Wednesday, September 18, 2024

FIVE STAR REVIEW: The Kyle Seraphin Show










I rarely write reviews of podcasts, but The Kyle Seraphin Show is one I like so much I felt I had to promote it to others – especially freedom-loving patriots and Christians.


I've been watching the show since I first heard about it, late last year. Mr. Seraphin, as a former FBI agent turned whistleblower, knows exactly what he is talking about when exposing the corruption he witnessed and experienced firsthand. There is no substitute for direct personal knowledge!

I've heard no nonsense, no hype, no sensationalism, coming from him or his guests. The content is fact-based, presented with evidence in the form of documentation and video clips.

What I find most valuable is that he has no hesitation in naming names, and lets the bad guys expose themselves with their own words, captured and memorialized on video or in print. In my view, best to just let them speak for themselves and their evil actions are clear to all with eyes to see.

As happens with the most legitimate of government whistleblowers, Kyle Seraphin seems to be a lightning rod for the attacks and false accusations of some very stuck-on-stupid people: He's a 'government agent', a 'nark', a 'fed boy', 'on the payroll'...

Sure, there are plenty of controlled opposition frauds and phonies out there, a plethora of grandstanders, liars and shills, but it is abundantly clear to me that Kyle Seraphin is not one of them. In my opinion, he's among the best of the best whistleblowers ever to come out of government service.

And with all the lunatic leftist, anti-Christian ideologies running amok, he sets exactly the type of example I would hope my grandsons will follow.

Lastly, let's not forget the value of presenting the unvarnished truth, along with great entertainment: a winning combination worthy of a FIVE STAR REVIEW!


Barbara Hartwell

Discerning Viewer

NOT a fan of the FBI

September 18, 2024