Monday, June 12, 2023

Ramola D Launches Public Complaint Against Barbara Hartwell: “Defaming Posts” & “Slander”


On Sunday, June 11, I received an e-mail message from Ramola D, making complaints about two (2) reports on my website, which she cited as “defaming posts” to “slander” her.

Here are the reports she cited:

She stated:

"I am very sorry you have both misread the intent and content of this email and that you have made a public post in July accusing me of things which are not true."


In point of fact, I “misread” nothing. Words have meaning and the words were very clear. She most certainly did accuse me of “protecting operations”, there are no two ways about it. And I am the only one who was accused of things which were not true.

For the record, these reports contained no slander, nor any defamatory statements. They were written in my own defense against falsehoods promoted by Ramola D. I simply refuted the false accusations and stated my opinion on other related issues connected to promotions by her, which were also based on her own words.

There was no “misreading” of anything, there was no speculation, only my views made crystal clear, which I have every right to state in my own reports. Just because she does not like what I have to say, and does not “agree” with it, does not make it defamatory, or false. Her opinions are meaningless to me and will not change the facts, nor my position on those facts.

And I issued a warning for her to stop meddling in my business and to stop gossiping about me behind my back. That was all. She chose to disregard the warning, which she is free to do. Just as I am free to continue to defend myself against her defamation and insults to my honor.

The message she sent me (June 11) was not private, but openly copied to two (2) individuals, thus making her accusations against me public, and very possibly accessed by any number of additional recipients of which I am unaware.

Thus, I find it necessary to address this message publicly in order to refute the falsehoods contained therein and to again set the record straight in defense of my good name, which she has once again grossly misrepresented to others.

She requested that I remove these reports from my site. Here, her statement:

"I am extremely sorry you, my friend and sister in reporting CIA/DOD persecution and COINTELPRO operations against both of us for so many years, have taken this route–but it is not too late to address this matter. I have extended my hand in friendship to you in great good faith and warmth, and I have no desire to in any way slander or speak ill of you in public at any time.

However, for my own sake, and as a truth-journalist and avid advocate for both humanity and animals—both of which species have been harmed in these unlawful weapons-testing and neurotechnology and social harassment operations for Artificial Intelligence, military, and political repression purposes which have destroyed our lives, careers, professions, families, relationships as well as greatly harmed us physically, socially, psychologically—I will need to address this, if briefly, in writing on my website should you feel the need to keep these posts up on your site. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts anytime, and please let me know you've removed these posts."

No, I have no intention of removing my reports. I stand by every word in them, none of which were false or wrongful.

And I have no intention of discussing this with her.  This is not a negotiable issue, as she seems to think. I stick to my guns and stand my ground –always. It is a matter of honor, a matter of principles, which I do not compromise for any reason. Principles before persons –always. Persons are often wrong --as in this case. Principles are never wrong.

First, I should make it clear that due to her previous false accusations against me (including of “protecting operations” she claimed were being run against her), made behind my back to at least 2 of my friends, which grossly insulted my honor, I no longer consider her a friend. And where is the “good faith” in making false accusations to my friends behind my back? Nowhere to be found.

As for a “sister”, the only persons recognized as such by me are sisters in Christ. As Ramola is not a Christian, she is not a sister. No true Christian would have treated me with such disrespect.

And there is no such entity as “both of us” in relation to any operations, any situations, not from where I stand. I was associated with Ramola for 3 years, not “many years”. And I will not be lumped in with people and issues which have nothing to do with me, which she has repeatedly and continually done, as she misrepresents so many aspects of my published work.


Furthermore, I have seen no indication that CIA ever had anything to do with what she is claiming happened to her. And I would see no reason for them to have any interest in her, much less harass her in any way. She is an ordinary civilian, who never had access to any information which could not be obtained by anyone who chose to search for it.


I speak from vast experience of many years, and from my professional expertise in counterintelligence operations. I have observed that many people like to make claims that CIA is involved in persecuting them, because they think it makes them look "important".

And a very important point I must make is that I have no reason to believe anything she says about events she claims are happening to her. Not anymore. She has been wrong about so many things (including to do with me), on so many occasions, that I cannot any longer attribute credibility to her, especially when the claims are preposterous and self-aggrandizing, such as that she is “The World's Pre-Eminent Journalist” on various subjects, or that she deserves the attention of everyone in the world, as being “The Story of the Century”. Such statements, while sensationalist and absurd, are simply not true and anyone who believes them lacks discernment and is not ruled by reason.

Note that she lays the blame on me. She is “sorry” that I have “taken this route”, as if there were something wrongful about telling the truth and stating my opinions in my own defense.

She repeatedly touts herself as a “truth journalist”, as if simply affixing that label to herself would cover a multitude of indiscretions and unprincipled actions. Not in my book.

And again, she makes the unfounded claim of being a whistleblower, which she is most certainly not. Again, words have specific meaning.

In a number of her podcasts and articles posted at her site, she has made these claims, not only about herself, but about any number of others who are also not whistleblowers.

In one podcast a few years ago, she made the definitive statement that “all targeted individuals are whistleblowers”. Which means that anyone, anywhere, could just come out of the woodwork (as many have done) making all kinds of wild claims, seeking attention, and are automatically accorded the status of whistleblower, a title they have not earned, and for which they lack the credentials.

Just as Ramola lacks the credentials. And yet she is claiming “whistleblower retaliation” which cannot possibly happen to a non-whistleblower. She is pretending to be something she is not, which legitimate whistleblowers will easily recognize.

What's more, I know of not one former intelligence professional who would believe that such a person, who lacks the background and the credentials to make such a claim, is anything but an impostor, an amateur wannabe, seeking accolades for herself at the expense of legitimate, genuine whistleblowers who actually publish factual, verifiable information, from bona fide insider knowledge, rather than from FOIA reports or the testimony of third parties, no matter how much credibility they may have.

In an example of true absurdity, there was one person (one of many such shady characters) she claimed was a “whistleblower”, which showed just how false and off-base were her standards. This was some criminal whackjob named Todd Giffen. He was arrested (or some such thing, taken to a mental ward) after he sent threatening and obscene messages to public officials. He was, in fact, threatening violence and to “rape” them. And he also was sending harassing, obscene e-mail messages to various women, which they published in outrage. This is her idea of a whistleblower? Yet she defended him, wrote articles promoting him, did podcasts about him, all the while acting completely as his advocate. What the hell!

If everybody, every Tom, Dick and Harry, that comes down the pike, declaring their tales of woe, seeking public attention and sympathy, is a “whistleblower”, then in reality the term has lost its meaning, and nobody who makes the claim can be believed.

My actions will not be determined by veiled threats of “addressing” these issues on her site. I don't care, one way or another what she does. She is free to publish anything she chooses. If she decides to again misrepresent me, to falsely accuse me, to insult my honor, then I am free to once again expose this unscrupulous behavior. Just as I am doing now as a result of this latest missive attempting to pin blame on me for non-existent offenses.

And for the record, I am not involved in any way in most of the issues into which she routinely drags my name. My case is entirely separate and always has been. I have no involvement with groups, nor is it any of my concern what other people think, or whether or not they agree with my viewpoints. I don't ever waste my precious time arguing with strangers, or even acquaintances. It is only when they exploit or defame my good name that I will stand up in my own defense and refute the falsehoods.

In her message she, as usual, drags in other third parties who have nothing to do with her complaints against me. And since, unlike Ramola, I respect their privacy, I will protect their identities. However, if she chooses to invade their privacy, in additional public statements in connection with my name, then they have only her to “thank” for dragging their names into her drama. It has absolutely nothing to do with me.

And since I am again being blamed and falsely accused, I find it necessary not only to retain these reports on my website, but also to provide more detail about the issues.

I should begin by stating that I am, and have always been, a very private person. In fact, I am a recluse. I have made it very clear, publicly (including in NOTICES on my website) that I am a fierce defender of my privacy and personal boundaries.

I have also made this clear, in no uncertain terms, to anyone and everyone with whom I have any dealings, including my friends. Nobody who knows me personally can honestly say they are not aware of my policies on privacy.

I don't discuss my personal life in my public reports unless I find it absolutely necessary, for my own reasons. I am not a participant in the Internet culture of social media, which is basically just hordes of snoops and busybodies, gossiping about other people's business.

I have zero interest in interacting with strangers on the Internet. I publish my material on my own website (nowhere else) and aside from that, the only other venue is occasional appearances on radio programs. The readers/listeners may make of my reports what they will. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.


This is how I first got to know Ramola. She invited me to be a guest on her podcast.

From what I observed, Ramola was almost diametrically the opposite of me in her wide range of interactions with all sorts of people, most notably those calling themselves “targeted individuals”.

This was an observation, not a criticism. There are all kinds of people in the world, and some are very different from others, including in their values and their standards.

The problem I began to encounter was that Ramola did not respect my privacy and personal boundaries, but rather, projected her own standards on me. This is very common for this type of person. They seem to believe that everyone shares their values and their standards, when nothing could be further from the truth. Basically, they are collectivists who do not respect the rights of individuals who opt out of their leftist political schemes, which involve commingling of all sorts of unrelated issues. These are the kind of people who "appeal" to the evil UN, begging their intervention (as does Ramola), which to anyone who cares about liberty and justice, is anathema.

On more than one occasion she appointed herself as an unwanted intermediary between me and others, some of whom I knew, and others who were total strangers.

This was a form of meddling which I do not tolerate. She presumed to speak about me, revealing information which was told to her in confidence, and in some cases she presumed to speak for me.

Nobody speaks for me. I speak strictly for myself and never presume to speak for others.

In one instance, she had contacted a woman (a stranger to me, but a friend of hers) who had been exploiting my name, and asked her not to use my name, then gave a totally false “reason”, which was based on her own false assumptions, not on anything I ever said.

This, simply because I had told Ramola that I wanted nothing to do with this person and was outraged about my name being exploited. Instead of respecting my wishes, she took it upon herself to feed false information to a third party, misrepresenting me in the process. There was no connection of any kind between me and this interloper, and yet, Ramola took it upon herself to try to create one, against my wishes.

Then, when I told her that I do not use intermediaries, and again, that I did not want her discussing me with this woman, she tried to deny that she had done anything wrong, and claimed that I must be “mistaken”. (Just as she claimed I had “misread” her clearly stated comments falsely accusing me.)

In another instance, she again appointed herself as an unwanted intermediary, between me and a friend of mine, which was not her place and very offensive to me. Again, she made assumptions about why I had not been in contact with this individual. So she inserted herself in the middle, sending e-mails to the two of us, in regard to how we could get back into contact.

Nobody asked for her opinion. It was none of her business! It had nothing to do with her. I sent her an e-mail, politely explaining that my relationships with other people were just that – my relationships, and that I don't want a third party meddling where it is not their place.

I got a profuse apology from her, acknowledging that she had overstepped her bounds and that she would not do such a thing again. Of course, I forgave her and thought she understood.

But as I later learned, she did not understand, or at least, she did not think it was offensive to me that she continued using my name, publicly and privately in connection with people I told her I wanted nothing to do with, or gossiping about me with people who were my friends.

And later, I learned that she was talking to other third parties, making claims that I had a “falling out” with this same friend, something that was a total falsehood, and which stirred up trouble between me and my friend. At this point, her meddling has done so much damage that the relationship with my friend, for all I know, may be irreparable.

Then, as a last example of her indiscretions, I had mentioned to her that I received a phone call at my unlisted, private phone number from some stranger calling himself a “targeted individual”. I don't know how this character got my phone number, and I was outraged at the intrusion.

When Ramola heard this, I was told that she knew the person who made the call, and that she would speak to him about it. I said NO, please do not speak to him. I want nothing to do with these characters and don't want my name discussed with them.

But she did it anyway, against my wishes, and with zero respect for my privacy and personal boundaries. She told me she had called him, because she was “curious”. She proceeded to criticize him for making this call to me, and was acting as if I sanctioned it, which I most certainly did not.

Clearly, satisfying her curiosity was more important than respecting my clearly stated wishes about my privacy. And clearly, she has no concept of what boundaries are.

I do not use intermediaries. No one speaks for me. She was way out of line, and yet will not even admit that her behavior was wrongful and unethical. It is not her place to interfere in my life, in my relationships, or in accosting people who are strangers to me, with whom I have no dealings and want none.

After repeated incidents such as these, I finally realized that it would not be possible to get through to her regarding the importance of my privacy and personal boundaries being respected, though I did try, to no avail.

I knew that I could not trust her with confidential information, as it was being relayed to others, both known and unknown by me.

I had no intention of getting into a conflict with her about these issues. I do not allow conflicts in my life. She was in the wrong with her meddling and gossip and it was intolerable to me.

So rather than get into arguments with her when she tried to tell me that I was “mistaken” (I most certainly was not) about what she was doing, I decided to just quietly break off contact with her.

I had no animosity against her and don't have any now. I simply needed to put an end to the interference and misrepresentations of my name, as it was causing all manner of problems in my life, both publicly and privately.

That was about two years ago, in June 2021. I have not spoken to her or communicated with her in all this time.

I had never been anything but honest and straightforward with her during the time I had an association with her. I have done nothing wrongful to her, ever. I have respected her privacy, even when she did not respect mine.

What she thinks she can accomplish by sending me this unwarranted complaint, copied to others, I do not know. I will not allow myself to get into any arguments or conflicts with her. But I will stand up for myself and for my integrity, no matter what.

There is only one issue of concern to me and it is this: I will tolerate no interference in my business, public or private. I will tolerate no gossip and false accusations. Anyone listening to this gossip or discussing me with this busybody is no friend of mine.

So, if she decides to make an issue of this on her website, or on any of her many social media gossip sites, by making more false accusations against Barbara Hartwell, or dragging in third parties or irrelevant issues about “targeted individuals” or other such topics, then I can't stop her.

But I can guarantee there will be consequences, most certainly not to her liking.

And for the record, I must once again state that Ramola D, because of her false accusations against me, which grossly insult my honor, is persona non grata to me, and not to be trusted or believed in any claims she makes. I feel the same about anyone who supports, promotes and endorses her.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell

In Defense of Truth and Honor

June 11, 2023



PREPOSTEROUS, SENSATIONALIST BOASTS & BOGUS CLAIMS by Ramola D: “The Story of the Century”, “Whistleblower Retaliation on the World’s Pre-Eminent Journalist Exposing MK ULTRA, DEW,and Neurotech Classified Mil/Intel Crimes”

WARNING: ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GOSSIP & MEDDLING BY BUSYBODIES: Ramola D False Accusations and Defamation Against Barbara Hartwell