Thursday, April 27, 2017

COINTELPRO REVISITED: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Here, another segment of COINTELPRO REVISITED: Targeted by a Legion of Liars (2006), followed by a brief commentary on EVIL written by former FBI agent Geral Sosbee. 

Links to some of Geral's reports on these issues are included. Please take the time to read them; they are more concise than my reports and are packed with vital information from the primary FBI whistleblower in this nation, who joined the FBI in 1971, under J. Edgar Hoover, and was forced out, for, of all things, honoring his oath to defend the Constitution. 

Geral is also a Vietnam Vet (Army) and attorney (JD). This should give some idea of the quality of person (the best of the best) who is targeted for psy war, harassment, torture, the worst sort of political persecution that the evil criminal minds can engineer.

I think of all the older reports I have published, realizing that they are simply too lengthy for many readers, as I have been told. Which means that they may not want to take the time to read them in their entirety.

Even so, some of the sub-headings offer information which can stand alone, assuming the reader has a basic understanding of the context.

This segment of the report focuses on the perpetrators, rather than the Targets, specifically the minions and stooges who do much of the dirty work for the government agents who pull the strings.

If you are a regular reader of this site, you will know the names of quite a number of the individuals exposed in hundreds of reports by Hartwell and Sosbee as evildoers, as perps of dirty deeds done dirt cheap. Years have gone by, and the same loathsome characters are still out there (along with some new recruits)...and I imagine that will be the case until someone they have provoked (dare I say it?) finally punches their one-way ticket to Hell.........

Barbara Hartwell Percival
April 27, 2017

It is dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong.


COINTELPRO (counter intelligence program) was initiated in 1956 under FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. A similar program, Operation Chaos, was run by CIA during the Cold War Era.

Today, these programs continue, though under different names and operations, with various federal agencies involved in their web of deception, skulduggery, black propaganda and carefully-crafted disinformation. Their overarching agenda: Mainly to neutralize and/or discredit legitimate government whistleblowers who have come forward with truthful, accurate, factual information which is damaging to the criminals who have overthrown the U.S. Government from within. These criminals have subverted the United States Constitution; they are operating in collusion with a cabal of elitist plutocrats worldwide, to implement a totalitarian One World Government, otherwise known as the New World Order.

Though this brief overview is common knowledge to all well-informed individuals, what most do not understand is the inner workings of the criminal conspiracy connected to COINTELPRO, whose agents have infiltrated ALL levels of government; ALL activist organizations; ALL political parties, coalitions and PACs. You name it, they've infiltrated it. I have yet to see an exception and don't expect I ever will. In fact, the main reason there is no real difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, though they each may outwardly promote a different agenda, is because both parties are controlled from above by the same cabal which runs the criminal conspiracy.

The criminal conspiracy is completely pervasive and functions like a well-oiled machine. The architects of the conspiracy are nearly "bullet proof". Their position at the pinnacle of the hierarchy is so far removed from --so far above-- the government officials, intelligence operatives, law enforcement personnel, military personnel, and the rank-and-file government employees and civil servants who simply "follow orders", that obtaining solid evidence against the movers and shakers of the Global Elite is a Herculean task. So it's no surprise that they are known in intelligence circles as the Olympic Cartel.


But for those persistent and dedicated investigators and independent intelligence analysts, there are ways to beat the system; to unravel the web of corruption. Starting at the top is not an effective method. We start where we have easy access to verifiable information and where collecting evidence is only a matter of time, effort and investigative legwork.

And for those whistleblowers and activists such as myself who have been targeted by the criminal conspiracy, we begin by focusing not on the higher levels of government operatives giving the orders, but on those tasked with carrying out the orders. Just as in the drug cartels, though it is already known who actually runs them, criminal investigators often start with the low-level street dealers, gathering evidence, and work their way up to the drug lords from there. It is often just a matter of connecting the nodes in the web and developing the evidence as the investigation progresses.

Now, it is important to understand the concept of "plausible deniability". Quite simply, this means that the conspirators and liars running the COINTELPRO-style operations set up a little insurance policy to protect themselves; a contingency plan in case their criminal operations are exposed. They can then DENY any involvement or wrongdoing which might implicate them in the conspiracy. How do they do this? One way is to use lowly minions to do their dirty work: those who have no official status within the government, from whom they can easily distance themselves if their plans go awry. The minions fall into several categories by which they can be identified.

But most importantly, they are all considered expendable. They are expendable, because in the final analysis, in the Big Picture, they are deemed inconsequential nobodies by the powers-that-be.

[ALERT TO READERS, added November 17, 2006:

One (or more) of the COINTELPRO minions (not mentioned by name in this report) have taken this report and posted it on various websites, selectively DELETING certain parts of the report. One site on which I found that certain portions had been deleted was Liberty Forum.

I did not post this report on that site myself (the "source" was named as The Revolutionary Coalition message board, on which it was originally posted by Rick Stanley) and yet I found my name there as the purported "poster".

Below, in bold type, is one entire subheading of this report which was totally deleted, COINTELPRO MINIONS: EXPENDABLE HIRELINGS. Certain portions of another subheading, EXPUNGING LOYALTY, DESTROYING LOVE, were also deleted by this malicious "cut-and-paste" forger, specifically my comments on Jesus Christ and the importance of spiritual love in defeating evil.

I should also mention that one of the most despicable of these government stooges, criminals and provocateurs, a psychopath by the name of Todd Brendan Fahey, has for years been perpetrating identity theft and forgery (including of the "cut-and-paste" variety) among other crimes, against Barbara Hartwell; ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee and others.

In fact, Fahey was banned from Liberty Post in 2004, for libel, stalking, and for obscenity --fabricating pornographic filth in connection with my name. However, Fahey is known to use many aliases and screen names, by which he gets back into the forums from which he has been banned. In the "comments" section of Liberty Post, after this report, I noted that one of Fahey's many screen names (which being the coward he is, he has a habit of hiding behind) was listed.

I also find it interesting (and typical) that this DELETED subsection describes Todd Fahey to a "T". Criminal; stalker; psychopath; drug abuser; porno-monger; pathological liar; COINTELPRO minion and "spook wannabe". This creep is the lowest of the low, even among his fellow government toadies.

Fahey has also, in the past, "edited" the material of certain writers (including Barbara Hartwell) without permission and has notably REMOVED all references to Jesus Christ or anything of a Christian nature. By his own admission, he is not a Christian and has claimed that talking about Christ makes a person "sound too religious". Aside from the fact that Fahey has no right whatsoever to tamper with the work of others; nor to appoint himself as the arbiter of the religious beliefs of others, it is clear that there is a more sinister motive for him to DELETE all references to Christ. I'll leave it to the readers to figure that one out.

So that the readers may be certain they are seeing the WHOLE REPORT, and so they may see for themselves a case in point of the tactics used by these government stooges and liars. BH]



Those convicted of a crime (or known to be involved in criminal activities) who wish to make a deal for a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card by becoming snitches; and/or by targeting the former intelligence/law enforcement personnel or others who have become government whistleblowers.


Members of political activist groups, or individual activists, many of whom are merely dupes, hoodwinked by the covert government operatives (who pose as patriots, especially organizers or "leaders") and are drawn into their web with (false) promises. The operatives often choose those who are ambitious amateurs; "wannabes" (those with no training, expertise or background in intelligence work, law enforcement or other disciplines) and appeal to their egos to give them a false sense of "importance" --when in reality they are merely stooges being used for a government-sponsored agenda.


Some individuals from this third category may also fall into the first two. Psychopaths are particularly useful, as they can easily be dismissed by the government operatives as whackjobs, nutcases, kooks, lone nutters, etc. should they become a liability. These types are often easier to control --if they get out of line, they can simply be thrown into a mental ward with few questions asked.

Now, this is not to say that the government operatives don't try to impugn the sanity of legitimate whistleblowers, in order to neutralize them --they most certainly do. But the difference is, some of those used as minions in the COINTELPRO are REAL nutcases and the operatives controlling them are well aware of that fact.

Most are also pathological liars who may be delusional; narcissistic and entertain paranoid fantasies, which are purposely fueled by the government operatives. Often the designated targets (whistleblowers) are falsely accused of various plots or crimes against the delusional/paranoid minions. The COINTELPPRO operatives feed them such false information in order to engender a personal vendetta against the targets. A vendetta which is based on falsehoods; twisting factual information to demonize the target; and often outright lies.

There also may be an element of hero worship --worship of the covert (and not so covert) government operatives by their dupes and minions. When one of the bad guy operatives is exposed by legitimate whistleblowers, the minions rally to his defense, attacking the targeted whistleblowers for what they claim are their "unjust" accusations or "lies."

Nothing could be further from the truth. The minions have been manipulated into promoting the very lies their controllers have fabricated, and continuing the cover-up of criminal activity, be it drugs-for-weapons deals; child sex abuse; money laundering; blackmail; espionage or any other forms of criminal conspiracy/racketeering.

The primary key to using these minions to target whistleblowers is manipulation, often through behavior modification tactics. Appeal to their emotions, by which they are ruled. Flatter their egos. Make them feel "important." Make them feel like real "players." Make them believe they are "doing the right thing"; going after the "bad guys" (legitimate whistleblowers); fool them into believing they are serving "Truth"and "Justice."

Meanwhile, it's all based on lies. Usually outrageous lies, demonizing the targets (legitimate whistleblowers) with the purpose of discrediting their testimony about REAL government crimes and corruption.

Facts; logical reasoning; critical analysis: these have no place in the COINTELPRO. It is based upon a web of falsehood, spun by liars, inside a hall of smoke and mirrors.

COINTELPRO also exploits the "alternative media" to do their dirty work. Since the advent of the Internet as the major "news" venue, the level of professionalism in journalism has plummeted. These days, just about anyone can put up a blog and promote their opinions, write editorials and distribute them to be available to thousands, even millions of readers. The very same operatives who recruit the dupes and minions also rely on alternative media websites and radio programs to spread their disinformation far and wide.



Evil is the malicious and intentional infliction of physical or mental stress/injury or death on another person or animal. The primary defense against evil for many of us is to expose it.

The fbi agents, operatives, street thugs and assassins are always evil doers in their attacks on Targets. As fbi indoctrinate all police in the USA and elsewhere , the entire so called criminal justice system is evil and should be torn down.

These perpetrators engage around the clock in offenses that are intended to harm others. Such barbarity as I have documented in my thousands of reports, papers and posts online is become an integral part of USA's national character.

This means that harmful deeds and thoughts are often encouraged by fbi and their misguided associates against selected victims. In a sense, therefore, the fbi turns our society into a repository for sadistic sociopaths who en queue attack others in terrible ways that cause irreparable harm or death.

For specific data on the evil doers all around us see My Story In Detail , my papers at , & my WRIT, etc. See also:

Note that I sometimes refer to evil doers as mental dwarfs as explained here:

...and, as I have suffered extensively for 30 years under the organized crime syndicate that calls itself the fbi, I am a reluctant expert of sorts on the nature of evil as seen in the fbi and cia employees everywhere.

Thank you and may Providence give aid , comfort and blessings to all who suffer under the filthy actions and thoughts of fbi and cia globally.


Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA