Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Life is a gift from God. We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life – physical, intellectual, and moral life.

But life cannot maintain itself alone. The Creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing and perfecting it. In order that we may accomplish this, He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By the application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products, and use them. This process is necessary in order that life may run its appointed course.

Life, faculties, production – in other words, individuality, liberty, property – this is man. And in spite of the cunning of political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.

-Frederic Bastiat, The Law

Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

James 4:4

If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.

John 15:19

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Matthew 6: 24

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

2 Corinthians 6:14

Please read PARTS 1, 2 and 3 before continuing. They are parts of a whole and not meant to stand alone.

As stated in PART 3, this report is addressed primarily to Christians, in the context of psy war and counterintelligence operations, though I hope it may be useful to others as well.

In my childhood I spent quite a bit of time traveling by train between New York City and Northern Westchester, from an apartment in Manhattan to a house in the country.

On the right hand side of the tracks, heading south, there was a small sign, just a square of wood, white background, black letters, held up by a wooden stake in the ground:

God Answers Prayer.

I don't know who put up the message; no indication was given. It was there for years, and I would look out the windows, waiting to see it each time the train passed by.

I wasn't a regular attendee of church or Sunday school (that had been sporadic) and I didn't know much about God, at least not from the instruction of others in the Christian faith. But I knew in my heart that He was there, even if I couldn't see Him.

The person(s) who took the the time and effort to put up that message knew it too. He or she (or they) had planted a seed, in the hope that it would take root and bear fruit in the lives of others.

I wondered, how many others had seen that sign? And what difference had it made in their lives? I know it made a difference in mine. Seeing that message gave me hope and a sense of awe in the reality of God, that anything I prayed for could be possible.

If you are reading this, and have traveled the same route on that train, perhaps you too have seen that sign and remembered it. Or maybe, you have seen something similar in another place, another time.

Many years later, while I was living in houses by the beach (in Connecticut and Maine) I took the opportunity to write that message in the sand, with a stick of driftwood, at low tide: God Answers Prayer.

The message would be erased when the tide came in, but I prayed that someone would see it, someone who felt lost, or broken, and that it would give them hope, the hope that can only come from a loving God, one who sees and knows our suffering, and is waiting for us to knock on His door, that He might answer our prayer.

The saddest thing I can imagine is a person who does not believe in God. What then, will they believe in? A world which came into being only by random chance? A Big Bang, in which everything that exists somehow spontaneously exploded from nothing? A design with no designer, a creation with no Creator.

A world in which “life” emerged from some chemical soup and which “evolved” into humanity as we know it today. What is “life”, if not the quickening of a spirit within a temporal home of flesh? Where did the spirit come from? And where does it go after death? Do we simply cease to exist?

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

Acts 17:28

Such a belief system as evolution renders the world, and all who populate it, fundamentally meaningless, accidental rather than purposeful.

The Big Bang and evolution theories are inextricably merged, so try believing in one without the other.

I consider the Big Bang, and its corresponding theory of evolution, to be the greatest deception the world has ever known, promoted by those who call themselves 'scientists'.

Charles Darwin, one of the advocates of evolution (though not the first, as many people believe) was the author of this book:

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

Check the title carefully. Most of the time, “the Preservation of Favoured Races” is left out. This omission is intentional. Charles Darwin was a racist, no doubt about it. So, to believe in Darwin's theories, that will include the vile belief of racism. Does this belief have any merit, any virtue? None at all, not by any reasonable standards, scientific or otherwise. There are no “favoured races”, certainly not by the Creator. Such false ideas exist only in the minds of men.

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Numbers 23:19

As a Christian, will you really believe in the theory of evolution? Or will you believe in God, the Creator? Some Christians have developed a theory that there is no contradiction between creation and evolution; they call it “theistic evolution”. They say, God is the Creator, but He used evolution as the means by which to create. They have constructed a man-made compromise, and thereby diminished the power and glory of God, in their limited understanding.

Evolution is only a theory, and not even a scientific one. It has never met the standard for “proof” in any discipline, and it never will. Such a standard can only be contrived by the minds of men, those whose “god” is science, whose minds are captive in that limited realm, unable to access a far greater reality, which is supernatural in its origins. The reality of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Job 38: 4-7

But even with the belief in God, how can any person, as a created being, ever know the limitless totality of the mind of God?

Any person making such a claim would be the epitome of arrogance and ignorance. Yet, there are many such persons out there, most of whom will attempt to force this “knowledge” on others.

Look no further than the pulpits in the mega churches. Is this true Christianity? Is this the gospel of Jesus Christ, preached in humility by a servant of the Lord? Or, is it just “religion”, a changing belief system, swayed by every wind of doctrine?

The preachers travel by a fleet of limos, private jets; the cost of their wardrobes alone could provide years of sustenance for a struggling family in need.

Where, in all these worldly trappings, are God's commandments?

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22

The New Age movement, along with secular humanism, have infiltrated the greater majority of Christian churches, to one degree or another, tainting the true faith with the doctrines of devils, and of men who believe themselves to be gods.

New Age manifestos abound, in which a false Christ is promoted as nothing more than an “ascended master”, one of many, rather than as Lord and Savior, Son of God.

The beliefs of individuals, and of societies and cultures, entire civilizations, will ultimately determine their most fundamental nature.

How much does it matter what anyone believes?

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he

Proverbs 23:7

Take a look around you, that you might see for yourself. Everyone must believe in something, and what they believe is manifested in their actions, and to a lesser extent, in their words. Words can be deceptive, as in, when spoken by a liar, or those whose words merely reflect the indoctrination which has taken hold in their minds and hearts.

But what is it that they actually believe?

Look at their actions, look at the fruits they bear. By their fruits shall you know them.

Consider also their friends, those with whom they associate, the company they keep. What groups or organizations (if any) do they belong to? What purposes do these organizations serve?

Do they serve the purpose of protecting and defending the God-given unalienable rights of individuals? Or do they serve the purpose of interference in the lives of others in order to gain control over them?

Do they serve liberty, or are they in thrall to those godless powers which would perpetrate heinous transgressions against it?

Do they acknowledge the free will, bestowed by God, on every individual, or do they attempt to usurp the power of God, by the use of deception, manipulation, and ultimately, violent coercion?

Consider the various groups, each promoting a particular political ideology, a set of beliefs, which produce a mindset in the individuals which comprise the group. The beliefs held eventually result in actions, for good or ill. And ideologies which are antithetical to one another will always produce conflict.

And that is exactly the agenda of the plot to destroy America, along with the Christian principles and values which have sustained it.

The perpetrators of this Machiavellian divide-and-conquer plot will support, endorse and fund these various groups, all of them, from behind the scenes, while each of the warring groups attempt to gain supremacy.

The master architect of this plot is not George Soros, evil as he is, but Satan, and he uses all those who harbor the spirit of anti-Christ to do his bidding. This plot is most often called the New World Order, a system of one-world totalitarian government, which expunges the sovereignty of every nation, leaving central planning (tyranny) in the hands of the elitists, the minions of Satan, who run the show.

There are numerous organizations involved, most notably the United Nations, which, cloaked in the deception of promoting “peace”, and “unity in diversity”, in actuality foments totalitarianism. There is no hope of “reforming” the UN, the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of Liberty, and of all Christian believers. The UN is evil. It is Hell in a handbasket. It is Demons R Us. It should be expunged, once and for all.


Now, take a look at some of the groups. Some have formed in recent years, others have been around for a century or more. Any competent intelligence analyst will see the patterns and can predict the outcome: Tyranny for one and all.

First of all, the “two sides”, as presented by most media outlets, are not at all what they appear to be. Let's say, for the sake of argument, the socialists/communists vs. Nazis/KKK. On the surface, they appear to be diametrically opposed. But are they really?

Occupy; ANTIFA; Black Lives Matter; Neo Bolsheviks (general term for communists/socialists); Islamist jihadis; Alt Right; KKK; Neo Nazis.

Speaking strictly for myself, I do not support or endorse any of these groups. The reason is simple: They all engage in aggression against anyone who does not agree with their ideology. They all seek supremacy over others, based on their particular belief system, and their own set of grievances, whether those grievances have merit, or not.

They each make demands, based on the agenda of the particular group, which will necessarily transgress against the unalienable rights of all others.

They do not respect the unalienable rights and liberties of the Individual.

As a Christian, a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ, how could anyone support or endorse any of these groups?

Consider ANITFA. They claim to be be “anti-fascist”. Now, look at their actions. They dress in black hoods and masks, in a cowardly attempt to hide their identities (just like the KKK, who wear white hoods and masks), in the hope that their crimes may not be prosecuted.

They employ violence against innocent, law-abiding people, wielding clubs and bats, throwing bricks, assaulting others with bike locks and chains. They start fires, burning down buildings; they destroy public and private property. They engender mayhem, foment pandemonium. THESE PEOPLE ARE CRIMINALS, no two ways about it.

These leftist thugs believe that it is within their “rights” to “punch a Nazi”, to be an aggressor, simply because they “do not agree” with the so-called “Nazis”.

And who decides who is – and who is not – a Nazi? They do. According to these hoodlums, ANYONE who does not support their agenda, does not chant their rhetoric, does not march in lockstep with them, that person is a “Nazi”. Therefore, they are fair game for a violent assault.

But in truth, a very small percentage of those who oppose ANTIFA are actually Nazis. I vehemently oppose ANTIFA. Does that mean I am a Nazi? I also vehemently oppose Nazis. ANTIFA and Nazis are two sides of the same coin, two wings on the same bird of prey. As are communism and fascism. They are both aggressors and predators who will use any means available, no matter how unprincipled, no matter how lawless, to achieve their ends.

Most of these ANTIFA are communist sympathizers, if not full-blown communists. They proudly display the hammer and sickle flag, as they riot in the streets, trampling anyone who happens to be in their path.

They chant slogans, calling for violence, and even murder of the police: Kill the police! Kill the police! They incite violence and terrorism. Why would anyone in his right mind support them? No decent, reasonable person would ever condone this flagrantly evil behavior. There is no excuse!

Then, there is Black Lives Matter, who often join forces with ANTIFA and other left-wing agitators. Their “issue” is racism. As I have observed in their rallies, they accuse many others of being “white supremacists”, just as the ANTIFA accuses people of being “Nazis”. Some will claim that anyone who does not support Black Lives Matter is a “racist” or “white supremacist”.

I do not support Black Lives Matter, at least not the political group itself. That is not because I do not believe that “black lives matter”. I certainly do believe that black lives matter. More to the point, I believe that ALL lives matter, not one group or “race” above another, because all are created equal by God.

I have never denied that racism exists, or that it is not horrific for those (including black people) who suffer as a result of it. I have personally been an activist for civil rights (for ALL people) since I was a teenager. And I have never advocated for violence, nor participated in it.

But calling ALL white people racists is false and flat out wrong. Of course, now these smug “social justice” advocates have popped up (academics are the ringleaders), who, using pop psychology and psychobabble, are spreading the propaganda that yes, indeed, ALL white people are racists, they just don't know it. (Think Robin DiAngelo, among others.)

But don't worry, they have a course of remedial indoctrination, and will gladly welcome you into their re-education camps. (The universities and lecture circuit, where you will pay top dollar to be propagandized by those holding a Ph.D, which isn't worth the paper it is printed on.)

Those of us who uncompromisingly denounce the Nazis, the KKK and their ideological brethren are still falsely branded, simply for being “white”.

As for the Nazis, I have been engaged in a battle against them for my entire life. The Nazis didn't just “go away” after WW2. No, they formed the core of CIA, via Paperclip. Same goes for white supremacists, I have denounced them as utterly despicable.

There are groups of people, ACTUAL racists, white supremacists, who hate not just the Jews, not just black people, but anyone they deem “non-white”. To them, Hitler is a hero, a deity, in the twisted cult to which they adhere.

The white supremacists will also label anyone who does not support their cause, a “race traitor”. Oh, and by the way, most of these white supremacists are also male supremacists, misogynists who believe that women should be kept “in their place”, as domestic servants and breeders of Darwin's “favoured races”. Believers in evolution, and its sinister handmaiden, eugenics.

Then, there are the advocates of Islam, agitating for sharia law, which is absolutely antithetical, not only to Christianity, but to the Constitution. Do you support wife-beating, female genital mutilation, honor killings? What about throwing men off the roof of a building, simply for being gay? Jihad is their “way”, and as far as they are concerned, it is written in stone. Killing the infidel is a mandate from their god, Allah, if they refuse to convert. All this is “lawful” under sharia.

And yet, these advocates of sharia (think Linda Sarsour, the “cockroach”) are marching in the streets with the left-wing agitators and so-called “feminists”, like the sleaziest of celebrities, the foul-mouthed porno-monger, Madonna.

And this theater of the absurd is supposed to be taken seriously?

I never cease to be astounded at how many people – including Christians – are actually buying into these political contrivances, apparently without a thought as to where all this is actually leading.

It is not about “equality”, because each group contends for being more “equal” than others. It is not about “justice”, because true justice is EQUAL justice, for one and all, not “social justice”, where any particular group is awarded “special privileges”, supposedly to compensate for the wrongs done to them.

Those who oppose illegal aliens flooding into the country, be they from south of the border, or from Islamic countries, are also labeled “racists”. Even though most Americans who have grave concerns about this invasion have no such motivation. “Racism” has become the handy, all-purpose card to be pulled, no matter what the actual issues.

Then, there is the issue of free speech. The left-wing agitators, in particular, are hell bent on making free speech, a God-given right (as protected under the Constitution) obsolete. They want to criminalize any free speech which might “offend” anyone and replace it with a manifesto of politically correct terminology.

Anyone who refuses to comply is labeled a “hater”. Well then, I guess I must be a hater. A hater of idiocy, stupidity, hypocrisy, and most of all, AGGRESSION.

For aggression is what it all boils down to. But will anyone call it what it is? How many will call it EVIL?


How many Christians are actually willing to even consider the topic of evil? How many are willing to denounce it when they see it?

From my observations, very few. They would rather embrace “tolerance”, no matter that what they are tolerating is evil. They won't call it that, for fear of offending someone.

Do they consider, do they care, that they are offending God?

As Christians, we are called to renounce evil, to renounce Satan, to renounce the World and its ungodly values.

We are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We are not called to compromise our values and our principles, to gain the approval of men. We are called to hold fast to that which is righteous, holy and true, no matter that we may be persecuted because of our love of God and hatred of evil.

We do not have to hate the evildoers, but we are not meant to compromise with them, and certainly not to traffick with them, or support them.

Love God with all your mind, your heart, your soul.

Turn away from evildoers, those who work iniquity and wickedness!

Barbara Hartwell Percival
September 20, 2017

Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.

Psalm 62:8

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

6 Numbers 24-26