Wednesday, June 15, 2016

COINTELPRO TACTICS EXPLICATED: Response to a Letter from a Listener to Radio Interview with Barbara Hartwell (2012)

This letter from a listener was forwarded to me in 2012 by a friend who interviewed me on her radio show. I hadn't read it until recently, when I found it while cleaning out my files.

I have chosen not to name the radio host, or the sender of the letter (whom I do not know). The content is what I think may be of interest to my readers, because I find it typical of some of the questions frequently asked and the opinions often stated, specifically as regards counterintelligence campaigns by government agencies against political Targets.

If nothing else, I see it as an opportunity to set the record straight, to address the unwarranted assumptions and speculation in which so many people engage, to counter it with the truth and the facts.

As always, I speak strictly for myself and I base my response on many years of personal and professional experience and direct knowledge of the issues gained from my own investigations. Counterintelligence operations are one of the areas of my expertise, and they are far more complex and multi-faceted than is understood by most people.

I should state up front that the general issue of counterintelligence campaigns is one of the most important to me because of the massive damages done to any high-profile Target (including me) who finds himself/herself in the cross-hairs of a tyrannical government operation, as well as “collateral damage” (as the perps would call it) to family, friends and colleagues. Nobody who is associated with the Target escapes unscathed. For this reason, the Target is most often abandoned and/or betrayed by the people closest to him/her and left to stand alone against the onslaught of persecution. Which is, of course, one of the primary objectives of the perpetrators.

The persons targeted for such a neutralization campaign are most often survivors of government intelligence operations (CIA, FBI, DOD, DIA, Military Intel etc.) Some Targets are journalists (professionals, not amateur “bloggers”). But whomever they may be, they are in possession of factual, accurate information about government crimes, conspiracies and coverups. They possess material evidence and documentation. And they intend to use it to further the interests of justice. They are activists and dissidents and often considered 'enemies of the state'.

Here is the note from my friend, the host of the radio program. It is followed by the letter from the listener, and then my response.

"Hi Barbara,

Below is an email we received from one of our supporters. He has some questions regarding the benefits that these unpaid stooges have.

We know Tim White is working on a "get out of jail free card." Same with Brendan Fahey."

[Note: Todd Brendan Fahey, to my knowledge, is not on any “get-out-of-jail free” card, although he certainly is a criminal. He's a CIA-wannabe who engages in blackmail, forgery, identity theft, stalking, and is one of the government minions who engages in criminal harassment against Targets.]

"But what would be your answer to him be for stooges like Ott and Studer? What is in it for them? I am sure it is a question many will want to know."

[Note: The letter is an exact copy. No corrections in spelling, etc. have been made. I have only separated the letter into paragraphs for easier reading.]

"Hey, so I just listened to about 3/4 of the show with Barbara Hartwell that you and X interviewed and I thought it was over all pretty good. I'm not done listening to it yet. But i kind of disagree with a few thing's Barbara had to say. One of the biggest things I disagreed with was when she said that people like Timothy Patrick White and Dr.True ott are not getting paid for the disinformation - Libel and harassment that they're dishing out quite frequently and that there for they are not truly part of CIONTELPRO engineers'?

I don't think that's completely correct, i think these guys are all the payroll and most likely making a lot of money for doing what they are doing- there is a science behind how they are doing it as well, they are certainly not your every day liars off the street. And that these guys are in a tightly nit large circle working intimately together with the guys that are taking center stage like Gunderson and Hilder and Alex Jones ect!! One of the main reason why these guys are suddenly so nasty and baring the true teeth, is because they know now that you know who they really are! And therefore can risk taking their disguise's off now and start the true attack on you instead of trying to befriend you most deceptively like they did from the start with X!

Although I fully agree with Barbara that these guys are - when it boils right down to it that is, just a bunch of pathetic stooge's, - that is only when they take off there disguise do we actually see that! These guys are very well trained at what they do and have an exact science on how to do it! That is why so many people including some very well educated people do not figure out what is going on and who is trustable and who is not. That's a big part of the reason why we are finding ourselves in the mess that we are in. Now that said I'm sure that there are many people who have gotten sucked into the CIA church of set and that are not on the payroll, I just don't believe the kind of people you and X are have to deal with right now are just a bunch of brock no money in there pockets nobodies that are trying to put X out of business. No from what I've read these guys are professional highly trained and are on the payroll, and are very much a complete part of COINTELPRO!!

Now Barbara mention COINTELPRO'S end goal which is the absolute destruction of the group, but she really didn't take anytime to explain how they accomplish this goal.. I know the complete destruction is the ultimate goal but how do they go about reaching it?? But I guess she only had so much time and probably wanted to cut to the chase instead of beating around the bush! The thing I felt like I would add here is maybe a few of these guys a manchurian candidates.. Anyway I did like the rest of barbara had to say, I just slightly suspicious when she said these guys are not on the payroll and there for are just a bunch of nut jobs.. I don't believe that's correct, I thought seeing how she her self is an ex-member of the group that she would be a little more knowledgeable in this area!!

But there is no way Gunderson would've wanted Barbra to work with Ott, if Ott was a true part of the COINTELPRO team!!! I do believe that they are much more expendable then the guys controlling the information on center stage. That's my sincere opinion ..Bye for now

P.S I'm not saying I think Barbara was lying about anything she was say, it just sounded to me like she was so irate and irritated with the whole group of COINTELPRO misfits that she would perhaps not want to believe that these psychos actaully get paid money to do what they do???"


The statements from the listener are in quotes. My comments follow.

"But i kind of disagree with a few thing's Barbara had to say. One of the biggest things I disagreed with was when she said that people like Timothy Patrick White and Dr.True ott are not getting paid for the disinformation - Libel and harassment that they're dishing out quite frequently and that there for they are not truly part of CIONTELPRO engineers'?"

First of all, you would need to have a basic working knowledge of these operations before you could reach any accurate conclusions, such that you could “disagree” with the information I presented on the program. Though he is free to state his opinions, this individual lacks such knowledge.

Timothy Patrick White and “True” Ott (aka Alma Ott), both of whom were addressed on the program (inter alia), as perpetrators involved in the campaigns against Targets, are not in the same category, according to my standards, nor did I state any such thing. This appears to be an assumption on the part of the listener.

I'll start with Timothy Patrick White aka Tim White. Tim White is a career criminal/predicate felon. In 2001, he made a deal with corrupt feds when he was convicted on charges of drug trafficking. He became a fed snitch in exchange for early release from prison. He was sentenced to 4 years but only served 5 months, when he was set loose to wreak havoc and destruction. (Which continues unabated to this day.)

(I have some of the court documents in my possession, including police reports.)

The feds provided Tim White with a list of Targets, mostly former intelligence/military personnel and tasked him with harassing, stalking, threatening them. Tim White is a public menace who has done tremendous harm to numerous individuals targeted by the U.S. Government. I should know. He began his criminal harassment against me in 2001, and fifteen years later he is still at it.

(See numerous reports on this site for the gory details of Tim White's crime sprees against Barbara Hartwell and other Targets.)

But Tim White is not the “engineer” of these operations; far from it, he is only one of the lowly minions who is exploited by government agents to do their dirty work. This distinction is important and unfortunately not understood by most people who are only starting to learn about these operations.

Then, there are the defamation campaigns run against Targets. The government minions, such as Tim White, are furnished with specific false information about a given Target and directed to spread the lies far and wide, through any venues available to them, for the purpose of discrediting the Target in the eyes of the general public. For example, the government stooges have been told by the agents running these operations that Barbara Hartwell is a “CIA Disinfo Agent”. This outrageous lie has been disseminated far and wide for more than two decades (even before Tim White came into the picture).

In the case of Tim White, there is another issue. White is a sex pervert/predator, including targeting children. When he was arrested on the drug charge, the cops found child pornography in White's possession, a felony crime for which White was never charged. Why? So that the feds had something to hold over his head. So they could use him to do their bidding. They don't need to “pay” him; they know that he will be compliant with their directives to save his own neck. He is “just following orders”. He is certainly not one of the architects of the plot.

Tim White (like many other stooges) is a quisling, a lackey of the tyrants who have corrupted and overthrown the government, that is, the Constitutional Republic, from within. But typically, Tim White claims to be a “patriot”. He also touts himself as a “Concerned Citizen”, and has fabricated a set of titles and credentials he does not possess, such as “Investigator” and “Whistleblower” (with which he signs all his posts), in attempts to make himself appear to be “important”. In actuality, Tim White is uneducated and has no background or training whatsoever in any field, nor any sort of intelligence work.

As for “True” Ott (a pseudonym), he is in another category altogether from White. Ott is a rabid Jew-hater who claims to be a devout Christian. He claims Jesus was not a Jew and advocates for the Holocaust deniers. He denounces Jews as “Edomites”. Unlike Tim White, he is educated and a skilled writer. A writer of propaganda, that is. Ott was a longtime crony of FBI chief Ted Gunderson, the COINTELPRO Kingpin. Ott is not a crude, loudmouthed hothead like Tim White, but has managed to pass himself off to large numbers of his reading/listening audience as credible. Which makes him all the more dangerous.

"I don't think that's completely correct, i think these guys are all the payroll and most likely making a lot of money for doing what they are doing- there is a science behind how they are doing it as well, they are certainly not your every day liars off the street."

Well, that would depend on what the “payroll” means. Anyone being used by the intelligence agents is certainly getting some personal benefit from their activities. It could be just staying out of prison. It could be aggrandizing their egos. Many of these stooges are seeking attention and approval which they can't get any other way. A liar-for-hire will always receive something in return for his dirty work. But with these particular individuals, especially Tim White and Alex Studer (another rabid Jew-hater, a lackey of “True” Ott who sells T-shirts proclaiming “NUKE ISRAEL”), I can guarantee they're not raking in the cash as a result of their efforts against decent, law-abiding citizens.

"Although I fully agree with Barbara that these guys are - when it boils right down to it that is, just a bunch of pathetic stooge's, - that is only when they take off there disguise do we actually see that! These guys are very well trained at what they do and have an exact science on how to do it! That is why so many people including some very well educated people do not figure out what is going on and who is trustable and who is not."

Has the person writing this been targeted for criminal harassment, libel/slander, stalking and death threats? Most assuredly not. How would he know who or what these government minions are?

I've been a Target of these characters for many years. There was never a time when I did not see them for exactly who and what they are. He assumes much and knows little.

He also seems to believe that all of the perps fall into the same category, when in fact they do not. Obviously, Ted Gunderson was well trained, but most of his minions had no training at all –and it shows.

There is no “exact science” involved, even for intelligence agents who are trained in various disciplines. I don't know where these ideas come from, I can only refute them with the facts.

"No from what I've read these guys are professional highly trained and are on the payroll, and are very much a complete part of COINTELPRO!!"

What exactly has he “read”, and from what source(s)? He doesn't say. The Internet is overflowing with false information, including misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. That is a very important part of the counterintelligence operations.

How can he possibly determine what is true and what is not?

In the case of people like Tim White and Alex Studer, for example, they have no training whatsoever and are anything but professional. They are G-Man wannabes, who want to seem “important” by claiming “personal friendships” with bona fide government agents.

AS IF that were something to boast about?

In reality the agents are not their “friends”, but are only using these characters, so the dirt won't rub off on them and they can invoke “plausible deniability” for actions they have engineered against Targets. Guaranteed, they are laughing at these stooges behind their backs, while stroking their egos to their faces.

"Now Barbara mention COINTELPRO'S end goal which is the absolute destruction of the group, but she really didn't take anytime to explain how they accomplish this goal.. I know the complete destruction is the ultimate goal but how do they go about reaching it?? But I guess she only had so much time and probably wanted to cut to the chase instead of beating around the bush!"

Now he has either misunderstood what I actually said, or he is putting words in my mouth.

Although I can't recall what my exact words were on that particular program, I do know that if I was explaining the objectives of a counterintelligence operation, I would be speaking about the goal of destroying the life of an INDIVIDUAL Target, not a group.

COINTELPRO certainly does target groups (examples from history: Black Panthers, American Indian Movement, Animal Rights) but in my case, as well as certain other Targets I have known, there was no “group” involved.

As for how the perps accomplish the goal of destruction of a Target's life, I would refer the readers to my reports on this site, which give an overview of the operations, and also those which provide details. That is beyond the scope of this report.

"Anyway I did like the rest of barbara had to say, I just slightly suspicious when she said these guys are not on the payroll and there for are just a bunch of nut jobs.. I don't believe that's correct, I thought seeing how she her self is an ex-member of the group that she would be a little more knowledgeable in this area!!"

Now, here is a totally false statement. He says I am “an ex-member of the group”. Where he got such an utterly ridiculous idea, I've no clue.

I have never, at any time, been a “member” of any “group” that included these government stooges and minions, nor any of their ilk. I have never participated in harassing, stalking or libeling people. Nor have I ever made such a statement, to anyone, privately, nor publicly.

I worked with the late FBI chief Ted Gunderson from 1997-2000, as a professional colleague. When I discovered that Gunderson was involved in criminal activities (past and, at the time, current), I broke off my association with him. I had already been targeted by CIA (naturally) when I left the operations. But once I began to expose Gunderson and his cronies, I became the Target of even more intense persecution, with extreme prejudice. Retaliation against a whistleblower.

For the record: I am a former CIA agent, unlike any of the individuals mentioned here. I defected from CIA in 1994 and became a whistleblower. I worked in psychological operations and counterintelligence, which bore no resemblance to anything I spoke about on that radio program.

The issue I was addressing was COINTELPRO, and the current operations against Targets and I was exposing information about some of the government minions and stooges who do the dirty work for the government. There is a big difference between an intelligence agent (such as Ted Gunderson) and those they exploit for their own agenda.

"P.S I'm not saying I think Barbara was lying about anything she was say, it just sounded to me like she was so irate and irritated with the whole group of COINTELPRO misfits that she would perhaps not want to believe that these psychos actaully get paid money to do what they do???"

Again, he is speaking from ignorance. I know exactly what I am talking about, whereas he does not. He keeps harping on being “paid money”, when that is not the issue.

My information is based on facts, backed by solid evidence and documentation. There is no speculation involved, no unwarranted assumptions, no conjecture.

I certainly hope this sets the record straight. And I hope it serves to clarify issues which cannot possibly be understood merely from reading or listening to a few “sources” which are at best, questionable, and at worst, based on a nefarious agenda.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
June 15, 2016