Thursday, July 18, 2024

URGENT APPEAL FOR DONATIONS: Christian Charity to Sustain Life for Barbara Hartwell

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

James 2:14-17



Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

I hate having to ask for money from my readers, so I don't ask often. But I have no choice now, as I am in a desperate situation. For years I have been living in a state of dire poverty, but which has now worsened to the point that my very survival is under threat.

I am a disabled senior citizen, attempting to live on disability benefits since 2014. The government expects me to live on less than $12,000 a year. No, that is not a mistake, that is the paltry sum on which I am expected to survive. In order to even get that, I had to get a pro bono attorney to provide evidence that I have no official employment history, have no government pension, and am not eligible for social security, like most senior citizens who have worked all their lives, as I have.

The sum I receive does not even cover my monthly rent, much less any other bills I need to pay. Electric, Internet/phone service, propane gas, car insurance, food, items from the pharmacy, etc. etc.

I have applied for every government benefit for which I am eligible, as a senior citizen, as disabled, as living way below the poverty line. Food stamps (EBT), HEAP (for heating bills in winter), payment plans for the electric bill. But even with these, I still don't have enough to make it through the month.

Recently, I received a FINAL DISCONNECT NOTICE from the electric company. I had previously worked out a payment plan which I was able (barely) to cover. I called the company, and was treated with disrespect, simply because I am elderly and poor. I explained that I was making the payments and had not fallen behind. But I was now told that they would have to raise the rates.

I explained that I DO NOT HAVE the money to pay the increase. I asked, What are you going to do, shut off the power of a disabled senior citizen? The woman said no, they wouldn't do that. Then why, I asked, did you send me a FINAL DISCONNECT NOTICE? This was very distressing to me.

She had no answer, and I told her that the best I could do is that I would continue to make the monthly payments I agreed to make. But still...they could shut off my power at any time and there would be nothing I could do.

Then, there was the issue with Food Stamps (EBT). I received a letter which stated that I had to fill out a form in order to continue to receive EBT. I told the truth about a recent rent increase, which was higher than what I receive in disability.

I was then questioned about how I was able to pay the rent? I told the lady that I have to beg for money each month, and that there was no guarantee I would have enough to pay the rent. She then said they needed a document to “prove” what the rent was. I sent them a letter from the slumlord, citing the rent increase, and then just put in writing the unvarnished truth, that I am a beggar, with no guarantee of getting enough to pay my rent and other bills each month. I told her, If you take away my food stamps, I won't survive. The only other way to get food is at a church food pantry. I also told her that I am only willing to do so much to get the assistance. I will not be interrogated with intrusive questions, nor invade the privacy of other people who may be helping me. It is NOBODY'S BUSINESS who might help me. So, go right ahead, lady, take away my food stamps and let me starve.


My car (2008) needs repairs and I will not be taking the risk of driving an unsafe vehicle, never again. I had gone without transportation for 2 years when my last car broke down, until I was able to save up enough to get this used car, in 2022.

Most important of all, I have urgent healthcare issues (medical and dental) for which I have no insurance coverage. I will have to pay for this care myself, or go without, and I simply don't have the money, or any way of getting it.


This is truly dire poverty, which I'm sure some people can't fathom, to be forced to live in such extreme material hardship.


Unfortunately, I don't have any support network, nobody I can rely on for any kind of support. No family or friends, nobody who cares enough to make a priority of my well being or survival. That is a simple statement of fact.

Until such time (if ever) that I can resolve these urgent issues, I will not be able to prioritize anything else. If I can't take the time to maintain this website, or if I lose Internet service, then that will have to be put on hold. Meanwhile, I will continue to do what I can. 


But it should be remembered that this site is not a "news site" for reporting on current events. It is an archive of my decades of work as an advocacy journalist. For those concerned about the issues I cover, I hope this provides some value, even if new material is not posted often.

I am not seeking sympathy, that is useless to me. I am not seeking advice. I have no interest in sharing my sorrows with the world, or commiserating with anyone about how bad things are, though at the moment they are very, very bad.

The one thing that will help me to survive, to get the health care I urgently need, and to keep a roof over my head, is money.

I know that many government whistleblowers are in a similar situation. If there is one thing the government will do to destroy (neutralize) those who stand up against tyranny and corruption (as I have done for more than 30 years), it is to hit you where it hurts most: drive you into destitution, and if possible, homelessness (they did that to me in 2o13, which I barely survived, after they made sure I lost almost everything I owned). I will not survive homelessness again, if it should happen that I don't have enough to pay the rent.

All I can ask is that if you find my work and this website to be of value, and if you care about helping a sister in Christ survive, I would ask you to please make a donation. No amount is too small, and all are greatly appreciated, more than you could ever know.

When it comes to donations, I only ask Christians, and that is for a reason. You are the ones who share my values, who love the Lord, and who will expect nothing in return for your charity. I would not have survived for as long as I have without you (and for some, you know who you are.)

Lastly, please pray for me, that I may, God willing, get the material support I need to survive and get the health care I need.

Thank you for your consideration and may God richly bless you.

Barbara Hartwell

July 18, 2024


Please send checks, money orders or cash to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations are accepted only as Christian charity or gifts, free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell, to support my work and related expenses. No quid pro quo. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.