not want my name ever used in connection with her.


These two, leftist New Agers, promote the evil United Nations and much false information about "targeted individuals" which is actually preposterous, sensationalist and self-aggrandizing. BEWARE of any info promoted on Every Day Concerned Citizen.


And...see this report for detailed exposure on the nature of the Archetypal Busybody


Invasions of Privacy & Meddling: Garden Variety Busybodies 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

















For the past few months I have spent a great deal of time working on the renovation of this website, only publishing a few new reports this year, each of which I found necessary at the time.

This website (in its present form) has been online since 2006 and the material goes back more than three decades, including previously published work in other venues: my first websites (2000-2006), newspapers, magazines, periodicals, as well as Internet publications, online and terrestrial radio and TV.

Frankly, this website was a mess. Despite the fact that I am an artist, trained in fine arts, I don't have the computer skills for web design. Being a perfectionist (I can't stand a picture hanging at an angle), I know exactly what I want, from an aesthetic perspective, but I have trouble making it appear that way on the screen.

For years, I let it go, considering that my time was taken up with other priorities (some survival-related, some work-related, others personal issues) so I just never got around to cleaning up the mess.

Once it became a priority, I did the best I could with what rudimentary skills I have. I went right back to the beginning (1990s) and cleaned up the reports, correcting misspellings and typos, reformatting where possible, adding images and photos as well as addenda and notes. In some cases there was no choice but to re-type the reports and replace the old ones, which were not salvageable in their formatted state.

Some reports I deleted, as they were not relevant to anything I wanted to preserve and just taking up space.


Some reports were announcements of upcoming events, like radio programs or meetings, conferences, etc. I left up the ones that matter to me, as documentation of the issues, while trashing the ones which served no purpose.

Many of the links were obsolete, but it would have been far too much work to check them all, so I just deleted the ones I found to be most obvious and left the others for the readers to discover for themselves.


Also, I removed old postal mailing addresses at the bottom of some of the reports. There were different addresses in the states of New York, Maine and Connecticut, which I'm sure were confusing for those who wanted to send mail.

I hope the renovation has improved the quality of the presentation, and that it makes for a better reading experience, which is important to me.

It is far from perfect, but for now it is the best I can do.


Just a reminder that this site is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY and the readers may make of the content what they will.

It has been a source of frustration to me over the years that so many of the readers cannot seem to wrap their minds around this simple statement. I don't seek contact with the readers, or the general public. I am not seeking publicity, I am not seeking to socialize or make friends, not seeking to engage in discussions of my work, or arguments or debates. I have no interest in “engaging the culture” as so many do. I am not a social justice warrior, not part of the woke mob. Leftists make me sick! The social media culture of snoops, busybodies and gossips is absolutely loathsome to me.

This site is very simply an archive of my work (and to some extent other authors/activists whose work I want to promote), rather than being a “news” site. The basic issues are what matter to me, not trends, not what is popular, not what is related to current events. Not what is new, but rather what is true. What is accurate, what is based on facts.

Most important, what serves God, not what serves the denizens of the Internet.

The “news” is ephemeral, it changes daily, it comes and and it goes, it is like the tides of the ocean. But spiritual truth is unchangeable and eternal, at least from a moral and ethical perspective, which is my main concern. I am all about justice, it is my passion and what I work to bring about.

To serve justice, one must first defend the God-given (natural, inherent) unalienable rights of the individual. That is where it all begins. True justice comes from God, tyranny comes from the evils lurking in the hearts of men.

There can be no justice where there is mob rule, totalitarianism and tyranny (socialism, progressivism, democracy, Marxism, communism, National Socialism, United Nations, New World Order.)

Just as an example, it is sheer idiocy for people to “appeal” to one group of bad guys (United Nations) to “intervene” in the belief that they will “protect” them from other groups of bad guys. Such a mindset is absolutely anti-liberty, anti-justice and anti- human rights. And, for those who care, very, very anti-Christian.

The primary purpose of this website is to document events and promote truthful information.

I take great pains to memorialize what is important to me, to make it a part of the public record and to pass it on to posterity.

This site is a closed system, and unlike most others, not an interactive platform to be exploited by all and sundry. What the readers see is what they get, nothing more. If they have questions, they are either answered in the material on this site, or they are not. It is all free, so nobody can claim they lost anything or did not get their money's worth.

And although I hope it is helpful, useful, a source of valuable information and analysis, I understand that it is only those with eyes to see, ears to hear, that may appreciate the content. It certainly isn't for everyone.

I don't advertise or engage in self-promotion. I am the furthest thing from any kind of “influencer” (what a stupid word!), seeking to shove my own viewpoints down the throats of the general public. These social media “influencers” are nothing more than mountebanks and propagandists who have reinvented themselves, using a trendy label for the purpose of competing for fame and fortune, rarely even considering the value of the truth.

I have no interest in being of service to “humanity”. I've seen enough of humanity to know that very few among them are worth my efforts. For those who are, I will extend myself to support them in any way I can. I truly appreciate them and take pleasure in giving credit where it is due.

On the other hand, God is worth all I have to offer, as a living sacrifice. He knows all there is to know, sees all there is to see. He calls whom He will and chooses whom He will and all I can do is follow what is revealed to be His will and trust Him to sort out the rest.


Being self-employed, I receive no quid pro quo compensation for my work. The best I can hope for is that those who find value in my reports will offer donations to support this website and related work. Over the years, I have lost support, rather than gained it, for whatever reasons. That only changes how much I can do, not what I do, or why. The nature of my work remains unchanged, no matter the circumstances.

I do not seek, or need, any form of support, other than donations. I do not seek followers of any kind, nor do I offer any special benefits, exclusive content, or interactive services to donors.

I do not discuss my finances with donors, I only gratefully accept what they are able and willing to give, with the understanding that it is free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, as Christian charity or gifts, and that donations are to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell. Donations are NOT tax deductible.

Unfortunately, I live in dire poverty. I am a disabled senior citizen on disability benefits, which do not begin to cover even basic living expenses, much less work related expenses connected to this site.

There are monthly bills for Internet service as well as those for technical support and expenses related to conducting investigations. I live from month to month not knowing if I will lose Internet service. This is unacceptable to me, yet I have little control over it. It all depends on having enough money, which I at times do not.

What I am currently receiving in donations from the general public is not nearly enough to make it worth spending my time adding new material, though I have many documents and much information which I have not yet published, which I believe would be of value to my readers.

In any case, the value, as I see it, is in the collection of information in the archive itself, even if nothing new is ever added.

For those who have shown your appreciation of my work by offering your support in donations, I bless you, I am very grateful and have made every effort to let you know how much I appreciate your support.

I will do my best to continue work on this site, depending on the circumstances, and by the grace of God.

Thank you for your consideration.

Barbara Hartwell

June 18, 2023


For those who may find it in their hearts to offer support, you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Monday, June 12, 2023

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”


On Sunday, June 11, I received an e-mail message from Ramola D, making complaints about two (2) reports on my website, which she cited as “defaming posts” to “slander” her.

Here are the reports she cited:

She stated:

"I am very sorry you have both misread the intent and content of this email and that you have made a public post in July accusing me of things which are not true."


In point of fact, I “misread” nothing. Words have meaning and the words were very clear. She most certainly did accuse me of “protecting operations”, there are no two ways about it. And I am the only one who was accused of things which were not true.

For the record, these reports contained no slander, nor any defamatory statements. They were written in my own defense against falsehoods promoted by Ramola D. I simply refuted the false accusations and stated my opinion on other related issues connected to promotions by her, which were also based on her own words.

There was no “misreading” of anything, there was no speculation, only my views made crystal clear, which I have every right to state in my own reports. Just because she does not like what I have to say, and does not “agree” with it, does not make it defamatory, or false. Her opinions are meaningless to me and will not change the facts, nor my position on those facts.

And I issued a warning for her to stop meddling in my business and to stop gossiping about me behind my back. That was all. She chose to disregard the warning, which she is free to do. Just as I am free to continue to defend myself against her defamation and insults to my honor.

The message she sent me (June 11) was not private, but openly copied to two (2) individuals, thus making her accusations against me public, and very possibly accessed by any number of additional recipients of which I am unaware.

Thus, I find it necessary to address this message publicly in order to refute the falsehoods contained therein and to again set the record straight in defense of my good name, which she has once again grossly misrepresented to others.

She requested that I remove these reports from my site. Here, her statement:

"I am extremely sorry you, my friend and sister in reporting CIA/DOD persecution and COINTELPRO operations against both of us for so many years, have taken this route–but it is not too late to address this matter. I have extended my hand in friendship to you in great good faith and warmth, and I have no desire to in any way slander or speak ill of you in public at any time.

However, for my own sake, and as a truth-journalist and avid advocate for both humanity and animals—both of which species have been harmed in these unlawful weapons-testing and neurotechnology and social harassment operations for Artificial Intelligence, military, and political repression purposes which have destroyed our lives, careers, professions, families, relationships as well as greatly harmed us physically, socially, psychologically—I will need to address this, if briefly, in writing on my website should you feel the need to keep these posts up on your site. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts anytime, and please let me know you've removed these posts."

No, I have no intention of removing my reports. I stand by every word in them, none of which were false or wrongful.

And I have no intention of discussing this with her.  This is not a negotiable issue, as she seems to think. I stick to my guns and stand my ground –always. It is a matter of honor, a matter of principles, which I do not compromise for any reason. Principles before persons –always. Persons are often wrong --as in this case. Principles are never wrong.

First, I should make it clear that due to her previous false accusations against me (including of “protecting operations” she claimed were being run against her), made behind my back to at least 2 of my friends, which grossly insulted my honor, I no longer consider her a friend. And where is the “good faith” in making false accusations to my friends behind my back? Nowhere to be found.

As for a “sister”, the only persons recognized as such by me are sisters in Christ. As Ramola is not a Christian, she is not a sister. No true Christian would have treated me with such disrespect.

And there is no such entity as “both of us” in relation to any operations, any situations, not from where I stand. I was associated with Ramola for 3 years, not “many years”. And I will not be lumped in with people and issues which have nothing to do with me, which she has repeatedly and continually done, as she misrepresents so many aspects of my published work.


Furthermore, I have seen no indication that CIA ever had anything to do with what she is claiming happened to her. And I would see no reason for them to have any interest in her, much less harass her in any way. She is an ordinary civilian, who never had access to any information which could not be obtained by anyone who chose to search for it.


I speak from vast experience of many years, and from my professional expertise in counterintelligence operations. I have observed that many people like to make claims that CIA is involved in persecuting them, because they think it makes them look "important".

And a very important point I must make is that I have no reason to believe anything she says about events she claims are happening to her. Not anymore. She has been wrong about so many things (including to do with me), on so many occasions, that I cannot any longer attribute credibility to her, especially when the claims are preposterous and self-aggrandizing, such as that she is “The World's Pre-Eminent Journalist” on various subjects, or that she deserves the attention of everyone in the world, as being “The Story of the Century”. Such statements, while sensationalist and absurd, are simply not true and anyone who believes them lacks discernment and is not ruled by reason.

Note that she lays the blame on me. She is “sorry” that I have “taken this route”, as if there were something wrongful about telling the truth and stating my opinions in my own defense.

She repeatedly touts herself as a “truth journalist”, as if simply affixing that label to herself would cover a multitude of indiscretions and unprincipled actions. Not in my book.

And again, she makes the unfounded claim of being a whistleblower, which she is most certainly not. Again, words have specific meaning.

In a number of her podcasts and articles posted at her site, she has made these claims, not only about herself, but about any number of others who are also not whistleblowers.

In one podcast a few years ago, she made the definitive statement that “all targeted individuals are whistleblowers”. Which means that anyone, anywhere, could just come out of the woodwork (as many have done) making all kinds of wild claims, seeking attention, and are automatically accorded the status of whistleblower, a title they have not earned, and for which they lack the credentials.

Just as Ramola lacks the credentials. And yet she is claiming “whistleblower retaliation” which cannot possibly happen to a non-whistleblower. She is pretending to be something she is not, which legitimate whistleblowers will easily recognize.

What's more, I know of not one former intelligence professional who would believe that such a person, who lacks the background and the credentials to make such a claim, is anything but an impostor, an amateur wannabe, seeking accolades for herself at the expense of legitimate, genuine whistleblowers who actually publish factual, verifiable information, from bona fide insider knowledge, rather than from FOIA reports or the testimony of third parties, no matter how much credibility they may have.

In an example of true absurdity, there was one person (one of many such shady characters) she claimed was a “whistleblower”, which showed just how false and off-base were her standards. This was some criminal whackjob named Todd Giffen. He was arrested (or some such thing, taken to a mental ward) after he sent threatening and obscene messages to public officials. He was, in fact, threatening violence and to “rape” them. And he also was sending harassing, obscene e-mail messages to various women, which they published in outrage. This is her idea of a whistleblower? Yet she defended him, wrote articles promoting him, did podcasts about him, all the while acting completely as his advocate. What the hell!

If everybody, every Tom, Dick and Harry, that comes down the pike, declaring their tales of woe, seeking public attention and sympathy, is a “whistleblower”, then in reality the term has lost its meaning, and nobody who makes the claim can be believed.

My actions will not be determined by veiled threats of “addressing” these issues on her site. I don't care, one way or another what she does. She is free to publish anything she chooses. If she decides to again misrepresent me, to falsely accuse me, to insult my honor, then I am free to once again expose this unscrupulous behavior. Just as I am doing now as a result of this latest missive attempting to pin blame on me for non-existent offenses.

And for the record, I am not involved in any way in most of the issues into which she routinely drags my name. My case is entirely separate and always has been. I have no involvement with groups, nor is it any of my concern what other people think, or whether or not they agree with my viewpoints. I don't ever waste my precious time arguing with strangers, or even acquaintances. It is only when they exploit or defame my good name that I will stand up in my own defense and refute the falsehoods.

In her message she, as usual, drags in other third parties who have nothing to do with her complaints against me. And since, unlike Ramola, I respect their privacy, I will protect their identities. However, if she chooses to invade their privacy, in additional public statements in connection with my name, then they have only her to “thank” for dragging their names into her drama. It has absolutely nothing to do with me.

And since I am again being blamed and falsely accused, I find it necessary not only to retain these reports on my website, but also to provide more detail about the issues.

I should begin by stating that I am, and have always been, a very private person. In fact, I am a recluse. I have made it very clear, publicly (including in NOTICES on my website) that I am a fierce defender of my privacy and personal boundaries.

I have also made this clear, in no uncertain terms, to anyone and everyone with whom I have any dealings, including my friends. Nobody who knows me personally can honestly say they are not aware of my policies on privacy.

I don't discuss my personal life in my public reports unless I find it absolutely necessary, for my own reasons. I am not a participant in the Internet culture of social media, which is basically just hordes of snoops and busybodies, gossiping about other people's business.

I have zero interest in interacting with strangers on the Internet. I publish my material on my own website (nowhere else) and aside from that, the only other venue is occasional appearances on radio programs. The readers/listeners may make of my reports what they will. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.


This is how I first got to know Ramola. She invited me to be a guest on her podcast.

From what I observed, Ramola was almost diametrically the opposite of me in her wide range of interactions with all sorts of people, most notably those calling themselves “targeted individuals”.

This was an observation, not a criticism. There are all kinds of people in the world, and some are very different from others, including in their values and their standards.

The problem I began to encounter was that Ramola did not respect my privacy and personal boundaries, but rather, projected her own standards on me. This is very common for this type of person. They seem to believe that everyone shares their values and their standards, when nothing could be further from the truth. Basically, they are collectivists who do not respect the rights of individuals who opt out of their leftist political schemes, which involve commingling of all sorts of unrelated issues. These are the kind of people who "appeal" to the evil UN, begging their intervention (as does Ramola), which to anyone who cares about liberty and justice, is anathema.

On more than one occasion she appointed herself as an unwanted intermediary between me and others, some of whom I knew, and others who were total strangers.

This was a form of meddling which I do not tolerate. She presumed to speak about me, revealing information which was told to her in confidence, and in some cases she presumed to speak for me.

Nobody speaks for me. I speak strictly for myself and never presume to speak for others.

In one instance, she had contacted a woman (a stranger to me, but a friend of hers) who had been exploiting my name, and asked her not to use my name, then gave a totally false “reason”, which was based on her own false assumptions, not on anything I ever said.

This, simply because I had told Ramola that I wanted nothing to do with this person and was outraged about my name being exploited. Instead of respecting my wishes, she took it upon herself to feed false information to a third party, misrepresenting me in the process. There was no connection of any kind between me and this interloper, and yet, Ramola took it upon herself to try to create one, against my wishes.

Then, when I told her that I do not use intermediaries, and again, that I did not want her discussing me with this woman, she tried to deny that she had done anything wrong, and claimed that I must be “mistaken”. (Just as she claimed I had “misread” her clearly stated comments falsely accusing me.)

In another instance, she again appointed herself as an unwanted intermediary, between me and a friend of mine, which was not her place and very offensive to me. Again, she made assumptions about why I had not been in contact with this individual. So she inserted herself in the middle, sending e-mails to the two of us, in regard to how we could get back into contact.

Nobody asked for her opinion. It was none of her business! It had nothing to do with her. I sent her an e-mail, politely explaining that my relationships with other people were just that – my relationships, and that I don't want a third party meddling where it is not their place.

I got a profuse apology from her, acknowledging that she had overstepped her bounds and that she would not do such a thing again. Of course, I forgave her and thought she understood.

But as I later learned, she did not understand, or at least, she did not think it was offensive to me that she continued using my name, publicly and privately in connection with people I told her I wanted nothing to do with, or gossiping about me with people who were my friends.

And later, I learned that she was talking to other third parties, making claims that I had a “falling out” with this same friend, something that was a total falsehood, and which stirred up trouble between me and my friend. At this point, her meddling has done so much damage that the relationship with my friend, for all I know, may be irreparable.

Then, as a last example of her indiscretions, I had mentioned to her that I received a phone call at my unlisted, private phone number from some stranger calling himself a “targeted individual”. I don't know how this character got my phone number, and I was outraged at the intrusion.

When Ramola heard this, I was told that she knew the person who made the call, and that she would speak to him about it. I said NO, please do not speak to him. I want nothing to do with these characters and don't want my name discussed with them.

But she did it anyway, against my wishes, and with zero respect for my privacy and personal boundaries. She told me she had called him, because she was “curious”. She proceeded to criticize him for making this call to me, and was acting as if I sanctioned it, which I most certainly did not.

Clearly, satisfying her curiosity was more important than respecting my clearly stated wishes about my privacy. And clearly, she has no concept of what boundaries are.

I do not use intermediaries. No one speaks for me. She was way out of line, and yet will not even admit that her behavior was wrongful and unethical. It is not her place to interfere in my life, in my relationships, or in accosting people who are strangers to me, with whom I have no dealings and want none.

After repeated incidents such as these, I finally realized that it would not be possible to get through to her regarding the importance of my privacy and personal boundaries being respected, though I did try, to no avail.

I knew that I could not trust her with confidential information, as it was being relayed to others, both known and unknown by me.

I had no intention of getting into a conflict with her about these issues. I do not allow conflicts in my life. She was in the wrong with her meddling and gossip and it was intolerable to me.

So rather than get into arguments with her when she tried to tell me that I was “mistaken” (I most certainly was not) about what she was doing, I decided to just quietly break off contact with her.

I had no animosity against her and don't have any now. I simply needed to put an end to the interference and misrepresentations of my name, as it was causing all manner of problems in my life, both publicly and privately.

That was about two years ago, in June 2021. I have not spoken to her or communicated with her in all this time.

I had never been anything but honest and straightforward with her during the time I had an association with her. I have done nothing wrongful to her, ever. I have respected her privacy, even when she did not respect mine.

What she thinks she can accomplish by sending me this unwarranted complaint, copied to others, I do not know. I will not allow myself to get into any arguments or conflicts with her. But I will stand up for myself and for my integrity, no matter what.

There is only one issue of concern to me and it is this: I will tolerate no interference in my business, public or private. I will tolerate no gossip and false accusations. Anyone listening to this gossip or discussing me with this busybody is no friend of mine.

So, if she decides to make an issue of this on her website, or on any of her many social media gossip sites, by making more false accusations against Barbara Hartwell, or dragging in third parties or irrelevant issues about “targeted individuals” or other such topics, then I can't stop her.

But I can guarantee there will be consequences, most certainly not to her liking.

And for the record, I must once again state that Ramola D, because of her false accusations against me, which grossly insult my honor, is persona non grata to me, and not to be trusted or believed in any claims she makes. I feel the same about anyone who supports, promotes and endorses her.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell

In Defense of Truth and Honor

June 11, 2023



PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: “The Story of the Century”, “Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW,and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell