Monday, September 17, 2018


NOTE: My website, Barbara Hartwell Vs CIA, has been BLOCKED and selectively censored at various locations, going back at least a decade, as falsely cited for “Violence”, “Hate” and “Racism”.

Now, Geral Sosbee has discovered that the podcasts with Ramola D are also being blocked. AS IF these control freaks have not done enough damage by sabotaging the podcasts, before, during and after recording, costing Ramola hours of time and money, for what should be a simple production.

I ask that all who are interested in the information presented by government whistleblowers please report and make a formal complaint about this selective censorship to any entity who is involved in this plot to silence truth. This includes public libraries, schools, hotels, locations offering free WIFI, etc. Let them know you won't spend YOUR MONEY with them, but will take your business elsewhere, to places which honor the right to free speech.

Barbara Hartwell
September 17, 2018
Constitution Day

Here, a brief report from Geral.

fbi and federal judge block and shut off my podcasts with RAMOLA D.

In a shocking display of corruption by fbi and federal judges here is a report that should stir interest everywhere.

Report of hideous new corruption of fbi and their criminal federal judge operative.

I submit this report from the local hotels where some hotels block access to the podcasts. Other locations are apparently not affected and the podcasts are up and running.

In direct violation of the *US Constitution, First Amendment, the fbi and a corrupt and insane federal judge block and shut down the video podcasts of BARBARA HARTWELL, GERAL SOSBEE and RAMOLA D. Other videos and podcasts are probably also affected.

*Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Every American should be outraged that a federal judge is so completely controlled by the traitors of fbi that the judge permits the shutting down of our free speech. The judge who authorized other fbi crimes against me, Barbara and Ramola D. and thousands of others should be removed from office and prosecuted for treason, forced suicide, false imprisonment and murder.

God help us stop the fools in the fbi who have ruined our country and threaten all mankind.

A transcript of the following podcast is still online, thanks to RAMOLA D. AND BARBARA HARTWELL: