Tuesday, October 16, 2018

RADICAL LEFTIST MOB: A Demonic Plague on America

In this two-part report I address the radical leftist mob rule mentality versus the rule of law under a Constitutional Republic. A stark contrast between what is evil and what is good.

PART 1 covers an overview of the escalating political chaos and lawlessness running rampant in America, a result of indoctrination into totalitarian ideologies.

PART 2, RETROSPECTIVE: Smear Campaign Extraordinaire, Parade of Demonic Liars & False Witnesses, is personal and exposes the massive smear campaign against Barbara Hartwell, running for more than two decades, engineered by my enemies in the intelligence community, and carried out by their armies of minions, stooges and useful idiots.


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20

As anyone who has been targeted for a politically-motivated, organized defamation campaign will know, a legion of liars and false witnesses deployed against one individual will wreak havoc on the life of the Target.

Then, there are the monstrous invasions of privacy, instrumental as part of the smear campaign. The perpetrators will make use of “any means necessary”, no matter how unscrupulous, to extract personal information about the Target. PRIVATE, UNLISTED telephone numbers. PRIVATE, UNLISTED street addresses. Same for known associates, colleagues, employers, relatives of the Target, anyone the perps can track down.

They will then exploit that information in any way possible, to harass/stalk (on foot, vehicular, by e-mail), in attempts to intimidate, to intentionally inflict emotional distress, and by publishing the private information, to solicit additional harassment, even crimes, against the individual whose life they intend to destroy – and make no mistake, that is the objective. No holds barred, anything goes, nothing is sacred.

These perps are demonic, the spawn of Satan. And I refuse to adopt the lingo of the Internet culture, “doxxing”. NO, that is a stupid euphemism to minimize the offense. INVASION OF PRIVACY is the offense, which is actionable under civil law. And solicitation of crimes against a person via invasion of privacy is a criminal offense!

(Example: Calling All Demonic Destroyers:

Go to XXX Street in Anywhere, USA and harass, stalk, disturb the peace. Bring a bullhorn and shout obscenities outside the house. And don't forget to steal anything not nailed down. Vandalize the property, and any vehicles you find parked in the driveway. Spray paint curses and blasphemies on any available surface.)

Consider the living hell recently visited on Judge Brett Kavanaugh (now Justice Kavanaugh – thank God, they failed to stop his confirmation!) A whole parade of liars slimed out of the woodwork, accosting him with the most outlandish and damaging accusations imaginable.

One such odious character, Julie Swetnick, actually claimed she had witnessed his involvement in gang rapes at parties, where the punch had been spiked with drugs. She claimed she had attended about ten (10) of such events. Why? Why in hell would any person continue to attend parties where such crimes were being perpetrated? More to the point, why did she not immediately report these heinous crimes to the police! What does this tell you about the moral character of this woman? Nonexistent. She is most certainly a pathological liar, seeking fame and fortune at the expense of a man who has done her no wrong, who in fact does not even know her. Absolutely despicable.

Naturally, the 'creepy porn lawyer', Michael Avenatti, stepped into the spotlight, to continue his egregious assaults on anyone who would stand up against the rabid, sleazoid, morally bankrupt left-wing mob, hell-bent on destroying this nation, and everything and everyone in it that is decent and honorable.

Because destroying this nation, and a communist/Marxist takeover of the government, preparing the way for the final lockdown of the Luciferian New World Order, is precisely what all this mayhem, this pandemonium, is about.

Right up front I must state that I speak as a Christian, as a defender of Liberty and God-given unalienable rights, as protected under the US Constitution. I also speak as a fierce and dedicated opponent of all forms of totalitarianism, in which the rights of the Individual are subsumed under mob rule.

This has been my stand, uncompromised, on principle, for an entire lifetime, speaking as someone whose life was hijacked by the US government, before I was even born, under the auspices of CIA MK Ultra and related black operations.

Certainly, anyone who has ever read the reports on this website, elsewhere on the Internet, or in other publications, and/or listened to my radio interviews, would know where I stand; a stand that has not ever wavered, regardless of changing circumstances, political climate, or the persecution in attempts to neutralize.

I believe in and stand for the founding principles of this sovereign nation, a Constitutional Republic, under the rule of law, with equal justice for one and all. GOD-GIVEN UNALIENABLE INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. NO COMPROMISES.

NOT for the continual false claims of “our democracy”, aka mob rule.

Now, the bastards are trying to force the country into 'democratic socialism'. Bernie Sanders and his manic little protege', Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the designated new faces of the Democrat (Marxist) party. Let's raise the funds and get them a one-way ticket to Venezuela!

NOT for 'identity politics' or 'agenda politics'.

Now, unbelievable as it is, the populace is being indoctrinated, from childhood, that they may “identify” as belonging to a gender other than that inherent at birth, which is a biological fact. Don't like being a boy? Become a girl! For those who don't want to 'identify' as either biological sex, no problem...they now claim there are many other 'gender identities' to choose from.


You may even decide to become a dog (such stories are out there!) There are no limits as to an ever-changing 'identity'. But woe to those who decline to become adherents and supporters of this pathological mindset. “Misgendering” someone may soon be a criminal offense here in America.

NOT for 'social justice' or 'special rights' for any group, defined by race, ethnicity, gender, religion or political agenda.

NOT for any meddling whatsoever by outside/foreign entities, United Nations et al.

STOP all truck with the UN.

STOP participating in their conventions.

STOP promoting treaties, making “appeals” or signing petitions for “human rights” to these Luciferian communist scumbags.

Boycott and expose!

Get US the hell OUT!

NOT for open borders.

No borders, no nation. No nation, no sovereignty. No sovereignty, no liberty.

An invasion of illegal aliens, swarming over the borders, bringing a crime wave of violent gangs (MS 13 et al), drug runners and human trafficking, stealing jobs from Americans, driving down wages for the American working poor and struggling families, given government handouts, and perpetrating voter fraud (The hubristic Obama, in stump speeches, actually called for such outrageous lawlessness – telling illegal aliens they should get out and vote!)

What the hell!

No 'chain migration'. No lottery. Enforce the immigration laws, arrest the offenders, and deport them back to where they came from!


NOT for socialized health care.

Where the individual is forced into a system in which they cannot make their own choices, to determine for themselves what type of medicine they will use, what type of practitioner, what type of insurance (if any). “Affordable” (Obama) care. Where those who most certainly cannot afford it are extorted, forced to pay, and not just for themselves. They must have the fruits of their labor stolen to provide for all comers, including illegal aliens.

NOT for the slightest infringement of sharia law, which is totally UNconstitutional.

Islamic jihadis have already infiltrated the highest levels of government. Their “religion of peace” is in actuality a barbaric totalitarian system, a 'way of life' in which they are mandated by 'law' to have dominance over any culture and convert the 'infidels' by force, or kill them, in the name of their territorial demonic spirit god, Allah.

And no, you are not a 'racist', a 'hater', or 'Islamaphobe', simply for recognizing and acknowledging these facts. But rest assured, you will be labeled as such.

A Christian pastor, Andrew Bunson, had been held captive in Turkey for two years, simply for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which was considered a “terrorist act”. Thank God, he was released, a result of President Trump's efforts on his behalf. And yes, they kill Christians on a regular basis, bombing their churches, executions by beheadings, it's a hideous holocaust. Sharia kills.


NOT for criminalizing so-called “hate speech”.

Which has already become “law” in other nations (including Canada), where people could be (and have been) imprisoned simply for exercising free speech.

In case you haven't noticed, the tech giants (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. etc.) are censoring and blocking anyone who dares to speak freely, whose political views are not to the liking of the left-wing agitators for mob rule.

NOT for violent, unhinged left-wing mobs, rioting, destroying property, and attacking law-abiding citizens in the streets.

Thugs agitating for communism, socialism, tearing down the borders, abolishing ICE.

NOT for public harassment and stalking of government officials, Christians, or conservatives by mobs of lunatic leftists.

Get in their face! Drive them out of restaurants, gas stations, department stores! Mad Maxine Waters, this screeching harpy, should be impeached for inciting violence, for sedition. No, Maxine, YOU are not welcome. Go pound sand! And take Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Mazie Hirono, Cory Booker, and the rest of your Neo-Bolshevik comrades with you!

NOT for any form of 'gun control'.

To keep and bear arms is a Constitutionally protected right. Disarming the citizens, thus preventing them from defending themselves, their lives and their property, allows totalitarians free reign to enslave the people.

NOT for one world government, the New World Order, a totalitarian police state.

Where the sovereignty of this nation, and God-given unalienable rights and liberties of the INDIVIDUAL are totally abolished.

The idiot left-wing, group-think 'journalists' on CNN, MSNBC, etc. are actually saying that those of us who recognize THE MOB for what it is (it could not be more patently obvious), should not be saying these things. No, no, calling them a mob is not 'tolerant', not politically correct. The “protesters” have the right to “speak their truth” and we must all not only listen to them, we must cave to their insane, tyrannical demands.

But wait...it is only the conservatives, the Christians, defenders of the Constitution and God-given unalienable rights of the Individual who must be silenced. ('Old white men', listen up, that goes double for you!) That is, after they have been harassed and bludgeoned into oblivion by The Mob.

Meanwhile, the wicked witch, Hillary Clinton, defends the mob rule tactics of aggression, harassment and violence and inveighs against 'civility', at least as shown to anyone who does not jump on the Marxist bandwagon. Not to be outdone by Hillary, Eric Holder calls for “kicking them”, when they “go low”.

This country is under siege by demonic, criminal totalitarian lunatics. THE MOB.

And I don't have to wonder what happens to anyone who opposes them. I unfortunately have many years of personal experience. You will become the Target of a witch hunt, brutal political persecution, a diabolical smear campaign.

Liberty or Death. Don't Tread on Me.

Barbara Hartwell
October 16, 2018

To be continued...