Friday, February 1, 2013

Support for Dr. Antonella Carpenter & Health Care Freedom

Dr. Antonella Carpenter will be a guest on Late Night in the Midlands, hosted by Michael Vara, February 8, 2013.
 9 PM Eastern Time
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Carpenter's low cost, effective cancer treatment; if you care about preserving health care freedom for yourself, your family and all Americans; if you are a defender of Liberty, of  God-given unalienable rights; and if you would like to add your voice in support of Dr. Carpenter and her work, you may find out how, on this program.
Over the past year, I have done my own research on Dr. Carpenter's work. I have spoken at length with Dr. Carpenter in private telephone calls. I have been a guest on her radio program many times, where I was first invited as an expert on counterintelligence operations to discuss the campaign of persecution against Dr. Carpenter.
Since that time, I have developed a friendship with Dr. Carpenter, based on our common interests, including in defending the freedom of the Individual to choose his/her own health care.
As a journalist, as a mother and grandmother, as an American patriot, and as a Christian minister, I ask that all those who have the courage to stand up for the truth, join me in support for Dr. Carpenter.
The lives you help save may well be your own, or someone you love.
Also please join us for The Medical Conspiracy radio show, Saturdays 3-5 PM Eastern time, on  which I have been invited to co-host with Dr. Carpenter, as a supporter and friend.
Orion Talk Radio
The Medical Conspiracy
Lase Med Inc.
Barbara Hartwell & Lase Med Inc.
Thank you for your consideration.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
February 1, 2013
Here, a brief summary sent to me by Dr. Carpenter. 
Dr. Antonella Carpenter, was born, raised and received the majority of her education in Northern Italy.
She is a Theoretical Physicist and a LASER expert, who moved  from the Defense Industry to medical applications and has been offering for years a simple solution to cancer, for people who refuse to accept what is available today in standard care, but also do not want too many restrictions in their daily routine and their diet, in order to fight a disease that is unnecessarily scaring the public.
Dr. Carpenter is  proving that cancer can be killed in place easily, without surgery or bad side effects, using a low power LASER and her protocol, which is capable to damage only the malignant growth.
Patients need to take only a few days out of their every day life, to come for treatment; after that they can go back to work or their normal life and just wait for the body to naturally eliminate the dead tissue.
For years Dr. Carpenter and her Corporation have been the target of harassment coming from various special interest groups; she has been fighting the lies, the unfair accusations and insults, simply with the truth and scientific evidence.
However none of her verifiable facts have stopped the attacks from the medical establishment and Government agencies.
What can easily be called persecution, modern times version, seemed to culminate last July with a raid from FDA, under false pretenses and claims, which left Dr. Carpenter without financial resources, records and means to continue her holistic practice along with her war against patients' abuse.
If that were not enough however, she has now been informed, without any explanations or disclosure of supporting evidence, that she is the target of a Grand Jury Investigation, supposedly for "Mail and Wire Fraud".
Dr. Carpenter is trying to make the public aware of how all of these events are not only an unconstitutional abuse of her rights as a citizen, but also a horrible abuse of the right to free choice in Health Care, for everybody in the Country, in addition to the right of  free speech and Free Speech about Science.
Dr. Carpenter is asking to all listeners to please contact their State representatives and put pressure to take action against the witch hunt against her and the related oppression of all our citizens.
The oppression of every citizen, along with abuse of their rights,  comes from the effort of forcing them to accept "Standard Care" by silencing Dr. Carpenter and denying the public awareness of what can be available to them.
The attacks against Dr. Carpenter's methodology and protocol in treating cancer are based on statements by self proclaimed experts in cancer, who refuse to perform the correct tests, appropriate to the case.
Such tests would easily lead to a valid scientific conclusion on the treatment being targeted and exonerate Dr. Carpenter, as well as forcing the medical establishment to accept the novel treatment.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA