Monday, February 19, 2024















(Banner courtesy of FBI Whistleblower Bob Levin)



Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

I've given up soliciting donations from the general public quite some time ago, though I have still gratefully accepted any gifts when offered.

I now only ask for material support from Christians, those who share my values and my love of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, His followers, who give in the spirit of Christian charity.


And it's that time again, a new year, when my monthly expenses have skyrocketed.

I am a disabled senior citizen, attempting to live on disability benefits, which places me below the poverty line at the lowest level imaginable.

Meaning, what the government expects me to live on does not even cover my rent (which the landlord continues to raise, and has just done so again this year). Much less any other necessities, such as electric power, phone/Internet, food, gas, and other basic living expenses.

Living in dire poverty, I would not have survived all these years if not for donations from kind supporters, for which I am very grateful.


I would like to continue to maintain this website and add material as I am able, but this requires monthly fees for Internet service, as well as tech support when necessary.

This website is an archive of my work of roughly the past thirty (30) years. It is not a news site. It is not interactive, but rather a closed system.

All material published on this site is FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The readers may make of the content what they will.

Unlike most others, I am not able to offer any special benefits to donors, nor do I use electronic means for donations.

Also unlike most others, I am a recluse and do not seek interaction with the public. I do not use social media, nor am I a participant in the Internet culture.

I've known for years that I belong in a monastery, and had God allowed it, would be there now. As it is, aside from going to church, my home is my sanctuary, as close as I can come to the life I am called to live.

If you find my work (most especially including this website) to be of value, please consider making  donations of any amount, either one time, or on a regular basis.

Donations make all the difference in the world to me and allow me not only to continue to work, but to pay the bills, and to survive in these most difficult times.

Thank you for your consideration and may God richly bless you and your family.

For Faith, Family & Freedom,

Barbara Hartwell

Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Enemy of the New World Order Police State

February 19, 2024



One issue I forgot to include, which is of great concern to me, that is the cost of medical care.

As a senior citizen, I do have Medicare, but aside from acute incidents of illness/injury which require emergency care, I generally do not use allopathic medicine, and avoid drugs and surgery when possible.

I have used mostly naturopathic and chiropractic care for my entire adult life. These have worked well for me, that is, when I could get such care.

I have also been a vegetarian for my entire adult life, on principle, because I love animals. I believe that has worked in my favor, since the factory farming system (aside from the cruelty to animals) does not produce healthy animal products.

Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover the types of care I use, so I must pay for what I need myself. This has meant that I have gone without any medical care at all for years at a time.

But I can't leave out one last thing: That is the power of prayer. I have been healed many times, of serious illnesses and injuries, when I prayed, and when I asked my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord to pray for me.

So please, I also ask any Christian reading this for your prayers for healing, which I know will help immensely.

Jesus, the Great Physician, always knows what is wrong, and He knows how to fix it.

He healed many when He walked the earth and He continues to heal today.

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8



Checks, cash or money orders gratefully accepted.

Send to:

Barbara Hartwell

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572


Donations are accepted only as Christian charity or gifts, free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell, to support my work and related expenses. No quid pro quo. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.