Monday, June 11, 2018

Barbara Hartwell Interview with Ramola D: Slander, Defamation & Persecution (PART 5)


NOTE: The You Tube channel associated with this podcast has been terminated. Those interested may do a search for other channels to hear the report.


Sabotage of this podcast was again extreme. We were knocked offline at least 5 times. And again, Ramola had to later splice the segments together, a time-consuming process. In one segment the audio was corrupted by an echo on my end of the line, which in previous podcasts was heard only by me, which was very distracting as I was trying to speak. This time it was heard on the recording, which made it difficult to listen to. But then, that was the whole point.

I should make it clear that my connection was by telephone, not from a computer. In the past I often used Skype for radio shows, but I do not wish to provide a venue for online contact with the general public, so like a public e-mail address, I have discontinued the use of it to protect my privacy.

One thing I should make very clear: I have only the most rudimentary knowledge of computer technology. I've used computers as a journalist for over thirty years, when I exchanged them for a typewriter, but that is the extent of it. In fact, I am what I can only call a technophobe.

As we discussed on the podcast, I have had at least 10 computers destroyed over the past 20 years via remote hacking/sabotage. And after all the assaults with psychotronic technology and directed energy weapons, I have developed an intense dislike of high-tech devices, which I avoid whenever possible. I have never in my life used a microwave oven, and won't have one in my house, wherever I have lived. I have a cell phone (no contract, not in my name), which is turned off most of the time and used only when necessary, when I am not at home. I have never sent a text message on a phone, nor replied to one. (I don't know how, and have no interest.)

For this reason, I find it absurd that I am being accused of hacking into computers myself, as per the defamatory falsehoods spread by one Aaron James, who also accused me of working in collusion with John McCain (whom I do not know and have never had any contact with). I am further accused of being a “CIA agent”, in collusion with the FBI to “target”, “harass”, and “intimidate” Aaron James, and to have engaged in “racial profiling”. Anyone who knows me, or who reads my website will know that such accusations (aside from causing grievous damages) are absolutely ludicrous!

And who do I have to thank for this particular vile assault on my name? Timothy Patrick White aka Tim White aka Patrick Alexander aka George Mateski, a G-Man wannabe, career criminal, predicate felon, sex pervert/predator (including targeting children), who was sicced on me in 2001 by the feds with whom he made a deal for a get-0ut-jail-free card, in exchange for stalking, harassing, threatening and publishing outrageous lies against journalists and whistleblowers. Tim White contacted publicity hound Aaron James while he was making the rounds of radio talk shows, and, as usual, claimed to have “important inside information” about “that CIA bitch”, Barbara Hartwell. 

And here we are...a decade later, and the diabolical calumny from Aaron James, in sensationalist tabloid mode, still comes up on the first page of a Google search of my name:

"CIA Agent Barbara Hartwell Targets Our Family!"

Just a sample here:

"Although Barbara Hartwell claims to be X-CIA (similar to claims of being X-MAFIA) Hartwell has been exposed online by renown international journalist Fintan Dunne, as a CIA disinformation agent. CIA have taken considerable steps to conceal all of this."

Aside from this utter nonsense, assuming you would like to waste your time, you may enjoy all the scandalous details of the lies of Aaron James at these links:

How dare you, Aaron James! You are equally as loathsome as your accomplice, Tim White. You want publicity for your “case”? Find another scapegoat and stop exploiting my name for your own self-aggrandizement, fool!

Check this site for my reports which soundly refute the idiocy and defamation of Aaron James, Tim White and accomplices.

[NOTE: I personally would not call these government stooges “operatives”, though I understand that this designation might be used to describe their activities. They have no training whatsoever, they are merely exploited as dupes, liars-for-hire, useful idiots.]

With all that said, here is the podcast.

Report #71: Part 5, Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower on Defamation, Slander and persecution

Informative discussion on patterns of containment and defamation operations run by the CIA and FBI on whistleblowers such as Barbara Hartwell in attempts to devalue their reputations and destroy their credibility as well as directly impact on their lives in deleterious ways.

Barbara Hartwell speaks openly of efforts made around her for years, shortly after and for years after she left the CIA, in failed attempts to contain her unswerving writing voice and in nonstop counter-intelligence “black propaganda” efforts to smear her name and credibility.

These efforts have included active disinformation and lies being spread about her in libelous ways, with lurid and lying articles written and posted about her, videos and websites publishing lies and openly defamatory statements, as well as pornographic material associated with her name and image in attempts to revile and destroy.

Interestingly many if not all of those libeling her were under Ted Gunderson, who himself, she reports, engaged in open slander of Barbara in attempts to ruin her credibility; in Parts 2 & 3 of this series, Barbara has discussed Gunderson at length, revealing his part in running counterintelligence operations as well as other unsavory operations such as selling missiles.

Some of these disinformation operatives were Ken Adachi, Tim White, Todd Brendan Fahey, and Aaron James, whose libel can still be found online.

An interesting aspect of these operations is the use of ex-cons and criminals and stalkers busted for such things as drug-trafficking and child-porn offered deals to pursue and target whistleblowers; Tim White was one of these operatives.

The fallout from these slander operations is always immense; in Barbara's case as also in Geral Sosbee's, being defamed and smeared and blackballed has led to destitution, homelessness, inability to be employed, inability to rent. Her home address and photo being posted also led to vandalism and break-ins and loss of valuables.

We also spoke about how targets and women whistleblowers in particular are defamed in age-old ways as prostitutes, and how the label of “mental illness” is used against women and men both, and how the FBI and police wrongfully characterize normal citizens interested in preserving the Constitution as terrorists while terroristic groups like Antifa engage in terror-creating activities, and wrongfully characterize people who are activists as terrorists, when these activists are merely speaking out and opposing cruelty and war.

This also led to a discussion of how the left and the liberal paradigm have been co-opted and how Marxism and Globalism and co-opted science and one-world/carbon tax propaganda have taken over the political landscape, and how it is so important to exercise our freedom of speech—or lay claim to it, as an intrinsic right. Barbara Hartwell also stresses the inviolability of personhood and individual rights, in opposition to the collectivist Communist and totalitarian thinking that the current-day uber-Surveillance police state is striving to impose on us—and how important it is to speak out now for the sake of our children and succeeding generations, who are being enslaved and indoctrinated currently.

Please visit Barbara Hartwell's website at

for more information.

Please support Barbara Hartwell's whistleblowing and journalism, send in donations to:

PO Box 22
Rhinebeck, NY 12572