Thursday, June 30, 2022



NOTE: I have divided this report into two parts as it is lengthy. Please read PART 1 before continuing. PART 2 is not meant to stand alone.



In the context of setting the record straight regarding my Christian faith, here is an overview. I have been accused of being a “right wing fundamentalist”, a “religious zealot”, a “fundamentalist fanatical religious freak”, a “Christian right wing anti-government extremist”, a “Christian bigot”...and so on...

My website has been blocked/censored (as in ACCESS DENIED) from a number of public places, including libraries and schools, for the purported offense of “hate” and “racism”. Nothing could be further from the truth! I have a proven track record that I have always exposed and denounced any kind of bigotry. I advocate EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL JUSTICE for one and all. But according to the leftist morons who would censor me, that is not enough. No, they want “special rights” and “social justice” for certain groups, so in fact they are the real bigots, racists and haters.

First off, it should be clear that these accusations have been made by people who hate Christians, and all that the Christian faith stands for. Without exception, they came from Luciferian leftists, Marxists, New Age nincompoops (such as those who speak such gobbledygook as “connecting with Source”, an ambiguous, nebulous term which negates the reality of God as Spirit, Lord of Hosts, Creator of Heaven and earth), secular humanists, atheists, and satanists.

"Religion" is a loaded word. Evolution, for example, never more than an unproven theory (and a bad one at that), has been established as a religion. Whereas, true Christianity is a faith; it is a personal relationship with God, with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. We are saved by grace, through faith.

"Fundamentalist" is another loaded word. I do not consider myself a fundamentalist, for the simple reason that I do not adhere to any number of beliefs promoted by those calling themselves by this label. I have found many of these people to be self-righteous, holier-than-thou, domineering, male supremacist/misogynistic, legalistic, and bound more to the conventions and doctrines of men, than to the actual love and reverence for God. I have no interest in engaging in arguments with these people, about scripture, or dogma, or doctrines, or anything else. They are free to believe what they will and I don't attempt to force my views on anyone, as these “fundamentalists” often do. Avoiding them solves the problem for me.

Leading a Christian life is a moral and spiritual imperative to me. I do not limit myself to any particular form of religious orthodoxy, though I have attended churches of various denominations (on and off) throughout my life. I don't need to go to church to practice my faith; I can do that anywhere I happen to be, though I do enjoy corporate worship and fellowship, as long as I find nothing objectionable which I cannot in good conscience support. Sadly, I have found quite a number of churches and Christian groups to fall into this category.

I was first baptized in the Eastern Orthodox church. I have been trained in seminaries, specializing in pastoral counseling. I also had private formal instruction in other religious systems (including by Jesuits, Sufis and Buddhists). I wanted to find the truth, and for me that meant investigating these systems (and more), to find out what they believe, and why.

Based on both experience and revelation by the Holy Spirit, I have found that most systems are a form of cultural indoctrination, the doctrines of men. There is no substitute for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in all its simplicity, while grounded in sound doctrine.

I was ordained in 1979 (D.Div.) as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not use any titles awarded to me, as I seek no acknowledgment of the World. I had no calling to be a pastor and have not served as such. This is an important distinction; serving as a pastor is only one form of Christian ministry.

Over the years I have served in the ministries of different churches and have been a member of several for a time. Mostly I have served in ministry outside of churches per se, especially in counseling, particularly of intelligence/military personnel and survivors of government operations.

I was an instructor at various educational institutes, at some of which I was the only Christian on staff, or brought in as a guest lecturer, but that was where God placed me. I developed and led a seminar called Prayer: The Greatest Power in the Universe, which was my favorite.

I enjoy going to church, including the fellowship. I always love the people, as my brothers and sisters in Christ. Unfortunately, I have seen so many churches which embrace worldly values, promoting the doctrines of men, and in some cases, the doctrines of devils. So many churches have been infiltrated by New Age and secular humanist ideologies.

Christianity is not a “cafeteria”, not an “a la carte” faith. Those who think they can pick and choose, mix in all kinds of non-Christian ideologies, to suit their subjective opinions and worldview, or to hedge their bets, in the misguided belief that there are “other ways” than Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, are not Christians, no matter their claims. You cannot serve two masters. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

I have had a particular history with the Episcopal Church (in part due to family connections), and was confirmed in Christ by an Episcopal Bishop, though I was not ordained in that denomination. Traditionally, the Episcopal church embraced “conservative” values and was mainly based on scripture. At least I found nothing which was insupportable.

I left once the Episcopalians began to make a hard left turn, supporting Marxist causes like gun control, advocacy for allowing illegal aliens to invade this nation, the LGBTQ mafia, BLM, etc. etc.

To add insult to injury, most recently, the officers of a church where I served for two years in the ministry as Clerk of the Vestry, required compliance with the unlawful edicts of the corrupt public officials in government, that all attendees must be masked AND vaccinated AND observe “social distancing”. I am always non-compliant with such appalling tyranny. Of course I love the people and still pray for them, but on principle, I will never darken the door of that church again. Not unless they publicly repent and acknowledge their grievous errors.

One of the most egregious displays of the anti-Christ spirit is those claiming to be Christians, who are Jew-haters. This atrocity has been an alarming and growing trend, with its adherents grossly defaming and condemning all “The Jews”, simply by their “bloodlines”, by promoting anti-Jewish propaganda (such as the so-called “Jew World Order”, and the thoroughly discredited and fraudulent “Protocols of Zion”), and by calling the Holocaust a “hoax”. This is an abomination to God. They, and all their supporters, should be shunned and denounced by true Christians. Never the twain shall meet. True Christians do not hate Jews, nor promote such shameful propaganda. Jew-haters are anti-Christ. Period. Case closed.

I am charismatic, as I know the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be real. I have been blessed with these gifts since childhood. I have witnessed them in others, and been blessed by them, over a lifetime. I know from experience that 'cessationism' (as some call it) is a false doctrine. Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today and forever. God is so much greater than some believe! He expects us to use His gifts in His service and to declare His Glory!

I don't care one way or another about denominations and I refuse to be locked into any set of rules and regulations, which I see mostly as man made contrivances. I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I discern by the Holy Spirit, not by the doctrines of men.

I do not embrace the values or doctrines of the World and have no worldly ambition. Friendship with the World is enmity with God.

I have been blessed many times by Divine Intervention, and communion with angels, including being delivered from grave danger, experiencing miraculous healings, and surviving life-threatening situations.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Now here is a minefield, if ever there was one. These are three distinct and separate categories. Yet they have been thrown together and placed under one generalized umbrella, AS IF they are one and the same. And it has resulted in a mess of confusion and false information, which was exactly the plan by those who spawned it.

Without exception, the worst cases of false information promoted in connection with the name of Barbara Hartwell have been on these subjects. The damages have been extreme and severe and my outrage knows no bounds.

My name has been falsely dragged into every conceivable category among these issues, which have been lumped all together by promoters of government black propaganda, and endlessly parroted by ignorant people, including government stooges and lackeys.

The sheer number of falsehoods promoted is far beyond the scope of this report, so I will list some facts which should set the record straight on at least the basics. (Also see reports on this site for more detail.)

I come from a CIA/military intelligence family (both sides). I was trained for intelligence work, beginning in childhood. I was chosen and recruited without my knowledge or consent, through family/bloodline connections. It is important to state that, as a child, I was given no choice in the matter.

I am a survivor of MK Ultra and other CIA black operations. It is important to state that MK Ultra was a very specific operation, for the primary purpose of “creating the perfect spy” during the Cold War era. There were sub-projects, using drugs, hypnosis, behavior modification tactics, psychotronic weaponry (including Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and trauma based programming.

To set the record straight (as I have done many times before), see this list of false claims which have been promoted in connection to my name.

At no time was I ever a victim of sexual abuse, nor was ever a “sex slave”, nor “sex trafficked”.

At no time was I ever a victim of satanic ritual abuse.

At no time was I ever any kind of “mind-controlled slave”.

At no time was I ever involved in what is known as “Monarch”.

NOTE: Monarch was never a CIA operation under MK Ultra. It has been used as a side show (sex slaves and satanism) to misdirect attention from the actual MK Ultra operations, which had absolutely nothing to do with sex slaves or satanism. Anyone who is promoting Monarch as a CIA op under MK Ultra is 1) part of the purposeful deception, for an agenda, 2) parroting the party line out of ignorance, 3) exploiting this false information for self-serving motives such as material gain and/or ego gratification and/or seeking power and control.

Having to fight my way out of CIA operations, I broke free, as a defector, in 1994. I am not “retired”.

Since the time I became a CIA whistleblower (1995) I have been targeted for political persecution by the government. It is called a “neutralization campaign”. Much of the persecution against me is because I am a Christian. The perpetrators hate Christians, because Christians alone know that the only way out of criminal government/military operations (including MK Ultra and related projects) is Jesus Christ.

I was delivered from CIA by the grace of God, after many years of spiritual (supernatural) warfare and what I can only describe as trench warfare.

That is the truth, for the record.


In yet another case of mistaken identity, my name has been exploited, over a period of many years, by large numbers of people who call themselves “targeted individuals”(aka TIs). They make false claims that I am “one of them”, and drag my name in repeatedly and profusely where it does not belong. I am a CIA whistleblower, targeted for political persecution, in a vendetta of extreme prejudice. NOT a “targeted individual”. And there is a huge difference between these categories, as I will explain (once again...)

Among the number of journalists (and others) who cover these issues, there is a tendency for them to take the party line and lump a number of issues together in one basket. Very few who speak about these issues are professional journalists. Even among those who are, most are not survivors of government operations, nor were they involved in any way, and most significantly, they are not government whistleblowers. To put it bluntly, they don't know what they are talking about, but are seeking fame and fortune at the expense of genuine victims, survivors and legitimate whistleblowers, those who have shed blood, sweat and tears, who have risked their lives to expose government corruption, have worked and fought for decades to put criminals out of business and behind bars.

Among the claims made by those promoting themselves as “targeted individuals” (including those in the many groups who are self-described members of the so-called “TI Community”) is that there is a “TI program”. Some promote the falsehood that “ALL TIs are blacklisted into this program.” Some claim that TIs are all victims of “trafficking” and/or “non-consensual experimentation”.

Quite a number of these persons make extravagant claims of being individual (specific) targets of huge black operations, involving FBI, CIA, DOD, fusion centers, etc. etc. They speak of armies of perpetrators, foot soldiers, fleets of cars, drones, aircraft, invading a neighborhood, for the purpose of singling them out, attacking them with electronic weaponry with the intent to kill them.

If this sounds absurd, that is because it is. Imagine the extent of resources, the manpower, the military hardware, it would take to deploy such a campaign, against a lone individual. Millions upon millions of dollars?

And this, against people who are not even government whistleblowers, who have never been involved in government operations, and who therefore would pose no threat which could possibly rise to the level of justifying such expenditures.

Yet these are the claims being made by a large number of people calling themselves “targeted individuals”.

Making such sensationalist claims only discredits the entire subject. Anyone with even a modicum of common sense would know that such an immense operation, supposedly to “kill” one person makes no sense whatsoever.

Those who have actual experience and knowledge in these matters know that if they were hell-bent on killing someone, they could easily do so, without making a huge production out of it.


The whole point of this report is to make it clear that what I have chosen to make public about my own case, my own background, my own purposes, has been tainted by a plethora of false information, over a period of decades.

The less publicity I get, the more I thank the Good Lord.

I am outraged (and righteously so) at having my name grossly exploited and defamed by self-serving publicity-seekers, ambitious and aggressive individuals, intelligence groupies, government stooges and snake oil salesmen, looking to make a name for themselves at the expense of those legitimate persons (of which I am only one), whose purpose is to serve God, defend Liberty and pursue Justice, for one and all.

In the one thing I know I cannot do wrong, I pray God's Justice on them all, according to His will.

Barbara Hartwell

June 30, 2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


"Truth against the World!"

Battle cry of Queen Bodicea

CAVEAT LECTOR: I don't expect that this report will be of interest to some readers, as it addresses issues which probably don't concern them. The point is that they are of great concern to me. Just another NOTICE which I find it important to document for the public record.

Could I be the subject of a case of mistaken identity? I often wonder. So many people, who apparently believe I am someone – or something – I am not. What's more, I seem to be a lightning rod for exploitation, for misrepresentation, for defamation, and for false accusations, from the ludicrous to the reprehensible. (Why me, Lord?)

At least once a year I find it necessary (even imperative) to set the record straight concerning the purpose of this website, my policies on various issues, and the numerous and diverse falsehoods which are published on the Internet in connection to the name of Barbara Hartwell. This false information by far exceeds any truthful, factual, accurate information, which has caused tremendous frustration and outrage, at the cumulative damage to my good name, as well as the larger issue of falsehoods being substituted for the truth. False information about any subject or person is damaging not only to that person, but also to anyone who believes it, much more to the society at large.

I dread even the thought of putting my name in any search engine, but though I don't, I still find a plethora of falsehoods on a regular basis when conducting a search, even for unrelated subjects.

Much of the false information is the result of a massive smear campaign, which has continued for decades, engineered by my enemies in the intelligence services, for the purpose of discrediting my reports and vilifying my name. Libel, slander, character assassination, spread far and wide, on high traffic, commercial sites, on radio/podcast platforms and social media. I know I have seen only a small fraction of what is out there. And since I am “locked out” of most social media sites (never being a member – heaven forbid!), I know I will never see some of the worst of it.

In some cases, I make a point of refuting the defamatory falsehoods, and exposing the offenders as the liars, hacks, frauds, shills, government stooges, and criminals they are. Mostly, I ignore them. I simply don't have the time to get to them all and have far more important issues to deal with.

It is important to state that I consider ALL false information to be defamatory, even if that was not the intent of the offender (and I use that term in the specific sense of civil law). It is defamatory because it misrepresents persons and places them in a false light. The same applies to the name of Barbara Hartwell being grossly exploited, falsely associated with so many persons or issues where there is in fact no connection, no relevance whatsoever. I do not care what the motive is. I do not care if they “mean well”, or act without malice. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions and the damages occur just the same.

To complicate the situation, there are people who are acting on the false information they have heard or read, by parroting it in a public venue AS IF it were a statement of fact, the gospel truth.

Then, in the same vein, there are those who are attempting to make contact with me. Some are requesting investigative services or private consultations. Strangely, some are acting on the false belief that I am a licensed attorney, though I have always made a point of clearly stating that such is not the case.

These letters are sent by the post, as I don't have a public e-mail address or other published contact information. At least 2 or 3 times a month, these letters arrive. This has continued for at least 2 decades, despite the fact that I have repeatedly published NOTICES clearly stating that I do NOT offer such professional services to the general public, and requesting that people please NOT send me case files, legal briefs or their personal testimony. Since I do not respond to these letters (which I also have stated in my NOTICES), I often receive repeated requests from the same person, asking if I have received their letters, speculating as to why I may not have received them, and providing e-mail addresses and phone numbers, and apparently expecting a response.

Some are acting under the false impression that I myself am seeking assistance of one kind or another, and have made various offers of such. Though I appreciate their kindness, I don't accept such offers. Some are acting under the mistaken notion that I am seeking interaction (social or professional). Again, I am not. None of the above.

In addition to the plethora of false information published on the Internet, it appears that many people are simply making unwarranted assumptions, engaging in speculation (often of the extreme variety) and/or projecting their own subjective values, beliefs or proclivities on me. What's worse, they are actually publishing all of this, which does great harm to me, through gross misrepresentation.

In order to set the record straight (yet again...), I have divided the issues of concern to me into categories for easy reference. I can hope this will set the record straight, though I know from past experience that is unlikely. At least, I know I have documented all this to plainly state the facts for the record, and in defense of my honor and integrity, and provided the opportunity for those who wish to know the truth.


My site is FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. It is an archive of my reports, generally over the past quarter century. It is not a “news” site. I am not a “news reporter”. I am an advocacy journalist, who has worked in terrestrial radio/cable TV as host and producer as well as in print journalism, formerly in hard copy periodicals (including mainstream media), and since 1995, on the Internet, for a total of over 40 years.

I do not run a high-traffic, commercial site. No advertising, nothing to sell. I do not seek publicity nor engage in any form of self-promotion. I do not post my reports or other information anywhere else. I want to make this clear because I have been a victim of plagiarism, forgery, fraud and identity theft many times over. Some of these offenders have set up fraudulent message boards exploiting my name; have sections of websites dedicated to defamatory content against Barbara Hartwell, and even a fraudulent Facebook page for Barbara Hartwell Vs CIA. And the devil knows what all else is out there...

It is nearly impossible to track these reprobates down, as they invariably use pseudonyms, or are entirely anonymous. So I need to make it clear that anything found outside this website, exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell, did not come from me, is unauthorized, is fraudulent, and should be disregarded.

The issues I choose to cover are those which are important to me, including for personal and professional reasons. In general terms, I focus on exposing government corruption and tyranny, defending liberty and pursuing justice. And I am passionate about putting bad guys (government or not) out of business, and criminals behind bars, where they belong.

I do not run an interactive site, nor do I provide a platform for others to air their views. My site is a closed system, for the sole purpose of publishing information, which the readers may take or leave, like or dislike, agree or disagree, and make of it what they will. Unlike most others, I do not seek 'input' or 'feedback'. None of this is of any concern to me.

I take no part in the Internet culture, which I find to be a hotbed of busybodies, gossips, attention-seekers and salesmen, most sticking their noses where they don't belong. Especially social media, which I have never used and never will; aside from being a government data extraction operation and surveillance system, it is a cesspool of sensationalism, vulgarity and idiocy, as far as I am concerned.

I do not have a “comments” section on my site, nor engage the readers (or the general public) in discussions, arguments, debates, nor do I answer questions. If the readers have questions, they will either find the answers in the published content on this site, or they will not. I do have a 3-part FAQ in the NOTICES section, though it is limited to the issues I find most important.

Since no one is authorized to speak for me, no accurate answers (or factual information) may be found elsewhere, only just subjective opinions and speculation, which is entirely worthless to anyone seeking the facts and the truth.

I understand that there is no way to stop the hordes of cyber-junkies from promoting their wild speculation, unwarranted assumptions, erroneous suppositions, or outright defamatory falsehoods; it is the nature of the beast. But I won't ever open a door and provide the means or the opportunity for these unprincipled and intrusive characters.

The same applies to radio/podcast interviews. I do not appear on live programs, where there is a chat section where the audience is invited to make comments, ask questions, or where they can call in to join the discussion. If the recorded interview is posted on YouTube, or other platforms, I tell the host beforehand to please disable the comments section. If I do find a podcast where comments have been enabled, despite my wishes, I will not promote the podcast, nor will I appear on that program again.

I say what I mean and mean what I say. I am very serious about this, and that is my prerogative, though I am aware it is unusual. Most who run websites and/or host radio/podcasts engage the audience; that is how they gain followers, fund their platform and make a profit. And/or, they may enjoy the interaction. I don't criticize them for this, it is not my business. But I don't seek “popularity”, I don't share their viewpoints or policies; my policy, in all cases, is DO NOT ENGAGE.

I have made every effort to clearly state my policies and purposes in a number of NOTICES which are prominently displayed in a section at the top of this site. Yet, no matter how many times I have stated these policies, they are regularly disregarded or ignored. I must say, it is a shame that so many people would have so little respect for the privacy and personal boundaries of an individual, especially when I have made my position crystal clear.



The prevailing culture, especially on the Internet, has become a free-for-all, where anything goes, where proper manners and standards of decency and morality have plummeted. It is a surveillance society, engineered by the Marxist/progressive takeover, where snoops and snitches have free rein, and privacy has been all but expunged.

I will take no part in it. I am a fierce defender of my privacy. My life is NOT an open book, for all and sundry to peruse. I maintain a public website, of which I am the sole editor and administrator. That said, I am a very, very private person.

Privacy is an integral part of my liberty. The right to live in peace, to be free from intrusions, from unwanted, unsolicited contact. The right to protect personal/privileged information which is not the concern or the business of anyone unless I choose to reveal it, either under confidence, or to the general public.

I do not have a public e-mail address, nor a listed telephone number or physical address.

As stated above, I do not use any form of social media, nor do I solicit any form of social or professional interaction.

Anyone who wants to contact me, for any reason, may easily do so using the postal mailing address prominently displayed on this website. If that is too much trouble to take, then I can't imagine it would be all that important.

In any case, contact by the post weeds out most of the curiosity seekers, busybodies, salesmen and crazies. With few exceptions, it is mostly effective in preventing the harassment and threats I used to get when I had a public e-mail address (not since 2003). As for death threats, most of the criminals know better than to send such a thing in writing by post.

Although I may be considered a “public figure” by virtue of a long career as an advocacy journalist and public speaker, I am not a “public servant”. I hold no public office, nor am I a candidate for such. I have no criminal record. I am law-abiding and respect the privacy, personal boundaries and rights of others, on principle, even though in many cases, they don't respect mine.

I am not employed by any person or entity. I have purposely avoided getting licensed in any area of my professional work, for the purpose of remaining entirely independent and free from all restrictions and government control. I can't be “fired” from a job where I am not employed, and a license which I don't hold cannot be suspended or terminated, as no one has lawful authority over me or my work. Nor can I be held in check by such threats.

One example: Since I was already trained as an investigator, I considered becoming a licensed private investigator, as a way to have some income, as do many former law enforcement and intelligence professionals. I went through an additional formal detective training course, as it would have made it easier to qualify for a license. But then, I decided against it, for the simple reason that in the state of Maine, where I lived at the time, all licensed private investigators were under the authority of the police. No way!

The point of explaining all this? No one, from the government, nor the general public, has any right, nor any legitimate reason, to pry into my business, to invade my privacy, or to wield any influence or control over me, as long as I am law-abiding. Case closed.

So, busybodies and control freaks (from the government, or not), take heed. You invade my privacy, there will be consequences!

Another important issue: I do NOT use intermediaries, for any reason. There have been people who wanted to contact me, but instead of honoring my policies as given in NOTICES on this site, they have contacted “known associates”, usually those who have promoted my work on their websites and/or talk show hosts with whom I have done interviews. They request that these individuals pass messages to me by e-mail or by phone. As stated in my NOTICES, I do not wish to receive, nor do I respond to third party communications. Again, the one way to contact me is by my postal mailing address.

Lastly, I am a true introvert by nature, and a recluse, by intent. My dream is to live in a monastery in some remote location, far from the World, and the Good Lord willing, I would be there now.


I no longer solicit donations from this website, nor from any other venue. However, I do accept them, with gratitude, with the proviso that they are given free and clear, no questions asked, no strings attached, as 'Christian charity' or 'gifts'. All donations are to be used at the sole discretion of Barbara Hartwell, to support my work, including, but not limited to, this website, and to cover other expenses as they are necessary. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.

I do not use any form of electronic payment, but do accept checks, money orders or cash, sent by post to the mailing address:

PO Box 22

Rhinebeck, NY 12572

I do not offer subscriptions, nor do I seek supporters or followers. I am unable to offer any special benefits or exclusive content in connection with donations, as many do.

I am a senior citizen on disability benefits, which do not even begin to cover my monthly living expenses, much less the expenses related to my work. From those who find value in my work (including this website), and would like to make it possible to continue, your donations are greatly appreciated.

Lastly, please do read the NOTICES at the top of this site before sending notes, letters or donations. Hopefully that will prevent you from wasting your precious time, and prevent me from being a case of mistaken identity inasmuch as this is possible.

For those reading this who do respect the privacy, personal boundaries and rights of others, thank you for your consideration.

Barbara Hartwell

The Truth in the Record


June 15, 2022



Please see PART 2