Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Pastor Dean Odle Vs. Pastor Greg Locke in The Great Biblical Creation Debate: Review & Analysis







On December 2, 2023 an event was held at GLOBAL VISION BIBLE CHURCH, by Pastor Greg Locke.

I watched the video, which was four hours long.

It was promoted as a “debate” between Locke and Pastor Dean Odle of FIRE & GRACE CHURCH. The subject to be debated was biblical cosmology. Flat, stationary earth (Pastor Odle) vs. spinning globe earth (Pastor Locke).

I soon realized that this was not a formal debate, but rather a free-for-all, where there was no organized format, no moderator, seemingly no rules, no time limits for the contestants. This format, I later learned, was determined by Locke, who hosted the event.

Before beginning my review I should state my position on this issue. I am not an unbiased viewer of such “debates”. My conclusion, based on many years of research (including scientific), along with extensive study of the scriptures (including non-canonical texts, such as Book of Enoch) is that the Bible (any version) in its story of Creation makes it abundantly clear that the earth is a stationary plane, not a planet, not a spinning globe flying through space.

Heaven is above the earth plane. Hell is below. Up is up and down is down. And that is all I will say, as I have elaborated on this subject in other reports (see links below).

Suffice it to say that I was a “closet flat earther” until I finally decided to openly speak of my conclusion, about a decade ago, both privately and publicly, when the weight of evidence became too much for me to remain silent.

I should also say that I have been a viewer of Dean Odle's videos for quite some time, and that I greatly appreciate the quality of his research on biblical cosmology, and also from the scientific perspective.

So, I had taken a “side” before watching the video. Still, I was interested in hearing what Greg Locke had to say. I must say, I was not impressed with his presentation.

Dean Odle came equipped with well organized research and insights on both the scientific experiments, including those he himself had conducted, and his extensive studies on biblical cosmology, presented clearly in a way anyone could understand.

Locke had no such research to present. He simply paced the stage, jumped up and down, in what appeared to be 'performance art' mode, preaching against the flat earthers, in ad hominem insults, rather than attempting to edify others with facts. Calling his opponents “morons” and “clowns” is hardly a way to convey accurate information, much less to win the respect of an audience of those sincerely seeking the truth.

As for evidence, he had nothing to present. Only his wildly subjective interpretations of any scripture quoted by Odle or others who share his beliefs on biblical cosmology. He also commingled unrelated issues, engaging in confabulation in an unsuccessful effort to make the scriptures conform to his personal beliefs.

Clearly, he was a man on a mission. Not seeking the truth, or even willing to listen to the views of his fellow pastor. No, he was hell-bent on his “Global Vision” and to hell with anyone who might not fall into lockstep to defend it.

Locke actually used quotes from one Christian flat earther (not present), who had compiled Bible verses in support of flat earth, and proceeded to try to debunk him, though he was a third party not relevant to the so-called “debate”. Dean Odle brought that to his attention, that he was attempting to debate this other individual, while not addressing the points made by Odle.

Shortly thereafter, Locke displayed what I can only call hysterical behavior. In my opinion, he had no arguments, biblical or otherwise, which could possibly destroy the excellent research compiled and concisely presented by Pastor Dean Odle.

So, he lashed out in frustration, knowing he had been bested. A poor sport. A sore loser, in my view.

Locke reneged on his agreement to give Odle time for rebuttal.

The “debate” ended with Locke shouting at Odle. “Turn his mike off! Get out!”

Locke then concluded his rant with this invective: “You are a Bible denier! You are a Bible denier!”

For those interested in the subject, you may watch the video. It's long, but I watched it in segments. I found it to be very entertaining, as well as edifying, on more than one issue.

Barbara Hartwell

Biblical Flat Earther

December 27, 2023

The Great Biblical Creation Debate

The Great Biblical Creation Debate took place December 2, 2023 in Nashville, TN. Pastor Dean Odle and Pastor Greg Locke give their arguments for cosmology based on what the Bible says, who do you think won?


Pastor Greg Locke


Pastor Dean Odle




Cosmology of Creation: God is REAL, Jesus is Lord & Savior, Earth is Flat