Tuesday, July 30, 2013

WAR STORIES: In Defense of God-given Unalienable Individual Rights

My Personal Battle for Privacy & Sovereignty
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
Isaiah 61:1
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3;17
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!"
So God granted him what he requested.
1 Chronicles 4:10

In 1994, I was able to break out of CIA operations, permanently. As I've stated in my previous reports, my escape (the most accurate word I can use) from CIA was not a sudden event, but happened in increments, after many years of battle with my handlers and the evil forces behind the MK Ultra program, under which I received much of my early training in intelligence work.
I had engaged in intense supernatural warfare, I had prayed for deliverance and God answered my prayers. Most of the people who were part of my life at that time had not been told about the double life I had been leading, in fact, for my entire adult life. I was still operating under the "code of silence", for the most part, for which my previous indoctrination had been a powerful deterrent from speaking out, at least specifically regarding CIA.
But the events of that time period were such that I could not help but confide in certain of my closest friends --I needed assistance. I was being persecuted, had been driven into dire poverty, a result of the neutralization campaign being waged against me. I was running for my life, from place to place, and to complicate matters, I had nine (9) cats to support. These animals were my family, in every real sense of the word, as beloved as any human being to me, and in every decision I made, I had to put their welfare first. I have would died, rather than abandon my cats.
Much of my professional work for many years had been conducted "outside" of CIA, and aside from earning a living for myself, served as a sort of cover for the operations I was involved in. Among other things, I had a private practice in spiritual/pastoral counseling, and later as a Jungian analyst.
In order to become a Jungian analyst, one must not only be trained in the discipline, but the candidate is required to go through two years of personal analysis, which I completed in 1993.
That was also the year my mother died. That time was marked by many extreme changes in my life. I had cut my hair (which then fell below my hips) to shoulder length, as a token of mourning for my mother's death. 
My analyst was an exceptional man, without whose support I might never have been able to cope with all the crises in my life. It took me awhile to tell him about the government, what they had done to me, to others in my family, as trust was always a serious issue for me, and because I had been previously psychologically abused by CIA psychiatrists, since childhood, perpetrators in the MK Ultra program. 
My analyst had the rare gift not only of profound understanding of the mysterious workings of the psyche, but also of spiritual discernment. He was able to recognize that the problems I was experiencing were not due to any "mental" unbalance, but were a direct result of outside forces and circumstances, namely the government agents who had made my life a living hell. 
He saw the truth: that I was standing alone against powerful enemies in positions of authority, who were hell-bent on destroying my life. He once told me, You are one of the most sane and solidly grounded persons I have ever known. What's more, rather than try to dissuade me from fighting back, as so many other people had done, he respected my decision to stand up against the evildoers and seek justice.  Considering that some of the stories I told him were bizarre, to say the least, the fact that he believed me, and understood what was actually happening to me, made a world of difference in my life.
However, in that terrible time, during which I had been repeatedly uprooted, and during which most of any support (materially and otherwise) I previously had was ripped away, I was further stressed by the relationships I had with friends who not only had no real understanding of me as an individual, but who also took it upon themselves to engage in outrageous interference in my personal/professional affairs.
In other words, they were busybodies. In fact, busybodies have in many ways been the bane of my existence, for as far back as I can remember. I have written numerous reports on the activities of busybodies. I have constructed psychological profiles on the nature of busybodies. And unfortunately, these people, both individually and collectively, have done as much damage, have stirred up as much trouble, as any bona fide government agents I have ever known.
(Just like the government.)
Based on many years of personal/professional experience, it is my opinion that busybodies labor under a particular type of psychopathology, a sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Their profound lack of respect --or even acknowledgment of--  the personal boundaries of others stems, first and foremost, from their own lack of solid grounding in Individual Personhood. 
Not having developed this fundamental core of integrity in themselves, they fail to recognize it in others. They therefore tend to project their own subjective  values, their own opinions, their own viewpoints, and their own weaknesses and character flaws on everyone around them.
Worse, they attempt to force their own subjective opinions and worldview on others. Their behavior displays an arrogance, a self-righteousness, which always ends up alienating those persons from whom they most seek love and approval.  Busybodies are approval seekers and people-pleasers, who follow not the eternal laws of God, but the dictates and temporal whims of men.
Busybodies are collectivists, rather than champions of Individual rights and liberties. They are "team players", seekers of  "consensus", who tend to gravitate toward the leftist politics of liberalism, progressivism, socialism and even communism, and are often proponents of the New Age Movement, or supporters of the United Nations. They fail to recognize that the New Age movement is not about "spiritual enlightenment", but is simply another tentacle of the Octopus; that it is an indoctrination system of the New World Order, which seeks to expunge individual rights, thus enslaving the populace under globalist totalitarianism.
Secular humanism, myriad forms of pop-psychology, motivational psychology, self-help courses and books ad infinitum, all geared toward "self-improvement" or "spiritual enlightenment" attract them like a swarm of bees, just as the hive-mentality prevails among them. Positive thinking. Prosperity Consciousness.  Create your own Reality. The Law of Attraction. The Ascension...etc. etc. etc. They seem to be on an endless and ever-changing quest for a perfect  "formula" by which to live their lives.
But where is God in all these humanist ideologies and contrived systems of thought? 
The Personal Living God, who created the heavens and the earth, Who knows the very number of hairs on their heads, Who knows their needs before they pray, Who sees every sparrow that falls, and Who holds the power to deliver them from evil, to bestow His blessings, to answer their prayers, to forgive their sins and save them by His grace.
It is God Who has bestowed on each and every Individual the very rights and liberties, the free will, to live as one sees fit, as long as they are not violating the rights of another.
As for those who fail to respect the rights of the Individual, whose misplaced will for power and control in their own lives manifests as aggression against others (meddling, invasions of privacy, violations of trust) and makes of them petty tyrants, they --both individually and collectively, who apparently cannot distinguish what is right from what is wrong, what is good from what is evil-- are at the root of more suffering, more injustice, than they can imagine, all the while believing they hold the moral high ground, as do-gooders with a "savior" complex.
Recently I was sorting through boxes of files, searching for some documents, and deciding what to keep, and what should be burned. In the process I happened to find a letter I wrote, almost twenty years ago. It was addressed to someone with whom I'd had a close friendship, but which had ended when she chose to abandon me, rather than be willing to respect my privacy, my personal boundaries, even my fundamental rights.
This is a story I know well, which sadly, has repeated itself over and over and over...
I decided to publish this letter because it could serve as a classic template, describing to a "T" the behavior of  "Busybodies I have known".  I have known quite a number of others since that time; their attitudes, their actions, and the trouble they always stirred up in other people's lives, predictable as the sunrise.
Rereading this letter, after so much time had passed, I realized that I had forgotten some of the details of the events of that time. Mostly, I had only remembered the feeling of betrayal and a lingering sadness at the loss of a friend. However, I was outraged afresh at the intrusive, disrespectful and totally indiscreet behavior of this individual.
I have forgiven her, in my heart, long ago. Nonetheless, I cannot forget, nor would want to try.
I have kept the letter in its original form, only removing the name of the recipient and certain  others to protect their privacy and mine. The rest speaks for itself.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
July 30, 2013
October 1994 
I am writing this letter because it is important to me that I clearly explain my feelings in regard to what I once believed was a friendship between us. I don't necessarily expect that you will understand nor care about what I have to say. That's for you to decide, but I am writing this for my own sake.
I have felt deeply hurt and shocked by your most recent treatment of me: your betrayal of my trust, your disrespect of my rights as an individual and your disregard for my clearly stated wishes about my own life. So you may know what I am referring to, I will elaborate with a number of cases in point.
With what I believed were good intentions in wanting to help me out of a dire situation, you contacted some friends of mine whom you asked for money on my behalf. You had suggested this to me beforehand, at which time I clearly told you I did not feel comfortable about it. When you later told me you had done it --in spite of my wishes-- I reluctantly accepted it, as I told you then, but only in the belief that it was solely out of concern for me. But judging from the way you have treated me since that time, I feel that if you had truly cared about my well-being you could not possibly have shown so little respect for me, nor would you have gone from one extreme to another: first taking on the role of would-be "savior" (which I never wanted, needed or requested), then abruptly switching to a sudden total abandonment of any concern for me at all.
Your attitudes toward me, as well as your actions, whether coming from one extreme or the other, apparently had nothing to do with me. It now seems clear that you were projecting upon me your own beliefs, opinions and psychological  problems. 
The nature of my problems was material and circumstantial, not psychological, but you insisted on projecting your own feelings on me. You repeatedly made remarks which suggested that I was to blame for the financial problems besetting me. You tried to lecture me about "taking responsibility" for my life, admonishing me that I could not expect to be "dependent" on certain individuals forever. With all the zealotry of a fundamentalist, you preached to me about aspects of my life which you knew nothing about, often using your life as an example to illustrate your point. Irrespective of the fact that I don't need to follow anyone's example --and certainly not yours-- it was not your place to give me unsolicited advice, which only caused more stress for me, the last thing I needed.
The relationships, agreements, and arrangements (financial or otherwise) I have with particular individuals are my business exclusively, whether or not I choose to confide in anyone else regarding them. I chose to confide in you only because I believed you to be my friend. I thought then that you had at least some understanding of me and my situation. As you were well aware, the last thing I was seeking was advice.
You and I have very different viewpoints about many things. I have no problem with friends holding different viewpoints; in fact I would naturally expect it. But I do have a problem with someone trying to impose her particular viewpoint on me. And for you to do this was especially distressing to me under the miserable circumstances of my life at that time. My problems were never "confusion", "lack of clarity" about my situation, or refusal to "take responsibility" for my life. Yet you treated me as if advice from your totally erroneous perspective of my circumstances were some sort of remedial measure. My perspective never needed changing. I simply needed money. Poverty is not a mental disease. If you believe otherwise, so be it, but your personal, subjective beliefs had no relevance to the reality of the situation I was in.
You repeatedly insisted that I had other immediate options (which were in fact non-existent), or that there were alternatives to financial dependency on certain persons at that time. This was merely your opinion; a baseless conjecture backed by nothing of substance. But your attitude indicated more than just a total lack of understanding of me and my situation. You were placing blame on the victim --the last place it ever belongs.
You seem to have little respect for the privacy, the individuality, the integrity or the personal boundaries of others. Respect and loyalty, without which there cannot be true friendship-- at least according to my standards-- mean respecting another's right to make her own decisions, to hold her own beliefs, even if they are not in accordance with yours. Respect and loyalty also mean keeping a friend's confidences, especially when you know the person is trusting you to do so.
Since I last spoke to you I found out that you called my sister, although I had specifically asked you not to, after you had revealed to me that you had called others. Fortunately, she showed the good judgment in this instance to consult me, instead of making calls to my relatives, the Percivals in Virginia, which you had urged her to do, even after I had made it very clear to you that I did not want these individuals contacted. I am thankful that she knew better than to give you their telephone number, as then your meddling might have made a bad situation considerably worse. Since I told you that I did not want certain people called, I obviously must have had my reasons, and whether or not I chose to explain them to you, it was my right to decide, not yours.
You showed no respect for me, for my wishes, nor for my privacy. You treated me as if I were a recalcitrant child or a mental incompetent, unable to think for myself or know what was right --or wrong-- for me.
Just because someone is under severe stress, which at times can certainly drive a person to nervous exhaustion, does not mean she has lost control of her mental faculties, or that her basic sense of judgment is impaired. Nor does it mean she has forfeited her right to make her own decisions. In any event, nothing in my situation granted you the right to surreptitiously interfere --especially against what you knew to be my wishes --in my affairs. And you are certainly far from qualified to judge another person's mental state.
In the last phone conversation I had with you, I clearly explained that I did not want X to be given any further information about my business, as I had quickly discovered that confiding in her was a mistake. I asked you then not to discuss me or my business with her.
However, less than a week later, X called me and stridently informed me that the two of you had indeed been discussing me. Malicious gossip would be a more fitting description. According to her, you and she had agreed, in what seemed to be a general impeachment of my character, about how "selfish" I was, since my friendship with others was only "conditional". She accused me of caring only about myself, because in her view, if I cared about others I would care what they thought of me and would be open to taking their advice. This is a totally absurd concept.  Simply because I am not willing to allow others to coerce me or determine my course of action, in my own life, and because I care nothing about gaining approval from others, certainly does not mean I have no concern or caring for others.
She was evidently insulted because I had politely explained, on more than one occasion, that I was not in need of --nor seeking-- advice. I had told you the same thing, and since you had already apologized once for having presumptuously given unsolicited advice, I though you at least understood.
But what upset me more than anything was your betrayal of my trust. I told you a number of sensitive, highly personal things in confidence, and yet you evidently thought nothing of violating that confidence with a person I had told you specifically I did not want information about my business entrusted to.
Much to my regret, I now understand that my trust was misplaced on more than just one count. As to the idea of "conditional" friendship, it is obvious you and X are the ones who subscribe to that idea: If a friend does not agree with you, refuses to become part of the  "herd mentality", the New Age collective consensus, or does not take your unwanted, unsolicited advice, personal criticism follows and your friendship is summarily withdrawn. That's as conditional as it gets. It's also another example of projecting your own values on someone else, for whom they are totally inappropriate values.
In addition to a tirade about my "selfishness", X also seemed to feel it was her appointed duty to inform me of --and to blame me for-- the supposed fact that you had been driven to seek counseling because of problems caused by your relationship with me. My reply to this was to tell X that if in fact you had psychological problems which you mistakenly attributed to your relationship with me, then your problems indeed needed to be addressed, assuming you wanted to resolve them. I also explained that these problems --whatever their nature-- were not caused through any fault of mine, and had nothing to do with me. I did not bother to elaborate, as it was none of her business what I thought about you or your problems. Although I was polite to her far in excess of what she deserved, this final example of her obnoxious pushiness in meddling where she had no right resulted in my immediate decision to permanently discontinue all communication with her. Presumably she got the message when I thereafter failed to return her phone calls.
For some reason, you seemed to be behaving as if it were your mission to "save" me, as if making decisions about my life were your responsibility. (As an aside, let me point out the similarity in the way you treated your brother, though there was never a similarity between your brother and me, nor between our respective situations.)
All I ever expected from you was to be a loyal friend I could trust and confide in. A friend cannot reasonably be expected to give more than is possible within the limits of what one is comfortably able --or willing-- to give. I never expected --and certainly did not ask-- for more. In fact I repeatedly made this clear to you. If I asked you for something you could not --or would not-- do, I expected that you would truthfully state that to me, and I certainly would not have been offended, nor would I have blamed you.
But I do believe that if you had been a true friend --that if your concern for me had been genuine, and not an attempt to serve some agenda of your own-- that you would not have been capable of such a betrayal of trust, let alone the sudden and complete desertion of a friend in that person's worst time of crisis --no matter what your own problems or circumstances.
Until the time you decided to abruptly withdraw your "concern" (such as it was), you seemed compelled to go to the opposite extreme by aggressively dispensing psychological and spiritual advice, which I had not asked for, had told you I did not need, and certainly did not agree with. You have absolutely no background, training or knowledge in these areas, yet you often made comments in an authoritative manner about these formal systems of thought (such as Jungian and other forms of psychology, various religions, spiritual or metaphysical traditions) which only reflected your ignorance of these very ideologies. Your opinions in these matters were nothing more than uninformed personal speculation. You're certainly entitled to your opinions, but to try to push these opinions upon someone else is presumptuous and intrusive, no matter how well-meaning you may convince yourself are your intentions.
I can see that you and X have much in common; she too has a penchant for attempting to push uninformed, unsolicited, unwelcome, non-professional spiritual and psychological advice upon others. Both of you seem to share the notion that some "generic human condition" exists; that all of us have the same motives, the same experiences; that everyone should aspire to the same definite models of mental, emotional and spiritual "health." Your many broad, general and sweeping statements to this effect reminded me of what Carl Jung once commented upon: that unaware, unindividuated persons either assume all others are like them, or else believe that all others should be like them. Be that as it may, both you and X seemed intent upon negating my individuality. Neither of you showed any respect for me as a person, nor for my right to think for myself and make my own choices.
Any "help' offered by either one of you was extended with the concealed proviso (aka the hidden agenda) that your support was to be had only at the price of allowing myself to be manipulated into accepting your advice and interference in my affairs. The only difference I could see between your respective tactics was that X's interference was more brazen, while much of yours was conducted covertly. Because so much of your meddling was conducted behind my back it was harder --and took longer-- for me to confront and neutralize.
You tried to tell me how I should spend money which you solicited without my permission. You told me I should not spend any money I received for desperately needed medical care --that I should spend it instead on rent, since that was what you chose to convey as my most pressing need to people from whom you solicited the money. What would those people think when I did not spend the money on rent? you asked. What others would "think" was never my concern; however, what other people would think of you was evidently your primary concern, apparently outweighing any concern about the severity of my material situation --including the constant pain I was forced to endure for lack of medical care.
When I refused to allow you to tell me how to spend money --even though you thought your part in soliciting it gave you that right-- you then tried to lecture me about applying for "welfare". I told you that it was not an appropriate or viable option for me. I was not obligated to justify my actions to you, and I didn't owe you an explanation; however, you persistently interrogated me as to the reasons why I would not consider it. When interrogation failed to persuade me, you resorted to imposing arguments which I obviously did not agree with, and had no desire nor need to hear. Once again, you showed no respect for my ability to know, and my right to choose what would --and would not-- be appropriate or possible for me.
Then, you tried to tell me how I should arrange to repay money (in the form of professional services) [counseling, as a Jungian analyst and Christian minister, at which time I had a private practice] --money I did not owe, since it was never borrowed by me, nor loaned directly to me. I refer to the money you received from XX, which you later gave to me. You gave me the money saying only that you had borrowed it from someone you chose not to name and that I could pay it back to you when --and if--  I were able or chose to do so: nothing more.
According to you, there were no strings attached. It was not your place to attempt to make agreements behind my back, brokering deals without my knowledge or consent. Then, to impose an assumed obligation on me to repay money I would never have agreed --and in fact did not, at any time, agree-- to borrow from another individual, and had already accepted on quite different terms from you. Nor did you have the right to barter my professional services to another person without my consent. Even were such terms suggested by another party, you should never have even  discussed that without my knowledge or consent.
You borrowed money from a third party --an unnamed source which you chose not to disclose to me at the time the money was presented to me-- and therefore you are the one responsible for the debt. Soliciting and borrowing the money was your choice, not mine. If my circumstances had not been so very desperate I would have returned the money to you immediately once I learned of the meddlesome arrangements you were attempting to make without my knowledge or consent. I do not have the money to return to you at this time. When I do I will send it back to you directly, since you were the one from whom I received it.
Yet another presumptuous, intrusive action on your part (also conducted behind my back) which I have discovered since my last contact with you, was that you called my analyst, with the intent of discussing with him, as he explained to me, your "side" of your relationship with me. He immediately recognized the inappropriate nature (as well as the manipulative intent) of such an action and refused to participate in it. I am thankful that he, at least, knows the meaning of confidentiality and loyalty, whether it involves a friend or a client. This ill-considered action is yet another example of a completely unwarranted invasion of my privacy. Such behavior suggests that you seem to think you can make of my personal life an open book: a cheap tabloid for all and sundry to peruse and speculate upon.
If you want your personal life to be under public scrutiny, then join an "encounter group" with like-minded individuals, like the one X belongs to. But it's wrongful to expect me to tolerate my private life becoming grist for the mill of  "group therapy" as a result of your misguided attempt to deal with your own psychological problems.
If a group of neurotic individuals with a "herd mentality" decide to get together and and shout their individual and/or collective personal business from the rooftops, that is their prerogative, but I certainly don't appreciate your lack of discretion in attempting to put my business in the street, by calling those persons I had asked you not to contact, behind my back, violating my personal confidences, and spewing forth erroneous perceptions of me and my life in the process. Such subterfuge is beyond my capacity to tolerate.
I have never done anything to deserve such disrespectful treatment. I was not only shocked, but deeply hurt, to learn of it.
I once heard you describe yourself as an "ethicist", the meaning of which is a specialist in ethics. Why you felt entitled to claim this designation, I haven't a clue. Such self-evaluation can only have been either delusional or contrived. In my considered professional opinion, based on my observation of your behavior, I think it is likely that you have a need for others to see you as such a person, due to a problem with your self-esteem, which you feel may only be elevated by gaining approval from others; perhaps by being perceived by them as an "ethicist".
Please note: This is the only such unsolicited opinion you have received from me. Under the circumstances I feel justified in giving it. Even speaking solely from my personal experience with you, the way you have treated me is decidedly unethical, in the broadest possible sense.
It should be obvious to you by now that I feel considerable anger about your treatment of me. Certainly such anger is justified, but your behavior has also caused me emotional pain, since at one time I trusted you and considered you to be among my closest friends. I have never violated confidences which you entrusted to me by indiscriminately relating them to others. I have never betrayed whatever trust --if any-- you may have had in me. I have not given advice about -- nor even commented on-- your personal life, your finances or your relationships, unless I was specifically asked by you to do so. Otherwise, whatever observations I made, or opinions I held about these things, I kept to myself, out of respect for your privacy, and your right to make your own choices in your life. I never refused to listen to your problems or concerns, when you chose to confide them to me. I did not expect you to adopt my viewpoints, nor did I expect you to justify your actions to me. 
I did not withdraw my friendship just because you did not understand me, or did not agree with me, for instance, because you were not an animal rights activist, as I am. Those are my views, and I would not attempt to impose them on anyone else --including you. The only things I ask from my friends are loyalty, respect for my rights, and to give whatever support of me they are able and willing to give --no more. Certainly I treat them as I would like to be treated, by keeping their confidences and respecting their right to be who they are, as long as they don't violate my rights in the process.
The last conversation I had with you, on the telephone, felt to me like an exercise in futility. You were telling me that you wished you could "be there" to help me with what I was going through, but you could not. In explanation of this, you made a comment which I could not easily forget. Your exact words were: "It's your journey." As if this so-called "journey" were some sort of mystical initiation or "learning experience", something I was meant to go through alone. I feel it is imperative to correct your immense misperception, evidently spawned by incredible ignorance: What I was going through was not a "journey" in any sense of the word --not literal, metaphorical, spiritual or otherwise. It was a severe and life-threatening, existential, material crisis. It was crippling poverty brought on through no fault of mine, over which I had very little control. It was extreme physical and emotional stress brought on by the constant desperate struggle to obtain the most basic necessities to sustain life and the lives of my beloved cats. It was chronic, painful and debilitating physical illness which could not be relieved for lack of the proper medical care, proper food, supplements and medicines.
My emotional distress was not brought about by anything amiss within my psyche, as you seemed to suggest, but rather by the total exhaustion and near-despair I felt knowing that I would soon lose my home, my car, as well as all opportunities for obtaining the money I had worked so long and so hard to generate; and this was exacerbated by grief over my mother's death. The one and only thing I "learned" from this miserable experience --quite incidentally-- was who my friends were, and who they were not. And if I had been forced to go through the last, and worst part of this horrible ordeal alone, without the help and sincere support of a few who did care, I might, some time since, have taken a "journey" off the earth plane.
Your casual insensitivity in referring to these dreadful circumstances in my life as a "journey" can only be a reflection of profound ignorance and/or shallowness. Fully aware of the horrendous circumstances in my life, but apparently unconcerned, your last conversation with me was littered with such cliches as "exploring my creativity", as you phrased it, and other mindless pop psychology and New Age jargon.
I finally realized that there was nothing further I could say to you.
And I didn't even realize then that you had betrayed my trust, violated my confidences, and in the process had seen fit to unjustly malign my character. Or that you had approached people you had no ethical right to talk to, about me, or my personal business.
If I had known, I certainly would have confronted you with it then. The last thing I heard from you was that you would call me "next week". That was early in May; it is now late October. My phone was disconnected on July 1, the day I was evicted from my home. Even if you had any belated concern at all about me you could have mailed a note to my P.O. box.
I have said what I needed to say. I would have done it sooner, but could not find the time. As I explained, I have the need to be direct in saying what I feel, especially since you are someone I once cared a great deal about and considered to be a close friend. I expect that the writing of this letter will dissipate much of the anger I still feel, but despite that, I have no ill will toward you. The choice to end our friendship was not initially mine; but in light of your attitudes toward me I would have had no alternative in any case, once I realized the scope of your betrayal of my trust.
Barbara Hartwell
October 25, 1994
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA   

Saturday, July 27, 2013


"Barbara, even your supporters and fans have written to ask what has happened to you? They no longer read you. They feel sorry for you."
--Rayelan Allan, Editor of Rumor Mill News (2003)
"Great work, Barbara, in reference to the above false statement by Rayelan. They lose in this absurd shift in "rules"; also, the absence of your material from RMN diminishes the overall value of the network and at the same time given your public remarks about their silly and unfounded criticisms renders your particular voice of reason, sound judgement and excellent analysis in even greater demand than ever."
--Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee
In 2011 I released a document from my evidence files. It was a letter from FBI Chief Ted Gunderson to Barbara Hartwell (1998), wherein Ted told me that his marriage to Diana Rively, formerly the wife of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, had ended. At the time, Gunderson was still a professional colleague and personal friend. I broke off my association with him in 2000, when I discovered that he was not who he claimed to be --a government whistleblower-- but rather a COINTELPRO operative, running a containment operation/protection racket, including against former intelligence/military/law enforcement  personnel (myself included) who had become legitimate whistleblowers.
Gunderson subsequently lied about the marriage, to individuals and the media, claiming it had never taken place.
The first (and only) person to whom I gave a copy of this document, with permission to publish it, was investigative journalist Sherri Kane. She included it in an article about Ted Gunderson, who had targeted her partner, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, also a legitimate whistleblower, for a neutralization campaign.
Recently, while conducting a search on related information, I found this article, posted by Rayelan Allan, editor/publisher of Rumor Mill News:
"Letter from Ted Gunderson About his Marriage to Diane. the widow of Anton LaVey - Founder of the Satanic Church"
"In the handwritten letter, recovered from 1998, Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI/CIA official and informant on matters of a satanic network of pedophiles and child traffickers wrote, "The marriage [to Diana Rively] . . . didn't work out. It only lasted 2 and one half weeks and I left. It would have been a catastrophe to stay there. Nothing against Diana."
"The letter, signed with kisses and hugs, was sent to Gunderson's professional associate, Barbara Hartwell, who was programmed to serve in the CIA's psychological operations unit. She trained in psychological profiling and in debriefing military and intelligence personnel, and later toured with Gunderson to "disseminate intelligence on government corruption," according to Hartwell."

"The above can be read in full at this site


Here is another link... please remember that partners in government operations sometimes attack each other for the benefit of the public."
[link REMOVED] 
The additional (and unrelated) link posted by Rayelan Allan is to a site called APFN, run by Ken Vardon, another promoter of disinformation. I have not included the link because I do not wish to give more publicity to the demonic liars who are also libeling Barbara Hartwell, including some imbecile hiding behind the screen name "BUTLINCAT", who for years, has regularly libeled Barbara Hartwell on that site.
But it is interesting that Rayelan is promoting the libelous falsehoods of Tim White, the notorious fed snitch, career criminal, predicate felon, the lackey of the late FBI Chief and COINTELPRO Kingpin, Ted Gunderson.

Here, the signature of Tim White in the post promoted by Rayelan:

"Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF)
Concerned Citizen,Researcher,Investigator,Whistleblower"

These "credentials" claimed by Tim White are ludicrous, to say the least. He is an uneducated government stooge with no background or training whatsoever. He is nothing but a minion of corrupt government, and a wannabe-G-Man, who was sicced on Barbara Hartwell in 2001 by his fed masters.

Ted Gunderson & Tim White threatened Rayelan with a lawsuit in 2003, after their criminal operations were exposed by Barbara Hartwell, including on Rumor Mill News. Rather than stand up for the truth, the coward, Rayelan, caved to the pressure and betrayed me, accusing me of working for CIA (the same false claim made by Ted Gunderson).

She then became a supplicant in Ted Gunderson's protection racket/containment operation, and later starting promoting his crony, John DeCamp, by advertising his book, The Franklin Coverup.

Note that Rayelan states:

"please remember that partners in government operations sometimes attack each other for the benefit of the public"

What in the hell is that supposed to mean? And who in the hell does Rayelan think she is?  

First, she scavenges material from Barbara Hartwell, then proceeds to try to further discredit me by using Tim White as her "source" of further libel.

More recently one of her entourage of  ignorant New Age busybodies, a woman using the screen name "Susoni", posted a libelous attack on Barbara Hartwell, claiming that "Barbara Hartwell & Britany Spears (spelling incorrect) are "Victims of Monarch"
See the liars refuted here:
This moron, "Susoni" posts similar idiocy on other sites, including on the site of disinformation specialist David Icke. Her real name appears to be Lynda Brasier. Having found it, I have added it promptly to the HALL OF SHAME, in which all other "news agents" have been automatically  inducted, due to their participation in this government disinformation, anti-Christian site, Rumor Mill News, where Barbara Hartwell's name has been repeatedly libeled and exploited. And where money is being bilked from the readers in connection with the libel and exploitation.
Rayelan Allan &  accomplices at Rumor Mill News:
Be hereby warned and directed to CEASE & DESIST exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell. I demand that you REMOVE your libelous falsehoods immediately. STOP USING MY NAME. STOP SCAVENGING MY MATERIAL.
You people are shameless, unconscionable, reprehensible, and morally bankrupt.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
July 27, 2013
Ken Adachi & Rayelan Allan: False Witnesses


The controlled opposition is kept under control by a containment-and-protection racket. Their goal is to keep the flow of information contained --by censorship; by carefully crafted disinformation fed to the participants; by bearing false witness against ANYONE who is not sanctioned by the racket. This, of course, includes anyone who tells the unadulterated TRUTH and lets the chips fall where they may. This includes ANYONE who cannot be bought, but serves only the TRUTH.

This is why you can never get the truth from anyone who is a part of a containment-and-protection racket, nor from any media which is owned by them. Once they sell out, they are in thrall to the protection racket. If they lie, if they falsely accuse another at the behest of the protection racket, they cannot retract their lies without retaliation.
This report exposes Ken Adachi and Rayelan Allan, both heavily involved in the containment-and-protection racket. They expose their own lies, by their own words, which are given below.
In November 2003, I resigned my posting privileges at RMN, after I reached the limits of my tolerance for the meddlesome New Age busybodies; the leftist, consensus-group-think mentality and the secular-humanist pop psychology which seemed to dominate the mindset of most of the "news agents".

But more importantly, there was the selective censorship by Rayelan Allan, whereby she attempted to manipulate anyone who refused to toe the New Age/occultist party line. As anyone who has ever run up against these tactics can attest, Rayelan is the Ultimate Busybody, and a gossip and meddler extraordinaire. Those who refused to tolerate Rayelan's selective censorship (often based on nothing more than her egotistical whims) either quit in disgust and/or were "banned" in perpetuity from Rumor Mill News.

Ken Adachi: "Why did they [Rumor Mill News] remove her articles? It's not because Ted or I complained to them because we never contacted them. They removed her garbage because they came to realize-quite on their own- that Hartwell cannot be trusted about anything. She turned on them -and betrayed them- in exactly the same way she turned on Ted and dozens of other people who have tried to help her in one way or another."

Now, for a refreshing change: THE TRUTH

E-mails from Rayelan Allan to Barbara Hartwell re Ted Gunderson

To: Barbara Hartwell
From: Rayelan
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 12:38 AM

"I guess he got the number from Tim White. Don't know how he got it. I will be getting an unlisted number tomorrow. I refused to talk to Ted but he did manage to get in that you told him you were a mind controlled robot for the CIA.

Can you believe that in a manner of 30 seconds he was able to say that.... like he had been rehearsing it!

I also KNEW he was recording the conversation. Just an inner feeling, no clicks or anything.

Subject: tim white
From: Rayelan
To: Barbara Hartwell
Sent: October 30, 2003

"tim white called yesterday -- my husband just listened to him... i will never call him back!!

Rayelan's arrogant statement, in her attempts to stop Barbara Hartwell from exposing the truth about the criminal operations of Ted Gunderson et al:
 "At the moment there is only ONE silver bullet.... it is named Rumor Mill News."

New Age/NWO Propaganda: Rumor Mill News Defends Patriot Act


Rumor Mill News, Controlled Opposition & Selective Censorship

Welcome to the New Age...On Rumor Mill News

Caveat Lector: New Age/NWO Government Disinfo at Rumor Mill News


The Anatomy of Psy Ops: Witchcraft & Classic Torture


New Age/NWO Propaganda: Rumor Mill News Defends Patriot Act


Is Treason "U.S. Friendly"? Rumor Mill News on the Patriot Act

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA   

Sunday, July 21, 2013

CIA MK Ultra: False Information Abounds

"You admit you were once in the CIA. There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die."
--Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson to Barbara Hartwell, in a letter published by Ken Adachi on Educate-Yourself
The above (false) statement by my former professional colleague, FBI Chief and COINTELPRO Kingpin, the late Ted L. Gunderson, has become the lynchpin for a massive libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell, initiated in 2000, and which continues to the present day.
The damages to me have been inestimable. As a result of this libel campaign I have been "blacklisted", treated as a pariah, and donations from the public have become a thing of the past. Nobody wants to support someone they believe to be an "evil CIA agent" spreading "disinformation".
This report will focus on some of those who are disseminating ACTUAL  disinformation in relation to the CIA MK Ultra program, and the so-called Monarch project, as well as those who are promoting the shills for personal gain, of one kind or another.
And just as "ignorance of the law is no excuse", so it is that "ignorance of the facts" is no excuse for promoting false information about any subject, including MK Ultra. There are many people who do NOT know the facts, and apparently they have no problem simply parroting the disinformation they read or hear, either from government shills, or other very dubious sources.
I have a serious problem with people who love to hear themselves talk, who seem to be presenting themselves as knowledgable, but don't know what the hell they are talking about. These individuals are directly responsible for the damages that accrue to legitimate whistleblowers/expositors of MK Ultra, as well as genuine survivors of same. Their promotion of falsehoods also serves to keep the government-sponsored controlled opposition in a position of power to hoodwink countless people who are sincerely searching for the truth. 
I will start with Ken Adachi aka Peter Boudreau, who has been running a massive libel campaign against Barbara Hartwell since 2000, at the behest of the late FBI Chief/COINTELPRO Kingpin, Ted Gunderson. Adachi also promotes a large body of disinformation on the general subject of mind control.
Ken Adachi: "Educate-Yourself" (2004) 
"Tim White sent me an e mail that Barbara Hartwell, the most vicious and slandering CIA mind controlled disinfo agent on the Internet, has apparently pulled her web site and all of its mendacious, venom filled odorous content. But fear not, Hartwell fans, we've downloaded her web site in its entirety and will recount her catalog of outrageous fabrications flung at real American patriots like Ted Gunderson and Fritz Springmeier in great detail when I attend to her story-which is long overdue. It's hard to say whether the Crimson Viper has decided to get out of Dodge permanently or maybe she just couldn't pay the server. Another possibility is the UK server which hosted her may have been paid for by a duped fan (or the CIA) and that person decided to stop supporting her. I don't know, but I do know that she's an expert at crying poor, hitting on innocent readers to support her and will then turn around to savagely attack them if they dare express a word of concern about Hartwell's unconscionable attacks on people like Don Stacey. Hartwell is a piece of work whose lies have served to damage the reputations of many innocent American patriots over the Internet . Her boat load of lies, however, are not going to be forgotten by this writer. Her web site may have disappeared from the Internet, but her name and her LIES will be scrutinized and exposed for a long time to come at this web site. You can take that to the bank."

R.I.P. http://www.barbarahartwell.com/

Send flowers and Sympathy cards to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. They will understand.

First, note Adachi's "source": Tim White, the notorious fed snitch, career criminal, predicate felon, who stalks, threatens and harasses, libels/slanders  genuine whistleblowers, as a result of the "deal" he made for a get-out-of-jail-free card in 2002. 

Adachi, as usual, engages in wild speculation about Barbara Hartwell. There is not so much as ONE fact given here. The "unconscionable attacks" of which I am accused are in actuality EXPOSURE of the FACTS about criminals, liars and government operatives, all of whom are a part of the COINTELPRO containment operation/protection racket. Take Don Stacey, for example: CIA, who worked with Gunderson in attempts to "contain" survivors of MK Ultra. They tried, with Barbara Hartwell, and failed miserably. Instead, they were exposed and Stacey's cover was entirely blown.

As a result, others have been warned, who might otherwise have been drawn into the net. As for Fritz Springmeier? Not only is he a charlatan, but a criminal. Springmeier has as many false identities (forgery) than a spymaster, which might lead any reasonable person to wonder why he needs all those aliases, false driver's licenses, etc. Honest people don't use false IDs. 
Chris Zucker: "Freedom Fighters for America"
Chris Zucker, like Ken Adachi, is promoting a number of people on his website who are spreading disinformation on mind control.
In this section on mind control:
Chris Zucker is promoting:
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Video: Mind Control Goes Public - 38 Minutes 59 Seconds - This video exposes the government's MK-ULTA mind control program. Ted Gunderson, FBI (ret.), ex-black ops operative Chip Tatum, and two former MKULTRA mind control slaves, share their stories of government atrocities. This video was supposed to air on TV in Chicago, but was pulled to never see the light of day. Some time after this was taped, Barbara Hartwell (one of the ladies in this video) was exposed as a plant. She was attempting to infiltrate Gunderson's life to eventually discredit him. http://www.1-free-dvd.com - http://www.tedgunderson.com - http://thesenatorhillary.blogspot.com
These individuals, Arthur and Fiona Cristian, do not know Barbara Hartwell, nor are in possession of any factual information about me. However, they have declared themselves supporters of predicate felon Timothy Patrick White, who is promoted on their website, along with other stooges and shills.
Note that they identify Barbara Hartwell as a "former MKULTRA mind control slave".  And claim that "Barbara Hartwell was exposed as a "plant". Exposed? Exposed by whom? Ted Gunderson, naturally, and parroted by his army of government stooges, including Ken Adachi, Tim White et al.
This "mind control slave" nonsense is the same touted by Fritz Springmeier aka Arthur Alexander Jr. aka Victor E. Schoff aka etc. etc., Susan Ford aka Brice Taylor and the whole contingent of Monarch promoters. And somehow, the ignoramuses who are parroting it (in this case Arthur and Fiona Cristian), always throw the name of Barbara Hartwell into the mix, along with their claims that I am a "plant".
So, I must state (once again, how tiresome it gets...) for the public record that I have NEVER been any kind of "slave", nor have I been involved in "Monarch".
Also promoted by Chris Zucker:
Walter Bowart
Walter Bowart (deceased 2008) is known for his book OPERATION MIND CONTROL.  What the ignorant do not know, however, is that Walter Bowart was in fact a mind control handler, and scam artist, who for years was committing mail fraud in connection with his book. Bowart stole $100.00 from Barbara Hartwell (late 1990s) when I ordered his book, which was never delivered. I never got my money back, despite all my efforts, and now I never will. 
Walter Bowart: Scam Artist
More from Zucker:
Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien
 Mark Phillips was the original promoter of "Monarch". He claimed to have "rescued" Cathy O'Brien from mind control, but Phillips is just another handler. During the late 199os Phillips harassed Barbara Hartwell by e-mail, trying to draw me into his net, along with a number of  "survivors" who apparently found him credible, but later learned what Phillips was actually up to, after considerable losses (monetary and otherwise) and damages. 
His e-mail messages to me (a person he did not know) at first contained unsolicited advice, and when I wrote back to him telling him that I was not interested in communicating with him, and telling him to MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS, he began to attack me publicly in attempts to discredit me. It was clear he considered me a threat to his containment operation, since I was completely independent in my exposure of my own experiences re MK Ultra, which does not share commonality with the "Monarch slaves".
So, Chris Zucker is promoting the same old shills, charlatans and scamsters, just as he promoted Ken Adachi, which contributed to the damages to Barbara Hartwell via Adachi's massive libel campaign. Why would any intelligent person take Zucker seriously? Yet Zucker launched a libelous complaint against Barbara Hartwell, for no other reason than that I discerned that he was profoundly ignorant of the topics (and characters) he was promoting on his website, that I found no value in it, and that I therefore had no interest in his aggressive approaches to me via those he tried to use as intermediaries. Just another fool who promotes what he knows nothing about.
Rayelan Allan: Rumor Mill News
Government-sponsored Disinfo Video Targets Barbara Hartwell
See the liars at Rumor Mill News exposed here:
This piece of trash video was posted on two separate forums on Rumor Mill News, by two different anonymous cowards, both hiding behind idiotic screen names, "BoldFenianMan" and "Susoni", who are both ignorant busybodies, promoting idiocy about subjects they know nothing about.
Exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell, promoting FALSE information in connection with my name ("Barbara Hartwell & Britany Spears: Project Monarch Victims"), using a video rife with copyright violations (injurious to Barbara Hartwell) and then, adding to the insult AND the injury, Rayelan has the effrontery to place this announcement under the post:
If you enjoyed this article, please consider a monthly subscription to Rumor Mill News!!
(No, I certainly did NOT enjoy it. Who would enjoy being libeled by scamsters who are profiting off damages to your reputation.) 
Then, this, on Rayelan's main page:
Checks & Money Orders:
P.O. Box 5-007
Rome, OH 44085

RMN is Reader Supported

Our Goal for July:
The scavengers now, are trying to bilk their readers out of their hard-earned money, in direct connection to disseminating libelous falsehoods and exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell. How utterly shameful and despicable. But oh-so-typical.

And by the way, my "goal" for July (or any other month) is the hope that I might survive, even if only to make it through a few more weeks. I am, unfortunately, NOT "reader supported", not anymore, and the reason for that is simple: My good name has been ruined by the liars and scandalmongers who are profiting from running disinformation campaigns, and/or from promoting government shills who make their living lying to the public.

Considering the fact that Rayelan also violated my confidence, showing herself to be a person of no integrity; and shortly afterwards (November, 2003) created a public spectacle in which she falsely accused me of working for CIA; AND of being in collusion with malicious government stooge, Brenda Negri (a Gunderson minion); AND of running a 'psy op' against Rumor Mill News (which Rayelan claims is the ONE "silver bullet" of TRUTH in all the world), this stunning betrayal will continue to haunt her (through my public reports) unless and until she retracts her lies about Barbara Hartwell (Not likely, until Hell freezes over).
This whole issue --Barbara Hartwell made a scapegoat, libeled and slandered ad infinitum by COINTELPRO operatives and their party-line government disinformation specialists; by CIA liars whose only interest is CYA; and by anonymous cowards who claim their lives are in danger, is absolutely sickening and I have had enough!
I am not, and have never been, part and parcel of the controlled-opposition containment and protection racket, in which everyone involved agrees to compromise themselves; to tell half-truths and outright lies; to support and promote liars, con men, scamsters, misogynists and evildoers, "for the cause" or "for the children"; to "band together" in order to "fight the Illuminati and the NWO".
What a pathetic bunch: Let's all spout the party line!...to hell with Truth, to hell with Principles, to hell with Individual Spiritual Integrity, to hell with Moral Absolutes! We have a war to fight!
A reader of Educate-Yourself sent a link to an article by Len Horowitz, exposing Ted Gunderson and his entourage of shills and stooges. 
Note that Adachi, as always, falsely claims that Barbara Hartwell is the villain behind the "smearing" of Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp.

Adachi: "Yes, please send it, I'd like to see what he has to say. However, do not assume everything (or anything) he says about John DeCamp or Ted Gunderson is true. The CIA is in the background on this smearing campaign and their agent is the MK Ultra mind controlled liar, Barbara Hartwell. It's a long story and I won't attempt to get into it here, but there's much more going on than you are aware of."

"The CIA has been using Hartwell since the late 1990s to smear both John DeCamp and Ted Gunderson. John DeCamp was looking to sue Hartwell for libel in 2005, but didn't know where to find her in order to serve her. Hartwell began to lose credibility in the earlier half of the 2000 decade because I had exposed her insane fabrications in a series of articles written between 2000 - 2008. After that, I stopped writing about her since she no longer seemed to have an audience. It seems that her reputation for lying had finally caught up with her. Recently, however, she latched onto to Len Horowitz and his girlfriend, Sherri Kane, and has once again found a forum for doing what she does best: lie through her teeth about Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp."

"Tim White, a two timing back stabber if there ever was one, has also injected himself into the Hartwell/Gunderson/DeCamp embroilment from the very beginning. For a time he had ingratiated himself with me until he showed me his true colors in 2006, after which I broke off with him completely. He has since tried to bad mouth me with the same intensity as his fellow CIA agitation troll, Barbara Hartwell."
Ken Adachi makes the false claim that Barbara Hartwell "latched on" to Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane. Dead wrong, as always, Adachi. Len and Sherri contacted me, after reading my detailed reports exposing Ted Gunderson, Tim White, and Adachi himself. They found merit in my reports (as many others have done), being that they themselves had later been targeted by the same crew of COINTELPRO operatives and their minions (Adachi included).

Now, instead of defending Tim White from "attacks" by Barbara Hartwell, as he did for years, he reverses his position and accuses White of being a "CIA agitation troll", along with Barbara Hartwell. Adachi's idiocy knows no bounds, and is only superseded by his malice.

Henry Makow

Here, another shill in the controlled opposition, Henry Makow, male-supremacist, rabid misogynist, psycho-babbling secular humanist, and staunch supporter of Fritz Springmeier. Adachi heavily promotes both Springmeier and Makow, and his site is rife with their disinformation.

Makow also promotes the "Monarch" crowd of "sex slaves", such as Susan Ford aka Brice Taylor.

Francine Kelly: Lunatic

Francine Kelly's delusional belief (one of many) that she is a "Project Monarch CIA asset" is ludicrous and laughable; however, the ONLY thing of concern to me is that she continues to libel and harass Barbara Hartwell, now extending her lunatic rantings to contacting the FBI, using my name.

From her letter to FBI agents:
  "My primary concern is Barbara Hartwell's abuse and threats, and the potential danger from her camp."
Here are the facts: I do not know Francine Kelly. I have never had any communications, nor interactions with Francine Kelly. I never heard of Francine Kelly until she started slinging my name around in her public commentaries. She is an accomplice of Tim White, who apparently filled her ears with many outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell. I have been accused by this  nutcase, Francine Kelly, of all sorts of crimes and dastardly deeds, directed against her. This, from a woman I never knew existed until I found my name being maligned --but that didn't stop Kelly's libelous rantings, harassment and invasions of privacy against Barbara Hartwell.
But I find it interesting that she is being promoted by my enemies, government shills Alma Ott (aka "True" Ott) and his accomplice, Doug Millar, a lackey of the late Ted Gunderson.
Here, an announcement from Millar and Ott:
On June 9, 2010, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific Time, "The Story Behind The Story" with Dr. A. True Ott, PhD, ND, will be the first media venue to air Francine Kelly's Above Top Secret story about the Reptilian Draconian Vampire Agenda.
Dr. Ott's show is streamed on the Internet at themicroeffect.com.
"I chose Dr. True Ott as the media host to break this very dangerous part of my story because he is a genuine activist with a stellar reputation. Dr. Ott works with patriots like Doug Millar, Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp, whose work I admire and respect," Ms. Kelly announced today.

Alma Ott claims fraudulent credentials of "N.D" (Naturopathic Doctor) and "Ph.D.", and calls himself  "Doctor A. True Ott". Ask yourself why Ott and Millar would be promoting this flaming whackjob, Francine Kelly, if they were not intent on spreading disinformation. And why are they attacking legitimate persons like Barbara Hartwell, Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane? Again, spreading disinfo.
Aaron James
Barbara Hartwell Exposed CIA Disinformation Agent 
Aaron James, a government stooge who, in collusion with Tim White, is spreading outrageous lies about Barbara Hartwell, has made a number of sensationalistic tabloid videos in which he accuses me of being (you guessed it...) a "CIA Disinformation Agent".  Aaron James is one of the most aggressive of the stooges, who has taken it upon himself to destroy my good name, with a vengeance. His videos come up on the front page when my name is entered into a search engine.
Here is a typical ignorant comment from some moron, in response to Aaron James's libel of my name:
"The only reason i believe what john stockwell had to say is he is the only whistleblower that didnt throw out phrases like "the grace of god saved me".... so many spooks tie religion into their message... they all work together
John Gill"
Todd Brendan Fahey
Todd Fahey is yet another government stooge, an accomplice of Tim White, Ken Adachi, Aaron James, "Xena Carpenter" (one of the names Fahey hides behind to do his dirty work). Fahey is a blackmailer, stalker, porno freak and sex pervert/predator (including targeting children), a degenerate drug addict/pusher and a pathological liar extraordinaire. This psychopath targeted Barbara Hartwell in 2004, and due to his rabid obsession, has continued for almost a decade to stalk, harass and libel Barbara Hartwell, usually hiding behind countless screen names, being the coward he is.
Fahey has posted his lies on hundreds of websites and message boards, including pornographic filth he ha fabricated in connection with my name. Here, just one sample.
Note that Fahey also posted photos of my house on the Internet, along with my UNLISTED PRIVATE street address, for the purpose not only of monstrous invasions of my privacy, but also to solicit crimes against me by like-minded criminals. 
Todd Fahey and Tim White (known as the demonic duo) have also libeled many innocent people, dragging their names into their scandalmonger hit pieces, simply because they are either related to Barbara Hartwell, or because they are friends or colleagues.
Anonymous coward Todd Fahey wrote:
Who is Barbara Hartwell?
"Barbara Hartwell appeared online around the time the rest of the world did, circa 1995. She claims to have been employed by the Central Intelligence Agency "for nearly twenty years," prior to "breaking from her handlers." She says she is a "black-ops survivor of Project MK-Ultra"--the CIA's hydra-headed program to brainwash American soldiers and civilians, using drugs such as LSD. Ms. Hartwell claims to come from "a CIA family" and that her own sister, Irene...was kidnapped in Mexico by the late Nelson Rockefeller and current Vice President Dick Cheney..."
The liar Fahey typically uses quotes, AS IF they come from Barbara Hartwell. Nowhere, in any of my reports, have I ever stated "for nearly twenty years".  Just another fabrication by Fahey. What I have actually stated, always consistently, is that I worked for CIA "between 1969 and 1994." That is twenty-five years, but not only is Fahey too stupid to do the math, the truth is completely irrelevant to him. Only the spite and malice matter to this demonic minion, and concocting more lies, more plots to destroy Barbara Hartwell.
Get behind me, Satan!
On this site, Todd Brendan Fahey posted this libelous statement against Barbara Hartwell:
"Barbra Hartwell Exposed Says: [...] claimed that “the CIA got hold of me as a child.” Such a claim would render her part of Project Monarch–a particularly twisted sexual slavery and brainwashing subproject of MK-Ultra, alleged by..."
Again, Fahey posts his libelous falsehoods on hundreds of sites, hiding behind countless screen names. This time, he fabricates a story about "Project Monarch", stating falsely (as is every statement he makes): 
"Such a claim would render her part of Project Monarch".
Says who, you low-grade moron?
There has been an organized operation, run by the controlled opposition, to cite Monarch as a CIA operation, under MK Ultra. The same perpetrators of this operation, whom Fahey is parroting here, have continually thrown my name into the "Monarch" and "sex slave" categories, though in fact, there has never been any connection whatsoever.
Paul Edwards: Activist Post
Here is an excerpt from an article on a site called Activist Post, a eulogy of Ted Gunderon. Note that Mr. Edwards also cites Brice Taylor (aka Susan Ford), Cathy O'Brien, Arizona Wilder and Paul Bonacci, all promoters of Monarch.
"Ted Gunderson conducted seminars with Brice Taylor, a healed survivor of MKULTRA trauma-based mind control, who went public.  She wrote the book: Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave.  In it, Taylor documents the process used to create artificially-induced Multiple Personality Disorder, also called Dissociative Identity Disorder. This trauma-based conditioning technique can produce many discrete "personalities" inside a single person. These personalities can then be programmed, somewhat like a computer, to perform specific tasks, as either sex slave-prostitutes, couriers, or "mind-files," accessible only to the person who knows the special "codes" that will access the "program." Gunderson also interviewed MKULTRA victim Paul Bonacci.  Former victims Cathy O’Brien and Arizona Wilder have also shared their experiences."
Paul Edwards has a Juris Doctor and Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.  He is passionate about educating himself and others to achieve peace, equality and justice for all
Well, I think it would behoove Mr. Edwards, if he truly wants to "educate" himself, to expand his scope of research, and not just jump on the controlled opposition bandwagon, like so many others. Since he himself is ignorant of the truth and the facts, how can he expect to "educate" others?
Janet Phelan: Activist Post
From an article titled Streamlining the Process to Split Your Mind, these excerpts:
"The MK ULTRA programs intended to create the “perfect spy,” according to many pundits. MK ULTRA was purportedly abandoned in the late 1970s after the Church hearings, when the widespread nature of these human experimentation programs was brought to Congressional attention. Many of the programs, as revealed during these hearings, utilized drugs and other chemical agents."
"The 1996 publication of the book, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave, by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, reawakened widespread concerns that the MK ULTRA programs had not been terminated. The book detailed a system of trauma-based mind control, harkening back to the human experiments done in Nazi Germany as the genesis for the recent efforts to create a crop of “mind controlled slaves.” The book became a cult sensation and in his introduction to the book, Springmeier alleged there were over 40,000 such “mind-controlled” individuals within the borders of the United States."
"It’s a brave new world, folks. Very little is as it appears to be in our post-9/11 America, and the abuse of unsuspecting individuals has become an epidemic. The revelations of how easy it is to create a perfect patsy or fall guy might just keep some of us awake at night. Let’s just hope the phone doesn’t ring."
Here, Janet Phelan promotes Fritz Springmeier's book, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undectable Mind Controlled Slave. She says that this book "reawakened widespread concerns" re the MK Ultra program.  In point of fact, it was not Springmeier's book, but Tranceformation of America, by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien, which was the first to be pushed into the limelight, claiming to "expose" MK Ultra mind control. This was the controlled opposition on MK Ultra, as well as part of the containment operation/protection racket run by Mark Phillips, Ted Gunderson, Walter Bowart, Don Stacey (CIA) and others.
It is also a fact that Fritz Springmeier, although just as much a charlatan as Mark Phillips, scavenged much of his material from Mark Phillips. Lastly, this article (read at link above) supports the idea of  "how easy" it is to create a "perfect patsy".  In fact, nothing could be further from the truth --it is not easy at all. 
In my considered professional opinion, having conducted decades of investigations on this subject matter, as well as the individuals involved, this sort of fear-mongering, suggesting that anyone and everyone could be in danger of being suddenly co-opted by perpetrators of mind control, only serves to confuse the issue:  "Let's just hope the phone doesn't ring."  Worse, it creates a climate which serves to exonerate a perpetrator of crimes, as in: He couldn't help it! He was under mind control...
Clarence Malcolm aka "The Fifth Seal"
Mind Control Goes Public
 "Ted Gunderson, Chip Tatum, Brice Taylor, and Barbara Hartwell are interviewed in 1998 for Chicago Health TV. Needless to say, this program never aired. Barbara Hartwell was later exposed by Ted Gunderson as a CIA mole, still under mind control."

Clarence Malcolm, the last sidekick of Ted Gunderson, before his death in 2011, posted this Mind Control Goes Public video (copyright violation) on dozens of websites, always accusing Barbara Hartwell of being a "CIA plant", a "phony survivor", and here, a "CIA mole". And throws in another lie, for good measure, that "she is still under mind control".

This moron, Clarence Malcolm, is also a criminal, a counterfeiter, to be exact. But that should not surprise anyone who knows about Ted Gunderson's accomplices: They are ALWAYS criminals.


CIA MK Ultra is the subject of much speculation, and unfortunately,  often written about (as demonstrated here) by those who have NOT done the serious research.

Monarch was designed as a side show, to distract attention from the REAL MK Ultra program, the purpose of which was to train a superior breed of intelligence agents, during the Cold War era, NOT create "sex slaves", nor any other kind of "slaves".

Anyone who is promoting the charlatans, shills, criminals, liars, con artists exposed here, and/or who promotes Monarch, very simply either is doing so out of gross ignorance, OR has an agenda.

By their fruits shall you know them.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
July 21, 2013

MK Ultra: The Nazi Legacy that Lives On
CIA MK Ultra: Fact Vs. Fallacy
Never a Slave: MK Ultra Disinfo Exposed
Project Monarch: Government Sponsored Liars
A Walk Down Memory Lane...Project Monarch
NOTE: I acquired this document in 1998 from a CIA source who shall remain unnamed. I did not release it until 2022, in a report exposing Springmeier, along with a government stooge and toady to Springmeier, Howard Nemaizer. Nemaizer is a petty criminal and immersed in the satanic culture of heavy metal. Nemaizer attempted to make a name for himself by exploiting the name of Barbara Hartwell. Once he was exposed, he typically began slandering me with outrageous lies, which were spread all over the Internet by other of my enemies, including Todd Fahey, Ken Adachi, Tim White, Janet Phelan. Of course, like so many other stooges, he accuses me of being CIA.


Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA