Sunday, June 18, 2023

















For the past few months I have spent a great deal of time working on the renovation of this website, only publishing a few new reports this year, each of which I found necessary at the time.

This website (in its present form) has been online since 2006 and the material goes back more than three decades, including previously published work in other venues: my first websites (2000-2006), newspapers, magazines, periodicals, as well as Internet publications, online and terrestrial radio and TV.

Frankly, this website was a mess. Despite the fact that I am an artist, trained in fine arts, I don't have the computer skills for web design. Being a perfectionist (I can't stand a picture hanging at an angle), I know exactly what I want, from an aesthetic perspective, but I have trouble making it appear that way on the screen.

For years, I let it go, considering that my time was taken up with other priorities (some survival-related, some work-related, others personal issues) so I just never got around to cleaning up the mess.

Once it became a priority, I did the best I could with what rudimentary skills I have. I went right back to the beginning (1990s) and cleaned up the reports, correcting misspellings and typos, reformatting where possible, adding images and photos as well as addenda and notes. In some cases there was no choice but to re-type the reports and replace the old ones, which were not salvageable in their formatted state.

Some reports I deleted, as they were not relevant to anything I wanted to preserve and just taking up space.


Some reports were announcements of upcoming events, like radio programs or meetings, conferences, etc. I left up the ones that matter to me, as documentation of the issues, while trashing the ones which served no purpose.

Many of the links were obsolete, but it would have been far too much work to check them all, so I just deleted the ones I found to be most obvious and left the others for the readers to discover for themselves.


Also, I removed old postal mailing addresses at the bottom of some of the reports. There were different addresses in the states of New York, Maine and Connecticut, which I'm sure were confusing for those who wanted to send mail.

I hope the renovation has improved the quality of the presentation, and that it makes for a better reading experience, which is important to me.

It is far from perfect, but for now it is the best I can do.


Just a reminder that this site is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY and the readers may make of the content what they will.

It has been a source of frustration to me over the years that so many of the readers cannot seem to wrap their minds around this simple statement. I don't seek contact with the readers, or the general public. I am not seeking publicity, I am not seeking to socialize or make friends, not seeking to engage in discussions of my work, or arguments or debates. I have no interest in “engaging the culture” as so many do. I am not a social justice warrior, not part of the woke mob. Leftists make me sick! The social media culture of snoops, busybodies and gossips is absolutely loathsome to me.

This site is very simply an archive of my work (and to some extent other authors/activists whose work I want to promote), rather than being a “news” site. The basic issues are what matter to me, not trends, not what is popular, not what is related to current events. Not what is new, but rather what is true. What is accurate, what is based on facts.

Most important, what serves God, not what serves the denizens of the Internet.

The “news” is ephemeral, it changes daily, it comes and and it goes, it is like the tides of the ocean. But spiritual truth is unchangeable and eternal, at least from a moral and ethical perspective, which is my main concern. I am all about justice, it is my passion and what I work to bring about.

To serve justice, one must first defend the God-given (natural, inherent) unalienable rights of the individual. That is where it all begins. True justice comes from God, tyranny comes from the evils lurking in the hearts of men.

There can be no justice where there is mob rule, totalitarianism and tyranny (socialism, progressivism, democracy, Marxism, communism, National Socialism, United Nations, New World Order.)

Just as an example, it is sheer idiocy for people to “appeal” to one group of bad guys (United Nations) to “intervene” in the belief that they will “protect” them from other groups of bad guys. Such a mindset is absolutely anti-liberty, anti-justice and anti- human rights. And, for those who care, very, very anti-Christian.

The primary purpose of this website is to document events and promote truthful information.

I take great pains to memorialize what is important to me, to make it a part of the public record and to pass it on to posterity.

This site is a closed system, and unlike most others, not an interactive platform to be exploited by all and sundry. What the readers see is what they get, nothing more. If they have questions, they are either answered in the material on this site, or they are not. It is all free, so nobody can claim they lost anything or did not get their money's worth.

And although I hope it is helpful, useful, a source of valuable information and analysis, I understand that it is only those with eyes to see, ears to hear, that may appreciate the content. It certainly isn't for everyone.

I don't advertise or engage in self-promotion. I am the furthest thing from any kind of “influencer” (what a stupid word!), seeking to shove my own viewpoints down the throats of the general public. These social media “influencers” are nothing more than mountebanks and propagandists who have reinvented themselves, using a trendy label for the purpose of competing for fame and fortune, rarely even considering the value of the truth.

I have no interest in being of service to “humanity”. I've seen enough of humanity to know that very few among them are worth my efforts. For those who are, I will extend myself to support them in any way I can. I truly appreciate them and take pleasure in giving credit where it is due.

On the other hand, God is worth all I have to offer, as a living sacrifice. He knows all there is to know, sees all there is to see. He calls whom He will and chooses whom He will and all I can do is follow what is revealed to be His will and trust Him to sort out the rest.


Being self-employed, I receive no quid pro quo compensation for my work. The best I can hope for is that those who find value in my reports will offer donations to support this website and related work. Over the years, I have lost support, rather than gained it, for whatever reasons. That only changes how much I can do, not what I do, or why. The nature of my work remains unchanged, no matter the circumstances.

I do not seek, or need, any form of support, other than donations. I do not seek followers of any kind, nor do I offer any special benefits, exclusive content, or interactive services to donors.

I do not discuss my finances with donors, I only gratefully accept what they are able and willing to give, with the understanding that it is free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, as Christian charity or gifts, and that donations are to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell. Donations are NOT tax deductible.

Unfortunately, I live in dire poverty. I am a disabled senior citizen on disability benefits, which do not begin to cover even basic living expenses, much less work related expenses connected to this site.

There are monthly bills for Internet service as well as those for technical support and expenses related to conducting investigations. I live from month to month not knowing if I will lose Internet service. This is unacceptable to me, yet I have little control over it. It all depends on having enough money, which I at times do not.

What I am currently receiving in donations from the general public is not nearly enough to make it worth spending my time adding new material, though I have many documents and much information which I have not yet published, which I believe would be of value to my readers.

In any case, the value, as I see it, is in the collection of information in the archive itself, even if nothing new is ever added.

For those who have shown your appreciation of my work by offering your support in donations, I bless you, I am very grateful and have made every effort to let you know how much I appreciate your support.

I will do my best to continue work on this site, depending on the circumstances, and by the grace of God.

Thank you for your consideration.

Barbara Hartwell

June 18, 2023


For those who may find it in their hearts to offer support, you may send donations (checks, money orders or cash) to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572