Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Obsessive/Compulsive, Outrageously Vulgar, Morally Repugnant, Cowardly & Reprehensible: Egregious Calumny Against Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell by “Righter of Wrongs, Robert Sau” (aka Karen Stewart?) & Mob of Social Media Harpies

I was recently informed of the existence of a Twitter page, run under the pseudonym “Robert Sau”. The purpose of this cesspool of depravity? Egregious calumny based on false accusations. Presenting a flagrantly false narrative, in which Barbara Hartwell and Ramola D are depicted as a CIA agent, and “handler”, and her “CIA asset”, accused of every dastardly deed imaginable. All committed, of course, in the pursuit of “control”, and “money”, by “defamation”, “sabotage” and “cyberstalking”.

Promoted by “Robert Sau”:

"Righter of Wrongs vs Writer of Wrongs. Outing the destructive childish drivel of an immature, selfish Junior High style mean girl housewife in her 50’s, RamolaD"

The title of this Twitter page is:


Could anyone possibly come up with an insult more absolutely vulgar, more degrading, more odious than this? Though I have a loathing of vulgarity, I'm not easy to shock; however, anyone who would display such an obscene image in connection with a person's name is very clearly motivated by malice so extreme as to be considered a menace, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Target at whom it is directed.

Next item: At the top of the page is an image of a house, which is the residence of Ramola D. This is not only a monstrous invasion of privacy, it is most certainly putting the Target at risk of being stalked by criminals and crazies. The very same crazies who, reading –and in their stupidity and utter lack of discernment, blindly believing– the many defamatory accusations against Ramola, might just decide on invading her property, in their twisted notion of vigilante “justice”.

I am unfortunately very familiar with this unscrupulous tactic of publicly posting photos of a Target's home, as an invitation to criminals, to stalk, vandalize and to commit theft. It happened to me. I sustained thousands of $ of losses in theft and damages, when the UNLISTED, PRIVATE street address of my home in Maine was posted on the Internet by scum criminals (on orders from CIA), whose purpose was to destroy me. The same thing happened to former CIA agent, Valerie Plame, as documented in her book, Fair Game.

And, I should add that in Ramola's case, she has a teenage daughter, who could definitely be at risk from the same sort of criminal crazies. This is absolutely outrageous! There is NO EXCUSE.

The entries on this Twitter site begin on April 4, 2020. The account is nominally attributed to one “Robert Sau”. But the posts consist, almost exclusively, of laudatory comments about Karen Stewart, citing her writings, her interviews, etc. etc.

What's more, some of the same exact quotes, and in the same style of writing, written and repeatedly promoted by one Karen Melton Stewart, on her “PERPS and Nutcases” Facebook page, and other social media, where she regularly holds court, surrounded by a squadron of screeching harpies, who never miss an opportunity to harass their designated Targets, most notably Barbara Hartwell, “CIA” and of late, Ramola D, now labeled “CIA asset”.

Now, note that “CIA Barbara Hartwell” and “CIA Asset Ramola D” are labeled as “cyberstalkers”. Another typical tactic: accuse the Target of what is actually true about the accuser.

I have been accused of “stalking” before, always by those whose actual aggression against me resulted in them being exposed in my reports for their various offenses, including invasions of privacy, gate-crashing, harassment, injurious exploitation of my name and image, defamation, and yes –actual stalking.

As for Ramola, I have never once observed any form of “stalking” behavior. I have only seen her to refute the falsehoods promoted by others, in her own defense, just as I have done.

So much for the absurdity of calling us “cyberstalking queens”.

As for hiding behind a pseudonym, in this case, “Robert Sau”, the architect of this Twitter page, evidently does not care that such is always a device of cowards, who, instead of openly saying what they have to say, using their real names, feel the need to obfuscate, to plant the seeds of plausible deniability, thinking they can't be held accountable for their aggression against others.

But when I see my name, and the names of others who are my friends and colleagues, being trashed by anyone who will not even own up to their actions, I can guaran-damn-tee they will be exposed, and there will be consequences, some of which they may never have expected.

Now, for some quotes by “Robert Sau, Righter of Wrongs”, posted on this Twitter page.

"RamolaD / Ramola Dharmaraj immigrant housewife, calling Karen Stewart a liar in response to her telling about Ramola’s dishonesty in pressuring ppl to go on the attack for her, is like Brenan calling Trump a traitor. Obscene."

Here's one for the record: “immigrant housewife”. Ramola has lived in the US for over 30 years. She is a US citizen. She has had a long and distinguished career in academia and journalism. But according to “Robert Sau, Righter of Wrongs”, she is nothing but a housewife? Not only false, but asinine.

And who, here, exactly, is guilty of being “obscene”? Naming a Twitter page “RamolasSphincter”.

Another hideous image, defaming Barbara Hartwell & Ramola D:

And now, here is a quote from Karen Stewart on her PERPS and Nutcases Facebook page:

"Confidence is quiet, insecurities are loud. Truth is simple. Lies are convoluted, verbose, even contradictory... ad hominem attacks traded for logic. “Repeat a lie often enough and (weak-minded) people will believe it."

So, let me get this straight. A person who calls others by vile names, making all kinds of unsubstantiated accusations, no facts, no evidence whatsoever, and posts ghastly images of demons, in connection with their names, while spinelessly hiding behind a pseudonym, THAT person is “quiet”, relying on “logic”. No “ad hominem” attacks here, no indeed.

Another statement from Karen Stewart on PERPS and Nutcases, Facebook:


What “proof” of any of the accusations against Barbara Hartwell or Ramola D, has ever surfaced, from any source? Where is the evidence, the documentation?

There is none, not a scintilla. And that is precisely why the “ad hominem attacks and bluster”, coming not from those falsely accused, but from the author of PERPS and Nutcases Facebook, Karen Stewart, is the perfect example of actual projection.

Next item from Twitter:

"So, I used to send ppl to EverydayConcerned(.)net to see Stewart articles but naturally cannot anymore now that CIA has bought off sell-out RamolaD / Ramola Dharmaraj to smear her important testimony. Luckily Stewart does radio blog interviews that are also useful."

Again, the baseless accusation (AS IF written by a different party) that Ramola (the “immigrant housewife”) is “bought off” by CIA. And, since I, Barbara Hartwell, am accused of being her “handler”, I must be the one who is paying Ramola to “smear” Stewart. But wait...that is exactly the opposite of what Karen Stewart accused Ramola of in the recent past...SHE was supposedly paying me, with a “bribe” to “smear” Stewart.

Which one is it? She can't have it both ways...but apparently, in her upside down world, totally devoid of facts, evidence and logic, where contradictions are the order of the day, it appears that anything goes...

"According to RamolaD / Dharmaraj NSA Whistleblower William Binney and Kirk Wiebe are talking to 2 ppl Queen Ramola has declared liars, frauds, double-agents, etc. Who is she kidding? She describes herself and her obvious CIA handler Hartwell."

At this point, I must state that I am not involved with the individuals named here. I do not know them, nor have I publicly commented on them. I have not named anyone mentioned here as a “double agent”. I have, however, accurately named Katherine Horton (to whom she refers) as a fraud and liar, for that is what she has revealed herself to be, in many instances, including in her defamation of Barbara Hartwell, claiming I am CIA, a "bitch" and other epithets. And now, I am called, by Karen Stewart, the “obvious CIA handler” of Ramola D.

Obvious, how? Obvious to whom? A gaggle of government stooges who have swallowed the lies, hook, line and sinker, most likely because it makes them feel SO IMPORTANT to think they are targets of CIA, when they are more likely targets of their own ignorance and foolishness.

Now, let us take a look at some of the other posts on this Twitter page. They are repeated, over and over, in a redundant loop, naming Barbara Hartwell and Ramola D:

"Barbara Hartwell Church of Satan Lucifer Barbara Hartwell Church of Satan Lucifer Barbara Hartwell Church of Satan Lucifer Barbara Hartwell Church of Satan Lucifer Barbara Hartwell Church of Satan Lucifer Barbara Hartwell Church of Satan Lucifer....."

"RamolaD's Ego Hurts TIs RamolaD's Ego Hurts TIs RamolaD's Ego Hurts TIs RamolaD's Ego Hurts TIs RamolaD's Ego Hurts TIs RamolaD's Ego Hurts TIs..."

"Ramola D paid CIA Asset Controlled Opposition Ramola D paid CIA Asset Controlled Opposition Ramola D paid CIA Asset Controlled Opposition Ramola D paid CIA Asset Controlled Opposition Ramola D paid CIA Asset Controlled Opposition....."

"Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset Character Assassin CIA Asset....."

"Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur Ramola D Disinfo Agent Sellout Saboteur...."

"Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queen Libel queen slander queenLibel queen slander queenLibel queen slander queen..."

This is an attempt at brain imprinting, repetitive use of the same negative phrases, so that the reader's mind will associate the Targets' names with the false accusations.

It also displays obsessive/compulsive behavior. It is not enough to say it once. It must be repeated over and over, to make sure it sticks.

To add to the false narrative, there are also posted numerous videos on narcissism, of which Ramola has been accused by Karen Stewart, on her various social media pages.

Here is one such entry:

"Malignant Narcissists lose control when their demons are exposed.
They rant and rave and obsess like their demons, proving themselves unstable. They would sink a boat they are even in just to “get back at” anyone who stands up to their bullying."

That is clearly why Ramola and I have been depicted as the very demons which reside in our false accusers, but which they project on us.


I have known Ramola D since March, 2018. I have appeared on her podcast, Ramola D Reports, quite a number of times. I developed a friendship and professional relationship with her, based on common interests. She has supported my work, based on her own estimation of its value and validity. I have done the same for her.

However, we come from very different backgrounds. Were I a CIA agent, as accused by Karen Stewart (and numerous others, over a period of many years), looking to recruit an asset, to “smear” certain individuals, would I choose someone like Ramola?

In a word, no. I would be looking for someone biddable, someone willing to follow orders, in exchange for what benefits (material or otherwise) I was offering the asset.

Aside from the fact that I am involved in no such activities,
Ramola is no such person. She has her own ideas, and thinks for herself. As well, I have seen that she has no agenda, as a journalist, other than searching for the truth. She reports on what she finds, wherever the evidence leads, and develops her own opinions, which often vary greatly from mine.

I should make it clear that there are a number of issues on which I am not at all in agreement with Ramola. In some cases, our views diverge widely, including on various people. This is not a problem, since agreement on every issue is not required, in either a friend or colleague, for her or for me.

These vile, defamatory accusations are more damaging, I would venture to say, for Ramola, than for me.

Unfortunately, as a Target of a decades-long neutralization campaign, retaliation by CIA, I have become used to it.

I have worked as an advocacy journalist for more than 40 years, in print (newspapers and periodicals), terrestrial radio and cable TV. I have mostly used the Internet since 1995.

My purpose, since leaving CIA operations (1994) has been to expose the crimes, the corruption, the conspiracies I witnessed, and by some of which I and others were victimized.

Defending Liberty and God-given unalienable rights, as protected under the Constitution, as well as pursuing Justice, are what my work is based on, first and foremost, as a Christian, secondly as a patriot. I love my country, but there is no love lost between me and the government.

As I have stated many times, I am not involved in what is known as the “Targeted Individual Community”. I am not a member of any of their groups, nor am acquainted with those who run them, nor do I participate in their activities. For the most part, I have no commonalities with them, or what they are reporting; nor do I support the types of “activism” in which they are involved.

And yet, I have been continually lumped in with these people, even though I am totally independent, and have no dealings with them. And now, I am being accused, by Karen Stewart (and a number of others), of being “controlled opposition”, an “infiltrator”, a “cyberstalking queen”, in the “TI Community”.

This is utter hogwash, a contrivance of idiots who know nothing of my background or what I stand for. I AM NOT A PART OF THIS.

And so I repeat, from the title of this report:

Obsessive/Compulsive, Outrageously Vulgar, Morally Repugnant, Cowardly & Reprehensible: Egregious Calumny Against Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell by “Righter of Wrongs, Robert Sau” (aka Karen Stewart?) & Mob of Social Media Harpies

I really think it would behoove these false accusers, these screeching harpies, these social media gossips and self-appointed “leaders”, including "Robert Sau, Righter of Wrongs" (what idiocy!), to find a soft target, since they evidently are in desperate need of a scapegoat to inflate their own importance. 

Barbara Hartwell
Targeted by “Targeted Individuals”
June 2, 2020