Saturday, June 30, 2018

Barbara Hartwell Interview with Ramola D: PART 6

NOTE: The You Tube channel associated with this podcast has been terminated. Those interested may do a search to find the report on other channels.

In this podcast, the technical sabotage continued, this time by having an image flashing across Ramola's screen every few minutes, which can be seen on the video.

It took an entire week of work for her to retrieve and clean up the file and post it. The perpetrators of this ongoing sabotage are making it as difficult and frustrating as they can for us to continue with this series. Ramola is the one whose time and money must be spent in efforts to combat these obstructions, and I thank her for pressing on, regardless of the troubles.

Report #72: Part 6--Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower & Ramola D: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in FBI, CIA

In this continuation of our earlier conversation on the practices of extreme and abusive retaliation against whistleblowers practiced by the FBI and CIA, as experienced in particular by CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell and FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee and involving the “Black Propaganda” methods of character assassination, slander, defamation, and libel, Barbara expands further on these subjects.

Calling on her own experience of retaliation as well as Geral Sosbee's in being so hounded and persecuted by the FBI and CIA over the years as to be prevented from finding a place to rent or living a normal life free of stalking, harassment, financial takedown, blacklisting, and poverty, Barbara Hartwell also mentions the cases of Jeffrey Sterling, still in prison after two years, and Kevin Shipp, whose home and family were targeted.

Bringing the situation to the present day, we discuss the identical targeting now being meted out to hundreds of thousands of (outstanding, high-IQ, high-integrity, highly accomplished, morally upright, conscientious, patriotic, critically-thinking, absolutely innocent) American citizens who have been placed not merely wrongfully but criminally by the FBI and local fusion centers on watchlists and terrorist lists, named glibly by the corrupt FBI as terrorists, extremists, potential terrorists, and other such Patriot Act confections, character-defamed in fabricated diagnoses as mentally unstable to their neighbors and communities, ostracized, surveilled, and then trafficked into military Electromagnetic weapons-testing and neuro-experimentation contracts, under which they are now all reporting physical torture and extreme bodily, psychological, and daily-life abuse—all for being awakened people who care enough about their country and community to speak out and take action against corruption or environmental damage or animal cruelty.

What this points to clearly is a complete failure of government and a complete failure of American communities both, where people have forgotten their innate rights or just hand them over freely to the corrupt State who comes knocking on their doors to “inform” them or “question” them and then co-opt them regarding their neighbor, who has been, Nazi-style, “put under investigation” for any number of fabricated reasons and always for an indefinite number of years.

We have rights, notes Barbara, that are God-given and inherent, that should not be handed off when the FBI comes knocking. She also notes the methodology being followed today is classic counterintelligence protocol, yet it is not legitimate counterintelligence, since the people being COINTELPRO'd are ordinary citizens with no links to espionage or terrorism.

Further, she notes that those Americans who refuse to exercise their rights but cower in fear when the JTTF or FBI or other members of the bullying Police State approach with their slather of lies about a neighbor, and willingly comply with the surveilling and harassment instructions they are given, are indoctrinated to view the FBI as morally upright defenders of the Constitution when the opposite is true; these agencies (FBI, CIA) have currently become “lapdogs” to the Clintons and globalists who care nothing for the USA but seek centralized power through a One-World government. “The Government currently is essentially comprised of criminals.”

As always, Barbara illustrates the methodologies of containment, slander, persecution, and desperation practiced by the FBI and CIA with vivid stories from her own experience of being pursued and harassed by cut-outs and agents such as Tim White who harassed others including Geral Sosbee, and Don Stacey, and from her analyses of others' experiences, including Constitutionalist Rick Stanley.

As on her website, Barbara notes the importance of naming the names of the persecutors; we are in a war, she says, and we are fighting for our lives. Whistleblowers and targets know this. The path forward to justice is exposure, naming names, recovering your rights, and speaking out to combat the criminality.

Please support these ongoing conversations which bring alive in the current day the very important voice of a CIA woman whistleblower whose testimonial and insights are vital to the understanding of the Deeply Lawless State.
Send donations to:
Barbara Hartwell
PO Box 22
Rhinebeck, NY 12572